Correct trimming of Yorkie's nails: how to trim step by step

The length of a dog's nails is important. If the nails are too long, the Yorkie will not be able to walk. Overgrown claws can damage the paw pads. Injuries to the pads will serve as an “open” gateway for infection. This will harm the joints and interfere with the normal formation of the limbs. Properly trimming a Yorkie's nails is not such a simple process. This will require certain skills; you need to have an idea of ​​how a dog’s claws are structured, how to hold your pet during the procedure, and much more.

Do Yorkies need nail trimming?

If your Yorkie's nails do not grind down naturally, they must be trimmed. At first glance, if a dog lives in the city and regularly walks on the asphalt, then its claws should grind down on their own. However, each pet is unique in its own way. The dog steps on the ground with 4 toes, the 5th is located high and does not always grind down. Therefore, the claw on this finger is constantly growing. Over time, it begins to interfere or begins to grow into the pad. The pet experiences pain and may refuse to go for walks altogether.

In addition, the claws can break, crack, and even lead to suppuration. The animal cannot walk normally. The distribution of the load on the paws is disrupted. Therefore, in the absence of regular haircuts, deformation of the joint, bones, and generally poor posture may occur. Regular nail trimming can help prevent these problems.

Answers from experts

Elena Gubar:

I have a Yorkie. afraid of getting a haircut. the veterinarian taught me. special nippers, not like the ones in the picture! This is for cats and rats to cut their hair. But there are others for dogs. cut once a month. but do not touch the vessel. 1. wire cutters 2. dry potassium permanganate 3. calm 4. York let the sleepy one have time to choose

The puppy's claws are light and the blood vessels are visible - it is easier to trim. The adult's claws are dark. The claw from the paw pad grows straight and bends and continues to grow straight. so find the place of the bend and gradually trim the claw down to this bend. maybe a little bit every week. If you take too much (don’t cut at the root!!!), then blood will flow and the dog will be in pain, but not too much. just take the bleeding claw and wave it into the dry potassium permanganate and everything will go away. be sure to cut your hair! because overgrown claws put stress on the paws and inflammation of the joints develops. Dogs and cats walk and run on their toes, rather than leaning on their entire paw! and trim your nails when wearing shoes.

Alice Alice:

The pet store sells special nail clippers. you need for small animals.

Natalia Tsvetaeva:

Nail trimming. This can be done at home using special scissors for trimming pet claws. Only the top of the nail is trimmed (1-1.5 mm)

This must be done carefully so as not to damage the living part of the nail. Veterinary Make an appointment and consultation: (495) 775-94-24


If you want to cut your Yorkie’s claws yourself, then you definitely need to buy special scissors; if you are afraid of doing something wrong, then it’s better to take him to a place where they do it! The main thing is not to cut it too short, you can injure your Yorkie's nerve (even blood is possible)!


1 Your own hairdresser

Does your dog love you very much, and do you love your dog very much? The process of caring for your Yorkie's coat will not be difficult. Follow a few simple rules and everything will work out!

The first and main rule: regularly care for your pet's coat.

If your dog has long hair, bathe him every week. Be sure to use conditioner after every wash, this will make combing easier.

Rule two: moisturize.

Yorkie's coat needs moisture. Once a week, unroll the hair curlers and spray the wool with special oil.

Third rule: comb it correctly.

Be careful when choosing a brush for combing. A good brush has bristles that bend in different directions, it is very soft, and the bristles are smoothly rounded. The “pad” should also be soft, the pile should not be buried in it. Test the brush on yourself before brushing. Doesn't it hurt? You can safely begin the war against tangles and matted fur!

Fourth rule: do not forget about caring for your heels.

There should be no hair between the paw pads. The absence of “vegetation” allows the dog to stand more steadily on its feet. The best way to shave hair is with a short-bladed clipper.

Fifth rule: don't delay.

Latex topknot rings come in three densities. For home use, it is best to use rings with a light density. If the dog decides to scratch behind the ear, the elastic will break, but the fur will not be damaged.

Rule six: use water.

The best remedy for “pacifying” electrified wool during cutting is plain water. Spray unruly strands with a spray bottle or “blot” them with wet hands. 2 Let's turn to a professional

If your hands are shaking at the sight of brushes, combs and scissors, you can’t imagine how you can untangle the terrible tangle, make a beautiful topknot and prepare the dog’s coat for the show, you can either stop trembling and do everything yourself, or turn to a professional.

