Grooming a Pekingese at home or in a salon: basic grooming rules

Why do you need a Pekingese haircut?

A wonderful specimen
First of all, novice dog breeders should figure out why they need to groom dogs such as Pekingese, Spitz, Yorkies and others. In fact, there are several reasons for this.

Firstly, it could be a cosmetic haircut.
That is, the wool is simply trimmed slightly so that it lies in even strands and does not stick out haphazardly. This gives the pet a special attractiveness and well-groomed appearance, which is why it is usually used before various exhibitions. A dog that has not visited an experienced hairdresser for a long time can hardly count on prizes. Important !
Under no circumstances should you cut your dog's head - this will disrupt heat exchange and can also cause serious sunburn if exposed to the sun for a long time. Secondly, there are decorative haircuts for Pekingese. They allow you to change the appearance of your pet beyond recognition. True, they are usually resorted to by people who do not plan to participate in exhibitions in the next few months or at all. But after treatments from an experienced hairdresser, the dog becomes especially pretty.

Finally, this is a practical haircut. In the summer, if a pet is taken to the country, he will probably regularly roll in the mud and swim in the nearest river. Washing him after every walk, if the fur is long, is even more fun. Shorthaired dogs are much easier to care for. In addition, the shorn Pekingese tolerates hot summer days much more easily.

Photo and video review

To get acquainted with the models and haircut options, you should look at the photo and video review. It is better to entrust the first few manipulations of your pet to a professional, then try your hand.

It is necessary to accustom your dog to hygiene procedures from puppyhood. The more the kitten is caressed, the calmer it will accept manipulations with its fur. There are many options for caring for the Pekingese's hair, but what haircut the pet will wear is up to the owner to decide.

Where is it better to get a haircut - at home or in a salon?

Another question that is worth figuring out is where is it better to trim your pet: in a salon or at home. Each option has certain pros and cons.

It's worth starting with the salon. Yes, expert services are not cheap. Most often, you will have to pay from 2 to 5 thousand rubles for a haircut (depending on the neglect of the case and just the prices). In addition, not all people find it convenient to travel to a salon - it may be located on the opposite end of the city or in another area altogether. But that's where the shortcomings end. And the advantages begin:

  • The specialists know exactly how to do all the work correctly and will be able to efficiently handle even the most complex orders without harming the dog.
  • The salon has specialized tools - from a machine to special scissors, which makes it possible to carry out the work very quickly and without discomfort for the pet.
  • They use professional shampoos, which are extremely unprofitable to buy for home use. This allows you to give the Pekingese coat a beautiful appearance.

What can you say about home procedures? In fact, all the pros and cons listed above just need to be swapped. That is, the procedure can be performed at home for free and you won’t have to waste time on the road. On the other hand, hardly anyone will buy special tools for grooming dogs - it will be very expensive. The same can be said about professional shampoos. Finally, before the owner gets his hands on it, he may well make a lot of mistakes, because of which the pet will simply be afraid of such procedures.

So, each owner, based on the above, can decide for himself where it is better to have his pet cut - at home or in a salon.

Puppy haircut


Many years of experience in breeding Pekingese have shown that haircuts are a necessity for this breed. There is a variety of types of care used for dogs. It is important to note that haircuts are not typical for show dogs; on the contrary, representatives of the show class require special care for their hair. Let's look at the types of hairstyles that are most common and fashionable for Pekingese.


Processing wool with a special machine. The owner has the right to choose the length and areas to be cut. Even the owner of the dog can trim a small Pekingese using this method under the guidance of an expert. Sakhkom haircut is an example of the result of using the method.


Either scissors or a machine are used. The goal is to give the Pekingese a well-groomed appearance. Otherwise, this haircut is called “puppy” decor. This method will rejuvenate even an adult dog. Sometimes it is called plush.


This method is used for different breeds. The bottom line is that they leave a few strands of hair from which they make ponytails and braids for the Pekingese. The cutting method is preferred by owners who like to decorate their dog. Using technology, pruning for a lion cub is also performed.


A haircut using this method is done with thinning scissors. The idea is a smooth transition from long to short hair. The use of grooming in this case also involves subsequent long-term care of the dog’s hair.


A set of procedures aimed at preparing a dog for a show. Special products for wool are used. These show-class Pekingese do not have their fur trimmed.

How often to perform the procedure

Alas, there is no clear answer here. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the Pekingese, as well as the correct feeding. Therefore, it is enough for some dogs to be cut once every 6-8 months, while for others – twice as often.

Remember ! When cutting, you need to be especially careful near intimate areas - here the hair should never be cut off completely, but you should also not leave it too long.

