Instructions and real facts on how a flea collar for cats works

Lately, you can often see a cat wearing a flea collar walking down the street. This stylish accessory has a very specific function - protecting the animal from external parasites. However, pet owners do not always have the correct understanding of how a flea collar for cats works. Awareness of this issue will allow you to avoid a lot of mistakes when using this means of protection.

How does a flea collar work?

Manufacturers make the product from a rubberized material, which is additionally impregnated with repellent or insecticide. The substances are similar in that they cope well with their tasks. But they also have differences in the principle of operation.

  • Impregnation with repellent. Contains essential oils of citrus, lavender, bergamot, mint. They have a smell that repels insects. The collar is sold together with instructions, which clearly state the period of action of the substance. The normal service life of such products does not exceed 3 months. Therefore, the repellent is not a medicinal composition, but only helps prevent flea attacks on the cat.
  • Impregnation in the form of an insecticide (organophosphate, carbamate poison, imidacloprid, permethrin, Sevin, etc.). Substances accumulate in the cat's skin. When a flea bites through the skin, the insecticide kills it. Such collars are suitable for preventing attacks by blood-sucking insects and subsequent treatment of the animal (insects will no longer settle in the fur).

According to manufacturers, fleas leave the pet in droves when wearing a collar. But it is important to understand that the larvae remain and they cannot escape from their victim.

Advantages and disadvantages

Anti-flea collars for cats create an invisible but reliable barrier against insects. Therefore, the cat is always protected from infection. Also, an accessory on a pet indicates that it has an owner. The main advantages of the product include:

  • Ease of use. If you compare the collar with shampoo or flea drops, it does not require additional procedures (you just need to buy it and put it on the cat’s neck).
  • Safety. The device does not poison the furry pet’s body. But there are cases of intoxication associated with the wrong choice of product and its further use.
  • Wide selection of models. There are flea collars available to protect kittens and pregnant and lactating cats.
  • Large selection of models in terms of quality and price. Even the cheapest devices effectively fight bloodsuckers.
  • Versatility. Collars repel and destroy not only fleas, but also lice, lice, ticks and other parasites. Insects are carriers of worm eggs. When a cat chews on fleas, the eggs enter the gastrointestinal tract. If you wear such a product, your pet will be additionally protected from helminth infection.

The main disadvantages include: the possibility of poisoning, short service life, the occurrence of allergic reactions and a weak therapeutic effect. If the cat is heavily infested with fleas, the collar will not help. It is better to use anti-flea shampoos or drops.

Precautionary measures

The substances in the collar are safe for humans. But some components may cause allergic reactions in people with sensitive skin. At the first sign of irritation, you should consult a doctor. It is important to ensure that the collar does not fall into the hands of small children who like to taste everything. Otherwise, this may threaten the babies with serious poisoning.

Do not eat or smoke while working with the cat collar. After putting the product on your pet, you should immediately wash your hands with soap. This accessory must be stored separately from food. Children and animals should not have access to the collar.

As you can see, an anti-flea cat collar is an effective remedy that requires a serious and responsible attitude. The slightest disregard for operating rules can lead to negative consequences. However, making the right choice to take care of your pet will help you get rid of fleas for a long time, or even forever.


Antiparasitic collars have a repellent and destructive effect. Devices can be divided into 2 main groups.

Flea collars with scent

They are destructive means. They are made in the form of a rubber strip that releases an insecticidal substance. When the poison enters the flea's body, it becomes lethargic and less mobile. After some time, the parasite dies. Such models can be used for no more than 7 months.

Wrap collars are suitable for wearing by kittens from 1.5 months. But a person should remember that after treating a cat with other antiparasitic drugs, the rubber product can be worn only after 10 days. Otherwise, the pet’s body will be poisoned.

Bio collars

These are natural accessories that are made using essential oils of wormwood, eucalyptus, rosemary or cedar. Bio collars simultaneously have two positive effects - they repel parasites and treat the fur along with the skin.

But models made from natural ingredients are not able to kill fleas. You should first treat the animal with other anti-flea drugs, and only then apply the collar.

