Emicidin for dogs - will support the heart and prolong life

Antioxidants have long been successfully used in the treatment and prevention of diseases in people, improving the quality of life of the elderly and patients with chronic diseases. Today, pet owners can use the same products for their dogs. One of them is the veterinary drug Emicidin.

In this review I will tell you how Emicidin works for dogs, what is included in its composition, in what cases it is prescribed and under what conditions it should not be used. I will also explain how to give medication to your pet and how to replace it.

At the end of the article you will find reviews from the owners and my opinion about the drug.

Release form and composition

Emicidin is a new generation artificial antioxidant with a pronounced antihypoxic effect. The drug was developed by a Russian company and is produced and supplied by a Moscow company.

The active ingredient of Emicidin is 2-ethyl-6-methyl-3-oxypyridine succinate. This complex name hides a combination of derivatives of vitamin B6 and succinic (dicarboxylic) acid.

The drug is produced in two forms:

  1. Solution for injections. Contains 2.5% active ingredient. Sold in packs of 10 ampoules of 2 ml (500 rubles) and 5 ml (700 rubles).
  2. Capsules. Produced in two doses: 15 mg (250 rubles) and 50 mg (350 rubles). The tablets are packaged in packs of 30 pieces.

Storage conditions

Since this drug is quite specific and strong, storage conditions must be strictly and carefully observed:

  • The medicine must be stored in a place well isolated from sunlight. The requirement is due to the fact that UV radiation has a detrimental effect on the components of the drug.
  • Since the drug is produced in the form of capsules with a gelatin shell, the packaging also requires protection from moisture. This, of course, should not happen if the packaging is absolutely intact, but otherwise the capsule shell may well soften, as a result of which the drug will become unusable.
  • Storage temperature – from 0° to 25°. In principle, it is possible to freeze the capsule form, although this is not recommended (since condensation forms during defrosting), but overheating the medicine is highly discouraged, since this can also lead to the decomposition of the active ingredients. Freezing the solution is, accordingly, prohibited.

Indications for use

Emicidin has a wide range of uses. It is prescribed for pathologies accompanied by oxygen deficiency (hypoxia). Among them:

  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • pulmonary failure;
  • inflammation;
  • wounds: cuts, fractures, sprains, etc.;
  • burns: thermal, chemical, hypothermia;
  • ulcers;
  • dermatitis and eczema;
  • stress: when moving, changing owner, exhibitions, during holidays (fear of fireworks, firecrackers, etc.);
  • allergies of any etiology;
  • complicated pregnancy and childbirth, false pregnancy;
  • recovery after illness or surgery.

Indicated for drugs and older dogs. It normalizes the general condition, improves skin and coat, increases the activity of the pet and prolongs its life.

Important! The medication should not be given to dogs with cancer. The vitamin B6 derivative in its composition provokes the growth of cancerous tumors.

The drug is used alone or as part of complex therapy. The use of Emicidin is indicated for both therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. In the latter case, it is usually prescribed in the spring and autumn, when chronic diseases are more likely to worsen.

For the treatment of which diseases is it recommended to use Emicidin?

Antihypoxants have a positive effect when included in the course of therapy in the following situations:

  • acute cardiovascular or cardiopulmonary failure;
  • atherosclerosis and central nervous system diseases;
  • preparation for surgery or recovery period after surgery;
  • prevention of postpartum complications;
  • the appearance of symptoms of false pregnancy;
  • open injuries, frostbite and burns;
  • dermatitis and trophic ulcers;
  • stressful conditions;
  • elderly age.

Although antihypoxants are not emergency drugs, their use significantly facilitates the course of serious diseases, reduces the risk of complications, and slows down the aging process in the body.

Instructions for use and dosage

The form of the drug (injections or capsules), the exact dosage and duration of treatment is determined by the veterinarian . The manufacturer offers the following indicative therapeutic regimen.

The injection solution is injected under the skin, into a muscle or into a vein. Dosage - 1 ml per 10 kg of animal weight. Injections are given 1–2 times a day for 5–15 days.

