Wolfsblut dog food: reviews, composition analysis, price

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4 reviews and comments

Main characteristics
Feed class:Super premium, holistic
Manufacturer:Germany, UK
  • Dry food Wolfsblut 2 kg – from 1,600 rub.
  • Dry food Wolfsblut 15 kg – from 6,400 rub.
  • Canned Wolfsblut 395 g – from 350 rub.
  • Wolfsblut cracker 225 g – from 360 rub.
  • Fish snacks 100 g – from 380 rub.

Wolfsblut Dog Food Review

Dry dog ​​food Wolfsblut (“Wolfsblut”, “Wolf’s Blood”) is produced in the UK by order of the German company Healthfood24 GmbH. The official website is https://www.wolfsblut.com/ (in German), it contains data on the composition of the entire line of feeds, recommended feeding rates and other important information. This food belongs to the super-premium class.

In addition to Wolfsblut dog food, the same manufacturer offers Wildcat cat food.

Wolfsblut feed composition

Let's look at the composition of Wolfsblut food using the example of the Wide Plain Adult option (“Wide Plain”, for adult dogs, with horse meat and potatoes). Click on the photo to enlarge it:

Photo of the composition indicated on the package. The insert in the middle right is a screenshot of the lineup from the official website. The data matches.

The first ingredient is horse meat, 51%, a source of protein. In this ingredient, the manufacturer combined horse meat 26% (probably meaning fresh meat), dehydrated (dried) horse meat 17%, and also, for some reason, horse fat 8%. The latter is a source of fats and fatty acids. Further in the composition there is also a source of vegetable protein - pea protein, the percentage is not specified.

Since the food is grain-free, carbohydrate sources include sweet potatoes (28%) and chickpeas. Pumpkin and parsnips are sources of fiber and carbohydrates. Minerals are a dietary supplement of minerals. The lower herbs are primarily sources of fiber, although they also contain a variety of beneficial substances.

Flax seeds are a source of fiber and fatty acids. Fennel, blackberries, raspberries, blueberries, black currants are rich in antioxidants. Prebiotics MOS and FOS are beneficial for digestion. Yucca Schidigera extract - reduces the smell of excrement.

The composition itself does not specify preservatives, but the official website of the food states that it does not contain synthetic preservatives, dyes or flavors.

Advantages and disadvantages

Advantages of this food:

  • the main source of protein is meat;
  • grain-free composition, no wheat, corn, corn gluten;
  • good supplement of vitamins, minerals and other beneficial substances;
  • wide range.

Disadvantages of Wolf's Blood food:

  • high price (many analogs are significantly cheaper);
  • It is not very common and is not sold in all pet stores.

Manufacturer and official website

The policy of “Healthfood24 GmbH” is so “German” that you want to order a trial package of food immediately after reading the presentation - a tough position in caring for animals, guarantees, experience, standards. Having solid success in the Eurosector, the company does not stop researching, annually announcing innovative solutions, this is truly impressive.

Wolfsblut manufacturers claim a “place in the sun” in the premium segment, which is very reasonable from a marketing point of view. A wide range is a guarantee of “covering” the needs of all owners and pets interested in the product. Moreover, each food is designed taking into account the natural needs of the dog.

The company constantly cooperates with veterinary nutritionists, monitoring the impact of its products on the health and quality of life of dogs. Food released in recent years is adapted to the living conditions of a city dog ​​- regular feeding and reduced physical activity (compared to wild dogs).

Wolfsblut dog food - reviews

Although Wolfsblat food has been sold in Russia for many years, it is still not widespread. Therefore, there are quite a few reviews about it on the Internet; below we have shared several of the newest and most informative ones we found.

Reviews from veterinarians

Customer Reviews

Good afternoon I would like to share reviews about Wolfsblatt dry food “Wild Ocean” (with fish). The dog eats it well, the stool is normal, the ears are clean. Previously, they also tested “Wide Plain” (with duck) of the same brand; the dog ate it more appetizingly, but it caused allergies and loose stools, so they changed it to fish.

So far, two bags have already been eaten (2 kg and 7.5 kg) and the third has begun. The granules are slightly elongated, large, not for small dogs. The second bag we came across was still an old formula (the manufacturer updated the composition), the granules were lighter than in the first and third, but the dog ate it too and its condition did not change - everything was fine.

I would also like to note that with this food the fur became very shiny and silky. As long as we continue to use Wolfsblatt, I hope it will continue to suit us. And yes, I certainly recommend this food!

