The fastest dog breeds in the world. Only the wind is faster!

While some dog breeds were bred to produce a calm pet or a patient guard capable of sitting on a chain without a long daily walk, others were created for hunting. And from a hunter, even from herding dogs, speed is required. What dogs are capable of developing it to the maximum in order to catch up and overtake all their own kind, and at the same time many other animals? It turns out that research has already been carried out - there are accurate speed indicators for different breeds, according to which you can determine the “fastest” dogs!

Doberman Pinscher: about 51 km/h

This smooth-haired dog with an inquisitive look and a strong body is a real four-legged Sherlock Holmes. Excellent memory and attentiveness make him an excellent sniffer dog, as well as a protector and watchman.

This is an ideal dog for police service, and also a devoted friend who will not leave you in trouble, and with whom you are not afraid to go out late at night. Intelligence and the ability to run quickly are virtues for which the Doberman Pinscher is valued.


Saluki (Persian greyhound)
Saluki is one of the galaxy of canine record holders for speed. A close relative of the Afghan hound, this dog breed can accelerate to 68 km per hour and is also distinguished by amazing endurance. A number of dog handlers point out that Salukis are more resilient than even the fastest-winning Greyhounds, being able to maintain high speeds much longer than they can.

Saluki is an ancient breed; dogs very similar in morphology are found in images in the tombs of Egyptian pharaohs - and the paintings in the tombs are more than 4 thousand years old! Salukis are a universal hunter; they were used to chase foxes, hares, and gazelles. The dog's height reaches 70 cm, and its normal weight is no more than 27 kg. Color can vary from pure white to jet black, and dogs can have spotted coats. These dogs have drooping ears, a long muzzle, a thin body, and hair that can be short or long.

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Representatives of this species are not far behind the top three. Capable of accelerating to 60 km/h. The Azawk is a hunting breed characterized by endurance.


Africa is considered the homeland of this family. The Azawakh is a loyal four-legged friend, but it is difficult to earn respect. She will not allow strangers to approach her and is therefore considered a reliable guard. Finding a puppy for sale is difficult. For this reason, the Azawakh is considered an elite dog and is valued at a minimum of 30 thousand rubles.


The Greyhound rightfully occupies a leading position among all dog breeds in terms of running speed. The maximum speed that such a dog can develop is 67.3 km/h. This fact is reflected in the Guinness Book of Records. The Greyhound is an English greyhound, a tall dog, reaching about 75 cm at the withers. Their skeleton is quite light, and their limbs are long and muscular, which allows these dogs not only to quickly develop speed, but also to successfully drive game. It is worth noting that their running speed is high, but not long. These dogs are not hardy over long distances.


This sled dog. The running intensity reaches 55 km/h. Huskies are prized in Alaska for their endurance and speed.


The animal is capable of pulling a sleigh with its owner and luggage. Features of the paws allow you to move through deep snow and uneven terrain.


  • intelligence;
  • devotion to the owner;
  • endurance;
  • unpretentiousness;
  • movement speed.

For these qualities, the Husky ranks ninth on the list.

Hungarian Vizsla

Hungarian Vizsla
Hungarians also have their own hunting breed - Vizslas can chase game, and they also do an excellent job of guarding. Thin, with well-developed muscles, such a dog can reach speeds of up to 64 km per hour , its height is about 60 cm. It can be brown or copper in color. The dog is beautiful, slender, energetic, and has a good disposition.


It would seem that Dalmatians were bred solely for beauty; their spotted coloring is visible from afar and immediately lifts the mood. However, the speed qualities of the motley black and white dogs are impressive - Dalmatians easily reach 60 km per hour , ahead of greyhounds. The breed has ancient historical roots, with the first paintings of Dalmatians dating back to the 1600s. They were bred for protection and simply as companions, and they needed speed to keep up with the carriage in which the owner was riding.

Interesting: Dogs

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