Skookum: dwarf cat with curls

When you first hear such a funny name, you may not immediately understand that we are talking about the wonderful cat Skookum (skookum). The charm of this cat comes not only from her affectionate feline soul, but also from the external appearance of the animal. Short paws do not interfere with vigorous games or when running, fluffy curly hair envelops cats in an airy cloud, and their short stature makes them want to pick up the pet and stroke it. Skookum kittens are no less charming than adult cats, and are ready to play any games with their owner. Interestingly, this breed is very young and was born thanks to the tenacity of its creator.

Contents and specifics of care

Each cat breed has its own maintenance nuances. It must be said that Sokoke do not require any specific care, so they are suitable for keeping for any “cat lover”.


Veterinarians recommend feeding Sokoke with food from the following manufacturers:

  • Royal Canin (Feline Health Nutrition series);
  • Perfect Fit (series “5 components of health”);
  • Hills (Nature Best series).

The manufacturer separates food for sterilized and unsterilized animals, so it is important to select food taking into account the properties of your pet

Natural food should include lean meat (chicken or beef), as well as sea fish. It is prohibited to give sokoke the following products:

  • boiled or fried potatoes;
  • fat meat;
  • milk and cottage cheese;
  • sweets;
  • river fish with bones;
  • smoked products.

Breeders note that Sokoke needs additional vitamins for cats. For proper functioning of the cardiovascular system and digestive organs, you need to add taurine and vitamins E to your food.

Kittens and pregnant and lactating cats need more frequent feeding. As a rule, they are fed 4-5 times a day in small portions.

Necessary living conditions

Sokoke do not like the street and extraneous noise. These are exclusively domestic cats. However, in order for them to live comfortably, some conditions will need to be created:

  • spacious apartment;
  • scratching post;
  • houses and ladders for cats;
  • a wide range of different toys.

I recommend: Havana - description of cat breeds

Cats are very active and playful, so they need spaces for their play and a variety of different objects.

In fact, photographing a sokoke is not easy, since the animal is constantly on the move.

Hygiene and care

As such, caring for a cat comes down to three steps:

  • wool washing;
  • ear cleaning;
  • eye cleaning;
  • claw care.

Suitable grooming products

It can be said that Sokoke cats require virtually no grooming. They have very short fur that rarely sheds. Therefore, it is enough to simply comb the cat thoroughly once a week to remove excess hair.

Most representatives of this breed love to swim. Therefore, once every two to three months, professional breeders recommend bathing your cat using special shampoos for short-haired cats:

Universal shampoo for softness and cleanliness of cat fur from domestic

How to properly clean your ears

Cleaning is carried out by gently pressing the stick on the inner surface of the ears. It is necessary to use several sticks until all dirt is removed from the auricle.


Cleaning your cat's eyes

Sokoke handle hygiene procedures themselves. Cleaning your cat's eyes is necessary if your cat's eyes are watery due to a cold.

Routine care is carried out with a weak chamomile decoction or tea leaves, which are applied to a cotton pad. You need to wipe the cat's eyes until the surface of the disc becomes clean.

In normal life, a Sokoke cat does not need eye cleaning.

Skookum care

But these are not the easiest pets to keep. Curly cat hair requires careful care. Long-haired individuals experience tangles from time to time. For this reason, matted fur is clipped once a month. You need to comb out a bad cat 1-2 times a week.

The waters of boredom are calm. They bathe cats at least once a month and use special cat shampoo for curly breeds.

There is a secret to highlighting the curl of boredom and avoiding a lot of confusion. From time to time it is necessary to spray the wool with water from a spray bottle. The eyes should be wiped with a clean, damp cloth or damp pad every week. Nails are cut twice a month.

Feeding Skookum

The condition of the long wavy coat directly depends on the animal’s nutrition. If an animal lacks vitamins and minerals, the animal will look saggy, dull and even unkempt. The fur will become more tangled, fall off, and lose at least some attractiveness. Make sure you provide your cat with a balanced diet. The best option would be to use premium dry food for purebred cats. It can be fed with natural products. The menu is based on lean meats. Offal and fermented milk products are beneficial. Do not give milk and raw fish to the point of boredom. In addition, it is necessary to give cats special vitamin complexes. They will eliminate the lack of essential microelements.


