Computer and mobile games for cats: features and varieties

During play, cats develop basic instincts that they will need to survive. Kittens train their hunting and defense skills, and adult pets continue to develop them and exhibit sexual behavior. Games for cats on the phone screen were created for the same purpose, but the owner does not have to waste his time - just turn on the gadget and show it to the pet.

Scratching post for cats: how to train, tips

Computer and mobile games for cats: features

Most cat games are based on colorful characters moving around the screen. Usually animation is performed in the form of a variety of fish, mice, bugs and bright spots. Watching them, the playful kitten will probably want to hunt and try to catch moving objects.

It is important to note that cats see the world and all objects in it not as bright as humans. This is caused by a different set of receptors on the retina. Therefore, instead of the above characters, cats follow faded and blurry spots moving across the screen. They don't pay attention to small details. In this case, cat's eyes perceive images at a speed of 40 frames per second. Therefore, they see all videos made for a person in slow motion.

Cats see colors dimmer than humans, but their vision is not black and white, as people once thought

My cat is ten years old. About two years ago, he still showed interest in color pictures on the screen, but did not play any games, and certainly did not jump on painted birds. Surely the fact is that he is used to real toys: mice, bows and balls. Such methods of entertainment still interest him. A friend's cat is less picky in this regard. From an early age, he is interested in flickering pictures on TV, on a computer screen, and even in mirror images of himself. Therefore, he immediately showed interest in playing games on the tablet. Although it only lasted for a few minutes, it was more a matter of his age-related restlessness.

Rating of games for pets

The applications differ slightly, but after trying different options, you will be able to understand what interests the cat more. Almost all of them are provided free of charge, but at the same time they have an extended version with additional features for which you will have to pay money.

Games for cats on Android

This platform has created more options from which you can even choose.

Games for cats online

To entertain your cat, it is not necessary to download and install special applications. Nowadays there are many games that are launched online. That is, to use them you only need an Internet connection. The essence of most online games is the same as downloadable applications. The cat needs to hunt and catch moving targets.

One successful example of such games is Pull N' Play. A funny character from this game makes pleasant sounds and quickly moves across the screen. You can control his jumps using the mouse, thereby adjusting the speed of his movement and the frequency of the squeaks made.

You can also try to interest cats with flash games such as Playful Kitten. Since computer monitors often do not have a touch surface, and the cat can only observe what is happening, he may be interested in a meowing fluffy catching a ball of thread.

If you want to entertain your pet, make sure that the gadget’s screen is covered with a protective film.

Game for Cats Paw Me

According to the developers, the game will interest not only cats, but also dogs, iguanas and birds. The essence of the game is the same: you need to quickly catch small objects, for example bows, mice, fish. The backgrounds are constantly changing, a lot of animations are built in, so the animals do not lose interest in the game for a long time.

For those who want to have a little competition, there are multiplayer modes - “cat vs. cat” or “cat vs. human.”

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Mice and rodents

Small squeaking creatures can interest many cats, so you can try showing your pets a video of these rodents.

Video with one mouse

If your cat is very active and one mouse is not enough for him, use this video. The number of mice in it varies from one to three. Rodents constantly move, crawl behind the screen and squeak.

Video with three mice

An alternative to mice can be active squirrels, which are present in large numbers in the next video.

Video with squirrels

Magic Piano

iOS, Android

Free, paid content available

Another game for people that cats love.;) Try it yourself and show it to your animal! Attention! Your tablet must support more than two simultaneous screen touches!

+ Interesting for both people and cats.

- There is no blocking of virtual buttons in Android. Paid download of ringtones. - Sending spam.


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Undersea world

If you do not have the opportunity to install a real aquarium at home, then show your cat the fish using a computer or tablet. Videos of colorful sea creatures moving to calm music will surely appeal to voyeuristic cats who are too passive to hunt.

Video with aquarium fish

The underwater life of fish may interest your cat. Try experimenting with the color scheme of the video, the shooting angle and the scale at which the fish are shown.

Video with large fish


In addition to sparkling entertainment, developers periodically address pressing issues: for example, questions about cat rights and requirements for the owner. Every pet has a thousand complaints! But how to understand the vicissitudes of furry desires? Developers from Akvelon suggest using a special translator with artificial intelligence that automatically determines the context and approximate meaning of a cat’s meow.

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The basis of MeowTalk is an exclusive mechanism for recognizing pet intonations. Even the slightest changes become noticeable to artificial intelligence, and therefore the system begins to instantly understand when a cat is asking for food, and at what moment they are planning an insidious attack on a randomly selected victim. Back translation is also provided using specially prepared templates: even if the conversation does not turn out to be meaningful, there will still be a chance to share the mood.

Birds and nature

Of course, many cats like birds. Chirping and loudly chirping creatures can awaken the hunting instincts of even the most domesticated animals. Show your pet games of feathered creatures and watch his reaction. Perhaps these are the films that will interest your cat.

Video of chirping birds

The cat sat on my lap the entire time I was selecting a video for this article. In response to many movements on the screen, he only lazily raised his head and continued to doze, but the next video with birds feeding on the bridge really interested him. The cat stood up and watched with interest what was happening in the video for more than ten minutes.

