Shih Tzu's eyes fall out: causes, treatment and first aid

Eye injury is one of the most insidious pathologies in dogs. Injuries that seem minor can have an unexpectedly serious impact on the dog's health. Partial or complete blindness, headaches, and inability to see up close are just the tip of the iceberg. In addition to all the dangers, there are a number of breeds that are prone to self-injury. For example, Shih Tzu's eyes literally fall out. The eyeball falls out of the “socket”, this injury is called proptosis.

Gastrointestinal tract

Some of the most common requests for help from a veterinarian are dermatological problems and adverse reactions to food in dogs. The Shih Tzu breed is at slightly higher risk of developing food allergies than other breeds.

Symptoms of food allergies can be divided into dermatological (skin itching, scratching and licking locally affected areas, reddened skin, peeling, otitis) and gastrointestinal (vomiting, rumbling in the abdomen, diarrhea, gastroenteritis). Shih Tzus may experience acne and hair loss. Atopy is a hereditary predisposition of dogs to exhibit allergic reactions to certain environmental factors.

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The allergic reaction manifests itself on the lower abdomen, paws, muzzle, and ears. The dog licks the affected areas, the hair begins to fall out, a secondary infection gets into the wounds, and the Shih Tzu develops pimples and sores. The causes of atopy lie in the genetics of the animal (predisposition to secrete special antibodies). But the manifestation of the disease is facilitated by external irritants: the tick and its excrement. Thick fur protects the animal from ticks, so it is better to keep your pet not in a warm and humid room, but in a slightly cool and dry room.

The disease can be successfully treated with antihistamines and a special hypoallergenic diet.

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How to care for your dog's teeth

Don’t think that only people can have dental problems. Dogs can develop gum disease, and this disease is easier to prevent than to treat. Let's try to figure out how to care for your dog's teeth and gums.

Inflammation of the gums quite often occurs due to the formation of tartar on the teeth. Tartar appears when the Shih Tzu's diet is completely devoid of solid food or is available in insufficient quantities. To prevent such a disease, carrots, crackers, and apples are included in the dog’s diet. You can also purchase special bones and sticks for brushing your teeth. They not only prevent the appearance of tartar, but also strengthen the teeth.

If your Shih Tzu cannot eat solid food for any reason, you should brush your dog's teeth once a week. First, use a cotton swab and tooth powder without aromatic additives. Then the teeth are wiped with a soft cloth.

If a stone does form, it must be removed mechanically. To do this, the dog is immobilized, its lip is raised. A special hook designed for removing tartar is placed between the tartar and the gum. The instrument should be held parallel to the tooth, pressed firmly against it. Tartar is removed with a sharp vertical movement, decisively and firmly. Those who are not able to perform such a procedure themselves can contact a specialized clinic for professional help. It is also necessary to contact a veterinary clinic if the stone is too large.

Do not assume that tartar will not cause harm. Not only does it make your dog uncomfortable, but it is also a source of bad breath.

It has been found that regularly eating tomatoes or tomato juice by a dog prevents the formation of tartar and also thins existing tartar. You can also rub a mixture of a few drops of lemon juice and baking soda into your gums once a week. Propolis also has a beneficial effect on gums. As we can see, there is nothing complicated in the question of how to care for a dog’s teeth, especially if you prevent diseases in advance and not deal with their consequences.

The next point that it is recommended to pay attention to when caring for your Shih Tzu is caring for the dog’s eyes. Below we will look at how to do this.

Hereditary diseases

In addition to the atopy described above, Shih Tzus are predisposed to a number of different diseases:

  • eye: cataracts, corneal ulcers, entropion;
  • kidneys: urolithiasis, underdeveloped kidneys;
  • cardiovascular system: chronic heart valve defects, ventricular septal defects;
  • tracheal collapse.

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Improper care or allergies

Tearfulness can be caused by one or several reasons:

  • sweet, flour, fatty foods in the diet;
  • dust;
  • chemical substances;
  • smoke from a cigarette or fire.

Do wet cleaning at home and ventilate the room. Use allergen-free cleaning products. Wash and boil dog diapers and bedding regularly. Do not smoke, do not spray perfume, deodorant, or aerosol near your dog. If you follow all these rules, the symptoms of eye fluidity will soon go away.

If tearing is caused by an allergy, remove the source from your pet's diet or environment. Incorrectly selected food is the most likely cause. Replace the one you are feeding with another, preferably hypoallergenic one. You may be allergic to shampoo or pollen; in this case, change your detergent or where you go. After eliminating the allergen, lacrimation will stop within three weeks.

Cardiovascular system and joints

As a rule, heart problems that appear in young animals are pathological in nature. If your dog is stunted, loses weight, suffers from fainting and swelling, shortness of breath, gets tired even from minor physical exertion and has lost his appetite, then you need to immediately seek help from a veterinarian.

