How to wash a Chihuahua: how often to bathe, what shampoos to use

One of the most important procedures in caring for a Chihuahua is bathing. How to wash a Chihuahua correctly? After all, her health and the beauty of her coat depend on it. In addition, some similarity in the size of a Chihuahua with a cat does not at all negate the pleasure the dog receives from the water procedure.

You understood correctly - dogs, including Chihuahuas, love to swim, and there is nothing to say about swimming in a spacious bathroom or pool. The main thing is to follow safety measures and know what to wash with and when exactly. Let's talk about this now.

Skin specifics

It is a well-known fact that dogs cannot sweat. Their glands produce fatty secretion, which is the natural protection of the skin, protecting it from high humidity and getting wet. Chihuahuas are decorative pets; many owners decide not to walk them daily. Due to the constant presence in a room where the air is often dry, the Chihuahua's shedding increases. In addition, there is an increased secretion of secretions, which often leads to skin diseases - dermatitis.

Dermatitis is promoted by frequent washing with the wrong cosmetics. In particular, ordinary human soap. It dries out the skin greatly when bathing and leads to flaking. The most common skin problems are:

  • itching;
  • peeling;
  • dandruff.

Important: Dandruff and itching can be caused by parasites. Even if mini dogs are kept exclusively at home and do not go outside, they need preventive treatments for fleas, ticks and internal parasites.

The presence of dandruff is a reason to reduce the number of baths, since a systemic approach to treatment will be required, including ointments, medicinal cosmetics, and tablets.

Diseases and timely treatment

Due to the anatomical features of the Chihuahua, it is prone to a number of breed diseases:

  • eye diseases;
  • epilepsy;
  • allergy;
  • respiratory tract pathology;
  • hydrocephalus;
  • cryptorchidism;
  • hypoglycemia;
  • rheumatism.

When purchasing a puppy, you need to pay attention not only to its appearance, but also to the parents, get acquainted with the pedigree and ask the breeder about their health.

The pet should be periodically brought to the veterinarian for examination, and at the first suspicion of pathology, measures should be taken in accordance with his recommendations.

At what age can you start swimming?

Newborn Chihuahua babies have a greater reserve of subcutaneous fat than an adult dog. This is necessary to protect the dog from injury. Rules for bathing puppies:

  • For the first time the procedure is carried out no earlier than 4-6 months;
  • It is recommended to bathe puppies no more than once a month. Otherwise, there is a high risk of seborrhea and alopecia;
  • if possible, use only running water to rid the little Chihuahua of contamination;
  • Cosmetics are selected strictly according to age and coat type.

Spaying and neutering a Chihuahua

If the owner of a Chihuahua does not intend to engage in breeding work, you should think about sterilization (castration) of the pet. The operation improves the animal’s quality of life and improves its health. As a result of sterilization, not only unplanned pregnancy is excluded, but also ovarian cancer, breast tumors, and estrus. The bitch's character is changing for the better. The operation is performed at the age of 6-7 months, before the onset of the first heat.

Males are castrated at 8-9 months. After surgery, they become less aggressive, more manageable, and the chance of developing a prostate infection decreases.

Bathing rules

Proper washing ensures a shiny coat and healthy skin. It is recommended to adhere to the following bathing rules:

  • learning to bathe begins at six months;
  • It is better to carry out the procedure according to the established schedule. In this case, the dog’s skin will get used to the chosen rhythm and will be able to maintain the fat balance at the proper level;
  • The water temperature should be comfortable. The dog should not get burned or shiver from the cold;
  • It is necessary to protect the dog’s ears from water to avoid otitis media. Earplugs, a special cap or the owner’s hand will help with this;
  • Don't use cosmetics on people. Except in emergency cases;
  • it is necessary to thoroughly rinse off the remnants of the cosmetic product so that the Chihuahua cannot lick the chemicals;
  • It is better to carry out the procedure in the evening after a walk;
  • Before the procedure, the dog should not be fed so as not to overload the digestive system. After bathing, the dog is treated to his favorite treat.

