How to measure the height of a dog, what does height at the withers mean?

Where is a dog's withers located?

A dog's withers begin immediately behind the neck. This is the initial part of the back, located between the shoulder blades. It consists of the first five vertebrae of the thoracic (dorsal) spine.

Externally, a dog's withers look like a small tubercle. It is mobile and elastic, the skin here is easy to lift with your hand. It is for her that bitches carry small puppies.

The withers include the spinous processes of the vertebrae - they are located at the same level as the tops of the shoulder blades. She should be tall, wide, well-developed and fairly muscular. This is important because it helps move the front legs and neck.

The withers are finally formed in dogs by 2–3 years, depending on the breed.

Normally, the withers should be the highest point of the pet. Therefore, growth is measured using it. In improperly formed individuals - with a sagging or curved back due to developmental defects - this parameter may not meet the standards.

National and physiological incidents

Measuring dog height in the Old and New Worlds is carried out differently. In countries that are members of the FCI, the withers are taken as the reference point, in the USA - the apex of the angle of the shoulder blade. As practice shows, the measurement results differ.

In the peculiar constitution of some modern representatives of the canine family, with the shoulder blade slightly retracted back, the measuring point moves towards the neck. This leads to a shift in the topline and a deviation from the standard in the direction of decreasing height. A defect in the scapular area also affects the visual effect: of the two dogs, the one with the correct structure of the shoulder blades looks taller.

Why do you need to know the height of the dog at the withers?

Height at the withers is an important parameter for dogs. It is one of the three main standards in conformation, along with oblique body length and pastern girth. In addition, its location and the pet’s growth must be known for:

  • determining the required jump height in sports competitions;
  • comparison of the pet’s parameters with accepted breed conformation standards;
  • identifying abnormalities in the development of puppies;
  • selecting the correct size of harness, carrier and clothing.

It is also necessary to know where the dog’s withers are during veterinary procedures: injections, vaccinations, antiparasitic treatment.

The subcutaneous fatty tissue located here contains many blood vessels, which ensures good absorption of drugs. This place is also characterized by reduced sensitivity. Therefore, the procedures are performed as painlessly and with the least discomfort as possible.

The abundance of blood vessels also enhances the effect of medications against fleas, ticks, and worms. The temperature in this place is slightly higher than in other parts of the body. And the pet cannot reach the medicine with its tongue or teeth.

N In search of the withers

The withers are the area of ​​the body that begins immediately after the neck. These are the first 5 vertebrae of the back, which are located at its beginning, just between the shoulder blades. It is advisable for the dog owner to master a skill that helps determine the location of the withers and the folds of skin covering them. It is considered basic. It will be required in the following cases:

  1. When treating a pet with insecticidal agents, most often drops from parasites must be applied to the withers area, since their active components are slowly absorbed into the skin and do not suddenly enter the bloodstream. In some drugs, the active ingredients tend to accumulate in skin cells, and in the withers area it is less sensitive.
  2. When administering subcutaneous injections, the withers are the most suitable place to administer medicinal compounds for several reasons: this area is the least sensitive to damage, in addition, it has a cavity into which the entire dose enters at once, and there is no need to divide it into several doses.
  3. To control the growth and development of the puppy - this especially applies to purebred individuals, the parameters of which are indicated in the standard, and the owner can periodically weigh and measure the pet’s growth to make sure that it does not go beyond the norm.
  4. When selecting ammunition and accessories, the girth of the withers in this aspect is a fundamental characteristic.
  5. To choose a suitable wardrobe if your pet needs special clothing.

Detecting the withers is a simple task if the owner is experienced and the pet has a standard build. But even otherwise, you can use a special method that allows you to accurately detect the desired skin folds:

  • You should put your hands on the dog’s shoulders and press them to the body;
  • it is necessary to move your hands up, collecting the skin until it forms a fold;
  • the arms are lowered until they rest on the shoulder blades;
  • the skin in the hands is the scruff of the neck, which is also the fold on the withers.

