Shar Pei: history of origin, temperament, care and education

Shar Peis are loved by dog ​​breeders all over the world due to their unusual appearance, innate fearlessness and, despite the apparent detachment and pessimism, friendliness and cheerfulness.

The history of this breed cannot be called simple: these dogs participated in battles, were on the verge of extinction, and their numbers were restored only thanks to the efforts of enthusiasts.

In this article you will find a brief description of the breed and its characteristics, and most importantly, reviews from owners who share their experience of keeping such pets.

Main characteristics

Breed parameters
Country of origin:China
Weight of the breed:males 25–40 kg, females 18–35 kg
Height at withers:46–51 cm
Role in human life:bodyguard, security guard

A calm, balanced and intelligent dog, which is distinguished by a large number of folds and an extraordinary appearance. Suitable for families with many children and other pets. They need a sense of freedom and independence. Excellent guards.

Dog appearance (standards)


A male Shar Pei weighs from 25 to 30 kg, a female will be a little lighter: from 18 to 25 kg. The height of animals of both sexes is the same. On average it ranges from 45 to 51 cm.

The size of an animal's skin is much larger than its body.

When you look at him, you get the impression that the skin does not belong to him, but is simply hung, as if on a hanger, for temporary storage.


The Shar Pei has a hard coat. The impression that it is soft and gentle to the touch is deceptive.


The standard allows any colors of Shar Pei, as long as they are solid and do not have different spots.
White color is unacceptable!

The most common are the following: black, cream, fawn, chocolate, and red.


The Shar Pei dog has a rather large head, which, like the body, is covered with wrinkles.

Teeth and jaws

The jaws of dogs of this breed are powerful and have a scissor bite. The teeth are strong. The mouth has a specific blue-black hue.

Because of this color of the mouth and tongue, the Shar Pei is called “the dog that licked the sky.”


The dog's eyes are usually black, small, and almond-shaped.

Body and limbs

The animal has a fairly strong body and a short back. He has a broad chest and muscular limbs. Paws of medium length.


The tail looks normal and thick.

Rock defects

Defects are considered to be any deviation from the standard: malocclusion, white color, soft or longer hair, sharp muzzle, spots on the tongue, large ears, deep folds of skin throughout the body. For any of these defects the dog may be disqualified from participating in the exhibition.

History of the origin of the breed

The homeland of “skinny” Asians is China. They appeared there around the year 200 and even then had the outlines of a modern representative of the breed. That is, for many years they have practically not changed. Many modern researchers doubt the antiquity of Shar Peis and question the history of their origin. However, ancient Chinese statues are clear evidence that they appeared more than 2 thousand years ago.

The local population used them as labor, to protect the territory, as shepherds and even in battles. Until the advent of the People's Republic of China, representatives of this breed served people of different social strata.

Their numbers remained unchanged for many years, however, during the “Great Leap Forward” period, famine raged in China, more than 40 million people died, and the Shar Peis were almost completely destroyed. During this period, people survived as best they could, eating everything they could eat, including pets.

If it weren't for dog breeder Matgo Lowe, the Sharpev might not exist today. He managed to take a small number of individuals to Hong Kong, and then transport them to the USA. It was in America that Shar-Peis got a second chance. In 1991, American cynology recognized the breed and gave it the status of a member of the sports group.

What should a novice trainer remember?

To prevent training from turning into torture, you need to consider a few more points:

  1. Any workout can be made easier. To do this, you need to take your pet for a good walk in advance. A tired, running dog will be less distracted. This means the effect will be greater. According to experienced owners, active walking makes working with the animal several times easier.
  2. Each command is spoken only once. They cannot be duplicated. The dog quickly grasps, if he understands that the owner can repeat the same thing several times, then he will stop performing the technique the first time.
  3. There must be pauses between teams. When practicing, for example, “near”, “lie down”, “fetch”, you need to give the dog time to take a breath. 5-10 seconds will be enough. If you do not pause, the dog may simply become confused.
  4. It's important to change the sequence. During training, it is better to practice all techniques separately. If the dog gets used to doing everything in order, nothing good will come of it in the end. Unless he develops a reflex. That, for example, after “to me” you need to “sit.” The dog must master commands in any sequence.
  5. You cannot overload your student. Too intense training can harm your four-legged friend. We must always keep in mind that a dog is a living creature. She may have some pain. Or not being in the mood to study.

