Bars drops against ticks and fleas in cats and dogs: review and tips for use

A simple way to treat a dog against ectoparasites is to use drops on the withers. The domestic product from Agro Vet Protection - Bars drops for dogs differs from imported analogues in its low cost and wide spectrum of action. Bars drops for puppies from two months and adult dogs are produced in the form of an oily liquid without color, but with a faint odor. The product is packaged in disposable plastic bottles with a pipette.

The drug contains the following active substances:

  • fipronil at a dosage of 50 mg per 1 ml;
  • dicarboximide at a dosage of 5 mg per 1 ml;
  • diflubenzuron 1 mg per 1 ml.

It also contains other auxiliary components.

The medication is used for treatment and as a regular prophylaxis against lice, fleas, lice, ticks, otodectosis and other external parasites.

Storage is carried out separately from food in a dark place inaccessible to animals and children, at a permissible temperature of 0 to + 30 degrees. Unopened drops are stored for up to 2 years, opened in a cold place for no longer than 1 day.

Composition and action

The drug contains components that have acaricidal, anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effects:

  • diazinon;
  • prednisolone.

Diazinon is a contact and intestinal insecticide, an organophosphate compound that is active against ticks and other insects that parasitize domestic animals. Prednisolone is a steroid substance with anti-inflammatory and antipruritic properties.

A specific microscopic parasite moves through the animal’s body and penetrates the ear canal. The parasite feeds on the ear epithelium, tissue fluid and lymph. Animals that are primarily at risk are those that do not sit at home all the time and are on their own. Bars drops have a strong acaricidal effect, reduce itching and skin inflammation.

Answers to frequently asked questions

Is it possible to bathe a dog before and after using the drops?

It is forbidden to wash animals and allow them to swim in bodies of water for 3 days before and after applying the solution. Bathing washes away the lipid layer in which the medication accumulates and weakens its effect.

Is Bars safe for people?

The drug is moderately toxic. When using it, follow standard precautions: do not smoke, do not eat or drink, and wash your hands with soap after handling. If the solution gets into your eyes or mouth, wash them with running water. In case of accidental ingestion, seek immediate medical attention.

Can cats use the drops?

No. There is a separate release form for cats: it contains different concentrations of active components and volume of solution. The use of Barsa for dogs by cats will lead to an overdose with subsequent intoxication.


Bars ear drops are prescribed to pets for the treatment of otodectosis, otitis, and the prevention of infestation by sarcoptic mites.

Otodectes is a parasitic disease caused by microscopic mites Otodectes cynotis. They affect the inside of the auricle and ear canal. Advanced cases of the disease can lead to serious health complications, especially in small puppies and kittens. The disease can develop in one ear or in both.

A pet can “catch” a tick both through direct contact with a sick dog or cat, and through care items - beds and scratching posts, collars, combs, etc. The following characteristic symptoms can tell the owner of an animal that he or she is infected with ear scabies:

ItchingThis is an allergic reaction of the animal to the saliva and waste products of the parasite. If your pet begins to scratch its ears more often, shaking its head as if trying to get rid of a non-existent foreign object lodged in the ear, this is a reason for concern. At the beginning of infection, the itching is mild, but as the disease progresses it intensifies, and dogs and cats scratch their ears until they bleed, and this is a direct path for pathogenic microorganisms to enter the body. Against this background, the animal develops parasitic otitis media.
Hyperemia(redness of the ear), local hyperthermia - increased temperature. Swelling may occur. Due to pain, the pet does not allow its ears to be touched and becomes restless.
DischargeAt the first stage of the development of the disease, a clear, syrupy exudate can be observed, then it becomes purulent and acquires a foul odor. If the disease affects only one ear and pus accumulates in it, the pet will tilt its head to one side.
ScabsBrown crusts can be observed inside the ear.

General malaise is manifested by decreased appetite or complete refusal to eat, and a feverish state. Without treatment, life-threatening consequences may develop:

  • perforation of the eardrum;
  • convulsive syndrome - which develops if the inflammatory process spreads to the inner parts of the ear and can affect the brain.

How it works

Regular spot-on and Bars Forte are combined insectoacaricidal preparations. Both are active against fleas, lice, lice, ixodid and sarcoptic ticks. The regular form also works against heilstiella.

A wide range of antiparasitic effects is due to the active substances included in the solution:

  1. Fipronil blocks GABA-dependent parasite receptors and disrupts the transmission of nerve impulses.
  2. Diflubenzuron stops the reproduction of ectoparasites by disrupting the processes of molting, laying eggs and hatching larvae from them.
  3. Dicarboximide enhances the effect and increases the toxicity of the two previous components. Contained only in regular drops.

The synergism of the active ingredients stops the reproduction of parasites, causing paralysis of adults and larvae with their subsequent death.

After application, the solution is distributed over the dog’s skin and accumulates in the epidermis, sebaceous glands and hair follicles. The medication is almost not absorbed into the systemic bloodstream, and its external effect lasts for 1-2 months.