In addition, you can detect a dog’s withers using a flat object, such as a book. It is placed on the withers area, and when it lies parallel to the floor, the desired point has been found. It is worth noting that the first person to find a puppy’s withers is his mother. It is with this that she holds the babies when she moves them. In common parlance this area is called the scruff of the neck.

How to measure a dog's height from the withers?

The dog's height is measured in a calm, standing state. Before the procedure, it is better not to feed your pet, let him smell the instruments and calm him down. The pet should stand on a flat surface - on the floor or table.

It is convenient to measure small pets on the table, and on the floor for medium and large pets.

It is advisable that a second person help hold the dog, but without effort. Your pet's paws should be straight and not tense. It is more difficult to measure height in puppies as they are constantly moving around. If this is not necessary to monitor development or exhibition parameters, it is better to wait until the baby grows up.

When it is not possible to immediately measure the distance because the pet is struggling, it is better to stop the procedure. Subsequently, the dog is gradually accustomed to it, in several stages. In particular, this applies to young and active pets.

To measure your dog's height you will need:

You don't have to use all the tools. Depending on the method chosen, only some of them may be needed.

The easiest way is to measure the height at the withers with a stadiometer. However, it is difficult to find and not every dog ​​owner has it.

Height is measured as follows:

  1. The pet is located on a flat surface and, if possible, is fixed.
  2. The dog's withers are determined.
  3. A book, a construction meter, one of two rulers, or any other flat object is placed on top of the blades.
  4. The second ruler or meter measures the distance from the floor to the dog’s withers. It is necessary to ensure that the tool is completely straight (in the case of a sewing meter), does not go to the side, and that there are no skirting boards, carpets or other things on the floor that could distort the results.

Grabbing the withers: is it acceptable when training an animal?

Many cat lovers know that when even the most menacing and cocky cat is lifted by the scruff of the neck, the animal quickly loses most of its drive, becoming much calmer. This is due to the existence of a submission reflex, the center of which is located in the cerebellum of the animal. It is activated when special receptors located precisely in the thickness of the skin on the back of the neck are activated. But what do cats have to do with it? The problem is that many animal lovers do not see much difference in species psychology.

When it comes to training dogs, breeders tend to use outdated techniques that cause a lot of stress in the animals and produce mediocre results. In particular, many sources recommend “to subdue the puppy, grab him by the scruff of the neck and shake him vigorously.” But dogs are not cats; this trick works with them, but leads to somewhat unexpected results. It is believed that this technique was based on the “social behavior of dogs.” Allegedly, bitches “raise” their puppies this way. Surprisingly, this belief is widespread even among professional breeders. But in reality everything is a little different...

Dog height depending on breed

The height at the withers depends on the specific breed. This parameter can vary significantly among different types of dogs.

So, there is a generally accepted classification that divides breeds into three categories:

  1. Small - up to 28 cm. Representatives - Yorkshire terrier, small Spitz, Chihuahua.
  2. Medium - from 28 to 56 cm. These include poodles, beagles, cocker spaniels.
  3. Large - average height 60 cm. This group includes Great Danes, St. Bernards, Caucasian Shepherds and others.

In addition, for each of the breeds included in the same category, height at the withers can vary greatly. For example, two representatives of medium-sized species: the Australian Shepherd and the American Staffordshire Terrier have different heights. The average parameter for the first is 55 cm, for the second - 46 cm.

The height also depends on the gender of the pet. Bitches are usually several centimeters smaller than males. Deviations of 3 cm up or down are also allowed. Therefore, in each individual case it is necessary to focus on FCI standards, the size of the parents and the individual characteristics of the dog.

The situation is more complicated with mestizos and mongrels. It is impossible to determine exactly how tall a pet should be at the withers, since genes from different breeds are mixed in it.

