Shar Pei Mixes: Popular Pet Mixes and Similar Dog Breeds

There are many different crosses between the Shar Pei and other purebred animals. They all have a special character, individual external characteristics and genetic predispositions.

Even an experienced dog breeder may encounter difficulties when raising and training hybrid Shar Pei species. The top most common Shar Pei mestizos will help the future owner understand the intricacies of their characters and make the right choice.

What popular mestizos exist and what they look like in the photo

A mixed breed is not a purebred dog that is the result of crossing two other breeds . They usually cost a lot less than real dog breeds, but have an unusual appearance, and there is a risk of unpredictability in character.

Crossing with animals of other breeds did not spare the Shar Pei.

Currently, the most popular types of crossbreeds are::

  • With shepherds;
  • With chow chow;
  • With a basset hound;
  • With a cocker spaniel;
  • With a pit bull;
  • With Labrador;
  • With a boxer;
  • With Staffordshire Terrier;
  • With Alabai.

There are other varieties, but they are either less popular, or the offspring are so unpredictable that further breeding is not profitable, or even dangerous.

Chow-chow cross

This is the most popular Shar Pei mix, not only because it has an attractive appearance, but also because it is considered the most successful: the combination of dog genes has produced an independent but loyal dog, ideal for guard territories.

Externally, the crossbreed looks like a sharpei overgrown with fur, and looks very much like a bear . Since the sizes of both breeds are almost the same, the mestizo has not gone far in this regard. His maximum height is 53 cm, and his weight is about 20 kg.

The dog's personality is very similar to its parents..

She has developed guard potential, she is also very loyal to her owner, and non-aggressive. Basically, such dogs live on the street, because they got a thick undercoat from the chow chow, which means that temperature changes are not scary for the crossbreed.

Shepherd mix

The most common breed is a cross between the German Shepherd and the Shar Pei. Externally, the dog is similar to its Chinese parent - body structure, short hair, wide muzzle.

In terms of color, the “German” genes predominate; for the most part, such mestizos have zonal colors. This mixed breed is called the German Shar Pei.

A German Shepherd can also give a Shar Pei a sickle-shaped tail and erect ears.

By nature, the dog turns out to be quite smart and quick-witted . He is easy to train, he adapts to the person.

But at the same time, the dog can turn out to be very capricious and suspicious, for this reason, only a person of strong character who would cope with such a difficult mixed breed should be involved in training.

It is also almost no different in size from its parents. Height is on average 50-52 cm, and weight is 20-22 kg.

But there are mixed breeds with other shepherd dogs:

  • With a Caucasian Shepherd;
  • With an East European Shepherd;
  • With a Central Asian Shepherd.

They are much less popular due to genetic problems, and puppies can only be obtained from random mating.

With husky

Husky and Shar Pei mixed breeds have a very unusual appearance.

The sled dog genes are stronger in this case. The dog is reminiscent of a husky in character and appearance, with the difference that mestizos have much shorter hair and a poorly developed undercoat.

Such dogs have an eccentric character and need a lot of physical activity . However, with children they are patient and not aggressive. The crossbreed turns out to be intelligent, devoted to its owner and loving.

She also inherits the amazing husky eye color, which can also appear with heterochromia.

Since Shar Pei and Husky are approximately the same size, the dog turns out to be the same - of average height and weight.

The Shar Pei Husky is distinguished by great playfulness, sometimes it can be too much and this should be controlled and trained and educated in a timely manner.

With a boxer

This mestizo has a unique body structure.

At first glance, it may seem that this is a Shar Pei, but if you look closely, you will see that this is only what it seems..

The crossbreed has the very muscular build of a boxer and a tail that is not curled over the back, which, like a fighting dog, is sometimes docked. The muzzle and look of a mixed breed from a Shar Pei, with the difference that sometimes the ears can be larger.

These dogs are reddish in color, have a black mask on the muzzle, and sometimes there may be a white spot on the chest, like the Shar Pei.

By nature, Shar Pei Boxers are very friendly and loyal..

They become ideal guards. Children are treated with great love. There is little left of the Shar Pei in temperament, except perhaps pride and excessive suspicion of strangers. Metis is also medium in size.

With Staffordshire Terrier

This is not the most popular type of crossing, again due to the play of genes.

Such an animal may be friendly and affectionate at first, but after some time it will begin to show unmotivated aggression, including towards family members.

Only an experienced dog handler can correct the situation, but this does not always work.

