DIY aviary for small dogs in the apartment

Often, breeders are faced with questions that they did not expect when purchasing that same family favorite - a puppy. One of these questions is where and how to buy an enclosure for small dogs in an apartment, what should it be like and what does it look like?

You might think that an enclosure is absolutely useless, but in fact, such a design can be very useful. Let's consider a number of issues related to the purchase and installation of an aviary in the house, as well as how to make it with your own hands.

Recommendations for location and application

This is the cage of your dreams! Now we just have to figure out where to put this structure. Agree, a do-it-yourself enclosure will not always fit harmoniously into the apartment and interior. However, there are several ways to disguise it.

  1. To keep the dog's enclosure from being conspicuous, you can design it as a small table or cabinet. To do this, a custom-made countertop to match the interior is placed on the roof. However, this option is only suitable for enclosures with a closed top. But in general it is not recommended to close the enclosure. Therefore, it is better to come up with another way to fit it into the interior.
  2. It’s good if there is a corner in the apartment where the aviary will fit without problems, will not interfere and will not spoil the appearance of the room.
  3. Mesh enclosures without a roof can no longer be hidden so easily. But, if you manage to make it foldable, the easiest way is to remove it when not needed.

Where should the enclosure be located so that the dog feels comfortable in it?

  • Choose a place where your dog can see most of the apartment.
  • Avoid sunny places and drafts. The best option for placing the enclosure is one of the shaded corners of a large room.
  • Under no circumstances place the cage near a battery or household appliance.
  • The enclosure must be designed in such a way that it can be easily disassembled and transported or removed altogether.

And finally, it’s worth dwelling a little on the rules for using and training a dog in an enclosure. It is possible that the animal will not perceive it as something familiar the first time, so you cannot simply lock the dog in a cage.

  1. Start by letting the finished enclosure just sit in the room with the door open for some time. The dog must understand that he will not harm her.
  2. After some time, put your favorite toy or animal treat inside. It may not be right away, but the dog will still go inside for an attractive object. Be sure to praise her.
  3. After some time, involve the enclosure in games, that is, forcing the dog to bring a toy, periodically throw it into the cage.
  4. Next, training moves to a more complex level - the dog is taken into a crate and, praising it and treating it with treats, is kept in it. When the animal sits quietly in an open structure for more than 5 minutes, close the door briefly. When the dog is released again, it must be praised and treated.

A dog enclosure in an apartment and features of its use

The appearance of an animal in the house entails responsibility. Most often, dogs make their own adjustments to the interior of the premises. Moreover, such changes are not always positive. Experienced breeders recommend providing protection for wallpaper and furniture in the house in advance. To do this, you can inexpensively buy a dog enclosure for your apartment. This device will protect furnishings while the owner is away without harming the animal.

A plastic modular enclosure is very convenient because it can be easily dismantled or moved to another place

In what cases do experts recommend buying a dog enclosure?

An aviary installed in an apartment is suitable for dogs of any age. Such designs are used for puppies or adult animals of small breeds. They create a safe space for your pet, but only if the design is selected and installed correctly.

In what cases do breeders recommend buying a home enclosure for a dog:

  1. Buying a puppy.
  2. The period of pregnancy and lactation in an animal.
  3. Pet illness.
  4. Protection of furnishings and decorations on the walls.
  5. Safe keeping of an animal outdoors or in the country.
  6. The period of potty training a dog.

An aviary or cage for a dog is necessary to properly train the animal.

When a puppy arrives at a new home, it is subject to stress due to the absence of its mother and the change of place of residence. Often kids hide in the farthest corner and do not want to contact their new owners. In this case, the owner can buy an enclosure for the puppy in the apartment to ensure gradual adaptation to the new environment.

Helpful advice! It is advisable to buy a puppy enclosure for your apartment in advance, even before the dog gets into the house. In a stressful situation, children often go to the toilet in the corners of the room, and the presence of a fence can prevent this.

The possibilities of such designs are also useful in cases where a pregnant or nursing dog lives in the house. Being in this position, the animal especially needs peace. The enclosure will provide your pet with personal space.

Designs like these help isolate a sick dog. With the help of an enclosure, a comfortable and convenient area is created for the pet, where it will recuperate. In addition, the possibility of contact of a sick dog with family members and animals that are healthy is eliminated.

For a dog with puppies, it is better to purchase an enclosure with a threshold that an adult animal can step over or jump over.

If your dog has a habit of chewing the legs of wooden furniture, ruining shoes and tearing wallpaper, you can simply put him in an enclosure before leaving home for a long time. The fence will not allow the animal to wander around the apartment unattended. Small home structures will also come in handy when traveling. Modern stores have a wide range of products that allow you to inexpensively buy an enclosure for a dog, which can be used in the country or in nature, so that the animal does not get lost in an unfamiliar place.

Small breed dogs have difficulty litter box training. The fence will help the animal figure out where to go to the toilet without negatively affecting the psyche.

Using a dog crate in an apartment: design features

The enclosure is a checkered structure, usually without a roof. Various materials are used to make it, such as wood or plastic. However, it is preferable to buy a metal dog cage for your apartment. Inside there is a comfortable area with the necessary things.

If there are a large number of puppies in the house, an enclosure is necessary to keep the animals safe

The list of necessary things includes:

  • bowls with food and fresh water;
  • bedding to prevent the animal from freezing;
  • sleeping area;
  • toilet;
  • toys or bones to prevent the dog from getting bored.

There are several types of enclosures. Some designs are used temporarily, they are portable outdoor products, while others are suitable for comfortable placement of an animal for the whole day. For relaxation and outdoor games, it is enough to buy an enclosure for puppies in the apartment, enclosing 2-3 m². This size is considered standard for small animals.

