Breed standard "Yorkshire Terrier": description of character and special traits of dogs

Yorkshire Terriers have captured the hearts of millions of dog owners around the world.

Looking at these graceful animals with luxurious fur and beautiful appearance, it is difficult to believe that they were bred as rodent hunters in coal mines and farms.

Today, they live next to their owners and are full members of families, daily demonstrating their intelligence, cheerful disposition and love of life and bringing positivity and love into the home.

What is the Yorkshire Terrier standard?

A breed standard is a list of identical characteristics that correspond to a certain group of dogs and distinguish it from others.

Such characteristics include size, weight , height, length and color of the coat, proportions, position and shape of the ears and tail, as well as characteristics of character and temperament .

According to the FCI classification, Yorkshire Terriers belong to Group 3 "Terriers", Section 4 "Toy Terriers", purpose and use - companion dog.

York standard according to RKF

The current RKF standard was published on November 10, 2011.

According to him, the Yorkie is a long-haired terrier with a straight, flowing coat..

The parting starts at the nose and ends at the end of the tail.

An elegant and compact dog with a proud and important posture:

  • Head. The skull is small and flat, there are no convex parts, the transition to the muzzle from the forehead is clearly pronounced.
  • The muzzle is short, the nose is small, the lobe is pigmented black.
  • The jaws are straight, the row of teeth is not disturbed. The teeth are small, white, set straight. There is no gap when closing the jaws; there is a scissor bite.
  • The eyes are medium-sized, round or almond-shaped, not protruding. The iris is brown, as dark as possible, with a black edging on the eyelids.
  • The ears are small, triangular, erect, covered with hair.
  • The neck is moderately long, slightly arched, with well-developed muscles and a pronounced nape contour.
  • The body is not too long, compact, square in format. The withers are weakly expressed, the chest is oval, the shoulders are strong. The back is short, strong and straight. The belly is tucked up, the croup is rounded with a slope towards the base of the tail.
  • The tail is not docked, set high, carried slightly above the level of the back, and covered with dark hair.
  • Limbs. The paws are strong, even, with well-developed knee and hock joints located at right angles. The paws are collected, rounded, the claws are black, convex, slightly curved.

Character traits

Yorkshire Terriers are companion dogs . This determines their boundless devotion and loyalty to the owner, as well as the desire to always be close to him.

The Yorkie's desire to be an integral part of the owner's life and accompany him everywhere is the reason for his absolute intolerance of loneliness.

Yorkies are cheerful, active, cheerful and energetic dogs who prefer to spend time on walks..

Despite their friendliness and lack of aggression, they have retained the courage and courage of their ancestors and, without hesitation, will defend their owner if necessary.

A distinctive feature of Yorkies is their developed intuition, bordering on empathy. They subtly feel people's emotions, capture their mood and behave accordingly.

Expert opinion

Kozhevin Semyon Kirillovich

Expert dog handler.

Yorkshire Terriers, both boys and girls, are friendly and peace-loving dogs that rarely behave aggressively. Aggressive behavior is noted only if they feel that other dogs are trying to infringe on their interests, for example, taking a toy or encroaching on their territory. In addition, Yorkies have a so-called Napoleon complex - they often start fights with larger dogs. And yet, anger is not inherent in this breed, and all undesirable character traits and behavior can and should be corrected by education.

What is the character of Eric?

Yorkshire Terriers are active and energetic dogs; boys are especially inquisitive and restless. Attachment to the owner comes very quickly, pets get used to it, accept the person who is most important to them and remain faithful and infinitely devoted to him for the rest of their lives. They are wary of strangers, but after some time they adapt. They get along with children and are friends with other animals. A distinctive feature of the Yorkie's character is rapid excitability and long calmness. The dog's temperament is close to choleric, it can be timid and aggressive. I don't tolerate loneliness well. Needs careful education and training. She is easy to learn because she is highly intelligent, quick-witted and curious.

Advantages and disadvantages

In addition to their compact size, which allows Yorkies to feel comfortable living even in small apartments, and visual appeal, representatives of this breed have many more advantages:

  • devotion and loyalty to the owner;
  • ability to get along with children;
  • ability to learn;
  • friendliness, lack of anger or aggression;
  • intelligence, intelligence and the ability to make independent decisions, assessing the current situation.

