American cocker spaniel dog. Description, features, care and price of the breed

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* Here is a photo of a typical representative of the American Cocker Spaniel dog breed . You can send us photos of your animals by email, and we will post them on the website. Don't forget to send your pet's name.

Brief description of the breed

What is the actual country of origin?


What is the country of origin according to the FCI?


When did the breed appear?


How long does he live?

from 12 to 14 years

How much does a male dog weigh?

from 9 to 14 kg

How much does the bitch weigh?

from 7 to 10 kg

What is the height (height at withers) of a male dog?

from 36.8 to 39.4 cm

What is the height (height at withers) of the bitch?

from 34.4 to 36.8 cm

How much does a puppy with documents cost?

from 20 to 100 thousand rubles

What is the price of a puppy without documents?

from 5 to 20 thousand rubles
The American Cocker Spaniel is an example of a companion dog. These are very calm, obedient, friendly animals. This breed is a hunting breed, which undoubtedly affected their character and habits. The Cocker Spaniel is an endless source of energy. This is a great friend for children, a companion and assistant for adults. If you decide to adopt an American Cocker Spaniel into your family, be sure to familiarize yourself with the main characteristics of the breed presented in this publication.


These are smart pets who always strive to please their owners. Because American Cockers are easy to learn new things, they are easy to train. But, like all breeds, raising and training a Cocker Spaniel must begin early. Puppies need to be socialized from a young age so that they become outgoing, confident adult dogs in the future.

It is important how you train your pet. They do not like rude treatment and will also appreciate encouragement.

Owners should begin training by establishing ground rules, limits and boundaries. The puppy must understand what is acceptable behavior and what is not. The first commands that a baby should learn are:

  • Come.
  • Sit.
  • Stay.
  • Quiet.
  • Leave it.
  • Down.
  • Place.


* We invite you to watch a video about the American Cocker Spaniel . In fact, in front of you is a playlist in which you can select and watch any of 20 videos about a given dog breed by simply clicking on the button in the upper right corner of the window. In addition, the material contains quite a lot of photos. By looking at them you can find out what an American Cocker Spaniel looks like.

In this article:
  • History of the Origin of American Cocker Spaniels
  • American Cocker Spaniel - description of the breed
  • Popular colors of American Cocker Spaniels
  • Character and habits of American Cocker Spaniels
  • Interesting facts about American Cocker Spaniels
  • Pros and cons of American Cocker Spaniels
  • Breeding American Cocker Spaniels
  • Caring for American Cocker Spaniels
  • Diet of American Cocker Spaniels
  • Diseases and health problems
  • American Cocker Spaniel - price and how to buy it correctly


To keep your dog clean, it is not necessary to bathe it every time it gets dirty.
It is enough to brush regularly with a soft brush. If you bathe frequently using detergents, your dog may experience itchy skin and flaking. Shampoo and soap destroy the fat layer, which naturally protects the skin from dirt and moisture. This is especially true for puppies under six months of age. You can bathe your puppy using homemade shampoo, consisting of kefir or curdled milk, egg yolk and warm water. This composition will not damage the protective layer. If the pet is dirty and the dirt cannot be washed off with a home remedy, then shampoo for long-haired dogs is used. It is diluted with warm water in a 1:1 ratio.

Paws and ears are washed every time you return to the house. The puppy must be taught this procedure from an early age.

History of the Origin of American Cocker Spaniels

The American Cocker Spaniel was bred specifically for feather hunting. This small, energetic dog originated from Great Britain. It has a very interesting, long history. The first essays on spaniels date back to the fourteenth century. It’s true that back then these animals were called “Spanish dogs.” In those days, these dogs were used as bird hunters. They are small, fast, agile. But in the realities of the modern world, the hunting qualities of the cocker spaniel have regressed. However, they still influence the character and some habits of the animal.

Over time, American dogs were able to discern a talent for hunting not only birds, but also other animals: aquatic and land. Small cocker spaniels did not do well in water, so all the major breeders began breeding land species. This is what gave impetus to the appearance of English toy cocker spaniels in the nineteenth century.

Interesting fact: Around 1870, several English dogs were exported to America. And at the end of the nineteenth century, the American Cocker Spaniel saw the light of day and quickly gained popularity. Even though the English Cocker Spaniel is the closest relative of the American Cocker Spaniel, they are completely different breeds.

