How to survive the death of a beloved dog: advice from a psychologist, priest, reviews from people

  • 28.01.2017
  • Animals, Dogs, Articles, Explanatory

This article doesn't have a fancy introduction. I would like to avoid empty phrases about what a four-legged friend meant in the life of a loving owner. How to survive the death of a dog or help loved ones who find themselves in a similar situation? The materials in the article are based on the work of psychology professor Fyodor Vasilyuk and the experience of dog breeders who also experienced the death of their pets. We really hope that our advice will help you.

Why is it so difficult to cope with the death of a dog?

This happens due to excessive closeness between the owner and the pet. It often happens to older people whose children live separately and have no one else. Thus, the dog becomes an object of care and care, in a sense, a support for the person. It is thanks to a dog that a person lives, he wants to return home and live for someone.

Why is it very difficult to cope with the death of a dog:

  • If the family is large, then despite the huge number of members, strong grief may be felt, as well as the grief of loss. This is also due to excessive stress between the pet and the owner. This especially happens if the dog and the owner are compatible in character; they understand each other very well.
  • Many people wonder why people kill animals so much. After all, it’s just a dog, you can get a new one. However, everything is not as simple as it seems. The emotions from the death of an animal are practically no different from those when a loved one dies.
  • Exactly the same phases occur that a person faces after death. Depression, apathy, and some inhibition in action may appear. In order to cope with the death of a dog, you need to occupy yourself with something else.

The dog is sick

“We are responsible for those we have tamed”

Even if you carefully monitor your pet’s health, care for it, feed it properly, regularly vaccinate it and treat it on time, you need to understand that a dog’s life is shorter than a person’s life, and sooner or later the owner will have to endure the death of a pet.

Such tests do not always go smoothly and painlessly for the owner and his family.

What to do after the death of a dog?

First of all, you need to get rid of all paraphernalia that reminds you of your pet. These are collars, leashes, bowls, beds and clothes. Absolutely everything that belonged to the dog must be thrown away.

What to do after the death of a dog:

  • It is worth organizing a funeral, crying a little at the grave. Under no circumstances should you adopt a new pet at the initial stage. Usually a month after death, denial occurs; the person cannot cope with the bitterness of loss, so he tries in every possible way to fill the void. It is for this reason that he may purchase a new pet.
  • Under no circumstances should this be done, since you will expect the same character traits and behavior from the new animal as the deceased. The new dog does not have to conform or satisfy your wishes.
  • Therefore, hold off on purchasing a new dog. It is necessary to try to spend more time outside the home and limit your social circle to friends and acquaintances. Try not to communicate with people with whom you walk their dogs.
  • Because they will often ask and talk about pets, thereby causing severe pain. Oddly enough, the pain of loss finally goes away after a year. Therefore, at the initial stage there will be depression, non-acceptance, a phase of denial. Often a person blames himself for the death of a pet.

The dog is sad

I feel out of place

The loss of a pet is especially difficult for lonely people. Their whole day was scheduled according to a plan that included walking the dog, buying food, eating, and socializing. A difficult life period when losing a pet is complicated for the owner by the fact that those around him do not share the experiences and consider them exaggerated.

Unshared grief aggravates suffering, a person feels out of place, nothing makes him happy, he doesn’t want anything. He is completely immersed in memories and experiences sadness, melancholy, even despair.

How to stop blaming yourself for the death of your dog?

Advice from psychologists will help you cope with grief. Children cope better with the death of a pet. This is due to the mobility of the child’s psyche, and a rich emotional and inner world. Children move away very quickly, because with the emotions of grief and sadness come new, more joyful emotions. With adults, everything happens, exactly the opposite; some people, attached to their pets, can suffer for months or even about a year.

How to stop blaming yourself for your dog's death:

  • Cry. Tears are cleansing, they wash away fatigue and reduce depression. Thus, there is no need to suppress emotional instability and bitterness of loss. This is a natural outburst of emotions that will help you calm down.
  • Never blame yourself for the dog's death. In order to get rid of feelings of guilt, you need to accept yourself as you are, and understand that every person is prone to making mistakes.


A piece of paper hanging on the fence

The next important stage of the search is print ads .

“Ideally, the ad should contain a photograph of the animal, a description of the area where it was lost, a nickname, and appearance features (this is especially true for mongrels; such a dog is more difficult to identify). Tear-off pieces of paper with telephone numbers should have the inscription “lost dog”, maybe again a mini photo of the animal, because people can rip off a lot of advertisements and forget what the number is. You need to hang them literally everywhere - entrances, bus stops, shops. Distribute to dog lovers and neighbors,” advises Anastasia Shukaeva , who worked for a long time as a volunteer at one of the Moscow animal shelters.

Anastasia Shukaeva, volunteer at one of the Moscow animal shelters. Photo:

Should I offer a reward in my ad? That's a moot point. “It seems to me that it is desirable,” says Anastasia Shukaeva. – Somehow people are more willing to pay attention and look around if they offered money for the dog. I was lucky, though, the people who found the animal themselves refused the reward.” “The issue of remuneration is always personal, sometimes it’s motivation so as not to pass by,” confirms Oksana Dubinina.