An already trained dog is able to perfectly carry out commands under any conditions. But we must keep in mind that your pet may get tired.

  1. Sometimes students, like ordinary schoolchildren, “run away from class.” They may be distracted by a nearby cat or other dog. This can be avoided if you are more careful about exposure. Train her on a long leash. This will allow you to catch up with the “mischievous person”, even if he runs fast. A leash with a carabiner for 3-5 meters is suitable. Often such a leash is just needed for endurance and training to pick up “goodies” from the floor.
  2. “Mass” training is not allowed. Only the dog's owner should act as a trainer. The dog must obey all family members. And pets must master the basic principles of raising an animal. But at the training itself there are only two people: the owner and his pupil. Otherwise, the dog will be constantly distracted.
  3. Sometimes during training it is worth pausing. It happens that the dog looks scared. He follows commands, but seems to doubt the correctness of his actions. The reason is usually that the owner was too strict and overdid the load. In such cases, you need to get the dog to fulfill the simplest command for him, and then generously praise him. More than usually. The dog, seeing that the owner approves of him, will begin to perform the exercises better. You can even play with the dog or take it for a walk.
  4. To develop the ideal execution of techniques, they need to be studied systematically, gradually. It is necessary to teach your pet to follow commands in any conditions. Start with perfect obedience in a calm place, gradually adding “stimulants”. They can be created artificially. For example, scattering treats. Or invite a friend to walk past your training place at a certain time. You can come up with “irritants” yourself or read reviews from experienced owners.


Shar Peis are true highly cultured Asians. This is a very intelligent breed, with well-developed intuition and charisma. Training them is difficult, but possible. If you put in enough effort, you can achieve excellent results.

The Shar Pei's working background is manifested in its immense love for its owner. They are ready to do anything to earn a person's approval. By nature, these animals are friendly, balanced and calm. But in case of danger, they can show character. Aggression is not typical for Shar Peis.

Proud and unapproachable, Shar-Peis look very cute when playing with children. They are true friends and loyal comrades. He will never harm a child and would rather expose himself to harm than the baby. With very young children, the representative of the Asian world is careful; if the situation gets out of control, he will prefer to quietly and unnoticed leave.


Negative qualities include:

  • Aggression;
  • The desire for dominance;
  • Specific diseases.

The inherent instincts of a fighter and a guard sometimes manifest themselves in aggressive behavior. Feeling threatened, the dog is capable of biting. Without training, a dog can turn into a dangerous animal. Males show aggression towards other dogs. The spirit of competition makes you bully your opponents, get into fights, and mark territory.

These dogs are willful. They love to lead. The owner's reputation does not always matter. The puppy will turn into an obedient pet if it is trained right away. Training must be timely. A deficiency in the behavior of an adult animal cannot be corrected.

Shar Pei is prone to genetic and other diseases. Often there is a problem with the skin. The owner must take care of the skin folds on the animal's body. They are regularly inspected and cleaned, otherwise diaper rash will appear due to sweat and dirt. The breed is prone to allergies. An allergic reaction usually occurs to care products or food. It is sometimes difficult for an owner to choose food for a pet. The Shar Pei is not a long-livers; the average life expectancy is 10 years.

Character and temperament

Shar Peis are incredibly open and friendly, they are the guardians of the home. They are ready to do anything for their owner. With strangers they are withdrawn and suspicious. Quite often they perceive strangers as a potential threat and danger. Consequently, having met a guest, the Shar Pei will closely monitor him and will instantly come to the defense of the family if he gives even the slightest reason or shows aggression.

