An unusual and rare breed of dog - Chongqing or Chinese Bulldog

The Chongqing dog or Chinese bulldog is a very rare breed, the peculiarity of which is its primitiveness. It is impossible to meet such dogs by chance on your face. The uniqueness of the animals is that this breed is the result of independent popularization without mixing with other species.

Today, within the historical homeland of Chinese bulldogs, there are no more than a hundred; they do not exist outside of China.

Breed characteristics

Short description
Conditions of detention:House, apartment
Purpose:Hunting, companion, family dog
Color:Black, red (various shades)
Wool length:Short, coarse with signs of undercoat
Adult dog size:The height of the female is 35-40 cm, the male is 40-45 cm; weight – 15-25 kg
Average life expectancy:13-18 years old
Walk:Need two walks a day
Physical activity needs:Medium (regular walking, jogging, games)
Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FIC) classification:Not recognized by the FCI
Group 2 Pinscher and Schnauzer, Molosser, Swiss Mountain and

cattle dogs.

Section 2.1. Molosser type dogs, Great Dane dogs.

No operational tests.

Puppy price:From 70,000 rubles, the price for show-class dogs reaches 300,000 rubles.


There are no kennels in Russia that breed Chinese bulldog puppies. Animal lovers hope that measures will be taken to ensure that the population of the unique Chinese bulldogs grows and there is no threat to the breed becoming extinct. Nowadays, these are hard-to-find animals. Buying a puppy, even at a high price, requires a lot of effort.

OriginChina (Chongqing Province)
Usagehunting, protection
Colorbrownish-red, mahogany color
Dimensionsaverage. Males up to 50 cm at the withers. Bitches up to 40 cm.
Lifespan15-20 years
EarsHigh rise, straight, tapered shape. Small size.
HeadLarge, flat forehead, upturned nose.
NeckPowerful, strong.
BodyRectangular format. Developed muscles. The relief is lean and elastic.
LimbsIdeal proportions in combination with the body.
BackStraight, short, but strong. The loin is muscular.
RibsClearly expressed.
Rib cage“Barrel-shaped”, wide.
BiteIdeally, scissor-shaped. A slight undershot is acceptable, but when the mouth is closed, the teeth should not be visible.
EyesThey are located widely apart from each other. The shape is round.
TailLong, sharp tip. The shape is cone-shaped. The Chinese Chongqing carries its tail either raised or parallel to the ground.

History of the origin of the species

The Chongqing, or Chinese Bulldog, is another unique Asian breed that is not widely known. It is believed that the first representatives existed before our era. Archaeologists, having found burials of the Western Han dynasty in the Jiangbei region of Chongqing, unearthed many clay figurines resembling bulldogs in shape. Historically, this empire existed since 202 BC. to 8 AD

It is believed that the dogs were ritualistic. They were “protector gods” and accompanied the deceased to the afterlife, so animals were buried with their owners.

Despite the fact that dogs were most common in Chongqing and were the founders of aboriginal breeds in neighboring regions, representatives of all varieties are known under a single name. It was given by the name of the city.

Chongqing residents of all regions helped people in their farming . They entertained children, guarded houses and hunted foxes, badgers and small rodents in the mountains. With the growth of urbanization, dogs for this purpose were in little demand, and the number of dogs decreased sharply. However, in the 1970s, effective measures were taken to restore the breed, and Chongqings again gained popularity as family pets.

But even such broad functionality did not become a reason for the breed to be recognized by the International Canine Organization. Chongqing is registered in various federations, including the RKF (since 2022)

China remained closed to tourists and world leaders for a long time, so no one knew the Chinese bulldogs. However, in the 1970s, effective measures were taken to restore the breed, and Chongqing again gained popularity.

Breed diseases

Unfortunately, the isolation of the breed in China led to the fact that these animals mutated and acquired a hereditary tendency to many different ailments.

1. As we have already said, skin diseases are very, very easily picked up by dogs of this breed. So, they are often visited by:

  • dermatitis;
  • alopecia, etc.

Constant implementation of preventive measures and regular examinations by a veterinarian will help cope with illnesses.

2. Another weak point of Chongqing people is their eyes. Unfortunately, preventative eye examinations will cost you a considerable amount of money, as this dog is prone to:

  • to conjunctivitis;
  • cataracts;
  • inflammation of the cornea and other ailments, which only a veterinarian can cure.

Eyes and skin are the weak points of Chongqing

3. This breed truly does not like the cold. Despite their strong immunity, its representatives, having cooled down, immediately catch colds and various inflammations. They won't be easy to treat, so it's in your best interest to keep your dog warm. Living with you can help, as can warm dog winter clothes and shoes.

