What does a miniature bull terrier look like: the pet's character traits and reviews from owners

  • Service
  • Companions
Sizemedium (11-25kg)
Main features
  • Excellent health
  • Very devoted
  • High intelligence
  • Suitable for security

Description of the breed and what it looks like in the photo

Miniature Bull Terriers are dogs with a harmonious, athletic, proportional body..

With sufficiently massive bones and developed muscles, these are fast and agile animals, which is not surprising, since they were originally bred to participate in dog fighting.

Breed standard
according to FCI classification :

  • not rough, long, strong, deep muzzle without depressions or depressions;
  • the bridge of the nose is curved at the end, the nostrils are well open, the nose is black;
  • scissor bite;
  • the eyes are narrow, triangular, set obliquely, the iris is black or dark brown;
  • the ears are small and thin, erect, set close to each other;
  • well-muscled neck, curved and long, tapering towards the head;
  • the chest is deep, the ribs are rounded, the belly is tucked;
  • the back is strong and rather short;
  • the tail is short, set low, thick at the base and tapering towards the end;
  • The limbs are stable, set parallel, the length of the forelimbs is approximately equal to the depth of the chest.

The skin of mini bull terriers fits tightly to the body. The coat is short, straight, hard and shiny. In winter, a soft undercoat appears.

Origin story

The history of the breed dates back to the 20th century. These dogs owe their appearance to the English breeder and breeder James Hinks.

His primary goal was to improve the conformation of the newly bred bull and terriers for dog fighting..

The result of his painstaking work on crossing representatives of different breeds became bull terriers - graceful and stately dogs with excellent fighting qualities. The first appearance of a representative of this breed at an exhibition dates back to 1863.

Since blood from radically different breeds was used to breed bull terriers, the dogs varied greatly in size and were divided into several categories: large, miniature and toy.

Toy bull terriers were the most popular, but due to health problems, developmental problems and difficulties in breeding, they disappeared.

To maintain the diminutive nature of the breed, small dogs were crossed with Fox Terriers, and then, in order to improve health, dogs from these litters were bred with small standard Bull Terriers.

Multiple repetitions of such matings made it possible to obtain modern miniature bull terriers.

In 1939, the English Kennel Club recognized these dogs as an independent breed; they were registered with the FCI in 1991.

Will get through where the “big brother” can’t

Mini bull terriers (sometimes spelled "mini bull terrier", but this is incorrect) began to be bred in the 19th century in Great Britain by selecting dwarf puppies obtained from mating standard bull terriers.
Mini-representatives of the breed were raised not for dog fighting, like their larger counterparts, but mainly for catching rats, which were abundant on the streets and in the houses of old London. Standard bull terriers also did this job well, but often could not get into some of the secluded corners where rodents were hiding. This is where small dogs came to the rescue. Bloody battles were also organized, where a horde of large, strong rats acted as rivals for the mini-gladiators.

A dog weighing six kilograms has been documented to kill 100 rats in five minutes and 28 seconds. Another record is also known: 1000 torn rats in less than 100 minutes. From these figures it is clear that small bull terriers have incredible physical capabilities.

Rats are not just small rodents; for a small dog they are dangerous opponents. In a hopeless situation, they rush at the enemy and bite him extremely hard. But the low pain threshold and qualities of a fighting breed allowed the mini-bulls to repel their attacks.

Decorative bull terriers had the same set of qualities as large ones: endurance, courage, perseverance, desire to fight to the end, agility, passion. However, the thirst for hunting and the threshold for arousal in small dogs are somewhat stronger than in their counterparts. As you know, English bulldogs, English white terriers and Dalmatians participated in the creation of bull terriers. And in breeding mini-bulls, to consolidate their small size, they used fox terriers and Jack Russell terriers.

Character traits

In terms of character traits, mini bull terriers do not differ from standard representatives of the breed. They are also affectionate, energetic and friendly, but also stubborn and willful.

These dogs become strongly attached to their owner and need constant communication with him and other family members..

Just like standard bull terriers, their miniature copies do not show aggression towards people, which, combined with their compact size, makes them unsuitable for protection. At the same time, in case of obvious danger for the owner or any of the household members, mini-bull terriers will rush to protect them without hesitation.

These are smart and quick-witted animals that quickly settle into the home and train well . However, it is important to understand that it is possible to achieve obedience from such a dog only if it recognizes the unconditional leader in the owner.

