Question: Will a Jack Russell Terrier be friends with a kitten?

How to make friends between a cat and a dog

There are dog people, and there are cat people.
And some just love animals. Different. All kinds. They even have a home, sometimes, like in Noah’s Ark - there is a pair for each creature))) And it doesn’t matter whether the pet meows or barks, everyone is loved, everyone is welcome and there is a corner for everyone both in the heart and in the apartment. Some make the decision to get both a dog and a cat carefully and deliberately, plan in advance, discuss... But for others, everything is spontaneous, it’s just the way their life circumstances develop. For example, they threw a baby kitten under the door... Don’t drive him away, he will die from hunger and cold! So they take it into the house. So what if there’s already a dog living there, they’ll make friends somehow!

Everyone knows that by nature, a cat and a dog are antagonists.
So what to do?! A wise owner will read a competent article on how to make friends between a cat and a dog and help his animals establish peace in the apartment!
And we, in turn, will try to help this owner with valuable advice - how to behave correctly in such a situation and what, first of all, you need to pay attention to. How quickly and easily a cat and a dog can become friends will largely depend on the behavior of the owner. It will also depend on the age and in what sequence the cat and dog appeared in the house.

Two babies.
The most ideal scenario is when both a cat and a dog appear in the family at the same time as very young children. Having just been separated from their mother, they will find valuable support and a kindred spirit in each other. Babies are not yet used to sleeping alone; this is a real stress for them. They will cuddle together in their sleep, together they will feel lighter and calmer.

It is easier for mischievous, restless children to establish contact with each other - joint games, pranks and fun unite!

An adult animal and a baby.

If you already have an adult cat and you are adopting a puppy, or, conversely, a small kitten appears in the family in conjunction with an already grown dog, you will have to be on your guard at first!

Do not leave animals alone unattended! At first, their acquaintance and communication should take place only under your control. The rest of the time, during the first two to three days, the animals should be isolated, in different rooms. Let them hear sounds, smell smells and get used to each other from a distance.

This way, the cat and dog will worry less, and the adult animal will not be able to inadvertently harm the baby by causing injury. It is also advisable to feed the animals in different rooms at first.

Typically, dogs react more calmly and evenly to the arrival of a new family member. Cats are more jealous, distrustful and wary. Therefore, it is very important to ensure that the cat has its own “island of safety”, where, if something happens, it can hide from the encroachments of the dog.

Organize a special sleeping place for your cat - a soft house or a cozy shelf at a comfortable height for her, so that the dog cannot get there. The cat should be able to be alone whenever she wants!

Two adult animals.

This is perhaps the most difficult of all possible options. An adult animal most likely already has some experience of communicating with another species. Moreover, most likely, it will not be positive. Perhaps your cat has already been chased by dogs, or the dog, on the contrary, was scratched by the cat it was chasing.

It will take much more time and effort for an adult cat and dog to become friends. The most important thing in such a situation is to be patient and under no circumstances force things.

Remember that cats and dogs have different expressions of emotion. For example, a dog wags its tail, showing us its positive attitude and friendly attitude. If a cat waves its tail, this indicates its tense and irritated state.

Do not bring animals together against their will and pay close attention to any signs of fear, hostility or aggression.

Sooner or later, curiosity will prevail over caution, and their friendly relationship will gradually begin to emerge!

An old-timer and a new one.
If you already had a pet, and recently got a “new one,” the old-timer may begin to painfully experience this fact. Remember that animals can sometimes be terribly jealous.

In order not to provoke them into conflicts, make it a rule to try to give them the same amount of attention. For example, it is advisable to feed or pet them together so that they do not have the desire to compete with each other for a piece of food or the affection of the owner.

Fortunately, there are often cases when a beloved pet “adopts” a new one, accepting him as his child and begins to care for him and entertain him.

Remember that cats and dogs have slightly different relationships with food. The cat eats exactly as much as he wants now, leaving the excess on the plate. The dog will strive to eat all of its portion and, in addition, profit from the cat's food.

To prevent your dog from overeating, remove bowls with leftover food and place them out at the clock when feeding time approaches. Now you will have to more closely monitor how your pets eat in order to prevent one from starving and the other from overeating.

Help the cat and dog make friends!
I would like to summarize the topic briefly - the love, care and attention of the owner works wonders. Show patience and wisdom and your animals will live together.

And in conclusion of the material I would like to introduce you to a wonderful poem by Maria Vasilievna Semyonova:

Taking the orphan puppy out of his bosom, the owner addressed the cat: “That’s it, gray one! Forget about mice for a while: You need to take care of the baby.

Will you be the little guy’s uncle until he grows up?” - “Pur-pur-meow!” - the cat answered in agreement. And immediately he was puzzled by many things - He warmed, and comforted, and sang a song.