Ear scabies can be treated quickly; advanced disease can lead to:

  • to purulent otitis;
  • hematoma of the auricle.

By scratching sore ears until they bleed, a dog or cat damages the delicate skin of the auricle. Pathogenic microorganisms can enter scratches and micro-wounds in the ear canal and quickly spread, causing purulent inflammation. Treatment will require antibiotics. In its advanced form, otitis media will become chronic and will appear periodically.

Hematoma (otherwise known as lymphatic extravasation) of the auricle is a complication of otodectosis, more typical for cats. It is diagnosed when, as a result of injury to the auricle (the cat scratches the ear with sharp claws), a blood or lymphatic vessel under the skin bursts. A hematoma forms in the area of ​​the auricle. Surgical intervention is required - under anesthesia, the skin inside the auricle is opened and the contents of the hematoma are removed.

Analogues of ear leopard against ticks

  • Aurikan. Prescribed for the treatment of complicated otodectosis accompanied by a bacterial infection. In addition to diazinon and prednisolone, the solution contains an antiseptic and local anesthetic. During the first week, Aurican is administered daily once a day. Then 1 month twice a week.
  • Decta Forte. Combined solution with acaricidal, antibacterial, anesthetic components. The ears are instilled once a day with breaks of 3–5 days. To treat ear scabies, 2 to 3 treatments are enough.

For other analogues, see the review of ear drops against ticks for dogs.


The most popular and affordable medicine for otodectosis is Bars drops. The medicine is freely available in every veterinary pharmacy. Before instillation, the pet's ears should be cleaned as thoroughly as possible of scabs, crusts and exudate. Veterinarians recommend using a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide or a special Bars lotion, since peroxide produces a hissing sound that can frighten your pet.


You should not use cotton swabs to clean the ears and ear canal: sometimes the cotton swab flies off and can remain in the ear canal, closing it.

In addition, the rigid base of the stick can injure the animal’s ear - it is very difficult to force the pet to lie still when any manipulation in the ear causes discomfort. Therefore, it is better to use cotton pads.

The bottle of lotion should be slightly warmed in your hands to a comfortable temperature, shaken and a few drops placed in each ear. Gently fold the auricle in half and gently massage the base. The liquid helps soften dried crusts, which can then be easily removed from the ear using a cotton pad.

After cleaning, the medicine is dripped shallowly into each ear:

  • miniature dogs and domestic cats – 3 drops each;
  • average – 4 each;
  • individuals of large breeds – 5 each.


Even if the disease affects one ear, it is necessary to bury both, since mites can move along the ear canal.

Treatment regimen:

  • for ear scabies - twice, the second injection with an interval of several days;
  • for otitis - daily.

The duration of therapy will be determined by the veterinarian. If there is any suspicion that the eardrum is damaged, or if the pet’s condition worsens, you should immediately contact a veterinary clinic.

For aggressive animals, veterinarians may recommend another treatment - apply drops to the withers, repeat the treatment after two weeks, then monthly. In this case, it is advisable, if possible, to treat the ears with lotion: this will speed up recovery.


Any ear drops cannot be used in two cases:

  • For sensitivity, intolerance to components, allergies.
  • If you suspect a ruptured eardrum.

Anti-tick Leopard cannot be instilled:

  • kittens, puppies younger than 4 weeks;
  • pregnant females;
  • during the feeding period only with the permission of a veterinarian.

There are no contraindications for ear leopard forte based on age or physiological condition. The drug can be included in complex therapy, combined with other medications except solutions for auricular administration.

Anti-tick Bars cannot be used simultaneously with other acaricidal agents to avoid overdose.

special instructions

It is not recommended to combine the drug simultaneously with other insectoacaricides to avoid intoxication in the animal.

While working with insectoacaricides, it is prohibited to eat, drink or smoke.

If you are hypersensitive to the active substances, your pet should be treated with gloves. After work, wash hands thoroughly with soap.

During the day after treatment, it is recommended to limit contact with the dog: it is forbidden to pet it or allow it close to children and other animals.

Customer Reviews

The drug Bars against ticks and fleas for cats and dogs has a large number of reviews. Often they are positive.

The medicine can be purchased in different dosages. Thanks to this, you can choose the right dose for animals of different weight categories. The drops come with instructions that describe in detail how to use them, and also list safety precautions when working with them. It is easy to use the drug, as it is packaged in a convenient pipette. After the procedure, you should leave your pet alone and do not pet it. This ensures complete penetration of the active components of the drug into the skin. I recommend this drug to everyone.


I have been using Bars for three years now. The medicine is not counterfeit, protects against ixodid ticks, is convenient to use, has an affordable price and a pleasant smell. I have never encountered any adverse reactions or signs of hypersensitivity in my dog ​​while using it. This domestic drug is effective for several months and guarantees protection of the pet from dangerous diseases.


