All about the Chihuahua breed: description of the breed and care features

Nowadays, more and more people are getting Chihuahuas. These cute and kind pets will not cause you any trouble or trouble.

Chihuahuas are classified as decorative dogs and participate in various competitions and exhibitions.

This article will help you understand the types of Chihuahuas and understand the difference between standard and pseudo breeds.


There are several points of view about the origin of the Chihuahua. According to one of them, the dog descended from a small species of Bailey wolf. Egypt is identified as the birthplace of the breed, claiming that the dogs arose during the construction of the pyramids. The African fox is also considered to be the ancestor of the dog. She is similar to the modern Chihuahua with long ears, large eyes and short stature.

According to the main version, these dogs appeared on the land of the Toltecs, an ancient people, who lived with the Mayans and Aztecs. On the pyramids erected by the tribes, images of small animals similar to a modern specimen were found, and clay figurines in the shape of a dog were also discovered. The Chihuahua breed was then considered sacred; only the rich possessed it.

In the 16th century, the Spaniards began to populate the lands of the Aztecs, who ate animals for food. Then the Chihuahua was forgotten until the 19th century. The Mexican president saved the American breed by giving one Chihuahua puppy in a bouquet of flowers to the famous singer.

Scientists believe that the breed appeared due to the crossing of Techichi (then these dogs were called that) with the same, only hairless Chinese dogs.

Ancient representatives of the Chihuahua breed were distinguished by their lack of voice and long hair.

Vices leading to disqualification

The most common deviations from the standard are:

  • pointed ears;
  • curled tail;
  • long body and short neck;
  • sloping croup;
  • narrow chest;
  • short limbs;
  • paws set close together.

More serious disadvantages are:

  • narrow skull;
  • drooping ears;
  • strongly elongated muzzle;
  • deep-set eyes;
  • bulging eyeballs;
  • malocclusion;
  • patellaluxation (a malfunction in the musculoskeletal system of dogs caused by weakness of the muscles, ligaments, and tendons of the hind limbs).

The main disqualifying faults of this breed are:

  • absence of a tail;
  • body too long;
  • aggressive or cowardly behavior, as well as other behavioral deviations;
  • open fontanelle of the skull;
  • long neck, elongated legs and small head, creating the so-called “deer” silhouette;
  • short ears;
  • baldness in smooth-haired dogs (alopecia);
  • hair is too long in long-haired individuals;
  • non-compliance with weight standards - too small and thin or, on the contrary, fat and large Chihuahua.

Deviations from the standard


Based on the description of the breed, the maximum weight of the animal should be 3 kg, the minimum – 500 grams. Ideally, the figure varies from one and a half to 2.5 kg. Girls are usually taller than males. The developers of the breed independently established an unspoken standard for the individual: specimens less than two kg should be 17-23 cm at the withers, if 3 kg, then 25 cm.

There are 2 types of Chihuahua coat:

  • long – straight or slightly wavy (not curly). There is a dewlap in the area of ​​the dog's tail and collar;
  • short and smooth, fits tightly to the dog’s skin.


According to the configuration, there are 2 types of breed: cobby and dir. The first category includes strong and stocky dogs with strong bones. Dogs have large eyes and small ears. The head is a large but strong neck and a wide chest. The Cobby type is characterized by short but strong legs and thick dog fur.

The second type of breed translated from English means “deer”; Chihuahuas are similar in appearance to these animals. The dog's head is small and its ears are large. The dir's neck is longer than the cobby's. The paws are thin. The dog's fur is sparse, like the first species.

Breeders in Russia have developed several subtypes of the Chihuahua breed. Among them:

  1. Pekingese. Practically unlike the standard specimen. The dogs are overly goggle-eyed and snub-nosed, and have shortcomings and vices that do not allow them to breed animals and participate in exhibitions.
  2. English - the Chihuahua is distinguished by its rough constitution and heavy bones.
  3. Extreme - a dwarf dog with bulging eyes and a large forehead. The legs are short and there is a strong snub nose. It is difficult for the animal to run.
  4. Native - dogs are brought from Mexico. The height is too tall for standard representatives, the muzzle is not so round, the eyes and ears of the Chihuahua are close together.

