Everything about the pit bull terrier: from breed characteristics to maintenance features

When looking at this dog, none of the passers-by would have the thought of petting him. Most likely, they will wisely step aside, since the terrifying appearance, powerful jaws and unkind gaze eloquently indicate that the breed is not intended for fun. The American Pit Bull Terrier is one of the most dangerous dogs with a reputation as a killer and unclear origins. However, are pit bulls really that scary?

Brief history of origin

The prefix “American” in the name of the breed misleads almost everyone, imposing the idea that pit bulls were bred by Americans. In fact, the history of the American Pit Bull Terrier breed begins in Foggy Albion about 3 centuries ago.

English breeders set themselves the goal of improving the qualities of the Old English Bulldog and crossed it with the Old English Terrier. This union perfectly combined the heavy skeleton, athleticism and muscularity of the former with the speed, strength and fearlessness of the latter.

Pit bulls were originally used for hunting and as fighting dogs. And they fought with bulls and bears that were clearly superior to them in weight and ferocity. When the first effective animal protection laws appeared in British law in 1835, dogs became their opponents, since there were no direct references to the ban on dog fighting in these laws.

No one knows exactly when pit bull terriers appeared in America, but there is written evidence that they were there already before the War of Emancipation in 1774.

Expert opinion

Leonid Rodin

Experienced dog breeder

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Thanks to the efforts of unscrupulous breeders and owners, American pit bull terriers have long ceased to be perceived exclusively as family members. It is difficult to pinpoint the exact time at which protective dogs and companions acquired the status of merciless killers with iron jaws. American dog handlers have repeatedly tried to rehabilitate this dog. In the mid-1990s, fanciers from San Francisco made an attempt to present the “St. Francis Terrier” as two peas in a pod similar to the standard pita. The rebranding failed. The New York City Animal Care Authority proposed calling the dogs New York Terriers in 2004 and also failed. Media resources got involved in the case. They tried to save the reputation of the American pit bull in the comedy series The Little Rascals, where the good-natured dog Pete was ready to endure any pranks of the “little bandits.” Later, photographer Sophie Gamand carried out a shoot, putting flower crowns on four-legged models and designing their portraits in pastel colors - nothing helped. Pit bulls have remained among the outcasts of official cynology, banned in Europe and severely limited in rights in many countries of the world.

How to feed an American Pit Bull Terrier?

American Pit Bulls are athletic, active and muscular dogs for which a balanced diet is very important. A properly selected diet will keep your pet in ideal condition, will help the dog withstand physical and intellectual stress, and also recover from it.

The pit bull must receive not only all the necessary vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. It is very important to balance the amount of fats, carbohydrates and especially proteins in the diet, because they are responsible for the growth of muscle mass in a dog.

To maintain optimal muscle percentage, your pit bull needs to be fed correctly.

An adult dog needs to be fed at least twice a day - after a morning and evening walk. You should not give food to an animal that has not yet gone outside, since a full stomach makes jogging uncomfortable; in addition, a walk after eating can result in gastric volvulus, which is fatal for the dog.

The serving size must be selected individually - the dog must eat everything that is offered no slower than five to seven minutes. If the dog greedily eats its portion and licks the plate for a long time, you need to increase the amount of food. If the pet leaves food, next time he should get less.

Food remaining in the bowl is a reason to reduce the portion

Dry food or natural products?

The owner of an American pit bull must decide what he will feed his pet - natural products or ready-made industrial food. It is prohibited to mix these types of feeding, since the dog’s stomach is adjusted to a certain type of food. Both “drying” and “natural” have their advantages and disadvantages, we will talk about this below.

Feeding with natural products means that most of the portion will be raw meat. This diet is the most natural for a dog, as it fully meets the needs of a predator and is suitable for the stomach of any member of the canine family. But “natural” is not food from the master’s table, not cereals or soups. The owner should prepare a fresh portion of food for the dog every day, based on the basic principles of feeding.

Meat is the basis of dog nutrition

In addition to raw fresh meat, the dog should receive raw offal and sea fish. There is no need to cook these products, since boiled meat simply passes through the dog’s gastrointestinal tract without bringing any benefit to the body. It is enough to pour boiling water over the pieces, then cool and offer them to the animal.

When purchasing meat for an American Pit Bull Terrier, you need to choose low-fat varieties: rabbit, veal, turkey, chicken. Pork and any minced meat will not work. You need to cut the meat into pieces so that the dog chews them before swallowing - this is beneficial for the pit bull terrier's jaws. By gnawing meat into convenient portions, the dog cleans its teeth, and solid food is also useful for maintaining gastric motility.

The dog must chew the meat before swallowing

Also, the following foods should be present in the animal’s bowl every day: vegetables and fruits (raw, grated or cut into small pieces), herbs, directly pressed vegetable oils, lactic acid products (cottage cheese, kefir), eggs.

Industrial food gives the dog owner much more free time - there is no need to store large volumes of meat in the refrigerator, cut it, add vegetables and other additives. Just open the pack and measure out the required amount of granules. By the way, all manufacturers indicate the dosage of food on the back of the pack - according to the dog’s weight and activity level.

Dry food frees the owner from cooking

In addition, holistic and super premium food maintains a balance of all substances vital for a dog. The manufacturer adds not only fats, carbohydrates and proteins to the food, but also enriches the granules with micro- and macroelements, vitamins and other necessary additives.