Despite the fact that the Yorkshire Terrier's coat is similar in structure to human hair, caring for it is quite difficult. Indeed, you don’t wrap your own hair in curlers every week so that it is perfectly straight and moisturized at the exhibition? What can we say about haircuts, there are a great many models of them!

Dog hairdressing salons have long ceased to be exotic

They employ groomers who will surround your pet with care and attention, and in between, they will tidy up the silky fur. 3 Haircut is different

If you have a show dog, the question of a haircut doesn’t even come up - there will be a haircut! An unkempt animal, no matter how perfectly built it is, will not arouse sympathy from the judge.

But if your Yorkie is a pet, your child’s playmate and a generator of good mood for the whole family, think: does the dog really need floor-length fur and a topknot on the top of its head?

A fashionable short haircut like a lion will save you from nightly combing, and your dog from tedious walking in curlers.

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Why do Yorkies have their nails trimmed?

So, regular nail trimming is an important hygiene procedure. It allows not only to prevent possible health problems in the animal. Yorkie's long claws can scratch the floor, damage furniture or the owners' clothes. Or even cause injury to the pet itself.

A Yorkie's neglected claws are not only very unsightly and spoil the appearance of their paws. With such paws, a dog may not be allowed to participate in the exhibition, since it is considered a defect. It's not just that. Overgrown claws will prevent the dog from moving beautifully. The pet will not be able to place its paws correctly. Which may serve as a reason for disqualification for the commission.

Nails that are too long can eventually grow into the pads of the paws. This will cause very painful sensations. Trying to get rid of them, the dog will chew its paws and cause harm to itself. As a result, the pet will limp. And with a serious inflammatory process, it may even die due to an infectious disease.

Useful tips

  • Long hair between the toes should be trimmed so that it does not get in the way during the procedure. To do this, purchase special scissors with rounded edges. This procedure is performed 1-2 times a month to simplify access to each claw and relieves the dog of the threat of dirt accumulation on the paws and pathogenic microflora in them.

    In winter, snow accumulates on the fur between the pads, which is why a dog of small breeds can slip and even scratch its paws until they bleed. The fur between the pads can also become matted, which can make the dog uncomfortable while walking. Hair clipping is the best way to prevent fungal infections that occur in conditions of high humidity.

  • The best time to trim nails is when your pet has just returned from a walk or has eaten and is feeling sleepy. In this state, he will not resist much.
  • The most important thing to do before trimming nails is to make sure that the dog is in a good mood and not stressed. If the dog has never had its nails trimmed before, on the day of the scheduled procedure you should sit next to it several times and, clicking the nail clipper, talk to it affectionately. The animal must understand that this tool does not pose any danger.
  • Remember: the procedure for trimming nails should be associated with positive, not negative emotions for the dog. To make nail trimming enjoyable for your pet, stock up on his favorite treat before the procedure. And don’t forget to praise and pet your dog in between.

Yorkie claw structure

Yorkie claw structure

A dog's claws consist of several parts:

  • The outside of the claw is hard;
  • Inside there is a soft layer - pulp.

The pulp area contains a large number of thin blood vessels. As the claw grows, all layers increase simultaneously.

The first picture shows schematically the structure of a dog's claw:

A). Pulp;

B). Hard part (dead tissue).

The second picture shows what happens to the claw if it is not shortened for a long time. Without regular trimming, living tissue begins to fill the entire claw. Its length makes it difficult to step on the paw with all your weight. As a result, the center of gravity shifts, which leads to improper functioning of the joints.

The claw itself consists of two layers:

  • Keratin coating;
  • Nail bed area.

While there are no nerve endings in the keratin layer, there are many of them in the nail bed. In addition, at the base of the claw there are capillaries and blood vessels. You need to handle them very carefully. If you damage them, you can seriously harm your pet.


Let's discuss cutting tools. When choosing a nail clipper or file, first of all, you need to proceed from the size and breed of your pet. It is very important to choose a tool of a suitable size for it, since a nail clipper that is too large will slip and injure the dog when trimming a nail, and it is simply unrealistic to trim the claws of a large dog while using a nail clipper for small breeds.

How can you trim a dog's nails?

