We are sad: Our cat seems to be sad

Many cats are sociable and active. However, when you suddenly notice that your cat becomes quiet and calm, it could be a sign of sadness.

Many owners fail to recognize the signs of a depressed or sad cat. It is very important for you to know the various causes of sadness in cats and the best ways to make them happy.

Cats are emotional and can become stressed or depressed. The most common signs of an unhappy cat are cowering, hissing, and running away.

But sometimes your cat may not show obvious signs of stress. This is why you, as a pet owner, need to know how cats behave when they are depressed.

Signs of a Sad Cat

Your cat may show subtle signs of stress, making it difficult to notice any changes in behavior. To determine if your cat is unwell, check for these possible signs of depression:

Low energy level

Cats usually sleep a lot. A depressed cat will sleep even more. If you notice a sudden change in your cat's sleep pattern, it means she may be unhappy.

Unusually low energy levels are a red flag for an unhappy cat, suggesting mental or physical problems.

Changes in care

Depressed cats usually stop grooming themselves, leaving themselves unkempt.


Pain is one of the most underdiagnosed conditions in cats, especially in older adults. This is one of the main clinical signs of depression.

Changes in appetite

If your cat changes its usual eating behavior, it could be a sign of depression. Sad cats may lose interest in their regular diet.

Changing your daily routine

A cat that suddenly changes its behavior may be stressed. Have they stopped using the litter box? Do they leave their usual sleeping area? A sad cat may lose interest in the activity that initially made him happy.


A sad cat becomes more aggressive. Examples of aggressive behavior in cats include hissing, biting, chasing, and growling. If you notice this behavior, it may be time to visit your veterinarian.

How to help your pet

First and foremost, if your pet is showing symptoms of depression, it is important to visit a trusted veterinarian to rule out physiological causes. If your cat is lethargic and sad, this may indicate health problems. Perhaps something hurts her. If everything is fine with the body, then it’s worth thinking about psychological reasons.

  • It is recommended to analyze what has changed in the life of your pet in an alarming way recently? Possible causes of stress should be eliminated or reduced;
  • It is necessary to establish a clear daily routine and routine actions, rituals so that the cat feels safe and the owner’s routine and behavior are predictable. It's calming;
  • It is important to provide the animal with everything necessary for a comfortable life - food, shelter, toys, attention. For example, if the problem is a new pet, then you should pay more attention to both and provide places where you can retire. It is very important to provide every animal with the necessary resources to prevent depression;
  • Provide the cat with enough mental stimulation and entertainment - games, a place to watch the street on the windowsill, there are even special films that can be turned on for the animal if the owner leaves the house for a long time;
  • In more complex cases, it is worth asking for help from an animal psychologist;
  • Veterinarians may also recommend giving your cat antidepressants. This is a common practice to correct behavior and improve the pet's quality of life. This is an extreme measure, since all such pills have side effects, but sometimes it is necessary.

Cats are sad and with their emotions show their owners that they need something. Therefore, it is important to learn how to respond correctly to your pet’s anxiety and sadness. In order to find out how accurately you understand your cat, American scientists have developed a special test. When your pet is sad, you can help your little friend with regular communication. Showing him more attention will often be enough. And if the condition persists, then it is necessary to show your pet to a veterinarian. Love and care will help the animal feel happy again.

How to make a cat happy

There are several ways to make your sad cat happy.

These include:

Make time for games. Depressed cats will get rid of their aggression if you play with them.

Pet the cat. Cats love to communicate with their owners (although in the case of cats, you still need to think about who the owners are - cats or people). Your gentle, stroking hand can stabilize an anxious cat without restricting its movement.

Using catnip. Catnip is a plant in the mint family that contains the natural oil nepetalactone, which has unique effects on cats. When cats rub or chew catnip, it produces a mild, natural high that is both safe and temporary, but enjoyable for cats.

Specialist consultations. A certified animal behaviorist may be your best choice to cheer up your pet, as they have the knowledge and experience to treat depressed pets.

When to call the vet. If you notice that your cat is showing signs of chronic depression, stress or illness, you should contact your veterinarian. Your veterinarian may recommend medical intervention or simply change your daily routine.

Signs of a sick cat include:

  • Loss of appetite
  • Changing your sleep pattern
  • Crying or searching
  • Need for extra attention
  • Overall sad behavior

Depression in cats

Cats feel sad for a variety of reasons, but the death of an owner, divorce and departure of a beloved family member, loss of a home, and chronic stress can cause depression in cats in the clinical sense of the word. This is a proven condition, which, however, even veterinarians have difficulty identifying. If sadness is a temporary event, then depression is a persistent decrease in mood, lack of pleasure from ordinary pleasant things, disturbance of sleep and appetite.

Most often, depression in cats occurs after circumstances that it cannot control. Here are some possible reasons:

  • moving;
  • disruption of the usual way of life;
  • lack of opportunity to exhibit natural behavior - play and imitation of hunting;
  • frustration of basic needs for food, water, privacy, rest, safety, activity;
  • disappearance of a significant person;
  • divorce and other family disruption;
  • the birth of a child;
  • the appearance of a new pet;
  • the owner leaving on vacation or a business trip;
  • terror by stray animals;
  • renovation or construction in the house.

