Why does a cat bite your legs - reasons and what to do

Cats have an extremely developed hunting instinct. When a cat is always inside the walls of the house, she communicates little, she does not have many opportunities to satisfy the needs of her predatory nature. Bored or in a playful mood, the cat begins to stage comic attacks, often biting its owners on the legs. It should be noted that most owners do not respond to these attacks. This approach is wrong, because in this way an adult cat learns such behavior as the norm, thereby causing pain to its owner.

Little kitty

Kittens often frolic, play, and during play they can attack various objects. They are especially attracted to moving legs. Also at this age, a small animal is teething. And this phenomenon, which brings a feeling of discomfort, leads to the desire to bite or chew something.

The kitten can attack feet, cling to socks and slippers with its teeth. The behavior is not unusual, but the owner should immediately stop any attempts to bite.

ATTENTION! If even a small kitten bites your feet or clings to your slippers, you should fight this habit.

Otherwise, this behavior will become characteristic of an adult. And when cats bite adults, it is both painful and dangerous. What to do in this situation? You should immediately retrain your pet. If the problem is related to teething, you need to buy your pet a rubber ball and other teething toys.

When a kitten grabs your leg, you need to immediately give him a rubber toy and distract his attention with it. This is what you need to do every time you see an intention to grab a foot or a slipper. Over time, the kitten will understand that it is the toy that should be grabbed with its teeth. It is important to educate pets and instill in them norms of behavior.

An aggressive, uncontrollable cat will become a problem for the whole family and for visiting people. To keep the house calm and peaceful, the kitten needs to be exercised regularly.

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Tramples you with his paws

When a cat comes and begins to massage with its paws, this is how it shows its love and care for you. At this moment, the cat can dreamily roll its eyes, its muzzle takes on a peaceful expression, the pet begins to purr, and some individuals even drool. In general, this is the explanation of why a cat tramples you with its paws.

At such moments, the cat feels as comfortable and safe as possible - like under the side of a mother cat. When kittens feel the cat’s nipple, they begin to knead the space with their paws, thus stimulating the flow of milk near the nipple, eating and enjoying it.

So, when your adult pet starts giving you a paw massage, don’t drive him away, but gratefully respond with mutual tenderness. The main thing is to trim the claws in a timely manner so that the massage brings pleasure and not scratches.

About the reasons

If a cat bites your hand or aggressively rushes to your feet, you should not shout and punish it, because such behavior does not occur without reason. Most often, the animal begins to scratch its owner, expressing its hunting instinct. Often this behavior is associated with insufficient education, and sometimes it indicates that the pet is experiencing physical or psychological discomfort. Therefore, it is first important to find out what caused this behavior, and only then take measures that will help wean the animal from biting and scratching the owner.

Hunting instinct

The feline can bite the owner's legs due to the hunting instinct. A cat is a predator by nature, and this behavior is typical for it. She can hide under a table or chair and watch your leg for a long time, waiting and choosing the best moment to attack. When you get closer, she may jump out and grab your leg.

If she eats something tasty, a piece of meat or fish, and then you appear next to the bowl. The pet may begin to growl, indicating to you that this is its prey.

If the owner does not pay attention to this, he may be bitten directly on the leg. Sometimes it’s impossible to wean yourself off this.

You just have to get used to the hunting nature of your pet and find a peaceful solution to common coexistence.

Playful attitude

One of the main reasons why a cat bites their feet is boredom. The owner should not forget to diversify the animal’s environment, give it a toy, play together and carefully hide objects that it is not desirable for the pet to become an object of interest to.

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A cat may have dozens of toys, but too many can become boring. Therefore, you should hide some of them, and display only part of them, and after a while change their places. In this case, the cat will treat the previously hidden toys as a completely new object and will again show interest in the object.

When a cat jumps up to bite, the owner can throw him special toys, previously frozen in the refrigerator, or ice cubes. Biting such cold materials will calm the cat.

