Service dogs - application and use in the modern world

Service dogs are characterized by large dimensions, a tough character and a subtle sense of smell. Such breeds are subject to requirements such as independence, fast learning, high intelligence and endurance. Some dogs are easy to care for and show resistance to harsh climatic conditions, so they do not require high financial costs.

South Russian Shepherd

The South Russian Shepherd is also one of the ancient breeds bred as shepherd's helpers. However, don’t be fooled by it – the dogs are just as ferocious and fearless as a German Shepherd or a Doberman Pinscher.

The dog can serve even in the harsh climatic conditions of the northern regions. Character traits include endurance, determination, and independence. Not popular among owners of country houses, since the dog's long hair requires careful grooming. Currently, it copes well with the duties of a livestock protector, and is also actively used in guard duty.

Service Animals

In the activities of internal affairs bodies, dogs, horses, donkeys, camels and deer are used as regular service animals. Service animals, except dogs, perform transport functions.

The range of tasks solved with the use of dogs is very wide, but the main areas are the use of search, patrol, escort and guard dogs.

Dogs are used on routes and posts in the evening and at night, in forested areas and on the outskirts of cities, when inspecting areas or premises, checking basements and other non-residential premises. A particularly developed sense of smell, acute hearing and vision, and the fast running of dogs allow them to be used in the inspection and delivery of detainees, the detention of dangerous and armed criminals, ensuring the personal safety of citizens and public safety, the security of internal affairs agencies, and the protection of persons in custody.

The rules for the use and maintenance of dogs are established by orders of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs.

It would be incorrect to say that horses in the police perform tasks only for transporting goods. Mounted police officers have undeniable advantages, including: high mobility, the ability to cover a larger area compared to foot police officers. It has been established that the appearance of a mounted policeman is a kind of deterrent for offenders. Horses can be successfully used as a cordon, ensuring law and order during public events.

In accordance with clause 7, part 2, art. 21 of the Federal Law “On Police” service animals are used:

  • • to repel an attack on a citizen or police officer;
  • • suppression of a crime or administrative offense;
  • • suppression of resistance to a police officer;
  • • detaining a person caught committing a crime and trying to escape;
  • • detaining a person if this person can offer armed resistance;
  • • delivery to the police, escort and protection of detained persons, taken into custody, subjected to administrative punishment in the form of administrative arrest, as well as in order to suppress an escape attempt, if a person resists a police officer, causes harm to others or himself;
  • • release of forcibly detained persons, seized buildings, premises, structures, vehicles and land plots;
  • • identifying persons who are committing or have committed a crime or administrative offense;
  • • protection of protected objects, blocking the movement of groups of citizens committing illegal actions.

Saint Bernard

Saint Bernards are a prime example of dogs that can help a person out in almost any critical situation. Representatives of this breed have repeatedly risked their lives to save travelers in the Swiss Alps, who were literally buried under thick snow. Therefore, to this day, such dogs are used as rescuers.

Saint Bernards are one of the most devoted and faithful dogs, endowed with determination, perseverance, able to survive in harsh conditions, and also endure heavy loads. However, along with this, their character is not alien to good nature, cheerfulness and playfulness.

Modern Applications

With the development of technology and changing working conditions, the scope of use of dogs also changes. During the war years, for example, dogs were actively used to search for mines, in reconnaissance, search for the wounded, etc. More than one squad of service dogs was used to help destroy German troops.

Interesting! During the Victory Parade over Germany, along with all Soviet troops, there was a column of hero dogs who took part in saving the lives of many soldiers.

Currently, the list of services that use dogs is quite wide. These are the police, customs control, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Federal Penitentiary Service, the border service, military units, anti-terrorism departments, rehabilitation centers and much more.

A dog is not only an excellent employee who will never take time off from work, but will always unconditionally follow all commands. The resource of an animal's capabilities in any of the services is unlimited; thanks to well-developed senses, a dog can smell something that a person cannot smell.

An excellent sense of smell is an important quality for search dogs, sappers, and rescuers.

