Weight and height of an American Staffordshire Terrier puppy by month

  • Dogs
Data from users of the site pets-mf.ru
Age (months)123456789101112
Weight, kg)625
Height (cm)2753

A dog of the American Staffordshire Terrier breed must combine the incongruous - impressive bones and elegance, strength and harmoniously developed muscles, absolute fearlessness and a balanced disposition. A healthy psyche, supported by impeccable anatomy - this is what a real Amstaff should be.

The appearance of a pet in the house

Before taking such a serious dog into your home, you need to study all the information about it. The breed was bred in the USA. Therefore, you can sometimes hear that this is an American Stafford. Weight ranges from 27 to 30 kg, depending on the sex of the animal. Height 42-48 cm. Girls are lighter and shorter than boys. The lifespan of a dog is 11–12 years.

The first mention of the breed dates back to the 19th century.
She was used to participate in dog fights. Among all breeds, bulldogs were the most aggressive. But they were too clumsy, so they missed attacks from their opponents. As a result of crossing with a terrier, breeders developed a dog more suitable for fighting - the bull and terrier. However, some dogs lacked aggression, which gave rise to the Staffordshire Terrier breed, which was registered in 1936. Interesting! Staffords make excellent rescuers who serve in the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation.
Animals are highly intelligent, absorb commands well and understand what is required of them without words. They are patient, it will take a lot of effort to anger such a dog.

American Staffordshire Terrier puppies taken into your home should immediately feel loved. But in order for them to become obedient, the owner must begin training from the very first days.

There is no need to worry if there is a small child in the house. Amstaffs are very sensitive animals; they understand that a small person is weaker than them and requires careful treatment. These dogs also get along well with other pets.

Inseparable friends

Little puppies are playful and active. If your pet is sad, then most likely he is sick. The painful condition can be determined by the following signs:

  • Warm and dry nose.
  • A slightly absent-minded, dull look.
  • Poor appetite and restless sleep.
  • Wool hanging in clumps that loses its shine.
  • Frequent urination.
  • Uneven breathing.

Like any puppies, Staffies need love, proper care and attention. They need to be bathed, given hygiene procedures, and walked. And, of course, the owner must play with them.

Health and illness

The American Stafford is in excellent health , active and resilient. A dog's well-being can be judged by a wet nose, clear eyes, excellent appetite and the absence of an unpleasant odor. The onset of the disease is indicated by poor appetite, reluctance to play, go for a walk, apathy and indifference.

Characteristic diseases

  • Hip dysplasia . Many large dogs suffer from this disease. Its occurrence is associated with improper diet, intensity of physical activity, and genetic predisposition.
  • Bloating . Occurs when digestion is disrupted and requires a change in diet.
  • Allergic reactions caused by various irritants.
  • Eye diseases (development of cataracts, retinal atrophy), etc.

If you contact a veterinary clinic in a timely manner, you can cure any disease or, in extreme cases, minimize the consequences of the disease. Proper care and good living conditions will ensure a life expectancy of 12–15 years .


Before giving preventive vaccination to puppies or adult dogs, mandatory deworming . Vaccinations can be monovalent (against a specific disease) or polyvalent (complex).

Vaccination will prevent the occurrence of many dangerous diseases : infectious hepatitis, canine distemper, rabies, leptospirosis, etc.

Do not forget to carry out antiparasitic treatment. You can get rid of ticks and fleas using drops on the withers, sprays, special shampoos and collars.

Caring for the American Staffordshire Terrier

To keep the pet healthy, the owner is obliged to carry out hygiene procedures. The most important of them are the following:

  • Bathing. This is done completely once every two months. But after every walk they always wash their paws.
  • Combing wool. This allows you to get rid of dead particles. For the procedure you need to take a soft brush.
  • Ear cleaning. Once a week, remove dirt and dust using a piece of cotton wool moistened with water.
  • The eyes are rubbed every morning to remove secretions that have accumulated overnight.
  • Teeth are brushed weekly with a special paste and brush for animals.
  • The claws are trimmed with a special device every month.

