American dog breeds: generally recognized and little-known tailed ones from the land of opportunity

Dog breeds have been developed in many countries and on every continent except Antarctica. The United States, in particular, has given the dog world some incredible breeds.

From California to Massachusetts, these American dog breeds are as unique and diverse as the 50 states. They differ in appearance, temperament and goals. Some were bred to work, while others grew up more as companions.

Here are 10 dog breeds that were born and bred in the United States.

Some American dog breeds can be found fairly easily in animal shelters and reputable breeders across the country, but others are not as common. Try rescuing a specific breed if you have your heart set on a specific breed.

American Bulldog

The Bulldog originated in England many centuries ago, where it was used for property guarding, livestock walking, and barbaric blood sports. Bulldogs came to the United States in the 1700s, where they were also used on farms and ranches for livestock and as guard dogs.

Around the time of World War II, the breed almost disappeared, but breeders revived it and created the standard for the American version. These dogs are athletic, stocky and muscular, but they can also be quite friendly and humorous.

Choosing a puppy

In Russia, Akita is a fairly rare breed; even its Japanese counterparts are more common. When choosing a puppy, you will have to look for a reputable kennel with good reviews and trust. Breeders will help you choose a puppy for specific purposes: for exhibitions, protection, friendship.

When visiting a nursery, you should definitely look at the baby’s parents - their behavior, appearance - many traits will be passed on to the offspring.

The puppy itself must have a healthy appearance, shiny coat, be well-fed, and meet the breed standard.

Until the baby reaches 9 months, he is not assigned an exhibition class.

Activity and curiosity are the main signs of a healthy puppy. If your young Akita is acting lethargic, it may be a sign of health or mental problems.

American Hairless Terrier

The American Hairless Terrier was born when a hairless female named Josephine was born from a litter of purebred rat terriers. Josephine's owners, Edwin and Willie Scott of Louisiana, set out to see if they could produce more hairless puppies by crossing Josephine with other rat terriers.

The American Hairless Terrier was fully recognized by the American Kennel Club in 2016 as part of the Terrier Group. This is the first hairless breed developed in the United States.

Alaskan Malamute

The Alaskan Malamute is a sled dog breed that is believed to have evolved from wolf dogs thousands of years ago. Its name comes from the Mahlemiut, an Inuit people from Alaska who developed a dog that could carry heavy loads over long distances and in harsh conditions.

The Alaskan Malamute has a thick double coat and a long tail that curls over its back to keep warm. Recognized by the American Kennel Club since 1935.

Cost and where to buy

It is difficult to answer the question of how much an American Akita costs. It all depends on the class to which the purchased puppy belongs. There are three such classes in total (prices are indicated for January 2022).

  1. Pet class. This class includes pets without documents and pedigree. The cost of a large Japanese pet-class dog puppy varies from 10 to 12 thousand rubles.
  2. Breeding class. Puppies that are considered suitable for continued breeding will cost the dog breeder from 15 to 30 thousand rubles.
  3. Show class. Babies whose exhibition prospects are characterized as excellent cost from 50 thousand rubles. The parents of such a fluffy little beauty are often current champions.

The table will tell you the approximate cost of American Akita puppies in Moscow and St. Petersburg (data is current as of January 2018).

Table - Price of a large Japanese dog in Moscow and St. Petersburg

Puppy classPrice in Moscow, rublesPrice in St. Petersburg, rubles
Pat20 000-40 00020 000-35 000
Breed40 000-80 00040 000-60 000
Show80 000-120 00060 000-120 000

List of nurseries

Having decided to buy a dog, you need to visit one of the American Akita breed kennels. Ideally, this should be a breeder you know or have been recommended to you by trusted people. At a minimum, he must have been breeding for more than a year and be present on the domestic market for at least three to five years. Don’t be lazy, read reviews about a potential place to buy a puppy on the Internet. Below you will find a list of the largest Russian breed nurseries:

  • “Japanese Garden” in Moscow -;
  • Luckiy Star Akitas in Moscow -;
  • “Lord of Muscovy” in the Moscow region -;
  • Rasstar in Moscow -;
  • "Akita American" in St. Petersburg -;
  • Rikoran in St. Petersburg -;
  • Versato in Volgograd -

Having chosen a puppy, go meet his mother and father. If one of the parents shows excessive aggression or, conversely, cowardice, think about it. There is a risk that the baby has adopted this quality from mom and dad and may be the same. Ask the breeder about vaccinations. He should give you comprehensive recommendations about vaccination. At the time of purchase, the baby must have routine vaccinations in accordance with his age.

You should also know that small American Akitas are not assigned any class until they are nine months old. The most that a professional in this field can do is to examine the baby and assess its prospects. That is, to assume which class he will be assigned to after reaching maturity. The description of the American Akita breed will partly help you visually evaluate the baby. He should not have limbs turned outward or inward and red eyelids. The eyes should be dry and clean, and the fluffy puppy himself should be active. Lethargy and depression are an alarming signal indicating health problems.

Video on the topic

A story about the American Akita dog breed

American Eskimo dog

Despite its name, the American Eskimo Dog was not created by native people, but by German immigrants to the United States who brought their German Spitz dogs with them in the early 1800s. The colorful and highly trainable white dogs proved extremely popular, and many even performed in circuses and other traveling shows.

During World War I, when there was prejudice against Germany, the name of the German Spitz was changed to the American Eskimo dog. Today's Eskies are still adorable and intelligent companions who love to have fun.


Pomskies were created by crossing a Spitz and a Husky (hence the name). Thanks to their unusual appearance, representatives of this breed often become “stars” of social networks. Pomsky is an exclusively decorative breed, so you should not hope that the dog will engage in useful activities. When purchasing a dog of this breed, you need to take into account that there are practically no specialists in the CIS who specialize in Pomsky. To this day, this breed is considered one of the least studied.

Pomskies have an extremely unstable character. According to some experts, these animals receive their behavior style and temperament “inherited” from their parents. Despite this, throughout their lives pets acquire a number of individual habits, which makes them even more unpredictable. In general, Pomskies are quite playful and frisky animals that are prone to various kinds of adventures and constant search for adventure. Pomskies become attached to their owner quite quickly, but you should not expect that the dog will treat all family members with the same love. A pet will always have one owner, whom it will obey and love first.

We advise you to read: American Bulldog Dog Breed

Australian Shepherd

The name Australian Shepherd is a complete misnomer; the breed was developed in the United States, not Australia. The Australian Shepherd got its name because its predecessors passed through Australia.

People from the region near the Pyrenees Mountains brought their herding dogs to Australia when they immigrated there. Then some California ranchers got hold of some of these shepherds and developed the Australian shepherd we know and love today. The Australian is extremely intelligent, athletic, energetic and personable.

Boston Terrier

The Boston Terrier was bred in, you guessed it, Boston, Massachusetts. The dog, Judge, who was a cross between a bulldog and an extinct white English terrier, was sold to a Boston resident. Judge was quite small, weighing about 12 kg, but was quite muscular.

He laid the foundation for the Boston Terrier breed. Selective breeding produced dogs that were even smaller and had cute faces, giving us the breed we have today.


A healthy breed whose puppies are less vulnerable to infectious diseases than babies of other species. But there is still a genetic predisposition to certain problems:

  • pelvic dysplasia;
  • retinal atrophy;
  • bloating;
  • incorrect position of the eyelids;
  • epilepsy;
  • infertility.

A problem such as dysplasia most often occurs if, during the period of growing up, the Akita puppy endures too much physical activity and does not eat properly. A diet carefully selected by specialists and adjusted loads will help avoid illness.

American Akitas live from 10 to 14 years.

