Purina Proplan food for cats. Reviews from veterinarians and cat owners

What will you learn from the article?
  1. Types of cat food Pro Plan
  2. Which food should you choose for your pet?
  3. Reviews of cat food Pro Plan Prices

Do you have a beloved cat whose health you are no less concerned about than your own and you want him to eat not only healthy, but also tasty food? “How to choose the right food for your pet?” – the question that doesn’t let you sleep peacefully? Stop looking for the answer - it has already been found. Pro Plan dry and wet cat food is something that fully meets the requirements for healthy and tasty food for your pet.


The ProPlan series of cat food from Purina (France) is a premium product, has a balanced composition and is quite affordable. Unlike the Purina Cat Chow line, Proplan food is of higher quality and contains beneficial probiotics and enzymes that promote the animal’s digestion.

Thanks to the correct balance of food ingredients, Proplan food fully satisfies all the cat’s needs for proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and microelements, has optimal energy value and is minimally allergenic


It was found out experimentally:

good tests in an animal after two weeks of feeding these foods are proof that Proplan can continue to be the basis of a cat’s diet and does not require any additional supplements. In other words, Purina ProPlan may well be the main and only cat food.

!But, as with many commercial foods, there are also pitfalls that cat owners need to be aware of. Let's look at them in order.

1. Purina Proplan contains a fairly high protein content (up to 40%). This is very good for a healthy animal, but not so good for sick or neutered cats. The quality of the protein component is determined by the nature of the protein sources from which this 40% is made up. Thus, natural chicken meat dominates in Proplan food. The label may indicate that the food contains duck or salmon, but this is nothing more than an advertising ploy. The true role of these products is to be a flavoring agent (no more than 3% of the total amount of meat), and the rest is chicken.

2. Also, these foods contain rice, which is the most beneficial plant ingredient for cats. But corn and soy, on the contrary, are completely unnecessary for the cat’s body and can cause allergies, hair loss, bald spots, etc. Poultry by-product meal is undoubtedly a harmful component. This is a derivative not from poultry meat or its internal organs, but from ground paws, heads and even feathers, which cannot be beneficial in any way.

3. Among the harmful components of Proplan, animal fat and liver can also be noted. The last ingredient, in principle, is undesirable for cats, and the true origin of animal fat is generally not indicated by the manufacturer.

4. Brewer's yeast and cellulose powder, found in some Purina Proplan foods, can provoke allergies. However, these foods still contain more useful components. For example, minerals and vitamins with high concentrations of magnesium, phosphorus or calcium help the cat's kidneys function properly.

Trust in the manufacturer

Many Russian nurseries and veterinarians do not trust domestic products, as well as companies that produce their food in local factories and according to local standards. This feature of the perception of dog diet plays into the hands of both brands: Royal Canin and ProPlan are produced outside the country or here, but using Western technologies.

Pro Plan is created by the American monopolist in the field of animal nutrition Purina, with factories located in France, Italy and Russia. And Royal Canin is made by a French company. Factories for the production of both dog and cat food are located in Poland, Russia and France. A comparison of Royal Canin and ProPlan by place of production shows that they are in equal positions. The reputation in the media and according to reviews of both companies is also approximately the same.


Dry food Proplan

  • For adult animals: chicken with rice, duck with rice, salmon with rice. Protein-36%, fat-16%.
  • For adult animals: chicken and brown rice, salmon and brown rice. Protein-40%, fat-16%.
  • For adult animals: chicken with rice, turkey with rice. Protein-40%, fat-13.5%.

Wet food

  • For adult animals: Adult with turkey, Adult with salmon, Adult with lamb, Adult with chicken, Adult with sea fish – spiders 85 grams each.

Proplan for kittens

  • “Junior” line: dry food with various fillings. Packages from 0.4 kg to 10 kg. When feeding a kitten, it is advisable to mix this food with water.

Therapeutic dietary feeds

  • Hairball Management: prevention of hairballs in the stomach.
  • Indoor Care: for cats that are constantly indoors.
  • Sensitive Skin & Stomach: for animals with weak digestive systems and sensitive skin.
  • Urinary Tract Health: For cats with urinary tract diseases.
  • Weight Management: for cats prone to obesity.

Food for sterilized cats

  • After Care: for spayed and neutered male cats.

Proplan food for castrated cats

Food for cats Proplan is the highest premium food of the famous Nestlé Purina PetCare brand. Nestle is one of the leading companies in the world producing high-quality, balanced pet food. Proplan is a line of complete food products developed with the participation of veterinarians and nutritionists in accordance with the individual needs of animals and their lifestyle.