Attention! This method is especially applicable for small kittens whose teeth itch. After all, by biting the owner’s legs, they try to soothe pain in the game.

Leg biting is a way to attract the owner's attention when the cat wants to play. You should pay more attention to your pet, play with it more often, then the problem will be solved.

A playful attitude is a popular reason for biting the owner's feet.

Host actions

So, we have found out why the cat rushes to his feet and bites, now we will find out what to do in such a situation - how to wean him from this habit. Remember, whatever the reason for strange behavior, there is no need to justify it and let things take their course. Aggressive intentions must be stopped at the very beginning.

Take the advice of experienced breeders and take measures that are suitable specifically for your case:

give a little fluffy dog ​​with itchy teeth a rubber toy that attracts attention (the same method can work with a spoiled, harmful cat); if the problem is a lack of vitamins, review your pet’s diet and supplement it with special supplements; in the event of a sudden “attack”, when not only teeth, but also claws are used, contact a veterinarian - most likely the cat is experiencing attacks of pain associated with the development of some internal diseases; If your pet is walking and mating is not possible, then castrate or neuter him to solve the problem once and for all.

But still, the main reason why a cat bites its owner or owner on the legs is most often the inattentive attitude of breeders towards their pets.

It is necessary to play with the animal and caress it not only while it remains a cute kitten: adult felines need this no less. Spend time with your pets, play with domesticated predators, monitor their health and upbringing - and coping with manifestations of aggression will not be difficult.

  • The kitten bites and scratches: why and what to do?
  • Aggression in cats and kittens
  • What to do if you are bitten by a cat and your hand is swollen

Showing love

Animal psychologists who study the character and habits of cats agree that cat bites are one of the ways of communication. If a pet often bites its owner, perhaps this is his way of expressing immeasurable love and devotion. Many owners have noticed that when you scratch their four-legged friend’s neck or behind the ear, he will definitely turn around to bite the person’s hand. However, this bite does not cause pain, but is more like a tingling sensation. But when the animal’s emotions go off scale, the biting becomes more intense.

How to stop a cat from biting its feet?

  • The fact that your cat is after your feet is not due to aggression in most cases. It is simply a form of hunting fun and game that you have become the object of for some reason.
  • The legs move and are "at the level" of the cat, which can easily grab them - that's why it attacks them and runs away.
  • The cat does not understand that this surprises you - he does not think in these categories, he simply fulfills his need.
  • Do you want him to stop attacking your feet and biting your fingers? Then you should let him hunt for other "right" objects - in short, play with him more. You can do it a little, but several times a day - in this way the purring pet will discharge the accumulated energy and satisfy its natural instincts. This will greatly increase the chances that he will leave your legs alone.
  • If you have a kitten at home, teach it from the very beginning that your feet and hands should not be bitten. This will pay off in the future - cats who were not allowed to play biting when they were young are less likely to "attack" their owners as adults.
  • If your purr is the only cat in the house, then adding another furry friend might also be a good idea. Two cats usually play and hunt with each other - which, of course, does not mean that you can spend less time with them. In any case, there is no escape from a cat fishing rod or a plush mouse. ?

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Why does the kitten constantly bite

If a kitten constantly bites and scratches, the owners will sooner or later think about why this is happening. Cats are originally predatory animals that retain the instincts of wild animals. They appear especially often in kittens and street cats, while domesticated adults behave more civilized.

There are other explanations for why a domestic kitten bites.

Teething or growth spurt

Teething, both in children and kittens, occurs at an early age and causes a lot of discomfort to the baby. During this period, itching and inflammation of the gums are observed, which is why kittens can gnaw on everything that gets in their way, including the hands and feet of the owner. This helps them reduce itching and slightly soothe the pain in the gums.

The solution is to buy special toys that the cat will chew instead of hands, shoes and pieces of furniture.

Training and instinct

Kittens at an early age do not fully understand that at home they are safe, provided by people. The hunter's instinct signals them to practice their hunting and defensive skills during play.