Safety rules when wearing

You should choose a product that is suitable for your cat. You should not put a device designed for dogs on a cat. It is not recommended to cut the collar tape in half. The thickness of the device is intended for one animal. Cutting the tape will reduce its effectiveness. Before use, the collar must be kneaded and stretched.

The tape must be fixed so that it does not squeeze the neck or dangle. The gap between the tape and the neck should be at least 1 cm so that it does not interfere with the pet’s movements. Some owners fix the device on the neck only while the animal is walking. After removal, the collar must be stored in a plastic bag in a place protected from sunlight.

How to use a flea collar: instructions

Safety rules for putting on and wearing

After purchasing a collar, it is important to consider the recommendations of the manufacturer and veterinarians:

  • Use the collar as intended. The collar should not be used on dogs or other pets if it is intended to be worn by cats.
  • Do not cut the device into pieces. One collar should be used for one pet, taking into account its weight.
  • Attach the tape correctly. It should not hang loosely or put too much pressure on the neck. The best distance between the strap and the animal’s body is 1–2 cm.
  • Store the product only in a closed polyethylene bag.
  • It is forbidden to use the collar simultaneously with other anti-flea drugs. If you do not follow the instructions carefully, the interaction of substances will lead to an overdose and poisoning of your pet.

Using the collar is easy and simple. It is enough to open the package, take out the product, unfasten it and put it on the cat’s neck.

At what age can a collar be used?

Each model has its own individual indications for use. Before purchasing, it is important to read the manufacturer's instructions and advice. Typically, collars can be worn from the age of two months.

Does a domestic cat need a flea collar?

Every cat needs a flea collar. But whether to purchase it or not is up to the owner to decide. There are times when fleas, lice or other pests enter the house from outdoor plants, from the basement, along with humans or other animals. It is better to protect your pet so as not to torment him with various drugs later.

When can you put a flea collar on a kitten?

It is recommended to put an anti-flea product on a kitten when black dandruff or adult dandruff is noticeable on its body. A small pet is more likely to be attacked by parasites due to its thin skin. Fleas enter the house from a walking cat or from the basement.

How long does a flea collar for cats last?

Different manufacturers set different expiration dates for collars. Thus, standard products are ready to last 60 days, American analogues - 6 months, German products - 7 months. The established deadlines must be strictly adhered to, otherwise the straps will no longer perform their tasks.

Is it possible to remove the collar at home?

Yes, you can. To ensure that the collar retains its properties, it should be placed in a plastic bag.

Are flea collars harmful for cats?

Unfortunately, some domestic manufacturers produce cheap analogues of low quality. They impregnate the products with a strong flea poison intended for cattle. Such straps provoke allergies and skin diseases.

Study customer reviews, listen to the advice of veterinarians, do not fall for the trick of low cost, carefully study the composition of the product. To save your cat from suffering, you should forget about saving.

Criterias of choice

When choosing a flea collar for your cat, you should pay attention to the following points:

  1. Consumers quite often pay attention first of all to the price tag of a product. It can be tempting to buy the cheapest accessory. But you shouldn’t do this, because a quality product cannot be too cheap. At the same time, the best flea collars do not always have the highest price. It is best to purchase flea straps that are of average cost.
  2. Protective straps should be selected taking into account the age category of the cat and its physiological condition. For adult cats, cats bearing offspring, or small kittens, there is a range of products that differ in size and concentration of active ingredients.
  3. It is important to study information about the material of the strap and the components with which the protective product is impregnated. Preference should be given to those straps whose impregnation includes compounds with low toxicity. In this way, you can protect the animal from negative consequences that can significantly harm the animal’s health. It is important that the concentration of amitrazome, permethrin or organic phosphates does not exceed 15%.

In addition, the flea protective accessory must correspond to the size of the animal’s neck.

On average, the length of the product can be 35-40 cm. Using a special fastener on the tape, the strap can be correctly secured to the animal’s neck and, if necessary, adjusted in volume.