The first and most obvious choice is nail clippers. They come in two types:

  • Scissors - similar in appearance to garden pruning shears, consist of two blades and two handles. The first type of nail clippers is used to trim the nails of large dogs, although they can also cut the nails of medium breeds.

  • Classic nail clippers and scissors

  • Guillotine shears - they have a hole for a claw and a lever handle. Guillotine shears are used only for trimming the nails of dogs of medium and small breeds.

  • Claw-guillotine

Advantages of nail clippers:

  • The nail trimming procedure does not take much time
  • There are many variations of nail clippers in size, which allows you to choose the most optimal option for a particular dog.

Disadvantages of nail clippers:

  • If handled improperly, the risk of injury is quite high.
  • If you choose the wrong tool, you can break or splinter your dog's claw.

Some owners of small dogs are afraid to cut their pets' nails and prefer to file them. There are many files designed for claws of different thicknesses and strengths.

Pros of files:

  • With proper handling of the tool and a sufficient level of care, there is low trauma.
  • You can choose a file with a notch of any size and any strength that would be most suitable for a particular dog.

An ordinary file for human manicure will not work, because the durable claws of pets will only succumb to the coarse abrasive of a specialized tool. But if there is no way out, then choose files for false nails, they are wear-resistant and file everything well!

Disadvantages of files:

  • They can only shorten their claws on small dogs, which are also accustomed to prolonged manipulation.
  • Shortening a nail by filing it can be stressful for a dog who is not used to it.
  • If you handle the file carelessly, you can injure your pet.

Along with the listed tools, there are electric scratching posts. With their help, you can file down claws to the desired shape and size.

Pros of electric scratching posts:

  • They file down the claw much faster than with a mechanical file.
  • When handled carefully, they are almost safe for the dog and the owner.

Disadvantages of electric scratching posts:

  • The high price of these tools and consumables themselves.
  • Noise during operation can greatly disturb the animal.
  • When the tool is used, the claw heats up. This can be unpleasant for the dog, and if it gets too hot, it can even cause him pain.

So, the most suitable tool for trimming dog claws can still be considered a regular nail clipper, especially since it is easy to choose for an animal of any size and breed.

>Where can I?

Nail trimming can be done either at the veterinarian or on your own at home, if your dog is sufficiently educated and patient. How much does it cost: usually within 200 rubles.

What tools will you need?

Before you start trimming your nails, you need to prepare everything you need for this:

  • Special scissors for cutting claws (claw clippers). You can buy it at a pet store. The most convenient option is “Guillotine”. You shouldn't choose microscopic. You need to take a regular normal size.
  • Packaging of cotton swabs.
  • Potassium permanganate in dry form. It will be required if the living tissue of the claw was accidentally touched. The vessel is cauterized with potassium permanganate, this helps stop the bleeding.

Trimming process step by step

The procedure itself is not as scary as it might seem. There are no nerve endings in the horny part of the claw. Therefore, the dog will not experience pain. She will be more afraid of an unfamiliar instrument. If the nails are cut for the first time, then the dog may resist, bark, and whine.

To make the procedure as calm as possible, it is performed in the following order:

  • Paws are washed in warm water. This will soften the stratum corneum somewhat;
  • After this, they should be wrapped in a soft cloth to remove excess moisture;
  • The haircut is done either by holding the dog on your lap, or by placing it on the table;
  • Take the paw in your hand;
  • The cut is made at an angle of 45 degrees;
  • To the place where living tissue is located;
  • A very long claw is cut in parts;
  • You cannot cut it off entirely;
  • The claw on the paw on the fifth toe, which does not touch the ground, is also trimmed.
  • You need to act clearly and quickly, and most importantly decisively.

You should not expect your pet to sit quietly and wait until the “torture” is over. He will struggle and resist. Especially if this is all happening for the first time. The dog just doesn't understand what's happening. To prevent her from developing fear before the nail trimming procedure, she should not scream or swear at her Yorkie. You will need to be patient and have some treats.

After the claws are trimmed, they are processed using a nail file. Sharp claw fragments will scratch the floor, furniture and everything else.


Inexperienced owners do not always understand how to cut a black claw, because when cutting them (and dark brown claws) a problem arises: the pulp cannot be seen and there is a risk of cutting off more than necessary.

You need to act calmly and without haste, cutting the claw to the desired size in several steps, removing 0.5-1 mm each time. After each cut, you must carefully inspect the cut site. If you notice a bright dot on it, then that’s it, it’s time to stop, otherwise you may touch the pulp .