This is interesting: Care and maintenance of mini and super mini Chihuahuas

Classification by size

The fashion for dividing breeds into categories based on the overall size of the dog came from foreign countries. In particular from America, where the term “tea cup” has long been established


In Russia, the following terms are used for classification:

  1. standard;
  2. mini;
  3. super mini.

The classification is carried out not so much by size as by body weight. In the first case, an adult dog corresponds to the weight recommended by cynological federations, i.e. weighs between 1.5 and 3 kg.

The last two miniature types of the Chihuahua breed do not have generally accepted boundaries, so each breeder interprets them to the best of his interests and knowledge. However, stick to the following weights:

  • mini: from 1000 to 1500 grams;
  • super-mini: from 500 to 1000 grams.

The FCI allows the weight of an adult Chihuahua dog to range between 500 and 1500 grams, but, as a rule, you should not expect high marks from judges at a breed show. In some cases, disqualification will follow, this also applies to the dir type.

To preliminarily determine the puppy's future weight as an adult, a special Chihuahua weight table has been developed. Of course, neither the table nor the seller guarantees the stated indicators.

Why you should not buy mini and super-mini Chihuahuas is described in detail in this article. Read on to avoid common mistakes made by novice breeders and hobbyists.

Varieties of Chihuahua colors

There are more than 60 types of shades of the breed. Some of them:

  1. Red (dark or light). Pure color is rare in dogs; it is often combined with white (blotches on the chest, tail, paws, head). There are options with black, sable, and brown tints.
  2. Black - often in combination with brown and white. There are more exotic options: with brindle, fawn, red.
  3. White. Usually acts as a background for other shades (black, cream, gold, etc.).
  4. Chocolate. Similar to the brown color, but with a red tint, visible in good light. The tone of the tip of the dog's nose and paw pads match this shade. The animal's eyes are brown. The color often contains patches of white on the legs and chest. Chocolate and blue look unusual.
  5. Brindle is the rarest, consisting of colored stripes and spots that create a contrast to the main color of the Chihuahua. There are many varieties: combination with blue, white, black, brown, fawn.
  6. Lilac – looks impressive on long-haired representatives of the breed. The color is rare, it can be almost pink or dark purple. Often the coloring is accompanied by white spots on the dog’s paws and chest.
  7. Blue. It resembles a gray tint, but in the light the dog’s fur shimmers beautifully blue or dark blue.
  8. Cream – varies from ivory to beige. The shade is delicate, non-contrasting. There are often white spots on the dog's chest.
  9. Marble color is prohibited by the Russian Canine Federation. It is expressed by uneven gray or beige pigments. Often babies of this shade are born blind or deaf.

This is interesting: Recognized colors of the Chihuahua dog breed

How to determine the Chihuahua breed?

This miniature breed grows up to the age of seven months (formation is often completed earlier - for example, at the age of six months). And only after active growth has ended and the final body weight has been gained, the adult dog’s height can be measured to obtain a reliable indicator.

Characteristics of the Chihuahua:

  1. The muzzle of the “apple-shaped” Chihuahua is small in size, slightly tapering towards the nose and short in length. And the “deers” have a fox-like elongated muzzle. These dogs with large black eyes come in a variety of coat colors.
  2. Convex forehead (in representatives with an apple skull it protrudes more).
  3. High set ears. They are quite large in size.
  4. Narrow back and voluminous chest.
  5. The legs (both front and back) are thin and long.
  6. The tail is long and very thin.

