The kitten squeaks. Why is the little kitten screaming?

And why don't kittens talk? Every pet owner has complained about this more than once, trying to understand why his pet meows, squeaks, complains, but there seems to be no reason for concern. Take, for example, going to the toilet: the tray is clean, the litter is fresh, but the kitten keeps walking around it in circles and does not dare to start important tasks.

The most important thing in such a situation is not to brush aside the problem, but to try to understand it. What if the little pet really needed help, and not only yours, but also a doctor’s?

At what age do kittens get fur?

At the age of three months, kittens have already formed a fur pattern. But it will be possible to determine the color of the kittens a little later - at six to seven months, the felinologist will be able to tell you what the pet’s color will be throughout its life. The head and ears are the main indicator; on the body the color will vary a little longer.

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The kitten squeaks. Why is the little kitten screaming?

Your kitten is nursing, but squeaks . There are several reasons why a small kitten screams.

— If a small kitten squeaks , then first you need to check the baby’s palate. Gently pick up the kitten in your hands and hold it firmly but gently. Insert the tip of your finger into his mouth (preferably from the side) and look inside to see if there is a cleft? If not, great. But if you notice a cleft palate in your baby, take him to the veterinary clinic; an experienced veterinarian will immediately tell you whether the kitten’s cleft palate is compatible with life. Unfortunately, most often these babies are euthanized.

— A newborn kitten needs to be weighed constantly. Immediately after birth and every day until 2 weeks of age. Then you can do it less often.

After checking the palate cock the kitten and check if it is gaining weight (at least 7 grams per day). It's good if everything is fine with your weight. But if the baby is not gaining weight, the cat may have little or no milk and the kitten is hungry. Start feeding your baby. This should be done after he has sucked the cat's breast. And control your weight.

You can watch the process of feeding a newborn Maine Coon kitten in this video.

— A kitten can scream if it’s cold . Place him on a heating pad while the cat is not around. Due to a decrease in body temperature, the kitten's sucking reflex may disappear and a hungry kitten will squeak.

— The kitten squeaks if the cat doesn’t lick him (doesn’t “pee, poop”). This happens if the cat is not experienced (firstborn) or something is bothering her (mastitis, endometritis, retained placenta). If the cat is inexperienced, you will have to care for the newborn yourself and at the same time try to teach the cat how to properly care for the baby. Using cotton wool and warm water, gently stroke the kitten to stimulate defecation and urination every 3 hours (before feeding). Some people find it helpful to spread sour cream or butter on the kittens' butts, then the cat begins to lick them with pleasure.

But if something is bothering the cat and she gets sick, then you will have to simultaneously care for the kittens and treat the mother. After recovery, the cat will take care of her kittens herself.

As you can see, there are many reasons why a kitten squeaks. A small kitten screams from hunger, from hypothermia, and from a bloated tummy, and sometimes you come across just very talkative babies who gain weight well, but love to scream.

In most cases, you can easily help the kitten, but sometimes the help of a qualified specialist is required.

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Milena Rozhdestvenska 04/20/2015 19:37 Indeed, everyone remembers how little kittens squeak. No one wonders why they squeak.


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Since different sounds have different meanings, you will find some cats that cannot meow. These cats only squeak.

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This may be due to various reasons that need to be paid attention to and sometimes ignored. Here are some of the main reasons why your cat does not meow but only squeaks.

  • Disorder caused by birth

The vocal cords are the main source of sounds. Damage to the vocal cords may be one of the reasons why cats squeak. Damage to a cat's vocal cords may be a birth defect. This is similar to some human birth defects, including blindness and deafness.

An examination by an experienced veterinarian can only confirm this birth defect. In some cases this is true, but there are other reasons as well. So it is better to consider this as a possible, but not the only reason why cats squeak.

  • Incorrect growth

Another reason why the vocal cords cannot produce sound may be that they are not growing properly. When a kitten develops into an adult cat, it has many needs for proper development. Proper nutrition and care for these kittens is important for them, just like for any other growth of the body.

A simple example of improper kitten care is holding the kitten in the arms of children. Soon after the birth of a kitten, children want to express their love for kittens.

Without knowing it, they simply squeeze and press the kitten's neck tightly. This can affect the growth of the vocal cords. All of this happens unintentionally and can affect your cat's ability to meow.

Another likely reason why cats squeak instead of meow is an infection or disease of the vocal cords. An infection of the vocal cords also makes it difficult for a cat to make any sounds other than meowing.

Hyperthyroidism, UPI (upper respiratory tract infection), laryngeal paralysis, tumor or polyps are a few known diseases of cats.

All of these diseases can seriously impair their ability to meow, growl, purr or hiss. Cats may squeak in certain conditions. Other throat diseases in animals also cause squeaking instead of meowing.

© shutterstock

We talked about diseases, infections and birth disorders as possible causes of squeaking in cats. Another possible reason why a cat may not meow is injury to any of the cat's organs other than the vocal cords.


Since different sounds have different meanings, you will find some cats that cannot meow. These cats only squeak.

This may be due to various reasons that need to be paid attention to and sometimes ignored. Here are some of the main reasons why your cat does not meow but only squeaks.