Review of Proplan food for castrated and sterilized cats

The plan for castrated and sterilized cats was developed by leading experts taking into account the characteristics of these animals. The main features include a tendency to obesity and diseases of the urinary system. Daily consumption of these feeds is an effective prevention of these diseases.

Pro plan for spayed and neutered pets is produced both in the form of dry and wet food. Dry food from the Pro plan Sterilised is available in three flavors: idea, salmon, rabbit. Dry food for adult pets living only at home ( Pro plan Housecat ) and cats over seven years of age ( Pro plan Adult+7 ) with chicken flavor is presented separately.

Pro Paln Adult 7

Proplan for older cats is produced according to a special unique recipe, with the addition of ingredients patented by Nestle Purina. Pro plan Adult+7 supports the activity of the urinary, digestive and immune systems of animals over seven years of age. It has been scientifically proven that daily consumption of Proplan food specially developed for cats over seven years of age prolongs their life.

Pro Plan Sterilized

Pro Plan Sterilized is saturated with omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, includes all the necessary nutrients and minerals, including vitamin A, C, E complex. Proplan's special combination of nutrients contributes to the health of the animal's kidneys. The daily diet of castrated and sterilized pets, consisting of the specialized food Proplan, does not require the intake of additional vitamins.

Pro Plan Housecat

The low-fat, protein-rich formula helps maintain a balanced urine pH level. Low carbohydrate content (29.5%), fiber (4.5%) and protein content (41%) help the animal avoid obesity and maintain ideal shape. The structure of Proplan food granules prevents the appearance of tartar and plaque. Proplan is one of the best foods for a healthy and fulfilling lifestyle for your pet.

Daily ration of dry food Proplan

Body weight (kg)Quantity of feed (gr.)

Proplan wet food is produced using special technologies from Nestlé. These are the most delicate pieces in a spicy sauce with excellent taste, which contain a number of components that have a beneficial effect on the animal’s body. Pro plan Sterilized canned food is available in tuna and salmon flavours. For adults, sterilized is produced in soft packaging with beef and chicken flavors.

Wet food for older cats (Adult+7) is a unique combination of nutrients and pribiotics, which results in an increase in life expectancy and maintenance of the animal’s basic vital functions. The presence of a high content of vitamins and additional beta-carotene in the feed contributes to its good absorption. Produced with tuna flavor, in 85 g jars.

Reviews of Proplan food for castrated cats

Veronica: Before castration, I fed my cat inexpensive regular food that I bought at the grocery store. After castration, my beloved Caesar began to eat twice as much, but the feeling of fullness never came to him. He asked for food again and again. A friend advised me to try specialized food for cats with their gonads removed. My choice was Proplan dry food with salmon flavor. Caesar is simply delighted with him and is always full. Anna: I feed my pet dry food Proplan for adult cats living at home. Very satisfied!!! After sterilization, the cat began to gain a lot of weight. Frightened, I took her to the veterinary clinic, where the veterinarian suggested trying Pro plan Sterilised food. After some time, the cat acquired its optimal weight and ideal condition. The price fully corresponds to the quality. I recommend!!! Ekaterina: My sterilized cat began having problems with her urinary system when she was nine years old. I went to the veterinary clinic. The veterinarian prescribed a course of treatment and advised him to switch to the specialized food Proplan. At first I thought it was PR, but I tried it anyway. Now I feed my Mylene only with this food. The appearance of my pet has noticeably changed and there are no more problems with her health. I also pamper my cat with wet food, which she really likes.

Feed cost

The table below shows the average price of Propaln food for neutered cats, according to information from popular pet stores in Russia and Ukraine:

VolumePrice, rub.)
Pro plan SterilizedPro plan HousecatPro plan Adult+7
400 gr.214214217
1.5 kg.725725725
3 kg.130513051305
10 kg.38103810
1 jar6060
1 pack50


According to most veterinarians, Purina ProPlan is suitable for completely healthy cats, but not ideal for sick or neutered cats. For the latter, there are better foods of the same class. Some veterinarians are so radical in their assessment of ProPlan foods that they do not recommend them and consider them harmful to the health of cats. However, it is necessary to separate ProPlan food from France and ProPlan food, which has recently been produced in Russia. Products from domestic manufacturers are of significantly lower quality.

Veterinarians' opinions on review representatives

Veterinarians speak quite unequivocally about the comparison of the quality of the two foods. In their opinion, they are both at the same level of quality, and are also objectively overrated and do not deserve super premium status due to the nuances of the composition (meat by-products, dyes, preservatives and flavor enhancers). Reviews show that they are recommended equally often for feeding healthy puppies or adult dogs.

