Breeding: breeding French bulldogs, pregnancy and childbirth. Caring for dogs and puppies

Each breed of dog has its own characteristics, so before breeding they must be taken into account in order to avoid mistakes. French bulldogs are considered an elite breed. These are small, cute dogs with a flattened muzzle, protruding ears and a stocky build.

They have a variety of colors, but their types are still prescribed by the international standard. Let's look at the features of breeding French bulldogs and what difficulties breeders may encounter.

When it comes

The arrival of the first heat occurs differently for each bitch, the norm is from 6 months to 1 year.
The owner needs to monitor the appearance of discharge. If there is a significant delay or, conversely, an early onset, you should contact a veterinary clinic and find out the reasons for the development beyond age.

A healthy reproductive and hormonal system of a bitch ensures the onset of a timely natural process within a set period of time in a certain regular cycle.

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There is no need to mate your pet after the first ovulation, since the body is weak and not fully formed, pregnancy can provoke deviations in the development of the pet.

Ejaculation outward

This happens when the young male is inexperienced.
If the bulldog, after many attempts, is unable to enter the vagina and is overexcited, then ejaculation occurs outward. Further attempts at mating are impossible; the penis remains swollen for some time. Let the animals calm down, take them to different rooms. Re-mating is carried out on the same day after a few hours.

Features of the bitch's behavior

As estrus approaches, a hormonal surge increases playfulness, disobedience, and the pet’s behavior changes:

  • The motor energy increases or, on the contrary, there is a loss of strength in the pet;
  • Appetite changes - disappears or becomes excessive;
  • Begins to go to the toilet more often, marking the territory;
  • Attention to the owner increases or, on the contrary, disobedience appears;
  • The female actively flirts with males;
  • The appearance of colorless mucus, then mixed with blood, is noted;
  • The external genitalia become enlarged.

This behavior is not inherent in all representatives of this dog breed. To avoid unwanted mating, the pet needs to be walked several times for short periods of time throughout the entire period, using a leash.

Duration and stages

French Bulldog breed bitches bleed 2 times a year for about 3 weeks.

The cycle consists of 4 phases:

  1. Proestrus - lasting up to one and a half weeks. Scanty discharge appears, swelling of the loop is noticed. The bitch is not yet prepared for mating; ovulation does not occur.
  2. Estrus is the best period for mating. The abundance of discharge decreases, its structure changes, and a pinkish tint predominates. The ovulation stage occurs. The female begins to become active and is ready for fertilization, which increases the possibility of mating.
  3. Metestrus. Mucous secretion stops, the loop becomes the same size, the bitch avoids and does not allow dogs to approach her. The dog experiences internal changes, the level of progesterone increases regardless of the result of fertilization.
  4. Anestrus. At this stage, lasting six months, a lack of interest in sexual activity is noticed, the animal’s body regains lost strength.

Basic rules of mating

The process of breeding French bulldogs is quite complicated, and the best advice is to invite people like breeders to help you in this matter. There are several rules that every specialist will advise you in any case. Mating, for a positive result, should be repeated twice, preferably within 1 day. It is best if mating occurs on the territory of the male. Before mating, protect the dog from stress, otherwise the dogs will worry, which will not lead to anything good. Don't be nervous, if the landing is unsuccessful, your anxiety will be passed on to the dogs.

The fertility of a dog is hereditary, which means it is absolutely independent of the male. For male French bulldogs, mating is possible at any age, even old, but you should not expect healthy and strong offspring from such males. The best time for mating is the end of the second week, after the start of estrus. If the bitch is ready for mating, you can run your hand over the croup and lower back; she should bend her paws, as if sitting down, but without touching the ground with her backside. Before mating, it is best to walk and feed dogs, however, at least 3 hours should pass from eating to introduction and the moment when mating occurs. Before mating, it is advisable to wash the bitch’s genitals with a solution of rivanol to disinfect. Depending on the nature of the dogs, the cable can either immediately begin to mount, or first flirt with her.

French bulldog standard: Height at the withers - 25-35 cm, weight 8-14 kg. Color: brindle, fawn, white-fawn (with spots), cream and white. Coat: short, smooth, shiny.

