Popular nicknames for cocker spaniels for girls and boys

English Cocker Spaniels are one of the most popular hunting dog breeds. When breeding it, the main goal was “to obtain an ideal hunting dog” with an excellent sense of smell and vision. These are incredibly energetic, tireless animals. As pets, they are loved for their friendliness and sociability. It’s incredible how sensitively cocker spaniels can react to a person’s mood. Playfulness and cheerfulness make representatives of the breed the best family dogs and children's friends.
As "British", Cocker Spaniels are suited to beautiful English-language names. The easiest way is to choose a suitable name for your puppy from the alphabetical list. But a good option is to look for a nickname among old English names with meaning.

Arabi boy:

English cocker spaniel

Before we talk about what nickname to choose for a boy spaniel, let’s talk briefly about “American.” This is a small representative of the species. It was bred in Spain, although it was “improved” by American breeders. Initially, all spaniels were used as hunting dogs.

Today, the American Cocker Spaniel is an active and friendly creature. These dogs are very affectionate and excellent companions. They get along well with children and other animals. They often develop a tender friendship with cats.

They are very active, do not like loneliness and being in one place. “Americans” prefer active games. Suitable for families with children where there is always someone at home. They do not like loneliness and do not tolerate it well.

The dog is very attached to people. This must be taken into account when making a four-legged friend. If for some reason you have to give the dog away, it will be very difficult for him to survive the separation from his family.

Now let's talk about representatives of this species. Below there is a paragraph dedicated to nicknames for male spaniel dogs (English).

So, these four-legged animals were bred to hunt forest birds - woodcock, which, in principle, is clear from the name of the breed. “Cocker” is a forest bird.

It differs from its American counterpart in cunning, nobility and kindness. The “Englishman” is devoted to the owner, but does not curry favor with him. He will not beg for affection, but will never refuse it. Very sociable with family members. However, he is wary of strangers.

Options for a specific characteristic

Spaniel is the general name for a breed group that includes more than 20 types of dogs. However, only a few are the most popular:

  • The English Cocker Spaniel is kind, loyal, but unobtrusive. He is wary of strangers;
  • American Cocker Spaniel – active, strongly attached to the owner;
  • Cavalier King Charles Spaniel (King Charles II Spaniel) – noble and graceful, full of self-esteem;
  • The Russian spaniel is a proud working animal, prone to dominance.

All spaniels have a friendly character. Initially, they were used exclusively for hunting, but now they are more often kept as pets.


When deciding what to name a dog, be sure to take into account the purpose of its use. Spaniels for hunting are given sonorous nicknames with a large number of hard sounds - “m”, “v”, “th”, “r”, “l”, “n”. It is better to avoid soft and hissing letters. A short and clear name will make it easy to give orders:

  • nicknames for the boy: Roy, Bur, Wedge, Pirate, Caesar, Romeo, Eric;
  • names for girls: Maila, Kessa, Tigra, Tetra, Tilda, Brida, Madi.

Hunter spaniels are often called after the names of epic heroes and mythological heroes.

For decorative dogs, soft and friendly nicknames that are in harmony with their purpose are more suitable - Charlie, Hurley, Buddy, Tobby, Murphy. A girl spaniel can be called Princess, Dakota, Lucy, Sophie.


Given the origin of the breed, foreign names are often chosen for English, American and King Charles Spaniels. To avoid mistakes, it is better to look for the nickname in the dictionary. This way you can immediately find out its meaning and avoid giving your pet an inappropriate or ridiculous nickname.

Character traits

Based on the characteristics of temperament, the following nicknames can be chosen for the spaniel:

  • nicknames for male dogs: Excitement, Ataman, Whirlwind, Jumper, Zador, Cowboy, Corsair, Shustr;
  • for girls: Jolie, Iskra, Zabava, Lucky, Pulka, Fanny, Happy.

A pet name may reflect cheerfulness, thoughtfulness, endurance, stubbornness, or some other dominant character trait. Typically, spaniel girls are more playful and sociable, while boys are more serious and noble.


Many owners choose a nickname based on the color of the spaniel:

  • black – Black, Nochka, Bagheera,
  • chocolate – Mocha, Latte;
  • red - Phoenix, Fox, Goldie, Zlata, Fanta;
  • white – White, Vyuga, Arctic, Snezhka, Nord.

English-language options are better suited for English and American spaniels, Russian-language options are better for Russian.

It’s good if children can participate in choosing a nickname. They are very good at noticing features of the appearance or temperament of spaniels. If there is a child in the family, you must definitely listen to his opinion.

Hobbies of the owners

A nickname for a spaniel can reflect the hobbies of the owners:

  • flower growers name pets after their favorite plants - Adina, Canna, Magnolia, Orchid, Camellia;
  • lovers of astronomy - the names of stars, satellites, planets: Sirius, Pleiades, Cassiopeia, Polaris, Almak, Atria;
  • avid travelers - memorable places: Arizona, Amazon, Yenisei, Euphrates.

There can be any number of criteria. Everything is limited only by the owner’s imagination.

Names with meanings for spaniel girls

Nicknames for Yorkie boys and girls: what to name

Spaniel girls are more affectionate and calm than males. They are more gentle and affectionate towards their owner, but they can also show character. You should choose a nickname for your furry pet based on its characteristics.

Spaniel girls are more affectionate and gentle than boys

For your baby, you can choose an interesting name with a meaning that will characterize her in some way. For example, girls are often called by the following nicknames:

  • Aimi – beautiful, evoking feelings of love,
  • Asa - dawn, morning,
  • Izumi - stream, running water,
  • Michiko is the daughter of beauty,
  • Sakura - cherry blossom,
  • Hana is a flower,
  • Naomi is a wave
  • Hataru - firefly
  • Hibiki - sound
  • Akito - autumn,
  • Kariya - pleasant as perfume,
  • Daiti - wise
  • Hiro - generous
  • Megumi is a blessing
  • Shinju - pearls
  • Takara is a treasure, precious.

For your information! These names for spaniel girls are quite original, so you can rarely find them in other animals.

Names that reflect character

Dog nicknames for Labradors boys and girls

Dogs of this breed are distinguished by their mobility, playful and cheerful disposition. However, boys often show stubbornness, pride and a desire to be a leader. For such dogs, you can choose nicknames that will indicate any traits of their character.

Spaniels are cute, but you shouldn't call them by their pet names.

The following nicknames are suitable for spaniel boys:

  • for the cheerful and mischievous - Fanny, Lucky, Run, Jumper;
  • for those showing leadership qualities - Alpha, Elfa, Jupiter, Svarog;
  • for aristocrats - Marquis, Cardinal, Lord, Prince, Caesar, Veles, Altai;
  • for pets with a strong character - Diamond, Lucas, Diego, Rambo.

Some people believe that using a nickname can change a dog's character. For example, a pet that is constantly lazy should be given a nickname - Lightning, Wind, Brawl. An overly active dog can be called a Fog or a Whisper.

Important! It is believed that a name that is opposite to the character will develop other qualities in the pet.

How to find a suitable name for a dog

One option is fictional characters. You can name a dog after your favorite cartoon character, book or even computer game. You can choose the name of the main character or even the villain - everything will depend on the character or appearance of the puppy.

Famous people are another source that can be used. You can choose a nickname from the names of famous rulers, such as, for example, Napoleon or Charlemagne. You can dwell on the names of the inventors: Leonardo da Vinci, Edison. Or you can name a dog after a poet, writer, musician, movie star or famous athlete.

The country of origin of the breed is another direction for finding a suitable nickname. You can take the name of the country itself or part of it. When choosing a nickname, some turn to stars and other celestial bodies. For example, if the dog is a hunting dog, then it can be named “Rigel” - in honor of the brightest star in the constellation Orion (hunter).

Sometimes it happens that a name for a dog is chosen, but it does not suit the appearance of the puppy or is not liked by other family members. Despite the fact that the list of dog names may be endless, choosing a specific name becomes a serious problem for many.

Sometimes a dog's name comes to mind automatically when you first look at your pet. In other cases, it is necessary to compare different options, think about the etymology, and agree on the name with other family members. It is necessary to choose a name that would be completely suitable for the puppy itself, would be harmonious and would be liked by your loved ones.