The structure of the arena consists of several sections. These elements can be removed if necessary. Such enclosures quickly fold and unfold. If the cage is metal, it requires minimal maintenance. To keep the enclosure clean, it is enough to wipe it with a damp cloth from time to time. The structure can be installed in any convenient place in the apartment. For these purposes, a corner of the room or the space under the table in the hall can be used.

If the dimensions of the apartment allow it, it is better to purchase a larger enclosure to place bedding, bowls and, if necessary, a toilet inside the structure

Important! When arranging the space inside the enclosure, you must leave room for games. The inside of the enclosure should not be crowded.

How to choose and buy an enclosure for a dog in an apartment

Buying a home enclosure for a dog is a responsible process. First of all, you need to consider for what purpose the structure will be used. If the product will be used as a playpen for a nursing dog, it is better to choose options without a roof. The dimensional parameters of the enclosure must be such that an adult animal can independently enter inside, and the puppies do not crawl beyond its boundaries. Enclosures with fasteners on the walls are very easy to use. They are designed to hold bowls filled with food and water.

For temporary keeping of decorative breeds, the best option would be to purchase an enclosure for small dogs in an apartment in the form of an awning (tent). The frame of this design is made of lightweight plastic or metal pipes. The walls are formed by stretching the material between them - polyester. If the structure is portable (for transporting an animal), you need to make sure that it is functional, practical and reliable.

For large dog breeds, it is better to purchase an enclosure with a roof and a detachable door.

This easy-to-use product has:

  • fasteners in the form of Velcro or ties to secure the structure while relaxing outdoors;
  • detachable roof;
  • durable bottom;
  • pockets for storing bottles and other necessary items.

The most suitable option would be a modular enclosure for a small dog in the form of a cage. This design has a simple structure and can contain from 4 to 10 sections. These elements are connected to each other using screws or the groove connection method. For very small animals, you can purchase plastic structures.

Modular design will be convenient in the following cases:

  • isolation of a sick animal;
  • keeping a dog in heat or puppies;
  • raising aggressive animals that damage furniture or go to the toilet in the wrong place.

A folding aviary in the form of an awning tent is convenient for frequent travel with a dog

The walls of such enclosures are very durable. When properly designed, they fit well into the interior. For example, the structure can be disguised as a piece of furniture (table or cabinet). To do this, a tabletop is placed on the roof.

A good enclosure is easy to use; the structure can be easily folded and put away while the animal is not using it. For this reason, it is worth paying attention to practical prefabricated models.

Important! The enclosure is intended for the temporary stay of an animal. If the dog sits in it constantly, it will become aggressive and painful. This option for keeping an animal is unacceptable.

Start of the project

In a country house or private area there is always some space for a dog.

Drawing with dimensions of an enclosure for dogs

  • animal height up to 50 cm at the withers – 6 square meters. m;
  • from 50 to 60 cm – 8 sq. m;
  • above 65 cm at the withers – minimum 10 sq.m.

The minimum amount of space allows the dog to feel more or less comfortable in a limited space without much harm. When calculating the area, it is worth considering that a room that is too large will not only be expensive to build, but also extremely harmful for your pet, since it is very difficult to protect it from weather conditions. Next, you should find a level place to lay the foundation. The easiest way is to use a thin concrete screed as a base, which is usually used when building a garage. You should not place the building near the garden and plants. Excessive humidity will have a negative impact on the dog’s well-being, and the integrity of the plants may be at risk.

Why does a puppy need an enclosure?

In order for the puppy to quickly get used to his new home, it is recommended to purchase an enclosure for him. This will give the dog a private, limited space in which he will feel safe. The enclosure should contain:

  • bowls of food and water;
  • bedding on which the animal will rest;
  • favorite toys.

What is an aviary

For your information! An enclosure is a puppy’s own room in an apartment, where the owner and other pets do not enter.


The modern market for animal products offers a wide range of indoor enclosures. Among them there are soft mini-models for very small breeds, and reinforced designs for medium-sized pets. Classification of apartment fencing is made according to two main criteria: material of manufacture and shape of the structure. Each type has its own strengths and weaknesses, as well as a number of features, which will be discussed below.

By shape

The shape of enclosures can be very diverse. The most practical and common are rectangular structures, which are usually installed in the corner of the room and, unlike round samples, do not take up excess space. But round and polygonal playpens are convenient for installation in the middle of a large room: such structures do not distort the space and are easier to walk around.

By material

Home dog enclosures are made of metal, plastic, fabric and wood.

Plastic models are the lightest and most inexpensive. They have a composite design and consist of individual modules. This allows you to experiment with shape and size, assembling one large structure from several arenas or, conversely, dividing one enclosure into several separate ones. The advantages of plastic models include ease of assembly and ease of maintenance. Such models do not absorb moisture and can be treated with any detergent.

The disadvantages of plastic enclosures include too little weight, which is why even a not very large dog can easily move it. The way out of the situation is suction cups, which firmly fix the structure to the floor and do not allow it to move under the pressure of the animal. Another significant disadvantage of plastic playpens is the relative softness of the material, which is why it is not recommended to purchase models for puppies and dogs that chew things.

An aviary-tent with a metal frame is the most impractical type of fencing and is not suitable for permanent use. Such models are well suited as a temporary structure, for example, for going out into nature or to the country. The advantage of tent models is low cost, light weight, as well as ease of transportation and storage. The disadvantages include the tendency to quickly become dirty and absorb unpleasant odors. In addition, the most active dogs can easily chew through the fabric base and get out.