  • Disorder caused by birth

The vocal cords are the main source of sounds. Damage to the vocal cords may be one of the reasons why cats squeak. Damage to a cat's vocal cords may be a birth defect. This is similar to some human birth defects, including blindness and deafness.

An examination by an experienced veterinarian can only confirm this birth defect. In some cases this is true, but there are other reasons as well. So it is better to consider this as a possible, but not the only reason why cats squeak.

Another reason why the vocal cords cannot produce sound may be that they are not growing properly. When a kitten develops into an adult cat, it has many needs for proper development. Proper nutrition and care for these kittens is important for them, just like for any other growth of the body.

A simple example of improper kitten care is holding the kitten in the arms of children. Soon after the birth of a kitten, children want to express their love for kittens.

Without knowing it, they simply squeeze and press the kitten's neck tightly. This can affect the growth of the vocal cords. All of this happens unintentionally and can affect your cat's ability to meow.

  • Disease or infection

Another likely reason why cats squeak instead of meow is an infection or disease of the vocal cords. An infection of the vocal cords also makes it difficult for a cat to make any sounds other than meowing.

Hyperthyroidism, UPI (upper respiratory tract infection), laryngeal paralysis, tumor or polyps are a few known diseases of cats.

All of these diseases can seriously impair their ability to meow, growl, purr or hiss. Cats may squeak in certain conditions. Other throat diseases in animals also cause squeaking instead of meowing.

© shutterstock

  • Injury

We talked about diseases, infections and birth disorders as possible causes of squeaking in cats. Another possible reason why a cat may not meow is injury to any of the cat's organs other than the vocal cords.

Your kitten is lost or confused

New kitten parents may be tempted to give the kitten complete control of the house, but for a young animal such a large area can be confusing or even intimidating. If a kitten is crying, he may become lost and cry for help because he doesn't recognize his surroundings or doesn't know how to get back to the litter box or cat bed.

New adopters should provide kittens with a smaller "home base" for the first week or two to allow the cat to adjust comfortably to the space. Once the kitten becomes confident in its new territory, it can be gradually allowed access to more and more parts of the house.

Solving the problem of a cat being awake at night

The solution to the problem lies not in making the cat sleep at night, but in how to wean him from sleeping during the daytime. It is impossible to force a cat to do anything due to its unique love of freedom. The only way out is to satisfy her needs and try to accustom her to the daily routine necessary for both parties:

  • If your pet doesn't let you sleep at night, you can try feeding it late in the evening. It is advisable that the food be as high in calories as possible, because digesting it will require more strength and energy. And walking at night requires additional energy from the animal, and in order to save it for digesting food, it will rest and not interfere with its owners doing the same.
  • When a cat cannot be put to sleep due to lack of attention, there is nothing left to do but give it this attention in the evening. If the pet is lonely, no one communicates with him during the day, then naturally, after the owner comes home from work, he will demand the attention he has not received. This is especially true for anxious animals; you just need to calm the cat down, pet it, talk to it. She will feel the care of her owner and will stop worrying at night.
  • You need to follow natural instincts and let your pet walk around the territory. Sometimes he feels anxious and needs to make sure everything is okay. When the cat has walked around all the rooms before going to bed, he calmly goes to rest, making sure that nothing threatens him or his owner. If the appearance of an animal in any room is not desirable, then when walking around the space it is better not to go there at all. This way the cat will get used to it and will not become interested in this room.
  • Another important component in revising your pet’s daily routine is physical activity. If the animal does not allow you to sleep at night, then in order to accustom it to the necessary routine, you need to play with it for as long as possible at night. It is better that he runs for at least an hour and a half. Moreover, it is important to play not only with toys, but also with the owner; after playing enough with candy wrappers and catch-up teasers, the pet will get tired and will be left “without its hind legs.” This way he will sleep until the morning.
  • If the cat does not sleep at night and demands food, then you need to leave him some food at night, you can use an automatic feeder. But, if the animal begins to feed additionally at night, then the daily food intake should be reduced. This is necessary to prevent the cat from developing obesity.
  • An extreme method is to try feeding your cat raw meat once a week. In this way, his hunting instincts will be satisfied, and digesting raw food will take more energy. Your pet will have no time for partying at night. Just don't do this too often.
  • You can try to get another animal. During the day they will play much more actively, and it will be easier to train them to sleep at night without disturbing their owner.
  • When all of the above methods have not given any result, then in order to calm the active mustache, you can give it the drug “Cat Bayun”. This medication is well suited both for unsatisfied sexual activity in a cat and for small kittens. The product is used twice a day, morning and evening. The drug "Cat Bayun" cannot be used frequently, it is only for emergency cases.

Anxiety in your kitten that requires you to contact your veterinarian

It is necessary to contact a veterinarian in the following situations:

  1. All educational methods of weaning off screaming did not help.
  2. Additional symptoms of the disease have been discovered.

If you notice at least one of the following signs of a meowing pet, you must show it to a veterinarian:

  • refusal of food;
  • thirst;
  • problems going to the toilet;
  • the kitten tries to hide;
  • diarrhea;
  • constipation;
  • aggression;
  • increased licking;
  • increased tearfulness;
  • redness of the eyes;
  • dyspnea;
  • change in gum color.
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