Do-it-yourself dog bed - step-by-step instructions for creating, patterns and drawings, choice of materials and type of bed (photo + video)

Most pet lovers prefer to buy dog ​​beds in stores or online. However, you can always make your own bedding or a whole bed for your dog.

You will have the opportunity to choose techniques and materials that will fit into the design of your room and will correspond to the size of your pet.

Requirements for homemade beds

DIY products must be comfortable, have a compact shape, and also meet a number of requirements:

  1. It is better to make the interior upholstery from durable fabric that is resistant to shrinkage during frequent washing.
  2. You should also choose textiles that can be easily cleaned from wool and dirt.
  3. The fabric used to sew the soft lining must be porous enough to maintain natural air circulation. High-quality ventilation prevents the development of pathogenic fungus and mold inside the cover.
  4. The filling of a dog bed should not quickly become thinner or form clumps.
  5. When developing patterns, be sure to take into account a convenient shape and sufficient dimensions for the new product.

Of course, we should not forget about the correspondence of the design of the soft bedding to the overall style of the interior.

Ready beds

Ready beds

If you don't want to bother making a bed for your dog, you can simply buy one. The price of a dog bed depends not only on the material used, but also on the size of the product. The range of such beds is quite large. Manufacturers often use buckwheat husks to stuff a sleeping bed for an animal, which is very convenient - it does not harbor insects.

The author of the following video suggests making an original pet bed in the form of a tightly stuffed pillow. You can clearly see each of the manufacturing stages by following the link:

The advantages of sewing a sun lounger yourself

For many owners, dogs are not just pets, but full members of the family. Sewing a bed in this case becomes a unique opportunity to provide the new resident with his own bed, surround him with comfort and care. The advantages of working independently include:

  1. The ability of the master to choose the shape, size, and type of bed himself.
  2. The pet owner will more carefully choose high-quality fabric and filling for his dog that meets all safety requirements.
  3. The master does not require any new skills or abilities. All you need to do is be fully proficient with a needle and thread and a sewing machine.

Today you can find ready-made drawings, patterns and step-by-step instructions on how to sew a dog bed with your own hands. Various web resources for practical handicrafts present photographs and sketches of beds in various variations that can serve as an example for work.

Materials and tools for work

For high-quality work, you need to prepare the following set of materials and tools:

  1. Textiles (depending on the characteristics of the dog breed).
  2. Filling (batting, polyester, foam rubber).
  3. Templates and patterns for dog beds.
  4. Needles, threads.
  5. Tape measure.
  6. Scissors.
  7. Iron.
  8. Materials for decoration (if they are provided by the model of the bed).

To make the frame, plywood sheets, solid wood, wooden slats, fasteners, a jigsaw, and sandpaper are used. Compositions for impregnation of parts must be used (antiseptic, antipyretic, moisture-resistant and antifungal solutions).

You will also need instructions on how to make your own dog bed. You can use original projects on You Tube channels for sewing various models of pillows and houses for pets.

Preparation of patterns and drawings

A very important and responsible stage of independent work is preparing a drawing for a rigid frame and patterns for a soft case. If desired, the master can use ready-made templates that can be found in the public domain today. The drawing must display the following parameters:

  1. Rigid frame dimensions.
  2. Dimensions and shape of each part.

They also show on the plan diagram the places where fasteners are used in the structure, the shape of the upholstery and pillows (if provided).

Useful tips

When making a homemade bed for a four-legged pet, it is important to know the nuances:

  • Be sure to take into account the character of the dog. An active, energetic pet that often runs back and forth, constantly watches what is happening in the apartment, and does not lie still for a long time, needs a design with low sides. A cozy bed with soft sides of medium height and a pillow at the bottom is suitable for couch potatoes and phlegmatic people;
  • When choosing material for the base and sides, it is useful to take into account the length and quality of your pet’s coat and the tendency to shed frequently. For short-haired dogs, fleecy material is suitable; animals with long hair need a smooth, but not very slippery fabric;
  • A useful device is a pillow cover. It is enough to remove the “envelope”, wash, dry and after ironing put it back on the base. The best option is to have two or three covers made of different materials for cool and warm weather and just to replace it if the pet accidentally makes a puddle on the mattress or pillow or tears the fabric while playing;
  • The bottom of the dog bed should not be too soft so that it does not press down. A mattress or pillow provides comfort to the animal;
  • Dogs of small breeds weigh little, a problem rarely arises: the base is pressed through. More often, owners encounter another problem: the pet chews the decor on the bed and pillow. If an animal spoils ruffles, fringes, tassels, pompoms, then you should not decorate the sides and soft base. The best option is fabric of interesting colors.

