Dog racing winner: which is the fastest breed?

Humanity loves dogs for many virtues - loyalty, dedication and constant positivity. But four-legged friends have one more quality that people needed to survive. The fastest dog in the world and representatives of its breed have saved human lives many times. And it was never a bad idea to catch game for food.

Therefore, the fastest dogs can be considered real guardian angels of humans. And they definitely deserve the monuments that will be discussed below!

Hungarian Vizsla – 60 km/h (record – 64 km/h)

The Hungarian Cops are very different in appearance from the other finalists. Vizslas are very muscular, strongly built dogs with a wide, proportional skull. Unpretentious to care for, but very sociable animals are loved by many people. Vizslas are one of the 10 fastest dogs: their speed can exceed 60 km/h!


The breed of short-haired working dogs, bred at the end of the 19th century in Germany, was originally called the Thuringian Pinscher (after the name of the area). It received its modern name after the death of its creator, breeder Karl Friedrich Louis Dobermann. These fast animals are still excellent guards and faithful companions of the military and law enforcement officers. The height of the average Doberman is 70 cm, weight can reach up to 45 kg. Typically the breed is black with tan markings on the head, chest and limbs.

Maximum travel speed up to 51.5 km/h


The second place is occupied by the Persian greyhound, or as it is also called - Saluki. She is not much inferior to the leader. The running speed is 67 km/h. At the same time, the animal is famous for its endurance and is able to run for 3-5 hours.


The breed has existed for 5 thousand years. Salukis were kept in ancient Egypt. Archaeological artifacts bear an image of this four-legged pet. At home they get along with other pets. They love children and are friendly. In addition, she is clean and not whimsical.

Border Collie

Initially, the breed is considered a herding breed, so at the genetic level the ability to move quickly and control everything is inherent. Running speed varies within 48 km/h.

Border Collie

Due to its good-natured nature, the border collie has gained popularity. The animal is easy to train. In one day, a dog can learn up to three commands.


  • unpretentiousness;
  • friendly attitude towards children;
  • devotion;
  • learning ability

Top 17 record holders for speed among four-legged animals

The ranking below presents the fastest dog breeds, the maximum speed of which is indicated in the subheadings, in ascending order.

Italian Greyhound – 40 km/h

The name comes from the French word "livre", which means "hare". The Lesser Italian Greyhound was bred two thousand years ago in what is now Greece and Turkey. Height at the withers is 33–38 cm, and weight ranges from 3.6 to 6.8 kg. Externally, the smooth-haired Italian Greyhound is similar to the Greyhound; its color can be two-tone, brindle or red-fawn. Dogs of this breed are valued for their compact size, easy-going nature, intelligence and grace.

Podenco Ibicenco – 40 km/h

The Ibizan is a hunting dog, characterized by long legs, a muscular neck and an athletic build. The energetic breed has heightened senses: hearing, smell and vision. Therefore, dogs are used for catching rabbits, game, and field testing with bait. Thanks to the so-called “soft grip”, the dog brings live prey to its owner.

Giant Schnauzer – 45 km/h

The breed first appeared in southeast Germany as a herding and guard animal. After being brought to other cities, Giant Schnauzers guarded warehouses and shops. The height of the dogs is 60 – 70 cm, the fur is dense, hard, and the body is square. Most often the color is black, but there are also shades of light silver and dark steel. According to the owners, such a pet embodies intelligence, poise, and elegance.

Deerhound – 45 km/h

The Scottish greyhound has been known since the 16th century; it was bred by aristocrats to hunt deer, foxes and hares. Height ranges from 71 to 81 cm, weight gain is 33.5 to 60 kg. The coat is brown, sandy or gray. The animal has a heightened sense of smell and a lightning-fast reaction, but does not have the makings of a security guard due to its gullibility in strangers. Living in an apartment is not suitable for a freedom-loving breed; it is better to choose a suburban area with a spacious yard.