Relationships with other animals are not easy for representatives of this breed.

Minibulls are too intolerant and constantly strive to prove their superiority, so they often get involved in fights with other, especially same-sex, dogs, and they perceive cats and rodents only as objects of hunting.

The only exception is pets who grew up with them.

These dogs need physical activity and active games . The lack of regular walks negatively affects their health - both physical and psychological.

Expert opinion

Kozhevin Semyon Kirillovich

Expert dog handler.

Unfortunately, many people make the big mistake of not taking miniature bull terriers seriously. No matter how compact and seemingly harmless these dogs are, they are primarily bull terriers with the inherent advantages and, most importantly, disadvantages of this breed. Minibulls are also stubborn, active, strong and resilient, they also need proper training and socialization. Lack of proper training worsens their character and leads to inappropriate and unbalanced behavior, which can become a serious problem.

Bull Terrier - reviews

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Those who consider boules to be uncontrollable monsters, please pass by... These are the kindest dogs, with an amazing sense of humor, colossal energy and great love. They are eccentric, I don’t argue)) non-standardity begins with appearance and ends with the fact that the dog thinks, and does not unquestioningly do what he is told. For me it is not better, it was not and cannot be. I gave this breed my heart.

Yes, it’s difficult with them and not everyone can cope with such a bundle of energy, self-sufficiency and stubbornness, but those who overcome this barrier can be envied, because you have the best dog in the world. Bulls are very stubborn, from the outside it looks like disobedience, but they have their own opinion on everything. They should always be the center of attention, and it doesn’t matter whether you’re cooking, just walking or sitting watching TV, your bun will be with you and it doesn’t matter whether you want it or not) Love them...



Since childhood, I dreamed of having a dog. When I was given such an opportunity, I began to look for a breed that would fully meet my requirements. And one day they showed a story on TV where a bull terrier saved the life of its owner at the cost of his life. These were real shootings.

The owner was some Moscow businessman, his car was mined, and the dog sensed the danger and shielded him from the explosion with its body. I was shocked by this program. I immediately began looking for more detailed information about this breed. As it turned out, boundless devotion and willingness to die for its owner are not the only positive qualities of this breed. Bull Terriers are very funny creatures. If you are sad, then this clown will make you laugh in a few minutes. Bulka has no smell, his fur is short and when he sheds, it is not noticeable in the apartment. A bull terrier, properly trained, is an excellent nanny for children. The Bull Terrier's memory is amazing! He remembers commands for life. Even if you do not repeat commands with him for a long time, he will not forget them. But he also remembers just as well the unkind attitude shown to him, or to the owner, but he remembers good people the same once and for all. And one more thing - this breed is very healthy. They rarely get sick, so fussing with all sorts of pills, ointments, etc. can be avoided. There are no problems with food either, since they are omnivores. People are mainly afraid of this breed because of their supposed aggressiveness. but this is not true. If a bully is raised correctly, then he looks more like a kind, affectionate, cheerful cat than a formidable killer. But make no mistake, if you or your family are in danger, the bull terrier will immediately come to the defense, even if no one taught him this. One bull terrier lived with me for thirteen years and died of old age, and now the second one is already seven years old. In addition to this breed, I also had experience raising and communicating with other breeds of dogs. But for me and my family, there is no one better than a bull terrier.



I've always liked bagels. Proud profiles, athletic bodies, short hair. Convenient size for the city. But the bad reputation, the moronic reputation slowed down even me, an experienced dog owner. And then I thought, life goes on without a bull terrier - it’s a mess. I spat and bought it. And she disappeared. I drowned in love, the love that my Bulechka gives me. I have never received so much tenderness from all my dogs combined. She adores me and shows it in every possible way. Have you ever been hugged by a dog??? And now they hug me all the time. And what a thrill it is to lie on the couch with her, hugging her. In her little eyes (some consider them to be like those of a pig), I constantly read: “I love you, I adore you, you are the whole world to me.” Now I only regret that. that I didn’t get myself a bagel earlier. She was stupid, she believed in horror stories.



Bull Terrier dogs are very active and playful dogs. Her appearance is a bit unusual due to the shape of her head. When I studied this breed, I can say that this dog is definitely not suitable for lazy people.