Dog names of famous show business stars

Spaniels are kind and friendly dogs. In addition, they are not large in size, so various stars and famous people often get them.

You can name your pet with a similar nickname:

  • Ksenia Borodina has female spaniels named Strudel and Spinoza.
  • Leonid Yarmolnik's dogs are called Solomon and Cupid.
  • Yulia Kovalchuk's dog's name is Melody.
  • The nickname of Philip Kirkorov's dog is Pokemon.
  • Madonna named her dog Chiquita.
  • Paris Hilton named her pet Tinkerbell.

Of course, when choosing a name for your dog, you should understand that it will remain with him for life, so you should take this seriously.

Selection by pedigree

In kennels, the breeder names the dog himself. There it is customary to name a puppy by its pedigree. To do this, the mother's name is added to the first letter or syllable of the father's nickname. As a result, the nickname turns out to be quite unusual, original, but quite long. This is not always convenient, so you can use a shortened version at home.

The dog should be taught to respond to a long nickname if it is planned to participate in exhibitions. Examples of such names could be the following:

  • Hlotteri – Hlotti,
  • Siegfried - Ziggy
  • Rinehart - Rine et al.

Important! The name is always indicated in the pedigree in full, without abbreviations. If you do not plan to attend exhibitions and breed offspring, then the owner may well decide for himself which nickname is best for his pet.

Nicknames for those who love water

Most dogs are not averse to bathing. But there are individual specimens, looking at which you can’t help but think: is this really a dog? When they see water they become happy and uncontrollable.

For boys:

  • Iceberg
  • Longboat
  • Bathyscaphe
  • Butterfly
  • Breaststroke
  • Water
  • Zhabik
  • Speedboat
  • Crawl
  • Kupala
  • Moidodyr
  • Narzan
  • Dive
  • Neptune
  • Odysseus
  • Plop
  • Poseidon
  • Swimmer
  • Seal
  • Catfish
  • Scooter
  • Sargasso
  • Teal

For girls:

  • Aqua
  • L'Aquila
  • Vyakhotka
  • Otter
  • Galley
  • Gloska
  • Damask
  • mullet
  • Lasta
  • Frog
  • Washcloth
  • Washing
  • Seal
  • Nymph
  • Roach
  • Mermaid
  • Fish
  • Herring
  • Tina
  • Fontanka
  • Thetis
  • Felucca
  • Scow
  • Boat

The fish will grow, but will not abandon the duck...

What do you call an “Englishman”?

What name can you choose for a boy's cocker spaniel? Especially when it comes to the noble “Englishman”? See the list and choose:

  • Acrylic, Air, Abel, Aykar, Ain, Aiso, Byron, Began, Benit, Borso, Baileys, Bakron, Weldon, Weir, Vorim, Vultis, Varon, Grand, Geradot, Gebels, Garfield, Gerond, Dean, Dayron, Dobel, Doesk, Evzen, Eron, Zhals, Zhinner, Zebelt, Zeron, Zorin, Zals, Inor, X, Xfire, Clyde, Kertz, Klyud, Kips, Kraid, Lux, Lucer, Layrt, Lays, Lesson, Myrtle, Mox, Muvel, Manir, Mix, Nevel, Neuss, Naird, Nuss, Orand, Ors, Ophelius, Oxford, Pluto, Paris, Paise, Peart, Prude, Pruden, Rufus, Roel, Rhine, Rain, Rakut, Sann, Silber, Silz, Sakur, Summit, Suze, Tarz, Tais, Toen, Trax, Ulmar, Undis, Face, Freston, Filor, Hives, Chron, Khamir, Tseys, Tseron, Tsufsiy, Chams, Charms, Shart, Shannon, Sharon, Shoyz, Sumer, Els, Elf, Ezor, Eron, Yud, Yurit, Yumir, Jacobs, Yaron, Yanir.

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“Silky” nicknames

Long-haired spaniels can be given a nickname based on the word “smooth, silky,” taken from various languages. Or you can simply use a word that pleases the ear.

For boys:

  • Atlas
  • Shine
  • Cashmere
  • Kedvas
  • Lek
  • Gloss
  • Myatas
  • Nezhan
  • Silk
  • Silk
  • Selem
  • Silkas
  • Smooth

For girls:

  • Surface
  • Koprina
  • Leuna
  • Leda
  • Lisa
  • Lei
  • Mayla
  • Mayumi
  • bliss
  • Svila
  • Seda
  • Syöda
  • Smoothie
  • Shissa
  • Shuya

Silky Shissa

Nicknames for boys

Dogs of this breed are very active, playful and cheerful, regardless of gender, but males are more likely to be stubborn and prone to leadership.

It is these traits that formed the basis for some nicknames suitable only for boys of the spaniel breed, but the whole variety of names is not limited to the pet’s character traits.

Useful article: The funniest and coolest nicknames for dogs

With meaning

The following groups of names are distinguished by parameter:

  1. Reflecting key features of appearance. For example, if a puppy has big ears, you can name him Tai, Liard, Er, Corwin, Aurelès or Eksin - all these words mean the same thing in different languages: “lop-eared”, “eared”.
  2. The playfulness and perky disposition of the pet will be emphasized by the following nicknames:
  • Fanny (funny - cheerful);
  • Lucky (lucky – happy);
  • Run (run – run);
  • Jumper (jumper), etc.

To do this, look for a suitable epithet in the Russian-English dictionary and transcribe it in the Russian manner. The names of the gods of cunning and mischief from various beliefs are also quite popular:

Funny and cool nicknames

Spaniels are quite funny dogs, sometimes they do very funny things, so you can also choose funny and cool nicknames for them. Often the dog names for boys cocker spaniels are as follows:

  • Zipper,
  • Casper,
  • Kitkat,
  • Chaplin,
  • Bumblebee,
  • Lucky,
  • Cactus,
  • Pudding,
  • Hobbit,
  • Shustrik,
  • Hippie,
  • Ripley,
  • Cake,
  • Radar,
  • Twister,
  • Fruit,
  • Ramses,
  • Elvis,
  • Scooter.

Dogs love to have fun, so you can name them accordingly.

Such nicknames are perfect for males. For spaniel girls, you can choose the following names:

  • Toffee,
  • Lapulya,
  • Marusya,
  • Plush,
  • Bullet,
  • Sophie,
  • Puma,
  • Chita,
  • Strip,
  • Zhulya,
  • Bagheera,
  • Umka,
  • Cleo,
  • Kisa,
  • Sonya,
  • FIFA,
  • Totti.

Important! When choosing an original and cool name, you should consider how it will sound. The nickname should not be offensive to the dog. If people around constantly laugh after the owner calls the animal, this can negatively affect the pet's nervous system. Therefore, when choosing, you should exercise caution and think carefully about the possible consequences.

The most popular dog names for girls

Archie, Alex, Cupid, Ike, Ice, Arnie, Angel, Altai, Alf, Archik, Diamond, Absinthe, Archibald, Athos, Akela, Agate, Adolf, Archibalt, Ajax, Amigo, Arch, Alan, Axel, Angel, Azar, Altair, Adam, Alai, Arnold, Archie, August, Iron, Archie Black, Akello, Ax, Viola, Akbar, Amurchik, Amadeus, Argon, Ares, Amon, Adik, Ison, Argo, Aron, Anchar, Ares, Ataman, Ache , Scarlet, Argus, Hades, Aragorn, Ars, Asterix, Alakai, Amir, Apollo, Astin, Atay, Iroh, Anri, Areon, Agron, Airan, Achilles, Ali, Antey, Aramis, Art, Atas, Albert, Anchi, Ak Leopard, Alek, Amulet, Antey, Aslan, Ayan, Aktay, Alfred, Arno, Achilles, Aragon, Artik, Atlas, Azor, Akord, Aksai, Orange, Archel, Azart, Aris, Arkan, Artes, Aston Martin, Akay, Askold , Aidan, Akamaru, Anubis de Barbossa, Arsik, Artos, Antonio, Albus, Arman, Arro, Asman, Avatar, Aidar, Aster, Akhtar, Aji, Aiden, Alik, Anubis, Arnush, Altai, Amodey, Archer, Altar, Amadeo , Anto, Peanut, Asteroid, Atila, Achilles.