It is important to closely monitor your pet's condition. If the fur has grown enough, then it’s time to visit the hairdresser or remember how to cut your Pekingese’s hair yourself.

It is also recommended to have a cosmetic trim before each show to ensure your dog appears in the best possible light before the public and judges.

Should you cut your hair yourself or leave it to a professional?

The main reason why most Pekingese owners prefer to groom their pets themselves is the high cost of professional groomer services..

Secondary factors include the location of grooming salons, which are not convenient for everyone to get to, as well as the need to adjust to a certain time when the groomer will be free.

Of course, if possible, it is better to entrust the haircut to professionals.

At a minimum, this should be done the first time when the dog is unfamiliar with the process and may be nervous or scared of the tools, especially the sound of the machine..

In addition, this will give the owner the opportunity to observe the progress of the haircut, and then repeat it himself.

Main types of haircuts and their descriptions

In general, there are quite a few types of haircuts, but the two most popular are lion and puppy. You should talk, at least briefly, about each of them.

Under the lion

To begin with, a machine with a 2 cm nozzle is passed along the body - the back and sides. The paws can be left fluffy - just trim the slightly overgrown fur.

But a gorgeous mane is left on the head and neck. Below the coat is cut so that there is a smooth transition to the short-cropped body. However, some experts prefer to leave the fur right up to the shoulders, which then creates a particularly thick patch of fur on the neck and chest.

On the tail, the hair is cut quite short (about 4-6 mm) and only at the tip is a kind of pompom left, similar to the tassel on a lion’s tail.

The procedure is in full swing

Like a puppy

With this haircut, the belly, chest and sides are trimmed to 2 cm with a nozzle. The fur on the paws is only trimmed a little - they should remain fluffy. You can leave long hair on the tail or cut it short.

The fur on the face is formed in the form of a circle. It should be of medium length. Approximately the same length should be left on the ears. Finally, in the groin area, the hair is cut with a 1 cm nozzle.

Hair care after haircut

Caring for your dog's fur after the procedures involves regular washing and combing. This is especially true for areas that have not been shaved. For example, when cutting a Pekingese with a lion cub clipper, attention is paid to the mane and tail.

Advice from experienced groomers is based on:

  • Don't get carried away with bathing your dog. The Pekingese must produce natural fat.
  • You need to comb your pet delicately, using soft tools, and avoid scratching the skin.
  • It is recommended to use dog shampoo and conditioner rather than human products, which have a different acid-base balance.

To reduce the amount of dirt in the autumn-spring period, it is recommended to wear special clothing on the dog. Winter options are necessary for cropped individuals.

the washing up

It is recommended to bathe the Pekingese no more than once a month, except when it gets dirty in the mud. Dogs should not be washed constantly because, unlike humans, they must develop sebum over a certain period of time.

It is important to use specialized products - shampoo and conditioner for dogs, even if he has a puppy cut. The water should be warm. Do not allow foam to get on the muzzle and ears.

Unlike smooth-haired breeds, it is not enough to simply wash the Pekingese; the coat must be dried. After applying the conditioner, the dog is wrapped in a towel so that it absorbs as much moisture as possible.

Gentle blow-drying is acceptable, but you must adhere to the following rules:

  • maintain cold or warm mode;
  • Do not bring the hair dryer close to the skin to avoid burns.

All manipulations must be carried out carefully, since if the dog’s hair gets tangled, it will be extremely difficult to comb it later.


It is recommended to comb the coat immediately after bathing, when the hair is not yet dry.


  1. Place the dog on its back, lightly spray the belly with spray and gently brush it, moving towards the head. It is permissible to sprinkle the belly with talcum powder.
  2. Process the paws using a similar principle.
  3. Before starting work on the back, remove dead hair from the belly using a slicker.
  4. Treat the hind legs and butt.
  5. Laying the dog on its side, comb the neck towards the head and from the middle of the body towards the tail. Repeat the same procedure on the other side.
  6. For girls, comb the back towards the neck.
  7. Work the tail from base to tip.
  8. Treat your pet with special care sprays.

Similar procedures are relevant for those who prefer not to cut their dog’s hair. In most cases, these activities are not so appropriate.

How much does grooming cost?

Grooming is not a dog's haircut, as some people believe, but a whole range of work, including shortening and thinning the coat, trimming nails, cleaning eyes and ears, as well as some other services.

Of course, any breeder is interested in how much it will cost him to groom a Pekingese. It all depends on what exactly the dog’s owner wants to get, as well as on the condition of the dog.

