What to do if your Husky puppy bites? Let's understand the problem

An adult dog bites: what to do

Owners of adult pets often wonder what to do if a dog bites its owner. The problem, as a rule, arises if the puppy was not raised, and in his perception there are no concepts of “bad” and “good”.

If your dog is showing aggression, this can be a real problem. First of all, you need to avoid situations in which your pet might bite. If he does cause pain, you need to cry out loudly and show your distress with all your appearance so that the animal understands what it did wrong. As practice shows, this is enough for the dog to stop misbehaving.

Methods of influence

Not all dog owners can raise a growing pet correctly. As soon as a pet starts biting during play, it is already an obstacle. Certain recommendations must be followed:

  1. It is necessary to avoid those games in which the puppy may accidentally bite the owner.
  2. If the dog bites the owner during play activity, then the jaw must be opened very carefully. You cannot punish your pet physically.
  3. The pet is good-natured towards all residents of the house. If it turns out that the puppy bit the owner, then you can pretend that it is incredibly painful. It is even recommended to pretend that the person is crying, after which he quietly leaves the puppy. He will understand that he has caused pain to the owner and this should not be done.
  4. The pet does not immediately perceive the person as a leader, and therefore does not obey him. This often happens due to improper upbringing. Training the puppy will help establish the dominant role of the owner. The pet will not bite during play and without reason.

Many argue that a barking puppy cannot bite a person, but in reality it all depends on age, gender and breed. If your pet begins to bare its teeth and bark loudly, then you need to look menacingly into its eyes, showing your importance.

Why training doesn't work

Regularity is important for training; a lot depends on your patience and ability to correctly convey to your pet what you want.

  1. Not only rigor is important, but also encouragement.
  2. If you can’t succeed in training, just contact a specialist, after 2 months you can calmly continue independent studies, and you will know exactly how to properly structure training with your dog.
  3. The pet should have its own place where it can go and no one will touch it.
  4. When punishing, do not use force or very loud screams, so as not to scare.
  5. Get your way without giving in, demand obedience and execution of commands, otherwise you will end up with a “little manipulator” by showing weakness.

What if the puppy bites?

If you decide to get a puppy, and your choice falls on the Husky breed, then you should consider several important aspects. This breed was selectively bred, that is, initially these dogs were only sled dogs, and today they are, in most cases, human companions. Huskies are great for families with small children; they will be excellent guards and will never harm a child. Their character is flexible and kind. If you choose between a boy and a girl, then the cables are calmer, unlike females; girls of this breed have a cunning character and are more active.

Features of breeds

Before getting a puppy, you should familiarize yourself with some features of the breeds. The fact is that you can stop pets from biting on your own, without the help of dog handlers. Each breed has its own characteristics.


If a person decides to get a dog, choosing the Husky breed , you should know several aspects of education. The character of these puppies is quite kind and flexible. When choosing between a girl and a boy, you should choose the cable one, because they are calmer.

From childhood, babies of this breed are active and playful. They love to spend time with their owners, but there are times when accidental bites occur. You need to figure out why huskies bite:

  • hunter instinct;
  • teeth are being cut;
  • desire to play.

Many people think that only small dogs bite more often, but this is far from true. Owners need to know what to do in order to stop their puppy from biting. The main thing to understand is that you cannot teach your pet to bite, even in a playful manner.

You need to show the puppy that the person is the master of the house. All games must be started by the owner so that the dog does not manipulate the situation. A person should always leave the house first. This is how the pet will understand that it is not the leader.

Disadvantages and difficulties

Breed disadvantages include:

  1. Stubbornness and willfulness (like all northern dogs, Huskies love freedom, although they are used to living side by side with humans);
  2. Tendency to dominate in the family (the breed is a sledding breed, its representatives have worked for centuries in a pack, where it is important to show leadership qualities in order to become a leader);
  3. Tendency to run away (vagrancy is one of the main disadvantages of northern hunting and sled dogs);
  4. Strong hunting instinct (any bird or small animal in the eyes of a Husky is prey);
  5. Intolerance of loneliness (the pet constantly needs human attention);
  6. Dogs love to dig and chew;
  7. The need for high physical activity;
  8. Twice heavy molting (in spring and autumn);
  9. The breed is not suitable for beginners and requires training;
  10. Not suitable for security.