Pyrenean mountain dog

The Pyrenees Mountain Dog is a French breed; its ancestors are considered to be large dogs that in former times lived in Asia. Then this breed was used to guard gardens and protect livestock; currently the dog is actively used both for hunting and for monitoring herds on pastures .

The main character traits are autonomy, independence, and the ability to quickly respond to any changes in the situation. The movements convey elegance and pride.

4) Pest killer spiders

There is now a high demand for organic food grown without pesticides, so farmers have to find ways to get rid of pests more naturally. Tesco, a British supermarket chain, forced all the farmers who supply them to use hordes of spiders that could rid their crops of harmful insects.

Dubbed "Nature's Choice," the project turned out to be brilliant on paper, as natural predators are much less effective at controlling pests than the pesticides that farmers mostly use. Another problem is that millions of spiders are collected along with the crops and end up on the table. Agree, it’s not very pleasant to feast on, for example, grapes when some giant poisonous spider, like a black widow, is looking at you from the bunch. After one encounter like this, you won't want to eat fresh fruit for the rest of your life.

Anatolian Shepherd

At one time, the Anatolian Shepherd lived in Asia Minor; it is an ancient breed of wolfhound. As a rule, such dogs are used to protect the herd from attacks by predators . The Anatolian Shepherd takes a responsible approach to its duties, especially in the absence of its owner. He has keen eyesight, so he likes to observe the territory from a hill.

This breed has strong jaws, so the shepherd's teeth are like a vice, it is difficult to unclench them until the dog itself wants it. The character is characterized by determination, agility, and quick reaction.

Read The rarest dog breeds - 20 rarest dogs


The Kuvasz was developed in Hungary, just like the Hungarian Shepherd. Initially, representatives of this breed were used by the ancient Magyars to protect their homes from robbers and predatory animals. Since then, the character of the Kuvasz has remained virtually unchanged - it is still endowed with devotion to its owners, and is used, thanks to its keen sense, as a bloodhound . This dog has powerful muscles, long hair, is brave, does not know fatigue and is able to survive in harsh weather conditions.

East European Shepherd

The East European Shepherd is considered one of the large breeds of service dogs, often used in search and rescue services, but more often it is classified as a herding and cattle breed . It was developed in the Soviet Union, but has remained popular to this day.

He has great physical strength and a balanced character, thanks to which the dog is able to act quickly in critical conditions. The character shows independence and confidence, and the dog also has high intelligence.

Selected groups by nature of service

Based on the nature of their service, all types of service dogs can be divided into several groups. They have the following names:

  • search, guard and customs dogs called upon to search for dangerous substances, weapons and criminals, as well as patrol state borders and other important objects;
  • search and rescue, used to save people in extreme situations;
  • shepherds, divided into those who help with grazing and those who protect livestock;
  • bodyguards who provide protection to individuals and facilities;
  • sappers trained to search for explosives and mine clearance;
  • rehabilitation, involved in canistherapy;
  • guide dogs and other assistance dogs that help the blind, visually impaired and other people with disabilities;
  • sleds used to transport goods and people in the Far North;
  • hunting, helping to track, drive, catch and bring prey;
  • sentries protecting territory or individual objects.

Four-legged pets are actively used by employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the Federal Penitentiary Service, border guards, military, police and rehabilitation centers. To enter the service, they are required to undergo training courses: OKD and ZKS.

Cane Corso

The Cane Corso is one of the oldest dog breeds developed in Italy. They are distinguished by their ability to make decisions independently if their owners are in danger.

The dog showed himself well in guard duty . If it is important for you to have a friendly dog ​​in your home who is patient with children, then you cannot find a better candidate. This breed is characterized by mobility, they are stubborn, easy to train and take their official duties responsibly.

Special Features

Detection dogs in the general sense are those that work using their developed sense of smell and sense of smell. Sniffer dogs have received a wide field for demonstrating their unique abilities in the following areas:

The special sensitivity of the olfactory receptors, as well as the high organization of the central nervous system, gives dogs the ability to find odors, very sensitively recognize and isolate the desired one from a mixture of extraneous aromas, and remember the required smell of a footprint or hands on things and objects. A subtle sense of smell leads you along the trail and allows you to choose the right person from a whole group of people.