Kinkalows are not picky when it comes to food, are rarely capricious, and have an excellent appetite. When choosing food, consider the age of your pet, its physical condition and your own financial capabilities.

Natural products

Before feeding, the meat is placed in the freezer and kept for 2-3 days, and before serving, it is cut into convenient pieces (2-3 cm) and scalded with boiling water.

  • The natural menu includes, first of all, meat. These are beef, veal, rabbit, poultry (quail, partridge, turkey, chicken), lean parts of lamb and pork, nutria, horse meat, crocodile meat, kangaroo meat, day-old chicks, snakes, mice. The meat can be mixed with each other or given separately along with porridge (rice, buckwheat, oatmeal, millet). Porridges with the addition of milk (part milk to 2 parts water) are cooked only for children; it is preferable to cook with water without adding spices, sugar and salt.
  • Meat is alternated with offal. This is the heart (poultry, beef, pork), stomachs, liver, cartilage, chicken necks and heads, tongues, udders, lungs, spleen, kidneys, testes, cow tripe.
  • Fermented milk products - cottage cheese, fermented baked milk, yogurt, unsalted hard cheese - can be given 3-4 times a week. Boiled quail eggs and boiled chicken yolk - once a week. Fish - sea and lean - no more than once a week.
  • As for vegetables, cats are allowed to give stewed carrots, pumpkin, zucchini, broccoli, and asparagus. From fruits: apples, melons, watermelons.

Cats drink only clean, cool water. Tap water contains impurities harmful to animals, so it should be cleaned with a filter or allowed to settle.

Cats older than 8 months eat 2 times a day: morning and evening. From 6 to 8 months - 3 times a day, under 6 - 4-6 times. Bowls should be washed after every meal, preventing food from turning sour and spoiling.

Recommended food

Industrial feeds have a number of advantages. They are easy to find in pet stores, there is no hassle with storage, it is easy to measure out portions for each feeding, and the price categories are different. However, they are not suitable for everyone; they often cause allergies, and truly high-quality food is expensive. Ready-made food is divided into 4 groups: holistic, super-premium, premium and economy.

Holistic food is the best option (and the most expensive). This food contains dehydrated and fresh fish fillets and meat, peas, lentils and potatoes as sources of carbohydrates, natural preservatives, dried vegetables and fruits, and berries. There is also a good vitamin and mineral supplement. Examples: Farmina N&D, Now Fresh, Riverwood.

Super-premium is a little worse in quality: they contain meat components, but the percentage is most often not indicated. Otherwise, these foods are very good. Examples: Leonardo, Arden Grange, Optimal.

Premium: Organix, Probalance, Blitz, Mnyams. Economy: Chummy, Whiskas, Stout.

EconomyPremiumSuper premium
ShebaRoyal CaninGuabi Natural


When you first hear such a funny name, you may not immediately understand that we are talking about the wonderful cat Skookum (skookum). The charm of this cat comes not only from her affectionate feline soul, but also from the external appearance of the animal. Short paws do not interfere with vigorous games or when running, fluffy curly hair envelops cats in an airy cloud, and their short stature makes them want to pick up the pet and stroke it. Skookum kittens are no less charming than adult cats, and are ready to play any games with their owner. Interestingly, this breed is very young and was born thanks to the tenacity of its creator.

Anti-stress pillow: features of the Skookum breed

Initially, the breed was supposed to have a completely different name: the breeder came up with a more suitable name “poco chino”, which translated from Mexican sounds like “little curly”. But later he changed it to “skukum”, which means “unyielding”. What are the reasons for such changes?

Origin story

The small size of the Munchkin was not enough to fully satisfy the needs of cat lovers for cuteness, so they decided to cross it with its curly-haired brother, the Laperm. The creator of the new Skukum breed was Roy Galusha.

The first offspring of laperms and munchkins appeared back in 1996, but the neat and disciplined Galusha worked for another 10 years to preserve the main characteristics before applying for official registration of the new breed.

By the way, the change in the original name is connected not only with the fact that Roy Galusha encountered the stubborn and independent nature of his new pets. There are also translation difficulties involved here. From the Mexican dialect, “poco chino” translates exactly as “curly baby,” but in Spanish it means “a little Chinese.” Having learned about this, Galusha decided to choose a different, less national name for the new breed.