Find out the dosage and instructions for using Gamavit for dogs as part of complex disease therapy.

Directions for therapy and effective methods for treating scabies in dogs at home are described on this page.

Follow the link and read about how to choose a bear-type Pomeranian puppy and how to raise an obedient pet.

A few more recommendations:

  • When choosing a material, pay attention not only to design and texture, but also to strength. Pets not only sleep on a bed: dogs often bite, dig, scratch, and stretch the material. Suitable fabric options: flock, velor, fleece, cotton, satin, faux fur, linen, denim. For the summer, it is advisable to sew a pillow cover made of natural material so that your pet does not feel hot. In winter, when the room temperature is low, fur or plush is suitable;
  • filling for sides, bases, pillows: holofiber, padding polyester, wool, foam rubber, down. The best option is holofiber: the synthetic filler does not cause allergies, does not absorb odors, is lightweight, does not wrinkle, is durable, and does not harbor bugs, dust mites, fleas, or bedbugs. Natural fillers are lightweight, absorb moisture well and dry quickly, but harmful insects and arachnids may appear in them;
  • accessories and threads must be durable. It is important to securely connect the parts of the bed. Pets love to explore all the details of the “nest”; often a poorly sewn edge becomes a loophole for tiny claws and teeth. The dog can get the filler and accidentally swallow natural or artificial material, which is dangerous for the animal’s health;
  • If desired, the housewife can sew two beds: for the warm and cool seasons. It is useful to take into account the average temperature in the apartment at different times of the year, the breed of the pet (short-haired or long-haired), and tolerance to cold and heat. In summer, the dog will like a light, smooth, cool pillow cover: satin, linen, cotton. In winter, it is pleasant for your pet to lie on soft, fleecy, warm artificial fur, plush, or velor. If there is only one bed, then a sleeping pillow made of material suitable for the season will help change the character of the sleeping place.

Forms of bedding for dogs

For optimal use of a homemade accessory, the shape of the litter matters. Today you can find the following forms of do-it-yourself dog beds:

  1. Rounded model.
  2. Square pillow.
  3. A sofa bed with side restraints.

Today, thanks to the imagination and creativity of dog owners, you can find beds such as boxes on legs, beds made from old suitcases, built-in pillows on shelves and chests of drawers.

Donate an old sweater

Dog bed made from an old sweater

If you have an old sweater made of thick knitwear in your house (a sweatshirt is ideal), you can make an inexpensive bed for your dog from it. This bedding will be especially dear to your pet - because even after a couple of washes it will retain your scent. It is better not to use products with weak knitting - under the influence of the animal’s claws they will quickly lose their shape and turn into rags.

Making a dog bed from an old sweater is easy. For this it is enough:

A bed with a removable cover is much more convenient. It can be removed and washed at any time. To make your pet feel comfortable at any time of the year, make two of these covers at once. The first, winter, is made of warm fabric, and the second is made of cotton or linen.

Main types of dog bedding

Depending on the tailoring features, the following types of dog beds are distinguished:

  1. Soft models without a restrictive side (pillow).
  2. Soft model with a side.
  3. Bed house on a rigid frame.
  4. Wooden bed with a soft pillow.

Each presented option differs in design, level and complexity of implementation, and is suitable for certain breeds of dogs.

Plywood booth

A small plywood kennel can be placed in the house. In order not to bother with making a roof, you can make the product in the form of an ordinary box with an opening for entry. But a house with a gable roof will, of course, look much more interesting.

Booth with a gable roof

Pillow model

A comfortable, compact bed, presented in the form of a large pillow. It has no restrictive sides or rigid frame. Can be suitable for both large and miniature pets. Instructions on how to sew a dog bed:

  1. Using a pre-prepared template, two textile parts are cut out.
  2. The parts are sewn right sides together, leaving a window for the filler.
  3. After hand stitching, you must sew the contours of the cover using a sewing machine.
  4. The resulting cover is turned right side out.
  5. Stuffed with filler (polyester, batting, foam rubber).

Sew up the left window and decorate the pillow if necessary. For practical purposes, you can sew another removable cover for such a pillow, which will allow you to quickly clean the sleeping area.

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Original ideas

In principle, a pet bed can have any geometric shape: it can be made not only in the form of a circle, rectangle or square, but also a pentagon or polygon. But still, you shouldn’t think too much - wool and debris will constantly accumulate in numerous corners, which will be problematic to remove. And such a design will take up much more space.