In a dog’s life, the ability to perfectly distinguish the nuances of smell is of great importance. The sense of smell gives a signal to the animal about the onset of a dangerous factor, the proximity of food, the appearance of relatives nearby and other events. Observing dogs' excellent sense of smell, flexibility, and potential for training, people began to apply these valuable abilities to their goals.


The Dobermann is one of the most common breeds developed in Germany. This is an energetic, physically strong, determined dog who is devoted to his owner, for whose safety he cares more than for his own life.

The Doberman is moderately aggressive, can think quickly and is fearless - almost no one can intimidate such a dog. If a dog notices danger, it will never warn of its intention to attack - it does it quickly, decisively and does not spare its own life. In the modern world it is used in the army and police .

How can you put a person on the wanted list?

Every citizen can apply to the internal affairs bodies with a request to put a person on the wanted list. There are several available ways to do this:

  • personally submit an application to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the investigative committee or other law enforcement agencies;
  • provide information about the person you are looking for by phone;
  • use the electronic reception.
  • However, the most effective is considered to be a personal appeal to the territorial police department, where a number of mandatory documents must be provided.

The procedure for contacting the police will be as follows:

  1. a citizen files a missing person report;
  2. attaches a photograph of the person being put on the wanted list;
  3. tells the police officers receiving the statement about the special features of the missing person, also telling what clothes he was wearing;
  4. notifies officers whether the person being sought was in possession of identification;
  5. tells the police about the circle of acquaintances of the missing person, describes the places where he usually goes, his usual routes of movement (if a person has debts or any disputes with other persons, this should also not be kept silent);
  6. after the application is accepted, the police officers will hand over to the applicant a coupon confirming the registration of the document in the Book of Incident Reports (KUSP);

IMPORTANT! If the relatives of the missing person assume that he could have become a victim of a crime, the application will be sent to the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, which has the right to initiate a criminal case on this fact

Black Russian Terrier

Dogs of this breed are distinguished by excellent health and physical strength. Distinctive features also include devotion to owners, good immunity and energy.

The Black Russian Terrier is highly trainable, able to quickly carry out any commands, and has a stable psyche. Such dogs are very observant and can notice something is wrong at a great distance; they never attack without warning - they initially take a fighting stance and emit a long roar. They do not trust strangers, have a quick reaction and are able to reach high speeds, and are used primarily in search and rescue services .

Ca-de-bo (cadebo)

Kadebo is a mastiff and by its temperament is a born guardian. It behaves aggressively if any stranger approaches the object, or especially the owner. However, he enters into fights only in critical situations - no unreasonable aggression has been observed.

He has a good mind, is easy to train and enjoys playing with his owner a lot of time. Loves walks and needs constant physical activity. It has an excellent sense of territory and can be used for security purposes.

Find out more about wonderful bodyguards - Ca de Bou service dogs.

Akita Inu

A Japanese breed specially bred for hunting big game. The Akita Inu is a hereditary service dog with impressive size, strong legs and a stubborn character.

Such dogs independently assess the situation and decide exactly what they should do; they have good immunity and high intelligence. They are aggressive towards any stranger, but never attack prematurely. This breed is actively used in the search service .

Read Top 20 smartest dogs - breeds with a high level of intelligence

Features and purpose

The vast majority of service breed dogs are large, powerful dogs, whose strength can be used in absolutely any field of activity. For example, guard dogs guard important industrial and railway facilities, warehouses, bridges, houses and apartments. These are brave, angry and distrustful dogs with good hearing and an excellent sense of smell.

Similar breeds are used in military service; with their help, search activities are carried out. Sniffer dogs serve on the border, help fight crime, and protect state property. Borderline dogs have an incredibly acute sense of smell, which allows them to not only detect, but also distinguish more than two thousand odors.