Correlation with standard

Growth standards have been established for each breed of the dog family. As an example, here are the values ​​typical for cables of common types:

  • Dalmatian - 56-62 cm;
  • Labrador Retriever - 56-57 cm;
  • Great Dane - 80-90 cm;
  • Saint Bernard - 70-90 cm;
  • Giant Schnauzer - 60-70 cm;
  • German boxer - 57-63 cm;
  • beagle - 33-40 cm;
  • Maltese dog - 21-25 cm.

The pet's height may not coincide with the standard if its mother and father belonged to different breeds. Unpredictable growth is also typical for outbred puppies: growing up, they can be much taller or shorter than their parents.

The tallest dog in the world, the Great Dane Zeus, is 111.8 cm tall at the withers. The god of canine Olympus lives in the American state of Michigan. Owners say that with a weight of 70 kg, the pet eats 14 kg of dog food per day. The barking giant does not fit in a passenger car, so for country trips I had to buy a truck.

Necessary parameters for selecting accessories

If the owner is going to buy a harness, carrier or clothing for a pet, then, in addition to height, additional parameters must be taken into account:

  1. For the harness you also need to measure:
      length from withers to base of tail;
  2. girth of the sternum at its widest point just behind the elbows of the front legs (you can additionally add a couple of centimeters);
  3. neck girth.
  4. To carry it you need to know:
      the weight of the pet so that the structure does not break;
  5. length from the back of the head to the tail.
  6. For clothing you also need to determine:
      chest girth;
  7. back length;
  8. neck girth;
  9. metacarpus size;
  10. Waist.

Before purchasing accessories, you should carefully check all the parameters. Incorrectly selected harnesses, clothing or carriers will put pressure on the pet’s body in one part or another.

Small jackets or sweaters rub the skin, restrict movement, and in some cases the dog will feel cold in them. In the case of a carrier, it may be either too small or too large. In the first option, the pet will feel uncomfortable and will not be able to move normally. In the second, the bottom of the structure will sag under the weight, and the pet will hit the walls when swinging.

It is also important to choose the right harness: constant rubbing will cause pain, put pressure on the spine, chest and can affect the pet’s posture. Your palm should fit comfortably between the belt and the pet’s body. This is especially true for riding harnesses that are used for sports competitions.

Knowing where the dog's withers are is necessary to determine the pet's height, compliance of the parameters with the accepted breed standard, selection of accessories and tracking the development of the puppy. The exact height of your pet can be found out at the age of 2–3 years, when the skeleton is fully formed. It is advisable to measure developmentally delayed or sick individuals weekly. This will help determine whether the condition is improving or worsening.

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After each walk with the dog, clothes must be brought into proper shape by cleaning. If the fabric is not very dirty, just run a clothes brush over it, lightly moistening it with water. When washing in a washing machine, manufacturers recommend choosing a delicate cycle, but it is better to wash the products by hand. As a powder, you should use specialized products for dogs that do not cause allergies in your pet.

Drying clothes occurs in the usual way - on the balcony or on the dryer. When choosing things for your little pet, do not forget about the colors of the products: the brighter it is, the easier it is to spot your pet on the street.

Why do you need a dog's height at the withers?

The height of an individual, which is measured as height at the withers, is the distance from the supporting surface of the paws to the withers and is required for:

  • calculating various coefficients when a pet participates in an exhibition, for example, the index of elongation, massiveness, long legs, endurance. When comparing the obtained parameters with the dimensions according to the exterior, compliance with the standard of the required breed is revealed;
  • determining the potential jump height of a dog in sports competitions, the goal of which is to overcome an obstacle course set up on a special site as quickly as possible;
  • identifying deviations from the norm during the development of puppies;
  • selection of accessories of the required sizes (carries, clothes, harnesses);
  • determining the height of the entrance opening when building a booth or enclosure.

Why do you need to measure your dog several times?

How to measure a dog at the withers to get the most accurate result? To do this, you will need to measure your four-legged friend at least three times. This is due to the fact that even a slight deflection of the dog’s pasterns can significantly distort the results. Therefore, it is advisable to carry out several measurements with an interval of 2-4 minutes.

