Dog breeds similar to dachshunds: appearance and character traits + what types of dachshunds are there?

From the distant past, the dog remains a devoted friend and an indispensable hunting companion for man. Therefore, for many centuries, people have been breeding breeds of hunting dogs, of which today there are more than 100 species, differing in their specialization, character and external characteristics.

Small hunting dog breeds can be beloved pets and reliable hunting assistants. They perfectly combine obedience, loyalty and a friendly attitude towards their owners with a fighting hunting instinct. When choosing a pet that will serve well on the hunt, information about the characteristic features of the world's most popular small-sized hunting dogs will be useful.


The origin of the dachshund was noted in the 16th century in southern Germany. Over the centuries, several types of these original dogs have appeared - small in stature on short legs with an elongated body. With all its bizarre external features, the dachshund is a hunting dog with a strong predatory instinct, ready to pursue prey, both in the narrow and long passages of holes, and along the trail of the animal’s blood on the ground.

general characteristics

Description of the breed:

  1. The Dachshund's physique is characterized by an elongated, muscular body with a protruding sternum and a retracted belly. The longest dachshund in the world reaches 115 cm. The dachshund's legs are short and powerful.
  2. The dachshund's head has a slightly elongated shape with medium-sized soft and mobile ears, the ends of which are rounded and hang along the cheeks. Expressive oval-shaped dark eyes with arched eyebrows stand out on the muzzle, giving the dog the appearance of a thinking creature. The dachshund has powerful jaws, which is important for a hunting dog.
  3. According to the color of their coat, dachshunds come in one-color and two-color. The color of one color is considered more valuable: yellow-red, red, pure yellow. Dogs with a two-tone color have a base color of brown or black with tan markings of brown and red or yellow. There are dachshunds with a marbled color.
  4. The physical characteristics of the dachshund are characterized by strength and mobility. On average, dachshunds live from 12 to 15 years.

Experts classify representatives of this breed by size and type of coat.

Standard fees

Standard hunting dachshunds are dogs with a height of 23 to 27 cm, a chest volume of at least 35 cm and a weight of 7 to 9 kg. The external characteristics of this species correspond to the general characteristics of the breed: a long muscular body on short strong legs, an elongated head shape with a muzzle and color characteristic of the breed.

By their nature, dachshunds are calm, obedient and not picky. They get along well in an apartment and do not need special care. Standard dachshunds have recently been rarely used for hunting, although they are quite trainable. Dwarf and rabbit species of dachshunds were bred for hunting purposes.

Dwarf dachshunds

Miniature dachshunds are much smaller in size than standard ones. They grow from 14 to 21 cm at the withers, depending on the gender of the dog. Their sternum volume is from 30 to 35 cm and their weight is 4-4.5 kg.

The small size of a dog is clearly reflected in its temperament. The dwarf dachshund is a hunting dog by nature. Representatives of this species are much more cunning, meaner and more aggressive, unlike ordinary dachshunds. Their fighting nature, with training, is perfectly manifested in the hunt for burrowing animals. These dachshunds are active, playful, but also touchy, so they need affectionate treatment from their owners.

Rabbit dachshunds

This is the smallest hunting dog of the Dachshund breed, specially bred for hunting rabbits, hares and other small animals in holes with narrow passages. The dog is characterized by the following parameters: height from 10 to 15 cm, chest circumference 30 cm and average weight up to 3.5 kg. This species has a harmonious physique, strong bones and developed muscles. It is characteristic that the front paws of this dachshund are larger and stronger than the hind paws, which is very important during hunting, when the dog has to rake holes filled with earth with its paws.

The rabbit dachshund is distinguished by intelligence, determination, courage and excellent instincts. Hunting is the main calling of her life.

Smooth-haired dachshunds

This variety of dachshund comes from crossing a French Basset Hound with a Pinscher. Representatives of this species have smooth and thick fur that fits tightly to the body. A characteristic feature of smooth-haired dachshunds are skin folds on their paws. This is the very first, oldest variety of the breed with a stocky elongated body, strong, dexterous and agile. The color of smooth-haired individuals is characterized by various shades of red, as well as sable interspersed with wool with black tips.

They are difficult to train, but are easy to educate and do not require special care. By nature, they are protectors, devoted to their owner, and love long walks. Recently, they have rarely been involved in training for hunting.

