3 Best Ways to Toilet Train a Chihuahua Fast

Every new puppy owner will have to think about how to toilet train a Chihuahua. Otherwise, the owner and his household will constantly come across piles and puddles left anywhere by the dog. There are two potential places for a pet to relieve itself: at home and outside. You will learn about the tricks of toilet training a puppy in any conditions in this article.

How to toilet train a puppy at home

It is necessary to start toilet training your puppy at an early age (from 8 weeks). The pet will not acquire the skill in one or two times, so it will take a long time. The older the dog, the more difficult it is to train it.

It is necessary to observe the puppy, understand the signs when he “tells” that he wants to go to the toilet. It is recommended to take your pet outside every 2 hours.

If your Chihuahua goes to the toilet in the designated area, you should give the pet a treat. The main sign that the dog wants to go to the toilet is that the Chihuahua sniffs and sits down.

The puppy is taught to go to the toilet at home - trained to use the litter box. It is necessary to purchase a product with low sides. A newspaper, a disposable diaper, and car mats, which dogs especially love, are placed in the tray. The pet will not like the option with a mesh. The main thing in the process is to be patient. Before going to the toilet, the dog becomes fussy, looks for a suitable place, and spins around. When the above signs appear, you need to carefully pick up the puppy and place it in the tray. It is important to explain that things should not be done on the floor in the room.

If your baby goes to the toilet on the sofa, you need to take a cloth, blot it with urine and put it in the tray. In this case, next time he will follow his scent. It is important to remove the smell from the carpet, otherwise the puppy will continue to go there. Use any cleaning agent containing chlorine. It is possible that the litter box is dirty, so the pet does not go there.

When a puppy pees on the carpet, it must be moved to a separate room where there will be no carpets or rugs (cover the carpet with newspapers and absorbent diapers). Place a tray in the room. The sides should be as low as possible so that the puppy can easily climb on. If your pet makes a puddle in another place, you need to blot it with a newspaper (rag) and put it in the tray. Gradually the covered area should be reduced.

It often happens that a Chihuahua shits next to the litter box. In this case, you need to carefully take it to the appropriate place to relieve yourself. If the baby continues to pee next to the tray or diaper, he must be strictly reprimanded (no shouting allowed). When a Chihuahua goes to the toilet in the tray, you need to praise the pet and encourage it. There are times when the puppy simply does not have time to reach the allotted place. In this case, install an additional tray, this will avoid the appearance of new puddles.

Dogs love to mark territory. To stop marking furniture and walls, you need to buy an Antipis Repeller at a pet store. The necessary areas are treated with the product; the smell drives away dogs. It is necessary to tell the puppy in a stern voice that it is impossible (it is important not to scream, otherwise the puppy will be scared), ignore the baby for a while.

When the puppy regularly goes to the litter box at home successfully, you should praise it and give it a treat. The baby will understand that he did the right thing, and next time he will try to please the owner (earn approval). By the age of six months, male dogs can raise their paws when going to the toilet. It is important to monitor this and also purchase a special tray with a column. If the male does not raise his paw, it is necessary to wrap the post with a diaper.

For a diaper

Pet stores sell disposable and reusable diapers that can teach your pet to go to the toilet in one place. It is easy to get used to a diaper: it is laid in a tray, it is convenient because it absorbs liquid and unpleasant odor well. The product is made of durable material and has a sticky bottom layer that allows you to securely attach it to the floor or in a tray. It is convenient to use the diaper when transporting by car or carrying. Pet stores offer diapers with different scents (this will allow you to choose your pet’s favorite scent).

As a rule, small puppies are taught to walk in a diaper. Those who grow up are weaned off it and prepared for the streets. Every two hours (after each feeding and sleep) the Chihuahua is taken outside. If the dog succeeds, it needs to be praised and encouraged.


It becomes easier to toilet train your puppy at home if you position him with easy access to him. It is important that the Chihuahua feels calm and comfortable.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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Be sure to monitor your pet's behavior. Having noticed the Chihuahua's preference for another area of ​​the apartment, it is advisable to equip an additional toilet there.

Dogs instinctively choose, when defecating, the border of the developed territory. Taking into account such features, it is recommended to initially place the tray or place the diaper next to the balcony or room door.

Often the dog is attracted to secluded places, such as the bathroom. If she goes there constantly, then the pallet is moved to this room. The door is left ajar.

Outdoor toilet

Chihuahuas are trained to use the toilet outside if they plan to walk them constantly or if the breeder lives in a private (country) house. The baby is taken outside for the first time no earlier than 3 months of age. The pet must receive the required vaccinations, wait out quarantine (two weeks), and be treated with medications against fleas, ticks and other parasites. The puppy is walked on a leash, since the breed is very small, it can be offended by a dog or cat.

You need to go outside more often (at least 5 times). It is advisable to take with you the diaper that the baby used to go to the toilet at home, as the smell will help you understand why he was taken outside. If successful, the puppy is praised and treated. Over time, the diaper needs to be reduced (cut off piece by piece). As a result, the puppy must do its business outside on its own after the diaper. When the puppy is 6 months old, walking him 3 times a day will be enough. In some cases, it is possible that a diaper will not help your baby relieve himself. Here you can give the following advice: take your pet to the feces of other animals.