And then the conversation began about science: How to drink from a saucer, how to ask to go into the yard, How to chase a rooster and grumpy geese... Time fled quickly for new friends.

After spring there is spring, after the blizzard there is a blizzard... Instead of a crying puppy, there is a handsome male. And, having given everything a turn in this life, the cat rested under a garden bush.

The owner stroked the quiet dog for a long time... And then he said, looking into the heavens: “We are all mortal, shaggy one... But know that the soul will very soon enter another baby!”

The dog listened as if he could understand him, and in the evening he dragged the kitten home. Also gray! With a white spot on the chest. They say, strictly, Master, don’t judge me! Do you see the little one crying? Pour some milk! I’ll be the cat’s uncle for now...


So, we have decided on the breed, it is a Jack Russell Terrier, and the puppy has been selected. What to do next? And then pure friendship begins with the most wonderful pet, a faithful and devoted friend. But a dog’s health and good mood depend on quite ordinary things.

  1. You need to choose a bowl from which it will be convenient to eat. It should be located at the dog's chest level, so you will need to use a stand. There should always be access to clean water.
  2. Accustoming to a name is one of the very first tasks in raising a puppy. In order for the dog to begin to respond to the name, you can use food. Having picked up a bowl of food, you need to affectionately call the dog by name. After several such attempts, you can modify them, for example, first call the puppy, and when he looks at you, put a bowl. Or call him, and after responding, offer the puppy an interesting game. Whatever the owner comes up with, the nickname should evoke pleasant associations in the dog.
  3. The Jack Russell Terrier, whose puppies are very curious, requires training to wear a collar. The little mischief-maker will be frightened by an unfamiliar object. Before you start walking outside, you can put a collar on him a couple of times and treat him with a treat. The puppy will quickly get used to the new accessory and will not be afraid of it. A leash is required during walks to ensure the dog's safety.
  4. The first walks are not only the beginning of getting to know the world outside the home, but also teaching the puppy to relieve himself outside. If the puppy does this, then you definitely need to express great delight and treat him with a treat so that he understands that going to the toilet outside is good. If your dog has difficulty with this, you can take a diaper with you wherever your dog goes at home.

If you arrange walks depending on the natural rhythm of the body, then the training will go much faster. After feeding, sleeping or active play, puppies most often relieve their natural needs. In a quiet place, the puppy will quickly learn to do what is wanted of him.

Seeing a mischievous Jack Russell Terrier, many involuntarily wonder whether they should get this wonderful dog and how much a Jack Russell Terrier costs. The price of puppies depends on the pricing policy of the nursery, the origin of the puppy and the title of its parents. Compliance of character and exterior with the standard also affects the cost.

Budget Jack Russell Terriers are representatives of the pet class. They make excellent family pets, but can and most often do have deviations from the standard and cannot be bred. Their price ranges from 10 to 20 thousand rubles.

The price for an elite Jack Russell Terrier puppy is higher, since he came from champion parents, he is also promised a titled future and he fully meets the standard. Breed and show-class puppies can be bought for 25-50 thousand rubles.

You have met the Jack Russell Terrier breed, the photo of which is presented above. Movable, active and persistent, she will never let her owner and his family get bored. The Jack Terrier is very artistic, which plays into the hands of directors who are happy to feature representatives of the breed in films.

The agility and mobility of Jack Russell Terriers is legendary. The dog Anastasia even entered the Guinness Book of Records in 2011. The miniature dog popped 100 balloons in less than 45 seconds.

A wave of popularity swept over the dogs of the breed after the release of the film “The Mask” with comedian Jim Carrey.

In Russia, the Jack Russell Terrier became known only in 1999, and was brought not from the homeland of the breed, but from the USA, the state of Virginia.

For your pet, any hole in the ground can become an object of unbridled curiosity. Being burrowing hunting dogs, they are ready to create a hole out of any hole, dig a tunnel in a flower bed, and look for or bury “treasures” in beds.

Why do cats and dogs fight?

There are many legends and tales that explain such intransigence. For example, according to an old Chinese legend, one day a dog saved a little girl who was drowning. This girl turned out to be the daughter of a Chinese ruler.

As a sign of gratitude, the happy father attached a decree to the dog’s tail, which commanded that from now on every stray dog ​​be fed and warmed. The dogs decided to throw a party. And in order not to lose the decree, he gave it to the cat for safekeeping. When the celebration was over, the dogs asked the cat to return this decree to them.

But it turned out that the precious paper had disappeared. The cat blamed the loss of the decree on the mice, who, out of envy, stole it and destroyed it. Since then, the cat and the dog have been at odds, and cats, in turn, do not like mice.

But every time they meet each other, the dogs sniff each other’s tails, hoping to still find what’s missing! But this, of course, is a legend. In fact, everything is much simpler.