Determining the exact size of a dog at the withers is like writing your beloved pet a pass to the world of high canine fashion, breed shows and sporting competitions.

How to measure height?

Correctly measuring a pet's growth involves carrying out this procedure in accordance with the uniform requirements set by canine organizations. These requirements are met when the dog is measured at the withers, subject to a number of rules, such as:

Height meter

  • using a special measuring ruler - a height meter. Using a tape measure or measuring tape may overestimate the result by one to three centimeters;
  • taking measurements three times every half a minute or a minute and calculating the arithmetic mean value of the results obtained during measurement;
  • placing a measuring ruler close to the body of the individual, allowing only light pressure on the fur, and parting the long hair at the point of contact with the instrument;
  • keeping the pet on a flat surface;
  • taking measurements at regular intervals, before feeding the animal, at the same time of day.

When measuring the distance from the highest point on the back to the floor, the pet, as noted above, should be on a flat horizontal surface. Small breeds are best measured on a table surface, while large breeds are best measured on the floor. If the animal is active, then it is more convenient to take measurements together: one holds the pet in an even, calm position without muscle tension, the second takes measurements.

To correctly determine the upper measurement point, place a book, ruler or some other flat object on top of the dog’s shoulder blades, then attach a stadiometer to it, which will indicate the desired parameter.

If there is no stadiometer, then height measurement can be carried out using the following methods:

  • using two rulers. The first is placed on the animal’s back so that it intersects with the withers, the second is applied at a right angle to the first and to the floor. The distance from the floor to the junction of the two rulers will be the height of the dog at the withers;
  • children's method . If the individual is large, then you can measure its height in the same way as is done when determining the height of children, that is, by placing it against the wall and making a mark on it in the place where the shoulder blades are located.

Taking measurements to purchase a baby carrier

Every pet breeder sooner or later faces the question of purchasing a carrier.

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Important! In order for the dog to feel comfortable on the road, it is necessary to select a shipping container in accordance with the dimensions of the tailed pet.

The main criterion that a carrier must meet is the ability for the dog to stand inside it at full height and turn 360 degrees. To make the right choice, you should measure your pet not only in height, but also in length, excluding the tail.

Height and breed

The height of an individual depends on its breed.

There is a classification that divides dog breeds into three groups depending on height, which is determined by measuring the height at the withers:

Different breeds

  • small - no higher than 28 centimeters. For example, this is a Russian toy, a chihuahua, a Yorkshire terrier;
  • average - above 28, but below 60 centimeters. Typical representatives: beagles, English cocker spaniels, poodles;
  • large - more than 60 centimeters. These include: Irish wolfhounds, Caucasian shepherd dogs, Russian black terriers, St. Bernards.

Growth is also affected by the gender of the pet. Males are usually several centimeters taller than females. In addition, deviations of three centimeters up or down are allowed. In connection with the above, to determine growth, one should focus on the standards adopted by the International Canine Organization (FCI), the parameters of the parents and the individual characteristics of the animal.

Location and severity of the withers

What does the height at the withers of a dog mean? If you look from above at a standing pet, then at the junction of the neck and back, between the shoulder blades, a protruding point will be noticeable. It is formed by five vertebrae of the thoracic spinal column. This is the withers - the functional part of the front legs.

The appearance of the withers allows you to assess the proportions of the body and the formation of the muscles of the animal:

  • clearly expressed and extending far back - a marker of the full formation of the shoulder region, the development of the thoracic vertebrae, the elongated processes of which provide reliable attachment of the muscles; such a structure guarantees sufficient stride width and free balancing when moving;
  • short and flat in combination with empty elbow muscles - a defect that affects endurance, leading to early loss of performance characteristics before reaching old age: avoidance of jumping, excessive fatigue.


In horses, the withers are formed by the part of the spine between the 3rd and 11th dorsal vertebrae (most horses have 18 dorsal vertebrae), which are unusually elongated in this part of the body. In a horse, the vertebral processes can reach over 30 cm in length.