For a long time, breeders and other dog breeding specialists prevented the mixing of these breeds so that each of them could retain its original qualities. And for the first time the breed received official recognition only in 1946. American Cocker Spaniels are recognized by the American Kennel Club.

Dog character

The breed is often called the fun-loving cocker, and for good reason. The animals are famous for their cheerful personalities, which is why they are popular as pets.

By nature, they are energetic and intelligent individuals. Therefore, they need to be given plenty of exercise and mental stimulation. If left for long periods of time or not given enough attention, cockers can develop some unwanted behavioral problems. This makes them unmanageable and difficult to handle.

They are very gentle and quite sensitive by nature, making them good with children. The animals are sociable, and they also have highly developed hunting instincts. Therefore, dogs will happily chase smaller animals whenever they have the opportunity.

Some individuals love to listen to their voices. This needs to be stopped while the dog is still young. But do it gently - don't scold too much as they are very sensitive by nature.

Other individuals bark only when there are strangers or when they don’t like something in their environment. The dogs are natural watchdogs and are always eager to let their owner know when there are strangers. Animals rarely do this aggressively, preferring to keep their distance.

American Cocker Spaniel - description of the breed

The ancestors of American cockers are considered to be people from England. When breeding the latter, puppies with unusually large eyes were noticed. The breeders did not write off the babies as a waste, but decided to create a completely new breed. This is how American Cocker Spaniels appeared at the end of the nineteenth century.

It is distinguished from its predecessor not only by its large eyes, but also by the shape of its muzzle. In this breed, it became several times shorter than the skull. Another distinctive feature is the wool. It has become longer, and the undercoat is much thicker.

In addition to the above, the American Cocker Spaniel has other external features:

  • Strong physique. The dogs move freely and the back does not bend when moving. The muscles are well developed, but spaniels have not been used for hunting for a long time for many reasons;
  • Long wool. The wool is soft and requires a lot of care. Long hair is one of the reasons why American Spaniels are rarely used for hunting today. The color of the coat can be different - both monochromatic and multi-colored. The main colors are black, chocolate, fawn;
  • Average height, weight. The dog's height does not exceed thirty-nine centimeters, its weight is average, and is not regulated by standards. Typically spaniels weigh about twelve kilograms. In the group of hunting dogs, Cocker Spaniels are the smallest, but not the weakest;
  • Dark nose, eyes. The nose is black or brown - it depends on the color of the coat. The eyes are very expressive, almond-shaped.

Diseases and life expectancy

How long American spaniels live depends on the conditions for keeping and caring for the pet.

The average life expectancy is 13-15 years. For a dog of a small breed, this is a completely acceptable period.

Most often, American Spaniels, like other dogs with a similar structure, develop ear diseases.

Owners should carefully examine the dog’s ears and clean them regularly with a cotton swab and medicinal solution. If your pet begins to itch in the problem area and shakes its head, you should immediately consult a veterinarian. It is also recommended to be alert if there is a smell. It indicates the appearance of processes of decay or inflammation in the ears.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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This dog breed is prone to obesity. Therefore, her diet should be balanced, and treats between feedings are contraindicated. If the baby is overfed, he may experience intestinal volvulus.

After 7 years of age, the Spaniel is considered an aging dog and additional immune support is needed as it exhibits age-related changes.

Popular colors of American Cocker Spaniels

American Cocker Spaniels have a rich range of coat colors. They come in fawn, red, chocolate, white and fawn, white and fawn, white and chocolate, and even tricolor. At the same time, colored cockers also have “shirts”. They are either small spots with a clear boundary or small specks.

Interesting fact: Colored cocker spaniels have a unique appearance. It is impossible to find two puppies in the world with exactly the same spots. All these dogs have a unique color. A rich range of colors allows each person to choose the most suitable dog for themselves.

The popularity of colors has varied at different times. So, in the first years after the appearance of this breed, puppies of any color were sold out. They were at the peak of their popularity and were quite rare. Today the situation is different. American Cocker Spaniels are very common. The most popular color currently is fawn. Everyone wants to get a light dog with bright dark expressive eyes. Puppies with reddish coats are also in demand.