Do adult dogs bite?

Huskies are not inclined to show aggression and are friendly towards people. It is unlikely that a husky bite someone , but due to its rather large size, active contact games can be dangerous for a child or small animal (for example, a cat). Your pet can harm (injure or frighten) your baby without meaning anything bad. Therefore, it is important to teach your dog the rules of behavior from childhood.

An adult husky may become aggressive if:

  • she is in severe pain;
  • she suffered serious psychological trauma in the past;
  • she was deliberately raised, teaching attack and tough defense (this cannot be done in the case of a husky , since the dog’s psyche may not be able to withstand it, and the animal will become uncontrollable).

If you take such a dog into your home, you must understand what you will encounter. A dog that has been traumatized or trained to show aggression is a difficult pet. Most often, it takes a lot of time to correct the aggressive behavior of such an animal, and it is not a fact that the efforts will be crowned with success. to wean a husky that has encountered injustice and human malice from biting.


In order for a dog to respond well to training and education, it is necessary to begin these trainings from childhood. Also, suppress all bad habits in young puppies so that they do not develop into big problems in the future. All achievements should be praised, and misdeeds should be punished. The most important thing is to give your pet as much time and attention as possible.

How to stop howling?

This is a fairly common occurrence among dogs. This is especially common among husky dogs. You won't be able to completely wean your pet off of this. In order for the dog to not howl so often, it needs to be exhausted with walks.

REFERENCE! You can try to scold the dog and say that this is impossible. Unfortunately, howling is one of the characteristics of this breed.

Make you howl

Huskies do not need to be forced to howl or forced to do this in any way. Since this is one of the characteristics of the dog, it will begin to howl on its own. She can howl when she is having fun, so you can play with her and, perhaps, in the very process of playing you can hear her howl.

How to calm down?

In order for your pet to calm down, you need to figure it out and understand what he wants. If he pulls and whines towards the door, then most likely he wants to take a walk or relieve himself. If the dog brings the owner a toy and runs around, then you need to play with him. You need to learn to understand your animal.

Stop biting

The two main reasons for this problem are:

  1. At two months, babies begin to cut their teeth.
  2. The ancestors are wolves.

The owner’s games can also lead to this, when he waves his legs and thereby allows himself to be bitten. In the future, the dog will consider them toys. To wean your pet from this, you need to purchase special toys so that he chews them.

Stop chewing on everything

To wean your pets from such a bad habit, which spoils not only furniture, but also things, you need to give your puppy toys that he can gnaw and bite. Then the puppy will be able to massage his gums, as small children do. Such a toy, for example, could be a rubber ball with pimples .

Make friends with huskies

The Husky breed is very friendly, but it may happen that the pet that appears first will not accept the new one and will snap or, even worse, bite.

Advice! If you bring a new dog into a house where a husky already lives, keep an eye on them for the first few days. Send them to sleep in different rooms, locking the dogs out. While walking, try to make them friends through common games and affectionate words.

If the dogs categorically do not want to become friends, then contact a professional dog handler who, in a few sessions, will pacify both dogs and accustom them to each other’s company.

Stop pulling on the leash

Weaning your pet from pulling on a leash is quite a difficult task. To do this, you need to take your dog to a behavior specialist. Most often this happens due to the fact that the pet wants to go to a completely different place than its owner; in addition, strong pressure on the pet’s neck can affect it, and it may simply be painful. In any case, if the dog does not listen to you, go to professional training lessons.

Train to walk without a leash

Since the Husky is easy to learn and amenable to training, solving this problem will be easy. To do this you should say: “Nearby!” - and the dog must stand next to the owner. This task is considered one of the most difficult for a dog. Practice with a leash first, otherwise the dog may run away.

Learn to ride in a harness

By their origin, these animals are considered mounts, so this will not be so difficult. To do this, even an untrained dog needs to fasten a leash to the collar and stand on small, light skis or a sled. The animal begins to pull the sled or skis instinctively.

How to teach singing?

At first it may seem unrealistic and fantastic, but it is quite real. To make your pet sing, you need to turn on the music and start howling a little. Or use collective singing; in such a situation, the pet may also begin to sing along.