Irish Wolfhound – 45 km/h

The breed was used to hunt wolves 500 years ago. For males, the height at the withers is 86 cm, for females – 71 cm, and the average weight is 55 kg. Color: wheaten, yellowish-brown, red, white. The wolfhound is characterized by endurance, rapid movements, affectionate disposition, and often participates in the ceremonies of kings.

In the 15th century, each county was required to keep these dogs to protect their herds from predators.

German Shepherd – 48 km/h

The breed has a wedge-shaped head, erect triangle-shaped ears, and a curved tail. Body length is 56 – 66 cm, weight is from 22 to 40 kg, black and red color predominates. Thanks to their keen sense of smell, such dogs are indispensable in rescue operations and detection of drugs and explosives. The price for puppies ranges from 20 to 50 thousand rubles.

Poodle – 48 km/h

A distinctive feature is a wavy coat with apricot, spotted, black or white coloring. In Europe, the dog was bred to organize field communications and search for the wounded; in Russia, it was bred to catch ducks. The poodle easily makes contact with people, is observant, and intelligent.

The International Organization of Cynologists recognizes 4 varieties of poodles:

  • Standard (royal), at the withers 45 – 60 cm;
  • Small, at the withers 35 – 45 cm;
  • Miniature (dwarf), 28 – 35 cm;
  • Toy – below 28 cm.

Border Collie – 48 km/h

The smartest dog breed in the world, according to scientists. It was bred in Great Britain to protect livestock during grazing. The height of the Border Collie is 45 – 56 cm, the coat is predominantly black and white. The energetic animal is insightful, flexible, trainable and easy to train. It can study up to three commands per day.

Doberman – 51.5 km/h

The original name was Thuringian Pinscher. This variety was bred in Germany at the beginning of the 20th century. The body length of dogs reaches 70 cm, weight ranges from 32 to 45 kg. Smart Dobermans are used in law enforcement agencies and for personal safety. They are characterized by moderate aggression and excitability, are attached to their owners, and love children.

Whippet – 55 km/h

The Lesser English Greyhound was brought to Europe by the Romans in 55 BC. It was used both for hunting and for catching rats and participating in dog racing. A mini-copy of a Greyhound with a height of 44.5 – 57 cm and a weight of 7 – 19 kg. Whippets have a calm disposition, hardly bark, and do not show aggression. But representatives of the breed are sensitive to the tense atmosphere in the house and the screams of people.

Russian greyhound – 58 km/h

So named from the word “dog,” for its wavy, silky fur. The dogs arose as a result of crossing Tatar dogs with huskies. Used for hunting wild boars, bears, and hares. Height 69 – 83 cm, weight 25 – 48 kg. The Russian dog is peace-loving; physical pressure provokes aggression.

Dalmatian – 60 km/h

Previously, dogs were used as companions and guards, following the carriage of their owners. Dalmatians have short hair, height 48 – 61 cm. Dalmatian puppies are born white, with black spots appearing after three weeks. Pets are friendly, sociable, but show independence and excessive independence. Dog handlers advise socializing dogs from an early age and devoting time to training.

Jack Russell Terrier – 61 km/h

Miniature dogs appeared in 1975 at the request of English hunters, so as not to confuse white dogs with foxes. The duties of the Jack Russell included entering the hole and driving out the wild animal. The breed is characterized by a small height of 25 – 38 cm, weight 6.4 – 8 kg. Its representatives are brave, hardy, as well as smart and obedient.

Hungarian Vizsla – 64 km/h

A hunting breed from Hungary, with a body length of 53–63 cm and a weight of 18–30 kg. A characteristic feature is a reddish-golden color, but copper color is also found. The animal easily finds prey, can swim, and withstand harsh weather conditions. Despite his good-natured disposition, he does not tolerate rudeness during training.

During World War II, the Hungarian Vizsla was on the verge of extinction. To preserve the population, some individuals were taken outside the state for reproduction.