We have a Dogo Canario puppy, almost an adult. He was first offered Wolfsblut at seven months of age, which tastes like Alaskan salmon. We also have a Great Dane who used to lose a lot of weight on dry food. They also tried feeding him this food.

More than two months have passed - both dogs look great, weight is within normal limits, there are no allergies, the outcome is excellent. Positive results for the German were noticeable after a month, he gained the missing weight.

Varieties and assortment of the line

A huge variety of assortment allows you to choose food for a dog of any age, breed, size, or activity level. Thus, the company offers the following lines of food:

For adult animals. This is the most extensive group of feeds. The amount of meat component is at least 50% of the composition.

For puppies. When developing the composition, specialists took into account the needs of a rapidly developing organism.

For large breed puppies. It differs from the previous one in the presence of ingredients to maintain healthy joints.

For small breed dogs. Manufacturers took into account that small dogs are more active, which means they need more protein.

For pets of large breeds. This group is intended for animals weighing over 90 kg. They often experience increased stress on the musculoskeletal system, so the composition of the feed in this group is aimed at strengthening the joints.

For older animals. Suitable for large dogs from 6 years old and small dogs from 8 years old

The manufacturer took into account that the activity of dogs decreases with age, and immunity, vision and hearing also deteriorate. Therefore, the composition of the products is more enriched with beneficial vitamins.

It is noteworthy that the manufacturer comes up with very original and memorable names for the food: “Polar Night”, “Golden Fields”, “Dark Forest”, “White Cloud” and others. By volume there are packages weighing 2 kg, 7.5 kg, 15 kg. You can also purchase single servings of food in 150 and 500 grams for your pet to taste.

Important! Most products of this brand are suitable for dogs prone to allergic reactions.

Wolfsblut Dog Food Review

The official representative of Wolfsblut food in Russia positions it as holistic, in which more than 50% of the composition is meat, and there are no artificial preservatives, flavors, etc. Is this true by studying the composition? Although the food is considered German, it is produced in a factory in the UK.

Other good foods:

Wolfsblut feed composition

Let's look at the composition of Wolfsblut food using the example of the Dark Forest option for adult dogs. In first place is sweet potato, second place is game meat, and third place is dried game meat. Since the percentages of each of these ingredients are not indicated, it cannot be said that there is more or less meat in the composition than potatoes. It is worth noting that the official importer in Moscow on his website https://dajlapu.com/wolfsblut-msk.ru distorts the composition of the feed (in the picture below - on a white background), indicating venison in the first place, and sweet potato in the second.

This was probably done for marketing purposes, however, in essence, it is a deception - the composition always needs to be translated exactly without changing the order (since the ingredients should always be listed in decreasing order). Regarding the type of meat, the food actually uses venison. Essentially, the basis of the food is meat and potatoes (in addition to sweet potatoes, there is also regular potatoes, in fourth place). If the first is definitely healthy, then there is a lot of controversy about the usefulness of potatoes for dogs.

Otherwise, the food has a composition quite usual for good drying - the source of vitamins are vegetables, fruits, berries, and special additives.

Pros and cons of Wolfsblut food

The advantages of the food include:

  • real meat in the composition, and not just offal (they also exist, for example liver);
  • generally rich composition (the presence of berries, vegetables, fruits and even herbs);
  • absence of artificial flavoring additives and preservatives;
  • availability of not only dry, but also wet food (canned food).

Among the disadvantages of the food:

  • the percentages of the first ingredients are not indicated, which is why it is not clear how much is potatoes and how much is meat;
  • not very common, in small towns you can only buy it via the Internet;
  • quite high cost.

Advantages and disadvantages

Most likely, there is no ideal food that is equally suitable for all dogs. Therefore, this product has both strengths and weaknesses, which we will consider further.

About the advantages

Why owners value this product:

  1. Of course, dry dog ​​food is impressive with its natural composition. Moreover, it is well-balanced and closely matches natural nutrition.
  2. Absence of unnatural components.
  3. The food is suitable for dogs with allergies.
  4. A large assortment from which owners of large and small breeds, adult dogs and puppies can choose the necessary nutrition for their pet.

Check out the most popular dog breeds: Chow Chow, Miniature Schnauzer, German Pinscher, Belgian Griffon, Maremmo-Abruzzese Shepherd, Greyhound, Toy Poodle, court terrier" ("mongrel"), "English cocker spaniel", "perro dogo majorquin" ("ca-de-bo"), "Russian greyhound", "German shepherd", "Belgean shepherd", "English and American foxhounds" .

