Advocate drops for cats: reviews, instructions for use

For every cat lover, a real headache is all kinds of ectoparasites (external parasites) - fleas, ear mites, and so on. You can get rid of them using a variety of drugs, from shampoo to tablets, but Advocate drops are considered one of the best remedies.

  • 2 Indications for use
  • 3 Instructions for use

    3.1 Safety precautions

  • 4 Contraindications and side effects
  • 5 Interaction with other drugs
  • 6 Advantages and disadvantages of the drug Advocate
  • 7 Table: analogues
  • 8 Reviews about the use of drops
  • general description

    Advocate is an easy-to-use drug. The fact is that it is produced in the form of drops intended for external use. Drops of spot-on are applied to the withers. To get rid of parasitic insects or prevent their appearance, you do not need to try to feed the animal tablets or pour in a suspension, just drip the solution onto the skin. The procedure is painless and takes only a couple of minutes.

    The medicinal liquid is packaged in disposable polymer pipettes, from which it can be easily squeezed out. The manufacturer produces pipettes for cats in two versions:

    • 0.4 ml are intended for pets weighing up to 4 kg;
    • 0.8 ml are intended for animals weighing from 4 to 8 kg.

    When purchasing, be sure to pay attention to the volume of pipettes and the information indicated on the packaging. If the medication is used for other purposes, it can cause toxic poisoning, so be careful.

    The antiparasitic should be stored at a temperature not exceeding 30C, but freezing should not be allowed. For storage, you should choose a dark place away from direct sunlight. Do not forget that the drug contains toxic components. For this reason, it should be kept away from feed and food.

    How does poisoning manifest in a cat?

    It is very important to notice in time that the cat has licked the flea drops.

    The following symptoms should alert the owner:

    • the cat refuses its usual and favorite food;
    • diarrhea begins;
    • the cat constantly drinks water;
    • the animal loses orientation in space, cannot group itself for a jump, it staggers, skids;
    • salivation increases;
    • The animal's pupils dilate.

    Symptoms can be expressed in different ways, it all depends on how much insecticide enters the body. Of course, you don’t have to be afraid of a fatal outcome - in the worst case, the fluffy will lick only a few drops.

    It is worth distinguishing between the symptoms of intoxication and allergies. Individual intolerance may occur when using a new drug. It is expressed in lacrimation, redness of the skin, and the appearance of bald patches at the site of application.

    To reduce the likelihood of poisoning and allergies, you should give preference to medications from trusted companies.

    Composition and properties

    The wide spectrum of action of Advocate drops is due to the combination of two active components - moxidectin and imidacloprid. They differ in chemical properties, but both substances negatively affect arthropod receptors. As a result, there is a disruption in the transmission of nerve impulses, which inevitably leads to paralysis and death of the parasites.

    When using the medicine in large doses, the active substances may partially accumulate in the body of animals. If the dose is not exceeded, Advocate does not cause mutations and does not suppress the immune system.


    The price of drops for dogs Advocate may vary slightly, depending on the volume of the pipette. So, for one pipette for treating dogs weighing 4-10 kg, you need to pay from 450 to 550 rubles.

    The same amount of product for animals weighing from 10 to 25 kg will cost the buyer 520-600 rubles. For a pipette with a volume of 4 ml, you will have to pay about 700 rubles. In addition, the price depends on the region where the vet is located. pharmacy.

    Where to buy Lawyer drops for dogs?

    Advocate drops for dogs are sold not only in any veterinary pharmacies and clinics, but also in online stores.

    Before purchasing a product, you should ask for a quality certificate and carefully study the expiration dates and instructions.

    Advocate drops are the safest and most effective preventive and therapeutic agent. Its use guarantees complete protection against attacks by ticks and fleas, and prevents the appearance of helminths.

    When to use

    According to the instructions for use, Advocate drops are used for cats with the following parasites:

    • fleas;
    • scabies mites;
    • lice eaters.