Yes, you can become a victim of ransomware. If active people call you demanding money for information, you need to make sure in any case that the dog has actually been found. It is also necessary to avoid the wording “reward for any information” in advertisements. Any information can be news - yesterday I saw a similar dog running through the window.

“In our country there are a huge number of dogs whose owners will never give any money when they call with an offer to buy a dog, so a stable business based on single advertisements with the promise of a reward cannot grow. But there are, of course, “empty” and outright fraudulent calls, when you understand that your interlocutors want to get money for false information about a missing dog. And if the extortionists managed to get money in this way once, they may “get excited” about the idea, explains Oksana Dubinina. – Therefore, record conversations with a voice recorder, make an appointment to make sure that everything is okay with the dog. Call the police in advance - if you hand over money for the dog, you can detain the extortionist. This is, of course, the ideal option. As a last resort, I would ask my friends for help in such a situation, and it would be better if they were dog-loving friends.”

How to survive the death of a beloved dog: advice from a priest

If a person is lonely, you need to find some kind of hobby, go on a trip, visit, or do things that have been put off for a long time. It could be some boring routine work that is very exhausting. Thus, there is practically no strength left; the person has no time to think about the death of the pet.

How to survive the death of a beloved dog, advice from a priest:

  • If you feel that it is very difficult to cope with the bitterness of loss, do not hesitate to contact specialists. This could be a psychotherapist or psychologist. No self-respecting doctor will say that it is just an animal and there is no need to worry. He will provide you with the help you need.
  • A clergyman will also help you cope with the loss. Feel free to come to church, light a candle for the dog, peace of mind. Tell the priest about your loss. It will help you deal with mental anguish, calm you down, and perhaps after visiting the temple it will become much easier.
  • The clergy call for humility and calm, so you need to try to think less about the dog and fill the void with something. After all, a large amount of free time provokes unnecessary thoughts about the dog.


He was my friend

People, having lost their beloved dog, which was very old or suffered from an extremely serious illness, experience various negative emotions. In one case, they are “killed” because it seems to them that life is over, they begin to torment themselves with thoughts about where they made a mistake, why they did not choose the time to visit the veterinary clinic.

In another, suffering from loss and realizing that they are painfully missing a pet, they understand that they did everything in their power, but age or illness did not provide a chance for a successful outcome. However, they understand that this is the end of the pet’s severe suffering.

Both types of behavior described are united by a feeling of loss and a person’s poor condition. Everyone understands that they need to survive this somehow, but they don’t know how. In reality, everything is not so simple...

How to console and encourage a person who has lost a dog: words of support

In most cases, psychologists recommend getting a new dog six months after the death of a pet. Moreover, it is best to take a pet from a shelter or the street. The fact is that these dogs are the most grateful, intelligent and understand the value of living in good conditions. This dog will be grateful to you for the rest of its life. We recommend not purchasing a dog so that it does not become an expensive purchase. First of all, it must be a friend to whom one feels affection and love. Most often this happens with yard dogs or dogs from a shelter.

In this way, it will be possible to brighten up the bitterness of loss; the two pets will be identified with something common, a totality. This heals the bitterness of loss, which is very good for the child. Be sure to try to think less about the dog, don’t dwell on death and don’t blame yourself. This often happens if the dog had to be euthanized due to a serious illness. You need to console yourself and understand that the opportunity to put your pet to sleep is a real gift. After all, people with cancer die in terrible pain, without the possibility of an easy death. Therefore, think about the good, and that the dog lived a carefree, happy life in comfortable conditions.


If one of your friends' dog died, you need to sympathize.

How to console and encourage a person who has lost a dog, words of support:

  • I'm sorry for your loss, you were very close.
  • They say that animals end up on the rainbow and wait for their owners.
  • I'm very sorry, maybe I can help with something?

It’s better not to remind the animal about the death at all and just try to distract the person. Invite him to the movies or on vacation.

Don't say:

  • The dog suffered, but now everything is fine with him.
  • How much trouble you brought, now at least you can rest.
  • Don't be upset, you'll get a new one.

These expressions are the height of tactlessness.


How to get rid of the feeling of guilt about euthanasia

How to place kittens in good hands: tips

The dog does not always die on its own. Unfortunately, there are cases when the owner has to make a difficult decision about euthanasia. Of course, every owner hopes to the last that the dog will be helped, it will be cured and everything will be as before. Many inexperienced owners sometimes do not understand how an animal suffers when it cannot even express its pain in words. However, in such cases it is necessary to show a certain composure and make the right decision about euthanasia.

Important! If there is even a minimal chance that the pet will survive, euthanasia should not even be considered.

In severe cases, a similar procedure is performed and the pet dies quietly in its sleep. The owner cannot always come to terms with this, but psychologists recommend reassuring yourself that this was the only right choice.