Baron, Butch, Bonya, Bim, Buddy, Barney, Balu, Bars, Balto, Baksik, Baikal, Boni, Buran, Burn, Boss, Black, Boy, Barsik, Bagel, Boomer, Butch, Bruno, Bonnie, Bosun, Beck, Bandit, Bari, Ben, Barkhan, Black, Bobbik, Byron, Bob, Baxter, Blake, Bima, Borman, Buyan, Bart, Bobi, Buggy, Bass, Benya, Boniface, Barry, Buchi, Blade, Bond, Busik, Bow, Boston, Bingo, Best, Buster, Butler, Bossick, Bunya, Bernard, Batman, Billy, Bobby, Bruce, Ben, Black Jack, Barchi, Burton, Bonik, Bani, Bossick, Bush, Byte, Balthazar, Black Jack, Bard, Bai, Barik, Belyash, Blake, Batman, Beni, Buys, Baysar, Beni, Velvet, Basti, Boltik, Bonus, Banti, Diamond, Bagram, Beckham, Bambi, Basker, Blade, Bright, Bex, BJ, Bimbo, Body , Brian, Butuz, Bugs, Screwtape, Buster.

Volt, Walter, Venya, Wolf, Vulcan, Vegas, Watson, Weiss, Willie, Vinnie, Valli, Wolf, Winchester, Jack, White, Wulf, Woody, Vyke, Viking, Top, Faithful, Veles, Zipper, Wooddy, Varga, Volchek, Valdai, Winston, Will, Voldemar, Vintik, Lucky, Volly, Veniamin, Vincent, Woland, Vax, Valmont, Varg, Volka, Weiss, Veni, William, Wells, West, Vito, Vityaz, Vostok, Vitamin, Volan De Mort, Volt, Whiskey, Veron, Vivat, Williams, Vinch, Valmond, William, Vint, Vinci, Wood, Valtor, Viscount, Wilson, Volday, Woof, Varyag, Vasco, Venni, Vicci, Voltik, Wheels, Vois, Vals, Valdi, Giant, Viy, Wilhelm, Wilson, Viljan, Windy, Welton, Weisse, Waltz, Vander, Wah, Vakhtash, Vesyoly, Wind, Vildan, Voli, Valens, Wald, Valdes, Valyan.

Gray, Thunder, Count, Grice, Gosha, Gray, Gray, Hector, Gucci, Hans, Guy Julius Caesar, Guy, Gold Cheryl Brown, Gilmore Golden Boy, Gallant Gangster, Harry, Grand, Hollywood Gigalo, Grant, Goofy, Duke, Hermes, Hamlet, Gross, Graham, Garik, Gary, Grave, Grem, Gryzlik, Henry, Greek, Le Havre, Homer, Harold, Gore, Gordon, Greg, Gary, Hardy, Gold, Great, Green, Gunther, Garfield, Huck, Gambit, Gerd, Greik, Garry, Gard, Herald, Herat, Gerry, Grozny, Goodwin, Hertz, Grizzly, Good, Garalt, Grek, Gavchik, Gamber, Georg, Hercules, Gilbert, Gimli, Gluck, Gordey, Grade, Ganj, Garon, Hero, Grian, Grim, Grady, Gaspard, Guiar, Gold, Boy.

Jack, Dick, Joni, Jake, Jackie, Damon, Damon, Dema, Denchik, Joy, Buddy, Den, Jerry, Jim, Denis, Dudley, Diamond, Dobby, Duke, Dark, Damon, Dave, Diesel, Jason, Joker, Django, Dante, Dex, Jerry, Johnny, Dani, Joe, Danube, Dan, Demon, Jay, Dyke, Denny, Dan, Dayman, Doc, Dobie, Dyson, Jimmy, Jasper, Dake, Dexter, Dingo, Dundee, John, Darchi, Dig, Darth Vader, Dave, Jonik, Jackson, Dice, Dar, Jax, Smokey, Danko, Day, Jeff, Watch, Dominic, Denn, James, Dandy, Dix, Dax, Jam, Juice, Diego, Julbars, Dak , Jeri Lee, Dixie, Dake, Jerry Lee, Dug, Dinar, Dantes, Dusty, Jumbo, Joyce, Danae, Dustin, Dale, Jackie, Jimi, Dixon, Diamont, Dollar, Darwin, Das, Dep, Jazz, Dickie, Dodge , Dolph, Doni, David, Dash, Daigo, Derick, Justy, Jerick, Derek, Jordan, Day, Damian, Daco, Jeffrey, Davis, Daisy, Dax, Jet, Duke, Daniel, Deddy, Jak, Jacob, Duncan, Dandy , Jaf, Joseph, Julbas, Jackson, Dickens, Dylan, Deimos, Delgado, Jace, Dino, Friend, Douglas, Devil, Days, Daif, Darik, Jive, Dobson, Dabi, Det, Dakar, Jago, Jado, Jamal, Jan , Jimbo, Jean, Jinx, George, Giuseppe, Dart, Demian, Jeffrey, Dior, Donald, Drago, Dukalis, David, Dec, Dens, Derry.

Evrik, Eroshka, Yenisei, Elai, Ermak, Elisey, Esaul, Eshka, En, Endi, Erik, Ermoshka, Elson, Enai, Erokha, Elik, Emarion, Erji, Erosh, Efim, En-Dake, Eremey, Esson, Jaeger, Elifan, Elmai, Engo, Enson, Epifan, Erofei, Eshko, Ezer, Elvin, Enko, Erdash, Erysh, Evin, Euro, Evsey, Euphrates, Edzherri, Ezhen, Yello, Yemay, Emelyan, Emelya, Eminem.

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Zhorik, Jean, Jacques, Rogue, Zhorzhik, Zheka, Zhuzhik, Georges, Zhoni, Zhofrey, Zhigan, Julien, Gerard, Zheis, Jordan, Jasper, Zhivchik, Zhoster, Joinville, Julian, Zhuchi, Zheik, Zherap, Joker, Zhoffrey yes Payrac, Zhastin, Zheri, Jerome, Zhustinian, Zhardan, Zhakan, Jean-Paul, Pearl, Zhoysen, Zhurik, Zhustien, Zhuflik, Zhanik, Zhardon, Hot Pepper, Zhental, Zhergan, Jockey, Zhostik, Julien, Zhey.

Zeus, Zephyr, Zach, Zidan, Zoltan, Zephyrchik, Zold, Zeke, Zorro, Zyuzik, Zabar, Beast, Siegfried, Zenith, Sigmund, Zico, Zig, Zohan, Zuko, Golden, Zag, Zet, Zorgo, Zeyk, Zolotko, Nibbler, Zord, Zaur, Zlatozar, Zolt, Zyu, Zim, Sinister, Zoid, Zolton, Zagir, Sunset, Zaring, Zachary, Gawker, Zeiden, Zane, Zeich, Zembo, Zerg, Zeron, Zulf, Zagrai, Zaman, Zang, Zerri, Zerro, Zigurd, Zimbo, Serpent, Soman, Zoran, Zorg, Zufar.

Eli, Raisin, Emerald, Ichi, Indigo, Irbis, Iris, X, Ilor de Star, Eaton, Ilyusha, Irzhik, Iron, Icarus, Ibis, Frost, Hidalgo, Ingard, Imbo, Invar, Ilya Muromets, Emperor, Imperial, Irken , Irkhan, Eastwood, Ilar, Impulse, Inc. Little Boy, Irtysh, Isay, Ibrahim, Ivyu, Izar.

Casper, Cupcake, Kuzya, Kai, Kent, Karat, Clyde, Cox, Handsome, Chris, Castiel, Cupcake, Kyle, Space, Kurt, Prince, Kubik, Cooper, Cap, Cody, Krosh, Kuzka, Knopik, Kiryusha, Fang, King, Klaus, Karai, Colt, Kaiser, Cash, Kaif, Kaysar, Kelvin, Kiko, Clif, Kashtan, Koresh, Kuchum, Korzhik, Kron, Kuzmich, Kazbek, Kevin, Kassik, Kujo, Kenny, Kokosya, Kelvin, Kriks, Christopher, Kusya, Klim, Claude, Cas, Kip, Karo, Quick, Kefir.