    The drug can be effectively used to protect the animal from the parasitic insects listed above, that is, to prevent infection. An antiparasitic agent is used to treat and prevent helminthic infestations caused by nematodes. The active components do not affect tapeworms, so the drug can be used for treatment only after testing and determining the type of helminths. If the medication is used for prophylactic purposes, additional medications against cestodes may be required.

    Advocate drops are also used to prevent a dangerous disease - dirofilariasis. With this pathology, worms parasitize the heart and pose a mortal danger to the animal. The medicine affects only the larvae of microfilariae, the causative agent of the disease. The drug is not effective against sexually mature individuals, therefore it is used exclusively for prophylactic purposes. Not suitable for the treatment of dirofilariasis.

    Note! Advocate can be used in complex therapy in the treatment of allergic dermatitis caused by fleas.

    Table: analogues

    Drug nameActive substancesRelease formIndications for useSafety of usePrice
    Bars Forte
    • fipronil;
    • diflubenzuron;
    • citronella essential oil
    Solution in pipettes
    • the appearance of lice, fleas, lice-eaters;
    • damage by sarcoptic and ixodid ticks;
    • desire to prevent parasite attacks
    Safe for the animalFrom 200 rubles
    • fipronil;
    • moxidectin
    • the appearance of ticks, fleas, lice, lice;
    • helminth damage;
    • infection with other parasites
    SafelyFrom 300 rubles
    • fipronil;
    • permethrin
    Solution in ampoules
    • infestation by various types of ticks;
    • the appearance of fleas, lice, and other parasites
    Moderately dangerousFrom 80 rubles
    • fipronil
    • the appearance of fleas, lice, and other parasites;
    • infestation by any type of tick
    SafelyFrom 450 rubles

    Dosage and procedure for use

    To correctly calculate the dose of the drug, you need to know the weight of the animal. The instructions indicate that the dose of Advocate for cats should be as follows:

    • for animals weighing up to 4 kg, a 0.4 ml pipette will be required;
    • for pets weighing from 4 to 8 kg, you need to use a 0.8 ml pipette at a time.

    If the medicine is used for small kittens, it is allowed to apply not the entire pipette, but the minimum dose should not be less than 0.1 ml per 1 kg of weight. If the cat's weight exceeds 8 kg, a combination of pipettes must be used. To calculate the required amount of medicinal solution in this case, for each kilogram of mass you need to take 0.1 ml.

    If Advocate drops are used for medicinal purposes, they are applied once. If the main purpose of use is prevention, then the procedure should be repeated monthly. The same regimen for using the drug is also used in cases where there is a high risk of developing dirofilariasis. To ensure reliable protection, you need to use the medication while mosquitoes are flying.

    Note! If Advocate is used to treat otodectosis, it is applied to the withers. Do not instill medicine into the ear canals. If the pathology is accompanied by inflammation, antibacterial agents are additionally used.

    The drug is easy to apply. You need to follow a simple algorithm:

    1. Unscrew the cap on the pipette.
    2. Turn the lid over and pierce the protective membrane with the reverse side.
    3. Gently part the fur at the withers and apply the medicine. It is important that the drops get on the skin and not on the fur.

    If Lawyer is used to kill fleas, the animal’s habitat must be additionally treated with special means. Otherwise, re-infection may occur.

    Is poisoning from flea drops dangerous?

    It is difficult to say for sure what will happen if a cat licks flea drops. It all depends on the amount of insecticide ingested, the animal’s body weight, its immunity, and age.

    If a small amount of poison gets ingested, the pet will get off with a slight illness; if it gets into a serious amount, it will result in severe poisoning.

    A healthy young cat may not feel symptoms of intoxication, but a sick, old or, conversely, too young cat will lie down for several hours or even days.

    Directions for use and precautions

    In order for the use of drops to be effective and safe, the following rules should be followed:

    1. Do not apply the drug to wet or damaged skin.
    2. After treatment, the pet cannot be bathed for 4 days, even with the use of special shampoos, since the active ingredients will be washed off and will not affect the parasites.
    3. It is strictly forbidden to combine the application of the medicine with other antiparasitic agents.
    4. The drops should be applied in places that the pet cannot reach.
    5. If several animals are being treated at the same time, they should be isolated from each other until the solution dries. Otherwise, they may lick the medicine off each other, and the drug should not be allowed to get inside.