Euthanasia is sometimes a necessary procedure

When a dog dies, what does it take with it: signs

It’s not for nothing that a dog is considered man’s best friend. There are a lot of signs associated with her life, as well as her death. It is believed that pets can absorb all the negativity that is in the family or directed at the owners. Therefore, if a dog died suddenly, it was an accidental death from poisoning, or an accident on the road, then someone wished you harm, and the dog took it upon itself. In this way, the dog saves its owner from negative consequences.

When a dog dies, what signs does it take with it?

  • If it was death from old age, the dog had a happy life, absorbed all the negativity, but at the same time there was none left in the house. Such a death is considered a favorable outcome and does not promise anything bad.
  • In addition, it is necessary to pay attention to how the dog died. If, as a result of a very serious illness, I suffered greatly from cancer, then there is a lot of trouble and negative energy in this house. It is best to invite a priest to bless the home.
  • It is worth contacting a healer to work on a person’s aura and help remove damage and the evil eye. A dog is a kind of absorber of negative energy that is constantly in the house.
  • It is also necessary to pay attention to where exactly the dog died. If death occurred on the threshold, or in a booth, then one must expect troubles that will come from outside. It will be a stranger who will bring bad news or hurt you and your family.

Junk food

How can loved ones help during the shock stage?

Close people will always support you in grief, so you should not isolate yourself. Relatives will listen and try to help. However, sometimes it happens that they simply do not understand the situation and believe that it is just an animal, so they should not suffer like that.

In such cases, you can try to explain to them what the pet meant to the owner. If this does not work out, then it is better to refuse to communicate with such people.

Often the owner is lost and does not know what to do if the dog dies. In this case, close relatives are recommended to help bury the pet and carry out the necessary procedures.

How to survive the death of a beloved dog: advice and reviews from people

There are a lot of reviews from owners who have lost their dogs. They know better than anyone how to cope with the death of a beloved pet.

How to survive the death of a beloved dog, advice and reviews from people:

Olga, owner of a bull terrier . I loved my dog ​​very much, when she became seriously ill, she had to make a decision whether to euthanize her or not. I agreed because I could no longer watch the torment of my beloved baby. After my death, I blamed myself for a long time for agreeing to the procedure. More than a year has passed, now the emotions have subsided, I got myself a new pet, and I don’t regret it one bit.

Maria, owner of a Pekingese. When my Mickey died of old age, I immediately got a new dog. To be honest, I was not quite ready for the new character and stubbornness of the animal. Initially, I projected and expected that the new dog would behave like the deceased one. Of course, puppies are different, but this one turned out to be very active, playful and characterful. At first I was a little discouraged and not very happy. I didn’t give the dog to friends, and decided to take care of it myself. I’m very glad, although my Lizzie doesn’t look much like Mickey, she’s no worse. This is a different dog, with a different character, with its own shortcomings and advantages.

Oleg, owner of a Yorkshire terrier . My Nika died after giving birth due to lack of calcium. Unfortunately, the doctors were unable to save him. But there was no time to kill himself; there were only 4 puppies left in his arms. I fed him with a syringe and warmed him up with a heating pad. I left one baby for myself. He reproached himself for calling the doctor at the wrong time; the dog could have survived.

Initially, experts recommend preparing yourself for the death of a dog. On average, a dog lives 13-15 years, so you need to be prepared for the fact that you will outlive your pet. Under no circumstances should you be upset. If you have a child, it is recommended to get another dog after the pet turns 8-9 years old.

Social networks and public support

Photo from the site
In parallel with announcements in yards, information about a missing dog or cat must be disseminated on the Internet. You need to use social networks and help groups , as well as personally contact animal lovers. “The wider the audience reach, the better the result. Miracles, but this method works great! – notes Anastasia Shukaeva. “According to my observations, the most effective activities are posting advertisements “on the ground” and reposting them online.”

An irreplaceable resource of our time is social networks and specialized websites. For example:


Remember that “ask marketing” is very important on social networks. Ask for help correctly! Be sure to include in your messages a large, high-quality photo of your dog and complete information about the loss. Be sure to ask your friends to repost and spread your request.

Also, notes Anastasia Shukaeva, there is a possibility that the animal was caught and then sent to a shelter. Call the shelters and ask first about the dates of capture - if it agrees, then ask in more detail.

Shelter volunteers are willing to help in the search , notes Anastasia. a Rottweiler assistance team, a “tax team” and other similar network groups) could help him

Keep your phone handy

Regardless of the circumstances, the first thing many people will do when they find a lost dog is check that pet's collar for tags and check the tags to see how to contact the owner. Many dog ​​ID tags allow owners to provide more than one phone number, which can increase your chances of contacting the good citizen who found your pet.

When you put an ID tag on your dog, you can also include your cell phone, landline, or your number and that of a family member. When your dog is missing, make sure your phone is always ringing so you will receive a phone call as soon as there are any new developments.

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