Sometimes the baby begins to be afraid of the street and asks to be held. In general, this is not recommended, but sometimes you can briefly pick up the baby in your arms and put him back on the ground. Until your pet goes to the toilet, don’t bring him home. Boys are taken outside more often and walk longer than girls (they relieve themselves faster).

You should pay attention to the air temperature and weather conditions - you must not allow the animal to become hypothermic or overheated.

Defining tasks

Being tasked is one of the most basic behaviors you need to teach your puppy. Nobody wants to have a dog that constantly thinks that the house is its bathroom. While you can potty train a Chihuahua of any age, the sooner you start potty training your puppy, the better. Between 6 and 12 months of age, a Chihuahua's brain develops rapidly, making it much easier for them to learn new skills.

The most important part of training your Chihuahua to pee outside is to be patient. It will take time for your puppy to master this skill. Remember that these amazing little dogs are stubborn as hell, so they will be more difficult to train than other dogs. Keep in mind that Chihuahuas do not respond well to punishment or scolding, this hurts their feelings and can slow down their progress.

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Should I scold and how?

If a dog does its business not in a potty and diaper, but on the floor, it needs to be scolded. This must be done when the owner directly caught him at the crime scene. Otherwise, the dog will not understand why he is being scolded. It is necessary to scold the puppy in a stern voice, repeating the word “no” several times. However, you should not shout loudly or physically punish. He may become cowardly and will be afraid of his owner. Praise and tasty treats work much better.

Thus, it is very important to toilet train your pet. And you need to start this as early as possible, because after two years it is almost impossible to train a Chihuahua to a litter tray, diaper or outdoors. If you can’t instill this skill, you can consult with other breeders or specialists.

Punishments and rewards

Professional breeders advise using only humane toilet training methods. Chihuahuas are excellent psychologists, they perfectly sense the mood of the owner and distinguish the intonation of the voice. Dog handlers recommend using facial expressions, sounds and commands during the learning process.

For example, if the puppy is preparing to sit on the “potty” in the wrong place, click your fingers and say with a menacing look, “You can’t!” You should immediately pick up the animal and take it to a specially designated toilet area. When intimate matters are done, give the dog a piece of a well-deserved treat, praise with a kind word, and pat him on the head. The animal will not miss the next benefit for itself, so it will strive to relieve itself in a strictly established place.

As for inhumane methods of education, it is not recommended:

  • emotionally scream at the animal;
  • use physical force, beat;
  • poke the culprit's nose into the excrement.

Such actions will instill fear of people on a subconscious level in the puppy and develop self-doubt. He may not understand why he is scolded for the natural biological needs of the body, so he will avoid the owner. It is likely that subsequent acts of defecation will be carried out unnoticed in a secluded corner of the apartment. Such methods will only bring negative aspects to your relationship with your pet.

It is pointless to engage in educational work 10 minutes after bowel movement due to short-term memory. The dog will consider the punishment insulting and groundless in relation to itself, therefore the “criminal” should be caught at the scene of the “crime”.

It is possible and necessary to punish for mistakes. As a punishment, a temporary restriction of free space can be applied, for example, putting him in an artificial enclosure, or commanding him and putting him in his place! Complete ignoring for 1 hour, in some cases, has a positive effect. Use your imagination, but do not use sadistic methods of education.

Analyze why your puppy pees and poops in the wrong place. Perhaps the toilet is too small and inconvenient for the baby? Or maybe he doesn’t have time to run? Or does the smell of past feces on the floor beckon?

Dogs determine the toilet by smell, so if the puppy has emptied on the rug and the smell persists, it will probably return next time to lay another “larva.” Enzymatic cleaners effectively eliminate odors and remove urine stains from any surface. They are harmless to humans and animals. I recommend:

  1. Nature's Miracle Pet Stain & Odor;
  2. Binatec Ultizym Universal;
  3. Mr. Fresh;
  4. OdorGone.

On the contrary, cleaning products containing ammonia and chlorine will attract attention.

Among the folk remedies, solutions of potassium permanganate, vinegar, iodine (10 drops per liter of water), soda with hydrogen peroxide can help eliminate the smell of urine.

Selecting a location

Training a Chihuahua dog to go to the toilet in a certain place in the house is not that difficult. The main thing is to promptly remove dog waste products, as they quickly begin to spread an unpleasant odor throughout the apartment. This is especially true for boys. In uncastrated male dogs, urine has a specific pungent odor.

To teach your dog to visit a diaper or litter box without any problems, you should take care in choosing a place. This should be a corner accessible to the pet. Most often, dogs prefer to relieve themselves, so to speak, on the border of territories, for example, near the door or at the exit to the balcony. Therefore, it would be the right decision to place the tray in this particular place.

If the Chihuahua has chosen another corner for its needs, then it is recommended to place the toilet there.