How to properly trim a Yorkie's nails with a nail clipper at home

How to properly trim your Yorkie's nails

A nail clipper is a very convenient tool. Before starting to work with it, wash the paws in warm water. You will need to prepare an antiseptic and cotton swabs.

It is more convenient to trim the front legs if the dog is sitting on your lap or on a table:

  • Take the paw in your hands and lightly press on the area of ​​the pad;
  • Now the claw can be clearly seen;
  • If you look at the claw, you will notice a dark and transparent part;
  • Cut off the transparent part;
  • Prepare the nail clipper for use;
  • Having opened it, place the blade 2 mm above the pulp level;
  • The cutting angle is 45 degrees;
  • Now, with a deft movement, the claw is cut off.
  • The nail clipper cannot be moved or turned out;
  • The cut part is processed using a nail file.

The principle of trimming the claws on the hind legs remains the same. However, it will be more convenient to do this if the Yorkie lies on its side.

Different breeds

Using the above tips and recommendations, you can trim the nails of almost any dog, regardless of its breed and size. However, there are breeds in which the process of trimming nails has some peculiarities. All these dogs have one thing in common: they are classified as indoor and decorative dogs and are very small in size. These include the Yorkie, Chihuahua, Miniature Spitz and Toy Terrier.

How to cut hair for small breed dogs?


Let's figure out how to properly cut a Yorkie's (Yorkshire terrier) nails. After all, their claws need to be trimmed regularly not only for the sake of beauty, but also to avoid health problems. If the nails grow too long, they may curl up and grow into the pads of the fingers.

  1. Yorkies need a comprehensive paw treatment, which also includes trimming the hair between the toes. This should be done 1-2 times a month.
  2. It is better to trim your Yorkie's claws after bathing, when they are steamed.
  3. You can put the dog on your lap, or put it on a table or on the floor - so that it is comfortable for you.
  4. It is recommended to trim your Yorkie's nails using a guillotine. After trimming, you need to clean the cut with a file.

Visual video:


A note for those who are interested in how to properly cut a Chihuahua's nails:

  • Puppies of this breed need to trim their nails once every two weeks, but for adult Chihuahuas it is enough to do this procedure once a month.
  • For these dogs, guillotine nail clippers are best suited. Some owners file their Chihuahuas' claws with a file or grind them down with an electric scratching post, but this is a rather long and unpleasant procedure for dogs.
  • Before trimming nails, you need to trim the hairs between the toes. This can be done conveniently with small scissors with rounded edges.
  • Take the paw and, pressing lightly on the pad of your finger, insert the claw into the “guillotine”. The claw must be cut at an angle of 45°.
  • First you need to cut off no more than 1 mm of the claw, and then carefully examine the cut. If the horny surface is still visible, you can trim another 1 mm, but only until the dark dot becomes visible.

IMPORTANT! You should not forcefully cut your Chihuahua's claws. If the dog gets scared or feels rough treatment, then next time it will be much more difficult to persuade it to undergo this procedure.


Like all other dogs, Pomeranians need to have their nails trimmed from time to time. It is better to do this with guillotine-type nail clippers for small dogs.

Before trimming, trim the hair on your dog's toes if necessary.

To carefully trim the claw and avoid touching the pulp, take the Spitz's paw, press on the pad and hold the claw up to the light. This will help determine where the keratinized part ends. If you still can’t see the pulp, then just start cutting about 1 mm at a time until you see a point on the cut. After this, clean the cut with a file.

Toy terrier

Toy puppies begin to trim their claws already at one and a half weeks of age and do this every 15-20 days. Adult dogs of this breed have their nails trimmed every 20-30 days.

It is necessary to trim the toy terrier's nails, if only because due to the small weight of these dogs, their claws do not wear down even while walking on asphalt or gravel, no matter how long the toy walks.

Place the dog on your knees and, taking its paw, pressing on the pad, extend the claw, then cut it off by 3-4 mm. It would be enough.

ATTENTION! Toy terriers, despite their small stature, are distinguished by rare stubbornness. If you give up ahead of time and let him go until the end of the procedure, then he will not allow you to trim his claws; on the contrary, he will resist even more.


