Pros and cons of sterilizing cats: when is it best to do it and by what method



Sterilizing a cat is an operation during which the animal's ovaries are removed, most often along with the uterus. This operation can be performed either in a clinic or at home.

How long does it take to sterilize a cat? It depends on the place where it is carried out, most often it does not take more than two hours.

Neutering cats is becoming increasingly popular. Many people are bothered by the wild screams of cats every spring; someone is afraid that their pet will become infected with a sexually transmitted disease. Also, the popularity of the operations is due to the overabundance of kittens given “in good hands” and street cats.

The most popular reason for sterilization is spring cries. This only happens because a cat, ready to mate, invites the cats on a “date.”

Hormones, special pills and, in fact, sterilization will help prevent this process. It is good if you do the operation before the first heat.

After the operation, the pet is “rehabilitated” for about a month and becomes calm and sweet. She temporarily stops producing female sex hormones, which reduces hormonal levels and stops the desire for sexual desire. With a decrease in hormone levels, the animal becomes cute not for a certain time . The animal may lose excessive aggression and improve its character.

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The most common misconception

There is an opinion among people that before sterilization, a cat should be allowed to give birth at least once. This is fundamentally wrong. During the operation, the genitals and glands are removed, which is enough for a virgin cat. But in a cat who has given birth, the whole body already functions differently: she had pregnancy, childbirth, lactation - many more organs and hormonal glands are involved in these processes. And some of them remain after sterilization and “remember” about the past experience. So if we consider sterilization solely in the interests of the animal, its health and peace of mind, then it is better to do it before birth, or even before the first heat. Of course, adult cats that have given birth and have repeatedly given birth are also sterilized. But that means there were reasons for this. There is no need to specially, unless absolutely necessary, knit a cat before sterilization.

How long does it last?

A standard genital removal operation lasts from 20 minutes to an hour. It takes the longest to prepare an animal for medical intervention. Modern veterinary clinics carefully check the animal for possible allergic and other reactions to anesthesia.

This is especially important for breeds prone to heart problems - Maine Coons, British cats, Scottish cats, Sphynx cats.

Traditional sterilization of a female involves an incision in the abdominal cavity, but now a more gentle laparoscopic procedure is increasingly being used: a small incision is made on the side, through which everything “unnecessary” is carefully removed. The side seam heals faster and is less traumatic.

At what age are cats spayed?

The ideal age for sterilization in cats is a relative concept. The operation can be performed at almost any age; from 6 months to 10 years it is tolerated quite easily. Older individuals may have contraindications or complications. Today, many veterinarians recommend carrying out the procedure up to a year or after the first heat. At a young age, the animal tolerates all manipulations easily and quickly adapts to the new state. He has not yet formed stable habits, which can be stronger than hormones. For example, an adult that is accustomed to marking its territory will likely continue to do so after spaying or neutering. Therefore, it is wise to act on warning and form the pet’s character and habits from a young age. It is believed that by 8 months a cat reaches sexual maturity and can bear and bear offspring up to 4 times a year. But, firstly, this is individual, for some individuals this moment comes earlier, for others later, and secondly, there are breeds in which the offspring grow for a long time and mature only by one and a half to two years. It is too early to sterilize such cats at 8 months, and it is better to select the timing of the operation together with a veterinarian. In general, the bulk of procedures occur between the ages of one and three years.

Outdated methods of castration

There are several other sterilization methods that veterinarians consider outdated and rarely use in their practice:

  1. Ligation of the spermatic cords in males or the oviducts in females deprives animals of the opportunity to have offspring. However, such manipulation does not relieve females from estrus, females from false pregnancy, and males from the habit of marking territory.
  2. Taking hormonal drugs in the form of tablets that inhibit sexual desire is an alternative to sterilizing a cat or dog. However, such drugs are harmful to the health of animals and threaten their lives.

If you are offered sterilization using the above methods, it is better to contact competent specialists who will perform a modern operation that will not harm the pet’s health and will permanently solve problems associated with the animal’s sexual desire.

Pregnancy, feeding, estrus: when to have surgery?

The operation should be performed on a healthy cat two weeks before or after estrus. After giving birth, it is necessary to let the kittens grow up, wean them and wait another 3-4 weeks for the mammary glands to recover. In some cases, the intervals between estrus or pregnancy in a cat are very short, and it is not possible to wait the allotted period. The veterinarian then performs the surgery at the most appropriate time for that particular cat. Neither estrus nor early pregnancy are a contraindication to sterilization, only an aggravating factor. During estrus and pregnancy, the animal's body is weakened, and recovery after surgery may be a little more difficult, and the risk of infection and bleeding also increases. Castration is possible even at a long stage of pregnancy, but such manipulations are carried out only for serious indications, for example, if the life of the cat itself is in danger.

What are the types and methods of cat sterilization operations?

It is generally accepted that male cats are castrated and female cats are sterilized. In fact, this is a little different. In cats, both castration and sterilization are possible. But to avoid confusion in communicating with patients, doctors use generally accepted terminology - for cats only sterilization. Classical sterilization involves removing only the ovaries, while preserving the uterus. The cat loses the ability to become pregnant, while she is left with a healthy but functionally useless organ, which, like any other, can get sick. Preservation of the uterus in a sterilized cat is fraught with pyometra, endometritis, benign or malignant formations. In castration, all reproductive organs are removed. Classical sterilization is performed quite rarely today; castration surgery is preferable in all respects. However, the procedure itself continues to be called sterilization out of habit. There are 4 types of cat sterilization:

  • removal of ovaries;
  • uterus removal;
  • tubal ligation;
  • removal of both the uterus and ovaries (castration);

Today in veterinary medicine only one type is actively used - castration, because all others either harm the animal or do not give the desired effect. What's the point of removing a cat's uterus but leaving the hormone-producing ovaries? The cat will not be able to get pregnant, but will “walk.” Tubal ligation also preserves the reproductive instinct, and the cat's reproductive system is so strong that the tubes grow back and pregnancy occurs.