An important fact is the absence of undercoat in Yorkies and, accordingly, shedding, as well as the hypoallergenic nature of their coat.


Before purchasing a dog, allergy sufferers need to find out what exactly provokes an allergic reaction: if the problem is in the animal’s skin secretions, they should not buy a Yorkie.

Yorkies also have disadvantages, including:

  • intolerance of loneliness;
  • the need for careful and expensive care;
  • imperfect digestive system, requiring a special diet;
  • tendency to allergies.

Read more about the pros and cons of the breed here.

Yorkies also require clothing and shoes for walking in the cold season (shown in the photo).

Dimensions and other characteristics

The official breed standard adopted by the RKF and FCI sets restrictions only on the weight of the Yorkshire Terrier - it should be no more than 3.2 kg, while the minimum weight of dogs is not standardized.

The height at the withers should correspond to the height at the croup and be no more than 23 cm.

Typically, a standard Yorkie has the following dimensions::

  • male – height up to 23 cm, weight up to 3.2 kg (maxi);
  • female – height up to 20 cm, weight up to 2.7 kg.

How old do pets grow?

Active growth of a dog occurs up to 6-8 months.

Reproduction and lifespan

Small dogs often live longer than large ones. The Yorkshire Terrier faithfully serves its owner from 13 to 15 years. There are individuals that live up to 16 years. The breeder must be well aware of the standard of this breed. Dogs that meet the following requirements should be selected for mating:

  • Their ears are V-shaped and stand erect.
  • The coat is straight, very smooth (and if the dog has not been cut, then curly).
  • Their weight should not exceed 3 kg.
  • The male and female must be sexually mature - no younger than 1 year and no older than 7 years.

On the 3rd day of estrus, the bitch can be taken to the male. He will sniff her and begin to try to woo her. Sometimes, due to her health worsening during menstruation, the bitch can push him away. Then the breeder will have no choice but to postpone their mating.

The birth of a female Yorkie should be performed by a professional, as it is often problematic. The mother dog is very affectionate and caring. She must feed her offspring for at least 1.5 months.

Color variations

The breed standard provides only 1 color option for Yorkshire Terriers:

  • the coat from the back of the head to the base of the tail is steel-gray in color, the presence of hairs of red, bronze or any other color is not acceptable;
  • the paws from the ground to the elbows and knees and the chest are covered with bright and rich hair of a brown-golden color, darker at the roots;
  • the hair on the head is of a golden-brown hue, most saturated on the sides, near the ears and on the muzzle;
  • The ears are covered with red-yellow-brown fur.

Any other color option is considered non-standard.

The most common among them are:

  • black and gold;
  • golden blue;
  • blue and tan.

Yorkie puppies at birth have black fur with small spots of red tan; it is not known in advance what color the coat of an adult dog will be .

Defects and defects

Defects are any deviations of a dog from the accepted breed standard; they are of 2 types: shortcomings and defects. Faults are minor deviations from the standard that do not affect the general condition of the dog and do not lead to disqualification. This type of defect includes:

  1. Poorly developed muscles.
  2. Rounded skull.
  3. Light pigmentation of the iris.
  4. The absence of several teeth or the presence of plaque on them.
  5. Color mixed with other shades.

Defects are serious violations of the standard that raise doubts about the purebredness of a given representative of the breed. These include:

  1. Curly coat.
  2. A color pattern that completely or partially does not correspond to the standard one.
  3. Ears rounded at the ends.
  4. Blue eyes or heterochromia.
  5. A hump or sagging line on the back.
  6. Defect in the position of the front and hind legs when walking.

There are also more serious defects - defects that lead to immediate disqualification of the dog:

  1. Color that does not correspond to the breed standard.
  2. Dog weight exceeding 3 kg 100 grams.
  3. Drop or semi-drop ears.
  4. Too aggressive or, conversely, timid behavior of the animal.
  5. Non-scissor bite and missing row of teeth.
  6. Cryptorchidism is the failure of one or two testes to descend into the scrotum.