In second place in popularity are puppies of chocolate shades. But the demand for them has increased relatively recently. Just ten years ago, many simply had no idea that cocker spaniels were dark in color. For everyone, the standard of the breed was red and fawn dogs. Chocolate or dark tricolor dogs look spectacular at exhibitions. These animals are unique and have their own charm. And only people far from dog breeding can call colored cocker spaniels a defect of the breed.

Varieties and colors

There are 4 main varieties of coat color:

  • black - elegant representatives without spots;
  • black and tan - a black dog with red tan markings. Very easy to clean because dirt is not so noticeable;
  • spotted. There are variations of the breed - black, red and white, tricolor;
  • fawn - a lot of shades, from red to bright. There are representatives of chocolate color.

Blue and cream varieties of the American Spaniel breed have also been developed. These are rare options, but they are already gaining popularity.

Character and habits of American Cocker Spaniels

After spending even five minutes with this dog, it will become clear to everyone that the cocker spaniel is an inexhaustible source of energy. This is a very friendly, active dog. Her cheerful disposition and cheerfulness are transmitted to everyone around her. Representatives of this breed love walks in the fresh air and active games with both people and other animals. For this reason, American Cocker Spaniels are children's favorites.

A distinctive character trait is sociality. Cockers need company; they cannot exist alone. Breeders recommend these dogs to people with large families with many children. Children are simply necessary for cockers. The dog will be able to play with them and have fun. Loneliness is contraindicated for representatives of this breed. It can even cause dogs to develop various mental illnesses. A lonely dog ​​may bark frequently, destroy things, or howl at night.

Interesting fact: The American Cocker is great with other animals. He will be able to get along with another breed of dog or even a cat.

A characteristic trait of the Spaniel's personality is also sensitivity. The animal has a high level of intelligence and sensitivity. It can guess the mood of its owner. Such a pet will never impose itself at a time when its owner is too busy, but will always “support” in difficult times.

Despite a number of positive qualities, cocker spaniels also have bad character traits. In particular, they easily mislead their owner and “cloud” his mind. Even after looking at a dog, many people have an irresistible desire to treat it with something, to pamper it. You cannot succumb to such manipulations, because dogs quickly sense weakness and begin to show leadership qualities.

Care and maintenance

This wonderful pet needs to be lived indoors; it will not tolerate sleeping outdoors well, since its beloved owner will not be nearby. You can't put him on a chain! Also, the animal is not intended for kennel keeping. The best option for him is to live indoors with his family, it doesn’t matter whether it’s an apartment or a house.

Hair may be difficult to care for

Cockers are very clean, but they will have to be washed frequently, at least 3-5 times a year. Particular attention should be paid to the choice of shampoo. If you skimp on detergent and choose a low-quality product, your pet’s delicate fur will quickly become hard.

The coat of dogs in this group grows quickly, so it is recommended to trim it regularly. If you plan to show your ward on inserts, then you cannot do without professional grooming.

Important! Do not attempt to trim your spaniel's coat yourself. Professionals use special tools for grooming that remove excess hair so that it is properly renewed.

We recommend purchasing a comb for your dog. Before each use, it should be disinfected to prevent infection from getting into the pores of the animal. Comb the fur well on all parts of his body. You should be careful in the area of ​​the hips and neck, because this is where the most delicate fur grows, which is difficult to comb out. But, if you use the procedure frequently, the dog’s fur will not become tangled and it will become easier to care for.

Since the Spaniel has long ears, he regularly gets them dirty when eating (the ears fall right into the bowl), so wet them to clean them. Also, don’t forget to wash your dog, brush its teeth, trim its nails and wipe its paws when they get dirty. Hunting is the main passion of the representative of the breed in question. He enjoys the pursuit of game and the process of tracking it. A hike in the forest with the owner will make him very happy.

Interesting facts about American Cocker Spaniels

American Cocker Spaniels are extremely sweet and intelligent dogs. This is an old breed, but few can boast of deep knowledge about it. If you decide to get a cocker spaniel, be sure to read the most interesting facts about this breed.

Cocker spaniels with different coat colors have different personalities. Thus, light-colored individuals are more docile and docile, while dark-colored individuals are more active, “alive.”

American Cocker Spaniels are almost annually recognized by experts as the best pets for children of any age. These small dogs cannot harm even a small child, and their high intelligence allows children to enjoy the company of their pet for a long time.