Video of birds feeding

Mouse on the Screen for a Cat

Mouse on the Screen for a Cat is a simple hunting simulator with realistic scenery and sounds, customizable difficulty and periodically changing rules that force pets to adapt to current events. The gameplay is intense: the developers from TAMI Apps constantly push the virtual mice - they either hide behind obstacles or slide across the screen in a matter of seconds. Cats and cats will have to continuously demonstrate their natural reaction and indescribable paw speed!

By the standards of its competitors, there is little content in the simulator: only a couple of locations, and a modest selection of enemies (black and white mice). But the developers are looking for quality, not quantity: the characters look and feel extremely realistic, and virtual scratches will remain in the memory for a long time!

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Movies and cartoons for cats: features

The main feature of films and cartoons for cats is the presence of a plot in them. The cat is not only shown various rodents, birds, fish and other living creatures, as in the videos described above, but also told some kind of story in the process. Such films and cartoons will be interesting not only for animals, but also for their owners. If your cat has ever seen an aquarium or watched birds through the window, then he will also like this pastime. Try different options, as cats like different videos depending on their personality and habits. Some will appreciate the smooth movements of colorful fish, others will appreciate the frisky squirrels, and still others will enjoy the jumping and chirping birds. Experiment and you will probably be able to find interesting videos for your pet.

Films about animals can not only entertain a cat, but also support the hunter skills inherent in him by nature

Pocket Pond 2

iOS, Android

Free (paid content available)

Actually, Pocket Pond is a game for people, but cats really love it. You are invited to arrange your own virtual pond and fill it with life: colorful fish, frogs, dragonflies, etc. The fish must be fed regularly, and the pond must be cleaned, earning “points”. The cat can only meditate, looking into the virtual water, and from time to time try to catch someone.

+ There is a lock for virtual buttons in Android.

Quite a confusing menu.

Games for cats on Android

Applications for phones and tablets are good because, thanks to the touch screen, the animal can independently catch a mouse or other prey. Most developers have made applications for cats multi-level. Thanks to this, the difficulty of each new stage in the game increases, which helps to develop a reaction and prevent the cat from losing interest in what is happening on the screen. Of course, the larger the screen of your gadget, the more convenient it will be for your pet to play.

Crazy Cat

The main feature of this game is the possibility of playing together. If you have an Android and a tablet with Bluetooth functionality, you will be able to control the game characters on one device, while the cat will catch them on the other. When a character is caught by a cat, points are awarded.

The game uses lizards, butterflies and mice with funny animations as bait for the cat.

Cat Alone

The idea of ​​the game is extremely simple: movable objects appear on the screen that the cat needs to catch. The bait used to attract the animal may look like a laser pointer, fly, butterfly, finger, cockroach or ladybug. After trying all the options, you can find the one that will be more interesting for your pet.

Many cats and their owners liked this game, so the developers released a new version with a mouse, a spider and other characters

Electronic cat toy CAT ALONE. ADVANTAGES: Attracts attention, albeit not for long DISADVANTAGES: Over time, even a cat can get bored There were mice running and squeaking, creepy spiders crawling, buzzing flies flying, a feather and a laser beam were moving around all the corners and sides of the screen... What was there for the cat’s pleasure . But our darling only spent the first few minutes hunting virtual mice and lost interest in this idea. I don’t delete this entertainment from the tablet, but I don’t try to lure the cat with it anymore either - I know that he will no longer show interest in it.


Happy Wings

In this game, your furry will have to catch various flying insects and birds. The creatures have different flight paths, and therefore the cat needs to be careful to catch all the targets. The better your pet catches insects and birds, the more difficult the levels become for him.

Different levels of difficulty make the game interesting and not boring

Cat Fishing

If you think your cat likes fishing more than hunting, try installing the Cat Fishing game for him. Instead of numerous birds and insects, your pet will find fish in it. Beautiful bright animation and various levels of difficulty will interest not only the cat, but also the owner himself.

The number of fish and the speed of their movement depend on your pet’s success in fishing

Game for Cats Paw Me

The goal of this game is to catch objects moving across the screen. Paw Me contains a large amount of animation and changing background images, which allows you to keep your pet interested for a long time. There is a possibility of multiplayer games. Modes are available in which the cat will compete in speed with another cat or person.

In this game the cat needs to catch bows, feathers, mice, fish and other baits with his paws.

Crazy Cat

The Crazy Cat app, unlike previous games, allows you to play with your cat. To do this you will need a phone and tablet with Bluetooth functionality. You connect devices and control fun animated characters for your pet to catch on your tablet screen.

For each animal caught, points are awarded. This way you can find out who has better speed and reaction: you or the cat.

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Balls and balls

The game with balls on strings reminds everyone of the well-known “snake”, which was once installed on Tetris and old push-button phones. Its essence is that a thread with a red ball at the end moves across a green screen and collects tiny white dots that randomly appear in different parts of the monitor. All this happens to the accompaniment of light, monotonous music, creating a very hypnotizing spectacle.

No less interesting for cats is a video in which rotating yellow balls quickly fly from side to side , causing a desire to catch them and take a closer look. The spectacle is accompanied by cat meowing and purring, which usually interests cats, but greatly irritates their owners. There is also a video in which the balls are replaced with small flies.

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