Origin, history, creation

The Jack Russell Terrier dog owes its origin to the English pastor John Russell, nicknamed Jack. The formation of the breed begins in 1818, when a priest purchased a bitch named Trump in Oxford. He was a passionate hunter and he bought dogs for hunting small game. “The ancestor” Trump had little resemblance to modern representatives of the Jack Russell Terrier breed. But what has remained unchanged is the color. Trump had white fur with bronze-red markings on her head and a tan patch at the base of her tail.

Purposeful crossing of Trap and her offspring with white and colored terriers led to the creation of the breed in its modern form. Some breeders even practiced crossing with bull and terriers to give the Jack Russell terriers fighting qualities. However, this was more common during the heyday of dog fighting. But after their ban in 1835, this practice began to decline, but you can still find descendants of dogs crossed with bulldogs. They can be recognized by their stocky body, wider head and lack of a clear voice.

Some researchers believe that the Jack Russell Terrier is the same fox terrier only of the old type. Considering that John Russell was among the founders of the Kennel Club, created for breeding the Fox Terrier breed, this version has a right to exist. The pastor himself never classified the dogs he bred as fox terriers, claiming that his dogs were created exclusively for hunting, while fox terriers were created for exhibitions.

After the death of John Russell in 1883, his dogs were called “working terriers”; only in the 30s of the 19th century the breed was given the name of its creator.

For what purpose was the Jack Russell Terrier breed bred?

The short-legged, miniature Jack Russell Terrier breed was bred to hunt burrowing animals. What were the requirements for the future breed:

  • Short hair, since the dog's long hair would stick to dirt after being in the hole. The coated terrier significantly lost speed - the main weapon of a hunting dog.
  • Light in color, preferably white, to distinguish the dog from the fox he drove out of the hole. In practice, there have been more than once cases where hunters shot at their dogs running out of a hole, taking them on a fox. Terriers were highly valued by their owners, so the breeders aimed to consolidate the white color with red markings.
  • Drop ears. Standing was undesirable.

Causes of "enmity"

Territorial claims

The main reason that cats and dogs don't get along is territorial claims. A dog is a pack animal. The ancestors of dogs (wolves) hunted prey together and protected their territory. Cats are loners by nature. But those others are also predators. And every predator (even though it has become domesticated) retains its natural instincts to defend its territory.

Hunter's Instinct

Another reason for the enmity between cats and dogs is that cats, without meaning to, can provoke a hunting instinct in a dog. Loners by nature, cats do not like their personal space being violated.

Dogs are the opposite. Good-natured and sociable, they poke their curious wet noses everywhere. A good-natured dog can approach a cat with the best intentions. The same one can either slap him in the face or run away. Well, a running cat instantly awakens the dog’s passion for hunting.

Many dogs, when chasing cats, regard it as a game or fun. Having driven a cat up a tree, the dog is unlikely to want to harm it. He simply “turns on” the hunter and wants to play catch-up. But a cat driven into a tree regards this completely differently, gets very angry and hisses. Well, as you know, cats always remember the insult caused to them. Even if a cat and a dog are on friendly terms, seeing a cat running away may awaken the dog’s natural instincts as a hunter.

Differences in behavior

Also, one of the reasons for “dislike” between cats and dogs may be differences in behavior and misinterpretation of these differences by animals. For example, when a dog wags its tail, it means a friendly mood, an invitation to play.

A cat wags its tail when it doesn't like something or is angry. A dog, seeing a cat's tail wagging, regards this as a call to play. But a cat can perceive a dog's wagging tail as a sign of aggression.


Well, another, no less significant reason for enmity is jealousy. In general, the most ideal option is a situation where a cat and a dog appear in the house at the same time, at a very early age. In this case, they grow up side by side and become allies and best friends. But this happens extremely rarely.

As a rule, a kitten or puppy is brought into a house where an adult dog or cat already lives. The likelihood that animals will become inseparable friends is very low. And here the main task of man is to create all the conditions and teach them peaceful coexistence.

A kitten appears in the house

Let's consider a situation where you already have a dog and you decide to get a kitten. In the minds of dogs, especially dogs of hunting breeds, which is what my Jack is, a cat is a subject of hunting. You will have to carefully and patiently explain to your four-legged pet that the kitten is now a member of your “pack.”

Before the cat and dog meet, the dog should have a good walk outside to be calm and tired. When you first meet, be sure to keep your dog on a leash and let the animals sniff each other. Keep calm. Don't raise your voice.

If the dog behaves well, praise it and give it a treat. If the dog begins to attack the kitten, strictly command: “Ugh!” and pull it back. Talk to the dog, calm him down. At first, pay her more attention so that she does not feel left out.