Guard dogs patrol the territory, search the area for illegal entry into the territory of people or planted foreign objects. These dogs also work on explosives, weapons or drugs. Not a single inspection at a train station, airport or customs is complete without them.

Dogs with a calm character, a balanced nervous system and a keen sense of smell have been used for search and rescue work by the Ministry of Emergency Situations. As a rule, these are strong, hardy animals like St. Bernard, Newfoundland, French or German Shepherd, Collie or Nenets Laika.

Huskies and huskies have similar characteristics, which are used as sled dogs, because they have to transport people or cargo over snow and ice over long distances. On average, they cover a distance of 70-80 km - and this is in just 24 hours.

Herding dogs are characterized by an innate hatred of wolves and excellent watchdog qualities. These dogs independently protect pastures from predators and do not allow cows, goats or sheep to stray from the herd. If the animal gets lost, the dog will independently find it and bring it back.

A separate category includes hunting dogs - greyhounds, huskies, hounds, pointers and spaniels. Terriers and dachshunds are used to hunt burrowing animals. Each hunter is characterized by a keen sense of smell, courage, endurance and strength. Well, hunting skills are formed in the process of long-term training.

If the owner does not intend to train the pet for a specific profession, but he wants to have a service dog as a protector and friend, he should pay attention to training. The dog must know basic commands and obey its owner unquestioningly.


The bullmastiff's menacing appearance hides a reliable companion and loyal friend. The character of representatives of this breed is characterized by such qualities as fearlessness, loyalty, the ability to quickly carry out commands, and hard work.

The bullmastiff was first bred in Great Britain at the end of the 19th century, and is currently actively used in police service . The popularity of such dogs also spread to Sweden and Norway, where the dogs were introduced to military service.

Suitable nicknames

What vaccines are there for dogs, and which ones are best to use?

The dog's name should be short, euphonious, and consistent with the size and appearance of the pet. Agree, it’s funny to give a spaniel and a dachshund the nickname Alf or Vityaz, and call a shepherd dog and St. Bernard Bublik or Bantik.

A number of experts believe that the name to a certain extent influences the character of the growing protector and friend. If the nickname contains the letters P or F, the dog grows up to be brave, decisive and independent - excellent traits for a future bloodhound, security guard or watchman. Suitable nicknames for such pets are Thunder, Count, Ray, Alf (Alpha), Akbar, Gerda, Hera, Daphne.

If you plan to cultivate friendliness, agreeableness and affectionate character in a dog, you should choose nicknames for it with the letters L, M, N. For example, Mason, Volt, Antey, Axel, Amigo, Umka, Chingiz - for boys, Alma, Naida, Dana, Nika, Silva, Yanika - for girls.

Otherwise, the choice of nickname is entirely up to the owner and his family members. You just need to take a close look at your four-legged friend and approach the matter with a positive attitude.

See below for more details.

Central asian shepherd dog

The Central Asian Shepherd is actively used in guard duty . Such a dog has a pronounced devotion to the owner and tries to show this every time the opportunity arises. The Central Asian Shepherd is unpretentious in care and is accustomed to survive in the harshest climatic conditions.

Among the character traits, independence, speed of reaction, calmness and composure prevail, so such a dog will think several times before doing anything. In order for an adult dog to act impeccably in a critical situation, it is necessary to raise a Central Asian Shepherd from childhood.

Hungarian Shepherd

The Hungarian Shepherd is one of the largest dog breeds, most often used in guard duty . By nature, the Komondor (the second name of the breed) is endowed not only with intelligence, but also with cunning, so you definitely won’t get bored with such a dog.

Distinctive features include quick learning, vigilance, and the ability to immediately respond in a critical situation. The Hungarian Shepherd loves to periodically patrol the territory, because this is inherent in the dog at the genetic level.