However, there is no food that is suitable for every dog. You need to select the “drying” experimentally. Thus, the American Terrier needs to be fed a diet created for medium-sized breeds, and the specific food is selected according to age. An adult pit bull needs to choose food with a protein content of at least 25% to maintain the animal's activity at the desired level.

Pit bull terriers should eat food marked “Active”

If the dog always eats with pleasure, looks cheerful, has a shiny and glossy coat, and has no problems with the toilet, then the food is suitable for it. Individual adjustments to the dosage are possible, since the dog does not always eat the portion that the manufacturer offers for the weight of the animal. Dogs receiving heavy daily exercise should receive one and a half or even double portions.

The owner must monitor the pet’s condition: protruding ribs indicate that the dog is starving (except for illness), excess fat is a reason to change the brand of food to a less calorie one or cut down on the portion.

You should not feed a pit bull by eye - this can lead to obesity in the dog.

What is it forbidden to feed a pit bull?

The American Bull Terrier, like any other dog, must eat on a strict schedule and eat food suitable for its predator. There is no need to feed your pet between feedings, much less offer it harmful and even dangerous foods. These include bread, pastries, sausages, sausages and other semi-finished products. It is forbidden to treat your pit bull even with small pieces of spicy or hot food, smoked meats, sweets, fried or fatty foods.

It is forbidden to feed the pit bull terrier raw river fish (a carrier of parasites), game meat obtained by hunting (elk meat, beaver meat, wild boar meat, etc.). Do not include potatoes, legumes, pasta, cereals such as rolled oats or semolina, or mushrooms in the dog’s diet. Bones are dangerous for dogs - when chewed into small pieces, they can injure internal organs.

Foods prohibited for dogs

In a special article , we will analyze in detail what you should not feed your dog, which foods are strictly prohibited for representatives of any breed and can harm them.

Interesting Facts

The reputation of pit bulls has always been heard. And according to the laws of word of mouth, reality is always distorted beyond recognition - people need hard, scandalous facts.

In fact, pit bulls are a multifaceted breed that is endlessly loyal to people. Here is a small part of the facts confirming that this breed was created for people, and not against them:

  1. American pit bull terriers, despite the legends about their ferocity, are widely used by doctors in pet therapy (zootherapy, animal therapy). Doctors and dog handlers note that pit bulls have a very positive effect on patients with PTSD and in nursing homes.
  2. Pit bulls have been successfully used in search and rescue operations. They are great at finding people. The most famous search pit bulls in America are the pets of Chris Crawfody.
  3. Abroad, pit bulls are widely used by intelligence agencies to search for drugs and explosives, as well as firearms.
  4. American pit bulls are unsurpassed nannies. Caring for the younger ones is developed in them as strongly as the instinct to protect “their” person. But nevertheless, you should not leave your child alone with the dog.
  5. Pit bulls, like the vast majority of dogs, do not experience aggression towards humans at the genetic level. There are exceptions, of course, but with the right approach to education, in most cases all flaws can be corrected.
  6. At the beginning of the twentieth century, pit bulls experienced the peak of their popularity, and the myths about their belonging to America made them a real mascot of the United States. Pit bulls were featured on recruiting posters during World War I and World War II.
  7. The American Temperament Test found that pit bulls performed 3.8% better than the popular Border Collies.
  8. The largest pit bulls were bred in Cuba. These huge giants weigh an average of 50 kg.

Pit bull terrier dog: reviews from owners

Pit bull terrier dog: reviews from owners
If you are just planning to get a pit bull terrier, then you probably doubt whether to take a pit bull terrier or still give preference to a dog of another breed. Reviews from the owners will help you decide whether you can have a pit bull terrier dog at home or not:

Peter, 31 years old

As an experienced pit bull breeder, I can say for sure that it is better for beginners not to adopt a dog of this breed. She needs special training, this is the only way the pet will grow up friendly and obedient.

Irina, 35 years old

We have had a pit bull for 3 years now. But we gave him to an experienced dog handler for training. He showed us how to treat such a dog. He explained that you shouldn’t hit her or even scream, the dog could become aggressive. We have two children who adore Rimbaud (that’s our pete’s name). He is also friendly to them.

Svetlana, 30 years old

I've always dreamed of having a pit bull. This breed attracts with its strength and beauty of exterior characteristics. When I contacted the breeder for a puppy, I was told that it would be better for a novice breeder to take a female dog. She will be kinder and less aggressive. But it will be necessary to deal with mating and offspring, since a female dog that is not taken to mating and does not produce offspring can become aggressive. Naturally, I follow all the breeder’s recommendations; there have already been two litters of puppies. I can’t imagine what I would do without my Bella, a beautiful and kind pit bull. And I also make a profit from selling puppies.

Is a pit bull dangerous?

Opinions about the dangers of pit bulls are controversial. Many people believe that their jaws have a death grip, and that if a pit bull bites anything larger than the size of its mouth, it can even dislocate its jaw. But a study from the University of Georgia refutes these rumors.

Scientists say that pit bulls' jaws do not have any features that allow them to bite with a death grip.

The National Geography Society conducted research on the strength of the bites of different animal species. Dogs have been found to have a jaw clenching force of 320 psi. Shepherd, Rottweiler and pit bull dogs were used for the study. The bite of the latter exerted the least pressure.

