Rating of dogs with the highest intelligence, description of the breed, their photos and educational videos

In this article we will analyze the top 10 most intelligent and loyal dogs of different weight categories.

The desire to have a four-legged friend sooner or later visits almost every person, however, not many people understand that when they bring home an animal, they, in principle, bring a new family member who will definitely need care, care and attention.

Dogs can rightfully be considered the most popular pets. Someone is looking for a faithful companion, while others need a smart dog who will be able to learn dozens of commands without any problems. However, there are dog breeds that contain both of these qualities.


Longhaired collie

If, at the sight of a collie, a person joyfully exclaims “Lassie!”, then he is in the know. The famous Lassie is an example of good nature, devotion and boundless intelligence. The breed is one of the kindest, ideal for families with children, smart and sensitive. Its representatives are so attached to the owner and members of his family that separation from them is extremely painful. Also, it is difficult for a pet to be alone for a long time. The animal becomes aggressive and irritable.

Collie is an aristocrat who loves fun games. Training your pet can turn into hell if you use too harsh methods on the collie. The dog will refuse to obey, withdraw into itself, and become cowardly. In order to get a collie that looks like the legendary Lassie, it is better to contact a professional dog handler.

In addition to training and active walks, representatives of the breed need regular coat care (grooming).

Top 10 most intelligent and loyal dogs in the world from small breeds: photos, names of breeds, rating

It is important to immediately note the fact that the devotion of a four-legged dog depends not so much on the breed, but on its character and how its owners treat it.

  1. The Russian toy takes 1st place in our ranking. This dog breed has proven itself to be incredibly friendly and sociable pets. This dog is a true companion who will not leave your side day or night. Having chosen an owner, he will be devoted to him and will carry this feeling throughout his life, because these dogs are not characterized by a change of owners. The breed is very active and you need to be prepared for this. With the arrival of a Russian Toy puppy in the house, everything changes, because the dog needs constant attention and care.


  2. The toy poodle took 2nd place. This dog is an exact copy of a regular poodle, but in a smaller form. These four-legged animals have good intellectual abilities, so they can be trained without any problems. Despite its relatively small size and friendliness, such a dog will always protect its owners, in particular small children. It is important to say that the toy poodle is a self-sufficient dog, and therefore will always require attention and respect.

    Toy poodle

  3. 3rd place goes to the Chihuahua. This breed of dog is distinguished by its special mobility and kindness. There are a lot of stereotypical opinions that the Chihuahua is an exclusively decorative dog that is not capable of anything else. However, this opinion is false. Dogs of this breed are very smart and obedient, and with proper upbringing and training, they will definitely show these qualities. If there are children in the house, then choosing this particular breed will be very justified, since Chihuahuas are great with kids and know how to entertain them.


  4. In 4th place is the Maltese dog. The Maltese, as this dog breed is also called, is a very beautiful and intelligent dog. The dog is very energetic and active, loves games and attention. The dog is distinguished by the fact that it is quite strongly attached to its owners.


  5. 5th place goes to the Japanese Spaniel. This breed is one of the most ancient when it comes to small dogs. Even in ancient times, the Japanese spaniel was a very popular dog, so almost every person respected at that time had such a dog. In addition to the fact that these four-legged animals are incredibly cute, they are also quite smart. Dogs of this breed can master about 30 or even more commands without any problems.

    Japanese Spaniel

  6. This position is occupied by the Pomeranian Spitz. Cute furry babies very quickly become attached to their owner and home, so it is very difficult for them to endure separation from family members. Dogs of this breed are very active and hardy, they love to frolic and play. Despite the fact that the four-legged dogs of this breed look more like a toy than a living dog, they are distinguished by their intelligence and resourcefulness.

    Pomeranian Spitz

  7. In 7th place is the Yorkshire Terrier. Another miniature dog breed. Four-legged animals of this breed are also considered companions, so only those who need a devoted and faithful friend should have them. Such a dog understands his owner at just one glance, and only his own laziness or desire to play at that moment can prevent him from fulfilling the given command.


  8. This place goes to dogs of the Griffon breed. The appearance of these dogs is very impressive. These four-legged dogs are characterized as very brave, active and loyal dogs. Griffons can also boast of good behavior and manners, because they never make noise and always listen to the owner’s commands.