Dogs of this breed must also undergo socialization from an early age! To describe the breed in a few words, I would say that it is playful, active, sometimes stubborn and quite easy to train. I can say that this is a serious dog, she will not forgive mistakes. If you have other pets, it is not a fact that the bull terrier will not conflict with them. Many people think that this is a guard dog, but this is not so. A Bull Terrier, when trained correctly, is a companion. Raising a dog for security purposes is unwise! If you are a beginner and decide to buy this dog, then know that it is better not to train it yourself, but to take training courses! In general, a dog will be ideal only with proper upbringing and socialization.



I’ll tell you the story of how I met the breed!

I was very afraid of this breed, but my husband found an advertisement on the Internet for the sale of a seven-month-old bull. My husband said let’s go and just have a look, we won’t buy). We arrived the next day, I was wary of it because I was afraid, but my husband liked it and decided to buy it. When he stood there giving money for it, I melted and cried, because in my head there was the thought that he would bite me. After a week I began to get used to him, he was so funny, like a monkey, he repeated everything after us. I slept on a pillow and covered myself with a blanket), in general, I melted). Having lived a little less than a month, the first conflict occurred - he lost his temper at his husband over a bone, after an educational conversation the bull cooled down, and realized that it would not be possible to be the master here. The second conflict occurred about 4 months later, after that he was always a sweetheart. I loved this dog so much that I couldn’t even imagine that they were so cool!!! He received so much love and affection while he lived with us, we can tell you a lot), but unfortunately there was a third incident after which we had to part with him forever ((about 5 months have passed since then, my husband and I were sitting watching TV, from the beginning he was lying next to me, then sat next to the sofa. The husband began to move the sofa apart to lie down, and the sofa touched the bull’s paw, and then it suddenly blocked him(, he became angry and stood in a snarling stance at the husband, the husband sat on the sofa and took a slipper so that if something happened he would grab onto him, the bull stood in a growling stance, seeing the picture, I told him to stop the bull, but he switched to growling at me, then again at my husband. Then he stopped, the husband hit him with a slipper, to which the bull again stood up, after the bulls sharply I calmed down and realized what I had done, huddled behind the sofa and shaking, realizing that everything... I protected him from my husband, I still felt sorry for him, justifying it with the fact that you hit his paw hard. But my husband thought that he had slightly attacked us, I understand he would have roared and that’s all, but I’ve never seen him like this. Still, a breed is a breed. and it is not known how he would bridge the next time.



The bull terrier came to us quite by accident; I bought a puppy at one of the markets in my city, from some drunk woman. I bought it out of pity, for pennies, the puppy was 3 weeks old, he was dirty and shivering from the cold. At home he washed himself, ate his food and became a real handsome man. He began to show his temper at the age of 4 months and began to attack all dogs that came into his field of vision. At first it was funny when a fat, toothless (at this age teeth change) puppy went into battle against a huge Caucasian, but soon it became no laughing matter. The most interesting thing is that Bulya was obedient, he was easy to train, but at some point he simply “wedged”. The real nightmare was that he attacked a neighbor's boy who came to visit us (he visited us every day and was well known to the puppy). Only the pants were damaged, but it was decided that Bulka had no place in our family with children. They looked for new owners, with a country house, without children, for a month, and as a result they gave him to a small private farm in the village. He lived there for 7 years. Something like that. And I love bull terriers very much, they are a wonderful breed, these dogs just need special conditions and purchasing a puppy should not be spontaneous. I won’t get such a dog again...



I didn't have a preconceived idea about bull terriers until this happened to me. I am the owner of a miniature pinscher, he loves absolutely all dogs, Alabai, Cane Corso and Dachshund, he always goes to meet them. But one day we met a bull terrier while walking, she happily wagged her tail and I took the risk of allowing them to communicate. They sniffed and separated. I thought that these dogs weren’t that scary after all. On our next walk, we met this bull terrier again, she was rushing towards us, cheerfully wagging her whole butt. The owner allowed us to approach. My pinscher also really wanted to communicate, and as soon as the bully was nearby, I saw, as if in slow motion, how her jaws were clicking a millimeter from my dog’s head, while she continued to express friendliness and wag her tail... Dear bully owners, no need to judge passers-by, for the fact that they cannot experience in 10 seconds, while the dog is in their field of vision, what YOU feel for it, for you it is not a dog, it is your child. You know her and love her. And for passers-by, she is the one who was given the description - a fighting dog, and I think they can be understood for not wanting to check for themselves whether this is true or not. For example, it doesn’t bother me at all if someone is suddenly afraid of my pinscher))))), I personally don’t reassure anyone by saying that he won’t touch you, he’s kind, I just take him on a short leash, I advise everyone to do the same .