Longhaired dachshunds

Dachshunds with thick, medium-long hair that lies close to the body, with undercoat and feathering around the ears and on the tail, were bred by crossing a smooth-haired dachshund with a spaniel. The standard coat length is established for dogs when they reach 2 years of age. Then their fur becomes smooth and shiny.

In the southern regions of the country, this type of breed is successfully attracted to hunting. In the rest of the country, long-haired dachshunds are more often purchased as decorative dogs.

Wirehaired Dachshunds

This species is the youngest and comes from crossing a smooth dachshund and a terrier. The wire-haired dachshund differs from its breed in its funny appearance - long hair that lies tightly to the body, especially long in the area of ​​​​the ears, paws and tail. The appearance of her face resembles an old man with a mustache, thick eyebrows and a beard. The color of wire-haired species of the breed can be varied.

The dog has qualities that are indispensable for hunting: developed ingenuity and intuition.

What do boys and girls look like and how do they differ?

Boys and girls dachshunds differ in size. The former are larger than the latter. For example:

ClassificationUnit measurements malebitch

Males are larger, stronger and more resilient than females, they tolerate pain more easily, are more stable in stressful situations, and are ready to work all year round without interruptions for estrus, bearing and feeding puppies.

Attention! Due to their desire for dominance, male dogs are more difficult to raise and train.

They tend to mark everything that comes their way, including objects in the owner's apartment. Boys will never offend girls, but they often fight with male dachshunds.

Girls dachshunds have a softer character compared to boys and are easier to train. But an angry bitch can be much more dangerous than a dog. Girls do not tend to run away from home to satisfy their sexual needs. They have a need for sexual intercourse 30 days a year.

Cats are dachshunds' best friends

Spaniel hunting dogs

The birthplace of spaniels is Spain. They were bred specifically for catching birds. Later, two groups of spaniels were formed, one of which was intended for hunting birds in the fields, and the other was trained to catch birds on the water.

These dogs have a flexible mind and excellent sense of smell, and are easy to train. They can perfectly replace a pointing dog on a hunt. There are several types of small-sized spaniels that belong to the group of gun dogs that help hunters search for and bring downed game.

Russian hunting spaniel

The Russian spaniel has a height of 36 to 44 cm and is distinguished by its elongated physique, light head with ears located at eye level and shorter than those of other spaniel breeds. Their coat is characterized by moderate length and thickness. Spaniels belonging to this species are obedient, clean, sweet and cheerful dogs.

The dog of this type of spaniel has a keen sense of smell and hearing. One of her best qualities is her good intuition in finding prey. She is an indispensable assistant in catching wild goats, hares and dray. During the hunt, it is distinguished by endurance and clearly follows the owner’s commands.

English cocker spaniel

This breed has a compact body with a well-developed chest and strong paws. The dogs grow from 38 to 40.5 cm and weigh from 13 to 15.5 kg. The main difference between the “Englishman” is the low-set, thin and long ears, covered with silky hair, giving the dog a unique charm. The body is covered with long and silky hair. The color can be solid - black, red or brown, possibly with a white chest; two-color - piebald with black, red or brown spots or tri-color - black and white tan.

The character of this dog is characterized by perseverance, endurance and devotion to the owner. Her excellent sense of smell and persistence in searching for prey are irreplaceable qualities when hunting. English Cocker Spaniels are lively and cheerful dogs who love to express their mood with loud barks. They always try to please their owner, can be obedient and are capable of learning.

American Cocker Spaniel

The American Spaniel is more compact in build than its English counterpart. It grows from 34 to 39 cm and weighs from 10 to 13 kg. The main feature of these dogs is their dome-shaped head with distinct brow ridges. The low-set ears are covered with long and thick hair, like the rest of the dog's body. It is similar in color to the English Cocker Spaniel and can be single-colored, two-colored, or tri-colored.

Possessing great abilities and active behavior, this species easily and quickly learns the commands and skills of hunting small furry animals and birds. American Cocker Spaniels are very inquisitive, love to play with children and get along well with other pets.

King Charles Spaniel

This type of spaniel was bred by English aristocrats to hunt small animals and birds. These are small, cute dogs measuring from 25 to 29 cm at the withers and weighing 5-7 kg with a funny flattened muzzle, bulging button eyes, floppy ears and short limbs. Their coat comes in four types: white with black spots and tan, white and red, bright red and black with tan.