A metal folding enclosure is the best option for home fencing and is suitable for any dog. The model is a collapsible structure consisting of wire modules made in the form of a mesh. The advantages of this type are: long service life, resistance to chewing of metal rods and excellent hygienic characteristics. The fences are easy to clean with any liquid product and retain their attractive appearance for a long time. The disadvantages of metal structures include the inconvenience of transporting long sections and the likelihood of scratching the floor if the pet is too active and moves the enclosure.

Wooden models look very noble and harmonize perfectly with furniture and home design. The advantages of such playpens include an attractive appearance and a completely environmentally friendly design. Among the disadvantages are the risk of segments being chewed, a tendency to swell from excess moisture and high cost. In addition, the side panels are of one-piece construction and often do not fit into the trunk of a car.

What materials can enclosures for an apartment be made from?

You need to think in advance about what material the enclosure will be made of. Dog owners try to learn more in advance about the designs, the materials used to make them, the pros and cons, as well as the possibilities of independently reproducing the model they like. The materials from which fencing can be made are:


Metal apartment enclosures consist of several autonomous modules made of rods that are interconnected. The advantages of such structures are that they:

  • Collapsible, which means they can be quickly folded, unfolded, reduced or enlarged depending on the growth of the puppy.
  • They are easy to care for and do not absorb odors. It is enough to regularly wipe it with a damp cloth and disinfect it as necessary.
  • Durable.
  • Strong. They can be safely used outdoors.

Despite the large selection of finished products, dog lovers often make houses for their pets themselves, assemble enclosures or sew bedding. To create an aviary with your own hands you need to have:

  • Material for forming the frame. It is desirable that it be a construction mesh with rods, and not a chain-link mesh. Since the cells of the latter are mobile, they can move and harm the dog.
  • Metal rods or wood blocks to create support parts.
  • Wire and pliers.
  • Canopies on the doors and a couple of locks or latches.

It is worth considering that for puppies the sufficient height of the enclosure is 40-50 cm, for decorative dogs - at least 50-60 cm, and for larger dogs - about 1 m

The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  • First of all, it is necessary to outline the contours of the structure (let it be a parallelepiped). If the frame is metal, you need to connect the rods together using welding or wire; if it is wooden, we knock together the bars with nails or twist them with screws.
  • Cut pieces of the required size from the mesh, which will become the floor, walls and, if necessary, the roof of the structure. Fix the prepared parts on the frame.
  • The entire perimeter of the enclosure is closed, except for one section where it is planned to install a door. The door is attached to the main structure with wire and by installing canopies.
  • On the other hand, a latch is screwed onto the door, and loops are screwed onto the wall of the enclosure to secure the latch. That's it!

One of the options for creating an enclosure for an apartment is presented in the video below.

In the closed design model, a plywood sheet is placed on the floor. But before letting a dog into the enclosure, it is better to lay a dense but soft bedding on the floor.

It is advisable that the structure still does not have a roof, because... it can cause fear of enclosed spaces in a young dog.


The choice of plastic enclosures is huge - they come in a variety of shapes, sizes, colors, additional elements, etc.

Undeniable advantages of the designs:

  • Acceptable price.
  • Complete set of separate modules.
  • Easy to maintain.
  • Ease of installation.

Plastic models are lightweight and have several components. For many dog ​​owners, this is a great opportunity to show their imagination, experiment and create the most comfortable conditions for their pet. The fence can be divided into several sections or a couple of modules can be removed to expand the space, change the configuration of the enclosure and make it a stylish addition to the interior. And the fact that the products do not absorb odors and moisture, and a variety of detergents are suitable for them, only adds to their popularity.

But even such popular designs have their small disadvantages :

  • Firstly, plastic models must be used very carefully for doggies who like to try everything and chew things for fun. This is due to the relative softness of the material used.
  • Secondly, it is necessary to have suction cups that will firmly hold the enclosure attached to the floor, since this type of enclosure is very light in weight and any dog ​​will move the structure from its place without any problems.

If you make your own plastic fencing , you need to stock up on:

  • Profile pipe (round, rectangular or square).
  • Tee fittings for pipes of the appropriate configuration.
  • Scissors for cutting plastic pipes, corners.

We proceed according to the scheme:

  • We cut pieces from the pipe, the length of which is the height of the future enclosure, and small pieces of 5 cm to connect the lattice.
  • We use small tee fittings to connect to long pipes and get a finished section with a fence configuration.
  • We connect the resulting walls together with plastic corners.

True, you will have to think a little about the method of attaching the door, but the final result will definitely please you.

All buildings are made taking into account the size of the dog. Inside the structure, the animal must be able to sit, stand, lie down and walk freely


Wood products always look very attractive, and they are also environmentally friendly. But for cute dogs, the most important thing is not the aesthetic appearance of the fence that marks their territory, but the fact that these planks can be chewed. This does not mean that they are completely impractical. Animal owners just need to be very careful and make sure that the animal does not break off a sharp sliver of wood with its teeth and injure itself.

It is believed that well-processed and sanded softwood is excellent for such structures. Many people choose wooden enclosures because they consider the material “warmer”, more familiar, and easier to work with. After all, by analogy with metal structures, you can make your own wooden enclosure. To work you will need:

  • Bars, planks and plywood.
  • Ruler, screwdriver, saw, screws.
  • Canopies, latch or other latch, corners.

And it is best if, before starting work, a drawing, sketch or just a small sketch of the structure is made, which will indicate its dimensions and shape, and possibly its placement in the room. It is also necessary to prepare the wooden elements. They are impregnated with antiseptic impregnation (non-toxic) or a special varnish, which will provide good protection against rotting, mold or fungal attack.