After piroplasmosis, we regularly treat the dog for ticks.
Bars drops can be purchased at any pet store. They are supplied with a detailed leaflet containing general instructions on how to use the product. The drug should be applied to the skin in a place inaccessible to the animal. For better results, we started using an anti-tick collar from the same company. We are very pleased with the effect of the product. Now you don’t have to worry about your pet’s health. Inga


If the instructions for the insecticidal drug Bars are followed exactly, no negative manifestations will occur. If the dose indicated on the package is exceeded, or if the dog accidentally ingests the medicine, symptoms of overdose may appear:

  • apathy, lethargy, constant drowsiness of the pet;
  • increased salivation, lacrimation;
  • vomit;
  • hair loss, rash at the site of application of the drug.

In cases of overdose, the dog must be shown to a veterinarian, since the consequences of insecticide poisoning can be very severe.

Short description

The drug is a liquid composition of an oily consistency, yellow in color. There are two dosages of the product available on the shelves of veterinary pharmacies - 1.0 and 1.4 ml. Each bottle of Bars is equipped with a dropper pipette, which greatly facilitates the uniform and accurate application of the product to the animal's fur.

The drug does not penetrate into the animal's blood. Accumulation occurs only on the skin, which makes it possible to create a protective film that prevents mites from suction. It is valid for four weeks. The activity of the defense does not decrease even if the dog or cat is repeatedly bathed. Only using a special shampoo for animals can reduce effectiveness.


Bars drops have many advantages, which sets them apart from other medications with similar effects.

Main advantages:

  • availability;
  • ease of use;
  • safety;
  • does not cause addiction among parasites;
  • wide spectrum of action;
  • minimum contraindications;
  • Can be used for puppies and adult dogs.

The advantages of this product include the minimal likelihood of side effects when used correctly.

Pest spray

Bars anti-tick spray has the same operating principle as the drops of this brand. But there are also significant differences - the aerosol can be used to treat not only the animal’s skin, but also its sleeping place and the entire room.

The concentration of the active substance in the spray is much lower than in the drops, so the product must be applied several times. The spray contains the active ingredient fipronil 0.3%, which actively fights adult parasites, their larvae and eggs. It is best to apply the product in a well-ventilated area or outdoors.

Mode of application

The insecticidal spray is available in 100 and 200 ml spray cans, which is very convenient for treating dogs of different body weights. The product should not be used to treat puppies under 10 weeks of age.

Preparations from the Forte series have a longer insecticidal effect

The pet must be muzzled. The spray is sprayed at a distance of 27-30 cm from the dog’s body. During treatment, the animal's fur must be parted with your fingers so that drops of the medicine fall on its skin.

The method for determining the optimal dosage is very simple - per 1 kg of dog’s body weight you will need 1 press of the can. After treatment, the product should be lightly rubbed into the dog’s skin, not forgetting about protective gloves. Rub Leopard especially carefully around the tail, eyes and ears - this will prevent the appearance of ear mites.

Next, the dog should dry out slightly, at this time you need to carefully ensure that the pet does not lick itself or roll on the floor. If you find a tick clinging to the dog's skin, you need to spray it with an aerosol and leave it for 35-40 minutes. After this time, the parasite disappears.

Advantages and disadvantages

Aerosol Bars against ticks has many advantages, which is why it is widely used by dog ​​breeders to protect their pets.

  • The protective effect after treating the animal lasts up to 15 days, after which the procedure is repeated.
  • You can treat not only the dog, but also its bed and habitat.
  • Affordable price - the average price of the drug in Moscow is 145-180 rubles.

When treating your dog with insecticides, you must use safety glasses, gloves and a respirator. Immediately after spraying the aerosol, do not drink or eat anything. You should also not pet your pet - this can only be done 24 hours after treatment.

Disadvantages of the drug

A serious drawback is the intoxication of the animal if it accidentally licks the drops. Therefore, it is necessary to apply them strictly to the places indicated in the instructions. If several pets are being treated at once, they are temporarily separated from each other.

Some buyers claim that the product does not completely kill fleas. This is due to the special resilience of the parasites and the laying of eggs in different places. If the desired effect does not occur after treatment, then it is necessary to treat animal bedding, carpets in the house and upholstered furniture. But this is an extreme option, which rarely occurs when pets are not properly cared for and there are too many of them in a small area.

Among the reviews you can also find complaints that after treatment the wool becomes greasy. But many are willing to endure temporary inconvenience because the price of the drug is quite low.

General information

Bars drops for dogs are selected according to the weight category of the animal. To do this, the manufacturer produces the medicine in pipettes of different sizes.

The solution is suitable for use for 2 years. After this it is disposed of. Veterinary medicine is stored out of the reach of children and animals in tightly closed packaging, away from food products.

It is recommended to avoid direct sunlight exposure of the medicine. The recommended temperature range for storing insectoacaricide is from 0 to 30 degrees.

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