  9. In 9th place are dogs of the French lapdog breed. The character of these dogs is very soft and flexible. Lapdogs always sense their owner's mood very well and, if possible, try to improve it. The breed is particularly sensitive, understanding and loyal. These four-legged animals know how to be friends and get along with other pets. It is important to draw the attention of everyone who wants to get such a dog to the fact that this breed does not tolerate loneliness at all.

    French lap dog

  10. And our rating will be completed by a Papillon dog. These dogs are distinguished by their beautiful appearance and docile character. This breed is great for families with small children, as these four-legged dogs know how to get along with kids. A dog of this breed is distinguished by its intelligence and loyalty. Papillons quickly adapt to the family and have a very hard time being separated from their owners.



The second name of the breed is diver

A big guy with thick hair who loves to swim. The ideal place to live is a country house with a river or lake nearby. In the absence of this, a huge dog will adapt to life in an apartment, provided it is spacious.

"Newfies" are called dogs with a heart of gold. They are so friendly that if it is necessary to protect the owner, the pet will not be able to do this. Those around you are objects of love, the best friends of the Newfoundland. Representatives of the breed adore children and treat them patiently and condescendingly. Often naughty kids cause pain to the pet, and the pet sighs deeply, but does not take action. Maximum - he will get up and go to another place.

Dogs are peaceful towards cats, rodents, birds and their own kind.

The friendliness of giants is so developed that they try to establish contact with everyone.

As a rule, Murkas do not want to be friends, swearing in their own language when the “newf” tries to pester them, which puzzles the big guy a lot.

A distinctive feature of Newfoundlands is their love of water treatments. Representatives of the breed love to swim, and saving drowning people is an ideal activity. A dog may mistake an ordinary person bathing in a pond for a drowning person.

The breed's physical activity is not high, but walks should be full. The thick coat of the Newfs requires constant brushing: at least 3-4 times a week.

Saint Bernard

The most famous representative of the breed is Barry. He saved over 40 people

Another good-natured giant who loves human society more than anything else. St. Bernard has no enemies, everyone around him is friends, everyone around him is friends. Such a kind attitude towards people has made representatives of the breed four-legged rescue heroes.

This pet is ideal for a family with children, because it is kind to the little ones. The best friend for games and pranks, if necessary, the St. Bernard is ready to protect his ward. The defense usually takes place in a non-standard way: the huge dog barks a couple of times and ill-wishers are smart enough not to mess with him.

As for relationships with friendly strangers, the pet takes them calmly. Most St. Bernards find it difficult to get along with cats; it is especially difficult for adult dogs to accept kittens. If the puppy was brought into a house where purrs already lived, the attitude towards them will be good.

Representatives of the breed have very developed intelligence, but are phlegmatic. When training these dogs, you should take this feature into account. Saint Bernards spend a long time trying to understand what they want from them and remember the commands. But what they learn is fixed in their memory forever. From time to time, it is worth holding training classes so that your pet does not forget the “learned material”.

The breed is suitable for living both in an apartment and in a country house.

The only condition is an enclosure built on the shady side, because St. Bernards do not tolerate direct sunlight and heat.

Types of canine intelligence

After much research, Canadian psychology professor Stanley Coren was able to determine what affects the mental abilities of pets, classify information and identify the main types of canine intelligence:

  • Instinctive

This type, although to varying degrees, is observed in all dogs. It is laid down at the genetic level. Dogs instinctively follow the scent, find their way home, and on a subconscious level bark at strangers, protecting the house and their owners.

  • Obedience

Quite often this type is called “working” intelligence, which characterizes a dog’s ability to understand what is required of it, the speed with which they remember and carry out commands, and recognize the intonation of a person’s voice. The level of intelligence of obedience is determined according to several criteria: composure, duration of attention, ability to work.

  • Adapted

Determines how effectively the animal uses the acquired skills in practice, how quickly it assimilates information, makes decisions, and adapts to an unfamiliar environment. This also includes such a criterion as the ability to use the experience of past tasks to complete new ones.

Taken together, these types characterize the general level of intelligence of dogs.


Poodles are not only beautiful, but also very smart.