The Shar Pei is selflessly devoted to his family. For him, his person is the center of the universe. If it is necessary to give his life for him, he will do it without delay or hesitation. They have been used as guards and protectors for many years. Despite their harmless appearance, they are quite capable of causing serious injury. It is important to remember that belligerence is in their blood.

This breed accepts children of any age correctly. They enjoy spending time with them, taking part in games and not allowing them to get into trouble. You can call them nannies and leave your children with them.

Despite the outstanding breed qualities, the loyalty of the Shar Pei must be earned. Once you become a leader, you will receive the full spectrum of love, devotion and unquestioning obedience.

Shar Peis thrive in urban environments and are not bothered by cramped apartments. However, it should be remembered that from an excess of energy they can be destructive. They need long walks and active physical activity.

What you need to know before parenting

Shar Peis are dogs that will happily become leaders themselves. Before you begin raising and training your pet, you need to develop authority. The owner must ensure that the Shar Pei fulfills the requirements. You cannot retreat and allow the dog to become “over-stubborn.”

A specific place for the toilet, sleeping, forbidden areas for the puppy - all this must be strictly observed.

The sweet appearance of the little Shar Pei, of course, contributes to excessive softness and affection on the part of the owner and his family, but it is worth remembering: a cunning puppy will definitely use any weakness to its advantage.

Is it suitable for living in an apartment?

It doesn't just fit, it can't live on the street. Aviary keeping, a booth, a chain are not for Shar-Peis. Only a warm room. Short hair and delicate skin make Shar Peis vulnerable to both cold and heat.

Caring for Shar-Peis is not difficult, and keeping them in an apartment does not cause problems: this breed does not need much space, they do not shed, and they do not tend to make noise.

Morning and evening walks compensate for the dog's sedentary lifestyle during the day.

Good or evil, how to treat children

The attitude towards “friends” and “strangers” is radically different: in the family circle the dog is relaxed, friendly, ready to play and be naughty. He is wary of strangers, analyzing a possible threat. When provoked, it will show aggression: do not forget - Shar Peis are guards and watchmen.

The attitude towards children who were already in the family when the Shar Pei appeared is excellent. The baby perceives the child as part of the family and is ready to endure a lot.

If a child is born while a Shar Pei lives in the family, difficulties begin. The pet refuses to understand that the new, screaming creature is also a family. It takes a long time to get used to it. The Shar Pei will keep such a child at a distance, not allowing him to invade personal boundaries.

Shar-Peis do not have problems with older children if you explain to teenagers simple rules: do not make sudden movements, do not cause pain, respect the pet’s personal space.

Education and training

Shar Peis are distinguished by their intelligence and intelligence. The presence of the fighter gene allows an adult to be taught not only standard commands, but also more complex ones. It all depends on how you see your pet in the future. It is also important not to forget about socialization.

Education is a complex and time-consuming process, especially if the owner of a Shar Pei is a novice dog breeder. At any moment, the pet can become stubborn and refuse to follow commands. At the same time, they very quickly absorb the given material.

Raising a puppy should begin in early childhood. From three months you can start your first training sessions. By mastering simple commands, the Shar Pei learns obedience. It is important to gradually accustom him to physical activity, games and long walks. If you introduce a Shar Pei to a cat as a puppy, then in the future the adult will not react sharply to them while walking.

Self-control and strength of character will help you overcome the difficult temperament of the Shar Pei. As soon as he understands who is boss in the house, parenting will become much easier. Dog handlers strongly discourage the use of violence or aggression during training. The dog must feel dominance, only then will there be results.

Who to choose - a boy or a girl?

When choosing the gender of a puppy, you should understand that, despite the common features inherent in both male and female Shar Peis, they also have some differences.

Thus, girls are more attached to home, they are more obedient and better amenable to training, and have more developed security and watchdog instincts. Apart from the inconveniences associated with mood swings and changes in behavior that are provoked by the biannual heat cycle, female dogs do not cause problems.