This mixed breed resembles a Shar Pei only in childhood - with folds; as it grows up, its similarity to a Stafford intensifies. The dog is larger in weight than the Shar Pei, it is 30 kg, and its height remains the same - 48-50 cm.

The Shar Pei Stafford has impressive muscles and strong jaws..

The character of such a mestizo is complex. There may be problems with aggression, and difficulties in parenting may also arise. For this reason, mestizos of these breeds are bred with caution, because few people succeed in raising them into tame pets.

With a pit bull

In this case, genes can also be unpredictable. Before the puppies are born, it is difficult to say which parent they will take after in appearance and character.

There are tall mestizos, similar in face to a pit bull, but dogs can be born much shorter in height than Shar-Peis . The color also comes in different colors: black, sand, brindle, etc.

But many representatives of this crossbreed have a black mask on their face. They are muscular in structure, but folds may also be present.

Character is unpredictable . Most often, puppies are independent from a young age and will not listen to just anyone. Such a mixed breed needs a heavy hand, because cases of aggression in such dogs are not uncommon.

With a husky

As a result of crossing, charming pets are obtained.

They are often the color of a Shar-Pei's coat, but are otherwise very similar to huskies. This similarity lies in body type, ears, tail, and coat length. But puppies can be born with a zonular color and a wide muzzle, like a Shar Pei.

These are excellent guard dogs that are obedient and loyal to their owner . They have sensitive hearing and vision, and can also serve as mounts. These mestizos suffer from hyperactivity, so owners will have to spend a lot of time walking them and playing.

In size they are practically no different from the husky. They weigh about 22 kg and height is 55-58 cm.

The husky and shar pei mix breeds are overly independent and clean . They may not require attention for a long time; they often come when they want it.

With alabai

This dog is very similar to the Central Asian Shepherd both in appearance and in character. The Shar Pei may have a wide muzzle and a few folds and a “frowning” appearance due to drooping eyebrows, which is unusual for the Alabai.

The dog has dense fur, great height and weight, and a character that is not similar to the temperament of a Shar Pei..

The mixed breed is characterized by a light color; the tail may be curled, but more often it is docked. The ears escape this fate because they are already small due to the Shar Pei genes.

By nature, the crossbreed is a smart watchman who will not rush at the first person he meets. The animal is very patient and not aggressive unless brought into conflict.


Keeping him in an apartment is problematic due to his large height and weight, but for suburban areas he will become a faithful and attentive guard who will definitely not allow a stranger into his territory.

There is a misconception that such dogs are extremely aggressive, but these are only isolated cases . In many ways, the behavior of a pet depends on the upbringing that the owner gave him.

With Labrador

Such crossbreeding is now only in its early stages and is largely considered rare. Outwardly, such a dog is very similar to a Labrador, but there are folds on the skin, and especially on the face.

The size of the dog is smaller than a Labrador, but larger than a Shar Pei, it is something between the figures of these two breeds.

The mestizo is also resistant to genetic diseases, which is a big plus.

You are less likely to get yourself a responsible guard, this can only happen if the Shar Pei genes are predominant. In most cases, this is a companion dog.

She is very attached to her owner and loves to please and give family members her love and devotion.

The main thing is to start socializing the dog in a timely manner, because Shar-Pei crosses may develop a reluctance to communicate with their brothers and excessive suspicion.

Advantages and disadvantages

Many breeders believe that mestizos differ from their parents only in the lack of purebredness and breed. In fact, dogs of hybrid species have certain advantages:

  1. The appearance of the Shar Pei mestizo is always individual and bright. This is a definite plus.
  2. Mixed breed dogs are characterized by good health. The presence of genetic diseases in mixed representatives is extremely rare.
  3. The price for such pets is much lower than for purebred ones.

However, there is a significant drawback. You can never predict exactly what the character of a mestizo will ultimately be. The combination of genes from different parents does not always lead to the birth of a sweet, good-natured and cheerful pet.

If you adopt a mixed-breed puppy, you run the risk of getting a “pig in a poke.” Raising a funny baby into an adequate obedient dog is not easy. The potential owner will need experience in training and education, attention and patience, love and affection for his ward.

Only in this case will the Shar Pei mixed breed become a devoted friend, an excellent companion and protector for the whole family.