About the cons

Wolfsblut products have few disadvantages, but they still exist:

  1. High price. This food belongs to the super-premium class, to the “holistic” subcategory. These are the most elite, high-quality, and therefore very expensive feeds.
  2. Available only in big cities. Those living in small towns need to purchase this food via the Internet.

On the Internet you can find many positive reviews about “Wolf Blood”, while the owners note that dogs’ stools are normalized, feces acquire a healthier consistency, appearance and smell, the condition of the coat improves, and allergies disappear. But some owners indicate that this brand of food did not suit them. This can be explained by the individual characteristics of the dog - you should not sin on the quality of the food, you just need to offer it to your pet and watch the reaction. In general, dry food from is of high quality, well-balanced and fully justifies its cost.

Wolfsblut dog food - reviews

Review of Wolfsblut dog food, writes Svetlana. We switched to this food from Akana, which our dog grew up on. The reason for the transition was that when switching from puppy food to adult food, signs of allergies appeared, and the price also increased significantly. We decided to try other brands, first we took Dukes Farm, then Grandorf, and settled on Wolfsblut.

I really liked the availability of small packages of 150 g, it’s convenient to take for testing. Of the three options, the dog liked the one with duck the most. I would like to note that the consumption is higher than in Akana, maybe because the new food has less protein or maybe I like it better, I don’t know. So far the impressions of the food are good, if everything goes well and there are no allergies, then we will stay on it.

Natalya writes about Wolfsblut dog food We tried several types of Wolfsblut food, the dog seemed to like two the most - dark forest and with duck. I usually buy it with duck, but sometimes I buy others for variety. The dog eats well, the poop is normally formed. The main disadvantage of the food is that it is expensive, especially after the fall of the ruble.

Review of Wolfsblut dog food, writes Tatyana. Good afternoon. Our basset hound tried many different foods, refused some, and ate others very willingly. Vulfblat decided to order it after reading a thread on the forum, where they spoke positively about it. Now we are eating Black Bird, which contains 28% turkey meat, 27% sweet potato and 22 dehydrated turkey meat. I'm happy with the results, the dog eats with pleasure and looks good. The price of the food is rather high, 6,500 rubles for a large 15 kg bag, but it’s worth it.

Feeding remontant raspberries in summer

The need for large amounts of mineral fertilizers is due to the fact that remontant raspberries have large berries. Only strong and healthy bushes can produce berries of this size. Nitrogen fertilizers can help raspberries, which are recommended to be applied immediately after the first leaves appear.

Any mineral fertilizing is applied before loosening the soil. Manufacturers of mineral fertilizers have made the work of gardeners easier. In specialized stores you can purchase ready-made mineral complexes, for example, Kemira and Ecofosk. These substances must be diluted with water in a ratio of 1 tablespoon per 3 liters of water. Watering with a similar solution is done in hot weather.

But not all minerals are used in the form of solutions. Ammonium sulfate is applied to the soil in dry form. Fertilizer is simply sprinkled on the soil under the bush. For one raspberry seedling you will need about 15 grams of ammonium sulfate.

Advice! Excessive use of minerals can increase soil acidity. To neutralize this process, you can sprinkle the soil with the most common ash.

If the bushes are many years old, then the following mixture will help them restore their strength:

  • 2 kg of manure;
  • 2 teaspoons of potassium salt;
  • 2 teaspoons nitrogen;
  • 2 teaspoons phosphorus.

Review of Wolfsblut food "Wild duck"

This brand came to Russia in an interesting way: without any advertising in 2010, word of mouth from dog breeders spread the news that you could buy a mysterious German food in St. Petersburg. Interest in Wolfsblut was based on the fact that it consists exclusively of nutrients that wild wolves feed on. Therefore, it does not cause allergies, intolerances or other food problems in urban dogs.

Wolfsblut "Wild Duck" for small breed dogs

  1. potatoes (min. 26%)
  2. duck meat (min. 22.5%)
  3. dehydrated duck meat (min. 22.5%)
  4. duck fat
  5. peas

Nutrient Content:

The first trial batch actually came to us through St. Petersburg at the end of 2009 and was distributed not exactly underground, but without widespread advertising. However, marketing from the Russian side is still the weak side of the brand. The official Russian website of Wolfsblut is located at https://www.wolfsblut.su/. The strange choice of the .su domain zone was probably dictated by the fact that when the managers decided to register the domain (in 2014!), everything was taken except for the address in the zone of a non-existent country that had never heard of the Internet.