This is the most important procedure in caring for a dachshund! When you hear that your dog begins to knock his claws on the floor while walking, it’s time for a haircut. .

Rules and risk factors when trimming Yorkie's nails

If you have no experience in cutting nails, then you should do the first procedure at a veterinary clinic. The doctor will tell you in detail and show you the whole process. An incorrect haircut can cause pain to your pet. He won't even be able to walk after this. Without experience, you can damage the nail bed area. It is most convenient to trim light nails; dark ones are more difficult. Because otherwise it is more difficult to examine the structure.

If the dog is very scared and resists, then you should not insist on the procedure. First, the pet is calmed down. There is no need to grab him, sit him on your lap and forcefully trim his nails. This will scare the Yorkie even more.

When cutting for the first time, they retreat two mm from the pulp level. If the claw is light, then the procedure is not so complicated, you can easily see the border. If the color of the claw is dark, then cut it off gradually. As soon as the characteristic point becomes noticeable, the procedure is stopped.

If a little blood appears, then you need to treat the damaged area with an antiseptic composition. However, if it intensifies, then you should immediately contact a veterinary clinic.

How often?

How often should you trim your dog's nails? Puppies begin to trim their claws very early, around ten days. This is done to prevent the babies from injuring their mother or littermates. As the puppies grow, their nails are trimmed as soon as necessary.

For adult animals, it is recommended to trim their claws about once a month.

The frequency of nail trimming may depend on the following reasons:

  • Age of the animal
  • His breed: small breeds grow their claws faster,
  • Individual characteristics of the dog,
  • Conditions for keeping and feeding the pet.

The process of trimming Yorkie's nails step by step

So, the haircut procedure is not very difficult. First you need to prepare the dog's paws. They are washed in warm water. Then they start cutting.

You need to act quickly and carefully. It is very important to remain calm and not get nervous, otherwise the dog will become nervous.

After finishing the haircut, use a nail file to polish the remaining part of the claw. This is necessary to ensure that the pet does not harm itself or scratch the floor or furniture.

A nail clipper has a lot of conveniences, but it also has disadvantages. The cut is sharp and uneven. Claws after such treatment require additional processing. You can purchase a special grinding stone. Of course, it is more convenient to cut, but you can simply trim the length.

The pet may react to this with displeasure. Because the grinding process is longer and takes more time.

What method to shorten the nails to choose is decided mutually by the dog owner. And, of course, the pet itself.

Can a dog's nails be trimmed?

If a long nail is not trimmed promptly, it can cut into the skin and cause an infection. Improperly growing nails can cause lameness and problems with the pet's skeleton. Therefore, cutting a dog’s nails is not only possible, but also necessary for full-fledged life.

The structure of a dog's claw

Grooming procedures must be carried out in a veterinary clinic, but if your dog freely allows you to perform such a procedure on himself, then you can carry out the haircut at home. Before such a procedure, you should prepare the cutting tools and place. If you are performing this procedure on a puppy for the first time, be very careful about it. The puppy's subsequent fear will depend on your actions.

White claw on a dog

Before trimming, carefully inspect each claw. Only in white claws is the pulp clearly visible. If the nails are dark, trim them very carefully. After trimming, file the ends of your nails. Remove uneven cuts so they don't start to flake. And be sure to show tenderness to the dog, not aggression. Stroke his fur and prepare his favorite treat.

How to hold your Yorkie correctly when trimming its nails?

To trim the front paws, the dog is seated on your lap. They stroke her and try to calm her down. Before starting, you can give a small massage to the pads so that your pet calms down, relaxes and begins to trust.

After this, they begin cutting. The hind legs are trimmed with the dog lying on its side. You can also give a light massage to help your dog calm down and relax. There is no need to rush and trim the nails of a dog that is resisting with all its might. It can only cause harm.

What to do with black claws and how to trim them correctly

The principle of cutting black nails is no different from cutting light ones. This will require the same set of tools. The procedure will be the same. However, its difficulty is that in black claws, it is difficult to determine the part where the pulp is located. You can use a flashlight to illuminate such claws.

To find out how long to trim the claw, you should find the groove located on the side of the claw. However, this advice is not always suitable. Because not every dog ​​has such a furrow.

If it is not possible to determine the place where the pulp is located, proceed as follows:

  • Using a nail file, gradually shorten the length.
  • As the length shortens, the pulp will become shorter and shorter.