Some measure bite force in atmospheres. The bite force of a pit bull in atmospheres is 55.5. But this interpretation is not entirely correct because atmosphere is a unit of pressure divided by area.

That is, 1 atmosphere = 1 kgf (1 kilogram-force) applied per 1 cm2. In fact, the bite force is measured in newtons (N), which for convenience can be converted to kgf, 1 kgf = approximately 10N.

The bite force of a pit bull is 135 0N (135 kgf). This is less than many large dogs. But this does not mean that pit bull bites can cause less injury than the bite of a Rottweiler, Doberman, shepherd and other breeds.

The danger of a dog is determined not only by the strength of its grip, but also by how long the dog can hold its jaw at the moment of the bite in the most tense state, what “fighting tactics” it has and how much control it remains under the owner at the moment of peak aggression.

Pit bulls have a relatively low bite force, but at the same time they are genetically instilled with the “killer” instinct. At the moment of aggression, they do not just defend themselves, they seek to kill the enemy. This makes the pit bull practically the most dangerous dog.

Tips for purchasing a dog of this breed

Nowadays it is difficult to find clients who would need a working puppy who could participate in fights. But even if such a person is found, he will be faced with a rather difficult task. The fact is that the dog’s fighting qualities are revealed only by the age of 2 years.

In this case, one should hope that the fighting merits of the puppy’s parents will serve as a kind of guarantee of fighting qualities. Although there is a special game test that any individual will have to pass, regardless of the parents’ achievements.

Interesting moment! In fights between two dogs that have the same weight, the one who lasts longer and does not retreat wins.

Depending on the behavior in the ring, you can judge which category a fighting dog belongs to. For example:

  • Deadly . This is the type of dog that fights to the last drop of blood.
  • Reinforced . This type of dog fights to the last strength, even if his limbs are trembling.
  • Standard . The dog can fight until he feels tired.

As a rule, the bulk of potential clients are looking for a dog to keep at home, and only a small part is looking for a dog for breeding. Naturally, such individuals do not require any game tests. The most important thing is that their characteristics correspond to breed standards, have no breed flaws and have a fairly peaceful character.

Where to buy, what to look for

In the USA, many people practice purchasing puppies of this breed that have reached 6 months. This is due to the fact that at this age it is already clear which class the puppy belongs to.

Despite this, experts remind us that at this age the dog already has a character, which becomes increasingly difficult to change as it grows.

Important to remember! Before purchasing a puppy from any breeder, it would be a good idea to make inquiries about him. To do this, just talk to the person who dealt with this breeder. It is very important to know what problems this person had to face.

During the purchasing process, it is very important to become familiar with the behavior of the animals, both the puppy and its parents.

American Pit Bull Terrier price

You can find quite a lot of offers on the Internet, with a tempting price of about 10 thousand rubles. At the same time, sellers indicate that the puppies are purebred, that they have all the necessary documents, vaccinations, etc. You can adopt such a dog, but only for home keeping.

Real American pit bull terriers cost at least 20 thousand rubles. At the same time, you need to know that in Russia this breed is not recognized by the relevant organization, so all papers are drawn up in the USA.

If the puppies’ parents are quite titled, then such puppies will be sold at a price of 30 thousand rubles and no lower, or even 40 thousand rubles. There are not many kennels in Russia that practice breeding pit bull terriers.

In which countries is it prohibited?

American pit bulls have gained fame as such dangerous dogs that all types and types of this breed have been banned from being kept in the following countries:

  • almost all European countries;
  • Canada (provinces of Ontario and Manitoba);
  • USA.

Pit bulls are not officially prohibited in Russia, but at the legislative level they are recognized as a dangerous breed. In 2014, draft Federal Law No. 633848-6 “On keeping dogs in the Russian Federation” was created, which states that in order to keep and breed dogs recognized as a dangerous breed, citizens are required to obtain a license.

To do this, you will need to document your adequacy, training skills, knowledge in the field of care and maintenance of dogs of the declared breed, and the consent of the citizens around him.

List of documents for obtaining a license:

  • statement;
  • the applicant's identity card (passport);
  • a certificate from a psychiatrist about mental health;
  • written consent of neighbors (certified by their signatures);
  • written permission of the self-government body.

But this bill is under consideration in the State Duma. And while there is no current law, no one can prohibit keeping a pit bull.

Important! The genes of the pit bull terrier contain killer aggression towards the enemy. Therefore, it is very important that their owners are aware of the risk they are taking. After all, without the necessary knowledge and skills, without knowing how to use them in practice, no one will be able to properly socialize and raise such a dog.

As Russian health statistics show, in 2022, out of 569 cases of attacks by domestic dogs, in 217 cases these were pit bulls. And in half of them the victims were children. A disappointing indicator of human irresponsibility...

History of the breed

The first mentions of these dogs in literature appeared when colonists brought their European four-legged pets to the New World and began to breed new, American breeds. At that time, dogs of one of the new breeds were called Yankee terriers, or pit dogs. The dog was used for entertainment, as a fighting dog in the ring, or for baiting bulls. It was also called Bulbesser, or bulldog.

In the United States, the name “American Pit Bull Terrier” began to be used at the end of the 19th century, and for short – pit bull. At the same time, the pit bull was recognized as an independent breed. The brave athletes were quickly recognized by farmers and ranchers. The dogs successfully worked with livestock, transported cargo and took part in dog fights. Height, weight, color did not matter much. Working qualities have always been a priority.