And now - to the point:

  • We assemble the frame. This is easy to do using wooden blocks and connecting them together using corners, screws or self-tapping screws. Taking into account the breed and size of the dog, one or two walls can be “sewn up”, making them solid.
  • We install a kind of “fence”. To do this, we cut the planks of the same length, which is equal to the specified height of the structure, and simply attach them to the frame at the same distance from each other. Visually it is very reminiscent of a small fence. We assemble the remaining walls in the same way.
  • In a similar way, but as a separate element, we assemble the door.
  • Next, we fasten the resulting door and install locks on it for locking, and hinges on the wall in the appropriate place.

DIY aviary - ready! Now it remains to add some important little things so that you can safely let the dog into it:

  • Gender should not be ignored. It would be nice to make it like walls, only solid. If this is not possible, you can take a sheet of plywood, chipboard or a piece of linoleum, and put thick fabric on top.
  • It is important not to forget, when arranging the animal’s feeding area, about durable fastenings for bowls. Everyone knows that wood is highly susceptible to moisture, the structure is not so easy to dry, and it will begin to deteriorate very soon. Therefore, so that the dog, while playing around, does not turn over the bowls through carelessness or clumsiness, they must be securely fastened.

An apartment enclosure is the younger brother of an ordinary outdoor one and all the necessary conditions must be created in it: soft bedding, bowls, toys, a latrine (diaper, tray) and a place to rest

In the video you can see one of the options for creating a wooden enclosure with your own hands.


This material is well suited not only for floor equipment, as in the previous version, but also for creating a full-fledged apartment enclosure with durable walls. This type of fencing:

  • Suitable for small breed dogs or puppies.
  • It is easy to assemble.
  • Has a long service life.
  • Well washed, cleaned and disinfected.
  • Safe for the dog both in terms of manufacturing materials and during use (no splinters or other similar injuries).

And creating such a “miracle” is not at all difficult:

  • Chipboard slabs are cut in such a way that rectangles of the required height and length are obtained.
  • The resulting walls are connected by installing internal bars. Corners are installed on top of the structure for fixation.
  • Select a wall for the door.
  • Stepping back slightly from the corner of the structure by 2-3 hinges, secure the door and install the locking mechanism.

Everything is quite simple and fast. And these factors sometimes become decisive when choosing fences.


For many dog ​​owners, the ability to transport the enclosure and quickly install and dismantle it plays an important role. At the same time, they pay special attention to the strength of materials and the reliability of fasteners, because we are talking about the safety of their pets.

In this case we are talking about fabric enclosures made in the form of an awning tent. The frame of such products is made of durable plastic or lightweight metal (aluminum) pipes, the walls are made of polyester. For owners of babies such as Yorkies, Toys, Spitz or Chihuahuas, the designs described are simply a godsend, since their main advantages :

  • A light weight.
  • Waterproof floor.
  • Easy to assemble and disassemble.
  • Compact sizes.
  • Affordable price.
  • Convenience when traveling.

Of course, there were some drawbacks , although they are insignificant and fixable:

  • The need for regular washing.
  • Rapid wear of material with intensive use of the enclosure.

For those who decide to do their own tailoring, you should pay attention to a number of nuances:

  • It’s good if the roof comes off, it makes it much easier to keep an eye on the animal.
  • The bottom of the product can be reinforced to make it strong enough.
  • Special fasteners (ties, Velcro) will help securely secure the enclosure, thereby protecting the pet.
  • The presence of additional pockets for placing various small items, bottles and necessary accessories will greatly facilitate the care and maintenance of the dog.

For whatever purposes the enclosure is used (keeping, training or traveling to an exhibition), the dog cannot be closed for a long time or often, limiting its freedom. This can cause pain, loss of strength, or, conversely, cause aggressiveness.


It is rare to use thick cardboard to create enclosures for puppies and small breeds of dogs. Such designs are reminiscent of something from childhood, made with your own hands in labor lessons.

They are rarely used because they wear out quickly: they will have to be changed on average once a week. Plus, cardboard is easily susceptible to pets’ teeth, which can make it completely unusable in a matter of hours.

Tips for selection and placement

Before you purchase or make an aviary yourself, you need to decide on its future location

There are also several points that are important to consider:

  • There should be no heating devices (batteries) or various household appliances in the immediate vicinity of the structure.
  • The fence must be protected from direct sunlight and drafts. It is better if it is located in the back of a large room.
  • They try to position the structure so that the animal, while in it, can observe most of what is and is happening in the room.

When choosing a design, you must pay attention to its safety:

  • The manufacturing material must be harmless and in no way toxic.
  • There should be no protruding parts or elements with sharp corners on the frame, walls and doors of the fence.

If the dog's owners have not thought in advance where to put the enclosure, then, after its construction, they will have to look for a place to install the structure. And it’s not at all a fact that there will immediately be a place for it or that it will fit into the interior. And in this case there are several tips:

  1. The metal fence is made of mesh and does not have a roof. It is unlikely that such an enclosure can be camouflaged in any way. But if you take this into account in advance and make it foldable, there will be no problem. Just fold it and put it away for a while.
  2. A small enclosure with a roof. You don’t always want such a design to catch your eye, so you can decorate it under a cabinet or table. To do this, you need to select the appropriate tabletop and place it on the roof (the main thing is that the tabletop is not huge, heavy, or, in general, monumental).
  3. The easiest way is to try very hard and find a secluded corner in the apartment that is suitable for installing an enclosure, where no one will disturb the dog, and the fence will not be discordant with the interior.