The most suitable places for a dog toilet are a bathroom, balcony, corridor, hallway. It is better if the tray is placed in a secluded corner. Don't place the litter box near where your dog eats. Chihuahuas are clean animals and will not defecate where food bowls are located.

Possible difficulties

It happens that certain problems arise during the learning process

dogs of cleanliness.

Vocalizes on the sofa or bed

In such a situation, the owner must think about why the dog behaves this way. Maybe he doesn't like the litter box

, it is inconvenient or unstable, or the smell repels, the location chosen for the location of the dog restroom is unsuccessful. Then offer a new location for natural needs, and also limit access to upholstered furniture.

Relieving himself on the carpet

If a sneeze once fell on the carpet

, then this can become a bad habit, from which it is very difficult to wean your dog. That is why, before purchasing a four-legged friend in the house, it is recommended to remove carpets completely until the baby learns to keep clean.

To discourage your pet from using the carpet as a latrine, you need to cover it completely with bedding. After a few days, remove the carpet, leave the absorbent pads and gradually reduce them one by one.

Emptying by

Some owners are faced with a situation where the puppy is already accustomed to keeping order, but periodically a pile or puddle appears next to his toilet. In this case, observe the pet, is it comfortable? Maybe the container is too small, then it needs to be replaced with a larger one, or take the maximum size of the absorbent diaper and place two side by side.

Male marks indoors

After approximately 10-11 months, male dogs begin puberty, as a result of which many begin to leave marks

. This feature is inherent in nature, but when it marks on walls, furniture and other vertical surfaces, owners find themselves looking for a way to get rid of the problem.

We can recommend the following:

  • Walk more with your pet, giving him the opportunity to realize his natural characteristics.
  • Use repellent sprays, spraying them on favorite places for marks.
  • Lock in an enclosure while the owners are away or at night.
  • Purchase a special device with a post.
  • Pay attention to raising your shaggy companion from puppyhood - he must understand that the main thing in the house is the owner and his family members. If the dog considers himself to be in charge, then he will consider the territory of the home to be his own, which means he will mark it.
  • If the problem cannot be solved by the above methods, then you can resort to radical measures - castration.

Chihuahuas are notoriously difficult to train. As much as you love your little dog, toilet training can be just as difficult. This is one of the reasons why these tiny pets sometimes end up in shelters. Train it with patience and consistency and your chi will go to the toilet properly.

Diaper training methods

Absorbent diapers are sold everywhere, they are inexpensive, but given that the animal, especially in childhood, defecates several times a day, buying diapers becomes very expensive. Therefore, reusable options have become more popular lately.

Getting your dog used to a diaper is the easiest way. As soon as the puppy appears in the house, it is recommended to spread diapers throughout the apartment so that the new pet does not stain carpets and furniture. You can understand that a dog wants to go to the toilet by the following signs:

  • the animal spins around itself;
  • sniffs the place where he plans to relieve himself;
  • whines uncertainly;
  • sits down backwards.

As soon as the owner notices this behavior, you should loudly say “No!” and take the puppy to the diaper. When a canine baby goes to the toilet and is diapered, it is important to praise him and give him a treat. In the future, the dog will understand how easy it is to get a tasty reward and achieve affection from the owner. At first, be prepared for the bewilderment of a puppy who went to the toilet anywhere and did not receive a treat for it, as well as for mistakes.

It is believed that Chihuahua boys go to the toilet more often than girls, but in general this issue is quite individual. It all depends on the diet, living conditions, and health of the pet. To accustom your dog to a diaper, you can calculate in advance at what time of day the pet usually sits down to satisfy its natural needs. To do this, you can keep a special notebook and make appropriate notes.

However, it is important to consider that the older the dog gets, the less often he goes to the toilet . Already upon reaching six months of age, the Chihuahua will urinate 6-7 times less often, and the process of defecation will be reduced by 3-4 times.

To facilitate the process of accustoming a dog to a diaper, it is recommended to limit its free space in the first days of its appearance in the house. For example, you can leave the animal in the room where the diaper is located. Then the new pet will not get confused in the new place and will find the toilet faster. If it is not possible to isolate the puppy, then you need to place diapers in each room.

When the dog becomes an adult, it will already get used to going to the toilet exclusively on a diaper, and then the number of such “bedding” can be reduced to one. If the dog has chosen a certain place for himself where one of the diapers is located, but this corner seems unsuitable to the owner, then you can gradually move the dog toilet by about 10 cm per day to the desired place.

Dogs usually go to the toilet based on smell. If “toilet scents” are coming from another source, then perhaps the puppy will relieve itself right next to this place. If his last mistake was not removed in time, then the dog will probably mistake this smelly corner for his permanent toilet. Therefore, it is always important to leave the dog in your field of vision in order to get rid of its “surprises” in time.

For cleaning, you can use detergents and odor absorbers.

When the owner leaves home, the animal can be placed in a special home enclosure. There should be a diaper placed inside, bowls of water and food, and toys left. This method will allow you to accustom the dog to a diaper during those hours when the owner, due to work, is not able to deal with this issue.