Later, when American legislation introduced a ban on dog fights, some dog breeders separated and began to breed dogs under a separate name. These dogs are now known as American Staffordshire Terriers. Externally, only a specialist can distinguish them from “classic” pit bulls. Another part of the people continued to engage in dog fighting underground, which made it possible to get the dog in the form that it is now. Most of the breed's qualities - stubbornness (bordering on obstinacy), endurance, stamina - have remained in the modern pit bull terrier from those fighting dogs.

Today, within the same exhibition you can see completely different pit bulls. The main thing in breeding this breed is not the exterior, but the breed’s temperament - friendly, self-confident and interested in life.

Breed description, standards and appearance

As of October 2022, the APBT is not accepted as an independent breed either in the RKF or in the FCI. But dogs of this breed have a holistic, complete description of their appearance, which can serve as a kind of standard for the pit bull terrier breed:

HeadOf medium length, dry, rectangular, the skull is flat and wide between the ears, prominent cheekbones.
Height and weightThe weight of adult males varies between 25-36 kg, females - 20-27 kg. Height is proportional to weight, but not more than 49 cm at the withers. Pit bulls do not have clear limits on weight, since each variety has its own parameters for height at the withers and weight.
MuzzleIt has the outline of a square, the forehead is wide, strong, the nose is slightly elongated.
JawsWide, powerful, scissor bite.
EarsIn relation to the head, not very large, naturally slightly drooping or docked.
EyesAlmond-shaped, slightly slanting, medium-sized, equally spaced or wider than average.
NeckShort, muscular, widening towards the withers.
shoulder bladesMuscular, wide, set askew.
BackShort, slightly sloping.
BreastDeep, but not very wide.
TailRelative to the length of the body, it is short and set low.
Thoracic limbsMedium size, straight set. The pasterns are straight and strong.
Pelvic limbsSet straight, thighs long, well-muscled, hocks low, hocks short.
CoatShort, shiny, hard to the touch, without undercoat. The furs fit tightly to each other.
ColorAny, but without stains.

The average characteristics of the breed give a general idea of ​​the dog's appearance, but due to the fact that there are no clear standards, variations in appearance are still possible.

For example, the shape of the facial skull may vary between dogs - some have an elongated muzzle, similar to a rat's muzzle, while others have a shorter, "bulldog" muzzle.

Breeders divide APBT into 3 main types, which bear in their appearance the features of one of the founding breeds:

  • terrier;
  • bulldog;
  • mixed.

Breed varieties

There are several varieties of pit bulls:

  • The American Pit Bull Terrier is the epitome of the classic pit bull appearance. Offers many different colors other than merle. Black pit bulls with blue eyes look very impressive.
  • English Staffordshire Pit Bull Terrier (Amstaff) - has common ancestors with APBT, therefore it is extremely similar to it. The difference between these breeds can only be in size - Amstaffs are slightly higher at the withers. Perhaps this is due to the fact that they have slightly more terrier blood than bulldog blood.
  • The Albanian Pit Bull Terrier is distinguished by its unusual colors. For example, merle (merle) makes them very expensive dogs and at the same time often “rewards” them with congenital defects, such as deafness, blindness, and low immunity. Stillborn puppies are common in Albanian pit bull litters. From the admixture of Dalmatian blood, Albanian pit bulls got a leopard color.
  • The dwarf or mini pit bull (crossed with a Patterdale Terrier) differs from the classic APBT by its pronounced stockiness. In fact, it is not small at all - the point is in the structural features of the skeleton.
  • The French Pitbull is best suited to the name “dwarf”. This is a mix of a bulldog and a pug. The body is stocky, like a bulldog, and the size is like a pug.
  • The Cuban Pit Bull Terrier is the largest size in the pit bull line. Can reach 50 kg. This is the largest pit bull in the world - the “Hulk” of pit bulls.
  • The African (Boerboel) is still not exactly a relative of the APBT. It belongs more to the ancient genus of mastiff breeds and is native to Africa.

In general, pit bulls are quite universal for breeders - it is worth crossing the APBT with another breed, and a new variety of pit bulls appears. For example, crossing a pit bull and a German shepherd will result in a German pit bull.

The Argentine pit bull was bred in the same way - from the Dogo Argentino and APBT.

Color and coat type

Pit bulls have very short fur and a noticeably rough coat. These dogs do not have undercoat, so they cannot live in the cold.

The colors of pit bulls are very democratic. The only exception is the marbled merle color, which is characteristic only of Albanian pit bulls.

For other species, the following colors are acceptable:

  • white;
  • brindle;
  • blue;
  • ginger;
  • grey;
  • yellow-brown;
  • black;
  • cream.

Read more about pit bull colors.


The life expectancy of APTB is not particularly different from dogs of other breeds and is approximately 10-15 years. The lifespan largely depends on the conditions in which the dog is kept.

What does the breed look like?

At first glance, the Pit Bull Terrier is a strong-willed dog, distinguished by its strong body and health. Specialists worked on the body specifically to make it massive and muscular.

The difference between a pit bull and other breeds can be identified by its special body structure.

The general characteristics of the breed are:

The coat color of such dogs can be absolutely any color except white. The most common coat color is all shades of brown, most often with light highlights. The fur itself is short, smooth, and in some individuals it has a healthy sheen and gloss.