Foreign manuals highlight the following symptoms of feline depression:

1) Depressed mood for a long time, inability to rejoice;

2) Changes in typical behavior - the cat no longer greets its owners from work, does not sit in its favorite places, does not do what it previously liked, is indifferent to toys;

3) Loss of appetite;

4) Refusal of stroking;

5) Stomach upsets;

6) Increased sleep time;

7) Excessive licking or, conversely, cessation of grooming;

8) Closedness;

9) Meowing caused by the death of a friend. A cat can howl, scream, hiss even to minor stimuli;

10) Aggression towards people and animals;

11) Going to the toilet in the wrong places;

12) Weight loss or gain.

These are nonspecific symptoms, so they can always accompany another disease. This must be understood before thinking about ways to solve the problem.

Cat care

Cats are wonderful animals. However, before purchasing one for your pet, you should know what they need and how to make them happy.

Needs of cats. Unlike pets such as a dog, cats do not require much socialization, training, or exercise. They are quite unpretentious.

Cats tend to be more independent and can adapt well if you lead a busy lifestyle. They can also be handy if you live in a small apartment or house.

How to stop your cat from being sad. There are several ways to protect your cat from sadness:

Buy toys for your cat

Toys will keep your cat busy and tired, thereby getting rid of excess energy.

Keep cats in pairs

This will help improve communication and find playmates, reducing or preventing stress.

Let your cat "hunt"

Imitating hunting behavior keeps cats mentally stimulated and active.

Walk the cat

Exercising your cat will help you get rid of excess energy and stress. Contact a professional trainer to teach your cat how to walk on a leash.

I want that! What breed?

The popularity of the animal has given rise to the desire of many people to purchase a cat of this particular breed. But the saddest cat in the world is truly unique - he is the only one!

His mother was picked up from the street while pregnant, and his father was a robber cat from a neighboring yard. The appearance of the parents is unremarkable. But the kids turned out to be extremely funny. Most likely, the appearance is predetermined by genetic abnormalities transmitted by the mother to some kittens.

The cat is very small in size, with short legs. Minor problems with the structure of her hind legs prevent Tard from moving dexterously, but in general they do not affect her health. The animal has genetic abnormalities associated with the growth gene and bone deformation.

Speculations have been repeatedly made about the breed, and many versions have been put forward. But experts agreed that the Tard breed, the saddest and incredibly angry cat in the world, is the most noble - the common cat .

Grumpy cat in show business

The eternally sad cat leads an active lifestyle. The main milestones of his creative path:

year 2012

  • first photo sessions and video shootings;

year 2013

  • Title Meme of the Year;
  • The face of the covers of reputable American magazines;
  • Filming in a national TV show;

year 2014

  • “Writing” two books;
  • Participation in Whiskas advertising;
  • Filming a full-length film;


  • social accounts with photos and videos have a huge number of subscribers;
  • a wide range of souvenir products: T-shirts, mugs, keychains, magnets, soft toys;
  • "Angry" drinks and cookies;
  • Computer games;
  • The largest number of followers on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, consistently high rating of the site dedicated to Tarde.

In just two years, Tarde brought her owners about $100 million, although the owner claims that the figure is a little inflated. The income from a permanently sad cat exceeded the earnings of many famous world-famous actors.

At the same time, the popularity of Grumpy Cat is actively used for charity purposes. Part of the money earned is spent on helping homeless animals; a wide propaganda campaign led by Tardi has been launched with an appeal to take animals from shelters.

Meeting a Disgruntled Cat

In fact, Grumpy Cat is a cat that was born in 2012.

At first, the owners called it Tardar Sauce, a shortened form of Tard.

She was subsequently renamed Grumpy Cat, which literally translates to “angry cat.”

Cat Tarde is angry again

As a result of genetic changes? her jaw has an unusual shape, which is very noticeable in the photo of the saddest cat.

The owners explain this by the pet's dwarfism. Pussy Pokey's brother was born with a similar pathology.

Both individuals have a pronounced deformation of the muzzle, bulging eyes, and shorter tails than usual.

Tard moves awkwardly due to the curvature of her hind legs, and her front legs are shorter than normal. Therefore, it may resemble a munchkin .

The cat is noted to be slow when moving, and it also has an unusual voice.

Interesting! The angry cat Tard has her own blog on the Internet, where you can see what the saddest cat looks like in the photo from different angles.


  • https://lemiki.ru/grampi-ket/
  • https://zverin.com/cats/samyj-grustnyj-i-serdityj-kot-v-mire.html
  • https://KoshkaMurka.ru/7690-poroda-nedovolnogo-kota.html
  • https://zen.yandex.com/media/animal_town/samyi-grustnyi-kot-v-mire-kto-on-i-kakaia-u-nego-jizn-5dadac67e4f39f00b2eb7d47
  • https://MyFavoritePet.ru/zdorove/grustnyj-kotik.html


Grumpy cat family

The celebrity's owner, a young woman named Tabatha Bandesen, who is raising her daughter Crystal alone, knows how to love and care for those around her. Having pity and leaving the found cat, she left herself a kitten, different from the rest. Her kindness was rewarded, because that same kitten with a sad face brought unprecedented success to its owner.