Feasibility of purchase

A dog house for an apartment: tips for choosing

A playpen or enclosure for a dog is convenient to use for a number of reasons:

  • the animal gets used to its new home;
  • The puppy is toilet trained. This will protect the apartment from many puddles and wet diapers;
  • The dog is sick, so he needs privacy. It is important to protect it from noise, children, and domestic animals;
  • keep a small dog, such as a Chihuahua, safe by creating a comfortable zone for it where it cannot harm itself. Indeed, for dwarf breeds, even a fall from the sofa can result in injury;
  • protect furniture and wallpaper if the pet is too aggressive and likes to chew table legs or scratches the sofa upholstery;
  • create a personal space for a pregnant dog so that everything you need is within walking distance. And after the puppies were born, they did not crawl throughout the apartment.

Note! It is impossible to keep a dog locked up in a limited area for too long and too often. The animal may become embittered, its character will deteriorate, and it will stop listening to its owner.

Where to install?

It is better to install the playpen in the corner of the room, where it will not disturb anyone, and the dog can freely observe what is happening in the room. You should not place the playpen in areas where the sun hits, as the animal may overheat. The best place would be the corner or wall opposite the window with the radiator. It is advisable that the floor inside the fence is not bare: it is better to cover it with a blanket or lay a wooden base. The exception is playpens for dogs that relieve themselves in a diaper.

In such cases, the floor should be left bare, covering a small area with an absorbent blanket. This is necessary so that the dog clearly understands where it is possible to go to the toilet and where it is not, and does not stain a blanket that is not intended for this purpose. In addition, the location where the enclosure is installed should not be in a draft or near a working TV. This is especially true for the placement of a playpen for dogs of small breeds, which, due to their more mobile psyche, will experience greater emotional stress from too loud a sound.

For a review of the dog enclosure, watch the following video.

Photo gallery

Photo 1. The cage is decorated as a table Photo 2. Puppies in an enclosure Photo 3. Convenient metal enclosure

Photo 4. Aviary-cage for dogs

Photo 5. Original apartment aviary

Photo 6. Retriever in an enclosure

Buy or make it yourself?

Ready-made dog beds and houses can surprise you with their variety of shapes and sizes. You can buy the most unusual models, delighting your pet.

Or you can make a house or bed yourself. Which option should I choose? The financial side of the matter decides a lot here. You can make it yourself from available materials without significant financial investments. And buying a bed always entails material costs. But when buying in a store, the purchase is made quickly, without wasting time.

Owner's choice. But a homemade dog bed will become a real work of art if you want to please your four-legged pet! With a little effort and some imagination, you can easily build simple-to-make houses and beds that you would never buy in a store.

Options for an apartment

When living in a city apartment, it is enough to choose a dog bed made of thick fabric. After all, urban conditions provide a fairly comfortable existence for our pets. You can pamper him, especially if this dog is a decorative breed. For example, cute pillows will create additional comfort.

Dog beds can be made from several types of fabric, which makes them more attractive.

For an apartment, you can only equip a dog bed. This will be her personal place where she will feel as relaxed and comfortable as possible.

Arrangement of space in a private house

However, additional dog beds may be required on site. This will provide her with the opportunity to relax in other places. This means it will add pleasure to being in nature.

You can buy ready-made options. Or you can work with your own hands: it’s not too difficult to make the following interesting and comfortable dog beds!

Thanks to a well-thought-out bed option, the dog will be provided with a comfortable time in nature. Please your pet, create a cozy and beautiful place for him to fully relax!

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How to choose?

Before you buy a dog playpen, you need to decide what functions it will perform. So, for a whelping dog and its offspring, you should choose a model with a height of no more than 70 cm, not equipped with a lid. This height will make it easy to remove puppies from the playpen when cleaning and quickly change soiled diapers. It is also necessary to ensure that the walls of the enclosure are equipped with fastening elements that hold cups for food and drink. This will eliminate the risk of children knocking them over and will help maintain order inside the fence.

To temporarily house an animal, you can get by with a fabric playpen on a frame base. Such models are very inexpensive and easy to carry. If a playpen is chosen for a small breed dog and it is planned to be used as a permanent structure, then you can choose a plastic structure with a height of at least 40 cm. Small dogs, as a rule, do not chew things and feel great in such a playpen.

When purchasing a model for a medium-sized dog, you need to choose enclosures with a wall height of at least 80 cm. Such products, as a rule, are equipped with side doors that allow the dog to go outside on his own. For overly active pets, it is recommended to buy models with a tray. Otherwise, there is a possibility that the dog will travel around the apartment along with the enclosure, easily moving the frame in the desired direction.

If the enclosure is chosen for a decorative dog, such as a Yorkshire terrier or a Chihuahua, then an expensive wooden model that will fit perfectly into any interior would be a good option.

Options for purchased enclosures

Different types of enclosure designs are suitable for different breeds. They can be bought ready-made in specialized stores; such enclosures are designed for maximum convenience for small residents. Most models can be installed anywhere in the apartment and moved as needed.

For small dogs of miniature breeds, it is enough to buy an enclosure-playpen without a roof. This type of fence with mesh or transparent walls is also perfect for newly born puppies. The mother will be able to move around the house freely and see the offspring from afar, and the puppies will not be able to leave the playpen.

For small dogs, compact enclosures without a lid are suitable.

The aviary-cage is closed not only on the sides, but also on the top; it is chosen for a short stay of dogs of medium-sized breeds, for transportation, and representatives of small breeds are placed in such an aviary for permanent residence. You definitely need to install a toilet, lay down a soft mattress or diaper, mount fixtures and install bowls for food and water in them, put your pet’s favorite toys so that he feels comfortable.