Afghan Hound – 64 km/h

Individuals are easily recognized by their long fur, black muzzle and saber-shaped tail. The height of adult dogs is 60 – 74 cm, weight 20 – 27 kg. When hunting, the female drives the game to the right place, and the male waits and grabs the victim in a jump. The Afghan Hound is outwardly reserved and does not show emotionality, but always remains devoted to its owner.

Saluki – 68 km/h

The animal was bred in the Middle East to hunt gazelles. The Bedouins believed that the Saluki was an ancient gift from Allah. The Persian Greyhound is graceful, with hanging ears, at the withers 59 – 71 cm, weighs 18 – 27 kg. The breed is persistent, capable of running tirelessly for 3 to 5 hours. The pet is balanced, silent, shows tenderness towards family members, but is wary towards strangers.

Greyhound – 72 km/h

The fastest dog on the planet, a leader in sprinting. Dogs of this breed can accelerate to 70-72 km/h. Height 70 cm, weight 27 – 40 kg. They have a pointed head and a thin neck. With proper care, hounds live up to 15 years, maintaining good physical characteristics into old age.


Dalmatian It would seem that Dalmatians were bred solely for beauty; their spotted coloring is visible from afar and immediately lifts the mood. However, the speed qualities of the motley black and white dogs are impressive - Dalmatians easily reach 60 km per hour , ahead of greyhounds. The breed has ancient historical roots, with the first paintings of Dalmatians dating back to the 1600s. They were bred for protection and simply as companions, and they needed speed to keep up with the carriage in which the owner was riding.

Dalmatians and horses
After all, on the way he can be attacked, and dog protection has always been highly valued! Today, Dalmatians remain devoted guards and friends of humans; the breed is assessed as human-oriented, however, such a dog should be trained from puppyhood, because they are sometimes prone to amateur activities and are overly independent. But if they treat themselves properly, these dogs get along with children and other pets and communicate a lot with their owners. They are short-haired, born pure white, and grow up to 60 cm as adults.

Jack Russell Terriers

Jack Russell Terrier
Small Russell Terriers are extremely energetic, they do not get along well as lap dogs, despite the fact that they grow only up to 25 - 35 cm. This is natural, because they were bred to hunt foxes, and even their white color is not accidental . After all, a hunter needs a dog that will be different from the game at first glance. Small but tightly built dogs can catch up and slightly outpace Dalmatians, reaching a speed of 61 km per hour . The breed can be short-haired or long-haired.

Russian canine

It so happened that in Russia, since ancient times, hunting has been held in high esteem by nobles and landowners. Therefore, it is not surprising that at the turn of the 10th century, almost every kennel had representatives of this breed.

The modern greyhound is a symbiosis of European and Asian elements. The European trait is revealed immediately when looking at the dog, but the Asian trait is expressed in the specifics of its character.

Although admittedly this breed is not one of the fastest, their talent for running at fantastic speed over short distances has been appreciated by many hunters. Running speed can reach 57 km/h .

The Russian dog is characterized by an elegant and narrow body combined with a fairly tall stature. Slightly elongated eyes are located on an elongated head, which is crowned with small, pointed ears that fit tightly to the neck. The presence of a thin and fairly long, saber-shaped tail makes the dog easily recognizable.

Greyhound – record: 67 km/h

Greyhounds are absolute record holders for speed. The fastest dog reaches a speed of over 65 km/h! These hounds were brought from Eastern Europe to Great Britain, where they became an independent breed. Greyhounds were bred not only for hunting, but also for greyhound racing. These dogs are very elegant, smart and neat, they love walks, games and communication with the owner, whose words they understand well.

Attention! The absolute speed record for pets was recorded in 1994 at a race in Australia. The fastest dog, a hound dog from Great Britain named Star Title, was able to reach a speed of 67.32 km/h!

Pharaoh Hound

This creature can accelerate to 65 km/h. The Pharaoh Hound is considered one of the most ancient. Over 5,000 years of existence, the appearance and biological characteristics have not changed.