Breed Features

The Skookum cat inherited all its external characteristics from its “parents”. From the munchkin, the new species inherited short legs, with the hind legs slightly longer than the front ones. Skookums inherited their soft, curly coat from the Laperm. Moreover, if you cut them, the hairs will appear straight. Among the representatives of this breed there are both short-haired and long-haired cats. The longer the fur, the more it curls. Curls even cover the long tail, mustache and collar. It is the curly collar that is the distinguishing feature. For a long time this breed was called the “dwarf laperm”.

Other external characteristics are similar to other representatives of small breeds:

  • Wide chest
  • Squat and robust appearance
  • Pointed ears with a wide base
  • Short neck
  • Strong and pronounced chin

The color palette is varied: both pure white skookums and various colors can be found.


The pet's inner world is gradually revealed

At first, the kitten or adult will thoroughly and carefully study the new territory, carefully looking into all the rooms. However, after a few hours you won’t understand how the fluffy managed to capture the entire territory

Skookum cats are very lively and independent in nature. If you are often busy, you don’t have to worry about your pet getting bored. He has equally fun playing with people and playing alone. The main thing is to provide him with a large selection of toys. Accordingly, Skukum will delight household members with its cheerful disposition and acrobatic performances, which are especially touching to watch, given its appearance and short legs. Representatives of this species get along well with children and allow them to be dragged and disturbed without endangering the baby’s health.

However, despite all the enthusiasm and playfulness, you will not hear a loud meow. This breed is quite silent.


It is noteworthy that skookums have fairly good health and do not have any genetic diseases. In all other respects, it all depends on the care of the owner. Remember that regular vaccinations and proper nutrition are the key to the health of any cat. Adults do not digest whole milk well, and a large amount of fish in the diet can lead to the formation of sand and kidney stones.

Since Skookum cats can easily walk in the fresh air, the owner should take additional preventive measures against various parasites and fleas. After all, thick and curly hair serves as bait.

Size and weight

As mentioned earlier, from their Munchkin ancestors, Skookums inherited short stature and low weight - about 3-4 kg. Their height at the withers is only 10-18 cm.

Nutrition and care

Fortunately, skookums are very tolerant of water procedures, so you can bathe them quite often - once a month. You should comb your pet even more often, because curly hair easily turns into mats due to the active lifestyle of the cat. Plus, breeders recommend periodically carefully spraying their fur with water from a spray bottle, since then it curls even more and mats less.

Skookums do not have any special nutritional requirements, although, of course, it is recommended to feed them with high-quality premium food.


Skookums are one of the most expensive breeds. After all, they are very difficult to find both in Russia and abroad.

And you can only find them in European nurseries.

Character and behavior

Skookum cats are known for their cheerfulness, calmness and confidence. They are smart, quiet and athletic. They will be happy to support the game, and the rest of the time they will relax on their laps or entertain household members with their cheerful nature. They become very attached to people and try to always be nearby.

Even in adulthood, Skookums retain some of the carefreeness and curiosity characteristic of kittens. They are very sociable and usually get along well with other pets, including small rodents and birds. They are not aggressive and get along well with children. They prefer to escape annoying attention instead of letting out their claws.

Skookum (skookum)

The Skookum breed was created relatively recently. A Washington state breeder decided to cross a Munchkin with a Laperm more than two decades ago to create a new breed of small size with curly coat. The breeder even came up with a name for it in advance - Roso Chino. However, this phrase, which in Mexican dialect meant “curly and small,” has a different meaning in classical Spanish: “a little Chinese.” Therefore, the breeder refused this name.

The Skookum was recognized in 2006 as an experimental breed.


The character of Skookums can be described by looking at their appearance. In this breed, as they say, the internal content matches the external appearance. No matter how cute and fluffy they look, these characteristics correspond to their character.

From his closest relatives - the munchkins - Skookum adopted playfulness and love. These are very affectionate cats. Skookums quickly become attached to their owner; they are endlessly loyal animals. By nature they are curious and cheerful. Skookums are ready to poke their cute nose into all the cracks, so you need to be prepared for the fact that things dear to their owners may suffer from their curiosity - it is better to put them in places inaccessible to the animal.