Pit bulls have a large, wedge-shaped head with wide jaws.

The dog's body is massive, dense, muscular, the chest area has a wide structure. The paws are large, wide as are the hips. The tail is not long, wide at the base, tapering towards the end.

Adults can weigh up to 38 kg - males, females weigh up to 23 kg. The height of pit bulls varies from 36-42 cm.

  • The most popular dog names in alphabetical order with recommendations

  • Shar Pei - history of the breed, character traits, care and possible problems + 87 photos

  • American Bulldog - history of the breed, appearance, specifics and characteristics, care (100 photos + video)

Character and behavior

APBT has a complex character. They have a strong fighting spirit, are prone to dominance and demonstrate a superiority in the processes of excitation of the central nervous system over the processes of inhibition.

These dogs strive to be first everywhere and above everyone. In addition, they have high intelligence for dogs - sometimes they try to make decisions on their own. And it will depend only on the person who will be the main one in their tandem.

If the owner is willing to spend a lot of time raising the dog, socializing it and training it, then in the end he will receive an incredibly loyal and reliable protector.

How to treat children

Pit bulls, despite their terrifying appearance, are very kind and even gentle in their own way. They treat children much better and gentler than small decorative breeds of dogs.

How much does it cost and where to buy

A specialized nursery is the best place to buy a puppy. Pitbull is very popular in Russia, so there are many registered kennels. To buy a baby, you don’t have to go to St. Petersburg or Moscow.

List of nurseries:

  • Strong Spirit (St. Petersburg);
  • Pit Real (St. Petersburg);
  • D&M's Pit Kennel (Perm);
  • BRIDEL (Ryazan);
  • RAMBO (Tyumen);
  • BEST STAR (Moscow);
  • BRAVE FIGHTER (Moscow).

The average price for puppies is 20,000-60,000 rubles.

Pitbull and Stafford: differences

Externally, these dogs are very similar. They look like variations of the same breed. The Stafford is 6 cm taller than the pit bull. It is distinguished by a wide chest, square jaws and longer legs. Pitbull is stocky and squat. The color of his nose depends on his coat. Amstaffs have it exclusively black. Pit bulls are more prone to aggression. Amstaffs are show dogs. Hostility is unacceptable to them.

Both breeds are pain-resistant and aggressive towards their peers. The Pit Bull is primarily a service and guard dog, while the Stafford is a protector and companion.

How to choose the right puppy

Before contacting breeders, you need to decide for what purpose you need a pit bull terrier. There are three classes of dogs:

  1. Pet class - dogs are not intended for further breeding.
  2. Breeding class – puppies of “star” parents, suitable for participation in competitions and for further breeding.
  3. Show class - the most expensive puppies with a venerable pedigree. They are purchased to participate in famous and popular exhibitions. Such dogs always compete for the highest titles and awards.

Pitbull puppies should be obtained from reputable breeders when they are approximately 8 weeks old. By this point, the baby will have time to receive the basics of socialization and learn to communicate with his own kind. And the breeder will do all the necessary manipulations - crop the ears (if necessary), carry out preventive treatment against worms and vaccination.

When choosing a puppy, it is worth considering the entire litter for various defects. If there are any, then there is a high probability that even visually healthy individuals may develop some defects over time.

Important! A pit bull terrier puppy is proportionally built, should move easily, be active, curious, playful, not timid, and have a good appetite.

Caring for puppies

Advice from professional dog handlers and breeders:

  1. As early as possible, start devoting time to socializing the puppy and establishing trusting contact with him. Puppies learn this best during the period from 3 to 16 weeks of their life. Therefore, it is very important to give the animal the opportunity to learn as much as possible about the outside world.
  2. Determine for the puppy his territory, or rather his place.
  3. Handle your small pit bull responsibly. Show him your warm emotions - then you will see both warmth and devotion. When training, use positive stimuli to develop skills and conditioned reflexes.
  4. Pay due attention to feeding your puppy. Poor nutrition will later cause health problems and shortcomings in physical development. If you have questions or problems with feeding, visit your veterinarian for advice.
  5. From childhood, accustom your puppy to examining its mouth, brushing its teeth, veterinary procedures, and trimming its claws.
  6. Provide your puppy with regular and sufficient physical activity. Excess energy must be released. Walk with the puppy at least 2 times a day for 1-1.5 hours. An excellent means of burning off excess energy for a small pit bull terrier is a game of fetch.
  7. Don't let your puppy get bored. Alone, without toys approved by the owner, the baby runs the risk of acquiring a lot of bad habits. If you need to go somewhere for a long time without the puppy, organize a closed space for him, where he can be left with toys and always with drinking water.
  8. Don't let your puppy play with other dogs without supervision. If during the game there are harbingers of conflict, then it is necessary to interrupt the game, calm the pet and encourage it if it immediately switched from the “enemy” to the owner.
  9. Don't let your puppy bite while you play with him. Stop even hints of aggression on his part.

How to care for an American Pit Bull Terrier?

Pit bulls are an unpretentious breed of dog, so the owner does not have to devote much time to caring for the pet. The most important aspect of keeping this dog is the owner's willingness to go on long walks and the ability to train the pit bull individually or in a group several times a week.

American pit bull terriers are lovers of active games, including with toys, so the owner must provide the animal not only with high-quality equipment (collar, harness, leash, muzzle), but also with durable toys.