Popular in the 90s, the breed is now rare. It’s a pity, because its representatives are the smartest and kindest creatures. Harmony reigns in the family where the poodle lives. The fact is that the pet cannot tolerate quarrels and loud screams; conflicts negatively affect the animal, making it nervous and aggressive.

The typical poodle is a curious, affectionate and highly trainable creature. Training a pet is a pleasure; it wants to please its owner and will make every effort to learn commands.

Many dogs master circus training, delighting the owner and his family with funny tricks.

The poodle's goodwill does not allow him to be a guard. But he cannot warn about the visit of strangers with a loud bark. Representatives of the breed are curious and active, and during walks they intently explore the environment, not forgetting to periodically glance at the owner in case he gives a command. Monotony is not for the poodle; he prefers an active and eventful life.

Criteria for determining the intelligence of a quadruped

The most famous work in the field of canine intelligence is the work of Stanley Coran, a professor of psychology at the University of Vancouver. When compiling his rating, he took 2 criteria as a basis:

  • understanding the new team;
  • the ability to execute a command the first time.

Despite fairly good reviews from the public, the chosen technique has a significant drawback. It takes into account only one type of intellectual capabilities - working ones, that is, the ability to learn new knowledge. But, besides them, there are 2 more important varieties:

  • adaptive, allowing you to make independent decisions;
  • instinctive, based on innate breed qualities (the ability to guard objects and track down game).

The omission of these features led to the fact that quite smart four-legged hunters and sled dogs, known for their independent character, ended up at the bottom of the rating. Neither one nor the other can be called stupid. They are also suitable for training, but require more time and patience from the owner due to their innate stubbornness and obstinacy.


Young breeds are much easier to train than those that have lived next to humans for several centuries. This is explained by a stronger attachment to the owner.

Yorkshire Terrier

York is ready for the exhibition!

"Yoriki" are gentle, intelligent and fragile dogs that require delicate treatment. Babies cannot stand being shouted at or grabbed roughly; some individuals can suffer a nervous breakdown when treated in this way.

Modern representatives of the breed are very friendly, react calmly to strangers and live with other pets under the same roof.

Due to their size and lack of aggression, Yorkies are defenseless. At the same time, dogs love to be close to their owners, taking an active part in their lives.

Most decorative pets participate in exhibitions, “work” as companions for elderly people and friends of children of primary school age. Many owners forget about raising a small pet, as a result of which the dogs learn about permissiveness and become very spoiled. A spoiled Yorkie is quite capable of attacking his larger brother during a walk, which indicates his mental problems. Dogs with a stable psyche do not experience attacks of such aggression.


If you decide to get a Doberman, then know: he needs a powerful owner. These dogs are powerful and easy to train. All kinds of physical activity are important for them: Dobermans need to be constantly loaded with some kind of physical work or exercise so that they expend energy.

Dobermans are one of the most fearless and dangerous dogs in the world. However, they can make excellent pets if raised near children from puppyhood.

Dobermans have short fur and do not require special care. But you should know that these dogs are susceptible to cold, so on frosty days it is better to wear something on them.


Being overweight is a serious problem among Labradors.

“Labricks” don’t know how to get angry at all! Representatives of the breed constantly smile, wag their tails and express sympathy to others. In their understanding, the world is divided into a beloved owner, equally beloved family members and adored best friends. The latter includes everyone whom the Labrador sees: strangers, strange dogs and cats, rodents, birds. Everyone’s dog will “lick him to death” and will be upset if new acquaintances retreat into the bright distance as soon as they see the “labor” approaching.

Representatives of the breed are phlegmatic, which leads to incidents during the training process. You can explain to your pet a hundred times what is required of him, but the animal will only smile thoughtfully. The one hundred and first time something clicks in the “labrik’s” head, he learns the command, subsequently executing it almost perfectly.

Good-natured and cheerful dogs are ideal pets for families with children.

Labradors have a special connection with children; the dog tenderly loves the little family members, plays with them and takes care of them. Labras love walks and noisy games; being energetic animals, they need relaxation. In the absence of one, pets can bark for no reason, annoying residents of an apartment building.

When getting a Labrador, you should take care of regular physical and mental exercise and monitor its diet. Representatives of this breed gain weight easily, but have difficulty losing weight.

