What you need to know about Chihuahuas' heat: when does it start, how often does it happen and how to care for your dog during this period

The Chihuahua is recognized as the smallest dog on Earth, whose name comes from the Republican State of Mexico (Chihuahua).

Dog handlers are convinced of the value of this breed, which has had a significant impact in the field of breeding dwarf dog breeds.

The Chihuahua has a compact body and an apple-shaped skull. The dog's character is lively and at times flexible.

The breed also has a number of advantages, including high intelligence and good health.

In this article we will talk about such a sensitive topic as Chihuahua's estrus. From it you will learn at what age these dogs start coming into heat, how often it happens and how long it lasts, as well as how to properly care for your pet during this period.

Signs of the onset of estrus

At what age does estrus begin?

The estrous cycle in Chihuahuas begins between six months and two years of age. The norm is 6-7 months, but there are often cases when the process is delayed in a dog. If your girl is not yet one and a half to two years old, don’t panic! If in doubt, take your dog to the vet.

Signs of the first heat

Have you noticed any strange behavior in your pet? It is likely that she is beginning to have “critical” days. First signs of estrus:

  1. A sharp change in character. During a difficult period for her, a Chihuahua girl can become either lethargic or overly irritable and aggressive. Especially towards other people and animals.
  2. The dog begins to mark its territory. On walks, he breaks off the leash in attempts to escape.
  3. Pale pink discharge from the loop. They may not exist, since Chihuahuas tend to lick themselves frequently.
  4. Swelling of the vulva. In the very first days, the loop increases slightly in size. Around the middle of estrus, it becomes approximately 2-3 times larger.

A certain smell is released to which male dogs react. If your dog has become popular with the opposite sex, you should know that estrus is close.

When to contact a veterinarian?

Although Chihuahuas are in good health and for the most part do not have problems with this process, in some cases it is better not to delay a trip to the veterinarian in order to prevent complications for your pet. Such signs can be identified:

  • The duration of estrus is too long - longer than 3.5–4 weeks.
  • Too much discharge.
  • Uncharacteristic discharge color and smell (but remember that during ovulation it is normal to have a slightly fishy odor).
  • Too restless, aggressive behavior of the dog. In this case, it may be necessary to prescribe mild sedatives.
  • Deviations from a stable cycle exceeding 2–3 weeks. A delay may only be normal if the dog has recently given birth or when it is already old.
  • The dog is not in heat. Menopause is not typical for our pets, so estrus usually should not stop until the death of the animal.
  • Constantly shortening intervals between heats. This may be a symptom of illness.
  • The dog is not in heat by the age of two.

Although many Chihuahua owners (especially those who have recently adopted a four-legged friend) think that this is a difficult period, they really shouldn’t be afraid of it. The main thing is to carefully monitor your health and properly care for your dog, this will allow both you and your pet to go through this period calmly and without complications.

Hidden heat

Hidden estrus is an estrus that occurs without discharge, but during it the process in the ovaries still occurs. Hidden estrus is rare, but generally does not threaten the animal in any way. Bitches in latent estrus successfully mate and give birth to healthy offspring.

How to detect hidden heat

Bitches tend to curl their tails and move them to the side during heat. This makes it easier for animals to mate. This action is called “flagging”. Lightly scratch your dog's lower back. If she flags, she is likely to have started her estrous cycle.

Alternatively, you can take your dog to the vet. He will take blood for a progesterone test. If a bitch has a low level of the hormone, there is no cycle; medium indicates estrus; high indicates the dog is pregnant.

Oestrus frequency

In their natural environment, dogs give birth to puppies once a year. In domestic breeds, estrus occurs every 6 months, but once a year is also the norm.

Sometimes hunting happens more than 2 times a year. If it occurs with uncharacteristic symptoms (blood clots, heavy odor, inappropriate behavior of the animal), consultation with a veterinarian is required.

The first heat may be asymptomatic; the animal’s body has not matured. Often the dog does not understand what is happening to it, but for an adult male there is no secret in the situation. Therefore, from the age of 4-6 months, it is useful for the owner to monitor the behavior of the pet.

The regularity of estrus is established only by 1.5 years.

How does your pet go into heat?