Representatives of this breed are agile, energetic and nimble. They often jump on beds, chairs, and dressers. They love to run around the apartment. The best toy for Skookums is something that moves and can be chased around.

Cats of this breed are unusually silent. It is rare to hear them purr. You can be sure that in the absence of their owners they will not bother their neighbors by screaming.

Health and care

Skokums do not require special care

However, it is worth paying attention to the condition of the coat - it is advisable to wash it thoroughly with shampoo, not often, but as it gets dirty

After bathing, it is important to dry your cat thoroughly. To keep the coat airy and fluffy, skukuma can be sprayed with water from time to time.

But the collar requires special care. It needs to be combed regularly to prevent it from getting tangled.

To keep the coat airy and fluffy, skookum can be sprayed with water from time to time. But the collar requires special care. It needs to be combed regularly so that it does not get tangled.

From a nutritional point of view, representatives of the breed are also unpretentious. Skookums do not need to build any special diet. If the diet is balanced, these cats will not cause much trouble for their owners.

Main characteristics

  • Country of Origin: USA
  • Weight: 3-4 kg
  • Color, ears: Can be any
  • Lifespan: 12-15 years
  • Traits: Playful and loving


The appearance of this cat is completely in tune with its character. Short, ugly legs emphasize playfulness and a cheerful disposition, a strong muscular body with a large chest is combined with a bold and courageous character, curly hair conveys its tenderness and love. Skookums love to jump and play with toys; they are incredibly dexterous despite their short legs and can easily catch any prey. It’s very touching to watch how they quickly run after a toy, fiddling with their short legs, while their wavy fluffy fur on the tail and chest looks especially impressive in motion. Skookums are very sociable cats; they easily get along with all family members, but they especially get used to their owner, being distinguished by devotion and affection throughout their lives. Skookums are quiet cats and you rarely hear them express emotions out loud.


Skookum is a new cat breed. Distinctive features of individuals are curly hair, as well as low weight and size.

History of the breed

The author of the creation of individuals of the breed is the American breeder Roy Galusha. To achieve his goal, he brought together feline representatives of the Munchkin and La Perm breeds. The munchkin species is small in size and has short legs. These individuals resemble a dachshund. La Perm cats have a bushy tail and curly fur, which is what is passed on to Skookums.

The first positive result was obtained in 1996. Over the next 10 years, a detailed study of the individuals was carried out. Experts identified the characteristic features of the breed and raised several generations. Only then did Roy Galusha apply to have the breed included in the TICA registry.

Appearance of the breed

From the photo of Skookum you can see the characteristic features of the breed. The animals are medium in size with short legs and curly hair. This sign is especially visible on a woolen “collar”. Skookum can have either long or short hair. Depending on its length, the curliness also varies. The shorter the coat, the straighter it is. The wool collar is quite wide and curly. The tail is also curly.

The animal's head is rounded and looks slightly oblong. The cat's nose is average, the ears can be of different sizes, and the eyes are not particularly prominent. Animals have a powerful chest. A characteristic feature is that the front legs of these cats are slightly shorter than the hind legs, which also creates a unique grace.

Character, behavior and abilities of the breed

The Skookum cat is a brave and unshakable animal. They have the same character. Cats love to play; they are cheerful and emotional animals that are ready to give their owners affection and warmth. Individuals are very mobile by nature, so they simply cannot sit still, they constantly run and chase what they can move. It's a game for them. The owners cannot remain indifferent to these touching entertainments for their pet and often take part in it. The Skookum cat is a brave and unshakable animal. They have the same character. The animal is not afraid of meeting a stranger and will carefully and boldly study him. There will be no aggression. Cats behave very delicately.

Animals become attached to their owners from childhood and remain faithful throughout their lives. The breed's loyalty is impressive. Cats are silent and understanding, and do not interfere when the owner is busy. It is very rare to find loud cats in this breed that prevent you from getting enough sleep.

From many photos of the Skookum cat, you can also understand that the animal moves quickly and deftly. While running or jumping, the animal’s curly collar moves very beautifully, which also cannot leave anyone indifferent. The advantage of the breed is that Skookums are not afraid of water. Therefore, owners will not have problems with bathing.