From what age

When choosing a flea collar for a kitten, you should remember that their use is not recommended for animals that are not yet 2 months old. At the same time, it is strictly forbidden to use a flea collar intended for adult animals, since the concentration of active substances contained in them is safe for cats and cats, and a kitten can be poisoned.

When choosing a product for a kitten, you should especially carefully examine the retainer. It should be as safe as possible and be able to easily unfasten if an active animal gets caught somewhere in the product. This safety criterion when putting on will protect the baby from sad consequences.

Is it possible for lactating animals

A flea collar is not recommended for a nursing cat. The insecticide with which the tape is impregnated has a prolonged effect and can cause severe poisoning in kittens or even lead to death. To treat a lactating cat against fleas, you can use Frontline drops.


There is a wide choice of antiparasitic devices.

Products from the following manufacturers are popular among consumers:

  1. Hartz products. Hartz products have many supporters who value quality and a good range. Hartz straps are resistant to various external factors (moisture) and effectively eliminate blood-sucking parasites.
  2. Bolfo products. Bolfo accessories are water resistant. They may vary depending on the weight of the animal. This is very practical, since for a large cat you can select a product with the required concentration so that it is no less effective than on a small individual.
  3. Beaphar products. Beaphar products are preferred by supporters of organic products. The strap is impregnated with an insecticide based on margosa extract. Such a substance is not capable of causing harm to the animal, which allows their collars to be used for the smallest kittens (from 1.5 months).

Collars against blood-sucking leopards are a fairly effective domestic product, which is in no way inferior to imported analogues. It protects not only from cat fleas, but also from ticks.

Which collar is better to choose?

Today, consumers have access to a wide selection of models of both foreign and domestic production. The most popular straps will be described here, and the cat owner decides which one to choose.

Hartz flea collars

They are among the most effective due to the rapid destruction of fleas, lice, and ticks. The product copes with the assigned tasks perfectly, even when wet.

The manufacturer does not produce collars for kittens, but recommends its product from the age of three months. The cost of models starts from 100 rubles.

Bolfo: flea collars for cats

They belong to the category of elite products. Models are divided according to the weight of the animal. They can be used for cats of any age, as well as for small breeds of dogs. The validity period is up to 4 months against fleas, and against ticks - 2.5 months.

Water resistance and high level of efficiency are guaranteed. The collar has a higher cost of 200 rubles.

Beaphar collar

This is a Bio collar based on a plant insecticide - margosa extract. The manufacturer produces models for adult cats and kittens from one and a half months of age.

Consumers consider such products to be leaders due to their good price-quality ratio. The cost of one product is 64 rubles, and the quality can be compared with collars from Bolfo and Hartz.

Collar Leopard

A domestic product, or more precisely, an analogue of foreign collars. The product is impregnated with insecticides, so it is recommended to use only for adult cats. Great for outdoor pets.

Starting price 45 rubles. But there are more expensive models. It is recommended to carefully read the manufacturer's recommendations.

Collar Doctor Zoo

This is an analogue of Bars. It costs the same, lasts 2 months, does not cause allergic reactions. Suitable for killing fleas and ticks. Can be used for cats and small breeds of dogs. But the manufacturer's advice should be taken into account.

Collar Bolfo

The products belong to a more prestigious category with a high price. The collars are characterized by excellent water resistance and are safe for cats. Models are divided into types depending on the weight of the pet. An overdose of toxins is excluded.

There is only one drawback - short validity period. Collars stop protecting a cat from fleas after 4 months, and from ticks after 2-3 months.

Flea collar for cats Rolf

Elite products based on insecticides. The collar begins to act within 2 minutes, and the complete destruction of bloodsuckers occurs within 1 hour. Use only for cats who are already 3 months old. Valid for 8 months.

Price from 300 rubles. But the effectiveness and safety of the collar has been proven by many positive customer reviews.

Flea collar for cats 4 paws

Four Paws is a domestic manufacturer of elite analogues of collars from the foreign manufacturers described above. The cost of such products is significantly reduced, but no less effective. The composition and validity period have not been changed, but you should still be careful when choosing.