The most ideal way would be to start by locking the animals in different rooms so that through the gap under the door they can get used to each other's smell. The cat and dog should not be left alone indoors until you are completely sure of their “truce”.

Care and maintenance

In relation to the Jack Russell Terrier breed, care can become more complicated only due to the dogs’ increased need for long and active walks. The rest is a fairy tale, not a dog. He has short hair that only needs to be brushed once a week. If your dog gets dirty while walking, you should bathe it to protect the dog and the house from dirt and germs. Frequent bathing can negatively affect the animal's skin: dry it out, cause dandruff, and contribute to hypothermia if the Jack Russell Terrier is taken out for a walk until it is completely dry.

Dogs of the breed are susceptible to cold temperatures, as their hair does not have undercoat. For walks in winter, it is better to buy a suit and boots for your pet. Ear care includes regular inspection, protection from water, and procedures to remove dirt using cotton swabs soaked in hydrogen peroxide or a special antiseptic.

Long and active walks are something without which the Jack Russell Terrier will get bored and begin to behave badly. In order to satisfy his need, you need to walk with him for a long time, 2 times a day. Outdoor games, the opportunity to run freely in free space, to hunt - all this will make your pet a happy and contented dog.

A puppy appears in the house

When a puppy appears in the house, the situation is completely different. The puppy absolutely calmly accepts all the cat’s moral teachings and obeys its rules. In this case, the cat is usually dominant.

If the dog becomes too curious and begins to “pick up” the cat, the cat begins to hiss and hit the puppy with its paw, forcing the four-legged baby to behave decently.

Of course, gradually the cat and dog begin to get along with each other. They sleep side by side and play happily. But this only applies to those animals that live together in the same house.

If there is no friendly relationship between a cat and a dog, then the dogs will chase other people's cats in the same way as the object of the hunt. And cats, in turn, will hiss and bully other people's dogs. And to prevent this from happening, you need to follow some rules from a very early age that will allow you to avoid unpleasant moments.

Education and training

If you want to get an obedient and non-aggressive Jack Russell Terrier dog, you need to start training it from the moment it first appears in the house. The puppy must know its place, not only physically, but also in the hierarchy of family members. To accustom a dog to the place where it will sleep in the future, you need to wait until it gets tired of playing and falls asleep, and then carefully move it to the sleeping place. After several such manipulations, the Jack Russell Terrier will get used to its place.

What dogs get along best with cats?

If you love both cats and dogs, or there are both dog and cat people in your family, sooner or later you will be faced with the question of how to make these animals live together and not quarrel with each other? Dogs that get along well with cats are not at all uncommon, but peace, and especially friendship between representatives of different biological species depends on many factors.

Grew up together

The best option for future peace in the family is to adopt a puppy and a kitten at the same time. Shared childhood, games and communication at this open and friendly age help kids become comrades for life. If you already have some animals in the house, the second point comes to the fore - education. Like children, kittens and puppies can be taught to communicate in a friendly manner and control aggression. This, of course, will require time, work and patience, but a well-trained animal will know how to get along with everyone - children, adults, and other animals.

There is, of course, a third factor - the character of the animal, its personal preferences and characteristics. Everything here is individual. Both among cats and dogs there are evil, aggressive loners or animals with a jealous dominant character, in a word, such individuals with whom it is better not to place anyone at all. And there are individuals who are extremely friendly.

If your pet does not have a specific breed, was taken from the street or from a shelter, or is the result of a random cross between breeds, its individuality may come as a surprise to you, and in order to find the ideal apartment partner for it, you will have to first observe it. As for purebred animals, their character is more predictable. Let's try to speculate about whether there are dog breeds that get along well with cats a priori, due to their genetic breed characteristics.

Characteristics, description, character

The Jack Russell Terrier is a small dog that easily enters a hole and moves freely through it. He has a free and springy gait. Strong, muscular legs allow him to pursue game no worse than hounds, and with the help of strong and powerful jaws he grabs the prey, overtaking it in a hole. The dog's color should be white with black or brown spots.

If you decide to have a Jack Russell Terrier dog at home, its character will ensure that you have a friendly and attentive pet in your home. Terriers love to spend time with all family members. They will become indispensable companions during active recreation, fun walks and outdoor games. They are perhaps the No. 1 breed according to the criterion of “the most active dog.”

What other character traits will surprise your pet Jack Russell Terrier?