Behavior and skills

The pet is distinguished by its devotion to its owner and always wants to be near. It is not uncommon for a dog to experience jealousy. If he sees that a loved one is in danger, without hesitation, he rushes to help, even a large animal. The Chihuahua is energetic and affectionate.

If a baby Chihuahua feels a lack of attention, he begins to behave aggressively: he chews furniture, spoils things.

Little ones do not like to have their voices raised at them and are often stubborn. Dogs behave like children, but they are serious and intelligent. Such individuals are born watchmen and protectors. When they see a stranger, Chihuahuas bark loudly.

Interesting article: How many years do Chihuahuas live: secrets of longevity

When training, you should immediately show the animal that there is only one owner in the house, and indicate all the prohibitions and restrictions.

Dog character

The Chihuahua is considered a philosopher who has absorbed the wisdom of his ancestors. The dog understands and accepts any situation. It differs from other decorative breeds in its calm, balanced character. The dog will not become hysterical or shake from excess emotions at the slightest difficulty. An adult dog behaves arrogantly, which is not typical of other dwarf breeds. The Chihuahua is somewhat reminiscent of a human: each individual has its own character traits that distinguish it from other representatives of the species.

The Chihuahua is a proud pet and does not tolerate disrespectful treatment. In such situations, animals experience cold contempt. These little “Mexicans” love their owner. The dog does any actions in the presence of the owner, expecting approval. Strong love is combined with pronounced jealousy. To understand that this statement is true, you need to treat another animal in front of your pet.

The character of the Chihuahua dog is balanced.

The dog is quite smart, but quickly recognizes pretense and falsehood. They carefully study their owner, which allows the pets to gain trust. Some animals manipulate their owner. In addition, pocket dogs are inquisitive; they constantly read any emotions and actions of a person. If the owner is cooking in the kitchen, the animal will sit next to him on the floor. When a person sits in a chair and watches TV, the dog sits next to him and closely watches the owner.

Many animals have an urgent need for shelter. For example, a Chihuahua can quickly make a home out of a blanket or clothing. The dog makes a kind of hole in which it hides and rests calmly. Breeders believe that long-haired Chihuahuas are peaceful and kind, while their short-haired counterparts are active and aggressive.

However, this rule has an exception. A fluffy dog ​​can be active and naughty, while a smooth-haired dog can be calm.

Despite their small size, Techichi descendants are often the first to rush into battle. According to owners, it is easier to anger a Chihuahua than a Rottweiler or pit bull. These little ones come to the defense of the owner with redoubled force. The dog is not afraid of numerical or physical superiority. Feeling a threat, she ceases to control herself and shows courage unusual for dwarf breeds. The animal does not like strangers, every guest will be barked at. The dog does not miss the opportunity to bite a stranger.

Character and appearance

Representatives of this breed are calm, but do not always find a common language with other relatives. Despite their miniature size, Chihuahuas are not afraid to run after large animals; there are no authorities for kids. Puppies love to play, while adult dogs prefer peace. They are observant and can follow the actions of their owner for a long time.

The animals easily endure travel and sit quietly in your arms. Chihuahuas are distinguished by their patience and endurance. The breed has good reaction and hearing (recognizes the steps of a person in the entrance). The animal easily adapts to the owner’s mood.

The dog is compact. The head is apple-shaped, with a pronounced transition from the muzzle to the forehead. This is a thin animal with long legs and a medium tail, has large round eyes, wide and erect ears.

Types of Chihuahuas by coat type

Depending on this criterion, the following types of Chihuahuas are distinguished:

  • shorthaired These dogs do not shed or smell;
  • long-haired. They molt, but also have no smell.


Hairy Chihuahuas have a fine coat structure. The coat is quite long, soft and silky to the touch. The pet’s neck is decorated with a fluffy collar, and there is also thick hair on its paws, forming a kind of “pants.” The tail is covered with especially thick hair. The ears have long fur that forms a fringe. At the same time, most of the body is covered with not very long hair. The presence of an undercoat is not necessary, but many dogs of this breed have quite developed undercoat.