Where do animal fleas come from and why are they dangerous?

Having noticed that the cat has suddenly become restless, often itches, bites itself with its teeth, part the fur and you will probably find flea bites, their excrement, or even the parasites themselves. The cat flea feeds on blood, bites through the skin of the animal, easily penetrates the fur and moves along it by jumping. Within a couple of days after moving to a new host, the insect is ready to lay eggs, and just a week later, offspring appear from them. The larvae feed on the excrement of their parents, as well as worm eggs, if the cat has them. The larvae then pupate and soon develop into an adult flea and the cycle repeats. Flea eggs are non-sticky, easily fall off the animal's fur, and can be found anywhere in the house.

Physical discomfort for a cat is caused not only by the insect bites themselves, but also by the itching that occurs due to flea saliva penetrating into the blood. The substances contained in this secretion can cause skin dermatitis and severe allergic reactions. Infections that cause serious diseases enter the cat’s body with the insect’s saliva. Considering that flea larvae feed on worm eggs, a cat can become infected with these parasites, which continue to develop inside the adult. If an “infected” flea is accidentally swallowed, the roundworm cystodes penetrate the intestines and actively develop there.

Flea infestation of a pregnant cat is especially dangerous, because the parasites spread to kittens. Weak immunity does not allow babies to fight blood-sucking insects; kittens grow poorly and suffer from anemia. Fortunately, science does not stand still, and today there are many means of preventing infection and combating existing fleas. Let's talk in more detail about flea collars for cats and kittens.

Contraindications and side effects

It is not recommended to put a collar on a weakened cat with a low immune status, an elderly or a very small kitten. Products for wearing by pregnant and lactating cats are prohibited. Special collars have been developed for them, but at a higher price.

If the owner bought a cheap analogue, then side effects are possible. You should know what to do in this or that case.

The cat was poisoned by a flea collar, what should I do?

You should immediately remove the collar and call a veterinarian at home. While the specialist gets to the specified address, it is necessary to feed the cat with a large amount of liquid. If there is no one in the city, then it is better to immediately take your pet to the clinic.

Cat itches from flea collar

The animals are bothered by a new object on their neck, and they try in every way to get rid of it. If the cat feels great and there are no suspicious rashes on the skin, then you should wait until he gets used to the strap.

If rashes and red spots form on the skin, this is a sign of an allergic reaction.

Allergy to flea collars in cats

Here it is enough to rid your pet of the product and show it to a doctor. The veterinarian will prescribe medications that will quickly and painlessly eliminate allergies. Additionally, you can try to make a flea accessory with your own hands.

Reviews from veterinarians

Veterinarians strongly recommend that consumers carefully study the composition and instructions for use. Especially take into account the age category of cats to eliminate unpleasant moments. Experts also advise owners of furry pets to keep their home clean and take preventive measures. In their opinion, this is the only way to protect cats from attacks by parasites.

Flea collars for cats are a simple and effective means of controlling fleas and other blood-sucking insects. It is important not to forget about tips and recommendations, use products only for their intended purpose and treat your little charges with care. Also, you should not save on your pet’s health, but buy high-quality and proven devices.

Terms of use

As stated earlier, a cat flea collar is extremely easy to use. However, to be completely sure, you can usually easily find instructions with the points presented below in each package.

  1. Remove the collar from the packaging.
  2. Remove the plastic bridges.
  3. Stretch the collar slightly until it changes color slightly to a lighter color.
  4. Place the accessory on your pet's neck with a small margin, so that two fingers can fit freely.
  5. Trim off excess tape.

However, it is worth considering one nuance. If you have already discovered parasites in your pet’s fur, and in large quantities, you will have to first resort to other means. Drops are best for this. After about a week, the cat needs to be bathed and only then put on a collar.

Important. Do not use several methods of flea protection at once! Even between the uses of products that are similar in their principle of action (for example, flea spray and drops), several days should pass. Otherwise, it may have a bad effect on your pet's health.

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