Since the withers do not move relative to ground level (in both horses and dogs), they are used to measure a horse's height. Typically, a horse's height is measured in palms - one palm measures 4 inches (10.16 cm). Horses can vary greatly in size, from small ponies to large draft horses. The average height at the withers of a purebred horse is 16 hands (1.6 m), for a pony - 14.2 hands (1.44 m).

Rules followed when measuring a dog

To carry out accurate measurements, the help of a person with whom the dog can easily communicate is important. The assistant holds the animal, and the owner makes the calculations.

Measuring device

Dog handlers recommend using a special device - a height meter. If you don't have one, you will need a ruler (measuring tape), a level and a pencil.

Industrial height meters are equipped with a level and a clamp; their readings are more accurate.

At home, you can make a stadiometer yourself. To do this, take 2 wooden slats 3 cm wide, the length of one should be 25 cm, and the other 5 cm. They are glued together so that they form a right angle or the letter “G”.

A measuring tape is glued along the 5-centimeter strip, and a weight is hung on its end for convenience.

Measurements for purchasing a carrier

The use of special carriers is necessary when transporting an animal to a veterinarian, for walks or travel by transport. In carriers, dogs worry less and do not get their limbs dirty.

Before taking measurements, you need to determine which carrier is suitable for the dog and will also be comfortable for the owner. The fact is that even if the dimensions of the transport basket are correct, the pet may not be comfortable being inside. The dog must be able to change the position of the body in the carrier if necessary . Before choosing sizes, you need to know the weight of the dog and choose a basket that will support it. In addition, it is extremely important to choose the length and height of the carrier. To do this, you need to calculate the length and height of the dog at the withers. Height is measured by the distance from the highest point between the shoulder blades to the end of the forelimbs.

It is important to note that dog measurements across the European continent and the United States have their own characteristics and differences. So, in European dog breeding associations, the height of the withers is measured at the highest point between the shoulder blades, but in America, the height is measured at the top point of the shoulder blade itself.

Sources: dlya-lubogo-h

What is withers

Finding this mysterious place is not difficult at all. The withers are the area on the dog's back, between the shoulder blades, on the spine. The point is that this is the highest point on your back. It is from here that all measurements are taken, for example, to determine the height of the animal, find out the volume of the chest, to choose a harness, to purchase a suitable carrier, etc.

There are also many blood vessels, muscles, and nerve endings. This part is very important for the dog.

Where is she located

As mentioned above, the withers begin immediately after the neck. These are the first five vertebrae, approximately in line with the front legs. If you look closely at the pet from the side, you can see that this is the highest point on the back.

A person can feel this part of the body. This is a small but noticeable bump at the end of the neck. This is a soft place, the skin stretches well here. You can even take it in your fist, and the animal will not be hurt. It is behind the withers that parents carry their puppies. Man does the same.

The withers begin immediately after the neck

If the withers are not the highest part of the animal’s body, then there is some kind of pathology. For example, this could be a curvature of the spine, sagging of the back, problems with the limbs.

It is important to understand that the withers are the highest part of the back, not the animal itself.

It is clear that the neck and especially the head are much higher. But if the pet tilts its muzzle to the ground, for example, when eating, then you can see that the highest point will be the withers. Its height can be changed only by bending the paws, but such a gait is unlikely to be comfortable for the dog.

Why does a dog need withers?

It is clear that this is a part of the animal’s body, and therefore there is a specific need for it. It contains the most important muscle bundles and ligaments that control the work of the front legs, back, neck, and chest. There is nothing strange in the fact that strong withers lead to increased power of the entire dog. The strength of the back and front legs also depends on this factor.

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It is clear that not all breeds can boast of developed withers, such as fighting dogs. It is unlikely that the dwarf Japanese Spitz has such an advantage. However, this area of ​​the body can be trained. For example, loading your neck with weights. There is no need to feel sorry for your pet - physical activity is very useful for him, and besides, it will allow him to train this part of the body, thanks to which he will become stronger and more resilient.

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