Note! The standard does not allow curly hair in Chihuahuas, or, in extreme cases, slight wavy hair.

Fluffy Chihuahuas tolerate low temperatures more easily, but in hot weather they can overheat by staying in the sun for a long time or sitting in the owner’s arms. These pets tend to shed seasonally (unlike dogs with short hair, which shed throughout the year).

Longhaired Chihuahua


These dogs have a short, soft coat with a glossy sheen that lies close to the body. The longer spine is located on the tail and neck. In the area of ​​the throat, on the head and ears, the fur is thinnest. In such areas, the Chihuahua's skin is almost bald. As in the previous case, the standard allows for the absence of undercoat.


The best time for chihuahua offspring is when the female is three years old. But the dog has a hard time with pregnancy and childbirth. The optimal breeding period for a dog varies between 3-8 years.

Useful article: Pregnancy and childbirth in Chihuahuas: details by day

Expert opinion
Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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Before breeding, your dog should be examined by a veterinarian. A female Chihuahua must have excellent health, just like a male. Mating takes place on the 10-14th day of estrus. The first time, things often don’t work out, especially if the bitch doesn’t like the male. But then everything goes without problems.

At first, it is difficult to determine if a Chihuahua is pregnant, as the dog behaves as usual. But later the animal becomes calmer, eats more and sleeps a lot. Then the dog’s belly grows and its weight increases. 2 weeks before giving birth, you can test Chihuahua puppies.

The animal's pregnancy lasts approximately 2 months. A caesarean section under general anesthesia is often required. 1-3 puppies are born. It may be higher in a large female who has given birth several times. Chihuahua babies usually weigh from 70 to 150 g and are 10 cm tall.

The next mating is possible 6-8 months after birth. The animal needs to get stronger and recover.

Education and training

It is recommended to start training a Chihuahua from the moment the puppy first arrives at home. First, you need the dog to get used to his name, place and routine (food, toilet).

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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The baby does not understand that he needs to defecate outside twice a day, so you should prepare diapers in advance.

If a dog goes to the wrong place to relieve itself, the owner needs to react quickly. It is enough to threaten in a loud voice, express dissatisfaction, “be offended” and leave. If the pet goes where it’s supposed to go next time, the reaction should be just as strong, but positive.

The main commands that the dog should follow are “Come to me”, “Fu”, “Stop”. From a very early age, a Chihuahua puppy is weaned off bad habits: barking for no reason, damaging furniture.


Long-haired Chihuahuas require special care for their fur. It is not recommended to bathe them often; once every two months is enough and as needed. Just like other dogs, wash your paws after every walk. Use a specialized hypoallergenic dog wash; never bathe your pet with your own shampoo.

After bathing, the animal should not immediately walk around the house; teach it to “beautify”. After the bath, wrap your baby in a towel, dry him well, and then start scratching and blow-drying him.

For combing, use a comb made of natural material. You need to brush your furry Chihuahua's fur every day!

Care and maintenance

Caring for the Chihuahua breed is not difficult. It is enough to follow the basic procedures:

  • clean the dog's ears;
  • brush your pet (2 times a week for smooth-haired dogs and 4 times a week for long-haired dogs);
  • Drop lotion into the Chihuahua's eyes once every 7 days.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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You should not wash your Chihuahua often, as its skin can become dry, which can lead to dandruff.

You need to immediately learn how to hold a puppy in your arms correctly. Take the Chihuahua only under the stomach and chest, lower it onto all four paws, not allowing it to jump. It is better to use a harness instead of a leash - when danger occurs, it will be easier to lift the animal up.

Useful article: Care and maintenance of a Chihuahua: caring for a puppy at home, keeping it in an apartment

In winter, it is worth purchasing overalls for your pet so that the pet does not freeze, and in summer to avoid overheating. Under no circumstances should you leave your dog in a closed car in the heat.