For moderate and severe acute conditions, the dosage can be increased 2-4 times, but only as directed by a doctor.

In veterinary geriatrics (treatment of elderly pets), injections are prescribed to dogs over 7 years old once a day at a dose of 1 ml per 10 kg. The course of treatment lasts 10–30 days, if necessary, repeat after 1–2 months. The same scheme is followed for the prevention of diseases.

Tablets are given at any time of the day, regardless of feeding time: they can be fed before, during or after meals. Dosages vary depending on the dog's weight:

The duration of therapy is determined by the purpose:

  • when treating diseases, the course lasts 10–30 days;
  • for prophylaxis, the drug is taken for 15–30 days;
  • Older pets are given medications for a month.

special instructions

In order for the medicine to act correctly, you should not deviate from the instructions for use. If a dose of the drug was missed during the course of treatment, you should immediately resume taking the medication, following the same regimen.

If you follow the application regimen, side effects disappear and the risk of possible complications is reduced to zero.

  • This drug is used for pathogenetic therapy, which stops the development of the disease entirely, and symptomatic therapy, which eliminates individual symptoms of the disease.
  • It is not recommended to give medicine to cats during the period of bearing and feeding kittens - the animal may suffer from this.
  • If the pet is hypersensitive, it may develop an allergy in response to the substance coming into contact with the body.

Owner reviews

Timofey: “Our beloved giant is already 8 years old. Therefore, no, no, but diseases pop up. The vet advised Emicidin to strengthen the body. We give two capsules in a course of 14 days, then take a break for three months and repeat again. The effect is excellent: the dog feels good, eats with appetite, and is active. Yes, and more rarely.”

Evgenia: “At the age of 10, our miniature poodle developed sores: endometritis, tumors on the mammary gland. I had to undergo three operations, after which heart problems appeared. The doctor prescribed Emicidin capsules. After the course of treatment, the dog stopped panting during walks, did not get tired as before: she clearly felt better. So we gave this medicine regularly a couple of times a year. Thanks to him, our darling lived to be 18 years old!”

Sasha: “Unfortunately, my old man was diagnosed with another disease - hypoxia. We were prescribed Emicidin: it is specially designed to treat this condition. It is inconvenient to give capsules to a small dog - they are too big. But I like the effect: the pet is cheerful, walks and plays a lot.”


Thanks to its antioxidant properties, Emicidin slows down oxidative processes in cells, thereby blocking one of the main mechanisms for the development of pathological processes in the body's systems. Veterinarians use the drug in combination therapy:

  • pathological conditions associated with oxygen starvation;
  • pulmonary and heart failure;
  • chronic cerebrovascular accidents;
  • inflammatory processes in the body;
  • skin lesions (wounds, eczema, trophic ulcers, dermatitis, etc.);
  • diseases of the locomotor system.

In fact, while not being a medicine, Emicidin has good anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effects, due to which the drug is used in the postoperative period to speed up the recovery of the body. In addition, Emicidin before surgery makes it possible to reduce the dose of anesthesia and reduce the risk of postoperative complications.

The use of the drug made it possible to establish one more of its properties: calming. Animals with an unbalanced psyche taking Emicidin tolerate noise effects much easier - they are not afraid of loud and sharp sounds (firecrackers, fireworks, gunshots, thunder, etc.).


The composition of the drug is as close as possible to natural components, so taking Emicidin does not cause negative consequences and is safe for the animal’s body.

Emicidin can be used as a prophylaxis for pathological conditions or for therapeutic purposes when the disease has been confirmed in clinical tests and the results of other examinations. The drug will help avoid exacerbation of chronic diseases, reduce the number of colds in the autumn-winter period, and increase immunity.

Age-related diseases in cats

Aging is not a disease, it is a biological process that represents a gradual irreversible loss of the body's functionality, a change in its response to external factors and stimuli, resulting in increased vulnerability to disease. Age-related changes affect vital systems of the body: cardiovascular, respiratory, excretory systems, liver and other organs. It is in older animals that the tendency appears:

  • to heart pathologies;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • thyroid dysfunction;
  • osteoarthritis;
  • periodontal diseases, etc.