Nuances of choosing a toilet for a Chihuahua

The toilet issue interests all novice breeders. It is customary to use the following as a toilet for a Chihuahua:

  • absorbent mats (reusable or disposable diapers);
  • specialized tray for small breeds of dogs;
  • amenities in the courtyard of a private or multi-story building;
  • old newspapers and fabrics.

If old newspapers and fabrics are rarely used by experienced breeders, despite their cost-effectiveness, then other options are widely used due to their hygienic advantages.

Of course, not every yard of an apartment building should be defecated, especially on children's playgrounds, but in specialized dog areas - please. Collect feces in a bag and throw it into a special container. Use common sense and keep things clean.

Most people prefer to organize a toilet room for their dog in their apartment. Of course, this solution saves the owner from periodically walking the pet outside on a daily basis. But there are also disadvantages:

  • the smell of feces persists in the room;
  • regular cleaning of “works of art”;
  • There may be cases of unintentional blunder.

Based on this, many people prefer to place the toilet on a covered loggia or balcony in order to protect themselves from the natural smell of the restroom. If this is not possible, then the best place would be the hallway, or the bathroom or toilet room. Provide unobstructed access.

Swaddles have been practiced by owners for a long time. This option is quite troublesome and costly. The cost of disposable absorbent diapers is about 20 rubles per piece. Today, reusable diapers are more popular because they save money.

But the most economical option is a tray. The product is made of plastic, it is easy to care for, and serves faithfully for many years. But at the initial stage of learning, it may not be possible to do without diapers.

What should a tray be like? Are there any significant differences between the products for boys and girls? You won't believe it, but it must be dog-sized, comfortable and roomy in size! The tray for males is equipped with high sides mounted in a column imitating a tree (bush). For girls, there is no need for a column.

Pet stores offer specialized trays for small breeds of dogs for every taste and design solution, even with artificial turf as bedding. Price tags from 1500 rubles. The most preferable specimen is one with a double bottom.

Features of using the tray

The tray is a more economical option compared to diapers. Over the course of a dog's life, it is enough to buy a maximum of three trays. This is a simple and convenient container for managing natural dog needs. However, litter box training often has to begin in diapers. Once your Chihuahua learns to use an absorbent diaper, you can begin litter box training.

The potty itself must be spacious; a regular cat litter box is not suitable in most cases. For males, this should be a tray with large sides and a column in the center, since boys from the age of seven months prefer to urinate near the “bushes”. For girls there is no need for such a column. A properly equipped tray will allow the dog not to get its paws wet, and will also protect nearby furnishings from splashes.

To prevent the smell from spreading throughout the apartment, you can use special dog litter.

As soon as the dog has learned to go to the toilet in a diaper in a certain place, place a tray in this area. For the first time, you can lay your pet’s usual diaper on top, and then try to remove it. You can also put a piece of the dog's used diaper in the potty. As already mentioned, dogs go to the toilet based on the smell, and thus the litter box will attract the pet and motivate him to relieve himself in the right place.

This method will allow you to wean your pet off the diaper. For litter box training, it is quite acceptable to use special chemicals; their aromas also attract dogs.

The process of training a puppy to use the toilet in the house should begin as soon as the pet appears in the apartment. This must be done very delicately so as not to scare the new family member. A few rules will help the owner solve the problem faster.

  • Praise your dog every time he goes to the toilet in the right place. Scratch her, call her affectionately, reward her with a treat.
  • Don't yell at your pet for going the wrong way. Perhaps he was confused and confused.
  • When you leave the apartment, isolate all things (clothes, toys, shoes) that the dog could dirty or mistake for a toilet.
  • When returning home, do not scold the puppy for going out of place. Otherwise, in the future, the dog will associate the owner’s coming home with punishment and scolding, so the dog will experience stress every time the owner returns.
  • Place your dog in a diaper after eating and sleeping. Usually during this period puppies want to go to the toilet.
  • Don't praise your dog too early. That is, you should not pet a pet that has just sat down in the tray; it is more effective to do this after the process is completed.
  • While the puppy is small, place diapers in every room. His bladder is still weak and cannot withstand a long search for a suitable place.
  • Never poke an animal's face into a puddle; the pet will be very frightened by such actions of the owner.
  • Remove all carpets from the floor during the training period. An inexperienced puppy may confuse the carpet with a diaper, get it dirty, and in the future this area will smell like urine and motivate the animal to urinate in the same place.

First method

  1. Start with treats . Start with a handful of your puppy's favorite treats.
  2. Catch him red-handed . Monitor your puppy for signs that he needs to go to the toilet. If he starts, immediately tell him “NO” and take him outside.
  3. Act quickly . When you go outside, use a command phrase of your choice, such as “Go outside.” This will help your puppy associate the command with the desired action.
  4. Patience . Even if he has already gone potty, stay with him until he goes about his business. Be sure to praise your puppy and give him treats.
  5. Enter the room . Once your puppy is finished, take him inside. This helps establish the idea that going outside to pee is an expected behavior.
  6. The training goes on and on . Repeat this training process until your puppy comes to you and says he needs to go outside. It may take a few weeks for your puppy to master this behavior, but it will be worth the wait when you no longer step in your puppy's mess on the floor.