Some animals have a fontanelle that does not close, which makes the head vulnerable, so you need to monitor the pet’s safety.

The dog will appreciate a personal house in which it can relax. It is advisable to place a booth for a Chihuahua away from a draft and a heating source. You also need to take care of purchasing a harness, carrier, and comb for your pet.

Breeds Similar to Chihuahuas

Dogs that look very similar to Chihuahuas:

  1. Russian toy terrier. This breed was recognized as an independent breed in 2006. The size of a toy terrier is as small as that of a chihuahua. In addition, Toys also come with long and short hair.
  2. English toy. This variety looks like a "naked" Chihuahua.
  3. Papillon. These French Chihuahuas have impressive ears that resemble butterfly wings. By the way, “papillon” is French for “butterfly”.

Useful and prohibited foods

The basis of food for a Chihuahua should be: animal protein, carbohydrates, vegetable proteins, fats and vitamins (phosphorus, calcium).

Useful article: What to feed a Chihuahua: food rating for Chihuahua puppies and proper nutrition at home

Products that are healthy for dogs:

  • meat (poultry, beef, lamb, horse meat, veal);
  • eggs (once a week in the form of an omelet or chopped boiled);
  • sour milk;
  • porridge (buckwheat, rolled oats, corn);
  • steamed and raw vegetables (the healthiest is carrots).

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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You can give your pet fruits as treats: bananas and apples.

Products prohibited for Chihuahuas:

  • raw meat and pork;
  • all sweets;
  • fried and fatty foods;
  • milk (acts as a laxative);
  • River fish;
  • spicy and salty dishes.

Basic colors

These small dogs are characterized by a wide palette of colors. You need to pay attention to the fact that a purebred dog’s eyes and nose should match the color of its coat. If the chia's fur is fawn or cream, then a dark spot in the form of a mask may form on its face. A continuous mask may be absent or located in different places on the muzzle. It can be black and occupy a place at the tip of the nose or reach the forehead.

The most popular dogs for many years have been those painted in the following colors:

  • white;
  • chocolate;
  • sable;
  • black;
  • wolfish;
  • ginger.

Puppies look luxurious if their fur combines two or even three shades. Breed connoisseurs choose the rare chia with blue hairs because his eyes look like rubies.

Health and popular diseases

If you care for, maintain or breed the Chihuahua breed incorrectly, pathologies appear, the most common of which are described in the table.

Description of the diseaseSymptoms
Keratoconjunctevitis and other eye problemsThe pet blinks frequently and tries to scratch its eyelids with its paw. Discharge is noticeable, the corneas turn pale, inflammation and ulcers appear
Joint problems and dislocations (occur due to heavy loads, careless jumps, falls and excess weight)The dog clenches his paws, limps, and experiences pain when walking
Breathing (problems appear with improper physical activity, and there are also birth defects)Wheezing, coughing, choking, shortness of breath, or rapid breathing

Pros and cons of Chihuahuas

The main advantages of the breed:

  1. Compactness of the dog.
  2. Baby Chihuahuas eat less, which allows them to avoid spending as much money on food as they would for larger dogs.
  3. It is easier to place a pet in an apartment.
  4. You can take the dog with you anywhere, carry it in your bag.

Dogs have excellent health and good immunity. They are playful, loyal, non-hysterical. Chihuahuas are not prone to making messes, and if they damage furniture, there is a reason for this. An advantage for keeping a dog in an apartment is the silence of the breed; they do not bark without a reason.

The disadvantages of Chihuahuas include the following:

  1. Problems with reproduction and dental health in dogs due to their small size (not common, but it does occur). This is especially true for mini-instances up to 1.5 kg.
  2. Due to their emotionality, dogs take a little longer to learn commands than other breeds.
  3. Fearlessness of individuals: they can enter into unequal battles with larger animals.
  4. Sometimes it's difficult to potty train Chihuahua babies.
  5. Sneezers can give birth to either a calm and intellectually developed baby or a baby that chews on everything. Therefore, it is advisable to choose a three-month-old individual in order to understand what kind of character the puppy has.