Distinctive features

This is a medium-sized dog, reminiscent of a smaller Molosser: the same folds on the muzzle, a rounded heavy body, large sad eyes. According to the standard, the external features of Chongqing must be as follows:

  • The head is square, with a deep and long frontal furrow. The skull in the area between the ears is flattened, the cheekbones and brow ridges are highlighted. The stop is clearly pronounced.
  • The muzzle is as wide as possible and should not narrow towards the tip of the nose. It is short, equal in length to half the skull. Visually it looks square; when viewed from the side, you will notice that the lines of the muzzle form a very obtuse angle. The bridge of the nose is straight. The jowled lips are moderately developed and fit rather tightly. Their color, like the shade of the mucous membrane in the mouth, should be bluish-black or spotted.
  • The bite is “undershot”, with a deviation of no more than 5 mm. The jaws are powerful, square, the teeth are not visible if the mouth is closed.
  • The nose is medium in size, not turned up, with large nostrils. The shade should only be black.
  • The ears are set high, on the sides of the skull. Medium size, triangular with sharp ends, stand rigidly, cannot be docked.
  • The eyes are oval, fairly large, moderately convex. The iris is brown or dark brown.
  • The body is well-knit, muscular, slightly elongated (especially in females). The back is short, the topline is moderately inclined towards the withers. The loin is wide and convex. The belly is tucked in, the chest is deep and protruding. It is lowered to approximately the elbows. Its depth is equal to 1/2 of the height at the withers.
  • The neck is moderately long and thick.
  • The limbs are strong. The height to the elbow is equal to half the height at the withers. The pasterns are of short length, the angle of inclination is small. The elbows are not turned out, the forearms are powerful, rounded, vertically positioned relative to the body. The hind legs are muscular, the knee and hock joints are well formed. Paws are rounded.
  • The tail is of moderate length, a continuation of the croup, tapering from base to tip. It is straight, round, raised high.
  • The skin forms loose and thin folds in places. They are most pronounced on the forehead, especially in puppies, and also in the withers area. In this case, the folds should not be overdeveloped.
  • The coat is short and lies tightly. Hard, coarse, single-layer, without undercoat. Sparse along the back, but present in the form of a strip about 3 cm wide along the spine, along the croup, hips and tail.
  • Colors : black or red in various shades. A dark mask is required.

Balanced diet

Dog food should be natural, or at least mixed. Dry food is not suitable for animals and significantly reduces life expectancy. The basis of your pet’s menu should be meat:

  • chicken;
  • horsemeat;
  • beef.

You should avoid eating pork, as this type of meat causes intestinal obstruction. It is recommended to choose meat with plenty of tendons. This will be healthier for your dog than tenderloin or fillet. The following by-products should be included in the breed's diet:

  • liver;
  • lungs;
  • hearts;
  • kidneys

A healthy dish for an animal is porridge with the addition of butter. Buckwheat and rice are preferred. You should also add various vegetables to the menu. They can be served raw or baked. Some of the healthiest vegetables include the following:

  • pumpkin;
  • carrot;
  • beet;
  • zucchini;
  • cabbage;
  • spinach;
  • lettuce leaves.

Several times a week you are allowed to pamper Chongqing with fish and eggs. About 20% of the diet should be dairy products. Milk and cottage cheese are especially beneficial for the breed.

Rye crackers and cheeses are treats for your pet. You should approach smoked products with caution. Their amount in the dog’s diet should be minimal. The following foods should be avoided:

  1. potato;
  2. corn;
  3. bread;
  4. beans;
  5. peas;
  6. flour and salty dishes.

An adult should be fed several times a day. The number of meals for a puppy is 5-6 per day. Don't forget to add vitamin supplements to your diet. Fish oil will be very beneficial for puppies.

Features of character and behavior

This breed is focused on working with people. Since ancient times, Chinese bulldogs lived side by side with people, ate and slept with them, and worked with them. Therefore, the breed is distinguished by loyalty, dedication and lack of aggression. Chongqing people get along well with children and tolerate their antics and loud screaming.

Despite the lack of aggression and behavioral deviations, representatives of the breed are wary of strangers. But with a positive attitude towards strangers, the owner usually calms down and shows friendliness. In some cases, conflicts with other dogs are possible, although with proper training, causeless attacks are not observed. Like many dogs with hunting inclinations, Chongqings may not be able to restrain their inherent behavioral instinct.