King Charles Spaniels are very intelligent and easy-going dogs with a playful nature. They love to please their owner, but can sometimes show their independence.

Tibetan Spaniel

Tibetan spaniels are small in stature, reaching 24-27 cm at the withers. The dog is distinguished by a short neck, giving the impression that the head is attached to its body. She has a small muzzle, with dark brown eyes framed by black eyelids expressing surprise and beautiful drooping ears.

Sweet appearance is the complete opposite of character: persistent, persistent, courageous and energetic. After being brought to Europe, Tibetan spaniels have proven themselves to be skilled bird hunters.

Pembroke Welsh Corgi


Welsh Corgi , despite its small height, not exceeding 30 cm, is a shepherd dog.
Bred in Wales in the early Middle Ages, these dogs were widespread throughout Britain as early as the 10th century AD. Their main purpose was to herd livestock.

According to one legend, Pembroke Welsh Corgis were given to people by fairies, who used them instead of draft animals.

Pembrokes have short straight legs, a highly elongated body, large erect ears and a fox-like muzzle. A characteristic feature of these dogs is the black edging of their lips, which gives the impression that the dog is smiling.

The coat is shiny and silky, reaching approximately the same length as a German Shepherd, the undercoat is short and water-resistant. The color can be red and white, tricolor or fawn, sometimes black. The tail is usually short by nature or docked.


Pembrokes are friendly, active and affectionate dogs. They are good with other animals and children and love to play.


Pembroke dogs are very smart dogs, occupying second place in the ranking of the smartest breeds in terms of intelligence.

Usually, they do not speak often, but when greeting the owner who has returned home, some Welsh Corgis perform a kind of “song”, which is a characteristic howl with modulations.


The Beagle dog is one of the oldest and smallest hounds of hunting dogs with the instinct to follow a scent and dig holes. Since ancient times, both foot and horse hunters have hunted hares with beagles. The track record of these dogs includes hunting deer, wild boar and even jackals. Beagles also do an excellent job of delivering dead birds.

Appearance of the breed


  1. The Beagle's physique is strong, with well-developed bones and good muscles, and an elegant body of medium length. He has a wide chest and a slightly retracted belly. The height of a beagle ranges from 33 to 40 cm, and the average weight of an adult dog ranges from 8 to 13 kg. Dogs of this breed are characterized by: an elongated curved neck, muscular paws, a well-furred and high-set tail. The dog's skin is elastic and fits tightly to the body.
  2. The dog's head is massive and slightly elongated. The muzzle is distinguished by a wide black nose with large nostrils, drooping lips, large dark brown eyes and strong jaws. The long ears, rounded at the ends, fit closely to the cheeks.
  3. The Beagle's coat is thick, short and sharp to the touch with the breed's characteristic tri-color color - white with large brown and black spots.

Character and behavior

The main character traits of the Beagle are its cheerfulness, friendliness, activity and devotion to its owners. He is characterized by extraordinary intelligence, a lively mind, and the ability to quickly make decisions. This is an independent and confident dog with a balanced and active behavior.

She doesn't have fear. The Beagle has a loud, booming bark that attracts attention and drives away unexpected guests. The dog, possessing inexhaustible energy, can hunt and play tirelessly.

Varieties by size

Based on size, dachshunds are divided into 3 types: standard, dwarf and rabbit. But the standard of dachshunds is measured not by the withers, like all dogs, but by the girth of the chest. This is due to the size of the holes in which the animal works while chasing the beast. For a standard dachshund, the chest circumference should not exceed 35 centimeters, and the weight should not exceed 6-8 kilograms.

The name of the large dachshund breed depends on the person’s sense of humor. According to qualifications, this will be a large standard, the weight of which is from 8 to 12 kg. Dachshunds weighing 15 kilograms are not suitable for hunting. People called them "sausage" or "sausage".

In England there are only 2 height categories:

  • standard, weighing 9-14 kilograms;
  • miniature, weighing no more than 4.5 kilograms.

Small dogs owe their size to toy terriers. From them they inherited the prominence and roundness of their eyes. In dwarf representatives, the chest volume is 30-35 centimeters, in rabbits it does not exceed 30 centimeters.