Pros He enjoys the company of people

Difficulties To avoid diaper rash, it is necessary to lubricate the folds on the face with naphthalene ointment (zinc ointment is possible. - Ed.) Snores:)


Normally, the interval between estrus is 6 months, but this phase is individual for each female. An interval earlier than five months and later than 10 is a reason for concern and examination of the animal by a specialist.

The frequency is influenced by various factors: living conditions, diet, animal temperament, the influence of pheromones from the environment of nearby bitches. In domestic dogs, it is observed mainly 2 times a year - in autumn and winter. Dogs living in the wild expire once a year in the spring and give birth to puppies during the warm period of the year.

A pet requires care and proper care. Owners of bitches need to pay due attention to the signs of ovulation and the course of the process in their pet during these hectic days.

Choosing a puppy

In order to protect yourself as much as possible from annoying surprises with your health and appearance, choose a dog in a special club or kennel with a good reputation. Visit a number of exhibitions, study collections, pay attention to which nursery adherents are more attractive to you.

At this point, you need to understand for what purpose you need a dog. In particular, the budget that must be allocated for its purchase depends on this. Symbolically, all French bulldogs can be divided into 3 groups:

1) family pets; 2) show class dogs; 3) dogs for breeding.

The first ones claim only your commitment, the second ones, in addition to this, have every chance of counting on prizes at exhibitions, task 3 is to protect and improve the breed. Let us note, in fact, that show-class males, regardless of the number of victories, are not always used in breeding. In this case, the origin (pedigree) of the dog is decisive.

When choosing a puppy, pay attention to its character and temperament. This, of course, is a matter of personal preference, but experts recommend choosing an active, playful animal. Assess the puppy's mental health - to do this you need to meet and communicate with its mother. Be sure to examine the baby for physical health (wet and cold nose, absence of suspicious discharge, soft, elastic belly, etc.), find out what vaccinations have been given, and whether the dog has been dewormed. Experts recommend choosing an active puppy with strong bones, a wide back and straight legs.

In fact, there are many rules that should be followed when choosing a French bulldog. If you feel that you lack the necessary knowledge, invite an expert or seek advice from an experienced breeder.

Signs of heat

How does estrus manifest itself? You can determine when a dog is in heat by its behavior, and it changes significantly. The female becomes more active, becomes overly playful and may ignore commands. This is all the result of a hormonal surge.

Among the main signs of estrus are:

  • The dog begins to sit down to urinate more often (it marks its territory so that potential suitors are aware that it is ready to accept advances);
  • Bloody discharge oozes from the noose;
  • She often licks the area under her tail;
  • The bitch begins to flirt with the males, they show active interest;
  • Estrus is preceded by molting.

At first, dogs do not allow members of the opposite sex to approach; they may even show aggression when courtship is too intrusive; their body is not yet ready for mating.

After one and a half to 2 weeks, the structure of the dog’s discharge changes; it will look like yellowish mucus. During this period, the female feels a strong sexual desire, especially if she notices males nearby, her tail moves to the side, and her body takes the stance necessary for sexual intercourse. The loop increases significantly in size.

The bitch can remain in this excited state for 5 to 7 days. If the owner wants to breed a dog, then he must mark these days. The right time for mating animals is between the 9th and 17th days, less often on the 21st. Everything is individual and depends on the breed of the pet.

Preparing for childbirth

Childbirth in French bulldogs is usually difficult, so it is better to arrange with your veterinarian in advance - a caesarean section may be required.

The onset of labor is accompanied by a decrease in the dog's body temperature to 37 degrees , milk appears, and she begins to spend more time in a pre-prepared box.

If the birth goes without complications, then contractions and pushing will soon begin, and the first puppy will be born. The owner should immediately free it from the membranes, clean the mouth of mucus, and then tie the umbilical cord in two places. Then cut it above the constriction points, treat the edges with an antiseptic.

Under no circumstances should you let your dog chew the umbilical cord. It can injure the puppy.