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Walking a puppy outside

Still, walking your dog outside is the best option. Firstly, the owner will save himself from daily cleaning of the apartment and ventilation, and, secondly, the animal will breathe fresh air every day, which is very beneficial for its health. There are several ways to accustom a puppy to the street.

  • As already noted, the desire to urinate and have bowel movements in puppies occurs after sleep and after eating. At these moments, take the baby outside. Let him do all his intimate affairs there. This may take more than one hour, but a responsible owner will ensure that the dog goes to the toilet outside. As usual, praise your baby and give him a treat.
  • If the owner has taken the advice of keeping a special notebook that allows you to schedule your dog's toilet visits, then he probably already knows at what hour the animal will want to relieve itself. This means it’s time to take the dog outside.
  • If your dog is already diaper-trained, take a few used or clean diapers with you for a walk. Let the dog urinate on its usual bedding for the first time; over time, the area of ​​its “toilet” can be reduced until bare soil remains under the dog.

When a dog has learned to go to the toilet outside, the owner himself should remember the rules for walking the animal.

  • Try to walk your animal only in a special dog area. Remember that you cannot walk your dog in the neighboring area. If you are walking in the local area, clean up solid waste after your pet. You can purchase special packages for this.
  • Don't walk your dog on the playground. If a curious dog of an absent-minded owner nevertheless defecates in the children's sandbox, then again use the bag to clean up the feces.
  • Keep an eye on your pet, do not let him off the leash in unfamiliar places. Avoid packs of stray dogs.
  • Under no circumstances should you take your puppy outside until the quarantine and vaccination period has passed, since for an unvaccinated dog the street is full of dangers in the form of serious infections.
  • In rainy and cold weather, insulate your animal. The Chihuahua is a short-haired dog and has a weak immune system against colds.
  • Do not rush to throw away the tray if the dog is accustomed to the street. If at any point the animal gets sick, it will not be allowed to walk. This means that a pot with filler will come to the rescue again.

The best dog litter boxes with rims

The size of the sides depends on the breed of the pet. For larger dogs, high restraints are needed; for small dogs, low ones are sufficient. For dwarf pets, a surface without any edges is suitable.

Automatic toilet PetyPot



editorial assessment


buyers recommend this product

The PetyPot automatic toilet for cats and dogs eliminates the need for daily cleaning and even allows you to leave your pet alone for several days.

The manufacturer promises complete protection of the room from unpleasant odors. The size of the toilet is 64x57.5x20 cm. It will not take up much space in the room, but is only suitable for small dogs weighing up to 11 kg.

Special diapers with a polyethylene layer tightly envelop the waste. The roll of excrement is then placed in a sealed box.

Cleaning occurs automatically. You can select its frequency in advance: every 30 minutes, hour or 2 hours. There is also a manual mode - to replace the bedding, just press a button.

The diapers are pulled tight. Dogs can dig through them, but the material does not tear and the roll does not unwind. High sides protect the room from excrement thrown out by paws.


  • blocks odors;
  • does not require cleaning or washing;
  • compact design;
  • high sides;
  • Manufacturer's warranty – 1 year.


  • very expensive (30,000 rubles);
  • requires connection to an outlet;
  • Suitable for small dogs only.

For those who are confused by the price of the tray, the manufacturer offers the toilet for rent for 30 days. The cost of the service is 5500 rubles. In case of further purchase, this amount is taken into account.

VIPet "Japanese style"



editorial assessment


buyers recommend this product

The VIPet dog toilet is made of safe, non-toxic plastic. It is easy to wash under running water. A diaper is placed under the grill and securely pressed with side clamps. The animal's paws always remain clean.

The tray is available in 6 colors - you can choose the appropriate option for your home interior. There are two litter sizes in the line: 48x35 cm for small pets or puppies and 63x49 cm for larger dogs. Rubberized feet provide stability to the structure and prevent it from slipping on tiles or laminate.


  • several colors;
  • 2 sizes;
  • easy to clean;
  • reliable fixation of the diaper;
  • legs with rubber pads.


  • low sides.

The diaper should be placed under the grill in one layer. If you fold it, the fasteners are not fixed.

Toilet for dogs Triol mesh



editorial assessment


buyers recommend this product

The Triol toilet is available in one size – 40x40 cm and is suitable only for small pets. The height of the sides is 15.5 cm. They reliably protect the walls from excrement and splashes.

The tray is made of durable plastic with an antibacterial coating. The mesh is located above the bottom and allows you to use the toilet with a diaper or litter.

The smooth coating is easy to clean. The grille is pressed tightly with clamps - it does not fall out, even if the dog is actively spinning before defecating. Rubberized feet keep the toilet in one place.