If the dog experiences discomfort from the procedure or fear, it is worth limiting the number of baths as much as possible. In these cases, a damp cloth will help (it is better to use microfiber). Pet stores offer a wide range of products for dry cleaning dogs: shampoos, powders, powders. Considering the size of the Chihuahua, the consumption of such a product will not be large.

Toilet training

If the breeder has not toilet trained the babies, the new owner does this from the very first days. You need to prepare a tray with filling, diapers and newspapers. They are spread throughout the room. As soon as the puppy has emptied, his feces along with the bedding are transferred to the tray. Then you need to keep an eye on him and take him to the toilet every time as soon as he sits down to make a puddle or a pile. You cannot scold or shout if a mistake occurs. You should be patient and after a few days the result will be visible. To train the Chihuahua to use the toilet outdoors, take it for a walk every time after eating or sleeping.

How often?

Chihuahuas are bathed when they become dirty or when necessary. It is not recommended to use shampoo more than three times a year.

Important: a dog that does not spend time outside does not emit a specific odor due to pollution.

You won’t be able to combat this phenomenon by washing your dog with shampoo. The opposite result can be achieved. The glands will react to increased dryness of the skin and begin to produce even more secretion. This will cause the coat to become oily and increase the odor.

If you wash your Chihuahua less than once every six months, the coat may become matted and matted. This condition of the coat is an excellent breeding ground for pathogenic organisms. The consequence is dermatitis, lichen, alopecia and other diseases. Dirty, matted fur is very attractive to fleas and ticks.

Dry cleaning

In some cases, it is simply not possible to properly bathe a pet in order to put it in order. The reasons for this may be different. For example, some dogs that were scared as children are simply hysterically afraid of water. It happens that a dog has to go to an exhibition after a long journey, and there is simply nowhere to take a normal bath. In addition, if the apartment is cold and there are drafts, the dog should not be wetted at all - there is a risk of serious colds.

In any case, dry shampoo will come to the rescue. It is very simple to use - sprinkle the powder over the entire surface of the dog’s body and massage thoroughly so that it penetrates to the roots of the coat. After waiting a few minutes, the shampoo can be removed - the easiest way is to use a brush glove and comb your pet, removing the powder along with the accumulated dirt.

Post-swim care

Caring for your dog after the washing procedure is no less important than the process itself. Subsequent care, performed according to the rules, will ensure the beauty of the coat and help avoid colds. After washing:

  • If the dog is not afraid of a hairdryer, it is necessary to thoroughly dry the two-layer cover, which remains wet for a long time. In the cold season, it is the under-dried cover that causes hypothermia and colds;
  • For drying, use medium temperature and minimum speed;
  • the hair dryer is kept at a distance of 5-10 cm from the Chihuahua’s body;
  • start drying from the back, then move to the sides and end with the paws;
  • Next, the dog is placed on its back or placed in its arms and the belly and areas under the limbs are dried.

Chihuahuas do not like to dry their faces. You can use a rag that absorbs moisture well. During the drying process, the dog is thoroughly combed with two types of brushes: a rubber glove, and an iron brush with long teeth.

Important: the owner will make his life much easier if he starts training him to use a hair dryer from a very young age. Otherwise, you will have to sit with the dog in your arms, wrapping it in a towel until it dries completely.


You should not wash your Chihuahua with human shampoo or soap. Because of this, the microflora is disrupted, irritation, itching, and dandruff will appear. Buy shampoo and other grooming products at a pet store. When choosing, consider the type of coat.

There are special detergents for Chihuahuas. Gentle shampoo for other breeds is cheaper. It must be diluted in 3 parts water. If the product is professional, dilute it 1:10.

To maintain the beauty of the coat and protect it, it is recommended to use conditioner. It is better to choose the same brand as the shampoo.

If the animal cannot be bathed, then you can get by with a special dry shampoo. It protects against pathogenic microorganisms and does not require rinsing.

Swimming in reservoirs

Some toy dogs happily run to any natural body of water and fearlessly dive into the water. It is worth remembering that swimming in the hot season, especially in open places, can lead to burns and heat stroke.