An American Bull Terrier lived in our family for 12 years. Six months ago he passed away. You know, I still remember and my heart aches, as if a family member had died. In a year we are planning to get a puppy of the same breed =)

He was a wonderful dog. I also lived in a three-room apartment. A year before Lyon arrived, we got a cat Vaska, one might say he later became a puppy’s folder. This is how they lived in perfect harmony, and when Lyon died, Vaska sat in his place for days and simply howled.

His character was good and calm. The only thing is to immediately accustom him to people, never teach him to rush at strangers (then it’s very difficult). With health. like other fighting dogs, everything is fine, you just need to ask for all the certificates when purchasing so that there are no chronic diseases.

I have only positive emotions left. He became a member of the family =)



We often walk with our neighbors' dogs, very friendly, lickable dogs. Energetic. Look at your parents, make sure they are adequate, have a good pedigree



My friends have a bull terrier. The husband goes to work, and he, the beast, forces his wife into the bathroom and does not let her out, she closes herself and sits there crying. The husband comes home from work, the dog is like silk, he loves everyone, wags his tail, licks his wife.

fani 1


Hello. I have both mini and standard. Based on my experience, I’ll say that the mini is a more convenient option for the city, it’s smaller in size, it’s easy for a child to walk with, and it’s easy to hold if the dog runs and people treat it like a puppy on the street. The Standard Bull Terrier is a stronger dog, both in size and power. Both are beautiful, but I am more impressed by mini bullies, I have a calm daughter - a teenager walks with her alone, I don’t let her go with the standard one, she only walks next to me and only takes my commands, she sleeps with her daughter on the sofa. Both breeds are crazy about children, they allow you to do everything with them and tolerate them, they don’t see small dogs on the street, even if they bark at them, they don’t react (maybe because we still have little cheeks), they are wary of large dogs, but they don’t interfere themselves. It’s normal with other dogs, they don’t eat themselves, but they stand up for themselves, but on the street they both walk normally and don’t throw themselves at anyone, for them the main thing is the owner and the ball or stick. Another difference between the mini and the standard (again, I’m comparing my dogs), the mini is more attuned to a person - he will do anything to get a kiss, the standard is more independent, mine often shows stubbornness. They get along easily with other dogs and cats, but you need to take a small puppy, then the puppy already perceives cats and dogs in the house as his own and sleeps with them on the sofa in an embrace.



Hello, I had a bug)))) I probably took her when she was 5 years old, and her condition was also unclear. So she lived with me for almost a year after I settled her in, everything is fine))). Lives.

My husband grew up with such a dog)))), it was given to them by a friend who was breeding Bulls. This is how mine slept and ate as a child, together with the dog)))), she loved him so much, he remembers her with such love)))).

In general, I want to say that if you decide to take such a breed, then you need to weigh everything... Because how to work with a dog!!! Establish discipline with a dog handler who is an expert in bullies. Good luck to you)))) with the purchase of these cute ones))))



my personal experience - I and my dog ​​were attacked 2 times. for no apparent reason. he just swooped in and grabbed it, immediately and tightly. the owner stood and did not know what to do. he was choking my dog, they couldn’t open his teeth. I stuck my hand between my dog’s neck and the collar. and our collar had spikes inside. Well, those who know will understand why. So my hand was also torn. In the end, someone guessed that the bullet would hit me in the nose. then he let go. and a few days later he suddenly ran up from behind again and grabbed my dog. I was ready to kill him, honestly. him and his owner.



We had a bull terrier, I was 3-4 years old when we got her, she was good, kind, affectionate, homely, she had never bitten anyone in her entire life. If there was an opportunity in our city to buy a Bulka puppy, I would buy it without hesitation.



A friend had a bull called Chucha, she was so cool! Got it for free because... There was something wrong with one eye, either the mother damaged it, or she was born with one. Raised at home, amazing character, obedient, no accidents in four years. She didn’t bark for no reason, she was very smart. Problems with the liver began, they treated her, but to no avail, the veterinarian’s advice was to euthanize her. And so my friend, in tears, takes Chucha to the clinic, they got out of the car, but the dog doesn’t get out under the car, he feels where they brought him. A friend on the phone to her brother, this way and that, what to do... Brother to her: “You are not the Lord God, who would decide the fate of the same dog, how long will he live and...” The owner returned to the car with a different attitude, called the dog, she obediently went out and they went home...(((Now my friend has a pug with a grunting, farting, angry, haunting, stupid meat grinder. The next dog is a bull terrier.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantage of the miniature version of bull terriers is their compact size, which allows you to keep such a pet even in a small apartment.