Chongqing people have a developed protective instinct . They do an excellent job of protecting property. Even small individuals will bravely guard the house, bark at unfamiliar visitors, and fight with intruders. The dog's character is balanced , the dog will happily play with the child, but will not bother the owner or bother him with hyperactivity.


The main advantages of the Chongqing breed:

  • Devotion, courage, complete dedication to work, service;
  • Insight (the dog always senses what mood the owner is in);
  • Equilibrium;
  • Calmness towards people;
  • Love for children, lack of aggression;
  • Activity, mobility;
  • Developed hunting instinct;
  • High level of intelligence, good learning ability.
  • Unpretentiousness.


With proper training and early socialization, the Chinese Bulldog is an excellent dog for a family and does not have any special behavioral problems. Negative traits that may still appear in representatives of the breed:

  1. Independence in decision making;
  2. Some stubbornness;
  3. The likelihood of manifestation of hunting instincts;
  4. Distrust of strangers;
  5. Possible conflicts with dogs due to aggression on their part.

How to choose a puppy

Due to the limited breeding areas of these dogs, it is almost impossible to buy a purebred Chongqing puppy in Russia and other countries. Those who want to become the owner of a rare exclusive breed will have to contact Chinese breeders. The average price of a puppy ranges from $3,500 to $4,000.

Chongqing sellers are very picky about future owners of unique dogs - they will check your solvency and ability to keep a pet. For example, it is very important that the dog has enough space to walk around the local area.

The main problem in choosing a puppy is its inaccessibility. As a rule, litters are scheduled six months in advance. When choosing, pay close attention to the puppy's behavior. The condition of the coat and external physical data can be used to judge the health of the pet.

Care and maintenance

In China, the breed has learned to tolerate urban areas and live in tiny apartments. The dog is also suitable for keeping in a private house with free access both to the yard and to the house.


Chongqing cats are gradually weaned from their mother's breast and begin to be fed at the age of 6-8 months. During this period, it is recommended to give only natural products. At week 12, it is allowed to add dry food to the diet, but the transition should be smooth.

Chongqing is a medium-sized dog; food with coarse granulation and 40% meat products is suitable for it. Depending on the age and condition of the dog, you need to change the food line, choosing specialized products for allergy sufferers, puppies, pregnant or post-operative dogs.

  • Due to food poisoning and allergic reactions, even young bulldogs need a medicated diet.
  • A natural menu should consist of at least 45% protein (boneless fish, beef, chicken, eggs, dairy products). We mix them, alternate with vegetables or cereals (buckwheat, oatmeal and other cereals).
  • The frequency of meals depends on age; puppies will need 3-5 meals a day, divided into portions of 30-50 grams.
  • For adult dogs, the optimal amount of food is 500-800 at a time.

Animals should not be given bones. It is better to choose a healthy treat for your teeth; the best option is raw beef shin.


Chongqing is a native breed with ideal health. It is believed that Chinese bulldogs are able to defeat viruses that other dogs cannot cope with.

That's why dogs live 12-15 years , now this line has already risen to 18 years . The main thing is to monitor your pet’s health, show it to a veterinarian, and treat acute and chronic diseases.


Despite the fact that the breed is resistant to viruses and infections, vaccinations are necessary. Unlike an adult dog, puppies have not yet developed immunity. It is necessary to get vaccinated against distemper, hepatitis, enteritis, parainfluenza and leptospirosis at the age of 2.5 - 3 months.

To take a dog abroad, you must be vaccinated against rabies. It is recommended to do it at 7 months. All vaccinations are entered into the dog's passport by the doctor. The owner of Chongqing must follow the schedule and promptly bring the animal for a repeat procedure. Vaccines are temporary and need to be repeated every 1 – 1.5 years .

Before the procedure, the dog must be cleared of parasites so that the animal can more easily tolerate the administration of the drug. Before vaccination, the veterinarian must check the pet's temperature and conduct an examination to ensure that he is healthy. Sick dogs are prohibited from receiving vaccinations - this may worsen their condition.

The possibility of vaccinating a sick or weakened animal is decided by the doctor, based on the condition of the pet and the expected consequences for the body.

After the injection, bumps may appear at the injection site, which will disappear within 1-2 days . During this period, the dog will be less active than usual and sleep more. If symptoms last more than 2 days , fever or vomiting is observed, it is recommended to visit a veterinarian.

Important article on the topic: “Everything you need to know about dog vaccinations.”


Typical diseases for the Chongqing breed:

  1. Food allergies;
  2. Dermatitis;
  3. Retinal atrophy;
  4. Dislocation of the kneecap, weak joints;
  5. Flatulence, indigestion;
  6. Respiratory problems (due to the structure of the muzzle).