Similar dog breeds

If the Shar Pei is not suitable for you for any reason, then there are dogs that are similar in appearance:

  • Pug - it differs only in its small size and flattened muzzle, but otherwise it has the same funny folds on the body and a curved tail;
  • The English Mastiff is much larger than the Shar Pei, but is very similar to it, including eyebrows hanging over the eyes;
  • The English Bulldog is not so graceful, but is distinguished by folds throughout the body, especially for puppies;
  • The Bloodhound is almost the same as the Shar Pei, only with floppy ears and a straight tail.

Where do mestizos come from?

Mixed breeds are dogs that are born by crossing parents of different breeds. Moreover, even if one of the dogs is of pure, elite blood, and the other does not represent any value in cynological circles, then the puppy born from such a tandem will be considered a mestizo. A representative of the fusion of several breeds will also be a mestizo. With any crossbreeding, the dog will be a hybrid outside the standards.

It is never possible to predict in advance what a puppy will be like.
He may inherit the appearance of one of his parents, or he may have characteristics of both to a greater or lesser extent. The character of the mestizo also remains a mystery to the last. It has already been proven that mestizos, whose ancestor was a small breed, are often very cowardly. A crossbreed with a large elite may be excessively aggressive and difficult to train. But the main percentage of mestizos often have a friendly disposition and flexible character. They are loyal and devoted no less than purebred parents and surprise with their sharp mind. On a note! The health of mestizos is always excellent.
As a rule, they do not inherit genetic diseases from their ancestors. Such dogs can have any color, sometimes even to the point of absurdity. Mestizos, who do not have obvious signs of admixture of any breed, are popularly called “mongrels.”

Half-breeds are much cheaper than titled parents. And puppies born from random crossing are given free of charge into good hands.

Half-breeds are much cheaper than titled ancestors


There are various options for crossing this breed. There are known cases when mixed breeds appeared from a sharpei and a hound, a mongrel, a rottweiler and many others. However, there are the most popular crossing options. Let's talk about their description and main features in more detail.

With chow chow

This type can be recognized as one of the most common and in demand. It not only has an attractive appearance, but is also considered a very successful combination. The combination of genes led to the introduction to the world of an independent dog, devoted to its owner and excellent for performing security functions.

Fans of such mestizos say that they are very reminiscent of bear cubs. In general it is a Shar Pei, but overgrown with fur. The maximum height of doggies is about 53 centimeters, weight can reach 20 kilograms. These dogs are famous for their lack of aggression, attachment to their owner, and excellent guard qualities.

Keeping them outside is suitable, as the dense undercoat prevents them from freezing even at low temperatures.

With a shepherd

The most popular breed is the Shar Pei crossed with the German Shepherd. Externally, the dogs are more reminiscent of a Shar Pei, with the exception of the colors, in which the zonal color predominates. They have short fur, a sickle-shaped tail, a wide muzzle and erect ears. The accepted name for such mixed breeds is the German Shar-Pei.

These dogs are distinguished by their intelligence and tenacious mind. The dog is easy to train and knows how to adapt to its owner. However, the owners note the waywardness of German Shar-Peis. For this reason, it is recommended to own them only for those who have a strong character and experience communicating with animals.

The dog has an average height of about 50 centimeters, weight - around 20-22 kilograms. However, when crossing not with “Germans”, but with other shepherd dogs, these indicators may differ slightly. Puppies of this type are obtained as a result of random mating with dogs such as “Caucasians”, “Central Asians”, and East European Shepherds.

With husky

The appearance of a Shar Pei mixed with a Husky is very specific, with the genes of the second breed being dominant in this case. Even amazing eye color is inherited. The main difference is that the fur of mestizos is shorter than that of a husky, and the undercoat is not developed at all. Dogs require active physical activity, as they have restlessness and an eccentric nature.

In general, owners value these dogs for their intelligence, loyalty and lack of aggression. Mestizos are great at interacting with children and are very loving. They love to play and can indulge, so their behavior needs to be corrected through education and training. The animals are about 50 centimeters tall and weigh about 20 kilograms.

With a boxer

These mixed breeds have a muscular build, although in general they are very similar to Shar-Peis, with the exception of the ears, which are often larger. The tail is not curled and can be docked. The dogs have reddish fur, the muzzle is decorated with a black mask, and some individuals have a white spot on the chest.

This crossbreed has a very good-natured and friendly character. They make loyal friends and excellent guards. Shar Pei Boxers adore children, but they are wary of strangers. The sizes, as in the case of previous varieties, are average.