Standard representatives of the breed are also suitable for apartment living, but minibulls require even less space.

In addition, the advantages of these dogs include:

  • cleanliness;
  • devotion;
  • friendliness;
  • affectionate and good-natured disposition;
  • courage;
  • lack of aggression towards people;
  • strength and endurance;
  • love for children;
  • mind;
  • good learning ability;
  • easy care.


  • stubbornness;
  • aggression towards other animals;
  • the need for proper education and socialization;
  • intolerance of loneliness;
  • sensitivity to heat and cold;
  • hyperactivity;
  • need for long and active walks.

In addition, the shedding of these dogs, although not too profuse, continues throughout the year, intensifying during the season - in autumn and spring.

Character and habits of bull terriers

Despite their reputation, Bull Terriers are good-natured, cheerful dogs. A study by the American Canine Association found that only 10% of the breed retained the fighting qualities of their ancestors and can pose a danger to humans. The rest, with proper socialization and strict upbringing, become lovely pets. Problems arise due to improper behavior of owners.

A dog should not be allowed to bite people or other animals; it is even more prohibited to bait bulls or develop fighting qualities in them. An improperly trained dog can even bite its owner. And with the strength of his teeth, this can lead to serious injury. These dogs also have a developed instinct of pursuit. Therefore, they can attack other animals. Bull Terriers are highly active even in adulthood. The dog is ready to play and run around the clock. Pets love to accompany their owner when running and cycling. If you don't give your dog exercise, he will throw out energy at home and can cause damage to the environment.

A dog's behavior greatly depends on its upbringing. Each breed has temperamental characteristics that need to be taken into account. Bull Terriers are characterized by hyperactivity, autonomy, and independence. They are willful, touchy and vulnerable, and may be jealous or suffer from depression. But besides the negative qualities, the character of bull terriers has many positive traits.

  • Representatives of the breed have a stable psyche. They are not shy, not aggressive. If the beloved owner is nearby, the dog will be calm in any environment.
  • These dogs have a sense of humor. They can make the owner laugh and cheer him up. And the structure of the muzzle is such that the dog can smile.
  • The Bull Terrier is a good-natured, friendly pet, not at all angry. He loves people and greets guests joyfully.
  • This is a devoted dog, he loves his owner very much. Accompanies him everywhere, misses him. This is the perfect companion.

These dogs love children and enjoy playing with them. The main thing is that adults are nearby, as the bull can accidentally push the child, because he is quite clumsy. He also does not tolerate being teased or hurt. The child must be old enough to understand how to behave. After all, even a slight bite from this dog can be dangerous. The video shows that these dogs are cute, good-natured and cheerful:

Why is a bull terrier dangerous?

The negative reputation of bull terriers appeared due to unscrupulous breeders. When these dogs became popular, kennels started breeding them without caring about their temperament. Breeders did not pay attention to the selection of individuals with a stable psyche and lack of aggression. And owners often cultivated fighting instincts. From their ancestors, representatives of the breed inherited qualities that can make them dangerous.

  • A tenacious grip of powerful jaws that is difficult to release. This dog can hold a bite for up to 3 hours. You can force him to release his grip by holding ammonia to his nose.
  • The Bull Terrier's build is strong and muscular. He is very dexterous, agile, moves easily and actively. Moreover, it can cause pain even when showing tender feelings to the owner, since it does not have delicacy.
  • This dog is hardy and stubborn, capable of making independent decisions. Can rush at a person whom it considers a threat. And if the dog starts something, he won’t back down. For this reason, you should not train bull terriers or give them the “front” command.
  • The desire to win and the willingness to fight to the end. The Bull Terrier will fight bravely against an opponent stronger than him. These dogs are insensitive to pain.

Many people confuse the Bull Terrier with similar breeds. These are the American Staffordshire Terrier, the English Staffordshire Bull Terrier, and the American Pitbull. It is the latter breed that is dangerous and prohibited for breeding in many countries. Pit bulls are aggressive, fearless, and can attack at any time. And bull terriers rarely make it into the rankings of the most aggressive dog breeds.