Breed care

There are no special dietary requirements, however, accurate information should be requested directly from the breeder. There are also no special features for caring for skukums. It is enough to wash the fur with shampoo, especially when the cat goes to an exhibition. After water procedures, you need to wipe the cat with a dry towel. To create a fluffy effect, it is recommended to spray the wool with water. Every owner should regularly comb their pet's curly collar.

Skookums do not have any special health problems. Animals rarely get sick. The main thing is that they are kept in optimal conditions and that they are tasty and correct. Like other animals, skookums can suffer from digestive problems or pests such as fleas or lice. Be sure to periodically show your cat to the veterinarian and give your pet vaccinations.

Mating and breeding of the breed

To get cats of this breed, you must breed with its own representatives. However, Skookums do not participate in breeding, and therefore the characteristic features of the breed, except for short legs and curly hair, have not been identified. This means that the animals will not be disqualified from the exhibition in any case.

Breed cost

Skookums are quite rare animals. This means that the cost of such a cat will be quite high. The breed is just emerging and developing; in the TICA classification it is currently listed as experimental. Today you can buy skookums in nurseries in America and Europe. Moreover, in Russia these animals are rare. You need to remember that this breed will be very expensive, but a cute, charming purebred kitten will definitely bring with it a ray of sunshine, love and a smile.


Skookum is a miniature cat with a strong, stocky body and curly hair. Height at the withers is only 13-15 cm. Weight is from 1.5 to 3 kg. Cats are slightly larger than cats.

The muzzle is round with rather large pointed ears and expressive hazel-shaped eyes. The eyebrows and whiskers curl, giving the cat an even more unique appearance.

The physique is strong. The body is noticeably elongated. The front legs are shorter than the hind legs, but if grown correctly and without developmental pathologies, the body structure does not interfere with the cat’s ability to move quickly and easily. In general, skookum looks quite compact and round, as you can see in the photo.

Another distinctive feature of Skookums is their curly coat. In females it may be looser than in males. Its texture can be described as light and airy, soft. Depending on the length of the hair, there are short-haired and long-haired varieties. At the tip of the long tail, the fur forms a “pompom”. The coat comes in a variety of patterns and colors, including color point.

There is another similar breed of cat in the world - Lambkin. She was bred by crossing a short-legged Munchkin and a curly-haired Selkirk Rex.

How to choose the right Kinkalow pet and where to buy it

In Russia there is only one nursery that sells kinkalows. The organization is TICA certified and supplies kittens from the USA. Due to the rarity of the breed, the price for a pet varies from 30 to 45 thousand rubles, depending on whether the kitten has characteristic features of the breed. Cats with long legs or straight ears are much cheaper than standard cats. And according to breeders, only in 30–40% of cases does a pair of Kinkaloos give birth to short-legged offspring with curled ears. Often ordinary Munchkins or American Curls are born.

It is important to remember some points when choosing a Kinkalow kitten:

  • it is necessary to carefully examine the baby for a healthy appearance: the eyes and ears should be clean, and the coat should be soft and shiny;
  • It is better to purchase a kitten a few weeks after its birth, since it is at this time that the ears begin to curl;
  • You need to find out about the baby’s pedigree, vaccinations and care details.

In my opinion, kinkalows are cute and funny animals that require a lot of attention, care and caution when handling. Short legs, although they are not an obstacle to an active lifestyle, nevertheless become the cause of certain restrictions. Kinkaloo is quite difficult to climb to great heights and, once you have climbed, it is very difficult to get back down, which can lead to sudden falls and injuries

You always need to keep an eye on your baby and protect him from the dangers that abound outside the apartment: tall trees, cars, aggressive cats and large dogs, children who do not know the peculiarities of handling this breed. Kinkaloo should be in the hands of attentive, caring people who know the important details of keeping a pet.

Kinkaloo is quite difficult to climb to great heights and, once you have climbed, it is very difficult to get back down, which can lead to sudden falls and injuries. You always need to keep an eye on your baby and protect him from the dangers that abound outside the apartment: tall trees, cars, aggressive cats and large dogs, children who do not know the peculiarities of handling this breed. Kinkaloo should be in the hands of attentive, caring people who know the important details of keeping a pet.