The owner also becomes the target of an attack, since age, a small amount of experience and education allow kittens to see a “danger” or “prey” in a person during play.

Desire to play

In kittens at an early age, all activity comes down to games. There may not be enough space or toys in the apartment, and the kids direct all their energy to playing with the owner - a living creature who acts as a play partner.

In any case, at an early age, pets bite not out of malice, but out of boredom or overwhelming energy. It is necessary to choose the right weaning methods and diversify their leisure time.

To attract attention

There are times in a person’s life when he doesn’t have enough time for a small pet - there are serious matters, problems, fatigue. And kittens are active almost around the clock, and they cannot understand the reasons why a person ignores them.

They will attract attention by any means, including through biting and attempts to scratch. Here it is necessary to take into account that this is not aggression, but, on the contrary, a lack of love and attention.


Cats often attack moving legs as a result of their hunting instinct. They imagine themselves on a hunt, play, begin to hide, and suddenly attack in bulk. The location of the ambush can be very different - a tablecloth, an open closet, etc. If a person is not ready for an attack, a sudden jump on a pet’s legs can frighten and lead to a fall.

Especially often, an attack occurs on the legs of the owners at the moment when the cat is eating and someone passes by.

Unfortunately, you won’t be able to rid your cat of the hunting bug; you just need to accept it and be careful on those days when your pet is especially in the mood to hunt. Although it would not be a bad idea to give a stern reprimand for attacks, but no physical punishment.

How to avoid cat bites and scratches

Avoiding bites from your beloved cat and weaning him from biting is an interesting activity. You can use different methods, the main thing is not to forget that repetition is the mother of learning.

  • A cat with the character of an unstoppable hunter needs to devote more time to games, so fishing rods with feathers or pompoms should be used. Such teasers perfectly divert the cat's attention from the owner's legs and arms;
  • If the pussy has already formed the habit of biting the hand during play, then when the cat's teeth touch the skin, the play immediately stops;
  • A scratching post will eliminate the problem of scratches, especially if it has a hanging fishing rod toy in its design;
  • For those cats who cannot imagine their lives without scratching their household members, there is an effective measure - anti-scratch products. These silicone caps are glued onto the bully's claws, preventing him from causing damage to people and furniture;
  • Onychectomy is a last resort measure that the owner can take. Complete declawing will save the owner from scratches, but will it be beneficial for the cat? It's worth learning more about this;
  • A cat that is playing can be sprayed with water or scared off with a sharp sound - if you do this constantly when trying to bite, the animal will quickly remember that a bite can have unpleasant consequences.

When raising a pet, you need to show restraint, patience, and not forget that a cat first of all needs the attention and love of its owner.


All of the above causes of aggression are easily eliminated. To wean a cat, it is enough to eliminate the reason why it bites hands. It is much worse if the problem lies in upbringing - this is the most difficult case, so we will put it in a separate category. For clarity, let's outline the situation.

The new owners have just acquired a small, fluffy and cute kitten. Playing with him is a great pleasure. His attempts to bite and scratch his owner's hands amuse the latter more - his sharp but weak teeth do not cause much harm, since they cannot really bite through the skin.

But time passes. The habit of using claws and teeth while playing with the owner is reinforced - this is already part of the behavior. But a one-year-old cat has sharp claws and teeth that can easily cause serious injuries to a person. It is at this moment that the owner begins to worry - no one likes getting deep scratches. Moreover, the cat transfers the habits acquired while playing with an adult to children. He bites hard and can do a lot of damage.


If the owner is bitten by a kitten, then most often the reason for this behavior is teething. In such situations, the baby constantly tries to put something in his mouth, which is quite normal for this age. To prevent a kitten from growing into a naughty prankster, it is important to explain from an early age that this cannot be done.

To help your cat cut teeth faster and stop biting, it is recommended to buy a special rubber toy that your pet can chew on when he wants to “scratch” his gums.