Each new puppy should be placed in a separate box from the mother with a pre-prepared heating pad so that the dog does not injure the babies during the birth process.

Step-by-step passage of heat

The entire animal cycle is divided into 4 stages:

  1. Proestrus (or called proestrus). Duration 1-1.5 weeks. At this time, the process of blood circulation in the genital area increases significantly, the loop swells, and the first, initially scanty, bloody discharge appears. During this period, the dog is not yet ready for mating; ovulation has not yet occurred. But external signs are already evident - she becomes playful, may not obey the owner, and run away. When walking, he spends more time sniffing out the surroundings and constantly crouches down to leave marks. Males are already experiencing increased interest; when trying to copulate, the bitch growls and snarls.
  2. Estrus (active sexual hunting). During this period of time, more precisely the first 2 days, the process of ovulation occurs. But the bitch can keep the gentlemen away for a few more days. A little later, when she sees a potential suitor, the female raises the back of her body, tightens the noose and moves her tail to the side to facilitate the penetration process. She freezes and patiently waits for action from the male dog. The discharge from the loop will vary; normally, the appropriate period for mating occurs when it is light pink or disappears completely. The vulva swells significantly.
  3. Metaestrus (the final stage of estrus). The duration of this period is several days. The discharge stops, the noose returns to its previous size, and the bitch again does not allow gentlemen to approach her. If fertilization does not occur, then the female again becomes calm. The dog still experiences hormonal changes - the level of progesterone increases, which is not without reason called the pregnancy hormone. This happens regardless of whether the female becomes pregnant or not. This condition becomes the cause of such a phenomenon as false pregnancy, which mostly passes without outside help and consequences.
  4. Anestrus (phase of sexual tranquility). The duration of this stage is approximately 100-150 days and allows the animal’s body to recover before the next heat.

The frequency of estrus varies among dogs due to several associated factors. For example, in domestic dogs it happens 2 times a year - in autumn and at the end of winter. Sometimes flow is limited to once a year.

Dogs that are kept outdoors, pets from the north, breed once a year in early spring to give birth to puppies in the warmer months.


During this special period for the dog, it is not recommended to change the diet, as this can affect the emotional state of the bitch or generally cause stress, which can interfere with successful fertilization. However, two weeks before the expected estrus, you can increase your nutrition with vitamins and microelements.

The veterinarian can recommend specific medications after examining the “French lady,” since an excess of vitamins in the body (hypervitaminosis) as well as a lack of vitamins (hypovitaminosis) can negatively affect the health of the pet, lead to unwanted miscarriages or termination of pregnancy, and affect the condition of the puppies.

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How to avoid mating

This question is most often asked by owners of dogs who do not plan to breed. But it is not alien to people who keep breeding dogs, because an unplanned mating will be an unpleasant surprise.

The main condition is to keep an eye on the dog while walking, do not let it off the leash and do not allow strangers to get too close.

You can purchase a special product at veterinary pharmacies or pet stores that eliminates the odor that attracts male dogs. It is used to treat the back of the pet’s body before each walk.

Care features

On the eve of the first estrus, the female may experience discharge from the loop, juvenile vaginitis containing a small amount of pus. There is no need to worry, this phenomenon is normal. Everything will return to normal as soon as the heat passes. If this does not happen, then it is worth undergoing an examination to identify various pathologies.

To make the estrus period more hygienic (especially for estrus in dogs kept in an apartment), you can purchase elastic panties for one-time use. They will prevent your dog from leaving bloody spots around the house. But still, you should not wear them all the time; veterinarians advise allowing the female to remove the discharge on her own by licking it.

During the first heat, the dog may not understand how to behave, so it is worth teaching it to remove spots. And to do this you need to remove carpets and rugs from the floor.

During the period of heat, the dog requires care:

  • You should avoid long walks in winter to prevent your pet from catching a cold;
  • There is no need to take her out to places where other dogs gather;
  • Walks are strictly on a leash.

If suddenly it was not possible to prevent an unwanted mating, then it is forbidden to give the dog drugs to help terminate the pregnancy. This will cause significant health problems for the pet, which lead to infertility in the dog.