2) Chimney sweep ferrets

If you are organizing concerts, building giant computer networks or installing telephone systems, the most important thing is to correctly route all the necessary wires through the installed pipes. It’s not so easy to insert a wire into a huge 10-meter pipe, so it’s time to use your imagination and come up with an unusual way out of the situation. Or, for example, just tie all the necessary wires to the ferret and send it through the pipe. The beast will quickly extend the necessary wires to another exit.

Who ever thought of this, you ask. It turns out, the US Space Command! In 1999, during the construction of a missile warning center, the organization "hired" Misty the ferret to lay the wires, who was forced to run cables through 12-meter pipe systems to complete the structure.

Moreover, these furry creatures can not only guide wires through pipes, but also clean them! Take, for example, a giant particle accelerator. This facility uses hundreds of meters of pipes through which particles pass at incredible speeds and these pipes must be perfectly clean. Not a single particle of dust should get into them, otherwise even one speck of dust can block the path of subatomic particles. Cleaning that many pipes requires an investment of thousands of dollars, but in the 1970s the National Accelerator Laboratory spent just $35 to buy Felicia the ferret, who not only was hired unofficially, but also did not require payment for the work. Felicia ran through the pipes with a “mop” with a special solution tied behind her, leaving behind a perfectly clean space.

Belgian Shepherd

The Belgian Shepherd is often used in investigative activities, but is also good as a shepherd's companion . There are four varieties: Groenendael, Malinois, Tervuren, Laekenois.

The dog’s natural ingenuity, high intelligence and good memory allow the owner to take him hunting with him. This breed is highly trainable and has excellent intuition, so if your pet is wary of a stranger, you should listen to him.


This breed has an exceptionally calm, calm and very patient character. The dog prefers not to bark or show its aggression, but if the territory is violated, it will defend it fearlessly. They are extremely loyal to their owner and perceive the entire family as a pack – including small dogs and cats.

They are easy to train because they are smart. In addition, the Newfoundland constantly tries to please the owner and, as it were, predict his desire. He loves children very much, even noisy and too active ones. He loves to swim, so he is often used by lifeguards on beaches. Along with this, it is excellent for security and watchdog service.

Everything about keeping and raising Newfoundland dogs is in the full article.

Giant Schnauzer

Another breed bred in Germany. Self-confidence can be traced in the character of Giant Schnauzers; they are extremely active and courageous. It will not be difficult for owners to teach their dog something new, since representatives of this breed quickly grasp information and remember it. Primarily used as a bloodhound and classified as a police working dog .


Any large dog, which is each representative of the service class, must be well-bred. Otherwise, there is a high probability that the owner will have to face various kinds of troubles. At the same time, an uncontrolled animal can cause harm to others. The owner of a service dog must be aware of the full responsibility. Such pets require training: first general, and then service. To obtain a breeding class, an animal needs a diploma of passing one or more training courses. A properly balanced feeding diet plays a vital role in the development of good health for a service dog. High-quality nutrition requires considerable expenditure.

Caucasian Shepherd Dog

As many dog ​​experts believe, the Caucasian Shepherd is one of the best working dog breeds. The appearance of a dog can already make you wary. The Caucasian Shepherd is characterized by such qualities as determination, courage, independence and incredible physical strength. The dog also has high intelligence and extraordinary devotion to its owners. The Caucasian Shepherd acts immediately in the event of a critical situation - without warning, it is capable of resolutely attacking.

Read Decorative dogs - top 20 breeds

Many owners value the shepherd dog for its ability to make decisions independently. However, to keep a dog you will need a spacious enclosure and, preferably, a chain, since representatives of such a powerful breed can sometimes be almost uncontrollable. The dog is used primarily in police service, but during the Great Patriotic War the shepherd dog showed how well it copes as a “squire.” Representatives of this breed have been used more than once as sappers .


This rather unusual breed of shepherd dog comes from Hungary. The dogs are characterized by long white hair that rolls into “cords.” Color - only white. Black Komondors are mixed breeds and are not part of the breed.

At its core, this is a herding dog, but now it is bred as a guard dog and it copes with its task with five points. This is due to the fact that, while guarding sheep, Komondors were suspicious of any stranger who dared to show up near the flock.