  • high sides;
  • can be used with a diaper or filler;
  • high-quality antibacterial plastic;
  • reliable grille fastening;
  • rubberized legs.


  • small size;
  • overpriced (about 1500 rubles).

A good model for small dogs of both sexes - the sides are very high, so the walls and floor near the tray will definitely not be damaged.


16 Best Dog Foods

How to toilet train a Chihuahua: in a diaper, in a tray, outside

Many people choose a Chihuahua as a pet because the dog is suitable for the busiest. If you don’t have the time or desire to walk your pet, you can teach your baby to go to the toilet at home - in a diaper or in a regular litter box.

But when training a dog to use the toilet, problems arise: puddles on the carpet, reluctance to relieve themselves in the right place, and others.

The dog especially begins to be capricious when changing the place of the toilet. But any difficulties can be overcome!

When to start toilet training your puppy

You need to be toilet trained as early as possible. As soon as the puppy opened his eyes and began to get out from under his mother’s side, an experienced breeder begins to introduce him to the diaper. Not all dog breeders are equally responsible, and there is a possibility that the pet will fall into the hands of new owners who are not toilet trained.

You need to toilet train your dog first at home. When you bring your pet into the apartment, they immediately show you where you can relieve yourself and where you can’t.

Under no circumstances allow your puppy to make puddles and leave piles in the wrong places, thinking that he is still too small and stupid.

Training rules

Even if the breeder has taught the dog to go to the diaper or litter box when needed, in a new place the baby may become confused and poop on the owner’s favorite carpet.

You can’t scold him for this, he’ll be even more scared.

Take the puppy to the designated toilet area, sit him down, and observe his behavior. Perhaps he doesn’t like this particular area of ​​the apartment, and the baby is trying to get away from there as quickly as possible.

The puppy is placed in a tray or on a diaper every time after eating, sleeping, or immediately after drinking. When the puppy wants to go to the toilet, it will be visible. Dogs become excited, sniff the floor, and spin around.

It is also necessary to monitor the dog’s behavior during active games; puppies change their mood when they urge to relieve themselves.

It is important! It is recommended to place the diapers in different areas of the apartment. The dog will choose a place for himself.

When the Chihuahua puppy has chosen a place, after a while you can remove all other diapers.

The dog will learn to go to the diaper or to the tray faster and with greater pleasure if it is encouraged with treats and affection after each successful trip to the right place.

If there were mistakes, shame them, but under no circumstances punish them physically.

Step by step instructions

The urge to urinate and defecate in a baby Chihuahua occurs after sleep, eating, and between games. But it is not always possible to track the process.

Toilet training needs to be done regularly. The time and nerves spent will be more than rewarded with cleanliness in the house and pride in a well-mannered pet.

What to do if your dog misses the toilet

Multivariate method

Usually, breeders already begin to accustom their babies to one of the types of home toilet. If possible, find out which one. But even if this information is available, the baby may become confused in an unfamiliar place and vomit on the floor. Sometimes even trained Chihuahuas, when moving to a new place of residence, lose their skills and begin to crap everywhere. To overcome confusion and regain lost knowledge, a multivariate technique is used:

  1. Place a tray, a diaper and a newspaper in different corners of the room.
  2. They bring the dog to each of them.
  3. They leave the baby for a while, quietly keeping an eye on him.

You can give the dog the right to choose

There is a high probability that the dog will remember the usual toilet place and go there. In this case, he needs to be rewarded with praise and treats.

Space limitation technique

If the previous method did not work, use the space limitation method:

  1. They will set up a little pen for the baby; you can take an old playpen.
  2. The bottom is lined with diapers.
  3. The bedding is removed one at a time every day, leaving them in the place where the baby prefers to relieve himself.

The enclosure needs to be arranged with maximum comfort

When only one diaper remains, the pen is dismantled, and the bedding is gradually moved to the desired location - 3-5 cm per day. During training, the dog is fed and watered right in the playpen. The puppy sleeps there.

Retraining method

If the owner is tired of buying and putting away diapers, the smart Chihuahua can be transferred to a litter tray. For this:

  1. Purchase a “pot” with low sides.
  2. Wrap the mesh part of the tray with a diaper.
  3. Two days later, when the dog gets used to it, the bedding is transferred under the mesh insert.

You can completely remove the diaper after two to three days. By this time, the Chihuahua will have become accustomed to the new toilet.

The tray should be lined with the usual diaper

Video - How to train a Chihuahua puppy to wear a diaper

Selection and location requirements

The diaper or tray is placed where the puppy likes it. When the Chihuahua starts going to the toilet on its own, you can move the potty to where it is convenient for the owner. You just need to show your pet where the tray is now, and he will quickly adapt to the new place.

It is most convenient to keep a dog potty on a balcony or loggia; it is quickly ventilated and household members will not suffer from unpleasant odors. But in winter, an unheated room cannot be left open.

Many Chihuahua owners choose a place for potty in the hallway or near the toilet, if the dog has constant access there.