Is it suitable for living in an apartment?

Yorkshire Terriers are sensitive to air temperature, so keeping them in an enclosure is unacceptable.

Despite their love of being active, these dogs don't need a lot of space to feel comfortable..

In addition, they are easy to train to a diaper or tray. All this makes Yorkies ideal pets for people living in apartments.

Education and training

Despite lacking the working potential of traditional service dogs, Yorkies are highly trainable. They are smart and obedient, and are not at all prone to destructive behavior. But, the owner of such a pet must organize play training for it.

A decorative dog will never follow a command if it is scared or upset about something. It is important to make sure that when she is at home, she feels comfortable and calm. Before you invite her to learn to sit or spin around her axis, invite her to play. When the animal becomes playful, start training.

It is recommended to teach such a dog to go to the toilet in the right place as early as possible. If you live with him in a private house, he himself will ask to leave when he feels a natural need. Well, apartment residents will have to purchase a tray for their pet.

Some tips for raising small dogs:

  • Tell your puppy his name often so that he remembers his name and responds to it.
  • Never call him by name during a verbal reprimand.
  • Always reward efforts.
  • Demonstrate your leadership skills whenever the opportunity arises. This will allow the animal to respect you.

Attitude towards children and pets

Yorkies do not always get along with other dogs due to their innate tendency to dominate..

However, they get along well with dogs and even lumps if they grew up with them.

Representatives of this breed only dislike rodents - rats and mice have always been objects of hunting for Yorkies.

These dogs get along well with children . They are united by curiosity and activity and enjoy spending time together.

Why do you need Ingrus?

The site contains information about dogs from different countries. It will be of interest to both breeders and ordinary owners. The site is easy to use and has an intuitive interface. Here you can find out information about your own dog, plan mating with a specific manufacturer, and find out the breeder’s contacts. If you wish, you can get a link to the Chihuahua's pedigree and paste it into your blog or website.

All data is entered onto the site by professional breeders themselves. As soon as babies are born in the house, you can create their own pages in the Ingrus chihuahua pedigree database. This will significantly simplify the sales process, because you won’t need to have long conversations about ancestors, you can just send a link. And the buyers themselves will immediately understand how the baby will grow up. If a puppy is needed for exhibitions and breeding, then the owners on the site will be able to get acquainted with its relatives and understand whether it will suit them.

Nuances of maintenance and care

It is necessary to arrange a place for the dog in the apartment by placing a house or a bed there or laying a soft mattress.

It should be located away from heating devices and drafts.

You should walk your Yorkie several times a day – regular walks strengthen your pet’s physical and mental health.

Eyes and ears

Eyes should be wiped daily with a cotton pad moistened with warm boiled water and chamomile infusion. With irregular care and increased lacrimation, there is a high probability of developing eczema.

Once every 7-10 days you need to inspect your Yorkie's ears and clean them using a cotton swab and special drops or lotions.

If redness, inflammation or an unpleasant odor is detected, you must show your pet to a veterinarian.

Wool and bathing

To avoid the formation of mats, Yorkies must be combed daily. Grooming also requires haircuts at least once a quarter.

You should bathe your dog no more than 3 times a month, otherwise there is a risk of drying out your pet’s skin..

When washing, you need to use professional caring cosmetics - shampoo and rinse-off conditioner in accordance with the type of coat.

It is also possible to use cosmetic oil, which enhances the shine of the coat and makes combing easier.

Tooth and claw

The dog's teeth must be brushed daily with a special brush and paste, and the nails must be trimmed once every 2 weeks with a guillotine nail clipper.

Proper care of your Yorkie also includes timely vaccinations, deworming and treatment for fleas and ticks..

Pet health

Yorkshire Terriers cannot boast of good health.

Diseases characteristic of the breed include:

  • hypoglycemia;
  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • allergy;
  • dermatitis;
  • alopecia;
  • cataract and glaucoma;
  • kidney disease;
  • breathing problems;
  • hernias

Yorkies often experience eye injuries and the fontanelle not overgrowing.

Common diseases

Teeth are one of the Yorkies' weaknesses..

They often have irregular teeth and a tendency to form plaque and tartar, which leads to periodontal disease and tooth loss.