For example, for the haircut itself you will have to pay from 1 to 3 thousand rubles. For cleaning ears and eyes, trimming nails and other services included in the concept of grooming, you will have to pay another 500 to 1500 rubles.

Note! A lion haircut is more expensive than a cosmetic haircut.

Answers to frequently asked questions

How quickly does fur grow back?

Everything is individual. Growth is affected by the condition of the animal, nutrition, age, and vitamin intake. Hair grows quickly on the back and slowly on the head. On average, a new fur coat grows in 4 months.

Does the color change after a haircut?

Yes, the coat becomes lighter and softer. But this is only if you cut your dog's hair frequently. If the procedure is carried out 1-2 times a year, nothing will happen.

How to relieve your dog's condition in the heat?

To make it easier for your dog, you can spread wet towels around the house. It is also necessary to leave the bathroom doors open so that the dog can lie on the cool tiles.

You should not completely wet your pet’s body in order to cool it down. This can cause ulcers to form. It is better to spray a little on the head, paws and belly.

It is advisable to transport a dog in a car in hot weather if the air conditioning is running.

Trust your pet's haircut only to professionals. This will help preserve the beauty of the breed and prevent harm to health.

How to cut a Pekingese haircut at home - step-by-step instructions

Now we should move on to the most important thing - how to trim a Pekingese dog at home with scissors. The work is very difficult, so experts use special machines.

The difference is obvious

But you can get by with scissors, although it’s easy to make certain mistakes during the first lesson. Fortunately, the hair will grow back quickly and it will be possible to repeat the procedure, taking into account the old mistakes:

  1. First, you need to bathe the dog with shampoo and dry it completely - with a towel or hairdryer.
  2. Comb the coat with a suitable comb, at the same time determining where exactly you need to trim.
  3. Shearing the body - Vertical cuts from top to bottom get most of the work done.
  4. The area near the abdomen and chest is shaped with even cuts.
  5. The fluffy collar must be carefully shortened - rounded under the chest in the shape of a frill.
  6. The fur between the toes is cut as short as possible. Long hairs on the pads should be cut in a semicircle.
  7. On pants and elbows, the hair is cut off; if it is too long, it is important to create a graceful transition to the hip.

By remembering the simple tips given above, every breeder will be able to handle the Pekingese haircut at home, thanks to which his pet will always look great.

Required Tools

In order to trim a Pekingese, you will need:

  • dog clipper (popular from Moser or Andis);
  • a set of attachments with knives 10, 15, 22 mm wide, etc.;
  • a special grooming table or at least a rubber mat on which the dog will stand during the grooming;
  • scissors with rounded ends, which are used for cutting fur on the face and paws;
  • thinning scissors;
  • soft massage brush;
  • slicker brush with fine iron teeth;
  • an iron comb with sparse long teeth;
  • nail clipper

In addition, you may need a special tangle cutter, which can be used to conveniently remove tangles, as well as sprays and oils, the effect of which is aimed at facilitating combing.

Poodle haircut: hairstyle options

Poodle haircuts are always a must. It is a matter of health, convenience and hygiene. The coat of this breed is very thick, long, more like a sheep's than a dog's. Moreover, the hairs between the toes or in the ears can grow to the same length as the hair on the rest of the body.

The coat does not fall off during shedding, but remains in the undercoat. Because of this, a large number of mats are formed. If your pet is not groomed, he will become very unkempt and may develop a skin infection.

Despite some inconveniences, poodle hair is an excellent material for creating works of hairdressing art. Groomers love this breed: the dog is easy to work with, it tolerates procedures calmly, and its coat allows you to create beautiful hairstyles.

Many people do not like the frilly appearance of the breed. In the past, poodles were used as hunting dogs, and their hairstyle had specific functions:

  • The short fur on the paws allowed them to swim quickly.
  • A thick covering on the chest protected the lungs from the cold.
  • Pompoms on the tail and paws protected the delicate skin from thorny plants.
  • Long bangs covered her eyes from the rain and branches.

a lion

Poodles with this hairstyle look luxurious. To give the appearance of a lion, you need to cut the back of the body short and trim the front a little. Hair is left on the paws and tail to create pompoms.

Some possible variations:

  • English lion: the limbs have short pants, and a belt of short-cropped wool 1 cm wide is created at the waist.
  • Scandinavian Lion: Suitable for animals with less than ideal proportions. The hair at the front is cut in a semicircle. A cap is created on the top of the head, and pompoms on the paws. If the procedure is performed successfully, you can hide some of the pet’s shortcomings.