    After applying Advocate drops, the animal should not be petted for 24 hours. During this period, it is worth isolating your pet from small children. If the medicine gets on the skin or mucous membranes, you should immediately rinse them with clean water. If allergies occur, consult a doctor.


    “Advocate” drops on the withers are strictly forbidden to be used by sick, emaciated, severely weakened animals, cats whose weight is less than one kilogram. The insecticide-acaricide should not be used on small kittens under ten weeks of age.

    Pregnant and lactating cats should be treated with caution and only under the supervision of a veterinarian to avoid the development of severe complications.

    After therapeutic or preventive treatment, you should not allow your pet to come into contact with other animals. You should not bathe your furry pet for seven days after the company’s action to destroy ecto- and endoparasites.

    Pregnant cats are treated against ectoparasites under the supervision of a veterinarian

    To prevent a decrease in effectiveness, Advocate is not prescribed together with drugs that contain macrocyclic lactones.

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    Limitations and side effects

    Advocate drops should not be used for cats in the following cases:

    • if age less than 9 weeks;
    • during the recovery period after serious illnesses and operations;
    • for infectious pathologies;
    • if there is intolerance to the components (allergic reactions occur).

    It is better not to use the drug for pregnant and lactating females. If there is an urgent need for this, the procedure should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor. If the animal has acute or chronic diseases of the heart, liver or kidneys, consultation with a veterinarian is necessary.

    Animals usually tolerate the medication without problems. Sometimes vomiting, skin irritation, lack of appetite or depression occur. If the medicine is accidentally ingested, vomiting or stomach upset may occur. The drug may cause disruptions in the functioning of the nervous system. They are manifested by impaired coordination of movements, apathy and mood swings.

    What should you pay attention to?

    Advocate drops should not be combined with medications containing macrocyclic lactones. Do not apply multiple antiparasitic agents at the same time. Make sure that the dog does not lick the drug or chew the pipette. If this happens, take her to the veterinary clinic immediately.

    Advocate is a moderately dangerous drug. Therefore, a person must take precautions when working with it. Do not eat, drink or smoke while opening the pipette. After the procedure, wash your hands with soap. Dispose of any remaining packaging immediately.

    Owner reviews

    Larisa, owner of a 5-year-old cat:

    “We used Advocate to treat otodectosis. And although the price of the drug is high, the money is well spent. We managed to get rid of scabies ear mites and prevent infection of a young cat who was in our foster home. Among the advantages I would like to note is the ease of use. There is no need to torture the animal or put drops into injured ears.”

    Tatyana, owner of 4 cats:

    “There used to be three cats in my house, or rather 2 cats and a cat. I periodically carry out prevention of the appearance of external and internal parasites, so there have been no problems. I recently adopted another cat from the shelter. At home I noticed that she was constantly itching. I bought Advocate drops at the pharmacy. Already on the second day she stopped itching intensely. The medicine has a strong pungent odor and after application for the first 2 hours Lucy was very lethargic, but after a while she came to her senses on her own.”


    Advocate Tick Drops may cause overdose if the dosage is increased. Let's list its symptoms:

    • oppression;
    • dilated pupils;
    • muscle tremors;
    • excessive salivation.

    We recommend reading: Causes of bloating in a cat, main symptoms and treatment for the animal

    If such symptoms occur, the drug should be washed off thoroughly using a detergent.

    It is possible to defeat parasites!

    Antiparasitic Complex® - Reliable and safe removal of parasites in 21 days!

    • The composition includes only natural ingredients;
    • Does not cause side effects;
    • Absolutely safe;
    • Protects the liver, heart, lungs, stomach, skin from parasites;
    • Removes waste products of parasites from the body.
    • Effectively destroys most types of helminths in 21 days.

    There is now a preferential program for free packaging. Read expert opinion.

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