These dogs are used to living freely, on the street, playing and frolicking as much as they want. Keeping such a breed within four walls is simply unacceptable. Even if the dog is kept in a spacious enclosure, he needs an active walk twice a day for 1.5-2 hours in the morning and evening. Puppies walk 4-5 times a day for 30 minutes .

During walking, the Chinese Bulldog should run, engage in dog sports, hunt, swim or play with its brothers. Otherwise, the animal’s skeleton and muscles will not develop properly.

Another function of walking is socialization . This is the name of the process of accustoming a dog to the environment, introducing it to noisy, crowded avenues and new animals. Without proper socialization, the Chinese Bulldog will become withdrawn or aggressive.


Chongqing cats have a short, hard coat that does not require serious care - brushing with a glove brush a couple of times a month, 1 bath every six months with a mild shampoo (otherwise the delicate skin will be damaged and dried out). After each walk, the animals' paws . If the coat is heavily soiled, you can bathe your dog without following the schedule.

Attention should be paid to ear and eye . To avoid inflammatory processes, it is recommended to examine the mucous membranes and shells every 2-3 days. Nails are trimmed once every 3 weeks if the animal lives in an apartment.

Chongqing people are prone to dental . You should brush your fangs weekly with toothpaste and a soft brush or special chewy treats.

In summer, Chinese bulldogs quickly burn in the sun, so it is better to lubricate their skin with a protective cream. And in winter, to prevent the pet from freezing, they put on warm overalls.


The breed is susceptible to the following diseases:

  • Does not tolerate heat and cold well;
  • Food allergy;
  • You can't sleep on hard things;
  • Dislocation in the kneecap;
  • Retinal atrophy (progressive);
  • Acariasis or demodicosis from acne;
  • Skin allergies;
  • Skin infections;
  • Flatulence;
  • Sunburns;
  • Problems with breathing;
  • Brachycephalic syndrome.


You won’t be able to untie a dog of this breed on your own for one reason: it’s difficult to find a partner. Therefore, it is better to sterilize your pet at 7-12 months , before maturation begins.

If mating is still planned, you need to contact the breed club, where a dog handler will find a mate for the dog. Owners will fill out documents that will allow newborn babies to receive a pedigree. Also, the female and male will be tested for health and genetic diseases.

Bulldogs are bred on neutral territory or at the male’s home. The duration of the act is 30-40 minutes, 15 of which the animals must stand in the castle. The owners' task is to help the dogs sit comfortably and hold them if they fall.

You can track the progress of pregnancy after 2 weeks . It is important to monitor the girl’s health to exclude the development of inflammatory processes, false pregnancy or infectious diseases.

Read a detailed article on the topic: “Everything you need to know about breeding dogs: appropriate age, what to do if it doesn’t work out, rules and tips.”

Brazilian Bulldog Campeiro

Another not yet recognized breed is the Campeiro. Descended from the Old English Bulldog. The breed goes back far into the past; it was used for hunting and looking after herds. They really were excellent shepherds - they could not only monitor the herd, but also protect them in the event of an attack by a wild animal. Today, campeiro is especially valued for its endurance and strength of character. He tolerates physical activity well, can run for a long time and follow his owner. Many people take their pets with them on hikes. A keen eye, excellent hearing, and sense of smell make representatives of the breed good protectors.

Key points in training

The Chinese Bulldog is an intelligent dog, focused on encouraging its owner, sensitively picking up his mood, joy and dissatisfaction from its actions. Therefore, the dog is quite easy to train. The only points that can complicate the process: some independence of decisions inherent in many hunting breeds, as well as stubbornness.

However, the breed is considered gentler and more trainable than French and English bulldogs. One of the main tasks is the early socialization of the puppy, training it to interact with people and animals, and building contact for further training work.

The owner must have the makings of a leader and fortitude so that Chongqing accepts him as a leader and obeys him unquestioningly. From puppyhood, the pet must be taught to train, acting persistently and systematically, but without cruelty. Chongqing people easily master OKD because they quickly memorize commands . But to begin training, it is important to convince the animal that this is necessary for him.

The method of motivation with treats, playful interactions, and solving intellectual problems works flawlessly. Thanks to its excellent sense of smell, you can train your dog for hunting work.

Read about how to properly train a dog in the article: “Training a puppy: effective methods from dog handlers, learning commands at home.”

Psychological picture

The Chongqing is a calm and balanced breed that combines the characteristics of self-reliance and independence. However, this does not prevent dogs from maintaining boundless devotion to their owners. Animals have extraordinary mental abilities and understand their household members at a glance.