What to do if your cat scratches

To stop a cat from scratching, you can use the tips we gave above or try these:

  • To stop the kitten from rushing and scratching, you can use its natural fear - throw a towel or light pillow over it. The sudden onset of darkness will sober up the child who is playing up, and an association will form in his head: if I scratch, it’s dark. Be patient, raising a kitten is a long process.
  • If a kitten or adult animal scratches while playing, distract its attention. Take your hands off. Invite him to play with a toy or teaser. Be adamant and stop all attempts by children and guests to play with the animal with their hands.
  • Try to stop your kitten from scratching using noise. Every time the animal releases its claws, stop the raging “aggressor” with a loud sound. You can clap your hands sharply, hit the pan with a spoon, or drop something on the floor. The cat is sobered by sharp loud sounds. If you repeat “sound punishment” constantly, the cat will learn a lesson, and it will be possible to prevent an attack on a person with this sound.
  • If you use the words “no” or “teeth” to discourage biting, do not use them when your cat scratches you. Choose another conditional punishment word. For example, “claws” or “paws”. You need to say the punishment word in a loud, calm voice every time the animal tries to use its claws on you, your household or guests.

If none of the above helped you, remember how a mother cat teaches kittens. Gently grab the “furry aggressor” by the scruff of the neck – in this position he will immediately calm down and become quiet!

Danger of aggression

A cat's aggressive behavior can be quite dangerous. After all, it is one of the symptoms of such a deadly disease as rabies. The disease cannot be treated and the animal will need to be euthanized. But this is not the biggest problem.

IMPORTANT! Rabies is transmitted to humans through a bite.

And for him the disease is also fatal. When there is a suspicion of an illness, also supported by other symptoms, you need to immediately isolate the cat and call a specialist. You should not catch it yourself, it can be dangerous.

How to act

There are several guidelines that need to be studied and used depending on the circumstances. The first step is to exclude the possibility of rabies, this is a fatal disease that can also infect humans:

  • The games of a kitten can be perceived with affection, but for the time being. It is better to accustom your pet to toys , otherwise in the future his attacks on the legs of his owners will become a problem.
  • The pet should be observed; perhaps the cat is in pain, irritated, and therefore rushes at people passing by.
  • A cat may simply be hunting, but it considers moving objects to be prey. You just have to be prepared for an attack and stop it.
  • If the claws of a cat are trimmed, the only weapon of this “predator” will be its teeth. This animal does not like to feel defenseless, so it can show its teeth and bite.


Cats cannot tell humans what and where they hurt. But by your pet’s behavior you can understand that something is wrong with your pet’s health. For example, if an animal has an injured limb, and a person, without knowing it, accidentally touches the leg, causing an attack of acute pain, the cat, showing emotions, will scream, hiss or bite.

Feline diseases manifest themselves in different ways, and not every one is accompanied by pain. However, the owner should be wary if the cat behaves uncharacteristically, and the following symptoms are also present:

  • Lethargy, weakness;
  • Refusal to eat and drink;
  • Dry nose, which indicates a high temperature;
  • Restless sleep.

A common disease diagnosed in older cats is urolithiasis. With this pathology, the animal begins to worry while visiting the toilet, endlessly licking itself under its tail, and urinating past the tray. These are characteristic signs of ICD, in which delaying a visit to the veterinarian is dangerous.

What you can do and what you can’t do

Even if an animal attacks its legs and bites, it cannot be beaten or physically punished in any other way:

  • We must remember that this is still not a person, but an animal that cannot always control its behavior. If a kitten plays like this, you need to give him interesting toys . If aggression manifests itself due to pain, you need to take it to a good veterinarian.
  • If the cat gets angry and does not allow passage, you need to push him away carefully. You can go to another room. It is important to make it clear that the game will not be continued.
  • No need to provoke the cat . While he is small, some owners amuse themselves by waving their hand or leg in front of his eyes.