Pharaoh Hound

In ancient Egypt, this four-legged friend had a special meaning. Only representatives of the highest circles held it. Therefore, images of the pet are found on the sarcophagi of the pharaohs. The breed is rare and therefore not often found among breeders.

The height of an adult is 60 cm and body weight is 25 kg. During games and communication with the owner, he smiles and screws up his nose. These are kind and sensitive creatures that become loyal friends in the family.


This sled dog. The running intensity reaches 55 km/h. Huskies are prized in Alaska for their endurance and speed.


The animal is capable of pulling a sleigh with its owner and luggage. Features of the paws allow you to move through deep snow and uneven terrain.


  • intelligence;
  • devotion to the owner;
  • endurance;
  • unpretentiousness;
  • movement speed.

For these qualities, the Husky ranks ninth on the list.


These are the fastest dogs in the world (huskies, huskies, samoyeds, malamutes), capable of covering long distances. They, of course, run slower than greyhounds, but at distances of 15 km or more, sled dogs have no equal.

Running huskies

These dogs are the hardiest among other breeds. Running with a load of up to 100 kg, at a speed of 40-45 km/h all day, at sub-zero temperatures, will not be difficult for them.

The Alaska Gold Rush contributed to the incredible development of sled dogs. Moreover, the selection was carried out based on general indicators, and not on any specific abilities. Today, sled dogs are universal - in addition to their main function, all breeds can hunt birds and small animals.

Podenco Ibicenco

This is a Spanish hunting dog that is capable of chasing prey at a speed of 40 km/h. Long legs, a muscular neck and an athletic build indicate noble origin.

Podenco Ibicenco

Podenco Ibicenco is the embodiment of endless energy. They have a keen sense of smell, hearing and vision. They need to implement hunting skills that are inherent at the genetic level.

Deerhound - Scottish deer hound

A rare breed of deer hounds, they are valued for their speed, courage and intelligence. She was bred for only one purpose - to track the tracks of artiodactyls and bait victims during unarmed hunting.

The speed of a running, accelerated deerhound can reach 55 km/h. When hunting, deerhounds are energetic and tireless. They are willing to chase their prey for hours, making marching dashes in search of prey.

Afghan Hound – 50-60 km/h

Afghan hounds are one of the most beautiful hounds. Their long silky coat, intelligent, expressive eyes and wonderful character make many people fall in love with them. Afghan hounds are very playful and social pets, but they will not be able to take a dominant position among other animals. Beautiful dogs are agile and dexterous hunters, excellent jumpers and runners (their average speed is not less than 50 km/h, but sometimes exceeds 60 km/h).


Since its creation, the Small English Greyhound has been considered a hunting dog. Ancient Rome is considered the birthplace of the breed. But subsequently, due to the miniature size of the animals, environmental organizations banned their use for hunting. Whippets fought rodents and became participants in dog racing. I must say that they succeeded in the latter. The whippet's height does not exceed 57 cm, its weight can reach 19 kg, and its coat color can be very diverse. Dogs do not tolerate loud noises and can only get along with calm, balanced owners.

Some representatives of the breed managed to reach speeds of up to 64 km/h

No. 8. German Shepherd – 48 km per hour

The German Shepherd is the second most popular breed in the world. Originally used for herding sheep. Today, the shepherd dog is used in police and military work, as a guide for the disabled, for detecting drugs and explosives, and in search and rescue work. Loyal, caring, friendly dog ​​is ideal for a family, easy to train and very intelligent.

Azawakh – 60 km/h

The Azawakh is an ancient breed that originated in Africa. This greyhound is perfectly adapted to harsh climates (arid and hot) and can retain strength for a long time to track and pursue prey. Azawakhs have a very thin, bony body covered with very short red hair. Despite their external degeneration, African greyhounds develop considerable speed - about 60 km/h!

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