The youngest owner, Crystal, named the newborn kitten. The fact is that the kitten’s fur was covered with dark spots, which caused the girl to associate it with the famous Tartar sauce.

Few people know that our favorite, the saddest cat Tard, has an older brother. His name is Pokey, the cat also has a rather angry look due to abnormalities in the structure of his face. My brother, like his sister, has minor problems with his hind legs, but with age he has become stronger and can move more actively.

Developmental problems do not at all affect the health and lifestyle of animals. And they certainly don’t interfere with their owners’ love for them.

But there are no plans to breed sad cats; when asked about the possibility of purchasing a kitten, Tabatha invariably recommends taking a friend from the shelter, because abandoned animals are in such need of love and care.

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Tard is a very sociable and affectionate cat, despite her gloomy appearance. Together with Pokey, they love to start noisy games and cuddle with their owners. Tarde goes to meet new people without fear and is completely calm about his fame.

Loving owners do not notice at all the skeptical expression on the faces of their pets, because they know better than anyone the good, responsive disposition of their brother and sister.

Achievements of "Grumpy Cat"

  • The Grumpy Cat Facebook page has more than a million subscribers.
  • The video of the saddest cat in the world, sweet Tard, has received an incredible 15 million views.
  • In 2013, "Grumpy Cat" was awarded the Meme of the Year Award by the Webby Awards.
  • The same year the book “Grumpy Cat. An Angry Book from the Angriest Cat in the World."
  • The famous cat food manufacturer Friskies invited the sad cat Tard to advertise its products, naturally paying her owner very impressive fees for this very “difficult” cat work.
  • In 2014, a sequel to the book from the saddest cat in the world was published.
  • In 2012, Crumpy Cat Ltd. represented by the owner of the sad cat, entered into an agreement with the American company Grenade, which produces coffee, in the amount of 150 thousand dollars. Tarde's image was supposed to appear on the packaging of the Grampuccino drink. However, the company began to place a portrait of a sad cat on packaging of other drinks, on T-shirts, mugs, etc. The result was a lawsuit from T. Bundesen against the Grenade company. The lawyer for the owner of the sad cat won the case, and the owner Tard received 701 thousand dollars.
  • Mistress Tard opened her own business and successfully sells funny T-shirts with funny inscriptions and a portrait of her sad cat.
  • In general, over two years, from various sources, the saddest cat earned his owner $100 million. This significantly exceeds the fees of the most famous Hollywood stars.

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Secrets of popularity

The question that worries many social media users is: “How to achieve such success? Can it be repeated?" The author of this article, by occupation, has some relation to promotion, including Internet marketing, so at one time he asked himself the same questions. Here is a short list of conclusions drawn after analyzing the available information:

  1. The success of the first photo was accidental, as is usually the case with online memes. What was important was how the owners of the Angry Cat took advantage of the hype around the animal. The first component of success is an image: bright, unusual and memorable. This was not just a cute cat (there are thousands of them on the Internet) - her appearance was explained, her character was attached to her. Even though it turned out to be a rather gloomy worldview, anyone could easily recognize an already experienced emotion in the features of the Angry Cat. Many memes touched upon points that were understandable to everyone: dissatisfaction with the world around us, the beginning of the work week or school year, lack of joy from the holidays, irritation with people around.
  2. The second step was a very competent and timely use of the popularity of the meme and the involvement of a professional in the field of Internet marketing. The right manager was not only able to immediately assess how to properly monetize millions of views and thousands of likes on social networks, but also quickly registered a trademark and offered clothing and souvenirs to the public at the right time, at the peak of popularity, before the production of goods with Grumpy Cat thousands of small companies would take over.
  3. Maintaining constant public interest was also important. The life cycle of Internet memes is short: explosive growth in popularity is usually replaced by oblivion or, at best, quiet interest. The angry cat lasted for several years, actively “shine” in advertising, TV shows, programs and regularly blogging on social networks. And even now, when her fame has subsided a little (who, for example, knows about the game released with her for Android and iOS in 2022?), Facebook posts evoke an active response, and Purina trusts her with its advertising.
  4. The regularity and accuracy of maintaining social networks and constant publications also played a role. Posting high-quality photos from the right angles and in interesting places, reports on events, new ideas for pictures - all this makes Grumpy Cat’s subscribers come to her page in search of fresh content, and therefore share it with friends.

To summarize these three points: the question of whether it is possible to predictably create your own meme of this level should be answered with a resounding “no.” The success of an Internet virus is almost always accidental: you never know what the public will react to in a similar way. That is why, despite numerous attempts to repeat the success of Grumpy Cat (for example, the angry Japanese cat Koyuki), they never came close to the original in popularity. In addition, all the followers were deprived of the effect of novelty: in publications they were invariably considered as competitors to Grumpy Cat, which immediately placed them on the second rung.

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