Top 10 most intelligent and loyal large breed dogs in the world: photos, names of breeds, rating

Large dogs are considered to be those four-legged animals that weigh from 25 kg to 90 kg or more. Caring for such pets is somewhat different from caring for small and medium-sized breeds, however, this does not mean that it is more difficult.

  1. The German Shepherd will top our rating. These dogs gained their popularity quite a long time ago and have not lost it to this day. Representatives of this breed are incredibly smart and loyal. Quadrupeds are distinguished by obedience and balance. The Shepherd always knows its place in the house and never pretends to take the place of leader. These dogs love children very much and are ready to give their lives if necessary for their owner. Shepherds learn easily and quickly, but your pet needs to be trained from childhood.


  2. 2nd place went to the Golden Retriever. These dogs are distinguished by their great generosity and kindness. These pets are very caring and understanding. They love their owner and unquestioningly listen to his commands. The Golden Retriever is an ideal dog for family people. After all, such a dog will protect you, lift your spirits, and look after your children. These four-legged animals are distinguished by the fact that they do not know how to show aggression at all and show this side only in case of real danger.


  3. Labrador takes 3rd place. Representatives of this breed are good-natured dogs that have proven themselves as hunters, guides and nannies. The four-legged animals are very active and love games and children. They will never offend their owner or other family members. Pets can be trained quickly and easily.


  4. 4th place honorably goes to Newfoundland dogs. These dogs make excellent family four-legged dogs. The character of these pets simply cannot but delight. Balance, flexibility, patience and courage - all this is about this breed. Newfoundlands are dogs that quickly become attached to their owner, family and home, as well as other pets who live with them. Representatives of this breed cannot stand long separation from their family. If necessary, such a dog will easily protect the owner and other family members, although in a calm environment this breed does not even bark.


  5. This position is occupied by the Saint Bernard breed. The character of these animals is sometimes surprising: balanced, reasonable, understanding and calm. It is quite difficult to anger such a dog, with the exception of situations in which the owners of the animals are threatened by something. In such cases, the St. Bernard will run to save its owner without hesitation. These four-legged dogs are attached to children and other family members and love spending time together. These dogs are easy to train, but despite their unquestioning obedience, they always act very carefully and carefully.

    Saint Bernard

  6. In 6th place are Doberman dogs. Representatives of this breed have a very capricious and serious character, so they need to be raised responsibly from childhood. If you manage to win over the animal, in return you will receive its love, care and protection. Children are treated with caution and are not shown much love, so if there are children in the house, you must clearly let the dog know that the child is more important than her.


  7. The Rottweiler takes 7th place. It must be said right away that these dogs are very dangerous and need training from a very early age - from 2 months. These pets listen only to their owner, and only if he is an authority for them. However, if this dog has already chosen its owner, it will be his best friend and reliable protector. Such a dog is ready to protect to the death. If there are children in the family, then the dog needs to be raised in such a way that it clearly understands that the child is the most important in the house, and disobedience in this regard will result in serious punishment.


  8. In 8th place is Akita Inu. These dogs are very loyal protectors. The dog loves and protects his owner, but in a calm environment he will not even bark. It can be trained easily and quickly, however, this four-legged animal must be trained from childhood. If there are other animals in the house, then the Akita will easily find a common language with them.

    Akita Inu

  9. 9th place goes to the pit bull. Of course, the opinion about this breed is very ambiguous. There are a huge number of cases of pit bulls attacking people, but it is important to note the fact that a trained dog is unlikely to behave this way. Moreover, these four-legged animals were originally intended to be nannies and this is in their blood. Pit bulls are loyal, devoted dogs that require attention and proper care. If you create the right conditions for this dog, you will never regret having him.


  10. And our rating is completed by Boxer dogs. In skillful hands, such dogs turn into excellent guards and loyal friends. The devotion of Boxers is truly amazing: in case of danger and necessity, they will rush to the defense of their owner without any doubt. There is no need to hide the fact that boxers are still darlings, so without active pastime and regular exercise, they will certainly “delight” you with some trick, like torn curtains.


Golden retriever

Golden is a wonderful companion!

The Golden Retriever, as the breed is also called, is a dog with a puppy-like character. This is an extraordinary animal, characterized by carelessness, foolishness, increased affection towards people and tenderness. Representatives of the breed retain puppy traits until old age: they need everything, everything is interesting. And making a noisy fuss, playing like a cat, comes first.