Relationships with people and other animals

The Chihuahua treats strangers with caution: he will never approach strangers just like that. Even if people who have known you for a long time come to visit you, the baby will glance first at the guest and then at the owner for the first minutes. If you look at the guest with caution, then at the owner - with the question: “When will he leave, and what is he even doing here?” But if the dog likes the person, then the dog will cheerfully wag his tail, invite him to play, or simply caress him.

As for other pets, fluffy Chihuahuas, like other representatives of this breed, have a hard time accepting competition. As already mentioned, the Chihuahua is a leader, and this is given by nature. If another animal does not go to peace, does not give up its position, then the baby will lie in wait in the corners, attack and bark until it gets its leadership. And this applies not only to an adult with whom another pet has been placed, but also only to a puppy brought into the house.

Small Chihuahuas are so brave that they can easily attack a larger dog. That is why the animal needs to be raised from childhood, taught to be orderly and friendly. After all, your dog will not be able to do much harm to the big dog, but he will easily swallow your baby if the Chihuahua starts to attack.

Rules for choosing a puppy

When buying a Chihuahua puppy, the main attention is paid to the behavior and appearance of the dog. First, examine the baby’s jaw. At one and a half months, the dog has already formed a bite (straight or scissor).

The shorter the Chihuahua's muzzle, the worse the quality of the teeth.

Indicators for determining a healthy Chihuahua puppy are:

  1. The head is apple-shaped, with a pronounced forehead (this breed does not have a flat skull).
  2. The ears are clean, without foreign discharge or wounds.
  3. The nose is wet and does not run.
  4. The eyes are large and moist.
  5. The dog's short coat is shiny and smooth. Curly hair is not acceptable.
  6. No rash, dandruff or irritation on the dog’s skin.
  7. A healthy Chihuahua puppy weighs at least 500 grams. and no more than 2.7 kg.

To make sure that your baby has no dislocations, you should feel his paws.

A healthy baby Chihuahua behaves actively: it runs non-stop around the enclosure, sniffs everything around and plays with other brothers. A lethargic puppy that just lies in one place or hides behind its mother is cowardly or sick.

This is interesting: Rules for choosing a nickname for a Chihuahua

You can also see from the breeder whether the pet goes to the toilet where it needs to. The puppy should look well-fed.

Varieties according to body shape

Depending on their body type, there are two types of Chihuahua:

  • Cobby (Cobby-type). The figure is dense, heavy, stocky.
  • Deer (Deer-type). This type is characterized by lightness and grace. The legs of such dogs are thin and tall.

Chihuahua dir

Features of this type are:

  • Small, slightly elongated head.
  • Elongated muzzle.
  • The ears are large and set high.
  • The chest is not wide, quite deep.
  • Thin, elongated limbs.
  • Long, thin tail.
  • Movements are smooth and easy.
  • Lack of well-developed muscles.

Chihuahua dir

Cobby standard

Cobby-type Chihuahuas with short legs are called stocky. Description of characteristics:

  • the head is large, rounded (apple-shaped);
  • shortened muzzle;
  • the eyes are large, the nose is turned up;
  • the ears are small, widened at the base;
  • dense, short limbs;
  • large, powerful sternum;
  • The ears are located quite far from each other. The same can be said about the eyes;
  • the tail is short, dense, wide at the base with a narrowed tip;
  • well-developed muscles, powerful body;
  • thick coat with dense undercoat;
  • back straight;
  • movements are sharper, rougher;
  • wide step.

