Royal Canin dry cat food: Best quality in the price category

Royal Canin cat food is one of the most prominent representatives of the super-premium cat food segment along with Proplan and Hills. All three foods have rightfully gained popularity in the zoo community: each has its own strengths and weaknesses. Today we’ll talk about our French comrades, about Royal: namely, about Royal Canin cat food - we’ll talk about reviews of them from buyers and veterinarians, and we’ll also look into the range and composition of the food.

Royal Canin is a brand with history. Born in France. Several years ago, the brand was purchased by the Mars corporation with all its production facilities and assets, and since that time the brand can safely be called American.

In 2004, the company’s plant was opened in Russia in the Dmitrovsky district, and since then the needs of the Russian market have been covered by the forces of this enterprise. Simply put: until 2004, the goods on the shelves were from Europe, and now from Russia. Some experts (and not so many) note the fact that from this moment the quality of the feed has noticeably deteriorated; others, on the contrary, say that the products have remained the same, moreover, the quality of the packaging has become better, and the price has noticeably decreased.

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basic information

We will not analyze in detail the composition of Royal Canin cat food; we will only focus on the main points that customers should know. What essentially distinguishes super premium cat food from economy class? Quality, you say, it’s true, but the concept of product quality is quite abstract and it would be nice to break down what quality from Royal Canin consists of.

All brand products are divided into 2 types:

  • Dry granules are presented in packaging of different volumes indicating on the packaging the composition, optimal portions depending on the weight of the animal and feeding recommendations. For testing, you can purchase a small 400-gram package, and it is convenient for breeders and nurseries to buy large bags.
  • Wet diets are presented in the form of canned food in metal cans and in the form of pouches in soft sachets with a volume of 85 to 368 g. In this category, you can choose products in the form of pieces of meat in sauce or jelly, pates, mousses with different taste characteristics.

The concept of Royal Canin brand cat food is a scientific approach to determining the composition, dosage, components, raw materials and production technology. For example, other companies prioritize the quick consumption of a product by a cat as a guarantee of its quality. Royal, on the contrary, before launching this or that food, conducts numerous studies in its own laboratories, and when creating a new food, they guarantee its nutritional properties.

How is this possible? Like people, cats are all different: there are passive, rustic, sterilized, with disabilities, fluffy, purebred, and so on. And depending on the breed or lifestyle, a cat needs different food. If, for example, your cat is sterilized and does nothing but sleep, then food for active cats is unlikely to be suitable for him; it contains more calories, salts and other microelements that can have a detrimental effect on the whisker, leading to obesity or urolithiasis.

Conclusions about ProPlan food

Based on the composition of ProPlan cat food, we can conclude that it contains both beneficial and quite harmful ingredients. Therefore, if possible, it is better to choose food from the super premium (Bosch SANABELLE, Bozita) or holistic (Go, Acana, NOW Natural holistic) class. However, if expensive food is beyond your means, then Purina ProPlan is a good option. If you have chosen this particular food, then the website recommends that after several weeks of feeding it, you check the animal’s tests at the veterinarian. If everything is fine with them, the food is suitable and safe for your cat.

Food for different breeds

Or food for different breeds also differs in composition. Everyone knows that each breed, in addition to obvious physiological signs, also has its own “breed” predisposition to diseases. For example, the fact that the British have a rather large heart and a massive body - this must be taken into account when choosing an animal’s diet. The complex of products included in the composition should ensure smooth functioning of the heart and strengthen the musculoskeletal system. Royal Canin food for British cats in this context has good reviews from the owners of this breed.

Or Sphynxes, who do not have fur, need to produce a large amount of energy for “warming”, so OMEGA 3 and 6 must be added to the food to maintain the function of the skin barrier.

Diets for different ages

The brand’s assortment offers balanced diets that take into account the needs of the cat’s body at different ages:

  • For kittens, young individuals up to one year. Here are milk replacers, separate diets up to 4 months of age (also suitable for pregnant and lactating cats), pates, wet food in sauce and jelly, “drying” with small granules for kittens of different breeds (British, Maine Coon, Persian ), and also separately for sterilized pets. Special formulas help strengthen the immune system, normal growth and development of small pets.
  • For healthy adult animals, taking into account their breed and other characteristics: with long hair, normal or overweight, sensitive digestive system, active or domestic lifestyle, intolerant of strong tastes and aromas in food, for castrated animals.

Here you can also select diets to solve specific problems: maintaining healthy skin and coat, caring for the oral cavity, or removing hairballs from the stomach.

  • For individuals over 7 (including sterilized) and over 12 years old in the form of dry granules, wet diets with jelly or sauce.

About the composition

It is obvious that the meat component of Royal Canin cat food is much higher than that of economy class food. Nevertheless, this indicator among other foods in the super premium segment is generally at the same level = that is, it is the same in both proplan and hills.

Vegetable additives such as soy and corn are also present in the feed. Sources of glucosamine, lutein and chondroitin are of natural origin, but the main components (corn gluten and rice flour) contain a large amount of carbohydrates, which, according to some owners, does not have the best effect on animals.

In some products, proteins of plant origin are indicated in the first place in the composition (for example, vegetable protein isolate in drying for adults British Shorthair). Compared to animal protein, they are of less benefit to cats, who remain carnivores by nature.

In addition, the manufacturer does not always indicate the exact sources of individual components, indicating them in general terms. For example, animal fats, vegetable fiber. The origin and quality of such components remains unknown to buyers, and is therefore alarming.