"Goldens" are madly in love with their owners and their family members. Like Labradors, these pets adore children, are ready to accompany them anywhere and everywhere, and take part in the most active entertainment. The only thing you should not expect from a pet is to perform security functions. Being friendly and loving, the only thing the dog is capable of is to faithfully look into the eyes of a stranger and wag his tail. Therefore, when choosing a dog for protection, you should pay attention to other breeds.

Golden Retrievers love to swim.

Once at the pond, the first thing your pet will do is go for a swim. Goldens have no problems with water procedures; some individuals are so in love with swimming that they are ready to start it even in a deep puddle.

Representatives of the breed are smart, training them is a pleasure. And boundless love for the owner and the desire to please him make the training process mutually enjoyable.

What are the criteria for identifying a good family dog?

It is difficult to say for sure what kind of dog will be - kind or aggressive. Puppies in the same litter can have opposite temperaments, despite their pedigree genes. Among the representatives of the breed there are phlegmatic and choleric people. The attitude towards a person largely depends on the upbringing and development of the pet.

Dog with child

However, there are still several external signs that indicate a friendly dog. It doesn’t matter where the animal comes from: from a breeder or from a shelter. A good-natured puppy shows interest in a person: he follows on his heels, looks into his eyes, and wags his tail when he approaches. Such a dog easily makes contact and allows itself to be stroked. Over time, the character will change, active puppies will become calmer and more obedient. Openness to communication with humans will remain unchanged, provided that the pet is raised correctly.

Note! Large dogs often show friendliness and loyalty. On the contrary, among small breeds there are many hysterical and quarrelsome dogs. A Cane Corso is better suited as a nanny for a child than a Pekingese.

Border Collie

Just run, just forward!

Anything but not sitting still is the motto of the breed. Border collies are very smart and friendly dogs, ready to follow their owner through thick and thin. But the representatives of the breed have more than enough activity, and with pronounced herding qualities... for a phlegmatic person who loves to spend time on the couch, the collapse of a dog’s life. With such an owner, the border collie will quickly wither away or turn into an angry and irritable creature.

These dogs get along well with children, but do not tolerate excessive familiarity. Therefore, “borders” are not suitable for families with very young children. But children of primary school age will become good friends.

Due to the developed herding instinct, but the lack of its implementation, the pet will “herd” the owners, their children and pets. Farm birds are especially often targeted, but Border Collies have a complex relationship with cats. Your own purr is something between a friend and a neighbor, someone else’s is an object for catching up.

Representatives of the breed are very easy to train, thanks to which they become frequent participants in cynological sports.

Who and how ranked dogs by intelligence?

Psychologists have long studied the intellectual abilities of four-legged friends, trying to understand why some dogs can be trained faster, while others take longer to learn, but then apply the skills much more effectively in practice than the former. Some breeds easily cope with search work of varying complexity, others are natural guards, and others are hunters.

Canadian professor Stanley Coren has been researching human psychology for a long time, studying the influence of sensory processes on human behavior, ways of cognition, and neuropsychology. The love for dogs prompted the scientist to study the mental abilities of these amazing animals.

Koren studied in detail the works of psychologist Howard Gardner, who at one time conducted research on canine intelligence. Using existing information as a basis, the professor compiled a questionnaire and sent copies to well-known dog handlers, judges of dog shows in North America, and trainers.

Stanley Coren and his team received approximately 200 completed response forms. After carefully studying the data, drawing an analogy between the indicators and comparing the abilities of 133 dog breeds, the psychologist scientist compiled his list.

The author later admitted that his rating was not entirely accurate. He took as a basis the obedience of dogs and their willingness to follow commands at any time, but did not take into account the nature of stubborn, independent breeds. This error was the reason that smart, but difficult to train dogs took last positions.

According to Coren's theory, the smartest of all dogs are representatives of the Border Collie breed. They were slightly inferior to poodles and German shepherds. The basenji, beagle, basset hound, Afghan hound and bulldog breeds took the last positions in the intelligence rankings. Even the most stubborn and lazy Shih Tzu, Chow Chow, or English Bulldog will show intelligence; the main thing for him is to feel love, affection, care and strength of character.


Get ready, I'm taking off.

