What does an Akita Inu mix look like: popular types of pets and which breeds are similar in appearance

The Akita Inu is one of the largest Japanese Spitz dogs.

It is distinguished by hunting and watchdog abilities, which is not surprising, since in the past dogs were used for hunting.

It is also one of the 14 oldest breeds and is called the “Treasure of Japan” among the Japanese.

Speaking about Akita, one cannot fail to mention the history of Hachiko, who in 1932 became famous throughout Japan and instantly became public knowledge.

Today, the image of a dog is a symbol of selfless love and fidelity.

Popular types of mestizos

During World War II, dogs were often crossed with German Shepherds , and after the war the breed was divided into three types :

  • Shepherd Akita;
  • Akita Matagi;
  • fighting Akita.

The Akita Shepherd Dog was created by crossing two breeds: the Akita Inu and the German Shepherd.

This is a large , strong dog with well-developed ribs, long limbs and a tucked belly . The dominant colors are black, black and tan and sable; blue, white and liver are also common.

The dog is intelligent and has a tendency to learn quickly. Not only performs in various types of dog sports, but is also in demand in professional activities: be it a guide dog, a search dog, a police dog or a rescuer.

the American Akita (Akita Matagi or large Japanese dog) was bred on the basis of the Akita .

This breed carried not only the blood of mastiffs and Japanese dogs, but also the blood of German shepherds. Despite the similar body structure to the Akita Inu, the American Akita is distinguished by a variety of colors: be it fawn, brown, black, light gray or zoned.

This is a fairly large dog with a harmonious build, massive paws and developed limbs. It is distinguished by a wide muzzle and a thick neck.

How to choose a puppy and where to buy

It is better to purchase Shiba Inu puppies from a kennel that specializes in this breed of dog, from a trusted breeder. The puppy should not be intimidated and hide in corners. It is better if he looks cheerful and cheerful. It is worth asking the breeder about the baby’s grandparents, hereditary diseases, and blood lines. The puppy must:

  • have a breeder's mark;
  • to be healthy;
  • meet the standard.

A birth certificate must be written out for the puppy. You can buy an inexpensive puppy from a cull.

Additional Information! The color of a puppy may differ from the color of an adult dog, being darker and duller.

Price range for a dwarf puppy

The price range for mini Akita Inu puppies ranges from 30 to 60 thousand rubles.* The price depends on the purpose for which the baby is purchased, its parents, hereditary diseases, place of purchase, reviews of the breeder. Puppies from show-titled parents are more expensive than others.

When buying an Akita Inu puppy, you need, first of all, to remember that this is a future faithful and devoted friend who, despite his size, will protect the owner until his last breath, if necessary.

*Prices are valid as of December 2022.

Akita Inu and Shepherd mix

The Akita Shepherd is large in size and has a harmonious build with a small head and elongated muzzle . Medium-sized eyes calmly look into the distance, where large and high-set ears are turned.

The dog's coat is smooth, with a thick undercoat. In terms of height and weight, the dog adopted a little of everything from the two breeds.

Males reach a height of 60-65 cm, while females reach 55-60 cm . Weight varies from 35 to 40 kg.

This is a straightforward and fearless dog, which is also characterized by curiosity and energy. Tends to learn. Smart and insightful.

Due to his watchdog qualities, he is suspicious of strangers, but with regard to his family, the situation is exactly the opposite.

This is not a dog that will survive isolation. The protective instinct, on the contrary, encourages the animal to seek society. And with proper upbringing, he will become a protector not only of the owner, but of the entire family.

The Akita Shepherd serves in security, army, police, search work and participates in competitions . Therefore, there is no need to think about the possibilities.


The breed was bred in the mountains, almost completely isolated from the flat part of the region, so it best preserved its original features. Kai is an active hunting dog that needs company and socialization. She is gregarious, gets along well with children and other animals, and is not at all afraid of heat and cold.

Photo: avito.ru

Akita Inu and Husky mix

Akita Inu and Husky mixes are not recognized as an independent breed, but this did not stop the dogs from acquiring their own fans and a name - “Haskita”.

It is difficult to judge a crossbreed due to the lack of statistical data, but if you look at the external component, the dogs have a predominance of Japanese blood.

Therefore, it is not surprising that the dog’s physique is almost identical to Akita dogs. As for character, the owners speak of the mestizo as a wayward and smart dog, which exudes energy.

This is a purposeful dog whose persistence often borders on obstinacy..

The nature of the Siberian Husky is observed in the color of the Husky, the facial features and the temperament of the animal. The dog treats both its owner and children equally well.

Owner reviews

Shiba owners appreciate the opportunity to not part with a compact, neat dog both on walks and while traveling, and the availability of keeping them in a small apartment.

Independence and, at the same time, the ability to coordinate one’s actions with others, complex behavioral complexes in communication with the owner (postures, sounds and facial expressions) make life with a dog interesting and enjoyable.

