Hovawart (photo): Incredibly charming and intelligent dog

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Classification Origin: Germany

Class: according to the IFF classification group 2, section 2

Use: color: black, dark fawn or black with bright tan.

Dimensions: cable height from 63 to 70 cm, females – from 58 to 65 cm.

Life expectancy: 12-15 years.

The Hovawart is an incredibly charming and intelligent dog that has become famous for its use as a watchdog. Despite its good-natured appearance, this breed was one of Germany's most famous guard dogs in the 13th century.

According to information about the breed standard, the Hovawart has three colors. However, after a good walk in rainy weather they will all be the same color.

  • 2 Appearance
  • 3 Psychology
  • 4 Application
  • 5 How to choose a puppy
  • 6 Features of care
  • 7 Grooming
  • 8 Walk
  • 9 Food
  • 10 Health
  • 11 Characteristic diseases
  • 12 Vaccinations
  • 13 Mating

History of the breed

The name of this breed easily reveals the essence of the use of this dog. After all, translated from German, “hova” means yard or courtyard, “wart” means guard, protector, watchman.

The first mentions of this breed appeared in Germany in the 13th century. In addition to guarding courtyards and fortresses, the Hovawart was used in hunting for baiting large animals, as a hound dog


In addition, the dog was used to accompany and protect the owner on hikes and travels, as well as in military operations.

Hovawarts will always keep a close eye on their owner. Even a new piece of clothing will not go unnoticed by him: he will definitely mark the new T-shirt with the print of a pair of paws

However, by the end of the 17th century, the Hovawarts had virtually disappeared. It was only at the beginning of the 20th century that interest arose on the part of famous dog handlers, the Kenings. In 1908, these dogs began to join the ranks of service breeds, and in 1922 the Kenings opened the first official kennel at that time.

Hovawart received official recognition according to the FCI classification only in 1972.


This dog breed is medium in size and relatively light in weight. However, in terms of strength, she can easily compete with some breeds that are more massive than her, for example: Kangal , Komondor , Swiss Mountain Dog and Tosa Inu .

The dogs' heads are strong with a wide skull and a somewhat convex forehead. The fur is long all over the body except the front legs and head.

Important! The Hovawart color is allowed to have white hairs on the tip of the tail and chest.

The dog has an attractive appearance. Some even confuse it with a Golden Retriever . However, behind the sweet appearance , there is a strong leader, a friend, but far from a servant.

Despite the long coat, there are not many problems with it. After a walk in rainy weather, if the dog has not gotten dirty anywhere, he just needs to shake himself off to be dry

This dog has a black rim around its eyes that gives the appearance of glasses. The eyes themselves are almond-shaped and hazel-colored.

The ears are triangular in shape and can be high hanging or medium set.


The average lifespan of a Hovawart is 12-14 years. If the owner provides the pet with proper care and a balanced diet, the dog will be able to live for the maximum number of years.

Representatives of the breed remain active and healthy even in old age.

The undeniable advantage of Hovawart is that this species was formed naturally. That is why Hovawarts are not prone to hereditary diseases.

Govavart is distinguished by resistance to diseases and strong immune defense of the body. It is not for nothing that it is included in the list of the healthiest and strongest breeds existing on earth.

Despite the advantages listed above, health problems still happen among Hovawarts. The most common ones are listed below:

  • Infections due to late vaccination and lack of treatment for skin parasites.
  • Worms due to lack of deworming. In advanced cases, the dog may die.
  • Injuries, dislocations.
  • Allergic reactions to food or hygiene products.

In order to detect a health problem in time and begin to fight it at the initial stage, it is recommended that your Hovawart undergo preventive examinations at a veterinary clinic with an X-ray examination and tests 1-2 times a year.


Hovawart has a peaceful disposition and friendliness. Often such dogs are used not only to protect homes, but also as a therapy dog ​​or assistant for a disabled person.

The Hovawart boy is a born leader and an excellent guard.

Hovawart character benefits:

  • It has pronounced territorial behavior, so since ancient times it has been mainly used as a yard guard.
  • Highly trainable, but may require patience. This is due to the fact that it matures somewhat later than other breeds.
  • He has a strong character, is self-confident and is always devoted to his loving owner.
  • Despite constant vigilance and attentiveness, the Hovawart is balanced and calm.

This is a very active dog and walks of 10 minutes are not suitable for her.

Important! Living in an enclosure or on a chain are the two worst solutions for a Hovawart.

The character of males and females has significant differences. Girls learn much faster and respond more quickly to what they are taught. They are much more cunning than boys and can do mischief.

When walking, females respect the authority of other dogs and try less to be leaders than males. At the same time, boys are more disciplined and carry out the owner’s commands much faster.

We can say that boys are kings who show everyone that they are in charge, while girls are little princesses.

An interesting fact is that in the first three years of life, the Hovawart behaves like a puppy. However, unlike some other breeds, such as the Labrador and Border Collie , he does not seek interaction with strangers at all.