  • He is funny, cheerful and playful. Moreover, his playfulness remains throughout his life. Like all small breeds, for example, Welsh Corgi, Dachshund, Beagle, Yorkshire Terrier, Jack Russell Terrier, with good care, can live more than 15 years, and even at an “advanced” age it will delight its owner with a cheerful disposition.
  • Terriers are determined and independent, so training them can pose some challenges.
  • They are friendly towards children and strangers, provided the dog is socialized.
  • Being a hunter, the Jack Russell Terrier is not entirely indifferent to cats and other small pets and small animals that he encounters on the street. He takes them for a “potential” victim and can start hunting for them.
  • The Jack Russell Terrier is very curious, so a monotonous environment is not for him; he needs a constant change of environment so that he can satisfy the owl's curiosity.
  • He is very hardy and hyperactive, so his owner should not be a person who likes to lie on the couch after work, but an active person who can fill the dog’s need for constant movement and change of emotions.

Can hunting dogs get along with a cat?

Some breeds have characteristics that make them challenging feline companions. First of all, these are hunting dogs, and not just any, but those that specialize in hunting animals. No, don’t think that there is something wrong with them, it’s just that the breeding work that people have been doing with these breeds for centuries has sharpened their natural hunting instinct to the limit.

Hounds, terriers, greyhounds, as well as some “generalists” like huskies - all of them can perceive any small animal as an object of hunting and cause harm to the cat if they get carried away and instincts take over them. However, here you need to understand that instincts are instincts, but dogs do not become hunting assistants on their own, they are trained, and if the puppy has not undergone such training at one time, called training, then the most he can do is simply chase everything, what moves.

Hunting dogs working “by the feather”, that is, tracking and raising a bird (setters, spaniels, etc.), even if they have been trained, never grab the game with their teeth, do not come into direct contact with it, so to speak, and therefore they do not feel the desire to grab something similar to it.

In addition, there are very few real hunting dogs, that is, those born from parents who have hunting diplomas obtained through field trials. Most of the so-called hunters have long since become ordinary pets, and selection for hunting qualities has not been carried out among them for many generations. Beagles, spaniels, Yorkshire, toy, and Scotch terriers can easily get along with cats, especially since those with mustaches are able to stand up for their rights in front of small dogs.

Exceptions, perhaps, are Jack Russell terriers and fox terriers - these dogs will be difficult to make friends with cats. And in any case, it is worth remembering that active dogs who just want to play with a cat without the slightest aggression can accidentally harm it or simply scare it. Cats do not understand dog games, their body language is unclear to them, at least at first, and therefore any purring dog will try to avoid close contact, and it is necessary to provide her with the opportunity at any time to jump to a height or hide from the dog’s annoying sociability.

Help your cat and terrier coexist

Growing up with cats around a terrier puppy is no guarantee that it will always treat them with respect. Even after two or more years of friendship, you may suddenly discover that your little terrier loves to chase the cat. To reduce the likelihood of your terrier chasing your cat, there are a few things you should do.

Obedience training - Your puppy will give you all the tools and authority to take control of the situation when it starts to get out of control. Monitor any interactions between your pets. Of course, if they start playing, you don't have to drop everything and watch them, but you should keep an eye on them, which will allow you to act quickly if your terrier becomes too aggressive. Provide your cat with some high places that the dog can't reach, and use pet doors to keep your terrier and cat separated whenever possible when you're out of the house or unable to supervise them.

Dog aggression: myths and reality

A dog of any breed can show aggression - this is a fact, but this is especially true for those breeds that were bred specifically to protect a person or territory. At first glance, these are clearly not the dogs that get along well with cats. Most often, it is not recommended to house fighting dogs, such as a bull terrier or pit bull, or service dogs, especially guard dogs - large shepherds, Dobermans, schnauzers, black terriers, Dobermans and Rottweilers with cats. Huskies and Akita Inus cannot be called loyal to cats either.

However, there are too many exceptions to these rules related to the peculiarities of current breeding, when the user qualities of dogs fade into the background and, as we have already said, are very often not supported during selection. Most citizens of modern urban civilization live in cities, protected by police, burglar alarms and cunning locks. They need dogs that are loyal to people, docile, and that will not cause any problems when kept in the city - this is what breeders of even the most service breeds focus on.


In the Jack Russell Terrier breed, diseases are often hereditary. Their timely diagnosis and treatment will significantly prolong the pet’s life, and the owner will enjoy his company for more than 15 years.

Jack Russell Terriers are most often diagnosed with:

  • Eye diseases: lens displacement and cataracts.
  • Problems with the musculoskeletal system: patella displacement, hip dysplasia, Perthes disease.
  • Often the white color is accompanied by congenital deafness.

Several health problems are associated with the functions of the Jack Russell Terrier. They hunt small animals, including skunks. The liquid that these animals shoot can cause toxic shock syndrome in a dog; if the liquid enters the body of a careless hunter, it can cause hemolysis of the blood and, as a consequence, anemia and kidney failure.

Dogs that get along well with cats - what are they like?