There is another option. Cut off the hard layer into thin pieces and use a file for filing. This will allow the claws to grind down naturally. In this case, you can control the length and not harm the pet.

Even with this method of grinding down the claws, there is a possibility of damaging a blood vessel. Therefore, it is worth keeping disinfectants on hand.

Dog nail scissors - nail clippers

To trim your dog's nails, you need to prepare the following tools: Specialized scissors - a nail clipper. They have two varieties: scissors with sickle blades and guillotine.

The first type is suitable for cutting thick and strong nails in large dogs, and has a stopper to secure the claw. Guillotines are used to trim the nails of small and medium breed dogs.

nail clipper

Nail trimming scissors should only be purchased at a veterinary store. The material of the nail clipper is ideally stainless steel.

The size of the tool itself is also important. The best option would be to have rubber gaskets in the scissors. Which prevent your hand from slipping. Thus, eliminating irregularities and abruptness of movements. Never try to cut nails with regular scissors. They are not suitable for such a procedure.

Stock up on hemostatic agents. If you suddenly touch a claw or vessel, treat it immediately.

What to do if it doesn’t give in and bites

In this case, you can try the following. First, try to calm the dog down and distract it with treats. If you can’t cope on your own, you can ask your loved ones for help. One assistant holds the dog, and the second does the claws.

For each successfully trimmed nail, the pet is given treats.

What to do if it doesn’t give in and bites

Another option is this. The dog is wrapped in a towel. One person holds a pet, and the other cuts a haircut. If you still can’t cope, then you should contact a groomer. Groomers have more experience and will be able to solve the problem.

Nail fungus in dogs: treatment

  • Detection and treatment of fungus in dogs should be timely.
  • One of the popular methods of treating fungus is vaccinations.
  • But the main factor in treating fungus is the breed of the dog.
  • The use of antifungal drugs is popular.
  • To reduce the likelihood of fungus developing in your dog, you should provide it with proper care and nutrition.
  • Strictly observe the necessary hygiene rules.
  • If you still observe the first signs of fungus in your dog, immediately contact a specialist.

How to teach cutting nails so that your Yorkie behaves calmly?

The process of trimming nails is unpleasant for any dog. By trying to hold the pet by force during this process, the owner frightens him even more. Therefore, it is not surprising that he will bark, bite and struggle in every possible way. The sooner your Yorkie is trained to get a haircut, the better.

It is necessary to ensure that the pet trusts the owner and approaches him himself. It would be a mistake to drive him into a corner and start the cutting process. Already at the sight of a nail clipper, the Yorkie will try to hide.

To compensate for the unpleasant sensations, you should stock up on treats. The most beloved. The pet is rewarded for its patience. The first haircut will not be very fast. Everything is done gradually. Trying not to scare the dog. It is very important not to hurt your Yorkie. Otherwise, every haircut will turn into real torture for the pet and its owners.

So, before cutting, you should do the following:

  • Call your pet;
  • Place him on your lap;
  • Take him by the paw;
  • Give him a treat;
  • Calmly examine the paw and claws;
  • If the dog behaves calmly, pet it, praise it and give it a treat;
  • Now take the nail clipper in your hand and let the dog sniff it;
  • Give the treat again;
  • Touch the claws with scissors;
  • If there is no negative reaction from the dog, praise it;
  • Now touch the dog on all its paws in turn;
  • If there is no resistance, then you can begin the procedure.

If the pet shows anxiety, then it is calmed down, stroked, treated with a treat, and the lesson continues. After the successful completion of the procedure, be sure to praise and treat him with a treat.

How to teach nail trimming so that your Yorkie behaves calmly

Gradually the dog will get used to the haircut and there will be no problems in the future.

Visual aids

As you can see, trimming dogs' nails yourself is not as scary as it might seem. Moreover, you can almost always carry out this procedure at home, and it doesn’t matter who your pet is: a huge mastiff or a tiny Yorkie.

How do you trim your pet's claws? How quickly did he get used to this procedure and how did you accustom him to it? Or maybe you have your own secrets and tricks that make the process of trimming claws easier? Share your opinion on this issue, as well as your stories, in the comments. And, of course, don’t forget to include photos of your pets.


What to do if there is bleeding

Minor damage to the vessel during cutting should not cause much concern. In this case, you should treat the wound with an antiseptic. It is very important to prevent bacteria from entering. Otherwise, your pet may even develop an inflammatory process.