Lord, Leo, Like, Larry, Locky, Lucifer, Light, Lars, Lucky Star, Lexus, Lime, Lake, Luke, Buttercup, Lyon, Louis, Lucas, Laric, Loyd, Fierce, Leonardo, Louis, Luntik, Laurel, Lapus , Lax, Eraser, Lace, Lavrik, Luchik, Lapik, Larsik, Lelik, Luther, Life, Lecturer, Lorik, Lais, Leonard, Laid, Lander, Louis Marcel.

Max, Milo, Marcel, Baby, Mike, Murphy, Maxi, Martin, Mickey, Mars, Mukhtar, Motya, Marty, Miki, Mani, Marsik, Michael, Mark, Maxik, Mason, Mikey, Mityai, Mustang, Marik, Mich, Mavrik, Melvin, Marcus, Monty, Mason, Mufaso, Macho, Maximus, Masik, Mikhey, Maybach, Mojo, Matt, Manny, Martik, Major, Milan, Moor, Marshall, Morgan, Tycoon, Majorik, Morris, Mojito, Mitch, Mac, Muffin.

Nike, Nick, Nord, Nice, Nike, Nelson, Knight, Nigel, Nathanya, Norman, Nilsson, Noah, Niko, Nash, Nordic, Nikas, Nix, Napas, Neo, Noise, Newton, Nemo, Nils, Norris, Norton, Nason, Nicholas, Nikos, Nesquik, Nigil, Nikes, Niall, Knox, Nolik, Noir, Nicolas.

Oscar, Austin, Oddie, Oliver, Otis, Ogonyok, Olaf, Otto, Onyx, Orpheus, Osman, Odin, Orlando, ObiWan, Ocean, Oz, Ozik, Olympus, Odik, Odis, Olf, Omon, Orion, Orlik, Odysseus, Oswald, Olympus.

Peach, Pirate, Pike, Patrick, Prince, Polkan, Fluff, Persian, Percy, Prime, Pouf, Pluto, Pumbaa, Perseus, Patron, Porsche, Pride, Pepper, Parker, Pancho, Perry, Pegasus, Pinky, Pooh, Poof, Fawn, Plush, Paris, Peak, Pif, Partos, Plato, Gingerbread, Paki, Potap, Paco, Puff, Pink, Pongo, Pierre, Papi, Pepito, Pie, Porthos.

Rex, Rich, Ray, Ricci, Richie, Ray, Rex, Richard, Ram, Roy, Rem, Ricky, Ricky, Ride, Ramses, Ronnie, Roni, Ron, Rock, Rudy, Raf, Red, Rico, Richik, Rio, Wright, Rai, Reksik, Rav, Rain, Red, Ryder, Rolf, Ralphic, Raphael, Rambo, Ramstein, Rambo, Rufus, Rice, Rife, Royce, Ren, Rhett Butler, Rooney, Remy, Rox, Rubik, Rammy, Raphael , Raymond, Rhage, Remmy, Rocky Balbo, Rudolph, Rat, Richards.

Spike, Scooby Doo, Simon, Spikey, Stitch, Skye, Scooby, Senya, Sultan, Snowball, Sirius, Snoopy, Spartak, Snickers, Skif, Stiff, Seth, Sema, Stefan, Syapa, Silver, Samson, Smile, Stark, Styopa , Snoop Dog, Spice, Sebastian, North, Sparky, Sir, Scoob, Solomon, Lucky, Seth, Sirius Black, Stan, Syava, Sancho, Sarmat, Simon, Smokey, Santa, Severus, Semi, Simbo, Sauron, Smail, Santiago , Snoop, Spock, Sting, Sapphire, Sydney, Dusk, Samuel.

Tyson, Tyson, Tatoshka, Tema, Taishet, Tedy, Temka, Timka, Toshka, Tima, Tishka, Tosha, Timoshka, Timosha, Tim, Thor, Tobik, Tom, Fog, Teddy, Typhoon, Tai, TJ, Tyler, Timon, Thomas, Ted, Tiger, Timokha, Ted, Topik, Timmy, Tomi, Totoshka, Theodor, Teri, Theodor, Taisan, Tiger, Tyaf, Twix, Terry, Tosik, Troy, Theo, Tais, Tamerlane, Tokha, Tyke, Tyrone, Tito, Tikhon, Tony, Tucker, Topaz, Truffle, Tyler, Taicher, Taylor, Tommy, Turbo, Timur, Tigran, Timofey, Talisman, Totosha, Tair, Taigor, Titan, Toffee, Trey, Tarzan, Tod, Tungus, Tofik, Tomos, Tori, Trey, Tweety, Tey, Torik.

Umka, Uranus, White, Ugolek, Wilfred, Urman, Ulan, Ural, Walt, Ulf, Walter, Success, Umnik, Urs, Urri, Ular, Urmas, Uno, Udzher, Ungar, Ugo, Unicum, Urgan.

Fox, Phil, Filya, Funtik, Felix, Fred, Candy wrapper, Date, Fenya, Flash, Filka, Flint, Fly, Freddy, Pharaoh, Phoenix, Flash, Fry, Fredy, Forest, Frankie, Fart, Frank, Fufik, Fedor, Philip, Franz, Fire, Fidel, Faust, Filimon, Fabian, Fire, Figaro, Friend, Frodo, Finn, Phobos, Bassoon, Farhad, Frank, Frey, Floyd.

Hachiko, Khan, Heidi, Hunter, Hulk, Happy, Hooch, Hugo, Ponytail, Hammer, Khazar, Hitch, Hart, Hard, Hardy, Hunt, Harley, Hugh, Hank, Houtch, Hasan, Henk, Khaki, Hux, Harley, Harvey, Houston, Haik, Khalif, Hatrico, Hagrid, Harty, Hamer, Hotabych, Humphrey, Hitch, Hacker, Hans, Harris, Hort, Hadi, Hayes.

We invite you to read: The best food for cats and kittens according to veterinarians

Caesar, Cerberus, Tsar, Zeiss, Cent, Centurion, Cyclone, Tsukat, Cicero, Cerbi, Caesarion Richard, Cezzi, Cedric, Gypsy, Ceron, Tsakhir, Celer, Cepheus.

Charlie, Chuck, Chip, Chucky, Chester, Charlik, Chucky, Chapik, Chop, Chelsea, Chips, Miracle, Chernysh, Chase, Chopik, Charles, Genghis Khaan, Chaz, Chico, Che Guevara, Genghis, Churchill, Chase, Chief, Chap, Chivas, Charlise, Chao, Chandler, Chapai, Cherkess, Chunya, Champion, Chibik, Cheater, Chavez.

Shtanogryz, Sharik, Sherkhan, Sheldon, Sherlock, Shaman, Shah, Sheriff, Sean, Shukher, Sharkhan, Sherlock Holmes, Schultz, Shaggy, Shelton, Sherry, Shaitan, Shere Khan, Chief, Shepard, Shrek, Skipper, Schwartz, Sheik , Shalun, Shiko, Shustik, Shustrik, Chance, Lace, Shado, Sheikh, Shawnee, Storm, Saffron, Sherman, Shpunya, Shrek, Shedel, Shmonya, Schnapps, Chocolate, Shastik, Shakespeare, Stirlitz, Schweppes, Shirkhan.

Hunting nicknames

If the spaniel is still planned for gun hunting, then its nickname will also differ from the names of domestic dogs. Hunting terminology is traditionally used.