American Pit Bull Terriers are lovers of active games

Toys for American Pitbull

The modern pet market offers a lot of toys for dogs. Conventionally, they can be divided into three groups:

  • items for fetching;
  • items to play with the owner;
  • items for dogs to play independently.

The first group - fetch items - includes various balls, frisbees and flying saucers, rings and pullers. These toys should be selected based on their size (medium or large is needed for a pit bull terrier) and durability. To prevent the animal's powerful jaws from biting through the toy, it is worth purchasing those designed for large breeds. In addition to the toys we have listed, special wooden fetch dumbbells are well suited for pit bull terriers. It is important that the dog retrieves the item without trying to spoil it.

Rubber puller

The puller is one of the most popular toys purchased by owners of large dogs. The puller consists of two identical rings. The toy has many advantages: the rings are made of soft foam material that does not injure the dog’s teeth. Pullers do not sink, they jump when they hit the ground, they are difficult to tear or bite through - the dog’s teeth simply fit into the ring without damaging it.

Large version of the dog puller

Toys that involve interaction between the owner and the dog, first of all, include ropes and their various modifications. American pit bulls, as they have a strong grip, will appreciate the opportunity to play tug-of-war with the owner.

Some dogs enjoy playing with a laser pointer by chasing the light beam. This type of game can be used in the cold season or when you need to quickly tire the dog, but a long walk is not possible. The main thing is not to let the dog become fixated on the laser, and to alternate such a chase with other games.

Rope constriction

Another category of toys are those that do not require intervention from the owner. For the American pit bull, good entertainment options include a Kong toy (designed for chewing, with a hollow hole for treats), a Jolly Egg (an egg-shaped plastic ball that eludes the dog when he tries to grab it) or rubber bones, embossed balls and other figures that allow the pet to brush its teeth.

Video – Educational toy for dogs

Care and maintenance of an adult dog

An adult pit bull is easy to care for. The main feature of the breed is its coat. In Russia there are cold winters - pit bulls will not be able to spend the winter in a kennel on the street without a good undercoat. This threatens them not only with frostbitten ears. Therefore, pit bulls live exclusively at home.

The right diet

The dog's diet must meet its energy needs. This is the most important condition. The second condition is that food must be fresh. Third, feeding should be according to the schedule.

Do not leave a bowl of food after feeding. And water for drinking should always be kept available. This is especially true when feeding dry food.

The following products are suitable for natural nutrition:

  • lean meat;
  • sea ​​fish;
  • cottage cheese and unsweetened fermented milk products;
  • vegetables;
  • cereals;
  • cheese;
  • chicken eggs (dosed).

Read more about how to feed your dog in the article “Proper diet for a pit bull.”

Walking and physical activity

You need to walk your pit bull terrier at least 2 times a day for 1.5-2 hours. The dog should come home from a walk tired. This will keep the dog in good physical shape and avoid many health problems.

Training and education

The intelligence of pit bulls allows them to quickly remember what is required of them and form conditioned reflexes, so they are easy to train.

One gets the impression that these dogs seem to be trying to please the owner, fulfilling his commands and demands.

  1. Make time for training every day.
  2. Ideally, do your research on training before purchasing a dog.
  3. If you are unable to instill the necessary skills and commands on your own, be sure to seek help from a professional dog trainer.

For a pit bull terrier and its owner, a course of OKD and excellent obedience is the key to a long and peaceful life. Only after OKD can you move on to the ZKS course (protective guard service).

Also read: “How to subdue a muscular fighter.”

Care and hygiene

Caring for pit bulls is not too difficult:

  1. Pit bull terriers do not often need to be bathed.
  2. As necessary, the wool should be combed with a stiff brush and wiped with a cloth. With this approach, the pit bull's coat will always be smooth and shiny.
  3. Dogs need oral hygiene. Pit bull terriers need to brush their teeth 2-3 times a week with a special toothpaste for dogs.
  4. Nails must be trimmed as they grow. If this is not done in a timely manner, there is a risk of injury to the claw plate and finger.
  5. As necessary, you need to treat the ears and eyes with special lotions.

Pet booth

A pit bull terrier may only need an aviary and a kennel for the warm season. The enclosure should be spacious so that the dog is not constrained in its movements, the booth should be neither large nor small, but in size, and located in the depths of the enclosure, fenced off from the walking part.

It is advisable to install a canopy in the enclosure to create shade in hot weather.


Mating for pit bulls is advisable no earlier than 2 years of age. The place for mating is traditionally prepared by the owner of the male. It is customary to bring a female for mating. This is partly due to territoriality - the male feels more confident in his territory, and the female - on the contrary.

Dogs are not fed immediately before mating. The female needs to wash her genitals.

Dogs are bred only from the 11th to the 13th day of estrus, but this is average information. The ovulation period may vary from dog to dog.

By the time she is completely ready for mating, the female’s discharge from the loop becomes almost colorless, and when pressed on her croup, she moves her tail and lifts the loop upward, as if inviting her partner to mate.


Training begins from the first months of life. After the puppy has moved to its new owners, it is necessary to establish contact with it. The success of education will depend on this. The owner must explain to Pete that man is the head of the pack and absolute authority. If the puppy shows a ferocious grin and dominates in every possible way, he needs to be turned over on his back and told that this cannot be done. This pose will emphasize a vulnerable position.