Sterilization methods

Sterilization surgery is carried out using different methods, all of which have their own disadvantages and advantages. The differences mainly relate to the size and position of the incision. A large incision allows for faster and complete removal of the necessary organs, but may leave a noticeable scar. Small incisions heal quickly and easily, but are somewhat limiting for the surgeon. Sometimes the uterus cannot be completely removed.

The most common methods:

  • classical;
  • through a side incision;
  • through an ultra-small incision;
  • laparoscopic.

How long does it take to sterilize cats?

If the animal is properly prepared, the procedure takes from 15 to 45 minutes. Owners should not watch how cats are sterilized; trust your pet in the safe hands of a veterinarian and wait outside the door. Soon you will be caring for her during her rehabilitation period.

Sterilization at home

For some cats, leaving the house is a huge stress, which the animal experiences more difficult and difficult than medical procedures. A veterinarian is usually invited to visit such pets at home. This can also be done for sterilization. The procedure itself is not complicated, so if necessary, it can be done at home. But still, this is the exception, not the rule, and if there is even a slight possibility, then sterilization should be carried out in a clinic. The operation at home can only be performed by a qualified and practicing veterinarian; the animal must be examined and completely healthy.

Is there an alternative to sterilization? No other method of contraception will give the same effect. Hormonal drugs that are given during the onset of estrus have negative consequences and can provoke the development of serious diseases. Not all animals respond to them adequately. As an option, you can use a hormonal implant, which is valid for 3 years. The implant is inserted under the skin and suppresses the reproductive instinct for a limited period. Suitable for those cases when you need to temporarily limit the cat's reproductive function, for example, you want kittens, but not now. There are also long-acting hormonal injections. In general, this is the same hormone therapy, but with different sauces. At the same time, feline contraception relieves the violent manifestation of estrus, but does not protect against pregnancy, especially when keeping a cat together with a male cat.

Preparing for surgery

For sterilization, as for any other surgical operation, the animal must be prepared. The cat eats its last meal in the evening, so that at least 10-12 hours pass before surgery. The pet is limited to water in the morning, 3-4 hours before the start of the procedure. If there are remains of food and water in the stomach, then anesthesia will provoke nausea and vomiting. Vomiting during surgery is fraught with suffocation and the development of aspiration pneumonia. Also, a cat to be sterilized must be vaccinated a month before surgery. Otherwise, she may catch an infection in the clinic, which will complicate rehabilitation. If there has been no vaccination, then serum globulins are administered, but they do not provide the same protection as the vaccine.


Many people are shocked that cats' eyes remain open under anesthesia. It looks creepy, but that's physiology. To prevent the cornea from drying out during the operation and after, until the anesthesia completely wears off, the eyes are moistened with “Artificial tear” drops. You can also use regular saline solution, or blink for the cat once every five minutes - close and open its eyelids several times so that tears flow.

Caring for a cat after sterilization

Where to place the cat after surgery? After sterilization, you can leave the cat at the clinic for a day hospital. She will be under the supervision of staff until she fully recovers from anesthesia. Most owners prefer to take their pets home, to a familiar and familiar environment. Prepare a dark and quiet place for your cat. Bright light irritates the eyes after anesthesia, and the cornea can be dehydrated and sore. Place the bedding on the floor. Often cats, while still intoxicated, try to crawl or go to the tray or bowl. You can fall from a bed or chair and get injured.

How to feed a cat after sterilization?

A healthy cat gets back on its feet 12-24 hours after surgery. Normally, she can refuse food for up to three days. You should make sure your cat is getting enough fluids, as dehydration is worse than a hunger strike. Offer your pet food several times a day. If her behavior remains strange or she looks sick, contact your veterinarian immediately. Caring for sutures In modern veterinary medicine, very high-quality suture material is used. Sutures may be placed with absorbable sutures or will need to be removed after 7-10 days. After the operation, the sutures are treated with special agents to prevent infection. The cat is also given a protective blanket, which it wears until it is fully recovered. That is, caring for seams is quite simple:

  • observe hygiene standards;
  • do not wet;
  • do not let the cat scratch them;
  • limit your favorite in jumping and complex acrobatic sketches;
  • Make sure there is no redness or pus.

If you suspect inflammation, you should consult a doctor. You may not be able to determine on your own how serious it is.

Nutrition and care

Immediately after the operation, you will need to provide the cat with maximum rest. The first day you may feel slightly dizzy. It is better to arrange a warm bed on the floor for your pet. The hills that she likes to climb should be fenced off. Place pillows or thick blankets around sofas/chairs/beds.

The seam should be wiped with antiseptic liquids every 1-2 days.

Cats can be fed after surgery within a few hours. For the first feedings, it is better to use wet diets and feed in small portions for the first day, but a little more often.

Some time after sterilization, many animals' appetite increases. Therefore, it is better to switch to special food for neutered cats or reduce the calorie content in the diet.

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