Organizing a toilet at home for a Chihuahua is easy. For small breeds, pet stores offer dozens of pot options. These are trays of different designs - with and without filler; there are even mats that imitate lawns with installed posts, which are convenient for boys.

In Moscow, trays of various designs cost from 1,000 rubles and more; you can buy them both in an online store and in any regular store.

Pet stores and pharmacies sell disposable or reusable diapers. They are much more practical and convenient than trays. The used diaper is simply thrown away or washed, and there will be no smell in the apartment.

It is much easier to train a Chihuahua puppy to go to the toilet in one place if you use bedding at first. It is easier for the baby to walk on a diaper; it does not have sides, like in a tray.

When the baby begins to fidget and sniff, they take him to the toilet area and wait until he does his business. If everything went well, they encourage and praise.

Important! When toilet training, it is not recommended to completely replace the used diaper. You need to tear off a piece from it and put it on a fresh one. When the Chihuahua wants to relieve himself again, he will begin to navigate by smell.

Puddles made in inappropriate places must be thoroughly wiped off using detergents.

Diaper training a Chihuahua is easy, but you need to be patient, it takes time. You should not assume that the baby will start going to the toilet in the right place in a couple of days; sometimes it may take more than a month.

Sometimes the puppy perceives the diaper as a toy, chews it and drags it around the room. In this case, it is recommended to train the Chihuahua to the tray. The plastic device is easy to keep clean; you can add filler under the removable mesh to neutralize odors.

It is important! The potty is chosen according to the size of the dog. It is difficult for a Chihuahua puppy to get over high sides; this breed needs low ones.

The toilet training tray is also installed in the place that the dog has chosen for itself.

Chihuahua boys

Full-fledged male Chihuahuas often mark their territory with urine. One day, you may even find discolored areas and spots on your walls and furniture, exactly at the level where your chi is peeing. If you do not intend to breed your dog, consider neutering. This relatively simple operation, as a rule, eliminates the male’s desire to mark his territory.

When planning to buy a small dog, you need to remember that an adorable puppy is not a plush toy. And with it new worries and the question of how to toilet train a Chihuahua will come into the house. Strangers and new surroundings can make him anxious. And even if a puppy has been accustomed to a diaper or litter box by its former owner, it can make a mistake and make a “puddle.” Therefore, as the cartoon Carlson said: “Patience, just patience.”

It will be difficult to stop an adult dog from shitting anywhere in the house, which is why you need to devote as much time as possible to the puppy in the first weeks.

A puppy is like a child; the younger he is, the more he goes to the toilet. This happens after sleeping, eating, while playing, and so on. If you just don’t keep track, the baby can take a shit anywhere. If during this period it is not possible to constantly monitor the dog, then when leaving, you should limit his freedom in the house or apartment. To do this, the puppy is left in a separate room, but the toilet is placed inside with him.

The owners of a Chihuahua may be faced with the question of whether to walk the dog or train it to do its “business” in the house in a specially designated place. Why do animal lovers stop at this one? Due to her small size and lack of time for daily walks down the street. A dog that has matured and is accustomed to a diaper or litter tray does not cause problems for its owners; it does not mark carpets and does not spoil the house. But first you will have to be very careful and patient.

Toilet training outdoors

It is not at all necessary for a small dog to always go to the toilet at home; it is good for a Chihuahua to go for a walk. It is more difficult to accustom a Chihuahua to a walk than to a litter tray, since you need to have time to take the puppy out into the clearing before he pees.

The puppy can be brought out for the first time after quarantine following mandatory vaccinations, at approximately three months of age. For a Chihuahua, they buy a harness and a leash, but it should not be long so that the dog does not wander too far.

At first, you need to carry your baby outside in your arms, so he will learn to endure and will not leave surprises on the staircase of the entrance.

Take a used diaper with you. Place it in a secluded place where nothing will scare the dog. By the smell, the puppy will realize that he needs to relieve himself. As soon as he does this, the puppy is praised and goes home.

With each walk, the piece of fabric with the smell should become smaller and smaller. When the Chihuahua begins to confidently relieve itself outside, they stop taking out the shreds.

Important! Until six months of age, Chihuahuas are walked at least 6 times a day. The dog is even walked at night to teach it to be patient. Starting from six months, they are transferred to three walks a day.

Which toilet is better to buy for a dog?

To choose a litter box for your dog, you need to determine how often she will visit it. Inexpensive plastic models are suitable for occasional use, but they are not recommended for daily hikes. The tray will absorb unpleasant odors, and regular washing with harsh chemicals can ruin the dog’s sense of smell.

Some models of trays are designed to use fillers or special diapers. Others are equipped with a grate and do not require wood or silica gel granules.

Mesh toilets are much cheaper than others, but you will have to clean them more often.

Remember that the size of the tray must match the size of the dog. If the pet is cramped, he will find another place to relieve himself.

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How to retrain from diaper to tray

Constantly using diapers is expensive and troublesome, so many Chihuahua owners eventually come to the idea of ​​litter box training.