The pet should be comfortable in the enclosure


  1. It is better to lay a large piece of linoleum under the enclosure: let the edges look outside the house, but at the same time they are tightly attached to the walls - this way you will save the floor from urine and damage. Under no circumstances should you make a floor out of multiple pieces of any material. As soon as the puppies discover the junction, and this will happen quickly, they will wet themselves with delight and immediately begin to chew on it.

If the room is poorly heated, then it is better to insulate the enclosure. Place a piece of insulation or a padding polyester blanket under the linoleum.

While the puppies are small, you can put a diaper (or newspapers) on the linoleum and a foam mat on top. It will let moisture in, but will remain dry itself. This way, the puppies will always have dry bedding, and their paws will not slip on such a surface. The rug is easy to wash, dries very quickly, does not absorb odors and retains its good appearance for a long time.

Comfortable enclosure

The enclosure should contain more than just the animal’s bedding and bowls. It is important that there is room for free movement and play. The dog should feel comfortable, it is bad when a limited space restricts its movements.

Note! It is better that bowls, especially those with water, are attached to the wall. By running and jumping, the dog can knock them over and stain everything around.

Bowls are secured in a spacious enclosure

DIY dog enclosure materials

If you are building a permanent rather than temporary enclosure, it is important to protect your dog from wind and weather. First of all, you need to build a good back wall of the enclosure. The following materials are suitable for it:

  • Monolithic concrete;
  • Brick;
  • Cinder block;
  • Wooden shield.

Open walls are best made from metal rods rather than mesh. Even though the rods are more expensive, they will last much longer. The net can be installed for a small dog, but this option is not suitable for a large one.

For the floor, the ideal solution would be boards coated with a special wood primer. Concrete floor is not the best solution. Firstly, it is cold, and secondly, the dog can damage its paw on it. If you make a concrete floor, be sure to lay a wooden floor on top. You need to spend enough time installing a wooden floor to avoid cracks, protruding knots and other things.

Important! Do not place boards directly on the ground. The tree will quickly rot and you will have to do everything again. The best option is to make a stand and waterproof the soil using roofing felt.

The best option is to make a stand and waterproof the soil using roofing material.

Regarding the roof, it can be made from any material that does not allow water to pass through. Corrugated sheets, slate, tiles can cope with this. The main thing is that the roof is sloped to avoid stagnation of water.

Construction process

First of all, you need a drawing. Don’t be upset if you don’t have architectural skills, just place it on a piece of paper where the booth, feeder and the platform itself will be located. Remember that the enclosure should have three conditionally separated zones - a resting area, feeding and walking, where the dog can simply play. But even knowing this, it is quite difficult to understand how to make an enclosure for a dog with your own hands.

Therefore, we provide a description of the step-by-step process. If you have already chosen a location, purchased materials and drawn a drawing, you can begin construction:

  • First, you need to pour the foundation. This is necessary to ensure that the walls do not deform and the soil does not sag.
  • When the foundation is in place, you can begin welding the frame if the enclosure is metal or building walls if it is brick.
  • If the enclosure is made of wood, then it is advisable to make the frame metal, but the lining is made of wood.
  • Whatever you choose, one of the sides of the future structure should be made of rods so that the dog has a clear view. Don't forget about the gate! Whatever it is, there is an important nuance - it should always open inward.
  • When the frame is ready and installed, you can start working on the floor.

As we said above, concrete is the worst option, although it is the most common. In winter, the dog will be cold, as a result of which it can easily get sick. The best choice is wooden floors, but they will need to be constantly treated with an antiseptic. Another option is to simply fill the floor of the enclosure with crushed stone and sand. True, until such masonry is compacted, it will not be very convenient. Especially cleaning up after the dog. The roof can be made from ordinary corrugated sheets, slate and even fabric material. It is enough to weld the frame and stretch the fabric. The option is, of course, the most affordable, but it is not known whether such a roof will withstand strong winds and heavy snow. Therefore, it is better to overpay a little, but build a roof from something more substantial.

Is it possible not to build?

In fact, you can buy a dog enclosure and thereby avoid all the subtleties. This will of course be more expensive, but if you don’t have time or don’t want to bother, you can go the easy way. All you have to do is assemble and install it. And if you still decide to build an enclosure for a dog with your own hands, then look at the photo below.

Detailed construction stage in this video.

How to accustom an animal to an enclosure

The animal must be accustomed to the enclosure gradually. First, just open the door and show the playpen to the dog, let him know about its existence and understand that he can enter there. Then, during the game, throw your pet’s toy there and ask him to bring it. When the dog completes the task, you must praise him.

Important! Under no circumstances should you scold an animal if it refuses to obey, or force the dog every day to be in the enclosure, to which it will gradually become accustomed.

You can go in there with your dog and spend some time and then close the door. For the first time, it is enough if the dog spends about 5 minutes there. The main thing is that she doesn’t get scared. Rush in training will only alert the animal and you will have to start all over again. Soon it will understand that it is safe in an indoor pen, and will remain there for as long as the owner needs.

An enclosure for a dog in an apartment should be equipped with comfort, because this is the pet’s room where he should spend time with pleasure. Therefore, you need to take care of choosing a place for the playpen and making sure that the dog is comfortable there.


A guard dog, regardless of its breed and location, needs an enclosure that will be considered its personal corner. The owner can make such a space for a pet independently or purchase a ready-made structure. There are hundreds of models on sale, from which you can choose the best option.

To make your dog’s enclosure as comfortable as possible, you need to study its features.