There are frequent cases of conjunctivitis due to a narrow tear duct and hair getting into the eyes.

Another pathology characteristic of these dogs is distichiasis . This disease is characterized by the growth of another row of eyelashes, as a result of which the eyelashes grow inward, injuring the cornea.

If we talk about diseases of the musculoskeletal system, then most often Yorkies are diagnosed with Perthes' disease, in which the head of the femur is destroyed, which leads to lameness.

The first manifestations of the disease are observed at the age of three months.

Nutritional Features

The diet of Yorkshire terriers can consist of both natural products and ready-made industrial food.

It is important to decide on the type of feeding from the very beginning and not mix both diets.

If the choice fell on natural products, then the pet’s menu should contain:

  • lean meat;
  • offal;
  • cereals;
  • lean sea fish;
  • vegetables and herbs;
  • fermented milk products, cottage cheese.

Yorkies are not allowed:

  • beans and corn;
  • pasta and bakery products;
  • fat meat;
  • freshwater fish;
  • mushrooms;
  • sweets, smoked foods, pickles, marinades;
  • bones;
  • grapes and raisins;
  • onion;
  • milk;
  • cabbage, turnips, potatoes;
  • citruses;
  • nuts.

A natural type of nutrition requires the mandatory use of an additional vitamin and mineral complex.

Having chosen ready-made industrial feed, you cannot purchase those that belong to the economy class. Suitable foods are premium, super premium or holistic, containing at least 25% and 70% meat, respectively.

The best feed brands:

  • Acana;
  • Royal Canin;
  • Pro Plan;
  • Bozita;
  • Mera Dog
  • Monge;
  • Orijen.

The dog should always have clean water freely available, especially when feeding dry food.

Possible diseases and methods of treating them

Unfortunately, it is difficult to call these adorable dogs healthy. Even a weak virus can easily undermine their immune system. Therefore, it is very important to vaccinate dogs on time. Vaccination dates for them: at one and a half, two, two and a half months, at six months and at a year. Also, as a preventive measure, veterinarians recommend vaccinating dogs against rabies annually.

Your Yorkshire Terrier may get a stomach ache from improper feeding. Symptoms of gastric dysfunction in a dog: nausea, vomiting, loose stools, refusal to eat, severe thirst, weakness. If you notice any of the above in your pet, do not hesitate and take him to the hospital.

Sometimes, to remove the toxin, it is enough to rinse the animal’s stomach once. Also, a bone can easily get stuck in the thin esophagus of a decorative dog. It is extremely important to inspect any fish or meat product for bones before giving it to your dog.

Yorkie is a wonderful pet that will give joy to everyone who is imbued with tenderness and awe. He is very grateful for care and feeding, becomes very attached to his owners and needs their care.

Price range

The cost of a purebred Yorkie depends on its class.


A pet-class puppy can be purchased for 5-14 thousand rubles, the price for breed-class dogs starts from 15 thousand rubles, a show class representative will cost 15-70 thousand rubles or more.

Also, despite not meeting the breed standard, mini-Yorks are popular - such a puppy costs an average of 25 thousand rubles.

The difference between standard Yorkies and mini ones

Despite the fact that mini and micro-sized Yorshiki are in particular demand, professional dog handlers advise choosing pets of the large standard, whose weight is from 2 to 3 kg. Among the advantages of this type:

  • thick coat;
  • excellent learning ability;
  • good health and high immunity;
  • possibility of breeding;
  • significant life expectancy.

The character of the kids is softer than that of standard terriers. Mini Yorkies are easily injured, so you should not have them in families with small children.

How to choose?

It is better to purchase a puppy from a specialized nursery from trusted breeders.

You should pay attention to the following signs:

  • limbs should be straight and the back flat;
  • the coat and skin are clean, there are no bald spots or bald spots;
  • nose, eyes, nose and ears without damage or inflammation;
  • each jaw has 6 teeth, scissor bite;
  • the inside of the ears is pale pink;
  • breathing is smooth and free, no wheezing or whistling can be heard;
  • movements are confident and coordinated.

A healthy puppy should be active and inquisitive.

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