The manufacturer's website https://www.wolfsblut.com/ was registered in 2005, but only became operational in 2007. What is known about the product? Very few. The owner of the Wolfsblut trademark (this is how “Wolf Blood” is correctly pronounced in German) is the British company Healthfood24, which sells all kinds of food via the Internet. The representative office in Germany is located in Leipzig. Something else? The official websites do not say a word about where the food is produced or from what ingredients.

Well, let’s take a closer look at the bags of crackers in our review.

The Wolfsblatt line is surprising: only dry food (this does not include wet or canned food) is offered. 114 titles. The names are more than intriguing and exotic: “African Dog”, “Black Bird”, “Golden Field”, “Gray Peak”.

In order not to plunge into the jungle of classifications, today we will analyze the composition of “Wild Duck” - for adult dogs of small breeds. It is marketed as “Low Fat and Protein” for pets with digestive issues.

Manufacturer information

Wolfsblut is a brand of hypoallergenic food created by German specialists. The production itself is located in England. This brand produces food for cats, horses and other animals, but most of the food is intended for dogs.

When creating the Wolfsblut line of food, German nutritionists proceeded from the fact that the dog is a close relative of the wolf, and its digestive system has not changed during evolution. That's why Wolfsblut food contains ingredients that are included in the diet of predators. It is a natural food for dogs and is easily digested by the body without causing digestive problems.

The manufacturer has completely abandoned the use of proteins and fats of vegetable origin.

Wolfsblut food is distinguished by the use of meat from wild animals as raw materials, raised in natural conditions without the use of GMOs and growth stimulants.

Carbohydrates play an important role in creating a balanced diet. But research in recent years has shown that grains, especially wheat and corn, are often the cause of allergies. The German manufacturer chose non-allergenic potatoes, sweet potatoes and rice as a source of carbohydrates for its feed.

List of ingredients

  1. The first thing that catches your eye is that it is not the duck that opens the list, but the potato. This root vegetable is primarily a supplier of starch and carbohydrates. Yes, they do not contain gluten, but it is strange to see it in a dog’s diet with gastrointestinal nuances. (Remember also Wolfsblut's original marketing message: to incorporate the diet of wolves into its recipe.) What do potatoes do? Convenient, cheap filler and high fiber content (of which I would like more here).
  2. In second place is duck meat. As we know, fresh meat consists of approximately 80-85% liquid and fat, so after cooking it will remain several times less than the indicated 22.5% in the final product. Let's say 9%?
  3. The highest quality ingredient in Wolfsblut Wild Duck food is dehydrated duck meat. More than 22% is a very good figure, and if you add it to the previous line, you get an impressive 30%. Despite the fact that duck is quite fatty, and its fibers are not easy to digest and are not completely digested, it is an excellent source of amino acids and vitamins A, E, E, and especially group B. It also contains Omega-3.
  4. The origin of duck fat, which came in fourth place, is most likely associated with the preparation of raw meat from item 2. Despite the unappetizing name, this is also a very high-quality position. This type of fat is rich in linoleic acid (omega-6), which is necessary for the good functioning of cellular metabolic processes.
  5. Peas contain up to 25% proteins, as well as a lot of carbohydrates. As an additive to the recipe (not at the top of the list) it is quite acceptable.
  6. Pea protein is obtained by chemically purifying the original product from starch. It contains more than 80% protein, which is much less valuable for a dog’s digestion than animal protein.
  7. Chicken liver is an offal that negates all the advantages of Wolfsblut dry food. The fact is that chicken is perhaps the most common cause of allergies and food intolerances (read more about this here). And this composition claims to be hypoallergenic and is intended for pets with digestive problems. Accordingly, the presence of chicken liver in the recipe immediately makes switching to it pointless when eliminating allergens. Plus, modern industrial chicken farming has become, in fact, a chemical process, using hormones and a huge amount of antibiotics, which accumulate in the liver of the bird. Therefore, given the high cost and stated almost veterinary nature of these granules, the presence of even a small portion of chicken is a huge minus.

Comprehensive care and fertilization

Raspberries have a shallow root system. It quickly absorbs useful microelements from the top layer of soil. Once it is depleted, plants begin to experience a lack of nutrients.