For boys:

  • Prepaid expense
  • Arapnik
  • Harlequin
  • Archak
  • Balaban
  • Screwtape
  • Barclay
  • Batas
  • Bashur
  • Golden eagle
  • Striker
  • The battle
  • Borovai
  • Broden
  • Burmat
  • Vabik
  • Fan
  • Verkhochut
  • Veshnyak
  • Visir
  • Vistula
  • Wood Pigeon
  • Speed ​​it up
  • Damascus
  • Twitch
  • Jack
  • Dobor
  • Doublet
  • Great snipe
  • Zharnik
  • Corral
  • Fuse
  • Gate
  • Zverogon
  • Zimnyak
  • Play
  • Irbis
  • Kazar
  • Reed
  • Trap
  • Carbine
  • Compass
  • Korsak
  • Speck
  • Kras
  • Krichan
  • Krosh
  • Kroshen
  • Wing
  • Kurzhak
  • Lazin
  • Fishing
  • Lun
  • Mazurik
  • Malik
  • Mezhnyak
  • Mozhar
  • Surge
  • Mantling
  • Rifling
  • Sawed-off shotgun
  • Ogon
  • Odinets
  • Orlan
  • Ostyak
  • Oshkuy
  • Parat
  • Feather
  • Petlyak
  • Plume
  • Shoulder strap
  • Ron
  • Horn
  • Sadko
  • Peregrine Falcon
  • Skidan
  • Chipped
  • Smyk
  • Sable
  • Falcon
  • Step
  • Taigan
  • Tolay
  • Trojan
  • Tractor
  • Dressing
  • Freak
  • Uzer
  • Grip
  • Walker
  • Cheprak
  • Shuttle
  • Ramrod
  • Union
  • Yakan
  • Hawk

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Trojan with loot
For girls:

  • Avdotka
  • Boyka
  • Vabel
  • Valka
  • Växa
  • Vezha
  • Spring
  • Supper
  • Sleeve
  • Burn
  • Race
  • Diana
  • Elovka
  • Jada
  • Zhivka
  • Roe
  • Kukhta
  • Labza
  • Okay
  • Lyra
  • Dexterity
  • Likha
  • Hole
  • Semolina
  • Mask
  • Measure
  • Moryana
  • Front sight
  • Nabroda
  • Nataska
  • Leakage
  • Nodya
  • Autumn
  • Aftermath
  • Pashista
  • Rezva
  • Blush
  • Ryska
  • Saiga
  • Chamois
  • Savvy
  • Rack
  • Taiga
  • Snape
  • Heat
  • Troy
  • A lot
  • Morning
  • Fusee
  • Chapura
  • Flair
  • Spur
  • Shumka
  • Yarka

Saiga at work

Nicknames for bitches

What nicknames can you choose for hunting dogs (girls)? To be sonorous and beautiful?

Let's start with simple names: Quince, Asya, Ausi, Anka, Barbie, Britney, Basya, Busya, Businka, Rutabaga, Brunette, Brownie, Verna, Vaxa, Vila, Vona, Gasha, Gorda, Gray, Ghana, Gonka, Catch-up, Dora , Dana, Dulsa, Eva, Zhenka, Zhona, Zubka, Zola, Zara, Zarya, Inga, Inka, Kora, Kruta, Fox, Lina, Lyra, Lota, Luna, Lyuta, Misa, Mira, Mirta, Marta, Maya, Masya , Nora, Nika, Nyla, Nana, Horde, Orsa, Alder, Prytka, Bullet, Pusya, Panna, Panya, Rezva, Rika, Rona, Rima, Rema, Riya, Santa, Cindy, Solya, Sokolka, Sivka, Tora, Trail , Tosya, Tasya, Ulka, Yusta, Yanka.

In honor of the ancient goddesses: Athena (Afi), Artemis (Themi), Aphrodite (Afra, Dita), Hestia (Geta, Hesa), Vesta, Hebe, Hera, Gaia, Demeter (Demi), Hecate (Geki), Discordia (Dissi , Kordi), Isis (Isa), Persephone (Fona, Percy), Juno (Yuna), Minerva (Neri).

Beautiful names of hunting dogs (females): Aelita (Lita), Aisa, Alyssa, Akorda (Aki), Aksia, Akness, Berta, Bibi, Bardo, Bretty, Bilona (Bila, Lona), Baika, Verda, Virsia (Virsi), Vaina, Vetta, Vira, Vivi, Viveya, Gloria (Glory, Lori), Gerda, Gressi, Grace, Gorna, Gigeya, Gucha, Dilma, Dika, Dikata, Derry, Dera, Drapka, Dufi, Erna, Erina, Erona, Essi , Evita (Vita), Evzheni (Zhenya), Ekata, Erma, Zhazi, Zhazira (Zira), Zhani, Jacqueline (Jaki), Zhori, Zhuriya, Zhuravushka (Zhura), Zana, Zena, Zefira, Zefa, Zaina, Zori, Zolli, Zibera (Zibi), Irma, Irta, Irisa, Irona (Rona), Irka, Irna, Ilta, Ixia, Iveria (Veri, Ivi), Kurti, Kaina, Kelly, Clodagh, Kiki, Kami, Cameo, Kamila, Cloudy , Kirra, Cretti, Kaura, Lisa, Lucy, Lucia, Loki, Lorena (Lori), Loni, Ludwig (Lyuvi), Luzza, Lorna, Lima, Maizy, Mary, Molly, Maxi, Morena, Mori, Mara, Mickey, Nosta , Nonika (Nona), Niveria, Niva, Nancy, Noela, Nori, Nuri, Nobi, Norna, Olda, Osya, Olsa, Orachna, Orata, Orry, Olivia, Olive, Olenka, Pretty, Pruna, Prudi, Parma, Party, Parna, Pacey, Pryukva, Panyana (Panya), Peppy, Poly, Polka, Paska, Pira, Saw, Rona, Riya, Rhea, Romula, Rema, Rida, Rada, Roddy, Roxy, Roxana, Rasha, Ryuta, Runa, Raya , Randy, Rosa, Rika, Riva, Roena, Ressi, Roba, Sana, Saina, Santa, Seira, Sona, Samba, Sasi, Sura, Solly, Silka, Salya, Stacy, Surima, Teira, Teisa, Terra, Tori, Toisa , Taisa, Trixie, Twissy, Tigra, Ulma, Unka, Urita, Urra, Uma, Urma, Uda, Ukki, Fanya, Fenya, Fraya, Flya, Fota, Fixi, Fora, Franka, Frana, Hannah, Chloe, Khimri, Hana , Hida, Hanoi, Khasi, Hattie, Tsatsa, Tsana, Tsera, Tssa, Tsushima, Tseroya, Tsira, Tsicea, Tsaka, Tsada, Tsasta, China, Chama, Chapa, Cherry, Chuna, Chasta, Chaka, Shanti, Shelma, Shaya , Shera, Shona, Erna, Erista, Erisa, Eva, Erona, Essa, Yusta, Yuna, Yuda, Jutta, Yunira, Yudviga, Yurana, Yufa, Yufsa, Yulka, Yulika, Yukera, Yasta, Yasna, Yarma, Yaska, Yamba , Yanora, Java, Yaveya, Yasa.

Nicknames for the fastest

Spaniels are naturally active dogs. How lively do you have to be to earn a special nickname?

  • Leopard
  • Bastard
  • Batu
  • Besson
  • Besogon
  • Beads
  • Boeing
  • Boreas
  • Briareus
  • Bubka
  • Barbarian
  • Turn
  • Wind
  • cog
  • Racer
  • Gopak
  • Gopota
  • Bolt
  • Houdini
  • Jalopy
  • Durik
  • Kamikaze
  • Katalkin
  • Quest
  • Cool
  • Goblin
  • Reckless
  • Mamai
  • Mario
  • Mikado
  • Mr. Bean
  • Motor
  • Neptune
  • Ninja
  • Passat
  • Pilot
  • Robin Hood
  • Rochefort
  • Samurai
  • Whistle
  • Scythian
  • Jump
  • Tornado
  • Spartacus
  • Tamerlane
  • Tarantino
  • Tornado
  • Treville
  • Triton
  • Tugarin
  • Tour
  • Turbo
  • Tutu
  • Hurricane
  • Fanfan
  • Flint
  • Khazar
  • Khan
  • Champion
  • Shish
  • Shket
  • Shnyr
  • Shpiyon
  • Storm
  • Storm
  • Shuler
  • Schumacher
  • Jester
  • Yakuza

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Try to catch up with Reckless...

Cavalier Spaniel

The nickname for a Cocker Spaniel (boy) dog should be sonorous. And when it comes to a Russian spaniel, it also matches his character.