The breed is a hunting breed, but how good-natured it is towards people! The maximum that a shorthaired pointer is capable of is to bark loudly at the sight of a stranger.

Representatives of the breed are very warm towards children and can play with them for hours. But a very small child and a shorthaired pointer are not compatible well; the dog will not harm the baby, but it can push, step on or injure if it gets too excited.

These hunters are so strongly motivated by the owner that they can die of longing for him. There are cases when the owner-hunter died, and after a short time the pet passed away, refusing food and walks.

Therefore, older people should not have an active and endlessly loyal Shorthaired Pointer.

Relationships with other pets are adequate, but birds and rodents are prey. Introducing your beloved dog to a decorative rat or hamster will lead to the death of the latter. Street cats can also be considered prey, and conflicts with males of other breeds are possible.

Being active animals, representatives of the breed need long walks. At least three hours a day must be devoted to physical activity for the animal. If this is not the case, the shorthaired pointer will begin to dismantle its own place of residence, destroying everything that gets in its way.

What is the intelligence of a dog?

The habits of four-legged friends, their actions in different situations, ability to work, recognition of intonations in the voice, understanding of human speech and obedience - all these indicators together determine the IQ level.

Each breed exhibits intelligence differently:

  • The smartest dogs (Einsteins) react to orders very quickly and in 95% of cases obey the trainer with lightning speed. They only need to repeat the command 5 times, and sometimes even less, and they will already learn it.
  • Excellent students are endowed with exceptional ability to work. They are always ready to learn and do not shy away from work. These dogs respond 85% of the time to a signal, and to remember they only need to repeat a new command 6-10 times.
  • Dogs with above average abilities quickly master simple commands, and remember more complex ones only after 15–20 repetitions. Only 70% begin to respond to the trainer’s words immediately. In addition, these breeds need frequent repetition of what they have learned. If commands are not repeated for 3-4 days, the dogs forget them and begin to perceive them as new.
  • Breeds with average abilities begin to understand the trainer only after 20 repetitions. Only 50% react to the first command. They forget the skills they have mastered quite quickly, so they need daily training.
  • Wayward, stubborn dogs carry out the command only after 40 repetitions, while more independent dogs have to repeat it up to 60 times. They do not strive to remember new skills; trainers have to be patient to teach obstinate pets.
  • Dogs that are difficult to train. Representatives of this group need to repeat the command about 100 times for them to react. It is almost impossible for trainers without experience to break dogs that love to do only what they want.


I won’t give you the ball, you don’t have documents...

Very cheerful and good-natured dogs. Life around them must be in full swing, otherwise the Aussies will begin to feel sad. A depressed pet becomes irritable and touchy, capable of destroying interior items and snapping at other pets (if any).

A representative of the breed can become an excellent friend to children, but does not have the same love for them as a Labrador or Golden Retriever.

Australian Shepherds are incredibly active; living in an apartment is only possible if there is regular and long walking, which tires out the pet. Running around, playing with a ball or puller, forays into fields and forests are ideal living conditions for the breed.

I want to get a dog

To begin with, it is worth highlighting three main parameters by which you can choose a good family dog:

1. Temperament

– this is the character of the dog. Look for a dog with a friendly temperament. It is worth noting that a calmer dog can create a strong bond with its owner and become an excellent friend for children.

size 2

– When choosing the size of a dog, it is worth considering both the temperament and energy of the dog. Some large dogs tend to be passive, while small ones can be quite excitable.

3. Energy

– everyone chooses how energetic a dog they want. Realistically evaluate your lifestyle to give your dog the exercise he needs. If the dog is energetic, then it needs to spend more time on walks, otherwise the dog may develop behavior problems.


Master, let's play!

A small copy of a collie, whose friendliness and focus on the owner are simply off the charts. Shelties are hyperactive, love children and are extremely curious. These dogs live by the principle: “for anything except a hunger strike,” they love to poke their nose into what is happening around them and are always ready to take part in it.

For children - best friends for games and entertainment. Being active and noisy, Shelties will definitely have a fun game with a child, accompanied by loud barking. Representatives of the breed are generally “talkative”, so keeping them in an apartment can lead to troubles with neighbors. Fortunately, “little collies” are quickly distracted and switch to another activity.

Good-natured shelties cannot be guards; it is psychologically difficult for them to even bark at strangers. Aggressive representatives of the breed are a breeding marriage, in essence.