Appearances are deceptive. Unlike other guard dogs, the Hovawart looks very cute

The whip is completely unsuitable for training and education of this breed. The best solution is praise and carrots. After all, the dog will not tolerate aggression and will respond accordingly.

Also, it is worth noting that Hovawarts are touchy. If the owner goes too far, the dog will withdraw. In this case, the owner needs to be the first to meet the world halfway.

Owner reviews

Free evening, I decided to relax, surf the Internet, read about different breeds of dogs.
At that time I already had a dog, I had no intention of getting another pet. I typed “dog breeds” into the search engine, started browsing, and came across some unknown breed, “Hovawart,” and thought, probably some kind of hunter, let me take a look. Bah! This is a handsome guy! My favorite type, my favorite color, my favorite size! And even a shepherd with working qualities! I never even dreamed of such a dog. From that moment on, I was completely hooked on Hovawart. For a very long time I was held back by the doubt that I could cope with two large dogs, and even in the conditions of city life. But the desire was so great that I decided to do it anyway. And now I know for sure that I was not mistaken. Hovik is my dog, I feel at ease, comfortable with him, I couldn’t wish for a better friend. Working with him (the word work is not at all appropriate here) is a pleasure. Hovawart for me is a love for life! My ponytail is always with me, always close, it is not intrusive, tactful, incredibly charming, watches my every move, is ready to follow me at any moment, and no matter where, the main thing is that we are together. Marianaspb

The Hovawart has a great character.
He is absolutely friendly towards other dogs, never shows aggression first, and treats strangers calmly. But at the same time he is an excellent watchman and security guard. If someone - a dog or a person - tries to offend the owner, the Hovawart without hesitation enters into a fight to the bitter end. More than once my dog ​​defended me from overly aggressive Rottweilers and drunken hooligans. With him it was not scary to stay alone at the dacha, or go out for a walk at night in Moscow, if such a need arose. And there was no need to be afraid that he would offend a child or a small dog, and on the other hand, that they would offend him. And this was not a feature of my dog ​​specifically - the owners of his older brothers and sisters, his parents, spoke about the same thing. ales

The Hovawart is a large guard dog. But her friendly, balanced character, excellent sense of smell and boundless devotion to her owner expanded the boundaries of the use of dogs of this breed, and also won the hearts of many fans of four-legged pets. This is still a rare breed in Russia, but its popularity is growing every year.


This is not only a good guard dog. In Europe, it is used in rescue services in very difficult conditions - in the mountains or on the water.

The dog's good sense of smell was appreciated by police services, and now it, along with other service breeds such as the Groenendael , is used to search for illegal substances on patrol.

Neither cold nor heat is a problem for this dog.

They are no less useful for people with poor vision. Dogs do an excellent job as guide or therapy dogs for children.


Hovawarts have a wonderful balanced, kind, calm character and cheerful disposition. These are docile dogs that unquestioningly carry out the commands of their owners. Dogs are very affectionate, loving children immensely. They get along well with other animals under the same roof.

How to choose a puppy

Choosing a puppy is a very important question. After all, this is not just a thing that, when tired, can be put away in the closet. A puppy is a new member of the family that needs to be taken care of no less than a person.

Before purchasing a Hovawart, visit several shows. There you can learn about breed standards and characteristics.

The best place to purchase is a nursery. There you can examine all available puppies, observe them, perhaps even conduct several psychological tests, and see their parents.

Important! Healthy puppies must have healthy parents. Before mating, the bitch and dog are usually examined to detect diseases. The health status of the parents must be recorded in the certificates.

If you are choosing a puppy for protection, pay attention to how the puppy's parents react when a new person enters. If it is friendly, it means the dog is not afraid, and there is a good chance that the puppies will also be confident and have guard qualities.

If the dog cowers under the chair and growls, this is a bad option for a watchman. Her offspring can be good guards, but additional tests will have to be carried out.

Breeding Hovawarts is a very sensitive issue. Before planning a mating, you need to make sure that the parents are completely healthy

Upon external examination, the puppy should be playful. His eyes should be clear and unclouded. The ears should be clean and free of discharge or odor.

For a full examination of the dog, it is best to invite a specialist who would confirm that the puppy does not have any diseases and is healthy.

Features of care

Mandatory measures for keeping and caring for a pet are:

  • ear and dental care;
  • regular walking;
  • regular proper nutrition;
  • coat care.

This article will tell you how to properly clean dogs' ears.

Hovawarts need to have their ears cleaned at least twice a month. Teeth are brushed once every 7 days using special pastes. Nail trimming should also be done regularly.


The coat of this dog breed is quite long. But its advantage is that it does not tangle much.

Even if your pet gets into the water during a walk, its fur will not completely absorb moisture. It will dry quickly and all you need to do is comb it.

At home, regular weekly brushing with a furminator will save you from the unpleasant consequences of shedding. Bathing at home should only be done using special cosmetics for long-haired dogs.

During the cold season, you need to additionally monitor your paw pads. It is advisable to trim the wool in these areas.


From the first mating to birth it takes about 72 days. The owner needs to keep track of the timing: mark the day of the first mating and monitor the due date.