Descriptions, photographs and character

For future owners of graceful creatures, the section on the character of various breeds of cats and kittens will be extremely useful. Here you can find out how your pet tends to communicate with people - affectionate and trusting or emphatically independent and even sometimes aggressive? Or perhaps kittens are future excellent hunters, playful and curious, which means it will be impossible to lock the warlike tailed one within four walls. A detailed description of the breed will help you make the right choice. We especially note that the catalog contains expensive and rare cat breeds.

Often the determining factor when choosing a pet is its appearance. Especially if you entrust the choice of a pet to children. But when looking at photos of cat breeds, do not forget that only a careful acquaintance with the description of the character can serve as a guarantee that in the future there will be no disagreements between you and a tailed family member.

Skookum is the smallest cat breed.

The smallest, and also the youngest and therefore the rarest cat breed. She appeared only 14 years ago.

Skookum is a breed of dwarf cat. Representatives are distinguished by a shorter body, significantly short legs and curly hair. Because of this, they look like grown kittens their entire lives. It looks incredibly cute.

The breed appeared, as mentioned above, 14 years ago as a result of crossing two other breeds - the Munchkin and the Laperm. The former are characterized by short legs, and the latter by curly hair. After much trying, Skookum got both. Attempts to create a new breed took more than ten years. This was done by cat lover and breeder Roy Galusha in Washington. As a result, the breed was recognized as experimental in 2006. Despite the fact that cats are sold in America and the United States, Skookums still have no official registration.

Then the name was chosen - from the Indian “strong, brave, unbending”. It is noteworthy that Roy originally planned to name the breed Poco Chino, as he thought it translated to “small curly.” However, it later turned out that the exact translation sounds like “a little Chinese.” Then the creator chose a name from the Chinook Indian dictionary.

But the fixed name accurately describes the character of the breed. Skookums, despite their appearance, are really strong, agile, and fast. They are capable of performing real gymnastic tricks. Animals are curious and playful. At the same time, they are very affectionate towards their owner. Skookums are also incredibly silent.

Weight does not exceed four kilograms. Skookums' fur is completely curly, but its length and color can be any. Moreover, the longer the cat’s fur, the more waviness the coat has. Accordingly, the longer the coat, the more often and longer it needs to be combed. Cats need to be washed approximately once a month. Fortunately, skookums treat water very calmly, even almost with pleasure.

It is important to feed your pets a balanced diet, since the set of vitamins and microelements directly affects the condition and appearance of the coat. Surprisingly, this is where the problems with the cat end

Despite the fact that the breed appeared as a result of crossing, that is, roughly speaking, artificially, it does not have any genetic diseases. A pet lives on average 12-15 years

Surprisingly, this is where the problems with the cat end. Despite the fact that the breed appeared as a result of crossing, that is, roughly speaking, artificially, it does not have any genetic diseases. A pet lives on average 12-15 years.

Skookums love socializing and playing, but also have a great time alone. While the owner is at work, they do not get bored, but easily find something to do.

Buying a Skookum kitten today is very difficult, and in Russia it is almost impossible. There are no nurseries specializing in skookums in the territory. They are also not available in the CIS countries. Therefore, private advertisements on websites must be carefully checked. Officially, cats are bred only in European and American catteries. The average price for a kitten is 70 thousand rubles.

Choice of kitten, price

Those who want to buy a Skookum kitten like the one in the photo or any other color will probably encounter difficulties. There are only a few breeders in the world who breed them professionally, for example, the Short-n-Sweet nursery in Australia. If you happen to come across an advertisement for the sale of a Skookum on the Internet, there is a high probability that it will not be a breeder who is in love with the breed, but the owner of a Munchikin or Laparm who wants to make extra money on an even rarer breed. Not all kittens from munchkin and laperm matings are born with the desired phenotype. And subsequent matings of closely related animals increase the risk of inheriting various pathologies, so the choice of a breeder must be taken very responsibly.


According to some sources, the average cost of a kitten is $1,000 from breeders in the USA and slightly cheaper in New Zealand or Australia.