Veterinarians distinguish 4 stages of estrus:

  1. Proestrus is the preparatory phase. Duration – 7-10 days. The dog's loop swells, the female actively marks her territory. On the 4th day, bleeding appears. At this time, the Chihuahua is aggressive towards males, because it is not yet ready to mate.
  2. Estrus is the most important phase during which ovulation occurs. Lasts from a week to 9-14 days. Lubricant is released abundantly, the dog is ready to become a mother. She stops reacting aggressively to males and allows them to approach her.
  3. Metestrus is the final phase. Lasts a couple of days. The discharge disappears, the Chihuahua loses interest in male dogs. Progesterone levels gradually decrease.
  4. Anestrus is the period between cycles. If fertilization does not occur, the dog gradually returns to normal life until the next cycle.

How to tell if a Chihuahua is pregnant

As a rule, Chihuahuas mate in order to produce offspring. Therefore, any owner is concerned with the question of how to understand that the dog is pregnant.

Unfortunately, it is not easy to determine the pregnancy of an animal at first. Thirty days after mating, you can notice the first signs of a possible pregnancy.

The female’s mammary glands begin to swell and her belly begins to gradually grow.

Attention! The best way to determine pregnancy is the movement of the babies in the stomach, but this can be felt about two weeks before the onset of labor.

If desired, it is possible to go to a veterinary clinic, where the presence or absence of pregnancy will be determined using an ultrasound examination. During the entire period, dogs must be given special vitamin and mineral supplements.

Pregnancy in an animal lasts approximately 2 months

It is also worth paying attention to the pet’s behavior. A couple of weeks after mating, lethargy and apathy appear, the dog prefers to be constantly with the owner

Then the dog’s behavior changes again, activity and a cheerful mood appear. However, gradually the animal’s belly begins to grow, it calms down, and activity decreases. By the time of birth, the dog mostly lies in its place.

Just before giving birth, the female becomes fussy, she begins to build a nest, dragging rags into the bed. Before labor begins, the animal’s temperature drops to 36 degrees, breathing becomes frequent, and slight trembling appears. Gradually contractions begin and puppies appear.

Attention! If more than 3 hours have passed since the start of pushing and the puppies have not appeared, you must immediately contact your veterinarian.

On average, pregnancy in a Chihuahua lasts from 52 to 72 days, and from 1 to 5 puppies are born in a litter. The number of babies depends on heredity, feeding, living conditions and health of the female.

Mating of a Chihuahua is an important process in a dog’s life. It is necessary to carefully monitor the condition of the female and control periods of estrus. Before breeding dogs, you need to carefully prepare and carry out all the necessary procedures.

During mating, it is important to monitor the condition of both partners and provide assistance if necessary. If necessary, you can repeat the procedure after a couple of days.

You can determine if a dog is pregnant after about thirty days; if you wish, you can check the period with a veterinarian.

Care during heat

During the cycle, the Chihuahua needs increased attention and care. The matter concerns not only her health: bloody discharge can stain the furniture in the house if it is not noticed in time. Knowing how to properly care for a girl during her estrous cycle will help you avoid many problems.

Hygienic panties

Special panties are a useful acquisition that will protect your belongings from unwanted marks. These panties are sold in every veterinary store. As a rule, separate hygiene panties for Chihuahuas are not produced. Please inquire about product availability for miniature breeds.

There are no problems with accessibility. Another thing is that the dog tries to pull off an incomprehensible accessory. It is important to ensure that this does not happen.

Also, for security, attach a feminine sanitary pad to the inside of your panties. This will reduce the risk of infection and leakage.

Chihuahua hygiene during heat

How to keep your dog clean during her cycle:

  1. Allow the animal to run around without sanitary underpants for several hours a day. There is no need to wear them outside either.
  2. When walking, it is especially important to keep an eye on your Chihuahua. Choose places where there are fewer dogs. If you see suspicious male dogs, take the girl in your arms. Do not let her off the leash under any circumstances.
  3. Do not allow the animal to remain on cold surfaces for a long time. During heat, the dog is most vulnerable to disease.
  4. If possible, avoid walking during cold weather. Do not allow your dog to lie in puddles or sit in the snow.
  5. Keep your genitals clean. But don't put foreign objects in there. If your Chihuahua has long hair, carefully trim the hair in the genital area.

Keeping your dog clean during this time is very important; the animal is especially prone to infections during this period.