Atrioventricular or mitral valve insufficiency is the most common form of the disease in dogs. One or more valves may be affected. The chambers of the heart must be tightly closed by the heart valves. As a consequence of the disease, the valves leak, allowing blood to flow in the opposite direction. Most often, the veterinarian recommends against surgical intervention and prescribes the necessary medications. To make the heart work more comfortably, inhibitors, beta blockers, nitroglycerin, and diuretics are prescribed.

A ventricular septal defect is a congenital heart defect characterized by a connection between the right and left ventricles. The formation of abnormal holes in the interventricular septum - defects - occurs due to exposure of the embryo to harmful factors that disrupt the normal intrauterine development of the heart. To diagnose this pathology, ECHO, ECG and radiography are prescribed. Drug treatment is accompanied by a special diet and a decrease in activity.

A common joint problem for Shih Tzus is a displaced patella.

Patella dislocation is accompanied by lameness and paw tightening. Usually it is enough to relieve the pain and realign the patella. However, severe cases require surgery to avoid the development of joint arthritis.

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With proptosis, timely first aid is important. The animal must be taken to a veterinary clinic as soon as possible or take emergency measures independently in the first half hour after receiving the injury:

  1. Calm the dog and, if possible, put a protective collar on the dog.
  2. Gently rinse the eye to remove blood with warm water.
  3. Apply a cold compress to the injured area for 5-10 minutes.
  4. Moisten a napkin or bandage with saline and cover the eye, do not allow it to dry out.
  5. Take your dog to the vet as soon as possible.

Help from a specialist must be provided within the first 24 hours after the injury, otherwise the dog may suffer critical complications and lose vision. At the clinic, she will undergo surgery to restore the normal position of her eye. If the injury is too serious or assistance was not provided in a timely manner, the doctor will have to remove the affected eye. Upon completion, the veterinarian will prescribe the necessary therapy and post-operative care requirements. The long-term outcome of surgery depends on your pet's health, the cause of the injury, and the speed of treatment.

Other diseases

Very often, Shih Tzus suffer from urolithiasis. Due to a specific infection, uroliths (stones) form in the dog’s urinary system. Due to contamination of the passages, uroliths can linger in the bladder, causing blockage of the urethra and difficulty urinating. The animal's body temperature rises, the urine becomes cloudy and dark, possibly mixed with blood.

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Males suffer from this disease more often. The disease usually appears after 4 years of age. Treatment of the disease depends on the size and quality of the stones. Small ones can be dissolved by following a special diet and with the help of medications; large ones can be removed through surgery. If the disease is accompanied by infection, antibiotics are also prescribed.

Chronic respiratory failure accompanied by coughing or shortness of breath may indicate a collapsed trachea in a dog. The tracheal rings will change, narrow and become denser. As a result, obstruction occurs. The animal develops a cough and mucous discharge from the throat. Treatment methods are selected according to the stage of the disease: early - therapeutic, late - surgical intervention.

Treatment for eye loss in dogs

This pathology cannot be treated therapeutically, so your pet will undergo surgery, as a result of which the prolapsed eye will be put in place.

The surgical intervention takes place under general anesthesia and has several stages:

  1. Removing contamination from the eye by rinsing with 1 percent dioxidine and novocaine.
  2. Injection of a hydrocortisone solution into the eye and dissection of the eyelid adhesions.
  3. Return the eyeball to its place with a sterile napkin lubricated with eye ointment with an antibiotic.
  4. Applying another antibacterial ointment and a fixing bandage to the operated eye.

After surgery, antibiotics are recommended for a week. After this period, the eye is re-treated with antimicrobial ointment and painkillers. The final date for removing the bandage will be determined by the veterinarian based on his observations.

The eye muscles return to normal completely after one to two months. If you rush to remove the stitches or do not follow the doctor’s recommendations, then the dog may still have eye problems, manifested by corneal ulceration, strabismus, cataracts, etc.

Why do my eyes fall out?

Like other toy breeds, Shih Tzus have eye loss. The small size of the head and the specific location of the eyeball causes the dog's eyes to fall out. The following are common reasons why Shih Tzus lose eyes:

  • mechanical head injuries;
  • blows to the neck and temporal region;
  • lifting the animal by the skin in the neck area;
  • any pressure in the cervical area.

The larger the animal's eyes, the greater the likelihood of proptosis. Not every injury necessarily results in eyes falling out. The occurrence of proptosis may be preceded by infection, allergy, and conjunctivitis. Therefore, as soon as you notice that the area around the pupil of your pet is red and the animal is constantly scratching its eyes, try to remove the dog from irritants, reduce physical activity and consult a veterinarian.