Key character traits:

  • courage - pets are excellent watchdogs and are well suited for guarding a country house. Dogs show increased wariness towards strangers and will not allow “guests” into the territory without the owner’s permission;
  • insight - animals amazingly determine the character of a person, can adapt to the disposition of the owner, show sociability and a willingness to compromise. Animals also sense the purpose for which strangers come into the house and can “warn” the owner about this with non-standard behavior;
  • signs of aggression towards other dogs – the Chongqing is a cute and affectionate pet when around the family, but it can be aggressive towards other dogs. The choice of other pets in the house should be approached very carefully. The animals do not get along well with fighting dogs and do not like cats;
  • caring for children - Chongqing is very tolerant of children’s games that are not always kind, and shows care and love. Babies can be left under the supervision of a smart dog;
  • hunter's instincts - the breed has been hunting down prey for thousands of years, so when keeping chickens, rabbits, geese and other domestic animals, you should take care of their safety. Always close cages and pens, otherwise the dog's instincts may take over and cause damage to the household;
  • leadership inclinations - elephant dogs make independent decisions, therefore, for successful training, the owner must have a strong and emotionally balanced character. Only then does Chongqing recognize a person as a leader. Therefore, getting a Chongqing dog as a first dog is not recommended. Developing the right character requires experience and an iron grip. Even an “experienced” owner may not be able to cope with the correct formation of the pet’s personality;
  • energy – dogs love activity, do not sit idle, and are enthusiastic about playing with their owner.


Puppies have sensitive skin, so you should use special shampoos that contain herbs. After wiping, the animal should be lubricated with a low-fat cream.

Bathing must be done once every six months or when the dog is dirty. You should not use a hairdryer for drying, this is harmful to delicate skin; it is better to let the fur dry on its own.

It is important that the dog is not exposed to drafts.

Severe disposition

It is impossible to say that Chinese Chongqing is evil or aggressive. Another thing is that this breed is characterized by a high degree of distrust of strangers. But if a dog is properly trained, then the risk that it will attack another animal, or even more so a person, without the command of its owner is practically zero. We can safely say that this dog has a calm and balanced character. But given the presence of such a character trait as independence, upbringing should be systematic, regular and firm.

You can even have a pet in a house where there are children. Chongqing, whose photo is on the Internet, adores children, but only if we are talking about the owner’s offspring. That is, all family members can count on the animal’s unquestioning devotion. As for strangers, you should not experience the resilience and calmness that characterizes the breed.

Chongqing does not tolerate mistreatment. If you raise an animal by force and with the use of cruel punishments, the dog will turn into a closed and rather aggressive creature. This is probably why, at the initial stage, Chinese Chongqing dogs should undergo training and education under the guidance of an experienced dog handler. But as a result of proper training, you will have in your home not just a strong and strong dog, but an excellent protector, an ideal watchman and a devoted friend.

Old English Bulldog

Unlike other varieties, representatives of this breed are medium in size, not small. Height is 47-50 cm, weight – 31-36 kg. The character feature of this species is hardness. The stubbornness of all bulldogs hinders training and education, but it is the Old English ones that are the most stubborn.

If a pet has got something into its head, it is almost impossible to refute it. This places great responsibility on the owner. If you can’t give your dog the attention it deserves and provide comfortable living conditions, it’s better to choose someone else. Because when the pet understands that the owner is not an authority for him, it will be difficult to prove the opposite. In a normal environment, with proper care and education, the Old English Bulldog is a friendly, sweet dog. He adores children, despite his outward inaccessibility, he can tinker with a child for a long time

Although excessive playfulness is not typical for him, he is always ready to provide attention and protection.

Steady hand

In order for the Chongqing Bulldog to be well raised and trained, he needs a firm hand. At the same time, you need to remember that a bulldog will not tolerate disrespectful treatment. After all, even from the photo of Chongqing it is clear that this is a dog with a high sense of self-esteem. In addition to firm but respectful upbringing, the Chongqing Chinese Bulldog requires mandatory socialization. And from early childhood.

If the dog will live in the house, then it is better to entrust its training to a professional. By the way, a Chinese bulldog, whose price is high, cannot live in an apartment. A small area can put pressure on the animal and cause attacks of aggression. That is, the dog must live in the yard. At the same time, the idea of ​​keeping an animal in an enclosure should be abandoned. Looking at the photo you understand that this dog requires intense and regular physical activity. Therefore, if you are not ready to spend a lot of time walking and playing with your pet, it is better not to buy a puppy.

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