These and other pathologies in cats, which develop more often in old age, are easily treatable in the early stages, but the main danger is that at the very beginning of their development they are practically asymptomatic. Therefore, it is important to regularly visit the veterinarian even with young animals, and even more so when the cat’s age approaches seven years. This will prevent geriatric diseases and prolong the pet’s life without deteriorating its quality.

In old age, Emicidin slows down free radical oxidation in the body. Studies have shown that after just two weeks of using the drug, animals feel better, which also affects the appearance of pets, the quality of their coat, and the cats’ motor activity increases.

Analogues of the drug

There are few analogues of Emicidin. Therefore, it is often replaced with pharmaceutical drugs for people: Mildronate, Meldonium, Mexidol, etc. Among veterinary drugs I recommend:

What to replaceDifferencesaverage cost
Mexidol-VetThe most complete analogue of Emicidin. Contains a similar active ingredient: ethylmethylhydroxypyridine succinate. Also available in the form of an injection solution (2.5% and 5%) and tablets (50 or 150 mg). It has the same effects: antioxidant, antihypoxic, membrane protective. Tablets - 300-400 rubles, solution - 400-600 rubles.
EmidonolAnother development of Agrovetzashchita. It has a similar composition. Also used for hypoxia of various etiologies; has the same effects: removes toxins, strengthens cell membranes, reduces oxygen starvation of tissues and organs. Available in the form of a solution for injections (5% and 10%) and oral use (20%). 300–800 rub.
LigfolAnother antioxidant. Additionally, it increases immunity, improves regeneration processes and has antitumor properties. Available in solution for injections. 350 rub. for a bottle of 1 ml, 1,800 rub. per 100 ml bottle.

Advantages of the medicine

Emicilin is indispensable in the fight against cardiovascular and cardiopulmonary diseases. Veterinarians and cat owners confirm the effectiveness and quality of the medicinal solution, tested in practice.

This product rejuvenates the cat’s body, slowing down the aging process. With the use of the drug, the pet’s general condition begins to improve.

When using the drug Emicidin to get rid of hypoxia, a quick observed effect is guaranteed. The pathological condition quickly disappears, the pet’s health stabilizes in a short time.


Emicidin is essentially a dietary supplement (BAA). It is a derivative of vitamin B6 and succinic acid. You will get the same effects for much less money if you simply administer these two active ingredients. And enhance the effect if you add ascorbic acid and magnesium.

But Emicidin really works. Over the years of practice, I have not encountered any side effects when using it. It quickly improves the animal’s condition: in mild cases - in the first day, in severe cases - after 3-4 days. The drug prevents relapses of chronic diseases for 6–8 months after treatment. And it helps strengthen the body, fight serious conditions and prolong the life of the dog.

If your pet is prescribed Emicidin, feel free to use it. But ask about the option of replacing it with vitamin B6 and succinic acid: this way you will save money.

Pharmacological properties

The active substance of the drug can influence metabolic processes. The drug increases the activity of cell membranes, affects energy metabolism and lipid oxidation processes, which can cause oxygen deficiency. Emicidin has the following properties:

  • binds free radicals and promotes their removal from the body;
  • improves blood circulation in the brain;
  • reduces cholesterol and prevents heart pathologies;
  • inhibits the aging process;
  • improves tissue regeneration;
  • reduces intoxication in case of poisoning (food and chemical);
  • stimulates the heart after illnesses;
  • helps to recover from injuries and severe pathologies.

Thanks to the normalization of metabolic processes, the animal’s body develops resistance to negative factors. The drug helps prevent or reduce the negative consequences of stressful situations.

When using injections, the active substance, along with the bloodstream, quickly penetrates all organs and tissues. The effect of Emicidin occurs within 30-60 minutes. When administered orally, the effect of the drug takes a little longer, but after 4-6 hours the concentration of the active substance reaches its maximum value. The drug is excreted through the kidneys along with urine after the metabolic process.

Emidicin is a safe medicine. It does not have a negative effect on the animal’s body, does not affect the development of offspring, and is not capable of accumulating in the body and causing addiction.

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