Puppy or "Pappy"

Show dogs can wear this hairstyle for up to a year. The fur on the face is shaved short, and on the body it is only slightly shortened. The head is cut to give it the shape of a helmet.

"English" or "English saddle"

This hairstyle also makes the poodle look like a lion. The front cover is slightly equal, the length of the hair on the back half of the body should be no shorter than 2 cm. A large pom-pom is created on the tail, and two on the hind legs. The hair on the head is collected in a topknot.


Will look good on royal poodles. The body is divided into 4 segments and then processed with scissors. Feature: cut belt in the middle of the body or at the “waist”.

teddy bear

This is almost a copy of the puppy hairstyle, only without processing the paws. It makes the poodle look like a teddy bear.

Hygienic grooming

Implies two types of processing. The first is maintaining the current hairstyle and decent appearance of the dog.

The second type is tidying up a neglected animal. In this case, the entire coat is cut off. Often wounds and abrasions are found underneath, so the master must carry out all manipulations very carefully.

Is it possible to cut a poodle's hair yourself?

It is better to entrust a show dog to a specialist. Any mistake will not allow the pet to take part in the competition.

It is not recommended to cut your poodle's hair yourself. This haircut may turn out to be unsightly, since the poodle's coat is very specific and requires special training.

In addition, it is dangerous because haircuts are performed using a sharp instrument, which requires certain skills.

In our salon we currently give poodles a home-style haircut.

Haircut features

  • Your dog needs to be groomed at least twice a year.
  • Between main haircuts, the fur on the paws and face should be trimmed approximately every 3-4 weeks.
  • Complete processing of the cover of this breed takes approximately 3 hours.
  • Regular care is needed, otherwise the pet will quickly get a sloppy appearance.

the washing up

You can wash your dog once every 3-4 weeks. The procedure requires shampoo and conditioner. The latter must be washed off thoroughly. Human cosmetics can be used. Any shampoo for dry hair is suitable.

The poodle requires careful and regular grooming. But in return you will receive a luxurious dog that even passers-by will compliment. Poodles are very smart dogs and, believe me, they know how to thank you for care.

Sequence of procedure

To shorten your pet’s claws quickly and painlessly, the dog owner should prepare for the procedure in advance and study the sequence and technology of performing all actions:

First of all, accustom your dog to the sight and sounds of nail clippers or nippers from a young age. You can playfully click the tool in front of the puppy so that the animal will not be afraid of it in the future. To encourage your pet, you need to treat it with treats. Before the first procedure, you need to think about a comfortable non-slip surface. This could be a table, a couch or a wide bench. You should invite an assistant to help restrain your pet or distract him by offering him a treat. This should be a person familiar to the dog and not causing him concern. It is better to trim nails when the pet is in a relaxed state, for example, he came after a tiring walk, played for a long time, or ate a hearty meal. While the animal is focused on a toy or food, you need to take its paw and carefully feel the pads of the fingers, each claw, determining the location of the nail bed. The owner should stand in front of the pet so that his hands are along his paws. The thumb should fix the pad of the toe on the front paws from which the claw is cut, the rest should grip the foot. It is more convenient to work with the hind legs when the dog lies on its side. Large pets are held down by leaning on them with the whole body and not allowing them to get up. It is better not to touch the spaces between your fingers. This can cause the dog discomfort or tickling and involuntary withdrawal of his paws. Then cut off the tip of each claw, leaving at least 2 mm to the pulp. In this case, you need to lightly press on the pads of your fingers so that they straighten. The cut is made only from below, in no case from above or from the side, this will cause delamination of the plate. Its angle is about 45 degrees or straight

You should be especially careful when working with dark breed dogs; it is better to cut off small sections, removing layer by layer. In general, it is advisable to trim the tip gradually, giving it the desired shape. If the cut surface is oval, the nail bed is nearby. Rudimentary claws have to be cut off more often, since they do not wear off at all and do not come into contact with surfaces when the pet moves. Now each cut must be carefully filed and sanded. If fur grows between your pet's toes, it is best to carefully cut it off with nail scissors with rounded tips. Briefly soak your pet's paw with trimmed claws in a bath of saline solution or chamomile infusion to relieve irritation and redness.

During the entire process, you should not raise your voice at the dog or show irritation and anger; the owner’s mood should be calm, friendly and positive. You should speak to your pet kindly, but firmly, calming him if necessary and forcing him to obey.

If the procedure does damage the pulp, then under no circumstances should the dog be allowed to escape. After putting the tool aside and interrupting the cutting process, you should gently clasp your pet with your hands, calming it down. Then treat the bleeding site with prepared products.

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