When replenishing their reserves, the following recommendations should be taken into account:

  1. Alternate fertilizing with organic matter and mineral-based preparations. This will increase the yield.
  2. Regular irrigation speeds up the process of fertilizer absorption. Moistened soil adheres more closely to the roots. Therefore, beneficial substances are absorbed more actively.
  3. Foliar feeding is carried out in the evening, in clear and dry weather. Plants should not be sprayed during the day. This may cause burns.

During the period of flowering and ovary formation, complex formulations are not used. Ripening berries should not absorb chemical compounds.

Is it possible to apply fresh manure?

They fertilize plants in spring and autumn. The first feeding is carried out with the appearance of young leaves. And the second - in September or October.

The benefits of fresh manure for raspberries are as follows:

  1. Its decomposition occurs gradually - over 3-4 years. Nutrients are dosed into the soil.
  2. Organic matter contains the main nutritional components for bush growth. It contains a lot of potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen.
  3. Manure improves soil structure. The soil becomes loose, and this allows the earth to breathe.
  4. It prevents the rapid evaporation of moisture.

Important! During work, it is recommended to use rubber gloves and a respirator. After completing the process, you need to wash your hands with soap

Manure can be poured into trenches or at the bottom of the hole (when planting new bushes). Next, it is mixed with soil. This prevents burns to the root system.

Does ash contribute to a good harvest?

The ashes of burnt trees or shrubs retain the entire range of useful substances present in them. Therefore, the remains of a fire are often used as feeding. Thanks to this method of nutrition, the taste of the berries improves and the yield increases. At the same time, the raspberry plant also gets rid of pests and weeds.

But not all ash is beneficial to plants. When using it, you need to consider the following features:

  1. Ash from coal contains almost no minerals. Therefore, there is no point in using it as fertilizer.
  2. Painted boards and other household waste are not suitable for this purpose. They contain harmful chemicals.
  3. Burnt sunflower stems contain maximum amounts of calcium and potassium.
  4. To saturate the earth with phosphorus, it is necessary to burn rye straw.
  5. Of the tree species, willow and birch are considered the most useful. Deciduous firewood is always more nutritious than coniferous firewood.
  6. The ash of young trees contains more microelements compared to old ones.

Burnt tops from potatoes, carrots or beets are also used as top dressing. It is not advisable to fertilize raspberries with burnt peat. There is a lot of lime in it. This is harmful for acidic or slightly acidic soil.

Mineral products - urea

It is used at the rate of 15 g per square meter of planting. It is not advisable to exceed the recommended dose.

Fertilizing is carried out in the following order:

  1. The soil is thoroughly moistened. The roots should not come into direct contact with dry preparations. This may injure them.
  2. The damp soil is sprinkled with urea granules. And when using powdered fertilizer, it is first dissolved in water. After this, the bushes are watered again with plain water.
  3. The soil is loosened to a depth of 5 cm. As a result, the fertilizer is mixed with the soil and dissolves better.

Interesting! The optimal time to apply fertilizer is after rain. Then the plants get the maximum benefit from the urea.

Should I sprinkle it under a bush?

There are several ways to fertilize plants. Each of them has its own characteristics:

  1. Root feeding. Designed for absorption of nutrients by raspberry roots. The granules can be poured directly under the bush or deepened into the soil - into the root zone. In the second case, beneficial microelements become more accessible to the roots.
  2. Foliar feeding. Involves the absorption of nutrients through the surface of the leaves. It is considered the most economical method.
  3. Mixed method - fertilizing raspberries simultaneously with irrigation. Promotes the absorption of nutrients through roots and leaves.

The effectiveness of fertilizing increases if it is used in liquid form. This makes it easier for plants to absorb nutrients.

5/5 (1 vote)

Other products

Other products have little effect on the nutritional characteristics of Wolfsblut food due to their small contribution, but we note interesting additives.

  • A large number of herbs, including medicinal ones (parsley, sage, thyme, dandelion, fenugreek) are an excellent and rare addition to ready-made dry food.
  • The presence of berries (blueberries, elderberries, blackberries, raspberries, etc.) are high-quality sources of vitamins.
  • Probiotics FOS and MOS

Similar ingredients are found only in super premium products, some of them normalize the acidity of the dog’s body, others are antioxidants and strengthen the immune system. In any case, it's good to see them.

When analyzing the composition of Wolfsblut “Wild Duck” for small breed dogs, it is obvious that it belongs to high-quality dry food of the holistic class. High content of proteins of meat origin of a hypoallergenic nature. A moderate amount of vegetable proteins from peas, the absence of grains, preservatives and dyes make it balanced and nutritious.