Her abilities are wide and limited only by her size. She is ready for primitive living conditions, is able to participate in hunting and help herd livestock, and will warn of the appearance of a stranger or animal. But the main thing is that the Shiba Inu will be a worthy, often the most sincere company for the traveler and lover of walks, the villager and the resident of the metropolis.

Additionally, check out the video about the Shiba Inu dog breed:

Photos of what dog breeds are similar

Shiba Inu

Akita Inu is easy to confuse with Shiba Inu, these breeds are so similar. Except for one detail.

Shiba Inu is almost half the size . And at the same time, it is one of the small dogs of Japanese origin, whose ancestors were used for hunting.

Despite the fact that the Shiba is an ancient breed, a large number of aboriginal dogs took part in the modern appearance of this dog, which not only consolidated hunting qualities, but also left an imprint on the character of the animals.

For example, the Shiba Inu is characterized by stubbornness, which also encourages the dog to make decisions relying on its own instincts.

Requires persistence on the part of the owner, so it is not recommended for novice owners.

Despite the fact that the dogs differ significantly in terms of size, they are otherwise similar. Be it anatomy or exterior.

The animals have the same elongated muzzle, slightly slanted, brown eyes, pointed ears in the shape of a triangle, thick fur, a strong tail, jaws and developed limbs.

These are clean breeds that have almost no odor . They are also not fans of noise and bark only when necessary. Equally devoted to the owner.

Shikoku (Shikoku, Kochi-ken, Mikawa-inu)

Despite the fact that the Shikoku shares the same homeland as the Akita Inu, this breed cannot be called widespread, moreover, even within Japan it is considered rare. The breed has excellent hunting qualities.

This is the dog that is able to smell game long before it appears in the animal’s field of vision.

Similar to the Akita, the dog has an elongated, slightly pointed muzzle, strong bones, developed limbs, a muscular back and a powerful neck. But it is perhaps inferior in size.

Chow chow

Also, the Akita Inu is somewhat similar to the Chow Chow, which also boasts a rich heritage and DNA analysis confirms this.

The dog's homeland is China, by origin it belongs to the Spitz, but does not exclude an admixture of Tibetan Great Dane blood . The Japanese and Chinese have a similar build, but different coats.

The second one is a little fluffier than the first one. But there are differences in terms of content.

If the Japanese find it difficult to tolerate confined spaces, then the Chinese will be quite happy with apartment life, fortunately this dog does not gravitate towards an active lifestyle.

Historical reference

The Shiba (or Shiba) is a native breed of Japan that has lived there since time immemorial, it is one of the most ancient dogs.

The word "shiba" means something "small", "small dog".

Shiba's habitat was located in mountainous areas near the Sea of ​​Japan. When dogs like the English Setter and Pointer were imported from England between 1868 and 1912, hunting became a sport in Japan and crossbreeding of Shibas with English dogs became prevalent, causing purebred Shiba Inus to become very rare , to the point where that in 1912-1926 practically disappeared.

Hunters and other educated people began to seriously fight for the preservation of the Shiba Inu breed around 1928, and in 1934 a breed standard was drawn up.

In 1937, the Shiba was recognized as a natural heritage of the country , after which the breed increased in quantity and improved in quality, becoming currently one of the best.

Currently, Siba has become beloved and popular not only in her homeland, but also in America and European countries.

An alternative name for the breed sounds like Shiba-ken, which is due to the double interpretation of the corresponding hieroglyph. also possible to write Shiba Inu according to the transcription of the Latin spelling (FCI-Standard No. 257, Shiba).

Who to choose - Akita Inu or Husky?

Both breeds are among the oldest dogs, therefore, unlike the same lapdogs or collies, their genotype differs least from that of a wolf. However, for the future owner this is not a fundamental factor when choosing a pet.

Comparison of characters

IndexAkita InuHusky
Attitude towards other animals23
Attitude towards children33
Security qualities42
How to educate and train32

Akita Inu is a hunter and guardian.

Therefore, it is not surprising that the dog has a pronounced wariness towards strangers. The dog jealously guards the territory and protects the family. In relation to huskies, the instinct of protection is less pronounced, not to mention aggression towards people, which is completely absent.

Many years of experience as a sled dog takes its toll.

As a rule, the team is controlled by different people, so obedience in huskies is inherent at the genetic level. In other words, if a stranger has entered the house, do not count on a menacing roar.

External signs

IndicatorsAkita InuHusky
HeightHeight - 62-70 cmHeight - 50-60 cm
WeightWeight - 40-50 kgWeight - 16-28 kg

In appearance, both breeds are similar and, like any northern dogs, are well adapted to frost..

Huskies have a compact build and well-developed muscles. The Siberian Husky has long been used by the Chukchi as a sled dog, when the role of the Akita was reduced to hunting and protecting the owner’s property.


It is worth noting that both breeds are “working” dogs that are accustomed to movement and physical activity. And given the size of the Akita Inu, it will be difficult to keep the animal in a small apartment.

