The best nicknames for female puppies: choosing the right ones


Noble title in European states and the name of a Gypsy leader.

A strong, calm dog with a strong sense of self-esteem.

Loyal to her owners, a vigilant watchman and a reliable, selfless protector. Tries to be useful even without a team.

Shows friendly condescension towards children.

The nickname is suitable for German shepherds, collies, St. Bernards and Great Danes.

List of names in alphabetical order

In order to choose a suitable name for your pet, you can look through the best options below, where dog names for girls are given. This list does not at all limit the choice of name, because you can combine several nicknames and come up with your own.

  • Alice, Athena, Aphrodite, Alira;
  • Beatrice, Bella, Busya, Beauty, Bulka;
  • Spring, Cherry, Verbena, Verona, Waffle;
  • Gucci, Hera, Gloria, Gretta, Glasha;
  • Daphne, Dora, Gemma;
  • Herringbone, Elena, Eva;
  • Giustina, Georgette;
  • Winter, Zita, Marshmallow, Zara, Zera;
  • Irma, Willow, Iolanta, Inessa, Isa, Ida;
  • Candy, Caramel, Kelta, Kiara;
  • Lolita, Lyra, Leia, Chanterelle, Lana, Paw, Lady;
  • Medea, Martha, Maleficent, Missy, Mila, Musya, Margosha;
  • Norma, Note, Nymph, Narcissa, Nessa;
  • Ocher, Orlika, Olivia, Ora, Ottawa, Dressed;
  • Patty, Patty, Patricia;
  • Ruta, Rosochka, Regina, Rita;
  • Santa, Sutti, Sarah;
  • Trinity, Tina, Tara, Twixie;
  • Whitney, Ulya, Ursula, Ondine, Smile;
  • Fairy, Fairy, Fifa, Faina, Flora, Francis, Frida;
  • Khrushtyashka, Hristya, Hana, Hippie, Helena;
  • Cercea, Citrina, Tsipa, Tsilya;
  • Chucha, Chelsea, China;
  • Shawnee, Shayna, Chanel;
  • Edna, Esther, Edelfina, Elfia, Ellody;
  • Yuna, Yula, Juno, Yusha;
  • Apple tree, Berry, Jadwiga, Java.


This is what they call a sand mound.

These dogs are loyal and devoted to their owners, but are quite aggressive towards strangers. “Winter” dogs are especially strong and angry; you should walk them with a muzzle - they can attack other dogs.

They are easy to train, brave and determined. In fights they show an accurate and lightning-fast reaction. Excellent watchmen.

The nickname is suitable for Great Danes, Caucasian and Central Asian Shepherd Dogs and Wolfhounds.

Mysticism in the name of an animal

People who are interested in astrology, numerology and mysticism know for sure that every word has its own specific vibrations. They, in turn, affect thought processes and, ultimately, affect the character of a person or pet. After all, each of us has repeatedly heard the phrase: “Tell a man twenty times that he is a pig, and on the twenty-first he will grunt in response.” As funny as this may seem, unfortunately, it is true.

The same vibration effect applies to pets. Every word addressed to him is charged with a certain energy. The more often he hears it, the more similar he will be to what is being said about him. It turns out that the truth is much more interesting than many fictions. This is how pets understand their owners - at the level of feelings and vibrations. The names of dogs and their meaning are subsequently very clearly expressed in their character. And this applies not only to dogs, but also to other animals. A striking example of this is a cat named Mir. Vladimir Putin presented it to the governor of the Japanese prefecture. But due to strict sanitary laws, the cat had to spend six months in quarantine. The pet's name speaks for itself. The animal passed the test, and its first steps in freedom were proud and decisive. What else could you expect from the World?


A common English name. In literature, these heroines, as a rule, are bearers of the ideals of purity and virtue.

Such dogs are calm, devoted to their family, and friendly.

At the same time, they are strong, brave, vigilant watchmen and protectors.

They are not aggressive towards strangers, but they are distrustful and are always ready to adequately respond to hostile actions.

The nickname suits dogs of different sizes and breeds, but most of all – long-haired ones.

Nicknames for dogs: how to choose

Have you decided to get a dog? This is very commendable, since a faithful friend will not only diversify life, but will also become everyone’s favorite. However, its appearance is associated with many troubles. This includes choosing a place to sleep and buying toys. But the biggest difficulty arises with choosing a nickname.

If you take a purebred animal with a pedigree, then everything is much simpler: most likely, you have already come up with a name for the pet. Or they gave food for thought about what letters should be present in a dog’s name. However, what if you absolutely don’t like the name or you decide to adopt a homeless puppy? There is only one thing left: give it a nickname yourself.