General information

The first heat is a sign that your pet has reached sexual activity.
Changes occur in the body of a Chihuahua dog. The number of sex hormones and cells increases noticeably. This affects the animal’s reproductive system; the body signals that the sexual cycle has begun. The pet is fully matured and ready for mating, pregnancy and subsequent offspring. The duration of the reproductive cycle depends entirely on the age of the female, living conditions, care and nutrition. During this period, the pet behaves unpredictably and causes a lot of trouble to its owners.

The first discharge in a female Chihuahua goes unnoticed, it is minimal, so it is easy to miss it. Keep an eye on your dog; she has been actively licking herself for several months.

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The estrus phase lasts from 20 to 23 days; each female experiences this period differently. A healthy pet goes into heat twice a year. The discharge will be heavy or weak, this is a sexual characteristic of the Chihuahua’s body, the help of a veterinarian is not required.

Problems during estrus

What possible problems should you pay attention to:

  • absence of the estrous cycle in Chihuahuas older than 2 years;
  • unnatural color of discharge (the norm is from pink to dark red);
  • copious discharge;
  • foul odor from the genitals;
  • complete absence of cycles, including in older dogs;
  • the cycle lasts longer than a month, and the frequency is more than 2 times a year.

Gynecological problems can arise from both improper care and other diseases.

All of the above may indicate the presence of serious health problems with the animal. If you notice some symptoms, do not self-diagnose. Show your pet to a specialist as soon as possible.

Diseases associated with the reproductive system of the Chihuahua:

  • endometritis;
  • pyometra;
  • breast neoplasms.

How is it going?

A Chihuahua's first heat raises a lot of questions.

Most dogs mature later than what is written about in the sources; sometimes owners do not notice the onset of heat and continue to worry about the pet’s health.

The fact is that Chihuahuas are distinguished by latent estrus, when it is difficult to catch the moment. It remains to closely monitor changes in behavior and the condition of the pet’s genitals. Signs of the onset of estrus include a swollen loop and tail abduction.

Dogs also stand out for their love of cleanliness. So much so that the owner does not notice the blood discharge, since the female regularly licks herself.


Some bitches become obsessed with attracting a partner and happily agree to their advances. Almost every exit to the street results in the dog’s desire to leave his “trace”, which will lead the suitor to the owner of the scent. The problem arises if the Chihuahua decides to choose its own home as a territory for tags.

When to breed?

Mating is carried out at stage 2 of the cycle called “estrus”, i.e. on days 9-14. By this point, the male has already been chosen, everything should be perfectly planned. Don't chance a girl with males from the street. It is better to negotiate with familiar dog breeders. If your Chihuahua is well-born, mating is carried out only with the same registered male.

The bitch must be kind to the dog. This means she is ready. But after successful mating, it doesn’t hurt to carry out a control mating after a couple of days.

Answers on questions

We answer questions from our readers.

On what day of heat should a dog be bred?

To determine the best time for mating, you need to make the right calculation. Count 10-12 days from the first day of estrus. On the 13th day is the optimal period.

It is also worth remembering that in small breeds the estrus period is slightly shorter than in large-pedigree dogs. Therefore, it is better to spend the day of mating with a male dog 8-9 days from the start of estrus.

Is it possible to sterilize dogs during heat?

You can sterilize a dog during a period of heat if it is absolutely necessary to save the animal. As a rule, veterinarians suggest waiting until the end of the menstrual cycle and only then sterilizing.

We wrote more about this here.

Dog's mammary glands become swollen after estrus

This phenomenon is normal for dogs after estrus. If a bitch has swollen mammary glands, this indicates several factors:

  1. After mating with a male dog. A clear sign of pregnancy. The dog's body is preparing to feed its offspring.
  2. If there was no mating with a male. A sign of a false pregnancy, the appearance of a tumor in the body. In any case, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

Is a spayed dog in heat?

The presence or absence of estrus in a sterilized dog depends on the castration method chosen earlier:

  1. Complete castration of the internal reproductive system - there will never be any more estrus.
  2. Tubal ligation without removal of the uterus and ovaries - the menstrual cycle will continue throughout the dog's life, but without the possibility of becoming pregnant.

Can a dog get pregnant without being in heat?

No, without the natural process of egg maturation, a dog cannot become pregnant. This is a natural process of the menstrual cycle necessary for procreation, just like in humans. Moreover, during the rest period she will not allow a male dog to be mated to her.