The largest dachshund was shown at the annual competition in Barnaul, which is located in the Altai Territory. She was recognized as a dog named Monty with a body length of 110 centimeters.

Dachshunds on the hunt

Basset Hound

The Basset Hound is a breed of hound hunting dog that was bred specifically for foot hunting and was used in hunting foxes and badgers. Possessing a unique sense of smell, they track prey, tirelessly pursue it, but do not attack, leaving it to the hunter to set the final point in catching the animal.

Appearance of the breed


  1. The long body of the Basset Hound is covered with abundantly hanging skin. It is strong, muscular and has short legs. The tail of dogs is long and raised in the shape of a saber. With a small height of 33 to 38 cm, these dogs are very heavy. Their weight ranges from 22 to 27 kg.
  2. The head and neck of the Basset Hound are covered with wrinkles, giving the face a sad expression. The muzzle and nose of this breed are long, which allows them to keep them close to the ground and sniff out the animal. The portrait of the dog is completed with drooping ears.
  3. The Basset Hound is a short-haired breed with a smooth coat, the color of which is tri-colored with spots of varying location and shape.

Character and behavior

For a hound dog, their personality is quite gentle and calm. Basset Hounds are friendly and rarely show aggression. They get along well with other dogs, as they are used to hunting in a pack. Thanks to endurance and endurance, they can follow the trail of an animal for several hours.

They are easy to learn the skills of tracking and pursuing prey, but difficult to train, due to their stubborn nature. This breed of dog loves to bark loudly, and if during the hunt they bark to warn about the beast, then in the apartment this creates inconvenience.

Who are the mestizos?

Mestizos are dogs that appear as a result of crossing different breeds. The reason may be:

  • conscious selection work of the breeder;
  • random mating.

It is extremely difficult to predict what appearance and qualities a crossbreed will have.

Mixing blood often leads to a positive result - babies are born with strong immunity, good health and without hereditary diseases. Their psyche is stable, their intelligence is high, and their disposition is friendly. But there are also exceptions.

Border Terrier

This breed of hunting dog has not changed for several centuries since its origin. Hardy and mobile, Border Terriers are completely given over to the excitement of the hunt in any weather.

Possessing a strong hunting instinct, they work in a pack with hounds, chasing faces and otters, and skillfully drive animals out of their holes.

Appearance of the breed


  1. The body of the Border Terrier breed is harmoniously built, strong and muscular, with a flat and wide back, a small chest and a moderately tucked belly. The breed's legs are straight and elongated, making it possible to run after a horse during a hunt. The Border Terrier's height reaches up to 34 cm, and its weight ranges from 5.2 to 7 kg. The breed is characterized by a proportionally long neck with a slight bend, withers and the presence of a scruff.
  2. The dog is recognizable by its wide head with a wide sloping forehead and a short muzzle with a funny beard. Thickened black lips hide the lower jaw, and the nose is also black. The dog is distinguished by strong and powerful teeth. The face is decorated with dark brown almond-shaped eyes with a lively, penetrating gaze and tight-fitting small hanging ears of a triangular shape.
  3. The Border Terrier's coat is straight and hard, wire-like and close to the body, protected by a felt-like undercoat. The color of the breed can be red, red and tan, blue and black tan and various shades of wheaten.

Character and behavior

The Border Terrier has an even temperament and a friendly character, and has great affection for its owners. He treats others and children favorably and cannot stand being alone. He constantly needs to communicate and play with people and dogs of different breeds.

With a fairly compact size, dogs of this breed cannot be classified as weak sissies. Their character combines softness with playfulness, mobility with capricious firmness. They are brave and hardworking, with a strong hunting instinct. During the hunt, they influence the animal with assertiveness and barking, but they can attack and kill their prey. Border Terriers are easy to train if you find the right approach.

Where to buy and price

English Beagle dog breed: photo, character traits, appearance and care requirements + how to choose a puppy?

It is advisable to buy a puppy from a nursery; the breed is quite common in Russia. Irrison Kennel, Vivat Gummi and Duxland offer miniature and rabbit dachshunds. The price without pedigree starts from 5,000 rubles, with all the necessary documents from 20,000 rubles.