If it happens that your eye falls out, do not panic. First of all, try to relieve stress in the animal, then treat the eye in a circle with any eye preparation and ice-caine solution (if available), cover the eye itself with a soft sterile material moistened with clean warm water and apply cold for a short time. After this, you should immediately contact a veterinary clinic.

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How to cure

The dog will have to undergo surgery. The eye will soon be returned to its natural position after the pet is placed under general anesthesia. Next, stitches are placed on the wound, and the benefits of the operation are maintained using a special bandage. Perhaps a nurse will come to the dog and give antibiotic injections for a week or a little less so that the internal swelling of the conjunctiva goes away and the dog can open the eye again.

When this happens, the eye will gradually return to its original state. Unfortunately, until the organ stops looking inflamed, it will have to be regularly disinfected and medications administered to relieve inflammation. As a rule, treatment takes three weeks, then the muscles of the eyeball return to normal.

Prevention and vaccination

From birth, you need to ensure that all vaccinations for Shih Tzu puppies are done in a timely manner. Vaccination will help prevent infections and fungal diseases. Don't skimp on vaccines, choose the best. If your dog itches, hair falls out and the skin turns red, immediately seek help from a veterinarian, because the animal is prone to atopy.

Since the Shih Tzu's eyes fall out, try to protect your pet from possible damage and injury, do not overload with active walks and physical activity.

Remember, you should not treat your pet yourself - you can harm it even more. If characteristic symptoms occur, seek advice from a specialist.

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Main symptoms

The prolapsed eye looks bulging, it extends beyond the eyelids, because of this, for a short period, the tissues around the eye become swollen, red, and very painful. In this case, the dog cannot blink, as a result of which the cornea (the outer transparent layer of the eye) develops. The dog becomes passive and often tries to scratch its eye with its paw.

If these symptoms are present, you should take your pet to a veterinarian as soon as possible, since hours and even minutes are counting, and there is a high risk of losing not only vision, but also the eye itself.

Video “Funny Shih Tzu Breed”

From this video you will learn about the nature of the Shih Tzu breed, how to care for and feed it.

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Caring for your dog's paws and claws

The owner of a Shih Tzu should get into the habit of constantly caring for the dog's paws by inspecting the pads of his pet's paws, making sure that tangles do not form between the toes, and also trimming the hair around the paws. The fact is that plant thorns or glass fragments can get stuck in the paw pads, and plasticine or chewing gum can stick. All this causes the dog inconvenience and discomfort.

For example, I have an eternal problem - this is burrs. If you don’t pull them out right away, then this procedure becomes much more difficult, because the burdock becomes even more entangled in the fur. However, I can’t forget about them - my dog ​​becomes restless and refuses to go.

I constantly trim the hair between the toes of my Shih Tzu to prevent tangles from forming, because combing it in these places is quite difficult, almost impossible. In summer, it is necessary to ensure that the dog does not run through fuel oil or heated tar. Otherwise, it is necessary to treat the paw pads with animal or vegetable fat, and then rinse them with a liquid to wash off these substances.

In winter, it is necessary to wash your pet’s paws with water and then treat them with a rich nourishing cream. This is done in order to avoid exposure of the skin of the paws to the reagents that are sprinkled on roads. If cracks do appear on the pads, it is necessary to lubricate the damaged skin with propolis tincture.

A dog's nails also need care. If the dog runs quite often on rocky surfaces or asphalt, then the claws wear down on their own. Otherwise, the owner of the Shih Tzu must trim them. I perform this procedure once a week, immediately after bathing the dog, when the claws are steamed and more pliable.

The owner should keep in mind that the claw contains a blood vessel that can be damaged. To prevent this from happening, the claw is held up to the light, thereby determining the area of ​​the living zone. Trimming is done below the pink area. If you constantly do this in the same place, then the living part will move a little over time.

If a dog's nails are not trimmed, they can become bulging, peeling, and breaking.

This will cause pain and discomfort to the dog and lead to inflammation of the periungual fold, which is extremely undesirable. At the same time, the Shih Tzu may begin to limp and fall on a sore paw. Particular attention should be paid to the claw, which does not touch the road and never gets worn down. Such a claw can even dig into the skin of a dog's paw.

In the event that the living part of the claw is still touched during trimming and blood begins to flow, it is necessary to treat the wound with ferrous sulfate powder. The powder stays on the wound for several minutes, after which it is not recommended to wet the wound with water for some time.

If your dog is patient in caring for the dog's paws, then after trimming the nails, they can be treated with a nail file. We hope that our article on caring for your pixie helped you understand many points that were not entirely clear to you before. Useful tips that will not only make your life easier, but also the maintenance of your pet in general.

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