Why the dog is not in heat - reasons

A dog may not be in heat for several reasons. The main ones:

  • young age up to six months;
  • exhaustion or obesity;
  • use of hormonal drugs that prevent ovulation;
  • severe or prolonged stress experienced previously.

If estrus does not occur during the annual cycle, then this may indicate diseases of the internal organs: cyst, oncology, endometritis, pyometra, vaginitis and other hormonal pathologies.

Why is my dog ​​always in heat?

It is normal for a dog to go into heat twice a year. If the menstrual cycle is shortened and estrus occurs more often or longer, then this indicates a violation of the hormonal system. The causes may be stress, illness, hormonal drugs, inflammatory processes in the ovaries or uterus. To establish an accurate diagnosis and correct the cycle, you need to consult a doctor and give the dog special medications.

Why does a dog in heat get a fever?

It is normal if, during the period of estrus, the dog’s temperature rises by no more than 0.5 C. This indicates the natural process of maturation of the egg and its release from the ovaries.

If during this period you observe lethargy in the animal, the temperature rises higher, the dog refuses to eat, and discharge with a strong odor is clearly visible, then you should consult a doctor. Such symptoms indicate an infectious disease that requires surgical intervention.

Can a dog go into unscheduled heat?

Maybe. The reason for this is hormonal imbalance, diseases of the reproductive system, and inflammation in the uterus.

When can a dog be spayed after being in heat?

Surgical intervention to sterilize a dog can be performed immediately after the end of the estrus period (on the 3rd day after) or before its onset. The best time is between 7 and 9 months of age, unless you plan to have offspring from a female in the future.

Is it possible to wash a dog during heat?

Bathing a dog in a bath, washing its genitals, or allowing it to swim in open water during estrus is strictly prohibited. This can lead to viruses and infections in the genitals. The female licks herself independently, performing hygiene procedures.

If you notice dirt on the hinge after a street walk, carefully wipe it with a damp cloth. Make sure that dirt does not get inside.

Estrus in dogs is a difficult period for both the animal and the owner.

At this time, it is necessary to take precautions, cleanliness, and help the female to calmly survive ovulation. The advice from veterinarians given in the article will help you get good offspring for breeding dogs or prevent unwanted pregnancy

At what age should you breed a Chihuahua?

Theoretically, Chihuahuas can be crossed once they reach sexual maturity. It occurs with the appearance of the first heat. However, early and late mating are undesirable for the dog. However, it is much worse when the dog is not ripe for childbirth. Early mating is fraught with problems with pregnancy: the inability to carry a fetus to term, problems during childbirth. Early mating also has a bad effect on the dog’s sexual development. The optimal age for mating is 2 years. Upon reaching 2 years of age, the Chihuahua becomes a sexually mature individual, pregnancy and childbirth occur under the most favorable conditions.


To determine if your pet is pregnant, you need to be examined by a doctor or pay attention to the following symptoms:

  • sudden weight gain;
  • swelling of the mammary glands;
  • abdominal enlargement;
  • the appearance of drops of milk on the nipples.

For a more accurate determination, a test should be done using a blood test or ultrasound. Pregnancy in a Chihuahua lasts about two months. A pregnant female needs special care during this period, which includes, first of all, high-quality nutrition.

To be able to track all the changes in your pet’s condition, let’s look at the Chihuahua’s pregnancy by days and stages:

  1. For the first 23 days, nothing is visible from the dog’s behavior and appearance. Sometimes the female may become drowsy and thirsty.
  2. From 24 to 35 days, pregnancy can be determined using ultrasound. During this period, it is necessary to increase the number of feedings to three times a day, and enrich the diet with vitamins. To determine the required dose, you should consult a specialist. Proper nutrition promotes the development of puppies.
  3. 36-45 days. At this time, puppies have already formed all body systems. The dog is transferred to five meals a day and the amount of food is increased by 20%. Starting from this period, pregnant females should be especially careful, it is worth excluding active games and making sure that the pet does not get tired. If he refuses to go, it is better to pick him up.
  4. From 48-50 days there is a noticeable increase in the size of the pregnant female. During this period, you can conduct research, find out the number of puppies and feel their movements. It is necessary to change your diet and eliminate protein from your diet.
  5. Ten days before giving birth, milk may already appear.
  6. Towards the end of the pregnancy, the dog begins to prepare for childbirth: it looks for a secluded place, and may begin to dig holes. The main thing is to make sure that your pet doesn’t climb where it shouldn’t.
  7. The day before birth, the temperature drops sharply to 36 degrees, which will recover within a short time.