It is equally important to be consistent in prohibitions. If something is forbidden to a dog, you cannot make even the slightest concessions. This applies to all family members. Under no circumstances should you hit or yell at the puppy. Training should take the form of a game, but with the observance of mandatory rules. To consolidate the results and get a balanced dog, it is recommended to attend a general training course. This will help you understand the animal’s motives and avoid possible problems. The next stage is protective guard service. This course will teach your pit bull to control his impulses and make him an excellent watchdog.

Vaccinations and susceptibility to disease

Vaccinations are given to pit bull terriers at puppyhood according to the schedule, and then once a year. The list of vaccinated diseases is no different from other dogs:

  • carnivore rabies;
  • parvovirus enteritis;
  • carnivore plague;
  • adenovirus;
  • leptospirosis;
  • viral hepatitis;
  • parainfluenza

Diseases that pit bull terriers are prone to:

  • dental diseases;
  • infectious diseases;
  • obesity;
  • hip dysplasia (genetically transmitted);
  • various scabies (otodectosis, sarcoptic mange, flea dermatitis, notoedrosis, demodicosis). Although notoedrosis is feline mange, dogs can also become infected, as can cats with sarcoptic mange. Moreover, the mites that cause these diseases in dogs and cats can also bite people, but humans will not have specific symptoms of scabies;
  • allergies;
  • disorders of the thyroid gland;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system (aortic stenosis).

It is unlikely that you will be able to treat diseases on your own. It is much safer and more effective to contact a veterinarian. The only exception is an allergic reaction. When your pit bull has an allergy, you need to give an antihistamine as quickly as possible.


Pit bull terriers cannot be called long-lived and healthy. Inbreeding (inbreeding to consolidate breed qualities) leads to the inheritance of genetic diseases, which is why pit bulls have a lot of them. To the credit of many breeders, they try to prevent sick individuals from breeding and carefully monitor genetic abnormalities. But if a puppy is purchased from a private person - on the market, through an advertisement on the Internet - it is not known what set of genes he inherited.

The most common pathology in pit bulls is congenital heart disease. This disease can be detected in a pet at an early age: the baby breathes heavily and gets tired quickly. Subsequently, he becomes apathetic, suffers from shortness of breath, prefers to lie down, and his tongue turns blue. At the slightest suspicion, you should immediately contact a veterinarian. If treatment is started on time, the dog may well live to old age.

The organ of vision in pit bulls is also vulnerable. Thus, representatives of this breed are often diagnosed with cataracts. Since they navigate in space using sense and hearing, it is difficult to recognize pathology. However, if the owner notices that his pet constantly bumps into objects or misses during play, he should consult a veterinarian. Cataracts can be treated, but only if measures are taken in a timely manner.

Like other large breeds, pit bulls are prone to hip dysplasia. The disease manifests itself in lameness, joint pain and, if left untreated, can lead to immobilization of the pet.

Among the diseases associated with keeping a dog are the following:

  1. Obesity. A real scourge of domestic dogs. Leads to the development of heart disease, diabetes, and increases stress on the joints.
  2. Allergy. Pit bulls can have allergic reactions to pollen, dust, and foods such as rice, beef, wheat, and corn.
  3. Hypothyroidism. Develops in middle-aged individuals. The disease must be corrected with medications.

Like other dogs, American Pit Bull Terriers are not immune to infectious diseases, so it is extremely important to follow the vaccination schedule and timely deworming.

Pros and cons of the breed

The pit bull terrier breed, like others, has its advantages and disadvantages.

Easy to care forPuppy cost
Unpretentiousness in foodTime spent on socialization and training
Easily trainableGenetically inherent instinct to kill the enemy
Rarely gets sickPersistent need for attention from the owner
Genetic predisposition to hip hyperplasia and cardiovascular diseases

Pit bull and pit bull terrier: is there a difference?

Pit bull and pit bull terrier: is there a difference?
As mentioned above, the name of the breed “pit bull terrier” may have abbreviated versions: “pit bull” or “pit”. Therefore, there is no difference between a pit bull and a pit bull terrier - they are one and the same.

Important to know: Professional dog handlers and breeders of these dogs claim that representatives of this breed cannot be called pit bulls, since this word translates as “fighting bull”, and this is considered incorrect. Therefore, in professional circles, dogs of this breed should only be called pit bull terriers.

What to name a puppy

Before coming up with a nickname for a puppy, it is better to observe him. The baby's behavior will certainly tell you which name will suit him. In addition, if the dog is purebred, the breeder will come up with a name for the puppy.

The owner, in the process of communication, will find a diminutive form of the already given name.

Possible nicknames for pit bull boys:

  • Bandit, Band, Boss;
  • Varn;
  • Gray;
  • Don;
  • Keeler, Cor;
  • Lord;
  • Mason;
  • North;
  • Royce, Roy;
  • Ted;
  • Phil;
  • Hugo-Boss, Hayes, Khan;
  • Caesar;
  • Chaz, Chuck;
  • Cher.

Possible nicknames for female pit bulls:

  • Arana;
  • Bella;
  • Varana, Vaina, Visa;
  • Hera;
  • Dora, Deya;
  • Dawn, Xena;
  • Bark;
  • Lana, Lisa, Lika, Lucien, Laura, Luna;
  • Mira;
  • Rose;
  • Tara;
  • Tsera, Tsuma;
  • Sheiri;
  • Eira.