Males are permanently in a state of heat and react violently to all females in heat throughout the year. They are also more stubborn, independent, and more likely to show aggression towards other dogs.


There are plans for the dog to participate in breeding the breed; you should buy a female.

Physical exercise

The Shar Pei is not an idle dog; it does not tolerate laziness. She needs constant physical activity and exercise. In its structure it is quite heavy and tends to be overweight. It is very important to maintain balance.

You need to walk two to three times a day, the terrain should be different: grass, asphalt, pebbles, sand. A variety of structures under the paws will help the Shar Pei to properly grind its claws and maintain its muscular corset in shape. But jogging, jumping and active play in the company of other dogs are also important. Regular walks with the dog correct behavioral skills.

You should not walk your dog for a long time on hot summer days. It should be remembered that Asians have thick, folded skin that warms up quickly. That is, they can get heatstroke. For walks in the heat, it is better to choose a place near a pond.

How to choose a puppy

A few simple tips will help you choose a healthy purebred puppy. It's worth adopting a baby who:

  • active behavior;
  • blue tongue;
  • ears and eyes are clean;
  • no limp or visible defects;
  • square head;
  • wet nose;
  • there is no soft growth on the abdomen (umbilical hernia);
  • The fur is shiny.

It is better to adopt a puppy at the age of 2 months, when he is already able to feed on his own. A small Shar Pei should be well-fed and of medium size (no need to take the smallest or largest puppy in the litter). This applies to purebred representatives of the breed; if we are talking about mestizos, the result cannot be predicted in advance.

Shar Pei mix

Some breeders pass off crossbreeds as designer breeds, often selling them at an inflated price. The buyer must remember that it will not be possible to participate in exhibitions and breeding with a mixed breed.

Here are some examples of Shar Pei crosses:

  1. Shar Pei and Labrador mixes stand out for their unusual appearance. They are usually similar in size and color to Labrador retrievers, but are covered in folds.
  2. The Basset Pei is a cross between the Basset Hound and the Shar Pei. Cute dogs with small ears, expressive eyes and folds on the muzzle. They are active, independent, balanced, but wary of strangers. They have an excellent sense of smell.
  3. The German Shar Pei is a cross between the Shar Pei and the German Shepherd. Outwardly it resembles a large Shar-Pei with the coloring of a shepherd. There may be folds on the muzzle, erect ears, and an elongated muzzle. Most likely, the hybrid will turn out to be loyal, intelligent, and distrustful.
  4. It is almost impossible to predict what a cross between a Shar Pei and a mongrel will look like. It will probably be a medium-sized dog with a fairly large muzzle.

In general, it is difficult to predict anything with 100% certainty when it comes to mestizos. Breeders believe that crossbreeds inherit the best qualities from both parents, but the opposite effect can also occur. Such dogs may ultimately turn out to be aggressive, hysterical, and uncontrollable. Among the positive characteristics of mestizos, it is worth highlighting resistance to disease and extraordinary appearance. In any case, a purebred dog is more predictable.

Child in the house

Children are different, so it is extremely difficult to answer the question of how Chinese pets get along with children. With adequate parents, and, accordingly, children, sharpeis become full members of the family. They are friendly, sociable, and love active games.

In conditions of complete trust, the “skinny” Asian will take care of the children, organize their leisure time and control their behavior. If necessary, protect from danger and prevent accidents. In short, such a dog may well become a kind of nanny.

If the dog appeared in the house long before the birth of the child, there is no need to worry too much; Shar-Peis do not have canine jealousy. They will easily accept a new member into their family and will eagerly help you raise your baby. Many children learn to walk by holding on to the lumpy folds and strong back of their four-legged friend.

Communication between children and their “skinny” friend will be touching and touching.

Care and maintenance

Many people believe that due to their very short coat, the Shar Pei requires virtually no grooming. However, this is not quite true. It is not the fur that needs care, but the folds. They constantly accumulate harmful bacteria, dust and dirt. Lack of proper care can lead to quite serious dermatitis, irritation and even allergies.