Hygiene and care

Kinkalows are low maintenance. The coat of short-haired cats must be combed once every two weeks, and that of long-haired cats - once a week. Kinkaloo needs to be bathed 2-3 times a year. This does not cause difficulties, since the breed easily gets accustomed to water from a young age. After water treatments, your pet can be dried with either a towel or a warm hairdryer.

It is important to know that kinkalows with light coats have increased sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that your pet does not stay in the sun for a long time and does not get sunburn on the body and curled ears.

Kinkaloo teeth need to be brushed once a week with a special toothbrush and toothpaste. If plaque is not removed in time, it can result in inflammation or tooth loss.

Through daily dental care, you can prevent the accumulation of plaque, the formation of tartar and caries, and also ensure fresh and clean breath for your pet.

Suitable grooming products

If you cannot find the right pet care product yourself, you can consult a specialist or read customer reviews on the Internet. Personal experience is often the best method of finding the necessary products that meet important criteria: reasonable price and high quality.

Photo gallery: the best products for caring for kinkalou

Shampoo for cats Perfect Coat has a pleasant smell, reduces stress during bathing and is suitable for both short-haired and long-haired cats Natural extracts of rose hips and St. John's wort added to Biovax shampoo have a wound-healing and tonic effect, and tea tree oil has a powerful antimicrobial effect Globalvet shampoo Dandruff normalizes the activity of the sebaceous glands, helps normalize the microflora on the animal's skin, relieves irritation after various zoohygienic procedures. The active components of Celandine shampoo help destroy parasites in pets' fur and prevent re-infection Mr. Dry shampoo. Gee is based on white clay, which absorbs excess oil and dirt from the coat, relieves inflammation and provides natural protection to the skin.

Cleaning ears and eyes

Kinkaloo ears should be cleaned of earwax once a month with a piece of cotton wool or a cotton swab. Eye cleaning involves removing accumulated tears from the corners of the eyes, which prevents the development of disease-causing organisms. In pet stores you can purchase special products for caring for your pet's eyes.

The lotion carefully removes eye clogging (dust, sand), relieves swelling and irritation of the eyelids, constant use of the lotion reduces the risk of diseases

Nail trimming

Domestic cats use household items to wear down their claws, as they cannot do this using tree bark. To avoid damage in the apartment, it is necessary to trim the nails. To do this, you will need nail clippers, trimmer scissors, or other tools suitable only for animals. During this procedure, only the tip of the claw is cut; the opaque layer at the base is not affected, since there are vessels with nerve endings there.

When trimming claws, only the light part of the claw is always trimmed with a frontal cut.

Anti-scratches are an alternative option for neutralizing your pet’s claws. These are safe silicone claw attachments that free the owner from the hassle of repairing damage to walls and furniture. Each pet reacts differently to such protection products, so to determine whether anti-scratch protection is suitable for your Kinkaloo, observe your pet’s behavior in the first days of use.

Anti-scratch pads of any color can be purchased at any pet store.

Castration and sterilization

Spaying or neutering should be done before the Kinkalow begins puberty, around 8–18 months

Before the procedure, it is important to determine your tolerance to anesthesia, since the operation is performed under general anesthesia. After it, you need to carefully care for the animal for two days:

On the first day it is forbidden to feed the pet, and on the second day you can already give food, but in small quantities. Give the kinkalow water and monitor its body temperature. During the postoperative period, keep the cat on the floor or low surfaces: coordination of movements will be impaired due to anesthesia, and the animal may be injured. After Kinkalow surgery, care, attention and support are especially needed

The operation also affects the metabolism, and therefore the kinkalow's eating habits will have to change. Now the food should consist of specialized food for neutered cats.

Skookum standards

In short, the standard of the breed, which, we repeat, is not yet officially recognized, implies the presence of a number of dominant characteristics:

  • the chest and hip region are wide and even massive;
  • certainly short legs, inherited from the munchkins, along with the curly hair that are, if you like, the “calling card” of this breed;
  • wedge-shaped, without any sharp transitions, head and muzzle with pronounced whisker pads, and also a strong chin, visually balancing its lower part;
  • the ears are small, pointed towards the top - the latter, however, does not at all exclude the appearance of cats with large ears in the litter;
  • eyes resemble the shape of a walnut or lemon

and so on.