For the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases, ProPlan is considered preferable. It has a narrower range, but maintaining specifications according to the disease and size of the animal increases the effectiveness of veterinary products. The same applies to nutrition for pets with other diseases: ProPlan Urinari and Royal Canin Urinari are often sold together, but professionals recommend the former.

Video: review of ProPlan dog food


The opinions of cat breeders regarding ProPlan food are absolutely diametrical. Below are a few such reviews found on the Internet:

Irina (owner of a British breed cat):

“After eating this food, my Plush started to have gas, the cat suffered from constipation, and then he vomited”...

Another review contained suspicions that ProPlan contained attractants (addictive substances).

Elena (breeder of Siberian cats):

“The cat attacked this food with unnatural greed and refused to eat anything else...

Other owners, on the contrary, praise these products in every possible way and note the improvement in the well-being of their pets, their healthy appearance and high activity.

Most likely, such discrepancies in the “testimonies” once again confirm the opinion that nothing ideal exists.

Before you finally make your choice in favor of this food, visit a veterinary clinic with your cat and make sure that such food will not harm it.

Cat food Pro Plan Veterinary diets - reviews

Pro Plan veterinary food is very common and is sold in many veterinarians. pharmacies and pet stores. Therefore, there are a lot of reviews on the Internet; below we have collected a few of the ones we found.

Customer Reviews

Svetlana writes:

The veterinarian diagnosed urolithiasis and cystitis (they took me for injections + medications + a diet on this food. The cat’s suffering stopped, and so did ours. If we give anything else (for example, boiled fillet), it immediately worsens, so we don’t risk it anymore. I also took pouches - I ate it willingly. I strongly recommend this food!

Anna writes:

We treated the cat's pancreas, the treatment gave its positive results only after sitting on this food for 2 weeks (plus medications, of course).

In theory, I can divide the jar of pate into 2 feedings. But in fact, more than that, the food is quite nutritious and high in calories. It turns out to be divided into 3-4 servings, the cat will eat up.

The food is complete, i.e. all standards and additives are met, and this means that you do not need to bother with additional bait. The consistency of the food is quite moist and loose.

Linaline writes: (source)

Good day, dear reader! Today I want to tell you about Pro Plan Veterinary Diets Hypoallergenic cat food. This food was recommended to us by a veterinarian after it was discovered that our cat was allergic to chicken; the cat was itching very much.

The food contains only plant ingredients. It also contains many vitamins; vitamin A, vitamin D3, vitamin E. And essential elements: iodine, iron, copper, taurine, etc.. On the back of the package there are feeding recommendations, depending on how much your cat weighs.

You can feed this food for no more than 8 weeks, which is what we did. In general, the food helped, our cat stopped itching, after which we switched to Grandorf Rabbit and Rice Recipe. I can confidently recommend the food! I hope that my review was useful to you! Health to your furbabies!

Arden Grange

Arden Grange is a super premium range of pet products. It is popular in European countries, as it is one of the highest quality in its class. The food does not contain artificial colors, enhancers and other chemicals that help the animal become accustomed to the food. Arden Grange consists only of natural and well-balanced ingredients, and also contains enzymes and prebiotics that promote better absorption of the product. Its quality is confirmed by European quality control and positive reviews from many veterinarians. In terms of quality, this line is close to the holistic class, which is also evidenced by the relatively high price of Arden Grange.

How to choose the best food, what should you pay attention to when buying it?

It is necessary to read on the front side of the package for whom the product is intended - a kitten, an adult animal, an elderly animal. On the reverse side there is information about the composition and nutritional content.

Be sure to read: What kind of porridge can be given to cats and at what age? You need to find out what percentage of meat and meat ingredients in the diet, what plant components and in what quantities are contained in the feed mixture. Conscientious manufacturers indicate which biologically active substances are added and in what quantities.

They inform you about it. what preservatives and antioxidants are included in the feed mixture. You should not purchase food that has no specific information about its composition.

1st Choice

1st Choice is a super premium food made in Canada. 1st Choice has a high-quality and balanced composition. It consists of one third animal protein, which is optimal for a healthy diet. The food contains dietary poultry meat, as well as chicken eggs and fish oil, which are sources of amino acids necessary for a balanced diet. The composition contains only natural flavors that promote better pet appetite. The 1st Choice line also contains hypoallergenic food, which is recommended by experts for the treatment of allergies in pets.

( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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