How long do pregnant pugs walk?
Childbirth in pugs - how it goes, how many puppies are born at home
If you do not plan to sterilize your female pug and want to breed these cute dogs, you
photo 34678798753
What can you feed an Akita Inu: natural food or artificial food + approximate diet for a week
What a pet eats determines its appearance, physical development, activity, health, and, in
Dog breeds: white German shepherd: photo, description, character traits and care rules + how to choose a puppy?
The White German Shepherd is considered a rather rare breed, which was practically unknown in the world for several decades.
Healthy dog ​​nose
What does a dry nose in a dog indicate and what to do about it?
A dog's nose is an amazing organ that allows the animal to subtly sense and distinguish smells. After all, the sense of smell
Aviary for Spitz
DIY aviary for small dogs in the apartment
Often breeders are faced with questions that they did not expect when acquiring that same family pet.
Why does a dog itch if there are no fleas: what to do, how and what to treat
If a dog itches a lot, most owners assume that small fleas are to blame.
Farmina contains all the vitamins, micro- and macroelements necessary for dogs
Dry cat food "Farmina" - reviews, features, types and composition
Dry cat food "Farmina" More than fifty years ago, a company was opened, which later
How to name a small breed girl dog: the best names for 2022
The connection between the name, character and fate of a pet has long become obvious to many breeders. They understand,
Chihuahua lost a tooth at age 5
Chihuahua teeth - when do puppies change, why teeth fall out in adult Chihuahuas
Due to the physiological characteristics of the jaw, Chihuahua dogs are predisposed to various anomalies of the dental system. Inconsistency
Dog's temperature
The dog is shaking, she does not drink, does not eat and almost does not walk
The article was finalized and certified by Dubovitsky Yuri Igorevich Veterinarian Ask a question to each owner though
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