Puppy cost

Prices for Chihuahua puppies range from 15 to 100 thousand rubles. and higher. It depends on a number of features:

  1. Girls are 20 and 30% more expensive.
  2. The price increases for puppies that in the future will not exceed 1.5 kg.
  3. Rare dog colors are much more expensive (blue, chocolate, brindle).
  4. The presence of titled ancestors in a puppy is a factor used by breeders when selling babies.

The dog is not a rare breed, so there are many kennels that breed Chihuahuas. To find a “friend”, you need to visit more than one of them.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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First of all, attention is paid to the cleanliness of the dog’s enclosure, the quantity and quality of food.

A professional Chihuahua breeder, conscientious about his work, gives only proven healthy food to his pets and a certain number of times. The place where animals are kept must be dry.

It will be useful to request the pedigree of the puppy you like, including a photo of its parents (to know what the matured pet will look like). There should be no more than five babies in the litter. The new owner is given a passport and shown the location of the mark on the animal’s body.

Do you need haircuts?

If you want to have a well-groomed, beautiful pet, you will sometimes have to spend money on the services of a professional groomer. A haircut is simply necessary if you keep a dog not only for fun, but also take it to shows.

There are two types of haircuts.

  1. Hygienic, done a couple of times a month. Its purpose is to protect the dog from overheating, and the pet’s skin will begin to breathe more easily. The excess on the back, tummy and sides is trimmed, the emphasis is left on the ears, neck, paws and tail.
  2. Modeling - does not need to be done often, only before an exhibition. A professional groomer, based on the animal’s appearance, will choose a haircut that will show the dog in a more favorable light. This haircut can be complemented with jewelry.

Interesting Facts

Before you get a little pet, you should find out as much as possible about it:

  • The dog easily finds a common language with the family, but remains most devoted to one person. He gets along only with his own breed, but is aggressive towards others.
  • The smallest Chihuahua in the world, named Brandy, is 15.2 cm long from nose to tail.
  • Compared to the body, such an animal has the largest brain size among other breeds.
  • According to one version, Christopher Columbus is associated with the appearance of animals in Mexico, who in a letter to the king spoke about unusual crumbs.

The largest in the world

A six-kilogram Chihuahua named Tatay is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the largest representative of his breed. The reason for such a large weight was the dog’s love for chocolate.

There are a huge number of Chihuahuas in the world. These are small and energetic dogs that respond to their owners with love and devotion. You are required to be attentive and caring. Don’t forget that a dog is not a toy and when buying a pet, you are responsible for it just as you are for a full member of the family.


The dog is not capricious, does not require much attention, but if the owner gives her a minute of time, she will be infinitely happy. The Chihuahua looks funny and can be dressed up in fashionable costumes. The pet does not like to bathe.

The baby eats only natural food (turkey meat, cottage cheese, vegetables). For a treat, a Chihuahua is willing to endure having its nails trimmed. Prefers to sit in his arms and lie on a warm rug. The dog cannot tolerate cold and cold.

The dog loves attention and often begs for treats. Children love to play with the baby, but you need to be careful that they do not harm her. Chihuahuas are difficult to toilet train and require a lot of time to convince them to defecate in the diaper.

The Chihuahua is a pocket dog originally from Mexico. Body weight does not exceed 3 kg. Caring for babies is not difficult, they do not bring much trouble, they are distinguished by affection, playfulness and endless devotion to their owner.

About the origin of the breed

Chihuahuas were brought to Russia only in the 20th century. The first two babies were brought by Fidel Castro himself, they became a sign of friendship between peoples. But the fluffy Chihuahuas, photos of which are presented in the article, have been known to the world for many millennia, as evidenced by the images of miniature dogs on the rocks - messages to those living today from ancient man.

The breed's homeland is Mexico, and the dog got its name in honor of one of the states. From Mexico, Chihuahuas came to the United States, and from there they spread throughout the world.

Photo and video review

The Chihua is an excellent companion: affectionate, friendly, loyal dog. The small size allows you to take your pet everywhere and dress it up. Such a baby in the house will not leave anyone indifferent.

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