These representatives of the species cannot be “couch” dogs. They need to hunt. They go poultry and hare hunting with Russian spaniels. These dogs are active and very mobile. Good-natured, but not fanatically affectionate. Sociable, love to be the center of attention. They obey the owner, but they have one drawback. By virtue of his intelligence, the Russian spaniel will always prove that he is the boss in the house. The owner will have to make an effort to convince the dog otherwise.

As for the nickname for a boy spaniel, it should reflect the character traits of the dog. More on this in the section below.

He gets along well with family members, but does not like familiarity. If there is a small child in the house, he should not be allowed to bother the dog.

The full name of this species is Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. The character fully justifies the title of Cavalier and King.

Charles is a very noble and graceful spaniel. He loves to be the center of attention, but keeps his distance even from members of the household, not to mention strangers. The King Spaniel will not allow itself to be treated like a toy. He is able to fight back, because his teeth are sharp, like needles.

This dog was created to be admired. Fragile and small, the King Spaniel is full of self-esteem.

Beautiful names for spaniels

Do you want to name your Spaniel boy (girl) dog so that the name expresses the nobility, sophistication and elegance of this breed? We have already selected the most beautiful and euphonious nickname options for your pet.

Nicknames for boys

The spaniel dog is not only a great hunter, but also a devoted friend to all household members. As companions, such pets are sweet, charming and playful. Therefore, the beautiful name of a boy’s spaniel can be associated not only with aristocratic origin, but also with the pet’s temperament or appearance. The names of domestic spaniels listed below for boys will give you interesting ideas for naming your own pet. We bring to your attention the following common options:

  • Lucas;
  • Graph;
  • Arlen;
  • Lucky;
  • Caesar;
  • Leicester;
  • Marseilles;
  • Salvador;
  • Lord;
  • Jupiter;
  • Ran;
  • Fabian;
  • Leon;
  • Ernesto;
  • Rinehart;
  • Bruno;
  • Eugene.

Girl names

Naming a spaniel puppy a beautiful name for a girl is also not difficult at all. A nickname can indicate the refined nature of a pet, praise its beauty, or simply have a pleasant pronunciation. There are simply a lot of options here: just look at the collections of popular names and write down a few of the most suitable names. Actually, we have already done this for you. In our humble opinion, an unusually beautiful nickname for a girl’s spaniel dog sounds something like this:

  • Isabel;
  • Daphne;
  • Marquise;
  • Bailey;
  • Amelda;
  • Kasela;
  • Gioconda;
  • Nellie;
  • Aphrodite;
  • Ramona;
  • Stella;
  • Elsa;
  • Perseus;
  • Brielle;
  • Delphine.

Spaniel puppy girl

Hunting names

Spaniels are not a toy breed, but hunting dogs. For pets used for hunting, it is recommended to choose a more serious name than for those who simply live at home.

You can call a dog a nickname that characterizes it and has a certain meaning:

  • Find is good at searching.
  • Hunter is an excellent hunter.
  • Bay - perfectly drives prey.
  • Pray - knows how to chase the beast well.

Also, names that emphasize the dog’s warlike nature are perfect for hunting dogs:

  • Ataman,
  • Aitan,
  • Horn,
  • Watch,
  • Zeus,
  • Killer,
  • Mars,
  • Sniper,
  • Shaitan,
  • Uranus,
  • Urman and others.

Spaniels are an aristocratic breed, the name will help emphasize this.
For dogs associated with hunting, you can also choose traditional nicknames from the Russian language, for example:

  • Aksai,
  • Amur,
  • Brown,
  • Master,
  • Guy,
  • Gorich,
  • Doroh,
  • Wild,
  • Yenisei,
  • Erofey,
  • Hot,
  • Voiced,
  • Zorky,
  • Irtysh,
  • Carat,
  • King,
  • Lel,
  • deft,
  • Freezing,
  • Peaceful,
  • Namet,
  • Nadym,
  • Oratay,
  • Eagle,
  • Pirate,
  • Rum,
  • Ratmir,
  • Falcon,
  • Sadko,
  • Cunning,
  • Tenacious,
  • Shaman,
  • Rustle,
  • Nimble,
  • Clear.

Interesting! Russian dog names often indicate the characteristics of the dog, its hunting traits

English and American names

For dogs of the American and English breeds, the traditional nicknames adopted in Britain and the USA are quite suitable.

For boys:

  • Arno
  • Artichoke
  • Alex
  • Ayan
  • Buster
  • Barry
  • Bimbo
  • Barney
  • Bea
  • Butter
  • Bali
  • Big
  • Woody
  • Wolf
  • Vissarion
  • Gary
  • Davis
  • Dingo
  • Jake
  • Django
  • Dominic
  • Zeb
  • Corwin
  • Colin
  • Cooper
  • Caiman
  • Lipton
  • Larry
  • Logan
  • Lucky
  • Lamers
  • Larson
  • Max
  • Cute
  • Mormon
  • Melvin
  • Mick
  • Nick
  • Norman
  • Nile
  • Oscar
  • Ollie
  • Oliver
  • Orangeade
  • Orion
  • Otto
  • Paddy
  • Patrick
  • pitot
  • Rolf
  • Rocky
  • Rufus
  • Turner
  • Thacker
  • Tyler
  • Flash
  • Finn
  • Hayleys
  • Charlie
  • Chip
  • Elijah

    American Otto knows how to pose

For girls:

  • Amelie
  • Ariana
  • Ariel
  • Arliza
  • Bella
  • Bonti
  • Brianna
  • Betty
  • Bitsy
  • Villa
  • Grace
  • Gwen
  • Daisy
  • Joyce
  • Dayana
  • Dolly
  • Zara
  • Zoldi
  • Iggy
  • Isis
  • Cleopatra
  • Clarissa
  • Clover
  • Q
  • Clementine
  • Kayla
  • Layla
  • Lina
  • Lola
  • Moon
  • Lucia
  • Lanka
  • Minnie
  • Matilda
  • Melissa
  • Piper
  • a penny
  • Pixie
  • Ruby
  • Rosie
  • Salina
  • Stella
  • Sinamen
  • Sprin
  • Susan
  • Flower
  • Florin
  • Helga
  • Cherry
  • Elsa
  • Emily
  • Emma
  • Ebi
  • April

One spaniel is great. What if there are two! Zara and Dolly are very different. One attacks, one endures. This is how world harmony is created.

How to name a pet

Choosing nicknames for a boy's King Charles Spaniel. The name should be sonorous and noble.

  • Ice, Aikir, Ajax, Along, Best, Beis, Brut, Byron, Begin, Vilor, Vurnet, Vois, Vason, Weiss, Vurb, Vakir, Grotto, Grand, Grant, Gerson, Geis, Gubeis, Denir, Dass, Dave, Dinor, Devil, Ders, Evzen, Evirs, Evel, Zharmin, Zharmigo, Zherriso, Zant, Zerr, Zeyfir, Zanni, Icarus, Ilbrus, Iron, Ison, Celt, Kors, Kuvir, Kent, Loys, Lake, Lorin, Luys, Laiz, Luysan, Megikan, Manz, Makoto, Mashir, Miiko, Nobel. Notaur, Nelson, Ojax, Obir, Oshin, Opel, Ozis, Prudence, Prund, Pride, Pompey, Parcel, Perseus, Riano, Reeves, Rion, Rovel, Ron, Rox, Stein, Satyr, Summit, Sayre, Seldon, Trix, Tofel, Tuer, Taura, Tobel, Tobek, Timir, Udo, Wilson, Ugord, Ukhor, Watson, Frank, Finson, Faeldon, Ferox, Phlox, Furmid, Figaro, Freck, Floyd, Fly, Hanson, Hulk, Kharmid, Harison, Hilton, Hofsi, Chiron, Hachiko, Hatiro, Tsamb, Tsamis, Tsiron, Sokol, Tsayson, Tsenol, Tsobel, Tsairon, Chestor, Churem, Charis, Charles, Chovit, Emgar, Eizon, Ephicles, Erison, Erid, Eront, Espanion, Ezon, Evais, Yuld, Yubir, Yudan, Yuran, Yuveir, Yuvento, Yuskid, Yarison, Yakold, Yarms.