When to breed a pet

The first mating of a Chihuahua is permissible when the dog reaches the age of one and a half years. There should be two minutes of emptying, and the animal’s weight should reach at least 2 kg. Early mating can lead to undesirable results:

  • premature termination of pregnancy;
  • difficult childbirth;
  • the appearance of weak puppies with developmental disabilities.

A sexual partner should be selected that is compatible in age, size and temperament. Before breeding a female dog with a male dog, you need to make sure that both animals have received preventive vaccinations and are dewormed two weeks before mating.

Important! Late first mating after the age of three years is dangerous due to stillbirth due to atrophy of the dog’s reproductive system.

Estrus in a Chihuahua is a tense moment for the dog and its owner, for which you need to be prepared. If the owner has no desire to have offspring from the dog, sterilization is considered a humane measure. Each unfulfilled waste is severe stress for the dog and harms its reproductive organs.

Features of puberty of the Chihuahua

Chihuahuas are a small breed, so females tend to mature early. This is manifested by the first heat, changes in behavior, and growth of the genitals. The dog becomes more confident, often more aggressive or playful. By this time, the puppy's coat begins to change to that of an adult. The molars should also have grown in by now.

Important! Despite the changes in the body and the external similarity of a Chihuahua puppy to an adult dog, you need to remember that it is still a baby that requires special care and 4 meals a day.

Preparing a Chihuahua for mating

Although the first maturation begins at 8-10 months, a Chihuahua should be bred no earlier than 2 years, when the third cycle begins.

For successful mating, choose the 11-15th day of estrus, which is precisely when ovulation occurs.

Signs of a girl's readiness:

  • softened loop;
  • tail flicking and playful behavior;
  • light, abundant discharge.

Important! After giving birth, it is recommended to skip 1 cycle so as not to exhaust the dog. It is better to breed in the autumn-winter period - breeders believe that stronger puppies are born in cold weather.

Within 2 weeks, the Chihuahua is cleared of worms and ectoparasites. It is advisable to check the health of the female and male using tests.

Only strong and completely healthy animals, without congenital or acquired pathologies, are allowed for mating.

Also, both pets must be vaccinated against rabies, hepatitis, distemper, leptospirosis and influenza.


The main characteristics of Chihuahuas in upbringing: they are difficult to give in to; You cannot shout at them or lose your voice; require a lot of patience and perseverance.

But at the same time, small dogs also have a number of advantages: they get along well with teenagers, love to sleep next to the owner, always accompany the owner, and do not need large spaces or intensive training.

And most importantly, a Chihuahua can give its life for its owner if necessary. Could you ask for a better dog?

Games with sexual overtones

As puppies mature, they mount their brothers more and more often. This is not associated with sexual arousal in the dog, thus the baby demonstrates its superiority. During sexual games with cages, the gender of his fellow puppy does not matter; the object can be both females and males. Fluffy animals are especially attractive to children. For example, puppies of Caucasian Shepherd Dogs, St. Bernards, and Newfoundlands are extremely attractive to their brothers before their first molt.

During puberty, dogs show interest in the opposite sex. Males begin to react to females, and vice versa. The stimulus here is the odors emitted by animals. Bitches in heat become especially attractive to male dogs. During teenage sexual games, the mounting position is not particularly important; it is done from the side, front, and back. Adult experienced bitches will no longer allow such liberties. A dog who does not know what to do will be driven away, in some cases quite harshly. But it is precisely such moments in the future that shape the sexual behavior of the male. If a male dog does not learn how to make proper cages on his own, he will not be able to mate.

Cycle timing

Dog menstruation follows a floating schedule. This is because the start and end dates constantly shift throughout the year. Without regular records, it becomes impossible to track the real state of affairs.

How many days does it last

On average, bitches are in heat for 20-22 days. The duration is influenced by the following factors:

  1. Season. In spring and summer the duration is longer than in autumn and winter. This factor loses its relevance if the animal is kept at home and not on the street.
  2. Conditions of detention. If you have several animals of different sexes, then menstruation will be early and long. Sexual maturity occurs early in such cohabitants, so be prepared to protect your pet from unwanted pregnancy.
  3. Breed. The smaller the pet, the shorter the duration of its sexual cycle.
  4. Age. The duration of estrus gradually decreases with age. Despite this, animals give healthy offspring up to 6 years of age.
  5. Activity. Menstruation lasts the longest in dogs that prefer a sofa lifestyle.