Important: swimming in chlorinated pool water is not recommended - bleach causes irritation of the mucous membranes. If such water gets inside it can lead to poisoning.

Rules of conduct near bodies of water:

  • You should not bathe your Chihuahua in a fast-flowing river. The low weight of the dog can play a cruel joke;
  • it is important to wean your dog from drinking water from a reservoir; you should always have a bottle of clean drinking water with you;
  • for swimming, choose a beach with a minimum number of people and technical water facilities;
  • After bathing, the Chihuahua is washed with running water. Some types of plants can cause skin irritation and poisoning.

Important: you should not bathe a female in heat or a dog with an infectious or skin disease in the river.

How to wash a puppy

To protect the animal's fur from various pests, nature has awarded it with a special lubricant, which is secreted by the sebaceous glands. If you wash only with clean water without soap, the natural lubricant is not washed out. But when using soap solutions, all protection is lost. Therefore, it is necessary to choose special shampoos that are designed specifically for animal fur.

Without water procedures

In addition to bathing, dogs need daily grooming. This includes simple combing. It must be done to get rid of dust, dirt, tangled dry grass, as well as old peeling skin. During the period of seasonal molting, namely autumn and spring, there is no way to do without combing the fur. This is especially true for long-haired breeds. Large dogs, for example, a German shepherd, are best brushed outside, so as not to have to clean up the apartment with fur scattered all over the place.

In summer, in dry weather, a dusty body can be wiped with wet wipes. Or you can wet a washcloth and perform a massage, which is also beneficial for your pet’s skin. After this, wipe the fur dry with a towel. Then you can start combing. It is better to choose a metal comb with bent teeth.

What you will need

You need to stock up on these items for bath days in advance:

  1. For small breeds, a sink or basin is suitable. It is better to teach large breeds to take a bath straight away.
  2. A favorite treat to calm your dog down at the right time.
  3. Special shampoo for dogs, selected by age.
  4. Watering ladle.
  5. Several clean towels that you will only use to dry your dog. Afterwards, a person cannot use them, even if they are washed thoroughly.
  6. Brushes and combs for combing out dried wool; wet fur should not be combed.

Choosing a Shampoo

Specialized shampoos for animals are usually very different from human ones. They do not contain various flavored dyes, unknown substances that impart a strong specific odor, alkalis and other unnecessary additives. Dog detergents are made specifically for fur, not hair.

Good quality shampoos are certainly not cheap, but they last a long time, since dogs often do not wash themselves, unlike humans. Here are a few manufacturers that have proven themselves well: Hartz, Doctor Vic, 8in1, Tropiclean.

When looking for a shampoo, you need to take into account the dog's age, breed, coat type, as well as the purpose, for example, for fleas. Shampoo instructions and recommendations will help you make the right choice. Conditioners are usually purchased from the same brand and from the same line of detergent.

Briefly about the main thing

  1. It is recommended to bathe your Chihuahua no more than four times a year.
  2. It is necessary to accustom your puppy to bath procedures and a hairdryer from 6 months.
  3. They use special cosmetics, avoiding products for people.
  4. After the procedure, thorough drying and combing of the coat is necessary.
  5. For smooth-haired individuals, it is better to use a microfiber towel to avoid possible burns from hot air.
  6. Swimming in natural bodies of water is allowed, after which the dog is washed in running water.
  7. Swimming in chlorinated water is not recommended.

How do you bathe your Chihuahua? Are your pets afraid of hair dryers? What cosmetic products do you use? Tell our readers about your experience in the comments.

Raising and teaching Chihuahua commands

Before purchasing a small dog, you should learn everything about the breed, its care, training and maintenance. Despite its small size, a Chihuahua can have a very unpredictable and stubborn character, so from the first days you need to not only take care of the baby, but also raise it.

The puppy is taught not to bark for no reason, not to beg, and to sleep in its place, and not in the owner’s bed. By one and a half months he should know his nickname, by three he should follow basic commands (“No”, “Sit”, “Fu”, “Near”). It is impossible to foresee all the nuances when raising a dog, but emerging problems with character and behavior can be solved with the help of adjustments.

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