  • If the pet is constantly kept outdoors, the pen must be carefully protected from adverse weather conditions: wind, rain, snow and hail. Equipped blank walls will help protect the animal from precipitation; in frosty winters, the lattice wall should be additionally covered with an awning.
  • A warm booth should be placed inside the enclosure. Even if the dog lives in an apartment, the pen should still have a sleeping place.
  • The parameters of the enclosure are calculated based on the dimensions of the animal. The minimum area is 4 square meters.
  • The design provides for convenient maintenance. A person should be able to clean the premises and feed the animal without difficulty. To do this, you should take care of the equipped flush. It consists of an inclined floor with holes through which water will drain into the soil.
  • Sufficient height to be positioned at human height will ensure ease of cleaning the pen and communicating with your pet.
  • The pen must be dry so that the dog does not get sick.
  • The kennel should not only keep warm in bad weather, but also match the size of the dog. The height of the side at the entrance to the kennel of at least 25 cm can ensure heat retention.
  • The area for walking the animal should be spacious. The minimum dimensions are 2 square meters.
  • The roof is located above the walking compartment so that the dog does not get its paws dirty while walking.
  • Pen doors should be equipped in such a way that they open inwards and can be pressed against the wall surface.
  • We must not forget about lighting, which will allow feeding and walking the animal in the dark.
  • Due to the simple locking mechanism, which is reliable, it will be possible to ensure the necessary level of safety for the animal and others.
  • Wood elements should be easily replaced, because the floor will begin to rot in any case. To increase the service life of the floor surface, you can use anti-rot impregnation and raise the boards above the ground.

Made of wood

You can build an aviary with your own hands and from wood. For some, this material is more familiar than metal, and therefore the work will be easier. The dimensions of the cage are determined as in the case of a metal room. The scheme is developed based on data about the dimensions of the dog, its age, and the purposes for which the structure will be used.

To make a wooden enclosure, we will need wooden blocks, narrow boards, corners, screws, a screwdriver, canopies, plywood, a saw and locking mechanisms.

Construction instructions

So, all the materials are at hand, the dimensions of the cage have been determined - it’s time to start making an aviary with your own hands!

  1. Just as in the previous case, you first need to create a frame from bars. We connect them using small corners and self-tapping screws.
  2. Then, having cut the boards to the required length, we begin to create walls from them. We just screw them to the frame at some distance from each other to make something like a fence. This is how we decorate all the walls.
  3. We make the door separately - onto the frame, which we create from thin boards, and also nail down clearly measured and sawn boards.
  4. We attach the door to the resulting cage using awnings, attach locks to the door, and locking loops to the cage.
  5. Voila! – the dog’s cage is ready!

Tips and tricks

Since cutting wood material produces a lot of sawdust, it is more convenient to carry out construction work outside or by removing the carpet from the room.

  • The floor is made solid, unlike the walls or roof. It is also covered with soft cloth.
  • Don’t forget about fastenings for cups – they are especially important in a wooden enclosure. A dog, playing around, can turn over a bowl of water, and wood is a material that quickly deteriorates from moisture. In order for a structure made with your own hands to serve for a long time, it should be exposed to water as little as possible.
  • To speed up and facilitate the process of building an enclosure at home, you can make one wall from a single sheet of plywood.

Seedling fencing

One of the problems of keeping dogs in the countryside and outside the city is that they love to dig up flower beds and garden beds. The first option for protecting your garden from dogs is to build an enclosure for your pet, thereby isolating it from other areas. The second is to create a fence around places where the appearance of a dog is undesirable. Creating a fence is not a cheap undertaking. If the area of ​​the garden or flower bed is large, you will have to spend a lot of materials, since the structure will need to be very well secured. Along with this, you won’t get away with a wooden fence, since dogs love to chew on everything, including wood and even plastic. Here are the options to solve the problem:

  1. A wooden frame with a fine metal mesh is suitable for protecting seedlings from small and some medium-sized breeds of dogs. The design will withstand the pressure of a dog weighing up to 20 kg.

  2. Plastic fencing is a great option for medium to large dogs. The material is cheap and has good mechanical characteristics; at the same time, it is difficult to chew.

For the largest breeds there is no other option than creating a high iron fence with partitions. Here are some useful tips for creating a garden in your country house:

  1. If you want to build a fence for dogs yourself, then do not forget that the structure should not have dangerous sharp corners, otherwise the pet may accidentally get hurt.
  2. Also, the fence must be deepened into the soil, since dogs dig.
  3. There should not be much open space in the fence so that the dog cannot stick its muzzle inside it.

Calculation of dimensions and design features

The size of the structure is determined depending on the number of living pets, the height of their withers, and gender. To keep two dogs or a female with puppies, the enclosure will have to be increased by 1.5 times. The width of the structure should be one and a half times the length of the dog, but not less than 150 cm. The height can also be determined experimentally. To do this, the dog must be raised on its hind legs, measure the distance from the floor to the end of the outstretched front legs, add 20-50 cm to the resulting measurements. The length is determined depending on the area and width of the building.

The table below shows area standards for different sized pets.

Type of dogsWithers height, cmOptimal enclosure area, m2Booth dimensions, cmManhole dimensions, cm
Little ones< 50< 67055603040
Average50 – 606-1011575803550
Large> 60>10135100954060

For small breed dogs

Small breed dogs, for example, pug, dachshund, Basenji, Klee Kai, etc., are classified as pets that live in the house. If they stay outside for a long time, they can get sick, or even worse, die. The enclosure for these pets is used exclusively for preventive purposes and for the entertainment of their four-legged companion. The booth in the structure can be replaced with flooring, where the dog could rest. When arranging the site, the following points are taken into account:

  • The building area does not exceed 6 m2. If it is larger, the animal will begin to experience discomfort and fear.
  • The height of the walls is determined empirically, but in most cases 1.5 m is sufficient.
  • The optimal size of the structure, determined by professional dog handlers, is 2x3 m.
  • You can do without a roof and provide partial coverage. Small dogs should not be exposed to rain or bright sunshine.
  • A small mattress is suitable as a bed.
  • The fence is made of wood and metal and has 2 or 3 closed walls.
  • The floor is only wooden.