Color variations

The official breed standard allows different coat colors for mini bull terriers, but the most common are dogs with coats of white, black, red, spotted, brown, red, fawn, and brindle colors.

White minibulls are allowed to have colored spots on the head, and in spotted coats white should predominate..

Nurseries in Russia and the CIS

  • Constellations of Adomas, Moscow;
  • Free Star, Moscow;
  • "Nord Line", St. Petersburg;
  • Free Jump, Volgograd;
  • Castle Thor, Ukraine, Kyiv;
  • Blow Century, Ukraine, Bila Tserkva;
  • Unkvir Blackstar, Ukraine, Odessa
  • “Heliet”, Belarus, Minsk;
  • “Tsnyanskaya Hunting”, Belarus, Logoisk district, Tsna village;
  • Vale-Vikont, Belarus, Bereza.


Until about 1 month, the puppies are fed only mother's milk, then complementary foods are gradually introduced and by 2 months the minibulls do not depend on the mother and feed on their own.

Their diet can be based on natural products or industrial feeds, this is decided by the breeder, and then by the new owner, who can change the type of pet’s food in accordance with his preferences and idea of ​​​​what is healthier for the dog.

Whatever the feeding, it is important that it is balanced and includes all the necessary macro- and microelements, as well as vitamins.

When feeding naturally, the menu should include:

  • lean meats;
  • sea ​​fish;
  • chicken or beef by-products;
  • cereals;
  • vegetables, fruits and herbs;
  • eggs;
  • dairy products;
  • hard cheese as a treat.

It is also useful to give your pet cartilage and tendons - they support healthy teeth, bones and joints.

Representatives of this breed are prohibited from feeding:

  • fatty meat;
  • river fish;
  • sweets, chocolate;
  • bakery, sausage and pasta products;
  • spicy and fried foods;
  • potatoes;
  • smoked meats, pickles, marinades;
  • citrus fruits;
  • raisins and grapes;
  • seasonings;
  • legumes

When a diet based on industrial feeds, preference should be given to premium, super-premium and holistic feeds.


The most popular products are the brands Orijen, Hills, Acana, Bozita, Genesis, GO!, Grandorf.

It is necessary to follow a feeding schedule and control portion sizes, as these dogs are prone to overeating and obesity.

Health and major diseases, life expectancy

In general, mini bull terriers have good health and are resistant to various diseases. However, there is a fairly impressive list of hereditary pathologies from which these dogs are not immune.

Most often, representatives of this breed are diagnosed with:

  • renal polycystic disease;
  • kidney dysplasia;
  • hereditary nephritis;
  • deafness;
  • aortic stenosis;
  • mitral valve dysplasia;
  • heart disease;
  • primary lens luxation;
  • dislocation of the kneecap;
  • tracheal collapse and hypoplasia;
  • allergic reactions;
  • lethal acrodermatitis;
  • eczema.

The lifespan of a dog depends on heredity, as well as conditions of detention and quality of care.

On average, representatives of this breed live 10-13 years.

Is he good with children and does he get along with other pets?

Bull Terriers at home get along well with children, becoming excellent nannies for them. These dogs are patient and loyal to children's pranks.

Being cheerful and carefree animals, they quickly find a common language with kids and play with them with pleasure..

At the same time, it is better to get a puppy when there is already a baby in the family - this will help to avoid jealousy on the part of the dog and its attempts to regain the undivided attention of its owners.


At first, communication between the dog and the child must be controlled - the child’s unceremonious behavior can provoke an inadequate reaction from the bull terrier.

Bull Terriers are fighting dogs, the desire to win and be leaders is genetically embedded in them.

Therefore, they cannot stand the competition that other pets create, and the natural instincts of these dogs sooner or later take over. When they see cats, bull terriers lose control and become uncontrollable; dogs see them only as objects of hunting.

Suitable for living in an apartment or outdoors?

These dogs are not suitable for outdoor living - they are too sensitive to frost and heat.

When exposed to the sun for a long time, mini bull terriers run the risk of overheating and getting sunburned, and in winter they freeze, so even for a walk they should be dressed warmly.

Representatives of this breed feel comfortable in an apartment or private house..

You just need to arrange a place for sleeping and rest, placing a bed in a warm corner and making sure that the dog does not lie in a draft or near windows and doors.