Before choosing a puppy, you need to get to know its parents in order to have an idea of ​​how the baby will grow up. He must be active. It is worth carefully examining the appearance: the eyes, ears and mouth should be clean, without an unpleasant odor. Light spots are acceptable on the mucous membrane of the mouth.

You can distinguish a miniature dachshund puppy from a standard one only by looking at the documents and looking at the parents. There is an opinion that he may outgrow his mother, that is, buying a dwarf dachshund is like a lottery. When buying a puppy for an exhibition, you need to take it no earlier than 3 months of age. In this case, it will be possible to estimate its future dimensions.

The longhaired dachshund is without a doubt a beautiful dog. But she requires good upbringing due to her stubbornness. He will become a real friend for children.

Artesian-Norman Basset

Artesian-Norman Basset Hounds are a breed of hounds that have excellent sense of smell and are able to quickly track down an animal in any conditions. Dogs of this breed, having discovered an animal, methodically pursue it with their voices, while overcoming dense thickets, and having driven it in, they take it out of any narrow and deep hole. The Artesian-Norman Basset breed has proven itself in hunting not only hares and rabbits, but also larger animals - foxes and wild boars.



  1. The dog's body is powerful and harmoniously built; it is an elongated body with a strong, wide back, a slightly flattened lower back and a long oval chest. The height of an adult is approximately 36-37 cm, and the weight is no more than 15 kg. The breed is characterized by a long neck with a slight dewlap and short, strong, slightly curved legs.
  2. The dog's head looks massive in relation to the body due to the large convex skull. The muzzle features a slightly convex bridge of the nose and an upper lip that practically covers the jaw. Large oval-shaped eyes express a calm and affectionate look. This breed is distinguished by soft, long ears, narrow and tightly curled at the base and pointed at the tips.
  3. The dog's coat is short, bristly-like, close to the body and usually has a tricolor color: light brown, black, white.

Character and behavior

The Artesian-Normandy Basset has the character of a real hound, succumbing to the excitement of the hunt. He is capable of learning and can be a reliable human assistant in hunting any animal. However, he cannot be called an overly obedient dog.

On the hunt and at home, he can be stubborn and headstrong. The dog has a good disposition, she gets along well with people and is not prone to aggression.

Maintenance, care

Thanks to its compact size, the dachshund can be kept even in a small apartment.
But since dogs of this breed are born hunters, they feel best in a country house, where a large enough enclosure is fenced for them, where they can stay during the entire daylight hours. These pets do not require special care, but their owners should closely monitor the health of the dachshund. The main thing is to promptly develop and strengthen the muscular system of the back and limbs. To do this, you need to regularly walk these “babies” on rough terrain, and, if possible, force them to swim in any body of water.

During the molting period, which occurs in dachshunds in spring and autumn, you should comb them with a soft brush or a special mitten, removing old fibers.


Although currently in specialized stores you can purchase completely balanced dry and wet food for your pets, necessary supplements and much more. But veterinarians recommend combining dry food with homemade food in the dachshund’s diet. You can give them separately or mix them in a bowl.

Natural products on your dog’s menu may include lean meats, cottage cheese, fermented milk products, and proteins of plant origin.

It is strictly forbidden to give such dogs too salty, sweet, fried or smoked products.

Dachshunds are prone to obesity, so their menu is designed in such a way that the pet does not gain extra pounds. Until four months of age, puppies are fed 4 times a day. then, up to 6 months, the number of feedings is reduced to 3. And older individuals are transferred to two meals a day - morning and evening.


When buying a Dachshund puppy, the owner should remember that training this pet will require more patience and a calm approach than when training many other dog breeds. You need to be patient, consistent and demanding, then the dachshund will grow up obedient.

The puppy quickly gets used to the “outfit” for walking - after several walks, he understands that it will not be possible to remove the collar or harness, and will calmly accept these accessories.

Puppies often bite during play; this behavior should be stopped immediately, but calmly and, if possible, without violence.

You should not raise your voice at dogs of this breed - such behavior can disturb their mental state, especially since such pets better perceive a calm, even tone from the owner.

The “no” command should be used especially - it should be given in emergency cases, but it is imperative to ensure its unquestioning execution.


The Drever, a breed of dog similar to the dachshund, was bred specifically for hunting roe deer, wild boar, foxes and hares by crossing the dachshund with a Swedish hunting dog. Representatives of this breed are distinguished by an excellent sense of the animal, endurance and tenacity in its pursuit and the ability to hold prey in place until the hunter shoots. They successfully hunt both alone and in a pack of dogs.