Pit bulls are excellent dogs, easy to train, loyal and reliable. In the person of the owner, they definitely need a clear leader with a strong hand, but at the same time knowing how not to demonstrate his own anger and aggression.

If a pit bull shows even the slightest bit of weakness or fear, it will dominate and become uncontrollable. Then there will be one more victim and one more terrible legend.

Causes of premature death of a dog

Accidents, poisoning, and existing pathologies of internal organs lead to the sudden death of animals. Negative consequences are difficult to predict, however, it is preferable to know what potential dangers threaten your pet.

Common causes of premature canine death:

  • poisoning;
  • heart disease;
  • pneumothorax;
  • tracheal collapse;
  • congenital abnormalities;
  • expansion, volvulus of the stomach;
  • ulcer;
  • splenic tumor rupture;
  • foreign body entering the throat;
  • heatstroke;
  • injury.

Dogs often suffer from poisons intended for rodents, poisons distributed to exterminate stray dogs. During a walk, be sure to keep an eye on your pet; if the dog does not respond to the command “ugh,” put on a closed muzzle so that the dog does not try questionable “food.”

Heart diseases can manifest asymptomatically, but if a young dog gets tired quickly, is weak, or is breathing heavily, you need to visit a veterinarian for a diagnostic examination.

Air accumulation in the peripulmonary space (pneumothorax) occurs due to injuries to the sternum leading to damage to the emphysematous bladder or existing tumor on the lung.

Tracheal collapse is more common in small breeds, is expressed by a sharp cough after active mobility or the manifestation of strong emotions, and sometimes occurs as a complication of past infections.

A congenital pathology that leads to tragic consequences is the displacement of the cervical vertebrae as a result of insufficient development or defect of the ligaments. An accidental jolt to the problem area can cause pressure on the spinal cord and be fatal.


Gastric dilatation and volvulus are more common in older dogs; both pathologies interfere with the normal blood supply to other organs and are considered deadly. Prevention of stomach problems is considered to be proper nutrition, adherence to a feeding regime and moderate exercise.

The premature death of the animal is caused by complications of peptic ulcer disease, expressed in the formation of a through hole in the wall of the stomach or bleeding. A precaution is the proper nutrition of your pet.

New growths on the spleen (benign and malignant) are susceptible to rupture, which can lead to fatal loss of blood. Tumor rupture is possible even with minor damage caused by difficult bowel movements or increased physical activity.

Swallowing a foreign object risks suffocation or injury to internal organs as the swallowed object moves inside.

Heatstroke is caused by severe overheating of the body and often occurs in dogs locked in a car in hot weather.

A dog can be injured on the street (being hit by a car, fighting with other dogs, etc.), at home (falling from a height, electric shock, etc.), the danger of injury depends on the degree of its severity and the provision of first aid.

Conditions of detention

The American Pit Bull Terrier is exclusively a domestic dog . You can keep it in an apartment or a private house. Due to its short coat, the breed is not suitable for outdoor living. The main thing to remember when keeping a dog at home is regular walks.

You need to walk your pit bull twice daily (morning and evening). Each walk lasts at least an hour and includes not only jogging, but also various exercises.

Exercises and training should be regular, varied and intense. This includes learning new commands, running cross-country, running with obstacles, and pulling loads. If it is not possible to run long distances, you can equip your pet with a treadmill at home.

Photos and pictures

Photos of Bully - a young unrecognized breed of dog, which is very often confused with the Pitbull Terrier:

And here are photos of pitbull puppies:

Black devil in the photo

Pete blue and yellow:

Staffordshire Terrier in the photo:

Additional information about the breed

The pit bull has powerful jaws and a constant need to chew something. Old non-studded tires, special hard treats, and molded rubber balls are perfect for playing with dogs. It is important to provide your dog with toys in a timely manner so that he does not switch to his home environment out of boredom. On top of that, pitas are very affectionate and cannot stand long separation from their family. Prolonged loneliness can have a detrimental effect on your pet's health and character.

Pit bulls do not have an undercoat, so it is important to protect the dog from drafts and to purchase insulating clothing for it during the winter cold. In addition, pitas do not like to sleep on the floor. A special dog bed or sofa will not be superfluous.

Price in Russia: how much do they cost in rubles?

The cost of a puppy in a kennel directly depends on 2 factors:

  • availability of documents - puppies with a passport are more expensive;
  • class of the purchased individual.

The class is determined by exterior characteristics and pedigree:

  1. Pet class. This group usually includes puppies without an outstanding pedigree. An ideal option for those who simply choose a devoted pet without any special requirements for exhibitions. The price of copies from the pet group is approximately 7,000 rubles.
  2. Breeding class. This group includes stud dogs suitable for professional breeding. Puppies have an exterior without flaws. The price of such a baby reaches 20,000 rubles.
  3. Show class. Elite dogs aimed at participating in exhibitions. Ideal physical characteristics, coupled with a rich pedigree, make representatives of the class real standards of the breed. The price for such a miracle starts from 40,000 rubles. and higher.

ATTENTION! Price should not be the main factor when choosing a pet. Sometimes unscrupulous breeders offer supposedly elite puppies from titled parents for exorbitant amounts of money. It is better not to rush into a purchase, especially if the seller is too persistent. Often it is possible to determine the potential of a future champion only in 5-6 months.

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