You also need to walk your pet regularly - at least 2 times a day for 1-1.5 hours.

Care and maintenance

Mini bull terriers are clean, short-haired dogs, caring for which requires a minimum of time and effort and is a set of hygiene procedures, the regular implementation of which helps maintain the beauty and health of the dog.

Wool and bathing

The coat of representatives of this breed does not require special grooming . It is enough to comb it with a stiff brush 1-2 times a week, stimulating blood circulation and removing dead hair and dust.

During shedding, you need to comb your pet more often, using a special rubber glove.

You need to bathe your dog as needed, but maximum once every 3-4 months . As an alternative to this procedure, you can wipe your pet with a damp towel and a piece of chamois to add shine to the coat.


About once every 5-7 days, the inside of the ear should be wiped with a cotton pad soaked in hydrogen peroxide.

Every month you need to instill a special product into your ears that will help prevent the development of infections..


With a sufficient number of active walks, the claws of miniature bull terriers wear down on their own.

If this does not happen, they need to be trimmed once every 3-4 weeks with a guillotine nail cutter so as not to touch the blood vessels, and the sharp edges should be smoothed with a nail file to avoid delamination and cracking.


Your pet's teeth should be brushed once a week with a special brush and paste - this will help avoid the formation of plaque and tartar.


To prevent puffiness and remove secretions that accumulate in the corners of the eyes, you need to wipe your pet’s eyes daily with a lint-free cloth soaked in warm tea leaves, chamomile infusion or simply boiled water.

Caring for mini bull terriers also involves timely vaccination, deworming and treatment for external parasites..

What diseases are bull terriers susceptible to?

The average life expectancy of bull terriers is 10-12 years. They have a strong constitution and with good care, such a dog visits a veterinarian only for preventive vaccinations. However, there are points that you need to pay attention to.

Polycystic kidney disease

There is a dominant gene circulating in the breed that causes an incurable congenital kidney disease. With polycystic disease, multiple blisters filled with fluid form in the kidneys, and less and less working tissue remains. Because of this, the young bull terrier dies from acute renal failure. The average life expectancy of a dog with polycystic kidney disease is 3-6 years. There is no treatment, although a special diet and medications can help prolong the pet's life.

Cysts can be detected on ultrasound when the puppy is six months old and later. There is reliable genetic testing that should be performed on all Bull Terriers being bred. You can also have the puppy tested before purchasing if its parents have not had this test done.

Bull Terrier puppy

Lethal acrodermatitis of bull terriers

This disease only appears if the puppy receives the defective gene from both parents. Therefore, the disease cannot be eradicated: most dogs are hidden carriers of acrodermatitis, and only a few puppies die from it.

Lethal acrodermatitis is named so for a reason. The disease cannot be treated; affected dogs do not live beyond 2 years of age; most die before the age of one year. A sick puppy does not gain weight, its paws become deformed, and various lesions develop on the skin. Acrodermatitis is accompanied by immunodeficiency, so the dog may die from pneumonia or an intestinal infection.

There is a genetic test that can be used to determine whether a dog is a carrier of this disease.


Bull Terriers are one of the dog breeds with a high risk of congenital deafness. In those days when only pure white bulls were bred, every tenth dog was deaf. Now the risk of having a deaf puppy is much lower, but unfortunately no one is immune from this. Even two perfectly hearing parents can give birth to a deaf puppy. This is due to the action of the dominant white color gene W.

It is a big mistake to think that only a snow-white bull terrier can be deaf. Unfortunately, patches of color or even full color does not guarantee protection against hearing loss.

You can check your puppy's hearing using the Bayer test. The only problem is that such research is not performed in all veterinary clinics; special equipment is needed. The Bayer test detects deafness in one or both ears. A good breeder will definitely test the litter at the age of 40-45 days, receiving a certified certificate.

Newborn bull terrier

A completely deaf bull terrier is a tragedy. Keeping such a dog is really not easy. You may not notice deafness in one ear without special tests. But this is a reason to exclude your pet from breeding!


Like their Bulldog ancestors, Bull Terriers are extremely prone to skin problems. They often have food allergies. And a much more dangerous problem is atopic dermatitis, in which the skin reacts to environmental allergens.

Bullies are sensitive to insect bites - not only fleas, but also regular mosquitoes. An encounter with a wasp or a bee is also dangerous for them. It would be helpful for a bull terrier owner to read the article “What to do if your dog is bitten by a snake” (opens in a new tab) if there is even the slightest chance that your bull terrier will encounter a viper.