Shelties love walks, especially long distances. They are hardy and very active; among the representatives of the breed there are many dogs that actively participate in agility, frisbee dog and canine freestyle.


The Rottweiler is a very powerful dog, which is famous for its high pain threshold. A muscular body is a distinctive feature of Rottweilers. On the one hand, they are very friendly, and on the other hand, they are defenders of their owner.

This dog can live almost anywhere, even in an apartment, as long as you give it daily opportunities to burn off its energy. Easy to train.

Chinese Crested Dog

Miss Glamor

Gentle and delicate dogs, there is no aggressiveness in them at all. Representatives of the breed are great at helping the owner relax and relieve stress, because it’s so nice to hug a pet sitting comfortably on your lap. In terms of displaying reverent tenderness towards the owner, “crested animals” have no equal.

The attitude towards the owner's children is friendly, the dog will keep company in the game, entertain and delight the child. But gentle pets are completely unsuitable for families with very young children. Firstly, “Chinese girls” do not tolerate intrusive attitudes towards them.

It is unlikely that the dog will bite the baby, but the feeling of discomfort from his constant actions will lead to a nervous breakdown.

Secondly, a child can damage the pet’s delicate skin. Families with children aged 7 years and above can safely get this gentle dog.

As for domestic animals that live in the same territory with the “crested bird,” it treats them indifferently. It may bark at strangers out of fear rather than trying to protect the owner and his property. The Chinese Crested watchman is useless; a typical representative of the breed would prefer to bask in a warm chair and not stick his nose out while a robbery is taking place in the house.

"Corydalis" are very sensitive to low and high air temperatures. Being hairless, they need warm clothes in autumn and winter, and direct sunlight leaves burns on the pet's delicate skin.

The middle of the ranking is occupied by the Doberman Pinscher

This is a breed of working dog bred in Germany. Dobermans are quite intelligent and extraordinary individuals - they have pride and nobility. They constantly need to be trained, otherwise they will grow up uncontrollable, doing whatever they want. But with constant attention from the owner, they are ready to give him all their love and tenderness. In nurseries, Dobermans are bred to guard production facilities and then they are simply guard dogs. But if you bring them home, never leave them alone for a long time.

Pomeranian Spitz

A pet with the appearance of a plush toy

Pretty little Spitz dogs are a bundle of energy on fluffy paws. Despite their size, these dogs are always on the move. They love to walk, prefer active physical games in the fresh air and the company of their owner.

Pomeranians, in general, are very oriented toward their owners. This orientation reaches the point of ridiculousness: the pet is ready to accompany the owner everywhere, refusing to leave him alone even in the bathroom. If you reinforce the Spitz's behavior with constant attention, in the future the dog will understand that he is doing the right thing and will begin to impose himself even more strongly on the owner.

The owner's children are compatible with the Pomeranian only if they are over seven years old. Children of kindergarten age can harm a fragile dog by dropping it from their hands or from a height. In addition, good-natured Spitz dogs do not really like overly intrusive treatment; they may bark at a child, but are unlikely to bite.

The pet needs regular coat care, in particular, a rich coat should be combed several times a week. The ideal option is regular visits to the groomer.


The Papillon is a small but very energetic dog. A special feature of the breed is its ears, which resemble the spread wings of a butterfly. Papillons are easy to train, but life in a confined space is difficult for them.

These small dogs can bark everywhere, which often creates problems for themselves. Papillon wool requires special care. She needs to be looked after and combed every day.


Whippet standing

Perhaps the only greyhound that is distinguished by its increased friendliness. Representatives of the breed are beautiful: tall, thin, capable of developing enormous speed. When a whippet runs, it is impossible to take your eyes off it - its movements are so graceful. And obedience to a pet is difficult, if training takes place on the street and there are a lot of irritants around (other dogs, cats), the whippet is able to turn off his head, focusing his attention on them.

The greyhound is suitable for active people, because putting such a pet on the sofa is a mockery of it.

Representatives of this breed are patient with children, but cannot tolerate excessive annoyingness. As for the attitude towards strangers, it is calm, without aggression. But the latter manifests itself in relation to cats, rodents and birds; whippets consider them as prey. They get along very well with their own kind and feel comfortable in their company.

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