The dog protects the house perfectly well, but with the owners, and let’s be honest, he behaves kindly with other pets and will never be the first to start a conflict. The owners' children can endlessly pull the Komondor's dreadlocks, ride him and put their little hands in his mouth - for the dog these are just stupid "lambs", so let them have fun.

Seeing such goodwill, some owners try to introduce their dog to the children of friends. But this should not be done, since the shepherd dog has a clear distinction between “friend and foe”.

What about training? You can and should teach a four-legged dog basic commands, but you shouldn’t tire him out with serious work. And not everyone will succeed. The reason is that the ancestors of the Komondor were left to their own devices for too long, they had to make their own decisions in order to find a way out of the current situation. And I must say, they succeeded in this.

If the Komondor did not comply with your order, this does not mean that it is time for him to see an ENT. This means that the dog “digested” the information, but did not consider it necessary to carry out the installation. Therefore, in order to raise an obedient dog, you will have to work hard and, of course, gain his trust.

Video: Komondor

German Shepherd

The German Shepherd has high intelligence and a balanced character, as well as discrimination - the dog is able to instinctively determine whether a particular person can be trusted.

A distinctive feature of the breed is that the dog knows how to work in a team, so sometimes the dog does not need to explain what exactly needs to be done - he will guess on his own. The dog is hardy, physically strong and has a pronounced intuition, which is why it is often used for official investigative activities . He treats his owner's family members extremely friendly, and considers it necessary to keep strangers under constant control.

The procedure for search activities

Despite the fact that the criminal is inclined to cover his tracks, confuse them, and use any tricks, this will not confuse a trained dog and make him lose the trail.
Dogs are trained to work with a trail that can loop, be interrupted, change its direction, intersect with roads and pedestrian paths, and follow through populated areas. The criminal constantly invents new ways to mislead his pursuers: he walks on water, climbs trees and mountains, uses stilts and other means of transportation, and treats his tracks with odor suppressants. A trained dog easily avoids such obstacles on the way to the goal, is able to steadily move in a given direction, and catch up with the criminal. It happens that this may take more than one hour. Having discovered and overtaken the pursued criminal, the dog detains him and waits for the handler.

When the pursuit just begins, the dog can move away by the length of the leash, i.e. at a distance of up to ten meters, following the scent. Immediately before the arrest, the handler unfastens the leash, giving the bloodhound freedom of action. The dog overtakes the offender, rushes to detain him, thereby turning his attention to himself, giving the handler the opportunity to approach in relative safety and end the pursuit. When a criminal is detained, a handler and a dog escort him to the place of temporary detention. During the convoy, the dog is trained to vigilantly observe every movement of the detainee, keep an eye on him and prevent all attempts to attack the conductor or escape from the place of detention.


The Boxer was developed in Germany and is one of the most common breeds. The dog has proven itself excellent as a bodyguard , and is currently used in guard duty . In appearance, such dogs seem obstinate, but in fact they are ready to obey any word of the owner, with “their own” they are flexible, quickly remember commands and learn new things.

The boxer loves regular physical exercise, and he will only enjoy daily training in a playful way. Sensitive to low temperatures, does not like damp and chilly weather.


It is no coincidence that the diet was mentioned, because with proper feeding, dogs do not gain weight and their appetite is not impaired. They feel good, look great and are actively involved in games.

To maintain the cheerfulness of your pet, you should follow a certain diet. For example, puppies are fed at least 6 times, grown young animals - 4-5 times a day at regular intervals. During the period of mating, whelping and lactation, bitches are fed 3-4 times a day.

Adult dogs are given food 1-2 times a day. If a service dog works in a certain specialty, it must be fed morning and evening: two hours before work and an hour after it ends.

Both ready-made commercial food and regular homemade food can be used as food. In the latter case, the owner will have to independently balance his pet’s diet and supplement it with vitamins and microelements.


The Rottweiler is a breed of dog specially bred in Germany for service purposes. Distinctive features are hard work, physical strength, endurance, and increased aggressiveness.