Although drevers do not run as fast as other hounds, this disadvantage is compensated by their determination, hard work and sonorous voice.



  1. The Drever is a dog endowed with a long, strong, muscular body on short legs. The distinctive properties of the physique also include a flat back and a protruding, elongated chest. The drever has a tucked belly and a long, saber-like tail. The height of the dog at the withers reaches 38 cm.
  2. The head of the drever is large and long with a weakly defined transition from the forehead to the muzzle. The breed is characterized by medium-sized ears, set high and falling to the sides.
  3. The coat is uneven in length in different parts of the body. On the neck, back and buttocks the hair is hard and long, on the inside of the tail it is fluffy. There are representatives of the breed with different coat colors, but always with white symmetrical spots.

Character and temperament

Drevers are endowed with many qualities necessary for a hunter - attentiveness, restraint, insight, self-confidence, courage and energy. They are not characterized by aggressiveness and unpredictability.

The breed is distinguished by high mental abilities, so it lends itself well to training and education. The character of the Drever is dominated by amiability, goodwill and an affectionate attitude towards household members.

How to choose a pet

  • First of all, make sure that the nursery or breeder has a decent reputation.
  • Study breed standards.
  • Get acquainted with the pedigree of the parents.
  • See the puppy's mother. There is a high probability that the puppy will be a repeat of her.
  • A purebred puppy will definitely have a personal card and a veterinary passport with information about its vaccination. He will have a mark on his right ear or stomach.
  • Take a closer look at the behavior of the puppy in the nest. A small dachshund should be moderately active, playful, and inquisitive.
  • If a dog is adopted for hunting, it would be good if the parents were workers.

What types of toy terriers exist: descriptions of breeds, photos of their representatives, features and common features

The choice of dachshund coat type depends on personal preference. But a long-haired dog will be more difficult to care for.

If a smooth-haired dachshund only needs to be wiped with a suede glove or a terry towel, then a long-haired individual will require more thorough procedures.

This includes combing and cleaning after a walk (long hair will get more dirty). Shedding in smooth-haired dogs is also easier and not as intense as in long-haired dogs.

But all the trouble will be paid off with pride in a beautiful pet at the exhibition. Or just on a walk.

You can choose any type of dachshund. The main thing is to enjoy communicating with the dog. Having a dog in the house is not only a pleasure, but also a lot of work and responsibility.

Dachshunds are not only highly intelligent, but also cunning. The owner will raise the pet, and the pet will still think about whether to give in to him or not.

Fox terrier

The Fox Terrier is a type of fox burrow dog bred in the late 18th century to kill rats. Over the centuries, the fox terrier has become man's faithful assistant in hunting foxes, badgers and raccoons.

Possessing an amazing scent, strength and quick reaction, he is always ready to fight the beast.



  1. The body of the Fox Terrier is compact, proportional, similar to a slightly elongated rectangle, located on small paws. The breed is characterized by a short, straight back, deep chest and graceful neck that widens towards the shoulders. The height of dogs, depending on their gender, is from 33 to 41 cm, and their weight is from 6.8 to 7.7 kg.
  2. The head is of medium width with a flat forehead, tapering towards the eyes. The dog's muzzle is almost rectangular with a rounded end. It is distinguished by a black nose and round, deep-set eyes of a dark brown color, expressing alertness, interest and cheerfulness. The ears are of medium size with a break above the forehead directed towards the cheekbones.
  3. Fox Terriers are either smooth-haired or wire-haired. Wire-haired dogs have slightly shorter hair on their face and paws than on their body. The color of dogs is tricolor - white with spots of brown and black, and bicolor - with red spots on a white background.


Fox Terriers are endowed with a lively and restless temperament. Distinctive features of their character are intelligence, activity and cheerfulness.

They are friendly towards humans, love to play with children and are ready to throw themselves into fire and water for their owner. They show anger, vigilance and courage towards the beast, being wonderful hunting companions.

Useful video

TOP-10 hunting dog breeds:


Dachshunds are small dogs with short legs. But despite their size, they are considered more aggressive than Rottweilers and pit bulls, which are popularly considered the most vicious. This type of behavior is inherent in many hunting dogs so that they can emerge victorious when meeting an animal in the wild. The dachshund is a large breed among burrowing dogs. Its distinctive features are its long body and short legs.