The pet’s natural reaction is to jump on a moving object, because the hunting instinct is triggered. Then this form of play becomes a habit for the animal; he does not understand why a person gets angry at jumping and biting.

Why might an adult cat bite?

Adult cats may also have enough reasons to bite a person. If you are wondering why a cat bites for no apparent reason, you should consider the following options.


Why a cat bites can be explained by the need to protect itself and its offspring. In case of self-defense, it is worth paying attention to the animal’s past. If a cat had experience of living on the street or cases of abuse, she could remember these moments and expect not affection from her owner’s hand, but a spanking.

In the case of protecting offspring, everything is simple - it is a natural instinct. Few people inspire trust in cats during this period, even their beloved owners. When you try to pet a cat or pick up a kitten, you risk encountering aggression in the form of bites.

Burst of energy, thirst for play

Adults and even older cats also want to play, and this happens quite often. You can observe how the cat runs around the apartment, climbs onto sets, cabinets and other tall objects, as if fleeing from being chased, or hides in a hunter’s pose and is about to attack a rustling bag or the owner’s leg. At these moments, you can understand why the cat bites or scratches - he is just playing. And invites the owner to join the game.

Revenge, resentment, jealousy

Owners may shout or physically influence the cat for being naughty or damaging something. Some cats are very touchy and even vindictive by nature. Punishment, even a light one, can offend the pet, after which it begins to show aggression - it does not allow itself to be petted, it bites and scratches.

Another type of resentment is jealousy. Cats may be jealous of their beloved owners towards new family members or other pets. To avoid this situation, try to give equal attention to everyone.

Method of communication

With the help of bites, the cat tries to convey certain information to the owner. She may be bothered by too much attention, extraneous irritating smells and other details. Cats do not know how to show their displeasure in any other way, so they use their teeth to communicate with humans. Another way is to place marks in different parts of the house.

Stress, fear

Cats are susceptible to stress and experience it very hard. Stress factors include moving, changing the environment, buying new furniture or renovations, the appearance of unfamiliar smells, and the most acute factor is the appearance of a new animal or child on their territory.

Cats often use their teeth and claws as self-defense measures. If the animal suddenly begins to bite, the owner needs to check for the presence of a stress factor and, if possible, eliminate it - or help the pet get used to the new environment.

Sexual desire

Sexual desire and hormonal fluctuations can cause aggressive behavior in cats. These are real outbreaks of tyranny and unpredictable behavior. They begin to bite and scratch the owner due to unsatisfied sexual desire. Most often, such consequences are caused by hormonal imbalance during periods of increased sexual activity in males.


During illness, animals, like people, experience discomfort. Among baleen animals there are diseases that occur for no apparent reason to humans. The owner can show affection and care for the cat as before, without noticing that the pet has problems.

At this moment, the cat is capable of biting the owner to show him that she does not like being touched. It is worth carefully examining your pet and, at the slightest suspicion of illness, taking it to the veterinarian.


If a cat is offended by its owner for some reason, it will always find an opportunity to take revenge. Some, expressing emotions, spoil things, others make piles and puddles in the wrong places, and still others bite the offender so that he will forever remember that offending a cat is a bad idea.

The dream books say that if a cat bites a person in a dream, in real life the dreamer has seriously offended someone. If a cat bites someone else, it means the person himself is harboring a grudge against a loved one or friend. In any case, if a cat behaves aggressively in a dream, this is an unfavorable sign, warning that in real life you need to prepare for bad changes, and a blow will most likely come from close people.


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There are often situations when a cat tries to bite the owner’s legs due to stress.

There can be several causes of stress:

  • A cat bites because it feels pain. Its source is not always illness. For example, the owner may accidentally step on the animal's tail.

It is interesting that a cat can attack even when the owner has not done anything wrong, but just happens to be within the reach of the cat’s teeth, which causes a desire to grab the owner’s legs. This condition is caused by the aggression suffered. In this case, the object of aggressive behavior is a factor: the animal, the person who caused it.