So, what dogs get along well with cats? Dogs that are phlegmatic by nature or simply have a very calm, balanced character are best suited for living with them. These are dogs such as the Basset Hound (- Who is this? Oh, never mind...), Newfoundland (- Oh, there’s some kind of cuteness flickering below, and you can’t see it), Labradors and Retrievers (- What a wonderful day! Joy! Cat! Hello ! Let's play! Don't you want to? I'll play myself! Joy!) and also the wise Tibetan terrier (- Raise my bangs. Is there a cat in my house? Lower them immediately!).

However, very large breeds have one significant drawback: they are so much larger than the cat that, even trying their best to treat it with care, they can harm it without calculating their weight or strength. If there is a choice, it is better to give preference to a breed that is comparable in weight and size to the cat itself, so that there is at least relative parity between the animals in the field of applying physical pressure.

In addition, miniature dog breeds, for the most part, were bred as companion dogs, which means that sociability and collectivism are inherent in them by nature. The choice of small dogs is huge. These are Papillon, Pomeranian, Pug, Corgi, Shih Tzu, Lhasa Apso, Lapdogs, Bichon Frize, Chihuahua, Japanese Chin, Chinese Crested Dog, Poodle.

It is important to remember that some of these breeds, despite their miniature size, have a serious character, as a result of which they can try to establish their dominance in the pack and begin to “build” a cat. If the cat also has a tendency to dominate, she will not like it, and conflict is inevitable. Such wayward breeds include the Spitz, Papillon, Belgian Griffon, Boston Terrier, and Miniature Schnauzer.

Dogs aren't the only ones who are aggressive.

And finally, I would like to remind you that the cat is not always the aggressor in a couple. If a small puppy moves into the house of an adult cat, the cat’s aggression can seriously frighten him. Often, in the process of quarrels with small dogs, cats can even cause them serious harm.

Most often, the eyes and sensitive nose of the dog become the target for their claws, and in the case of the Chinese Crested or Mexican Hairless Dog, the entire body, which is practically not protected by fur, is also at risk. Therefore, when a new pet appears in the house, you need to follow the rules of the first acquaintance and try not to leave the cat and puppy alone at first.

Why shouldn't you get a Jack Russell Terrier?

Let's talk about the disadvantages of the Jack Russell Terrier breed. There is another side to the coin...

If someone watched the comedy “The Mask” with Jack Russell Terrier Milo, fell in love with the breed and is already running to choose a puppy, we advise him to slow down and carefully consider his decision. There is no universal dog that suits everyone! So, today we will talk about the disadvantages of the breed.

Hyperactive bullies

Future owners of Jack Russell Terriers, first of all, should have a large amount of free time, which they are ready to actively spend with their pet. The Jack Russell Terrier is a working dog and in order for it not to cause trouble at home, the pet must be provided with sufficient daily exercise and exercise. Jackies can splash out their energy on walks during active games, but these games must be long.

If the dog is deprived of the opportunity to move, then it will perfectly find entertainment in the house, destroying your repairs and interior items. And the Dog is deprived of the ability to move, and, in addition, the person’s company will find another profession. Invisible in the right transporter during the absence of family members, the puppy can destroy the apartment's equipment.

However, the Jack Russell Terrier is often described as a hyperactive, uncontrollable dog. This is wrong. With proper exercise at home, he turns into a wonderful, sweet dog.

Little terrorists

We must understand that Jack Russell terriers are real hunters, whose task is to lure the animal out of the hole. Few dog breeds can compete with them in persistence, sharpness and real hunting passion!

If you live in a private house with an adjacent territory, then be sure that your household will be quickly freed from pests such as moles or rats, but after the pests, other animals, for example, cats or hedgehogs, as well as young ones, can become victims of restless hunters. birds.

The Jack Russell Terrier feels best in a pack of its own kind, but it should be remembered that Jacks are very jealous of other people's dogs on their territory. Therefore, you need to keep in mind that a pack of Jacks can turn into a real terrorist group that will keep the neighbors' dogs and cats at bay!


Despite his affection for his owner, the Jack Russell often cannot control his desire to explore the world or hunt. Remaining on a leash during walks in the park, he can plot his escape for a long time and wait for the longed-for moment when his owner will finally let him run. And when this finally happens, no calls from the owner can stop the little fugitive!

Neighbors' favorites

Contrary to popular belief, Jack Russell terriers are not loud barking dogs, however, Jack left alone at home for a long time can become a very unpleasant surprise for your neighbors. Jackies rarely bark at people, but a neighbor's cat walking along your balcony or pigeons on the windowsill can awaken serious excitement in him!

The intensity of barking is an individual feature of a particular Jack Russell, because there are dogs with more or less excitability.

Thieves' Best Friends

Love for people is a characteristic breed trait of Jack Russell Terriers. That is why these restless terriers are completely unsuitable as guards! They will lick any intruder to death! This trait may also not be very convenient during normal walks, since Jackies trust people too much and happily make contact with everyone, regardless of the person's intentions in response.