DIY bed with sides

Another option for independent work is a sleeping pillow with restrictive sides. Sides can be presented in various variations: soft walls with filling or a thin layer of coarser textiles (for example, denim).

Instructions on how to sew a dog bed with sides with your own hands:

  1. A soft pillow is sewn using the previous pattern. You can additionally cross-stitch the inner cover with filling. This will give the pillow extra strength and prevent the filling from spreading out to the sides when cleaning.
  2. The outer cover is made in the form of a removable accessory.
  3. Separate patterns are required for the side. The parts are cut out using the templates.
  4. The parts are sewn together to form a ring.
  5. If you have to sew soft sides, you need to prepare two copies of the parts.
  6. The two halves are sewn together, stuffed with filling and sutured with hand stitches.

The last stage of work is to sew the sides to the base of the pillow. They make similar beds with their own hands for smooth-haired dogs that need constant warmth and dryness. Soft limiters allow you to retain heat inside the sleeping “basket”.

Round bed

Pattern of a round dog bed

The principle of its manufacture is similar to the previous one. The only difference will be in the form of details:

  1. First you need to prepare a pattern for a round dog bed
  2. The diameter of the workpiece will be equal to the length of the pet plus 25-30 cm for the sides. You need to add 2-3 cm to this figure for hemming the fabric, as well as 4-5 cm for inserting an elastic band
  3. Using the pattern, cut out two identical parts in the form of circles
  4. On one of them we mark the bottom of the bed in the form of a small circle located in the center. We also mark the location of the segments with chalk (eight will be enough)
  5. Sew the central circle, leaving a small gap for padding padding polyester or foam rubber
  6. We insert the filler into the bottom of the bed and finally sew it up
  7. We sew the segments and the second circle, also leaving holes for stuffing the sides
  8. Fill them tightly with filler. Sew up the remaining hole
  9. Preparing the seam for inserting the elastic
  10. Insert braid or elastic. We tighten them in such a way as to raise the sides
  11. Let us repeat once again that we are against any small decor in the form of beads, buttons and bows. You don't want your pet to choke one day trying to chew them off.
  12. We place the bed in the chosen place and invite the animal to try it out.

Puppies grow quite quickly, so it’s not worth sewing them a personal bed right away - they will quickly grow out of it. To make your baby feel protected, at first give him a place in a cardboard box and put a mattress in it.

Sofa bed with soft pillow

A model that is more complex in practical implementation is a wooden lounger in the shape of a sofa. To work, you will need to prepare the following set of materials and tools:

  • Plywood sheet or wood.
  • Fasteners.
  • Tape measure.
  • Construction pencil.
  • Jigsaw.
  • Fasteners.
  • Compositions for impregnation (antiseptic, antipyretic, moisture-resistant and antifungal solutions).
  • Textiles (any selected type of fabric).
  • Filler.
  • Handicraft kit.

In your work, you can use ready-made drawings and patterns or prepare them yourself. Instructions on how to make a dog bed with your own hands:

  1. According to a pre-prepared drawing, the contours of future parts for the sofa (main panel, back, supporting structures, side edges) are marked on the plywood sheet.
  2. Cut out the parts using a jigsaw.
  3. Carefully sand the edges of the cuts using sandpaper.
  4. Each part is pre-impregnated with prepared compounds. Such use of antiseptics can significantly extend the life of the product and prevent the development of diseases in your pet.
  5. After drying, they begin to assemble the rigid frame for the sofa bed.
  6. Further work depends on the selected model. You can wrap the frame with filler and sew a fabric cover.
  7. In another case, the master can decorate the surface of a wooden sofa using stain and transparent acrylic varnish. And for the pet’s comfort, sew a separate soft pillow.

The choice depends on the owner's preferences, the dog's breed and many other factors.

Interesting models of sun loungers

The most interesting models of soft dog beds can be made with your own hands using available materials. For example, sew a cozy and warm pillow for an old suitcase.

Also distinguished by its original design is the lounger, sewn from an old quilted jacket and blanket. The bedding can be placed on the bottom shelf of a chest of drawers or the tier of a loft bed.


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Key points to consider

To make your pet cozy and comfortable on the bed, when sewing it, think through every little detail:

It is better to put a removable pillow or bedding in the animal's bed. In this case, you can easily wash them at any time. You can make a pair of removable pillows from the same or contrasting fabric.

Photo of a do-it-yourself dog bed

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