The owners wanted to euthanize this bull terrier due to severe atopic dermatitis.

Training and education

SitYou should say a command, interest the pet in a treat, showing it so that the dog raises its head and sits down, if necessary, you need to lightly press on its croup
To meWhen the minibull clearly knows its name, you need to call it as often as possible, and when it comes, treat it with a treat
LieThe owner’s actions should repeat those he does when teaching the dog the “sit” command, but the pet should lie down, taking the so-called “sphinx pose”
NearDuring walks, the minibull should walk next to the owner's left leg. To teach a command, you need to tighten the leash so that the dog feels comfortable, but does not have the opportunity to move to the side or overtake the owner.
PlaceYou need to sit the dog in the chosen place, say the command and leave, making sure that the pet does not follow

What to name a small bull terrier?

When purchasing a puppy, a potential owner thinks about the name he will give to his dog.

It's no secret that the names recorded in the pedigree very often have nothing in common with pet nicknames. A pet nickname usually reflects not only the owner’s attitude towards his pet, but also some external qualities of the dog or features of its character or behavior.

Since the Minibuller is still a bull terrier, “heroic” or mythical names, names of famous personalities, reflecting the strength, courage or exploits of its owner, are excellent for male dogs.

Arno, Bark, Wolf, Zeus, King, Lord, Mike, Nord, Rock, Snap, Caesar, Shark, Sheikh, Eros.

For females, female names or flower names are more often used as pet names.

Ava, Bella, Gina, Irma, Cleo, Mona, Rose, Cindy, Sherry, Emma.

For miniature bull terriers, affectionate nicknames are very suitable - playful nicknames that confirm a sense of humor and a gentle attitude towards the pet.

Booba, Miki, Mulya, Piggy, Funtik.

How to choose?

To minimize the likelihood of acquiring a pet with hereditary pathologies, it is better to buy it in a specialized nursery, where breeders not only value their reputation, but also take care of the breed as a whole.

When choosing a mini bull terrier you should pay attention to:

  • pedigree of parents and puppies;
  • information that the breeder can give about the puppy's parents, especially about their titles, health and character;
  • litter size;
  • dynamics of puppy growth and development.

It is also important to make sure that the future pet is healthy and meets the standard . He should have a healthy appearance, small triangular eyes, a large egg-shaped head, strong bones, and a scissor bite.


Discharge from the nose, ears and eyes, a swollen belly, skin rashes, excess weight or underweight indicate that the puppy is sick or infested with parasites.

Puppies with white coats should have their hearing checked.

Miniature Bull Terrier Video | All about the breed

For dogs of the Miniature Bull Terrier breed, the saying is ideal: small but brave. They are much smaller in size than their larger counterparts. But smaller copies of bull terriers have the same full-scale character or even cooler. Therefore, dogs with unusual appearance are often accused of aggressive behavior and are even afraid.

Indeed, the mini bull terrier is not at all simple; you need to find an approach to it. But if the owner establishes trusting contact with the pet and raises it properly, he will receive a magnificent dog. A big loving heart beats in the chest of a miniature bull; he will become a faithful friend for the whole family, a nanny and a cheerful companion for your children.

If you want to know more about the Miniature Bull Terrier dog breed, read the entire text. You will learn where the breed originated, how to care for this pet and how to raise it.

Price range

The cost of mini bull terriers is significantly higher than standard representatives of the breed, which is due to their scarcity and high customer demand.

The price is influenced by the prospects of the individual, heredity, exterior, age, gender and other factors.

On average, according to February 2022, a puppy that can only become a pet and a family favorite costs about 40-45 thousand rubles, but a puppy that has every chance of winning prizes at exhibitions and competitions can be buy for 65-75 thousand rubles.

How much do mini bull puppies cost?

Miniature bull terriers are a rare breed for Russia. Therefore, puppies with all the documents are quite expensive. The price depends on the qualities of the parent pair. If these are champions of international exhibitions, the price of a mini bull puppy can reach up to 150 thousand rubles. The average cost is 50-60 thousand rubles.

But in the same nurseries you can find miniature bull terriers at lower prices. If a puppy does not meet the standard requirements, it cannot be exhibited and will not be able to take part in breeding. Such dogs are classified as “pet class”, or “pets”. They can be purchased for 20-30 thousand rubles.

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