White fur all around!

Jack Russell Terriers come in three coat types. Each type has its pros and cons. Short wool is much easier to care for and does not require special housekeeping care, unlike coarse wool, which must be plucked regularly.

However, Smooth Jack Russell Terriers shed much more than their Wire coated counterparts! Therefore, when getting yourself a “smoothie”, be prepared for the fact that your entire house will be covered with short white hairs, which can be seen on absolutely everything! Yes, regular cleaning and a powerful vacuum cleaner will greatly simplify the situation, but know that Jack owners can easily distinguish each other in a crowd by the white hairs on their clothes!

Well, that’s probably all we could tell you about the “dark” side of the Jacks. If the above does not scare you, then welcome to our world - the world of lovers of this wonderful breed

Should you let your dog or cat sleep in their owners' bed? What if the child does not want to go to bed? And how should spouses sleep - together or separately? Molodezhka found out the answers to these questions.

Bitten on the face

— There was this story: a family got a Jack Russell Terrier puppy. Everyone was touched by them, they were allowed to do everything: carry things, sleep on the bed with their owners, growl and bite people. The puppy grew up, but there was no education. One fine day, the dog was sleeping on the bed between the owners and severely bit one of them on the face because he was not allowed to sleep as he wanted. And that was just the beginning! As a result, they turned to me, I re-educated the whole family for six whole months. Now this is an ideal dog and family member,” says Natalya Davydova , a dog trainer.

Unfortunately, people often allow their pets to sleep on the bed next to them.

“I believe that it is unacceptable for a dog of any breed to sleep on its owner’s bed. Each pet should have a place to sleep and rest, comfortable and soft bedding. It is best to place the dog bed near the bed or sofa so that the dog does not feel lonely after a long separation, explains the specialist. - When a dog, especially a large breed, sleeps from puppyhood or is allowed to be on the bed or sofa at any time, it may subsequently not allow other family members and even the owner to sit or lie on the sofa, and so on. Animals are not children or toys; when problems start, they need to be solved, and not just get rid of the pet.

Relieves stress

According to cat breeder Polina Vasilyeva , a cat rarely dominates its owner, even if it sleeps on a person’s pillow.

— Cats are attached to their owners, but usually keep some distance. There is nothing wrong with sleeping with your pet as long as there is enough space for everyone. The purring of cats relaxes and relieves stress, which is important in our time. They do not try to dominate a person, since they are independent on their own and will not disappear without an owner. She just likes to lie on the pillow, she doesn’t make evil plans. The cat will choose the most comfortable place itself. If you disturb her, she will most likely leave. She won’t harbor any grudges,” Vasilyeva comments.

From a psychological point of view, sleeping with pets can be beneficial.

— People get animals when they need warmth, tenderness and softness. Therefore, when they sleep with animals, they get all this,” explains Tatyana Kuzmina , child, family, and medical psychologist.

However, doctors believe that it is best to share sleep.

— Sleeping with pets can lead to a number of undesirable consequences. These are allergies to the fur, epidermis or saliva of an animal, accidental trauma (for example, from animal claws), infection with zoonoses (diseases transmitted from animals to humans), says therapist Elena Gerus .

Children separately

— There are problems when children sleep with their parents and do not want to sleep in their own bed. Often a child unknowingly displaces one of the spouses; most often, the father goes to sleep in another room. Sometimes it happens that a mother sleeps with one child in one room, and a father sleeps with the second in another. Then the parents have no sexual interaction at all. It is necessary to teach children to sleep separately from birth, says psychologist Tatyana Kuzmina.

Doctors admit that sleeping with a child can be shared, but it is only possible up to 1-1.5 years and only if a number of conditions are met. For example, a child should have a separate mattress.

— It is also important to regularly change bedding and avoid bulky pillows and blankets to avoid covering the baby tightly and limiting oxygen access. If a child or parent has an infectious or skin disease, then sleeping together in the same bed is unacceptable. At an older age, from a psychological, physiological and hygienic point of view, it is necessary that the child and the parent sleep in different beds, continues Elena Gerus.

Together or apart?

Another pressing question that plagues many modern couples: is it better for spouses to sleep together or separately? One partner sometimes tosses and turns, snores, the couple may have different sleep and wake patterns, different comfortable temperatures (one is hot, the other is cold), and so on. And if the couple cannot solve these problems, then it is better, according to the doctor, to sleep separately.

Many women have a problem when their husbands do not want to sleep together.

“In such situations, a woman begins to feel coldness in her relationship with a man, sex and tenderness disappear. If something separates a couple, they will sleep separately. People who are in a relationship, who are attracted to each other, who get sexual satisfaction and enjoy it, will always sleep together. Do they get enough sleep? Get enough sleep. There are wide beds that allow you to sleep together, but at the same time everyone has their own space to sleep,” sums up Tatyana Kuzmina.