With Staffordshire Terrier

Not the most successful mixture, since the play of genes can negatively affect the character of the dog. At a tender age, mixed breeds exhibit folds; over time, the dogs become more and more like Staffords. The weight of doggies is larger, reaching 30 kilograms, with a standard height of about 50 centimeters. This is due to the presence of developed muscles.

Such dogs have a rather complex character. There may be outbursts of aggression and problems with parenting.

Therefore, it is necessary to evaluate all factors before getting such a pet.

With a pit bull

This mixture is also characterized by unpredictability. The appearance of babies, like their character, can only be determined after birth. The height can be completely different, the color too. Most have a black mask on their face, like a pit bull.

Shar Pei Pit Bulls have a muscular build that is sometimes wrinkled.

Experts recommend having such dogs for strong and strong-willed people who can cope with the difficult nature of pets and possible outbursts of aggression.

With a husky

And these mestizos are simply adorable. Outwardly, they are similar to huskies, except for the color of the fur, which is most often inherited from the second parent. Dogs make excellent guards; they are very obedient and loyal to their owners. Can be used as sled dogs.

It is impossible not to note the hyperactivity of these animals. They require long walks and frequent play. The doggies also resemble a husky in size. These dogs are unobtrusive and can easily spend time alone.

With alabai

Many fans of such mestizos compare them with “Central Asians.” The dogs resemble these shepherds both in appearance and in character. May have folds on the body and drooping eyebrows. These are quite large animals with dense hair, usually light in color, and small ears. The tail is most often docked.

Shar Pei-Alabai have a calm disposition and are not aggressive without specific reasons. These are excellent guard dogs, suitable for guarding private homes and plots. Due to their impressive dimensions, keeping such mestizos at home is very problematic. Proper upbringing and training will help you correct your behavior and get a loyal, reliable friend.

With Labrador

This combination of two breeds is the rarest, and work on it is in full swing. However, there are already first results. Externally, mestizos are very similar to Labradors, but have folds on the body and are slightly smaller in size. One of the serious advantages is the lack of predisposition to genetic diseases.

The guarding qualities of such dogs are usually weakly expressed. They are more intended for family and communication with people. Shar Pei Labradors are very loyal to their owners and treat those they live with with tenderness. Socialization is very important for them it significantly influences the formation of character and behavior. Dogs can be overly suspicious and wary towards representatives of other breeds.

Mystery of origin

Despite the fact that reliable information about the origin of this species has been lost, there are many assumptions about both the ancestors of the Shar Pei and their way of life.

The most common is the origin of the Chow Chow. As confirmation, arguments are given that only they have a blue-charcoal tongue color. Similarities in physique and appearance are also noted.

According to the second hypothesis, mastiffs are put forward for the role of ancestors, but Shar Pei is an older breed. Most likely, matings with mastiff-like dogs were used much later, when it was necessary to enhance the fighting qualities of these animals.

Based on the results of DNA analysis, it has been proven that Shar Pei directly go back to one of the four ancestor breeds from which all other species originated.


Each animal must be provided with suitable living conditions. This significantly affects the life expectancy and health of the pet. It is also necessary to take into account factors such as nutrition, regular walks, and visits to the veterinarian. Owners describe Shar Pei mixes as dogs that do not require special care.

  • It is enough to wash your pet once every 2 months using a special shampoo.
  • If necessary, it is necessary to trim nails, clean ears and wipe eyes.
  • The diet of dogs deserves special attention. They can often suffer from allergies and obesity. Experts recommend using dry food, which contains all the necessary substances for the full development and functioning of the body. The frequency depends on the age of the animals, for puppies this is 3-6 times a day, for adults 2 times is enough. Feeding soups is not allowed, as they have a bad effect on the stomach of mestizos.
  • The immunity of mestizos is quite strong. However, this does not protect against some diseases.

The main condition is timely contacting a veterinarian if even minor symptoms appear. The animal also needs to have routine vaccinations.

Watch all about the Shar Pei dog breed in the following video.


Shar Pei puppies were first brought to Russia in the nineties. The first individuals arrived in the cultural and geographical capital from Czechoslovak and Hungarian nurseries.

Shar Pei puppies of various colors

Initially, the quality of the dogs left much to be desired. However, the demand for exotics was so great that prices were artificially inflated. For example, 20 years ago the price for a Shar Pei ranged from $1,200 to $1,500.