It is easy to retrain a dog if it already confidently uses a diaper in the same place to relieve itself. You will need to buy a tray with low sides and install it in the place where the diaper was lying.

For the first 2–3 days, newspaper or cloth is placed on the mesh part of the pot. When the Chihuahua has mastered the tray, the diaper is removed and filler is poured under the mesh.

It is important! The Chihuahua is afraid of the cold, and in frosty or rainy weather you won’t have to take it out of a warm house if it is trained to go to the litter box or on a diaper.

Where should the toilet be or the diaper?

Usually the puppy chooses a place for his toilet, heading towards the loggia or exit. You shouldn’t make a dog toilet just anywhere; it’s convenient to place it in the hallway or on the loggia if it’s glazed. In the case of the latter option, the dog will not mark in the apartment.

For the first days, it is advisable to keep a small puppy in a limited space: a separate room or enclosure, so that he does not have the opportunity to shit and mark in the most inconspicuous places.

The toilet - a tray or newspapers - should be placed there so that if the child wants to do his business, he can quickly find it. As the puppy grows, the toilet should gradually be moved to the place chosen for these purposes, in the hallway or on the balcony.

If an apartment or house has many rooms, then it is advisable to install several trays. For example, one in the corridor near the exit, another in the room where the puppy sleeps, or in the kitchen, if the baby often stays there with the owners. The pet will grow up and remember the place for the toilet, and the extra trays can be removed later.

Possible problems and their solutions

While the owner is trying to train the Chihuahua to use the toilet, various difficulties are possible. But all problems can be solved, you just have to stop them in time.

The dog walks on the carpet

Carpet pile absorbs odors well. Once he makes a puddle on the rug, the puppy will begin to think that this is his toilet place. It is best to remove carpets from the house while toilet training your Chihuahua. If this is not possible, you will have to work hard:

  1. Any puddles left behind are thoroughly washed using sharp-smelling powders and wet cleaning products.
  2. The carpet is covered with diapers, and they are changed when dirty.
  3. You can completely get rid of bedding when the dog stops shitting in inappropriate places.

Pees on the sofa

A Chihuahua can choose a sofa or a soft, comfortable chair as a potty. If your dog urinates on furniture, you will have to buy repellent sprays.

In addition, they completely block the puppy’s access to the sofa and do not allow him to sit on it.

Relieving himself near the tray

The Chihuahua refuses to get into the potty and defecates next to him - this means that something is not happy with him. Perhaps the sides are too high for a miniature dog to get over. In this case, buy a more convenient one.

The dog went to the litter box, but stopped - perhaps the problem was its cleanliness. Wash the litter box as soon as the puppy goes to relieve itself. Many representatives of this breed will not go to a contaminated place again.

The Chihuahua sits in the potty, but feces leak out - place a piece of linoleum under the bottom, which is easier to clean, or a diaper. Train your dog to sit in the center of the potty, and not closer to the edge.

The dog doesn't raise his paw

The Chihuahua boy walks “smallly” with his paw raised. This begins around the year when the dog reaches sexual maturity. There should be no problems on the street if walking is done in places where there are poles or trees growing. But in an apartment, if the dog is litter box trained, the boy may not lift his paw, then he needs help.

Stores sell trays specifically for male dogs, with posts installed in them. Or put a stick in a regular dog potty, make a column out of a water bottle. The Chihuahua will quickly find its bearings, and within a few days it will defecate properly.

Marks walls and furniture

When a dog reaches sexual maturity, owners are faced with the problem of marks. The boys mark everything in their path, which not only causes damage, but also causes an unpleasant odor to appear in the house. A Chihuahua may mark its territory for the following reasons:

  • the presence of another male animal in the apartment;
  • there are marks left from the previous pet;
  • proximity to a girl dog;
  • stress;
  • lack of walking.

Repellent sprays will help teach your pet to respect his home and his owner’s property. You need to walk the dog more, then the dog will mark the surrounding territory, and not its home.

Advice! If the Chihuahua is not planned to be used for breeding, then it is easier to sterilize it.

Tray training

I prefer to start toilet training my Chihuahua right away with the tray. The device is installed in a designated area of ​​the apartment for toilet matters. The design allows you to relieve yourself comfortably without urinating on your paws. To absorb the smell of feces, you can lay an absorbent diaper or a special dog litter on the bottom of the tray.

Unlike diapers, regular cleaning of the tray is required, because... Chihuahuas are disdainful of going into an extremely dirty litter box. To encourage your puppy to relieve himself where he should, you can use commercial chemicals such as 8in 1 Puppy Trainer Housebreaking Spray. A small piece of used diaper has a similar effect.

Boys aged 7-8 months begin to raise their back paw when they pee. In this case, it’s time to install a special column in the center of the tray. It is usually sold as a kit, but its simple design allows you to make it yourself from scrap materials.

Training consists of preventing voiding in the wrong place in advance and directing it in the right direction. For something done correctly, praise and treat, and for something done incorrectly, scold. Don't get angry, control your emotions. Regular repetitions will get your dog into the habit of defecating in the litter box.

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