The downside of Wolfsblat is its fairly high protein (30%) and fat (17%) content, which, paradoxically, is a consequence of a good recipe. Let us repeat, the manufacturer himself refers to it as “low in protein and fat.” Paradox.

I would also like to see more fiber in the super premium kibble. A measly 3% is a nod towards a cheaper class. Read more about fiber for dogs in our article.

Finally, the price. As of July 2016, 15 kg bag. this Wolfsblut for small breeds in online stores costs 6,500 rubles: more than 430 rubles. per 100 grams. For comparison, the price of Grandorf “Lamb with rice” from the same category is 4700 for 12 kg. (390 rubles per 100 g). Only grain-free Akana “Wild Prairie” costs 50 rubles more per 100 grams, but it includes a considerable cost of brand “recognition”.

About the manufacturer

The philosophy of the manufacturing company is to create a diet whose components are as close as possible to the nutrition of a wild wolf. The company's scientists have found that the digestive systems of a modern dog and a wild wolf are identical. In this case, the food must take into account the living conditions of a modern domesticated dog.

The basic principles of the company observed when creating Wolfsblut diets:

  • environmental friendliness - production should not harm nature;
  • the use of the most gentle technologies, allowing ingredients to be subjected to minimal processing;
  • purchasing the most natural raw materials all over the world;
  • absence of harmful components: soy, corn, meat production waste, etc.

What the owners say

Reviews of Wolfsblatt among dog breeders are moderately positive. What customers love most is that they put “natural food” for wolves in their pet’s bowl. This formula for marketers fascinates those who don't read labels.

Healthy dogs show an improvement in coat color. However, better results can be expected when switching from economy class: literally after a few days, increased gas formation disappears, eye secretion normalizes ("tears" disappear in those breeds for which they are not typical). The stool becomes healthier in color and smell.

In very critical cases (after the transfer of the Chinese Crested Puff from Chappie), serious problems with dermatitis disappeared.

Vertikt Tiny

Wolfsblut Wild Duck dry food for small breed dogs is an excellent choice for those who want to switch from regular premium food such as Eukanuba, Arden Grange, Canide, etc. However, to solve digestive problems associated with allergies to food, it can be recommended with caution due to the presence of chicken in the composition. It is also not suitable for animals whose veterinarian has prescribed a diet low in fat and protein.

Taking all this into account, Krohotun.com gives Wolfsblat's Wild Duck a 4.5 star rating and recommends it with the above reservations.

Reviews from visitors about this food

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General characteristics and manufacturer

This product was developed by German nutritionists, but the production facilities are located in the UK (Ltd.). All stages of feed production are controlled by the German side. Products began to appear on the territory of Russia in 2009-2010, while there was no official advertising, and information about a quality product was simply disseminated among dog breeders.

Did you know? Scientists do not yet understand the mechanism of the process, but it is reliably known that trained dogs sense an epileptic attack in people with this disease. Approximately 20 minutes before the attack, the animal begins to give signals to the owner, and thanks to this warning, the person can prepare in time.

According to the company's philosophy, the goal is to create a diet that is as similar as possible to the diet of the dog's closest relative in the wild - the wolf. Nutritionists have developed a product that, in addition to the natural needs of the animal, takes into account their adaptation to human living conditions: for example, regular nutrition and frequent lack of physical activity. Basic principles for the production of Wolfsblatt dog food:

  1. Environmentally conscious production that does not harm the environment.
  2. Application of the latest, gentle technologies when processing ingredients.
  3. Purchase of high-quality raw materials in many countries of the world.
  4. Use only natural ingredients.

If you want your dog to be healthy and active, it must be fed with balanced foods: Grandorf and Pedigree.

Manufacturers claim that their products do not contain the following components:

  • hormones, growth stimulants, antibiotics and other drugs;
  • chemical preservatives;
  • attractants: taste enhancers and stimulants, flavorings;
  • artificial colors;
  • sweeteners and sugar;
  • trans fats;
  • vegetable oils;
  • waste from slaughterhouses;
  • cereals;
  • corn starch, soy protein.

Important! Since the final product consists exclusively of high-quality, natural and healthy ingredients, there is no need to test it on animals. Manufacturers of cheap and low-quality food are forced to test their products on animals before launching them for sale, as a result of which dogs and cats are subjected to cruel experiments

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