Neither the first nor the second dog is suitable to serve as part of the interior of the house and wait for the owner from morning to evening, moreover, to be content with rare walks.


Typically, Japanese people can describe the Shiba Inu's character in three words: brave, friendly and charming.

Such incompatible qualities coexist in one pet the first time. These are brave creatures with excellent intelligence and prudence.

Friendly Shiba Inu are very innocent and docile in front of their owner, although they are prone to self-centeredness and maximum manifestation of leadership qualities.

Often the Shiba Inu is characterized by a love of freedom and a stubborn disposition, so the owner should show persistence and firmness when raising the puppy from the first day.

To ensure that the dog obeys its owner, nurseries begin socialization from an early age, correcting the habits and behavioral characteristics of arrogant puppies.

Despite their independence, these are quite disciplined dogs. Leaving more natural instincts, qualified breeders in nurseries make their character softer.

The dog may ignore the owner's command if it finds it uninteresting. They treat the owner with love and devotion, but do not tolerate excessive tenderness towards themselves.

Although even as adults they love to frolic like puppies . They can commit minor pranks and then beg forgiveness from the owner with an innocent look.

It is also worth paying attention to the facial expressions of the Shiba Inu. With their charming smile, they are able to express a whole range of emotions: mockery, cheerfulness, devotion and even indignation.

It is rare to see Shiba Inus barking; alternatives to this are specific sounds: grunting, squealing, howling and even laughing.

Despite the modest description of the size of dogs of this breed, they show good watchdog qualities.

They are able to control the situation, rushing to stand up for the owner and their own territory. They try not to miss a single sound.

They actively participate in all home activities. Shiba Inus are supporters of both calmness and balance, as well as active interaction with all family members.

Who to choose - Akita Inu or Labrador?

The history of the Labrador Retriever dates back to the 19th century on the east coast of Canada. It was bred as a hunting gun dog, but in most cases it is a companion dog.

Labrador and Akita Inu are completely different breeds, from their physique to their behavior . The Japanese's movements are elastic and powerful, while the Labrador's are free. The first reaches a height of 62-70 cm, while the second reaches 54-57.

Comparison of characters

IndexAkita InuLabrador Retriever
Attitude towards other animals35
Attitude towards children24
Security qualities42
How to educate and train35

Dogs differ both in character and type of temperament . If the Akita resembles a solitary dog ​​that makes contact without much desire, then the Labrador will happily keep company with anyone.

This is a playful, affectionate dog that will suit any owner. He is open to new acquaintances and makes good contact, has a stable psyche and is difficult to succumb to aggression.

However, in everyday life it often has a reputation as a “fool” due to hyperactivity and spontaneity, so dogs need careful training to teach the dog to think before acting.

Compared to the Labrador, the Japanese is a cunning animal that not everyone can control. And if brought up incorrectly, he will not deny himself the opportunity to sit on his owner’s neck and dangle his paws.

Difference in maintenance and care

IndexAkita InuLabrador Retriever
Contents in the apartment23
Keeping in an enclosure/on a chain42
Caring for ears, nose, claws, teeth44

The Labrador gets along well in an apartment and requires at least an hour and a half for walks, while like an Akita, although it is not whimsical in terms of keeping, it does not tolerate confined spaces. It is easier for such a dog to live in the courtyard of a country house or in a spacious enclosure.


It is worth noting that dogs equally love physical activity, so the owner should at least adopt a healthy lifestyle and provide the pet with space for exercise.

In the distant past, the Akita played the role of a big game hunter, so it is not surprising that this way of life left certain imprints on the breed.

Thanks to its equipment and excellent qualities as a watchman and hunter, the dog has acquired admirers in different parts of the world and is equally valued both in Europe and the USA, where an analogue of the Akita breed was subsequently bred.

Even mixed breeds of such dogs are of no less interest than other breeds. Most owners are only happy to see the traits of their two favorite dogs in their puppies.

Features of care

What is the difference in grooming between Shiba Inu and Akita? Due to their common origins, both breeds have similar dietary preferences. Dog breeders do not recommend feeding dogs fatty meat and dry food - this can negatively affect the health of the animal and lead to serious diseases.

The Shiba's walking regime is identical to that of the Akita: daily active outings lasting at least an hour and a half are required. The dog should be walked without a leash several times a week.

The Shiba's thick coat requires frequent brushing. During seasonal molting, you have to scratch your pet every day, the standard is two to three times a week. To do this, they resort to plastic combs and metal combs.

In other aspects, caring for a Shiba is no different from caring for an Akita Inu; The four-legged pet's bed should be located in a place with good visibility. The only problem that the owner may encounter and which, however, can be easily solved by training the Shiba Inu, is the dog’s craving for shoes and their destruction.

Siba loves to take shoes around the apartment and chew them. You can solve the problem by purchasing a high-quality toy that the dog can carry with him.

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