Rottweilers have excellent health, quickly become attached to their owners, act deliberately, but try not to let strangers get close to them. They are mainly used in search activities; currently, representatives of this breed often serve in the army or police.

American Staffordshire Terrier

The American Terrier is an independent and rather proud breed, whose representatives are not used to accepting everyone, so their trust must be earned. He is distinguished by excellent health, strong immunity, lively character, fearlessness and hard work. American Terriers quickly become attached to their owners and are ready to follow any of their instructions, so they are easy to train, but they must be constantly trained, otherwise they lose their skills. They can be aggressive towards other dogs.

They are used primarily for protective guard duty , but recently breeders have been trying to make the breed more “domestic”. Previously, American terriers participated in dog fights, and also protected the lives of farmers in the troubled times of the 30s of the last century in the United States.

Training methods

Dogs for service purposes are trained very differently than for rescue work or companionship, as they will perform specific functions. Firstly, not all people are allowed to train, but only those who are capable of this work

When choosing a person who will train dogs, pay attention to his confidence, willpower, patience and desire to convey important information to the animals in a form understandable to them.

Did you know? At the end of the last century, during archaeological excavations in Altai, the remains of an ancient dog were discovered. Laboratory analysis showed that the age of the remains is at least thirty thousand years, and the genotype is significantly different from the genotype of the ancient wolf. Based on these data, it can be argued that dogs were domesticated by humans long before goats, sheep and other meat and dairy animals.

Training methods are applied after rapport is established during the trainer's first meeting with the service dog. In the first days after meeting the animal, he looks especially closely at the habits of the new person, watches his facial expressions, movements, and catches his mood.

During this period, it is very important not to show the dog your dissatisfaction, irritation and rudeness. It is not allowed to shout at the animal, hit it, or otherwise show aggression or impatience, as the initial opportunity for trust will be lost forever. The mechanical method of training is not suitable for the first weeks of education.

A dog that is disappointed in its new teacher cannot be bought with any amount of affection and treats - at a crucial moment, it will definitely take revenge for the rudeness used earlier, putting the entire success of the official operation at risk

The mechanical method of training is not suitable for the first weeks of education. A dog that is disappointed in its new teacher cannot be bought with any amount of affection and delicacies - at a crucial moment, it will definitely take revenge for the rudeness used earlier, putting the entire success of the official operation at risk.

An incentive training method involves food or vocal motivation of the animal. This method becomes especially effective three to four hours after the last feeding or contact with the trainer. In service training, it is considered the most unreliable method, because the dog’s trust and obedience should be based on respect, and not on the desire to get tasty food.

The mechanical method is used only on adult dogs whose trust has already been formed. It allows physical influence on the animal - stroking, patting, jerking the leash, pressing on the chest and croup. This is an effective method available to trainers whose pets are not capable of aggression against their owner. The skills and reflexes acquired in this way are preserved with frequent repetition until the end of life. It is similar to the pushing method and differs from it in the severity of influence. The pushing method is applicable in the first weeks of educational work.

Important! Each of the training methods is good in its own way, but not all skills are developed using any one method. To achieve good results, you need to use different techniques depending on the animal’s mood and its abilities.

Imitative method. The contrast method is considered the most effective in training adults and has a quick effect

A dog trained in this way will not associate obedience skills with food or physical stimulation, but will perceive them as rare rewards. Such a pet will obey the owner’s commands even without expecting a handout or praise. As for the young animals, the game method is practiced on them. This is the most gentle way to subdue a dog, and it is used only on puppies who are spoiled by food motivation, and physical influence may be misunderstood

The contrast method is considered the most effective in training adults and has a quick effect. A dog trained in this way will not associate obedience skills with food or physical stimulation, but will perceive them as rare rewards. Such a pet will obey the owner’s commands even without expecting a handout or praise. As for the young animals, the game method is practiced on them. This is the most gentle way to subdue a dog, and it is used only on puppies who are spoiled by food motivation, and the physical influence may be misunderstood.

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