How to come up with a name for a dog? First of all, focus on your preferences. Also worth considering:

  • The dog's own opinion. As a rule, the pet can determine for itself which nickname it likes. So try saying a few names. If you see that the dog is interested (turned its head, waved its tail), consider this option.
  • Breed. Agree that a bulldog with the nickname Sharik looks a little ridiculous. Therefore, be sure to take this factor into account when choosing a name. Also focus on the pet's vocation. For example, short and simple names are suitable for hunting dogs, strong names for guard dogs, and soft names for companion dogs.

Saint Bernard: Pixabay

  • Ease of pronunciation . Don't give your pet a name that is too long or complicated. Dog handlers claim that dogs remember only the first syllables of their nickname. In addition, by the time you pronounce the name, the pet will already have time to commit mischief.
  • The meaning of the nickname. It is known that a name for a child is often chosen based on its meaning. Why not use this theory for dogs too? Read the meaning of different nicknames and make a choice in favor of the right one.
  • The character of the dog. Of course, it is worth taking this factor into account. Observe your pet for several days: its behavior will help you decide on a name.
  • Letters in the name . It's good if the nickname sounds simple. Dog experts also say that dogs remember better nicknames that begin with the letters b, d, f, r. But it is better to avoid the letters s, ь, x.

Choosing a name for a puppy is easier than choosing a name for an adult dog. This is especially true for animals that lived on the street, with other owners or in a nursery. They are probably used to being treated differently, so it will take time to get used to.

We’ll also tell you what to avoid when choosing dog names:

  • It is not recommended to call your pet by a human name. Most often this is done to avoid confusion. Although some people prefer to call dogs by foreign names - this is more acceptable.
  • Don't name your pet after a deceased or missing pet. It is believed that negative energy is already encoded in the name. So it's better to come up with something else.

Pekingese: Pexels

  • Don't give your dog a funny name. It might be fun at first. However, keep in mind that you will call the dog by this name not only in private, but also in front of other people.
  • Don't get carried away with pet names. It happens that people don’t like the name given to an animal, and they change it in a different way. This can confuse the dog.
  • You should not name an animal after any movie or show business stars or cartoon characters. It is believed that in this way you depersonalize your own pet. Also, at the same time, you place certain hopes on your pet. For example, when you name a dog Rex, you expect it to be as smart as the one in the popular TV series. But in reality this may not be the case at all.

Choosing a name for a dog can be difficult, but if you take into account all the recommendations, you can cope with this matter quickly. The nickname will reflect the inner world of your pet - remember this.

Don't worry if you couldn't come up with a nickname right away. It's better for the puppy to go without a name for several days than to choose the wrong one. However, you shouldn’t delay it either: the dog should get used to the nickname. So solve the problem within a few days.

Fashion trends

Recently it has become very fashionable to call dogs by the most unusual nicknames. For the owner, this is another way to “be cooler than everyone else,” but for the dog it is a real test. In pursuit of fashion, you should not forget about your four-legged friend. In addition, there is one most unpleasant pattern: fashion tends to change very quickly, but renaming a dog every time because of this is very illogical. For this reason, you should choose a nickname that you personally like, and not those around you. The name should be clear and short, then it will be convenient for both you and the pet.

On the other hand, some nicknames never go out of style. You can choose an original and unusual name, and at the same time it will only emphasize the advantages of your pet. An excellent option, for example, could be Japanese dog names. The meanings of the nicknames are given below:

  • Aiko. Literally means “beloved.” This will be an excellent nickname for a kind and gentle dog of small stature.
  • Anto. The name translates as “safe island.” It is also suitable for small breed dogs, which, despite their size, are always eager to fight.
  • Kibu is a fabulously tender name. Suitable for smooth-haired pets. Despite the fact that the nickname is translated as “tenderness,” it also personifies freedom and wayward character.
  • Chibi is a great nickname for a small and cute dog. This name suggests an eccentric character and curiosity.
  • Maya is a wonderful female nickname for a beautiful and stately dog. This name is especially suitable for collie and Austrian shepherd breeds.
  • Sento is a nickname for a large and brave dog. Translated from Japanese, it means “warlike.”


This is an affectionate, good-natured creature, loyal to its owners and reliably guarding the house, in which it is a full member of the family.

The nickname is suitable for both small and large dogs, but it is better for collies, fox terriers, miniature schnauzers, Japanese chins and Pekingese.

German Shepherd: Pixabay

It would seem that what could be easier than coming up with a name for your pet? However, in reality it turns out that it is not so easy. Every animal owner wants his pet to have an unusual and appropriate name. What dog names are especially popular? How to choose a name for a pet? Let's figure it out.