And if back in 1994 one price was set, then the very next year the cost increased multiple times - up to 3600-4500 dollars. The peak of popularity occurred in the mid-nineties, but why did a gradual decline begin?

Today, for a quality puppy they ask from 650 to 8,000 dollars, depending on the city where it is sold, the class of the dog, its exhibition prospects and the quality of the pedigree. Where exactly the puppy was purchased also matters. Let’s say, if you buy a Shar Pei secondhand, you can save a large amount. But is the game worth the candle?

After all, a dog acquired from anyone may have diseases that are not discernible at first glance. The low cost may also hide a defect in the offspring, a defect in the puppy's mother and father. Deviations from standards can even affect the animal’s psyche!

Shar Pei puppy age 2.5 months

Therefore, if the main goal is the appearance of a real Shar-Pei in the house, the characteristics and features of the breed of which are described in specialized literature, you should abandon the idea of ​​​​purchasing at bird markets and take a closer look at such an option as a Shar-Pei nursery.

An important parameter to consider is the purpose. Depending on the purpose of purchasing a dog, there are three classes: top show, pet class and breed class. One variety goes for breeding, and the other becomes a “couch” sample.

If the class of the dog is not important, you can buy a pet-class Shar Pei for $200-250. The price for an animal belonging to the breeding class will vary between $400-700. The show class is considered the most expensive and prestigious. Buying such a puppy is already an investment, the price reaches $1000 or more.

In any case, it is important to remember that the Shar Pei breed is not one where you can risk money, and so that in the future you do not have to spend your entire salary on medicine for your beloved four-legged dog, you should not save on buying it.

Let's believe the facts

Puppies that appear after mating dogs of two different breeds are called mixed breeds.
The resulting specimens have nothing to do with the selection work to breed new individuals. It is impossible to determine exactly the genes received by the offspring. For example, if you breed a poodle and a labrador yourself, you will get a “labropoodle” hybrid. Not a labradoodle at all. Accidental mating can occur between any breed of dog, regardless of size. And although the size creates serious inconveniences during sexual intercourse, dogs carried away by “love” show miracles of ingenuity.

And if mating is still planned, then Labrador owners, as a rule, try to select breeds that are suitable at least in size. For example, a cross between a Shar Pei and a Labrador is common. It is possible that the resulting puppies will acquire numerous folds on the skin, which look quite cute. Shar Peis can inherit stubbornness and resentment. A mixture with German Shepherds can give extraordinary loyalty to the owner, and the participation of a Husky will give blue eyes. However, all this is unpredictable.

You can’t argue with the fact that crosses between Labradors and other breeds often turn out to be very cute and smart. And those owners who have such dogs never tire of praising them: “They don’t need to buy expensive food. They themselves are cheap. They have a higher immunity to diseases.” Perhaps there is some truth in this. But the fact that they will never produce a new breed, and they will not be able to participate in exhibitions, remains a fact.

Weimaraner, corgi, pit bull, pointer, Doberman, boxer, husky - dogs of these breeds and many others have already been used as mating partners with Labradors. But we still do not advise you to conduct such experiments, the outcome of which is unknown.

Useful video

From the video you will learn what Shar-Pei mixed-breed puppies look like:


Nowadays, mestizos of purebred dogs are often bred. Their difference is in external signs and characteristic qualities obtained as a result of mixing two different breeds. However, even knowing who became the parents, it is not easy to predict the character of the future pet and exactly what it will look like. We’ll talk about what Shar Pei mestizos can be like in our article.


According to some opinions, mestizos take the best qualities from each of the parent breeds. However, not everyone agrees with this. However, there are positives.

One of them is price. It is no secret that it is significantly lower for mestizos than for purebred representatives of the breeds. These dogs are also distinguished by their good health. Inheritance of genetic diseases is rare. And, finally, the unusual and unique appearance of mestizos is a real find for connoisseurs of the bright and unique.

Shar Pei

The Shar Pei is an ancient breed that originated in China. The main distinctive features include the unique folds on the head and shoulders of its representatives, as well as an interesting muzzle.

It’s hard to imagine, but just a few decades ago the breed was on the verge of extinction. In order to preserve and restore the Shar Pei population, they were collected and exported to the United States of America in the 1970s. As a result of breeding, the gene pool of individuals was diluted. Thus, modern Shar-Peis combine the genes of Chow Chow, Mastiff and Bullmastiff.

The first representative of this species came to Russia in the early 1990s, and within a few years this breed became one of the most popular among Russians.

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