Obvious signs of pregnancy appear in dogs at a very late stage.

Signs of a dog being pregnant:

  • a condition similar to a disease;
  • obsessive demand for affection;
  • frequent urge to urinate;
  • swelling and lightening of the nipples;
  • prolapse of the abdomen;
  • just before childbirth - yellowish or greenish discharge from the loop.

During this period, the Hovawart bitch needs special care and rest, supporting the body with an additional complex of vitamins. If the owner is concerned about her condition, she should contact a veterinarian, making sure to warn that she has recently been mated and pregnancy is possible.


When walking around other dogs, the Hovawart will always take the lead. This dog is a leader by nature, in this it is similar to fighting dogs .

Both in protecting the owner and in pranks, Hovawart will always be the first. If there is a body of water nearby, this will be your pet’s favorite place to walk. A better swimmer is hard to find.

The best pastime is to play, jump, walk and feel free

Regardless of the weather, a Hovawart will always be happy to go for a walk. He is very hardy: neither heat nor cold is a problem for him. The minimum time for walking is two to three hours a day. During the walk, it is recommended to arrange games and small activities. If you plan to keep your pet on a leash, it is recommended to use a dog harness .


The best option for a dog would be natural food. However, this is not just porridge with a little added meat. Even if a dog eats everything, this does not mean that this is the best option for him.

Natural food for havavart must be balanced: 70% of its composition should be animal proteins, a small amount of vegetables and fruits, but in no case grains.

Eggs, kefir, cottage cheese, chicken necks or backs, beef pulp, vegetables (carrots, peas, corn, cabbage) will be useful in a dog's diet.

Fish oil, flaxseed oil, vitamins B, C, E are used as useful additives.

It is not recommended to give seasonings as they can negatively affect your pet's sense of smell.

The following products should not be given:

  • sweets;
  • baked goods with yeast;
  • smoked meats;
  • pickled food;
  • tubular bones.

Important! During exercise walks, you can grab a small amount of treats for your pet. Small pieces of cheese are perfect for this.

Hovawart is very active from early childhood

But it is quite difficult to provide your pet with complete natural nutrition. Therefore, many owners use dry food .

In this case, you need to carefully study the list of feeds presented and choose those with the best composition concept. The best option is no grains, 70% animal proteins.

If you can’t decide what to feed your dog: ready-made or natural food, we recommend reading the article


Note that the breed is not prone to allergic reactions and gastrointestinal problems, which allows the owner to choose any diet.

Dogs do not need a constant variety of food. They need a balanced diet every day.

Dry food is selected from the premium segment and above, intended for medium breeds.

Feed the dog only after a walk, but not immediately - from 30 minutes to 1 hour. This depends on the intensity of the loads during the walk; the higher they are, the more time the Hovawart should rest before eating.

After eating, rest is also required - about an hour.

The basis of a natural diet should be:

  • muscular raw meat (beef);
  • unpeeled raw tripe and beef liver (rare);
  • sea ​​fish (once a week);
  • eggs;
  • low fat fermented milk products (up to 9%);
  • vegetables (raw and stewed);
  • cereals (rice, buckwheat, oatmeal) – no more than 20% of the diet;
  • low-fat cheese - as a treat or reward;
  • fruits. The exception is grapes and raisins. In raw form.

To avoid gastric volvulus, the dog is fed strictly after a walk and the bowl is placed only at the level of the animal’s chest.

Naturally, the dog’s diet should not contain sweets, salty or smoked foods.

Photo: maxpixel.net

Characteristic diseases

This breed boasts excellent health, even though breeders sometimes encounter hereditary diseases.

List of hereditary diseases of Hovawart:

  • Hip dysplasia. It is extremely rare.
  • Hypothyroidism. This disease occurs not only in Hovawarts, but also in most large breed dogs. Signs of the disease include severe loss of fur, particularly in the tail area, as well as decreased activity.

Important! Hovawarts diagnosed with hypothyroidism should not be used for breeding.

  • Joint diseases. Hovawarts are susceptible to this disease at the age of 4 to 8 months: it is during this period that they experience active growth. In addition to genetic predisposition, the development of this disease can be influenced by poor nutrition and too much stress on the puppy’s skeleton.
  • Heart diseases: pulmonary aortic stenosis and dilated cardiomyopathy. Dogs with such ailments cannot be used for breeding. After diagnosing such ailments, special prescriptions are made for dogs.

Dogs have good health

Education and training

Hovawart puppy
In the educational process, Hovawart owners should stock up on more patience. It so happened genetically that this breed matures quite late. Full maturity occurs at 3–4 years of age.

Education should take place without forceful methods. Due to a well-developed ego and self-esteem, forceful parenting methods will only lead to resistance and refusal to do anything at all. If raised and trained incorrectly, the dog may never perceive the owner as a leader at all.

Watchdog genetics show up in early childhood. Often, for security and watchdog actions, the breed does not have to be purposefully trained. The dog intuitively understands what is required of it. A competent owner only needs to guide the dog.

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