Names for Yorkshire Terrier boys

Male Yorkshire Terriers are nimble, playful and self-confident. They are often called “the gentlemen of the dog world,” so nicknames for Yorkie boys should reflect their external beauty and noble character.

Currently, the most popular nicknames in the world for male dogs of the Yorkshire Terrier breed are: Teddy, Max, Charlie, Archie, Buddy, Lucky, Rocky.

With the help of this alphabetical list, even the most inexperienced dog breeder will be able to decide what to name his Yorkshire Terrier boy:

  • A – Azur, Atoll, Agate, Atom, Ice, Alf, Armani, Akbar, Alan, Athos, Arnie, Adam, Aron;
  • B – Baron, Bars, Bublik, Bim, Bucks, Bart, Boston, Blond, Blackie, Barney, Bruce, Bruno, Bob;
  • B – Virage, Viscount, Willie, Jack, Veles, Venya, Volt, Vinny, Viscount, White, Valli, Zipper;
  • G - Count, Harold, Gizmo, Grem, Hardy, Duke, Gold, Thunder, Gray, Garik, Le Havre, Gnome, Guy;
  • D – Doric, Dean, Don, Friend, Darky, Dominic, Dax, Jerry, Danny, Diego, Drive, Dick;
  • E, Yo - Yoshka, Raccoon, Hedgehog, Eroshka, Evsey, Emelya, Euro;
  • F – Zhuzhik, Gerard, Jean, Georges, Jockey, Jacques, Zhurik, Zhemchug, Jerome, Julien, Zhostik;
  • Z – Zidane, Zigo, Zorro, Zephyr, Sunset, Zuko, Zeke, Zerro, Zak, Zorg, Zyuzik;
  • I - Igrun, Icarus, Raisin, Frost, X, Irbis, Emerald, Eastwood, Irik, Isay, Emerald;
  • K - Cupcake, Chris, King, Coconut, Casper, Conan, Cosmo, Colin, Kiwi, Kubik, Krosh, Pretzel;
  • L - Lord, Lars, Larry, Life, Luke, Lance, Buttercup, Fox, Ray, Lemon, Louis, Laurel, Luntik;
  • M - Mickey, Almond, Magic, Major, Muffin, Martin, Mario, Baby, Meteor, Micah;
  • N – Next, Nacho, Noah, Ninja, Nicky, Neil, Nathan, Nocturne, Nils, Noir, Nemo, Nord, Neo;
  • O – Ollie, Austin, Opal, Olaf, Oxford, Ozzie, Okie, Oliver, Omon, Ogonyok, Onyx, Orion;
  • P – Patrick, Prince, Pierce, Prosha, Pirate, Potap, Paul, Pudding, Pegasus, Bobblehead, Proton, Pix;
  • R - Ronnie, Richie, Roquefort, Rom, Ray, Rasmus, Rhombus, Ralph, Radar, Ramses, Rambo, Ricky, Rio;
  • S – Sir, Smile, Syoma, Sam, Strike, Sancho, Snezh, Scooter, Samson, Smokey, Smalley, Syapa;
  • T – Tix, Tony, Tosha, Time, Truffle, Timosha, Twister, Tirex, Timmy, Tisha, Tobby;
  • U - Umka, Ushastik, Uranus, Ustin, Ulan, Ugolek, Urri, Urfin, Hurricane;
  • F - Fenya, Phantom, Date, Fly, Freddie, Frank, Frant, Bassoon, Fry, Faust, Fufik;
  • X – Hulk, Hugo, Homa, Hossi, Hiro, Hobbit, Hugh, Hammer, Hunter, Ponytail, Heidi;
  • C – Tsar, Caesar, Zinc, Cent, Candied fruit, Cedric, Cyclone;
  • Ch – Chudik, Chappie, Cherry, Chaplin, Chizhik, Chus, Chuck, Chester, Genghis, Chips, Chavez, Chase;
  • Ш, Ш – Sean, Sharm, Sheik, Chic, Storm, Shustrik, Bumblebee, Shaman, Skoda, Click, Shield;
  • E - Edwin, Eden, Eddie, Extreme, Emil, Eric, Hercule, Eclair, Edward, Edik, Andy, Elf;
  • Yu - Yulik, Yumi, Eustace, Yuran, Eugene, Yurchik, Yunga, Yuks, Yupi, Yudik, Yurkhan, Yunik;
  • I am Yarik, Yasha, Yantar, Yamal, Yanis, Yakhont, Yars, Jacob, Yang, Iago, Yar, Yasik.
  • This is interesting! Some owners of Yorkshire terrier boys name them in honor of the “father of the breed” - a Yorkie named Bene. This dog lived only 6 years, but during this time he managed to win 74 prizes at various exhibitions.

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