The cat plays lying on the floor
Cryptorchidism in cats: physiology of the phenomenon and the need for castration
Cryptorchidism in cats is the absence of one (unilateral cryptorchidism) or both (bilateral cryptorchidism) testes.
'Butterfly Rabbits' width="600
Butterfly is an unpretentious breed of rabbit. Overview of characteristics and content rules
Butterfly rabbits are in great demand among farmers. The main difference from other types is the unusual
Hound dog breeds boys
2000+ most popular nicknames for Russian hounds boys and girls
Hound dogs are a large group of hunting dog breeds. Representatives of these breeds are capable of following
The most expensive dog breeds in the world: don’t have 100 rubles, but have...
Anyone who needs a four-legged friend can choose a puppy from the shelter for free. Here's a pet
Treatment of a German Shepherd with hind leg failure: a review of possible pathologies and preventive measures
German Shepherds are some of the smartest and most loyal dogs in the world, delighting their
British golden chinchilla photo
Golden chinchilla - what is this rare color of cats?
The gorgeous golden color of these cats and their soft plush coat are eye-catching. For those who are interested
Molting in budgies, how to understand that a parrot is molting
Many novice owners of budgerigars, when they first encounter molting in their pets,
Homeland England
English Bulldog - history, description and characteristics of the breed
England has become the birthplace of many famous dog breeds that have gained popularity among dog breeders around the world. More
Why does a dog need a mustache, and why is it never recommended to cut it?
Whiskers or vibrissae? First, let's understand the terminology. After all, the organ that is usually called
Different types and sewing of a carrier bag for a cat with your own hands
In the article we told you how to make a cat carrier with your own hands, what materials are needed,
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