For medium breed dogs

Medium breeds include the White Swiss Shepherd, Bull Terrier, English Bulldog, and others. They are free to live outside the home. For their comfortable living, it is enough to equip a permanent site. It must have a booth, an area for eating, and useful space. The aviary must meet certain requirements:

  • The total area is from 6 to 10 m2. With lower values, the dog will feel cramped.
  • The height of the partitions is within 2-2.5 m.
  • The optimal size of the pen is 3x3 m; other models are possible, depending on the length of the dog.
  • If the building is planned to be used all year round, then the floor covering is made of wood and an additional layer of insulation is provided.
  • Slate is used as roofing material.
  • Brickwork and natural wood are used for the walls, one of them is left open.

For large breed dogs

Large dogs include Great Dane, Caucasian Shepherd Dog, English Mastiff, Bully Cutta, and other breeds. Large dogs simply cannot live at home, they do not like confined spaces, they need freedom. In a cramped room, a pet develops anger and aggression, which can lead to sad consequences both for the owner himself and for guests or loved ones. When setting up an enclosure, it is worth remembering:

  • The area of ​​the pen must exceed 10 m2. Large dogs love space.
  • The height of the walls varies from 2.5 to 3.5 meters.
  • The size is calculated individually, it can be 3x4 m, 4x4 m, or more. When 2 individuals live, the area increases by 1.5 times.
  • The remaining parameters are similar to those discussed above. The enclosure should have a large warm booth, an insulated wooden floor, laid on a concrete base.
  • The iron bars must be reinforced so that a large pet cannot damage them.
  • At least one north side must be closed.

Features for puppies

Usually puppies are raised by a bitch. For these purposes, an enlarged capital enclosure is provided, divided into several functional zones. It will be equipped with a separate room, fenced on all sides. Essentially, a simple pen made from standard materials is used. In it, kids adapt to their future life.

For small breeds of dogs, small temporary structures are specially purchased and made with your own hands, which allow you to protect inquisitive pets from moving around the apartment or house. They are needed for the initial training of a dog. For a comfortable stay for the puppy, they will be equipped with:

  • a place to sleep;
  • eating area;
  • a tray for dealing with natural needs;
  • various toys that contribute to the development of the baby.

Why do you need an apartment aviary?

An enclosure is a special structure for animals, including dogs, in which they can stay for some time. Depending on its purpose, it can be made of metal, boards, and may or may not have a roof and other parts. Usually this structure is built with your own hands from metal mesh and wood.

We are used to the idea that only street dogs can live in enclosures, but this is not true. Sometimes he appears in the apartment. But if it is needed on the street to protect guests from dogs, then why is it needed at home?

An aviary or cage may be needed if:

  • you got a small breed puppy and are afraid of harming him;
  • you are a breeder, your dog’s puppies have already grown up and are running around the apartment;
  • your pet likes to chew on things in your absence;
  • guests often come to you, but the dog does not know how to behave with them;
  • the dog is sick, but you also have other animals, and the enclosure will help eliminate contact between them;
  • you are training your dog to go to the toilet in a diaper or in a litter tray.

By the way, the video below explains how to choose an enclosure for a dog.

We make it with our own hands

In order not to spend extra money, you can make an apartment aviary with your own hands at home. The main thing is to choose the right location, size and material.

As for the sizes, they are selected individually depending on the size of the dog.

  1. For a small puppy, a design with a height of 40 cm and an area of ​​0.5 square meters is suitable.
  2. For small breeds, indoor houses are made up to 80 cm in height with an area of ​​2.5 square meters (if the apartment is large).
  3. It is not recommended to make a home smaller than 0.5 m square, since the pet requires free space, and you also need to place a bowl of food, a toilet, a sleeping place and toys in the enclosure.

If you decide to make a home for your pet with your own hands, we suggest that you read the instructions that will make the task easier.

We offer options for manufacturing the two most common types of structures for keeping dogs in an apartment.

From the grid

Tools and materials

  • Soft metal mesh;
  • metal rods;
  • wire or welding machine;
  • pliers:
  • hinges for doors.

Step-by-step instruction

To make your pet a home from a mesh with your own hands, you need:

  1. Create a frame from rods of the shape you want to get the final version (the most common is a quadrangle).
  2. Cover the frame with mesh.
  3. At the corners, connect the mesh with the rods using wire, pieces of which are first broken with pliers, or use welding.
  4. Place one of the four walls on removable hinges - this will be a door.
  5. Cover the floor with thick fabric.
  6. Place toys, a blanket (bed), toilet, and bowl inside.

In the video, the owner will show you how to set up an enclosure yourself.

Tools and materials

  • Wooden planks and slats;
  • file;
  • centimeter;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • hinges for doors.

Step-by-step instruction

To make a wooden house with your own hands, you need:

  1. Cut the slats to the required size (depending on the size of the animal) and knock down the frame (you should get a cube) using self-tapping screws.
  2. Cut the planks to the required height and nail them close to each other around the entire perimeter of the frame (so that the pet does not get stuck).
  3. Using the same principle, make a door and place it on hinges on one of the four walls.
  4. Cover the floor with thick fabric.
  5. Place toys, a blanket (bed), toilet, and bowl inside.

Video “We make an aviary ourselves”

The video shows how to make a six-section enclosure for a dog with your own hands.

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