Skookums are easy to care for; they love to take water treatments, so to maintain the beauty of their coat, it is enough to periodically bathe them using a special shampoo. After bathing, you need to thoroughly dry the coat with a towel, and in order to keep it fluffy and curly, you need to periodically spray it with water.

Particular attention should be paid to the curly collar and bushy tail, brushing them regularly. There are no genetic diseases in this breed

They are in good health and rarely get sick, provided they receive careful care and proper nutrition. They suffer from the same diseases as ordinary cats, so on a regular basis it is necessary to carry out examinations by a veterinarian, carry out grooming procedures, worming and vaccinations. To preserve the characteristics of the breed, these cats need to be bred only with representatives of the same breed.

brief information

  • Breed name: Skookum
  • Country of Origin: USA
  • Weight: 3 – 4 kg
  • Lifespan: 12 – 15 years

Skookum is a breed of dwarf cat with curly hair, a dense build and short but strong legs. They are very playful and loving in nature. At the moment, Skookum cats are expensive and rare; they can only be bought in nurseries in Europe and the USA.

External signs

Skookums are a dwarf breed. The average weight of an adult cat hardly reaches 3–4 kg. Females weigh on average 2–2.5 kg.

This is a compact but muscular cat. She has a well-developed chest, a fairly strong, slightly elongated body and muscular short legs with oval paws.

The Skookum's head is round in shape. The muzzle is softly contoured, without angles or excessive sculpture. The chin and whisker pads stand out well against the background of the overall picture. Skukum's eyes are not too large, but expressive.

The fur coat is characterized by a curly wool structure. This is especially noticeable on the collar and tail of the cat. As for the length of the coat, Skokums come in both semi-long-haired and short-haired varieties. But even short-haired Skookums have longer, more textured fur on their collar, panties and tail.

The standard does not provide for restrictions in the color and pattern, as well as in the shade of the cat’s eyes.

Description of the breed

Skookums were created by crossing two breeds of cats: Munchkin and La Perm. From the Munchkin, Skookum received a small body size and short legs like a dachshund, and from La Perma he inherited fluffy curly hair and a bushy tail. The body of Skookums is strong, muscular with a powerful chest. Skookums' legs are short, the front ones are slightly shorter than the back ones, the fur is curly, especially fluffy on the chest and tail. Skukum has a small head, ears can be of different sizes, a short neck, and medium-sized eyes. Because of their curly coat and fluffy collar, Skookums are sometimes called “dwarf La Perm.”

History of the origin of Skookum cats

One day, while looking at a curly-haired La Perm cat and a dwarf Munchkin cat, in the early 90s of the last century, a certain breeder came up with the idea of ​​​​breeding a new breed of cats. This breeder was Roy Galusha (USA). He imagined an animal of small size and with fluffy wavy fur. The new four-legged and meowing inhabitants of our planet were supposed to be called “Poco Chino” in Mexican. Roy believed that Poco Chino meant "little curly one." Linguistic refinements revealed his error, as the phrase "a little Chinese" in Spanish (Poco Chino) did not match the description of the new cat.

The search for a name for the small and curly bred cats continued and led Mr. Galush into the Chinook Indian dictionary. The Native American word “skukum” or “skokum” translates to “strong and unbending, impressive.” The character of the new breed was exactly this.

For several more years, Roy carried out breeding work alone. The first necessary result of crossing munchkins and laperma cats appeared in 1996. Over the next ten years, a lot of work was carried out to consolidate the obtained external indicators and character traits.

Once the results became consistent and the Skookum population increased, Roy Galusha proposed adding the new breed to the TICA registry. There they examined the new cats with interest, but the Skookum breed was recognized in 2006, however, as an experimental one.

Soon other countries also became interested in the Skookum cat: breeders in Europe and Australia wanted to have these cats. Thanks to this close attention, the breed ended up on the registry of the TDCA organization, specializing in dwarf-sized cats.

It is very difficult to buy a Skukum kitten today; it is truly exclusive, so you will hardly find representatives of this breed in Russia, and there are also no nurseries specializing in it in the CIS countries.

These beauties can be congratulated on their Australian WNCA title.

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