How pet names are chosen

The question often arises on what basis owners choose nicknames for their dogs. In fact, each nickname has its own story.

  • Puppy Milos responds to the name Soap. Because as a child he chewed a piece, blew bubbles for a long time, and since then he considers soap his personal enemy.
  • I definitely wanted a nickname from Scandinavian mythology. They chose him and named him Munir. We were very proud. Grandma arrived: “I won’t remember this.” Now Munya is running around the house. And everyone is happy...
  • The puppy was named Mandelstam because he began to howl when his daughter learned poetry by heart.
  • During his first walk, Ludwig fell under the wheels. Through the joint efforts of veterinarians and owners, they literally pulled him out of the other world. Now he is Lazarus. Since he has risen...
  • Why was it named Figaro? Because “Figaro is here, Figaro is there...” and you’ll get a fig of it the first time.
  • The dog's name is Nestor the Chronicler. Maybe just Nestor. And the chronicler because for the whole summer they could not teach the guy to pee on the street.

What is the story behind choosing a name for your pet?

Choosing a nickname for your puppy

Dogs that are registered through a kennel have an additional prefix -
the name of the kennel
. The prefix can consist of any number of words, it is registered in the RKF, the order of its placement within the nickname is also regulated, in particular, prefixes starting with “from”, “with (s)”, “from” are placed at the end of the nickname, for example, Herald from Gold Ribbon. Prefixes without prepositions can go both at the beginning and at the end of the nickname (Solomon GoldRibbon, GoldRibbon Solomon). The entire nickname should not contain more than 40 characters, including spaces, and no more than 15 of them can be in the prefix.

If the litter is registered through the club,

then the scheme for assigning nicknames is similar, only the puppies will not have a prefix, but only one nickname. The letter with which the puppies' nicknames should begin is regulated by the club using stud books. The nickname itself is chosen at the discretion of the breeder; for example, he can give all the puppies nicknames based on colors or car brands, if his imagination allows him to come up with so many nicknames for one letter.

All nicknames are registered in the RKF and can be reassigned only after 30 years. The nickname assigned by the breeder cannot be changed.

However, the home nickname may differ from the one indicated in the documents. It is precisely about the choice of this “home” name that we will talk today.

The appearance of a small creature in the house is a big event, which ultimately drives most new owners into a stupor. When it comes to choosing a dog’s name, it’s not a sin for an experienced dog breeder to get confused. How to choose a name for a dog so that it suits both the owner and the animal, “the one”, one for life? Let's consider all the existing recommendations on how to choose the right name for a dog, and you decide for yourself which advice to choose. .

“Necessary” letters, syllables, sounds. It is believed that dogs perceive the same range of sounds as humans, plus higher frequencies that are inaccessible to human hearing. In fact, both humans and dogs hear a sound whose volume barely exceeds 20 Hz. The upper threshold is significantly different, for a person it is 20,000 Hz, and for a dog up to 70,000. However, this is not the point, four-legged animals hear certain sounds much further. That is, if the call is chosen correctly, the ward will hear the name without raising your voice, even if he is at a distance of more than 50 meters. Naturally, natural characteristics vary depending on the breed and type of structure of the dog. Oddly enough, hearing acuity is not affected by the shape of the ears, breed, “profile” or other characteristics of the dog. A born puppy remains deaf for 10 to 14 days. Gradually, the developing hearing becomes sensitive to high-pitched sounds, including the squeaking of brothers and sisters and the whining of the mother. By 3 weeks of age, the puppy begins to distinguish human speech, more precisely, voiced consonants.

An adult dog hears all sounds, however, the pet perceives some words quickly and clearly, while others with irritation. The secret is in the stress and construction of the word. Several voiceless vowels create hiss, that is, noise. The emphasis on the consonant makes the word voiced, a simple example, “Go eat.” Agree, the “magic phrase” can be said in a whisper, but the pet will hear it.

Advice! When choosing a nickname, use the rule of consonants and voiced sounds.

Disputes about longer nicknames “break down” in everyday life, you can choose a nickname for a dog consisting of 4 words, you can use the title name from the documents, you can claim the title of Guinness record holder by choosing a nickname longer than 1046 letters, however, in practice, everything these options are not viable. Most owners shorten the dog's name to 4 letters or 2 syllables. Archibald becomes simply Archie, and Maria Von Dietrich becomes Masha.

Advice! When choosing a nickname, keep in mind that you, your family, neighbors, and the dog itself will hear this name for at least 12–15 years. Don’t go to extremes, naming your dog after departed pets, relatives, or a TV series hero; fashion and emotions will pass, but the name will remain..

Double names

Everyone knows that any nickname can be shortened until it is absolutely easy to pronounce. But if you really want it to be unusual and not like everyone else, you can give your dog a double name.

For boys:

  • Iron B
  • Big Boy
  • Black Magic
  • Black Space
  • Vic Tory
  • Gray Day
  • Donno del Cello
  • May Boss
  • Molto Bene
  • Number Van
  • Nicky Absolute
  • New Star
  • Orange Sunny
  • Pink Floyd
  • Rapid Fire
  • Rocket Fight
  • Sun Dance
  • Star Fire
  • Sun Beach
  • Total Power
  • White Lake
  • White Magic
  • Fire Show
  • Fest Boy
  • Phil Snow

For girls:

  • Donna Mia
  • Bella Donna
  • Beauty Swift
  • Bianca Balti
  • Weather Like
  • Donna Grazia
  • Carla Bruni
  • Kara Mia
  • Love Armina
  • Love Kiss
  • May Lady
  • Mara Carfagna
  • Molta Bene
  • Magic Lady
  • Only for Love
  • Ornella Muti
  • Pretty Baby
  • Whitey Queen
  • Angel Ice

Young May Lady

Nicknames depending on breed

The main hunting dog breeds are huskies, hounds, spaniels, pointers, terriers, and greyhounds. Each breed has its own “specialization” and its own characteristic features .


Laika is the most popular breed of dog among hunters. They are universal - you can go with them both to catch birds and to catch animals of different types and sizes. As a rule, such dogs are loyal, obedient and hardy.

Nicknames for girl dogs: Gerda, Frida, Aurora, Gidea, Umka, Oika, Kubra, Purga, Vyuga, Pomka, Aira, Snezhka, Kella, Claire, Freya, Laga, Aita, Mira, Sata and others.

Nicknames for male dogs: Akias, Gray, Chris, Bris, Bucks, Bras, Katun, Kai, Viy, Miraz, Atay, Tuman, Aldan, Sizy, Grizzly, Aitan, Ingur, Vasilek, Khazar and others.


Hounds are often called the “voice of the hunt” because of their piercing bark and voice of extraordinary power. Such dogs are trained to signal with their voices in different ways: drawn-out, melodious, noisy, driving prey or catching it.

How to name a dog-boy of the hound breed: Bas, Reshalo, Milo, Jumper, Bushun, Garay, Howler, Humpty, Major, Nick, Tagore, Dancer, Krin, Rydaylo, Krikun, Batai, Batyr, Poloz, Shumok, Yanyr, Pluto, Katai, Watch, Horn, Thunder and others.

How to name a female hound dog: Violin, Flute, Leita, Leya, Tyava, Grima, Sklepa, Peva, Diva, Veda, Vesta, Harp, Alta, Bagheera, Galka, Hera, Alpha, Polka, Ever, Mida and others.


Even from the name of the breed we can conclude that the dogs are a little aggressive, but when hunting they pursue the prey to the end and are not afraid even of large animals. This ancient breed, although warlike, is still extremely obedient and polite to its owner.

Names for male hounds: Bora, Ares, Mars, Ataman, Makhno, Veter, Altai, Buyan, Frisky, Jedi, Karai, Dagger, Atavan, Fierce, Udaloy, Yanyr, Berkut, Korochun, Mykh, Warrior and others.

Names for female hounds: Strelka, Ladna, Vega, Chara, Milka, Soyka, Reika, Smeika, Nagla, Gaika, Kora, Athena, Mesi and others.


Cops are great at hunting various kinds of birds - they catch the scent of the prey, carefully creep up to it and take a stance. Everyone who has watched cops on the hunt especially notes the elegance of the stance in which they can remain for quite a long time.