Dog breeds that don't like cats.




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Dog breeds that don't like cats.

Many cat and dog owners ask themselves a question that you can’t even imagine. For example, take the following message: I am a cat lover, and my husband loves dogs. We already have two cats at home, which we love very much, and my husband also wants to get a dog. Our neighbor has a dog that recently attacked the neighbor's cat, after which it died. Now I'm wondering if there are breeds of dogs that don't accept or like cats?

So could certain dog breeds actually be particularly aggressive towards cats? To be honest, any dog ​​can potentially get along well or poorly with a cat. Dogs that get along well with cats are dogs that are not carnivores and have been raised around cats, especially those raised and bred with a large number of cats, including your indoor cats. Many dogs will love cats, or at least be nice to cats they already know. If a dog grew up with your cats, then it is more likely to love your cats.

Jack Russell and a dog of another breed

Jack Russell Terriers are quite aggressive dogs by nature and can often only get along with other representatives of their breed.
Therefore, very often they are aggressive towards dogs of other breeds, regardless of their size. However, if from a very early age you accustom them to living together with dogs of another breed, then this situation will disappear by itself. At the same time, he will treat unfamiliar dogs encroaching on his territory with unfriendly and aggressive behavior. It’s just that in your pet’s opinion, he is simply doing his job - protecting and defending his land.

All Jack Russells want to be the only pet in the house. And therefore, if you decide to get another dog, you need to choose one whose size is similar to a Jack Russell, or even a little larger, and which can fend for itself.

Basic moments

  • The Jack Russell Terrier is suitable only for people who lead an active lifestyle and can provide the pet with regular exercise.
  • Dogs become strongly attached to their owner and other family members and yearn for loneliness.
  • Contrary to the image popularized in movies, the Jack Russell Terrier is not always sweet and easy-going; it needs an experienced owner who is willing to devote a lot of time to training.
  • A ringing and loud bark, which was necessary for hunting, can lead to conflicts with neighbors in a city apartment.
  • Representatives of this breed do not require complex care; standard hygiene procedures and regular visits to the veterinarian are sufficient.

The Jack Russell Terrier was previously famous for its working qualities as a burrowing dog, but few modern breeders systematically develop the hunting instincts inherent in the genes of these frisky little ones. In the twentieth century, they turned into loyal and funny companions, real favorites of families who were used to spending their leisure time actively.

Communication with cats

Few dogs like cats.
The Jack Russell Terrier is no exception to this rule. If he decides that the cat is a real enemy, then he will no longer be able to convince him. He will spoil her for the rest of her life. And even if the owner decides that their enmity has come to an end, in reality this is not so. You constantly need to be on alert. If you decide to get any cat and dog of a given breed, you should purchase them together. It is important that they are still cubs. Having been together since childhood, they will get used to each other. It is possible that they will even be best friends and spend time playing with each other. However, friends also quarrel. Therefore, if the pets used to get along well, but now they are running around the entire apartment like crazy, there is no need to panic. They will soon make up, or maybe this is their kind of game. Although you need to keep an eye on them: if the dog gets really angry, the cat will be in trouble.

A common misconception among Terrier owners is that they believe that the dog cannot harm the cat, since they really are not large in size. However, in any case, the dog is stronger than the cat. Her teeth can bite through cat flesh in a matter of seconds. Therefore, you need to be extremely careful when keeping a Jack Russell and a cat together.

A not entirely favorable option: bringing a Jack Russell puppy into a house where there is already an adult cat. If a cat pushes or scratches a playful puppy, he will remember this for the rest of his life. Many people believe that animals do not remember anything, but in fact they are very vindictive. And when the puppy grows up and gets stronger, he will definitely take revenge on the hated cat.

But what you shouldn’t do is bring a kitten into the house with an adult Jack Russell. This dog breed does not like rivals. And usually the owners pay more attention to the new kitten, which is still very small. The dog will become jealous and the kitten may get hurt.

If there are disagreements between the Jack Russell and the cat, then it will not be possible to eliminate them, no matter how hard the owner tries. Therefore, you have to choose - either a dog or a cat.

Growing Up Together

If you want to get a terrier with a cat, your success will depend on how you plan for this situation. Getting a cat or kitten in a home that already has a terrier will be very difficult at best, and impossible at worst. Having an adult cat as a family member or a maturing kitten, and then getting a terrier puppy - these two circumstances will make living together more feasible.

From a very young age, teach your terrier not to chase cats and to respect them as family members. A puppy who, from the very beginning of life, has positive associations with the family kitten, like a sibling, will most likely live in harmony with it.

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