Boykin Spaniel

The Boykin Spaniel was developed in South Carolina at the turn of the 20th century by breeders who wanted a fairly small dog that could be used to hunt turkeys from a boat.

According to legend, all Boykins were descended from a small outbred stray breed trained by Whitaker "Whit" Boykin. These cheerful, sociable dogs get along well with other dogs and perhaps the family cat if taught to respect them, but pet birds should not be considered safe around the Boykin. The Boykins love people, including well-mannered children.

Historical reference

American dog breeds form a small group. This is due to the fact that residents of the New World prefer to have European and Canadian breeds.

As in any other country, breeds have been bred for many centuries, from the first settlers and Indians to modern breeders.

There are breeds that were not born in America, but were brought from other countries, but took root and became famous thanks to the Americans.

Dogs have been bred since ancient times to perform certain functions - guarding, protection, hunting, fishing, etc. Dog breeders crossed shaggy pets, trying to achieve a luxurious exterior, catchy color, optimal body proportions , etc.

The first dogs probably came to America by land over the Bering Strait during the last Ice Age. They accompanied the aborigines on this difficult and long journey, full of dangers and adventures.

American Akita

the nomads began to form tribes of Indians, with whom dogs lived and helped their owners. In those distant times, shaggy pets:

  • took an active part in the hunt and brought back prey;
  • protected people from wild animals;
  • hauled loads;
  • were used as sacrifices.

Then the colonists went to conquer America with their pets, which then crossed with local dogs and gradually formed the now known breeds , many of which are not yet recognized by the FCI.

Dogs are the first domesticated animals, and we cannot live without them in the modern world.

First, there was a need to do a certain job, then a pet was chosen that could do it best. If a suitable breed was not found, it had to be created by crossing other relatives to form certain working qualities.

Chesapeake Bay Retriever

The Chesapeake Bay Retriever was bred in the area of ​​the Chesapeake Bay, an estuary that runs through Maryland and Virginia. The Chessie, as it is often called, was developed by duck hunters to be an excellent hunter and swimmer, as well as a tireless duck catcher.

Newfoundlands, Irish Water Spaniels and Beagles are likely part of his genetic mix. The dog has webbed feet that help it swim, as well as fur that repels water and keeps it warm.

Catahoula Leopard Dog

A hardy dog ​​breed developed in the South as a versatile farm and hunting dog, the Catahoula Leopard Dog is named for its place of origin: Catahoula Parish, Louisiana. Today the Catahoula is the official state dog of Louisiana.

Although Catahoula leopard dogs are working dogs, they are also devoted family companions. Most of them get along well with respectful children when they grow up with them. But due to their hunting instincts, they may not get along well with other pets.

Toy Fox Terrier

The Toy Fox Terrier was developed in the United States in the 1930s by combining Smooth Fox Terriers with toy breeds including Miniature Pinschers and Italian Greyhounds. This is a sweet, cheerful and friendly dog. However, Toy Fox Terriers are also small and fragile, so they are not recommended for families with rowdy children. These dogs are energetic and playful, but due to their size they can live in small spaces.

Chow chow

Adult dog weight: from 20 to 32 kg. The height at the withers is from 46 to 56 cm. The external characteristics of the Chow Chow make this breed very special: unusually fluffy, with a lilac tongue, these miracle dogs instantly become the center of attention of both children and adults. But behind such a sweet appearance hides a proud beast with high self-esteem and a huge reserve of stubbornness. Proper training can change the situation for the better.

It is better if the puppy is brought to the new home as a baby. Chow-chows choose their own owner from among all family members, but they accept the rest calmly, without excessive familiarity. The Chow Chow gives love to only one owner; it receives love from others.

Chow-chows are very silent; they will never bark without a very good reason. Everyone who knows the breed better assures that the Chow Chow is a very loyal, kind, but at the same time independent friend. Chow chows remember insults for a long time: a child who pulled a puppy by the tail is unlikely to be able to win his trust even at a more mature age.

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