How to name a cop - a boy: Karat, Mirat, Mircea, Serb, Sputnik, Sanin, Alyan, Berek, Bova, Dembi, Klaus, Fand, Charlie, Jackie, Bond, Frant, Geyser, Pilot, Pound, Yamur, Vuli and others.

What to call a cop - a girl: Edel, Fara, Greka, Skifa, Nana, Irma, Greta, Dora, Aira, Sweet, Veila, Geya, Groza, Yuda, Lady, Horde, Dayana and others.


This miniature dog can track game over long distances, and after the owner’s shot, he will bring it in his teeth both from cold water and from impassable thickets. These dogs are not afraid of difficulties and are extremely resilient.

Names for spaniel boys: Funtik, Fin, Aitan, Volay, Jerry, Mizli, Krokotun, Nadmen, Kras, Melnik, Kum, Bobby, Mot, Enzo, Sniper, Bros, Blinker, Dahl, Oret, Valar and others.

Names for female spaniels: Sheri, Mila, Laska, Dinga, Alpa, Ringa, Navka, Ofela, Lira, Cynthia, Tavra, Stefa, Roxanna, Coco, Dodo, Enigma, Flowerbed, Shirley and others.


Terriers are especially good at burrowing. These dogs have a lively mind and fortitude; they are not only hunters, but helpers.

Nicknames of male terriers: Smith, Sancho, Dom, Thorne, Gore, Derry, Mike, Henry, Raccoon, Gwaine, Ivar, Smike, Krizley, Trump, Salvas, Fox, Zaul, Wesley, Zeus, Plato and others.

Nicknames of female terriers: Creta, Azalea, Fora, Zabava, Lucy, Venus, Nolly, Cheryl, Susan, Eliya, Malta, Ushba, Tavrida and others.

Royal nicknames

If the dog has a rich pedigree, then a nickname-title or the name of a past monarch taken as a nickname would be quite appropriate.

For boys:

  • Baron
  • Baronet
  • Viscount
  • Valois
  • Guy
  • Duke
  • Graph
  • Doge
  • Don
  • Dauphin
  • Duke
  • Emperor
  • Infant
  • Kaiser
  • King
  • Prince
  • Lord
  • Louis
  • Maximilian
  • Marquis
  • My lord
  • Maharaja
  • Napoleon
  • Pan
  • Pash a
  • Pius
  • Prince
  • Peer
  • Rajah
  • Senior
  • Caliph
  • Khan
  • Caesar
  • Tsar
  • Shah
  • Jarl

His Lordship English Toy Spaniel Earl
For girls:

  • Baroness
  • Victoria
  • Power
  • Vlada
  • Duchess
  • Countess
  • Donna
  • Infanta
  • Caroline
  • Princess
  • Lady
  • Marquise
  • Medici
  • Milady
  • Lady
  • Princess
  • Regina
  • For the sake of
  • Senora
  • Erata

The Infanta and her eyelashes. Be jealous!

Rules for choosing a nickname

A few generally accepted rules that guide your selection:

  • You shouldn’t call your puppy the first nickname you come across as soon as he appears in the house. Let the baby remain nameless for 3-4 days. During this time, you can notice any peculiarities of his temperament or funny habits. It will become clear who will grow out of him - the Naughty, the Bully or the Sly;
  • The nickname should consist of 1-2 syllables, sound clear and sharp. Dogs are better at accepting such nicknames;
  • Giving your pet human names is bad form. This is contrary to the canons of the Orthodox Church, and many dog ​​breeders believe that they have too much energy. It has been noticed that spaniels with human names get sick more often and live shorter lives.

Experienced dog handlers advise avoiding nicknames worn by previous pets. Each animal has a unique character. You won't be able to make him look like an old friend.

It is worth “listening” to the opinion of the puppy himself - saying the chosen name several times. If the cocker spaniel shows any emotion, the nickname can be left behind.

What names are not allowed?

There are a number of general recommendations that should be followed when choosing a nickname for your pet:

  1. It is considered bad form to call a dog by human names: Masha, Dashka, Vasya.
  2. The animal should easily recognize its name. It should not be consonant with commands (Bars - “fas”).
  3. Excessively long, pretentious names are poorly perceived by dogs, so it is better to name your pet with a one-syllable or two-syllable word.
  4. Ridiculous and funny nicknames like “Pusik” and “Honey” are funny only until the dog grows up. The use of such nicknames for adult animals is, to say the least, absurd.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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It is not recommended to name a dog ambiguously or with the intention of hurting the feelings of believers.

Beautiful nicknames

Below are beautiful names that are suitable for King Charles, American, Russian, and English Cocker Spaniels.

Names for a boyNicknames for spaniel girls
A:Archie, Adam, ArnieAssa, Isa, Alba
B:Butler, Blues, BrookBarbie, Buffy, Bella
IN:Weiss, Watson, VegasWendy, Vitana
G:Harry, Gwen, GregoGabi, Gerda, Gressi
D:Jim, Diego, JerryDolly, Doni, Daisy
E:Yeney, Eran, EroshFidget, Christmas tree, Enka
AND:Jean, Jadar, JacoJanet, Jessie, Zhudy
Z:Zeus, Zirth, ZorroZara, Zimba, Zena
AND:Ilan, Ilot, IronIrma, Willow, Indra
TO:Colin, Cosmos, ChrisCleo, Christy, Corey
L:Lorrie, Lucas, LukeLaima, Lana, Linda
M:Max, Mickey, MauriceMyla, Molly, Mary
N:Nacho, Neil, NewmanNancy, Nessie, Nita
ABOUT:Oscar, Oton, OnyxOda, Omma, Ottawa
P:Pablo, Paco, PatrickPalma, Pitta, Puva
R:Roy, Roby, RoniRada, Roxy, Ruth
WITH:Simon, Sancho, SkifSarah, Sanda, Strelka
T:Tommy, Travel, TitoTarona, Trixie, Tracy
U:Uranus, Walter, UlmarUlli, Umbra, Ursa
F:Freddie, Forrest, FilyaFiona, Floris, Frezi
X:Hugh, Hugo, HulkHeidi, Hannah, Chloe
C:Caesei, Zeiss, CeronTsara, Tsanta, Cyana
H:Charlie, Chucky, ChesterChaga, Cherry, Choppy
Sh:Shah, Shart, ShannonSuga, Sheri, Cher
E:Eric, Alvin, ErnieEllie, Abby, Enis
YU:Eugene, Yumir, JustinYuda, Yucca, Yusta
I:Yakut, Jacobs, YaronJava, Yanga, Yara

Choosing a name for a spaniel leaves room for the owner’s imagination. A nickname can be “born” from anywhere - from the appearance, temperament, funny habits or hobbies of the owner. The most important thing is that both the pet and its owner feel comfortable.

Funny nicknames

The modern spaniel is a cheerful companion dog. You can choose a cool name for your puppy that will immediately make it stand out from the crowd of animals:

  • for a spaniel boy: Rolex, Hobbit, Dobby, Bilbo, Casper, Pegasus, Chaplin, Tiktak, Pudding, Ninja, Bumblebee;
  • for a spaniel girl: Adjika, Vanilla, Leska, Ripley, Daineris, Mystic, Snail, Berry.

Funny names are easy to remember and make you smile.

Often nicknames emphasize the extraordinary appearance of the spaniel: Toffee, Plusha, Button, Businka, Knopa, etc.

Aristocratic nicknames

It’s time to emphasize the nobility of your pet with an aristocratic nickname!

  • Anax
  • Baron
  • Brahman
  • Caesar
  • Denali
  • Duke
  • Dauphin
  • Gentry
  • Kaiser
  • Lord
  • Malik
  • Mansa
  • Murza
  • Magnus
  • Paladin
  • Patrizio
  • Rajah
  • Ramses
  • Rex
  • Ryan
  • Ruari
  • Sid
  • Sultan
  • Tenno
  • Khan
  • Shah
  • Sharif
  • Sheikh
  • Chevalier
  • Earl

So small, and already Magnus

Female list of nicknames for the Russian Spaniel

IrmaInessaOr at
Not meNikaNora
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