Consider the characteristics of your pet to plan or avoid future mating. Fluctuations in the cycle until the bitch is 1.5-2 years old are normal and should not cause concern.

What is the frequency

Responsible owners need to know how often dogs go into heat. This helps to protect against damage to furniture and other unpleasant consequences.

The average frequency of estrus in dogs is once every six months. In native northern breeds, menstruation occurs once a year, and in shepherd dogs and Rottweilers - every 4 months. For domestic animals, pustovka occurs during the cold seasons, while for those living on the street, it occurs only in the summer.

Deviations include situations when the period between the end and the beginning of discharge lasts more than 8 months or is less than 4 months. At this frequency, it is recommended to be examined at a veterinary clinic.

First heat and its features

A dog's first heat begins at 6-12 months. The exact time depends on the breed of the animal. In rare cases, it occurs for 1.5-2 years. If by this time the discharge has not appeared, contact the veterinary clinic.

The duration of the first empty space is the shortest and can be about a week. In representatives of large breeds, the signs are weakly expressed, and ovulation may not occur. Also, in young animals, a small amount of purulent discharge is allowed. This phenomenon is called juvenile vaginitis and goes away on its own after the end of menstruation.



During the first 20 days after mating, pregnancy is difficult to detect. The main features are:

  • thirst;
  • excessive sleepiness;
  • fatness.

Noticeable signs appear by the 30th day of pregnancy. At this moment, the dog becomes more careful and may not allow people to approach him.

In weeks

Chihuahua pregnancy can be divided into three main stages:

  1. The first stage is “preparatory”. It lasts about three weeks after mating. At this time, no serious changes occur in the dog’s body; it feels and behaves the same as before mating. However, at this point she sleeps and drinks a lot, and may show apathy or excessive activity.
  2. The second stage begins approximately a week after the end of the first, that is, four to five weeks after mating. Then the mother’s fertilized egg is implanted into the walls of the uterus, and its development begins. Behavior changes dramatically. She gets tired quickly, sleeps a lot, moves slowly and may not let her near her stomach. At this time, you need to protect her from stress, since any trouble can harm both the mother and the fetus.
  3. At the third stage, by the sixth week of pregnancy, the veterinarian will be able to find the puppies by palpating the dog’s belly; in another ten days the number of puppies will already be visible on an ultrasound. The dog quickly gains weight, sleeps for a long time, and its mammary glands swell. A few days before birth, colostrum appears.

It is important to remember that at the last stage, any active games and long walks are strictly contraindicated for the dog. Instead, you need to build a temporary bed for her with high sides, where the expectant mother can lie with the puppies.

How long do pregnant women last?

Typically, the entire pregnancy of a Chihuahua takes from 57 to 66 days. The more puppies in the womb, the less time will pass before birth. If the pregnancy drags on, most likely there will be only one baby.


False pregnancy occurs in an unmated female dog that exhibits all the signs of pregnancy. The main cause of this condition is the excessive secretion of a special hormone.

In this state, the dog may begin to prepare a nest for itself and be careful in its movements, but it will soon turn out that it has no puppies.

If you suspect a false pregnancy, you should definitely show your pet to a veterinarian. Only he can prescribe the right remedies. Sometimes this condition can be caused by problems in the body, which also requires the intervention of a doctor.

Dog behavior

During pregnancy, your dog's behavior may change. This is due in particular to the unusual state for her and changes in her body.

Many changes depend on the dog:

  • Some become more affectionate, but cautious.
  • Some show no signs of pregnancy at all.

In rare cases, a bitch may become overly active - in which case she should be seen by a doctor, as this is not a typical condition for a pregnant dog.

The dog may refuse to eat due to severe toxicosis.

How and what to feed?

In the first half of pregnancy, the dog's diet does not change. Then the amount of food doubles and the number of feedings increases up to 3-5 times per day.

First of all, you need to take care of calcium in the dog’s body, since all of it is used to build the skeleton of babies. To do this, you need to include fermented milk products and low-fat cottage cheese in your diet, and you can use calcium supplements.

Important! All surplus in feeding the dog will be used for the development of puppies, so you should not overfeed the dog - later it may not be able to cope with the birth of large puppies.

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