Adult Spitz and puppy: height, sizes of boys and girls

An adult Spitz, in its parameters, is more reminiscent of a small dog, which will look like a puppy until old age. Every Spitz owner should know what parameters are typical for this breed at different ages, since deviations from the norm indicate possible health problems.

Spitz are not always miniature, as is commonly believed; there are several varieties that differ significantly in physical characteristics

Spitz development up to 4 weeks

Pomeranian Spitz cubs are small at birth. They weigh from 55 to 125 g. The baby looks defenseless and vulnerable, he is blind and deaf.

A newborn Pomeranian puppy has a disproportionate ratio of body parts:

  • the head is large and compressed;
  • elongated body with a voluminous tummy;
  • limbs are short.

The body is covered with weak fluff through which the skin is visible. The color of the skin indicates the future color of the animal: light fur grows on pink skin, and dark fur grows on dark skin. Blueness is a sign of possible health problems.

After 10-15 days, the Spitz begins to see clearly, and on the 17th day the ear canals open. By the 3rd week, the cubs begin to empty their bowels on their own, without maternal stimulation. By the end of 1 month, they fully stand on their paws and actively move (video from elyano4ka).

Choosing a place and utensils for feeding

From puppyhood, your pet needs to be taught to eat in the correct position. This approach will allow the backbone to form correctly and relieve the ward from constant hiccups. In addition, the Spitz puppy will eat more carefully and calmly.

The choice of place and utensils for feeding a Spitz puppy directly depends on its potential size. Regardless of the type of breed, it is better to purchase once:

  • Medium depth bowls made of ceramic or stainless steel.
  • Stand for bowls.
  • A rubber mat that covers the eating area to prevent slipping and contamination.

Tip: If your Spitz puppy has a habit of gulping down food, it is best to feed him from a special bowl with a structured bottom.

What vaccinations does a Spitz puppy need?

While breastfeeding babies, passive immunity protects them from infections. With the transition to self-feeding, its effect weakens, so vaccination begins at 8 weeks.

Pomeranian Spitz puppy development by months

Veterinarians offer a schedule of basic vaccinations, which includes the administration of complex drugs against major infections (hepatitis, leptospirosis, enteritis, distemper, parainfluenza). Combined vaccination of Pomeranian Spitz is carried out at the age of:

  • 8-9 weeks;
  • 6 months;
  • 1 year.

At 12 weeks, in addition to the comprehensive vaccine, the puppy is given an anti-rabies drug.

Would you like to get yourself a Pomeranian?

Dog diseases

Often small dog breeds have problems in the joints and skeletal system. Spitz dogs have fragile bones and delicate ligaments, so often under stress when running and jumping, there may be dislocations, dysplasia, varying degrees of deformation and the risk of injury.

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Posted by Pomeranian Spitz

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