  • The cat bites its owner because it is afraid.

People who love cats may find it difficult to believe that a cat is afraid of them. Man is much larger and stronger than his pets, and these are sufficient reasons to run away from him.

Stress causes abnormal behavior in cats

There are situations when a cat’s trust in its owner is undermined, it begins to be afraid of him and bite him from time to time.

  • The cat bites its owner because it wants to free itself from his excessive attention.

This is a fairly common reason. When a person begins to impose too much attention on a cat, it begins to chew its legs to show its owner where he belongs.

For reference: contrary to popular belief, cats experience stress quite often. And this does not have a positive effect on their health and behavior.

Why does a domestic cat attack and bite its owner?

The cat scratched its owner's hand until it bled, why?

Before weaning a cat from aggressive behavior, you need to understand why he behaves this way. Our pets are not us, and they cannot bite or scratch us for no reason.

There can be several reasons for aggression.


The animal is in pain. One of the reasons for aggression may be illness or injury in the cat. When the owner tries to pick up his animal and it experiences pain, the pet may bite him in response. Or if the owner stepped on the cat’s paw or crushed it, it is logical that the pet, in defense, screams, hisses, bites and scratches.

When a cat experiences severe pain, it instinctively hides. At such moments, he can attack the owner.


When a cat is very scared, its behavior can become aggressive. This is his quiet reaction and survival instinct.

If your children like to forcibly pet a cat or torment it, then in return they will only get vinegar and scratches. To calm your pet, you just need to move away from him what scares him.

Cats like it when their opinions are respected

If your pet comes to you for attention, it will be sweet and affectionate. If you forcefully pet him, this will cause a lot of indignation and aggression.

Alien smell

A cat can become aggressive if it smells a strange animal.

The smell of someone else's cat or dog. Our cats are very jealous. If the owner returns home and the smell of a foreign animal emanates from him, the cat may become aggressive. Since there is no way to fight with someone whose scent is on the owner, all the anger is directed at the owner. To avoid this, you need to immediately change clothes as soon as you return home. After this, you can wash your hands with soap or use special products that eliminate odors.

To attract attention

When your cat wants affection, she may rub against you and purr. If the owner has no time, he will simply pet the animal and then go about his business.

But if your pet starts scratching or biting, this will certainly attract attention to him.

Raising your master

If you spoil your pet too much, he will create his own rules. And if you refuse to fulfill them, you will be punished with claws and teeth.


Regular games. If you allowed a small kitten to bite itself during play, then when it grows up, it will bite you in the same way. But the older the animal, the stronger its bites. In addition, during the game, even the most well-mannered cat can simply get carried away. In this case, you just need to stop him by pointing out what he is doing wrong.

These are the main reasons why a domestic cat scratches and bites its owner, but there can be many more. Each animal is individual, has its own specific tastes and habits.

Hunger, thirst

When a cat is hungry, it becomes irritated, and if a person ignores a request to feed, don’t be surprised that the animal begins to behave just as carelessly towards him. It is important to feed your four-legged friends with quality food on time.

Irritation can also be associated with thirst. Therefore, pets should always have fresh, clean water at their disposal.

"You are only mine!"

In some cases, it’s not even a matter of hunting, but of territorial instincts. Cats love to mark their territory, to “mark” it. The owners (don’t be surprised!) are also considered by the tailed animals to be part of their territory and considered “property”. Try to look at the world through a cat's eyes! What is the best way to mark the owner? Which part of his body would be suitable? The correct answer is legs and ankles. Not higher!

What are common cat "marking" techniques? Rub your legs, butt your cheek, even wrap your tail around him. Perform a “steel” paw grip - an aria from the same opera. Consider it a most valuable feline compliment, be patient and don’t swear. Seren, Amy Shojai's pet, uses this execution every time her owner leaves the bathroom. Cat quirk? No! Previously applied odors are quickly washed away under running water. So Seren acts as the owner, restoring the status quo.

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