Teach to talk

The most common words a husky can say to a patient owner are “yum-yum” and “mama.” If a dog whines when music is playing, it means it can repeat the words.

What to do if a dog bites relatives

It is necessary to distinguish between when a dog is showing aggression towards someone and when it is simply playing. When biting in a friendly manner, animals do not use their teeth with all their might, but only lightly bite the enemy. They can make deep sounds that do not sound like growls.

It’s another matter if the dog begins to show aggression towards a relative: he growls or barks loudly, bares his teeth, his fur stands up. In these cases, it is necessary to take the pet away, after putting on a muzzle. You cannot punish the dog, but you must strictly explain that such behavior without reason (without protecting yourself, property or the owner) is unacceptable.

To avoid trouble while walking, it is necessary to socialize the dog. She must react calmly to other people and animals - for this, from puppyhood, walks are undertaken in areas with a concentration of other dogs, crowded parks and squares.

The principles of behavior in the circle of relatives should be instilled in the pet using the same methods as in relation to humans. A dog who knows the commands well will avoid a quarrel with another individual by obeying the owner.


This is more typical for puppies. Having played out, they do not hear, therefore they do not react in any way to voice commands. You can turn off his attention by showing him a toy, turning away from your pet, without reacting to him. When the dog understands that the game is over and the owner is not paying attention to him, he will calm down.


You cannot punish - this can lead from the game to aggression. If the animal expects punishment, it will become even more overexcited, and it will not be easy to calm it down.

If the pet is in an excited state for a long time, you can fasten the leash, give a treat, and switch the animal’s attention to other, calmer activities.

How to stop a dog from jumping on its owner

First, you need to pay attention to how the dog behaves before jumping. You should remember what position she takes, which side she stands on, and so on. The next time you notice your dog wanting to jump, turn your back to him. Then sit down, turn to face your pet and pet him. You should not get angry, since such behavior in most cases indicates joy in meeting the owner or respect for him. Aggression will only put the animal into a stupor.

If the dog does jump, you should not hit him. When angry, the dog will begin to bite or try to knock over the person.

Educating while playing

Toddlers are the same children; they require not only attention and care, but also educational games. During games, they forget themselves and are capable of biting not only the hands, but also other accessible areas of the body.

At the moment when the puppy aims to bite you or has bitten you, exchange a toy with him.

During active games, do not focus on the bite; play only with balls, ropes and other toys. If your baby starts biting his hands, just stop playing and don't let him return to it for a while.

Gradually try to stop all contact only with a strong bite, then with a medium bite and then with the smallest bite. When imitating a cry, it is important not to overact, otherwise the husky will think that you, on the contrary, are encouraging him to play even more.

Place your hands on your chest and move your head sideways, then lift your head up. What will it mean for the dog, I don’t want to communicate with you, if the baby accepts your actions and calms down, then you can continue the game.

The owner of the house is the leader of the pack

Remember the most important rule - you are the owner of the house and in the eyes of your pet you must be the leader of the pack, only then will he begin to obey you. Never let your dog drool while you are eating at the table. The owners eat first, and then it’s the pet’s turn. You must be first in everything, if you go for a walk, then go out the door first, and then the dog, also when returning home.

The owner should be the first to start playing with the dog and under no circumstances should Huskies be taught to initiate play. This way, the Husky will understand that according to the hierarchy you are the leader of the pack and will understand its social position.

Huskies and their education

The easiest way to stop a puppy from biting is at an early age. When the baby bites as if on purpose and bites your fingers or palm, pick it up and scream loudly, simulating pain, then leave your pet alone for a while and visually ignore him for an hour or two. Also, after the puppy has bitten you, you can lightly press him to the floor or lift him by the withers and say “ugh”, “no”. Thus, the pet will understand that after being bitten they either leave him alone, without paying due attention, or show force by pressing him to the floor. Such techniques should be carried out regularly until the number of bites during play is reduced to zero.

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If a person cannot teach a puppy to bite on their own, then it is imperative to seek help from a dog handler. You should not refuse to train your dog if it is a smaller breed. Experts recommend observing the behavior of puppies and their mother. They claim that she herself can correct the behavior of children by teaching them to behave well.

Whenever you get another bite from a domestic woolly crocodile, breathe deeply and remind yourself: this period will end one day

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