In addition to skincare procedures, walks are important, lasting more than an hour. In crowded places, the dog is muzzled. The first walks begin when the staff grows up; 3 months is the age at which dogs strive to feel their freedom and it is very important to gradually teach them discipline.

On a walk

And, of course, great importance is given to the nutrition of four-legged family members. The main thing is that the diet is balanced and the feeding schedule is followed. In between meals, food is removed from the bowl, but plenty of fresh water is left. It is allowed to use high-quality ready-made food or natural feeding. In the latter case, the basis of the diet is:

  • fresh lean meat (pork is prohibited);
  • offal;
  • fish (boneless);
  • dairy products;
  • buckwheat or rice porridge;
  • raw vegetables;
  • sometimes an egg.

Important! It is forbidden to give the dog food from the human table and not fresh food.

Particular attention is paid to the nutrition of puppies. The main thing is not to overfeed your pet. Therefore, the owner must track the weight of the Amstaff by month. Then the animal will grow up healthy and will delight its owners for many years.

How to choose a puppy

They buy a puppy when it reaches two months of age. Such a baby can already cope without his mother, he can easily withstand moving and adapt to a new place without any problems. When choosing the gender of a dog, remember that “girls” are more affectionate and obedient , and become more attached to their family. Problems can only be associated with regular estrus and changes in the bitch's behavior during this period.

“Boys” are distinguished by their stubbornness , desire to take a leading position in the house and constantly mark their territory.

What to look for when choosing a puppy:

  • eyes should be clean, round, with a dark iris, without signs of souring;
  • choose a puppy with clean skin, without pustules or ulcers;
  • with a rounded muzzle;
  • scissor bite;
  • shiny coat, without bald spots;
  • clean ears, without any unpleasant odor.

The appearance of watery eyes, discharge from the ears or nose, bloating, poor appetite, and indifference indicate the presence of the disease.

Puppy cost

If you decide to get an American Staffordshire Terrier puppy, go to a certified kennel - only there you will find a purebred and healthy individual . Don't forget to find out about the dog's vaccinations, documents and pedigree. The cost varies from 9,000 to 66,000 rubles. The price is influenced by the status of the parents and the city where the purchase is made (in Moscow the price is 2 times higher than, for example, in Khabarovsk).

Before getting an American Staffordshire Terrier, think about the responsibility that falls on your shoulders. This active and powerful dog is not suitable for a homebody, an insecure, unbalanced person. Carefully weigh all the nuances , consult with a specialist, attend classes with a dog handler. And only then make a decision. A properly raised dog in good hands will become a wonderful friend and protector for your family.

Nutrition for an adult dog

What to feed an adult Alabai and a 2 month old puppy

Owners have several options on what to feed their staff as it grows up. This is natural or dry food. In both cases, you can find advantages and disadvantages, so you need to focus on the well-being, activity, and appearance of the pet.

Adult staff

Dry food helps to avoid mistakes in the composition of the diet, the amount of servings and vitamin supplements. This type of food guarantees sanitary quality and does not require special storage measures. The disadvantages include the fact that Amstaffs do not always like this diet, and digestive complications are also possible.

Important! For the Staffordshire Terrier, food for medium dogs is suitable.

Natural food provides variety in the diet and can be formulated based on your pet’s preferences. However, it is difficult to make such a diet balanced, so there is a risk that the pet will lack important elements.

Prohibited Products

Prohibited food for Amstaff:

  • legume;
  • boiled potatoes;
  • pearl barley;
  • unground oatmeal;
  • spices;
  • sausage;
  • smoked products;
  • tubular bones;
  • “products from the family table.”

Inexperienced breeders want to pamper their pet by treating it with food from the table or scraps. This harms the Staffordshire Terrier, and does not benefit, as many people think. For example, bones can provoke constipation in a dog.

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