Thus, taking into account the general analysis of the composition of Royal Canin food, we can say that the declared super-premium class does not correspond to the real picture, since the composition uses controversial components that are, at a minimum, useless for the cat’s body. If it is possible to switch your pet to another food with natural meat ingredients in the first place in the composition, you can refuse to feed your cat Royal Canin.

Royal Canin food: pros and cons

Despite the fact that today Royal Canin is one of the most branded cat food manufacturers in the world, it also has a number of pros and cons.

Benefits of Royal Canin food:

  • Royal Canin for cats has a price that is not very high and is very affordable. Most daily food, despite the premium class, are very inexpensive and accessible to almost all categories of the population. Dry Royal Canin for cats has a lower price compared to wet food, which can be explained by a more simplified preparation technology and ingredient composition. Even though there is a price difference between the two types of feed, both remain affordable.
  • High level of quality.
  • An excellent line of medicinal foods, which is revered by many veterinarians around the world.
  • Huge range of products.
  • You can buy Royal Canin for cats at any pet store. Also, sometimes food can be seen on the shelves of supermarkets and hypermarkets in special departments or in veterinary pharmacies. Although the latter contain only special veterinary food.


  1. many veterinarians note that daily food is of lower quality than the medicinal line;
  2. the company also has its factories in Russia: alas, the majority of Royal Canin products produced at factories in the Russian Federation are of lower quality than products from European factories.

Royal Canin medicated food

The food from the Royal Canin line of medicinal and dietary cat food can be particularly highlighted. Only Hills can compete with it in the segment of medicinal feeds - they have no others equal on the market.

Many veterinarians highly appreciate the manufacturer’s medical lines for their wide range and high quality of products. For dry and wet diets, special components and proven formulas are used, intended for the prevention of chronic pathologies, restoration of the body after illnesses and surgical interventions, or as special dietary nutrition throughout life.

Important! Therapeutic diets should be used to feed your pet only in consultation with your veterinarian, taking into account the pet’s condition and the characteristics of the disease.

Among the veterinary diets, the manufacturer includes the following lines:

  • Gastro Intestinal (for disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, including chronic pathologies).
  • Hypoallergenic (with a tendency to allergic reactions).
  • Urinary (for pathologies of the urinary system).
  • Mobility (for disorders of the musculoskeletal system).
  • Renal (for the treatment and prevention of renal failure).
  • Recovery (for the recovery period after illnesses and surgical interventions).
  • Hepatic (for liver pathologies).
  • Calm (for animals that have suffered severe stress).
  • Diabetic (for diabetes mellitus).

Royal Canin's assortment includes such a wide selection of medicinal foods for different purposes that it is impossible to list everything. In addition, there is no point in memorizing all the options, since if necessary, the cat owner will need to look for a specific product for his pet, taking into account the problem that has arisen and the recommendations of the veterinarian.

Let us present to your attention 2 of them - Urinary and Renal.


Renal cat food from Royal Canin is available in both dry and wet forms and is used to prevent and treat kidney failure in cats. The minimum period of therapy for these products is 6 months as recommended by the manufacturer. Please note: this product should not be given to pregnant or lactating cats. It should only be used with a prescription from a veterinarian.


Problems with the excretory system in cats can lead to urolithiasis. Royal Canin specialists have developed Urinary food for cats, which has received positive reviews and some fame around the world. However, often on domestic forums, owners of sterilized cats speak ambiguously about this Royal Canin food, saying that their pets become very fat from this food. As you know, in addition to the direct purpose of this food, it also has an indirect purpose - keeping the pet in good shape: in other words, so that our mustaches do not get fat, and buyers expect that this property will be realized “in practice,” which does not always happen.

Of course, each case is individual. In particular, this may be due to hormonal imbalance and other problems. It is best not to neglect the advice of a specialist and not to self-medicate.

Which food to choose for your pet

Royal Canin for domestic cats is selected in accordance with:

  • age criteria;
  • body weight;
  • concomitant diseases.

Royal Canin for spayed and neutered cats

In case of health problems, preference is given to therapeutic series (Royal Canin Fiber Response Cat FR31 - for acute and chronic constipation), for purebred animals - in accordance with the characteristics of the species. Meat ingredients should predominate in the feed; soy, corn and other plant components are undesirable or allowed in minimal quantities.

It is better to consult a veterinarian before purchasing. The specialist will conduct a routine examination of the pet, determine the lack or excess of certain substances, according to which the diet will be selected.

Note! In the absence of financial problems, experts advise switching to canned varieties (pates) with a small addition in the form of croquettes. The latter help clean plaque and prevent the formation of stones.

Feedback from cat owners

owner of a Persian cat:

“I have been feeding my cat Royal for 5 years. I started with kitten food, then switched to adult diets. Digestion is fine, the coat is shiny, appetite and activity are always normal. My cat is long-haired, so sometimes I buy spiders from the line for a beautiful coat as treats. I’ve also heard from friends about the good effects of the brand’s veterinary diets, but fortunately I haven’t used it for my pet yet.”

Victoria, the British owner:

“For a long time we fed the cat Royal Canin, but over time we noticed a deterioration in quality, especially after the opening of Russian production. The composition leaves much to be desired, a large amount of vegetable protein, cereals and the percentage of at least the main components is unknown. After the cat began to have an upset stomach from just purchasing a package of food, we decided to abandon this manufacturer altogether.”

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