Potassium permanganate, hydrogen peroxide, brilliant green and other antiseptics are used for treatment. For minor damage this will be sufficient. If the dog has a limp, it means that a nerve ending has been affected. The damaged claw is covered with an adhesive plaster. You can wear special shoes. After the wound heals, the lameness will go away.

Another remedy for treating injuries on the paws is alum. They are sold at any pharmacy. The medicine can stop bleeding almost instantly. A clot forms on the surface of the wound. To treat the wound, press the pencil tightly.

If you don’t have potassium permanganate or a pencil, you can sprinkle the wound with talcum powder or baby powder. Any antiseptic will do.

A minor cut can be treated with hydrogen peroxide. You can replace peroxide with chlorhexidine.

The methods listed above are only suitable for small wounds. If the plate is cut too high, bleeding will be severe. Therefore, treatment of such a wound will require a visit to the veterinarian.

To avoid infection, be sure to wash your paws. In this case, the risk of wound infection will be much less.

You should not trim your nails before the show. Because at first the pet may limp.

First aid

Unfortunately, no one is immune from injury, especially novice dog lovers. The hand trembles, the dog jerks sharply, or the length of the cut is incorrectly calculated and your pet will need help. That is why the materials necessary to provide it must also be prepared in advance and be at hand. This could be a special styptic powder, regular cornstarch or a simple bar of soap, hydrogen peroxide or chlorhexidine to disinfect the wound, bandages or napkins.

If your dog bleeds after trimming its nails, do not let your pet break free and run away from you. Try to calm him down, stroke him, pat him on the chest (this is the dog’s pleasure center). At the same time, begin to very carefully sprinkle the wound with powder or rub it with a cotton swab until the bleeding stops. If you use starch, sprinkle it on the wound, as rubbing can aggravate the situation and cause even more harm.

For minor damage, you can simply disinfect the wound with peroxide or chlorhexidine. You can also use a hemostatic pencil, which is pressed against the affected area of ​​the claw for a few seconds and forms a dense clot that prevents further bleeding.

While providing first aid, offer the dog something tasty, try to distract him from what is happening as much as possible so that negative emotions do not become attached to the process of trimming his nails. Try to keep the dog calm for 15-20 minutes and not run, so as not to provoke re-bleeding.

If your pet reacts aggressively to an attempt to examine a wounded paw, the bleeding is excessive, or the dog continues to bleed 15 minutes after trimming its nails, contact your veterinarian immediately!

Natural grinding of Yorkie's claws

You can avoid regular haircuts if you take your dog for a walk on the asphalt more often. Walking on soft ground or on a lawn will not solve the problem. Only jumping and running on the asphalt surface will help sharpen the claws. Therefore, when walking, you should allow your Yorkie to walk on a hard surface.

Natural grinding of Yorkie's claws

Nails can grow long if the dog is constantly at home and does not go outside at all. If it is not possible to sharpen the claws naturally, you will have to cut them.

Determining the time of haircut is not difficult. The pet begins to click on the floor. You should also check your paws regularly. If the length of the claws has become large, then it’s time to start the procedure.

When to start

The Yorkie puppy's first grooming is done by the breeder - he should also trim his nails. Further responsibility for these procedures falls on the owners of the puppies. However, after purchasing and moving your baby to a new place, give him three to four weeks to get comfortable.

There are several options for cutting a Yorkshire Terrier:

  • If you are inexperienced and do not know how to cut a Yorkie, it is better to take him to a grooming mall. Experienced Yorkie groomers work there, photos of their work are evidence of their qualifications and creative talents;
  • You can call a professional to do a haircut at home. This is the most convenient, but also the most financially expensive option;

You should not experiment with Yorkie haircuts - it is better to entrust it to a professional

  • You can come to the hairdresser’s home and have your Yorkie cut at home. However, there is a need to adapt to his schedule or leave the pet for several hours with a stranger. This can be quite stressful for the puppy;
  • The ideal option is to buy the necessary tools and learn how to groom a Yorkshire Terrier yourself at home. This will help you gain independence from professionals and protect your pet from stress. However, it should be taken into account that if you plan to exhibit your dog, it is better to entrust it to the master. There are certain exhibition standards - if the dog does not meet them, it may receive fewer points from the jury.
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