  1. The physique of the Italian Greyhound is graceful. The length and height of its body are almost equal and are about 38 cm. The dog is endowed with a straight back with a slightly rounded loin, a powerful narrow chest that goes into the stomach and strong elongated limbs. The long curved tail allows you to maintain balance on sharp turns. On average, it weighs from 2.5 to 4.5 kg.
  2. The head of these greyhounds is long and narrow with an elongated, pointed muzzle with dark lips and elongated jaws. The deep-set eyes of the Italian greyhound are dark with an expressive, sincere gaze. Highly set ears become vertical when the dog is alert.
  3. The coat of Italian Greyhounds is dense, shiny, without undercoat, and fits well to the body. The color of dogs can be black, gray with a blue tint, cream, pastel, white and piebald.

Character and behavior

Italian greyhounds have an affectionate and obedient character. They are devoted to their owner and keenly sense his mood. With an active temperament, they love to be on the move and play with children.

Italian Greyhounds are very smart, insightful and understanding. These character traits contribute to learning the basic commands necessary for hunting and behavior at home. At the same time, they do not tolerate too strict an attitude, which makes them irritated and frightened.

Popular nicknames

Having got a dachshund, everyone wants to give it an original and unusual nickname. You should not invent a complex and long name, as it will be difficult for the dog to remember it and get used to it, and it may happen that he will not react to it. Usually dogs are called by nicknames consisting of two, maximum, three syllables. Some even call their pets human names. Basically, the nickname depends on the imagination of the owner, but there are often cases when the nickname is selected to suit any features of the pet’s appearance or character.

For example, a mischievous red dog can be called Ryzhik, and a gloomy baby who loves to bark will receive the nickname Grumpy. In addition, such variants as Chernysh, Veselchak or Tikhonya, Kashtanka or Kashtan, Fluffy or Fluff are common, and the wire-haired dachshund can even receive the nickname Hedgehog. The spotted baby will be called simply – Spotted.

Among other nicknames that do not relate to the pet’s habits and appearance, the most common names for boys are Richie, Charlie, Rocky, Tosha, Mickey, Santa, Marks, Max. Unfortunately, nicknames such as Sharik and Buddy are rarely used nowadays, but they definitely have their place. Among the nicknames for girls, the ones that sound very original and playful are Oliva, Bun, Bela, Lexi, Lassie, Zhulya, Juicy, Lisa and many others.

Origin story: how do albinos appear?

Before the official recognition of the breed, breeders bred dogs of any color, as they were primarily interested in the working qualities of dachshunds.

Dachshund-like dogs, white with dark spots, are depicted in ancient paintings and frescoes, indicating that these colors were quite popular in the past.

However, after the standard was approved, white dachshunds were excluded from breeding, but despite this, such puppies continue to appear from time to time.

What causes the appearance of white color in these dogs?

There may be several reasons for this:

  • Lightened to white cream.
  • Leucism, or, in other words, true white color.
  • Extreme degree of spotting. These dogs have individual colored hairs or small pigment spots on the skin.
  • Albinism. In this case, the dog completely lacks pigmentation due to the fact that a genetic failure prevents the synthesis of pigments.

The birth of albino puppies is often caused by the mating of two marble-colored dogs.

Fusion with Chihuahua

This pet is usually called a Chihuax. The result is pocket pets that receive characteristics from both parents.

Some even call Chihuaxes “Mexican hot dogs.” But if you don’t like a pet of this size, then you can breed a Chihuahua with a dwarf dachshund and get a very small animal.

  • The body structure of representatives of the cross is long, and the ears are erect and larger. Chihuaxes are highly sociable and friendly, so they are always ready to learn and obey their owner.

But the training approach needs to start at an early age. Chihuaxes do not like to be alone and have a hard time surviving the hours when the owner does not pay attention to them.

Doxie – Chin

This is a special cross that consists of a Dachshund and a Japanese Chin. The decorative breed looks more like a taxi dog because of its muzzle. Such a dog will be an excellent friend for families with small children, because children can easily tame their playful character.

Pets love attention, so they will gladly do tricks, somersaults and other things to attract and please the owner.

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