The folds must be wiped several times a day with a special lotion or ordinary boiled water. If, despite daily care, you notice signs of inflammation, you should immediately seek help from a veterinarian.

The eyes, thanks to the same folds, also need care. You need to constantly monitor their cleanliness and clean them when they become dirty. The same goes for the ears.

If it is not possible to grind the claws down naturally, then they should be trimmed about 3 times a month or as they grow back. Bath at least once a week, paying special attention to folds; in summer, you can bathe more often. To avoid problems with the ear canals, the ears are plugged with cotton swabs during bathing. Shampoo for water treatments is selected according to your skin type; it is important not to overdry it. In winter, dry with a hairdryer.

Shar Pei dog - reviews about the breed

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11/13/2020 at 07:55


I have owned this breed for 3 years. The description of the breed is completely correct. As for allergies, I’ll say right away: no!!! We feed dry Dok Chow in the middle price category. We started giving treats a year ago, fruits, cheese, beef bones and everything is great) And about the ears, yes, there are problems, you need to keep an eye on it, clean it once a week at least, if you do everything on time, then there will be no problems. She was toilet trained right away, first in a diaper, and when it was time to go outside, in 4 days she learned that she had to be patient, and in 3 weeks she became completely tolerant. Watchdog qualities are 5 out of 5, just no alarm is needed)) He will never bark for no reason. She is arrogant in her own right, she plays only with those who are interesting to her, in our case big dogs, she doesn’t accept small ones at all. The psyche is stable, something that in childhood was taught to do things well by teams. But as they say in the description of the breed, he will think first. Just like a philosopher dog)) Not particularly playful. Fully adapts to the lifestyle of the owners. We sleep until 10 and so does she, we sleep until 12 and so does she)) Lives with a cat. She loves children, but like all Shar Pei breeds, she can’t be petted. you have to ask her))

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  • affectionate
  • they know how to cheer you up

My bitch is Funcheza, or simply Fenya. She is already 8 years old. But a lady with such a character, wow. She won’t let anyone down, she catastrophically cannot tolerate cats, which is why she has gotten into trouble many times =) It can be terribly harmful. Mastino Neapolitan will not offend anyone with his friend, with whom he grew up together (3 times more than her).

I love her very much, and I think that she is a good friend and protector.

By the way, Shar Pei puppies are a miracle, small, all folded, blind and with a purple tongue =))


Lord, show me these people who wrote all this nonsense? The Shar Pei is really not an easy dog ​​to feed, but if you initially follow what can be given to the dog and what is not, problems will not arise and allergies will not arise either. Yes, regarding the skinny mouth and wallowing in poop, show me dogs that don’t do this. We have 40 varieties of dogs in the park and they are all trying to pick up something and eat it. In general, I don’t believe in protecting families and children. My Glafira won’t even let her grandmother near the children if she hasn’t seen her for 3 months next to the children. And friends can feed her all evening from the table, and when they go to bed she will lie next to them, so that they cannot even get up since everyone else is sleeping.) Regarding health, the dog is weak, although it is considered one of the founders of all dog breeds. He suffers with his ears because they look like those of a fold-eared cat. Regarding training, I would like to send you a video where we carry out basic commands. Yes, the biggest drawback is self-will. He may go for a walk with other dogs without permission, but after 5 minutes he comes to his senses and runs back. I have had many dogs and this is the same responsibility as with children, you need to study, educate and prepare for the appearance of any dog ​​in the house. Study the food, the timing of walks, weigh the pros and cons and only after that buy your friend. For the dignity of Shar-Peis, that they don’t chew anything at home like other dogs. You know, there’s a saying around among dog breeders: “If you want to renovate your apartment, get a Labrador, he’ll help you rip off half the apartment.” I’ve also heard about shepherds and huskies. Our dog didn’t chew anything and walked on film at 3 months without any problems until we couldn’t go for walks. Yes, I heard that males of this breed are impudent and need to be put in their place often. But you must agree that you also have to put children, friends and employees in the wrong place.

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