An important factor is keeping the dog during heat. If you do not plan to breed a dog and get puppies from her, at the first sign of estrus you need to start taking precautions:

  • Keep a close eye on your dog while walking and avoid all contact with dogs of the opposite sex.
  • Walk your dog on a short leash: even the most well-mannered and docile pet can run away during heat, not paying attention to any commands.
  • Do not allow your dog to mate - it is impossible to separate the animals during intercourse.
  • Do not take your dog while in heat to competitions or shows. This will cause anxiety among the male dogs present at the show. During heat, a dog does not respond well to commands and can be disobedient.


If we talk about helping a dog, then immediately after giving birth the dog needs to be given something to drink , and if it does not refuse, then something to eat. Warm milk or light broth is good for these purposes. After this, you can take your pet for a walk.

If a dog has undergone a caesarean section, the owner will have to feed the babies himself, and the bitch will have to regularly treat the suture with medication. When a bulldog feeds puppies on its own, you need to take care of the air temperature in the room - it should be at least 24 degrees.

When, for certain reasons, puppies are left without a mother, in addition to feeding, another problem arises - they cannot yet defecate on their own. Therefore, you should regularly massage each baby’s tummy with a damp cloth.

5 days after birth, small French bulldogs have their fifth toes removed. This procedure should only be performed by a veterinarian.

To start breeding French bulldogs, you should monitor its health, diet, and activity from the first time your pet appears in your home. By approaching the issue of caring for the dog responsibly, the owner will receive healthy offspring from his pet.

No heat

With good general health and the state of the reproductive and hormonal systems, the first estrus occurs at the established normal times and then repeats with a certain cyclical regularity. If the dog is older than 18 months, and the first heat has not come, you should consult a veterinarian to find out the reason for this delay.

Reasons for delay/absence of first heat:

  • Poor living conditions, improper or insufficient feeding;
  • Violation of hormonal regulation of the reproductive system;
  • Congenital disorders in the development and structure of the genital organs;
  • Ovarian dysfunction (hypofunction, lack of appropriate hormones during the appropriate period);
  • Dysfunction of the pituitary gland and/or thyroid gland;
  • Tumors and/or other neoplasms, cysts of the pelvic organs or on the ovaries;
  • Endocrine pathologies;
  • Chronic inflammatory processes in the uterus;
  • Hermaphroditism (for example, when underdeveloped testes are found instead of ovaries).


Problems that the owner may encounter during the birth of a “French woman”:

  1. Weakened contractions or pushing. Most often this occurs due to the dog being overweight or having dead puppies. In such a situation, the veterinarian gives an injection to stimulate labor.
  2. Large puppies. They can get stuck in the birth canal. The only correct solution is a caesarean section.
  3. Incorrect position of puppies. The situation can only be corrected by a veterinarian by giving the dog anesthesia and, after relaxing the muscles, turning them into the correct position.
  4. Atypical discharge after childbirth. This usually indicates that there is a puppy remaining in the uterus. Need urgent veterinary help.
  5. Ectopic pregnancy. Only urgent surgery with further long-term treatment can correct the situation.
  6. Lack of milk. The veterinarian gives a special injection to stimulate lactation.

How to avoid the difficulties of estrus

To cope with the symptoms of estrus in dogs, breeders and dog owners advise using drugs to regulate sexual heat.

Drugs from the CounterSex Neo brand are hormonal drugs for regulating sexual desire and preventing unwanted pregnancy in case of accidental mating.

Many breeders and dog owners use CounterSex Neo for the following reasons:

  1. High efficiency. With the help of CounterSex Neo drugs, it is possible to effectively correct a dog’s behavior, solve problems of aggression, marks in dogs during heat; prevent unwanted pregnancy.
  2. Safety. CounterSex Neo is a new generation bihormonal drug. The drug is safe due to the minimal content of 2 modern active ingredients.
  3. Convenience. The drug CounterSex Neo is available in the form of drops and tablets. Each owner can choose the most comfortable form of the drug for his dog, in which it will be convenient for him to give the drug to the animal.
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