When forming this breed, breeders paid most attention to appearance. They wanted to get a beautiful dog with unusually expressive eyes. Unlike the English cocker, the American does not have outstanding hunting skills.

Cocker spaniels are very sensitive. They should not be brought up in excessive severity. “Aggressive” parenting can have the opposite effect. The dog will become disobedient and sometimes behave completely inappropriately. The pet will develop neuroses, and will begin to show aggression towards strangers. Then it will be extremely difficult to re-educate such a dog.

The name of the breed itself reflects the basic idea of ​​its creation. Many researchers claim that the word “cocker” comes from the word “sandpiper”. This is how the purpose of cockers was depicted - hunting birds (not only land ones, but also water ones).


There are more than 20 varieties of spaniels. Each of them has a different appearance and character. But the dogs of this group have one purpose - hunting small and medium game. The closest relative of the representative of the breed in question is the English Cocker Spaniel. These two brothers differ, firstly, in their physique parameters, and secondly, in their disposition.

The “Englishman” is more stable in behavior and mood, while the “American” is eccentric and fickle. In addition, the first is more gentle, and the second is rather independent and serious. The American Cocker is an ideal show pet. He is diligent, calm and gentle. Loves to be the center of attention, very artistic.

Pros and cons of American Cocker Spaniels

When choosing a puppy, you need to study all the pros and cons of the breed you like. If we talk about American Cocker Spaniels, they have an impressive list of advantages.

These dogs:

  1. They have a pretty appearance. They have long, thick fur, expressive eyes, and charming ears. Such a pet causes tenderness;
  2. They are distinguished by refined manners. Unlike many other breeds, Cocker Spaniels are naturally very well behaved. They have an inflated sense of self-esteem. The pet knows its worth, so it never “loses face” in society;
  3. They have a good disposition and are friendly. The playful nature of dogs makes them the “soul” of any company. They easily find a common language with people of different ages and get along well with other pets;
  4. Trainable. There will be no problems with them when training. Dogs of this breed are obedient and quickly learn the material covered. Have excellent memory;
  5. Clean. Cocker spaniels will never allow themselves to be dirty; they very carefully monitor the cleanliness of their coat;
  6. Have good health. The breed is naturally strong. Dogs have excellent immunity. They are practically not susceptible to genetic diseases.

The breed does not have many disadvantages. The main disadvantage is the intolerance of loneliness. These puppies should not be left alone for long. Due to loneliness, they may develop health problems. As a result, dogs develop passivity and bad habits. If you are constantly away from home, then it is better to consider dogs of a different breed for purchase.


Vladimir, 28 years old, Moscow: “Our spaniel is already 3 years old. This is the sweetest and kindest creature. The dog does not bark, has never shown aggression, and is very active. You have to walk her for several hours a day and constantly brush her. She is friendly to guests and immediately becomes the life of the party.”

Natalya, 30 years old: “In our family, the fawn spaniel is the children’s favorite. They happily walk and play with him, and there are no conflicts. There were problems with my ears, but I managed to cure them. He loves to eat and is playful.”

Ruslan, 25 years old: “For me, the American spaniel is a companion on a bike ride. For him, running next to each other for several kilometers is not a problem. I trained him since childhood, so there are no difficulties, but I couldn’t stop running after birds.”

Breeding American Cocker Spaniels

A purebred cocker spaniel is in demand on the market. These small, cute dogs are in good demand, so their owners often think about breeding. However, you cannot start mating spontaneously without thinking through several important points. Breeding dogs is not a cheap hobby. You need to be prepared for large material costs. It also takes a lot of time and physical effort. The pet will need special care, and then so will its puppies.

Also, this event may not pay off, because the litter may be very small. If you definitely decide to engage in breeding, you need to know some fundamental points. The most basic thing is to find a suitable male dog. He must have good pedigree, excellent appearance, good health and high quality litter. The latter criterion can be assessed by checking the previous offspring of the selected dog. Also, when selecting a male dog, you should take into account the color of his coat. For a monochromatic bitch you need to look for the same male, for a colored bitch - a colored one.

Before mating, dogs should undergo a genetic test. The mating process itself must be under the control of the breeder. First, the animals need to be given time to get used to each other. During mating, the bitch must be held by the head until the “lock” occurs. This usually happens no later than ten minutes. A few days later, a second meeting is arranged for the male and female.

Important fact: In cocker spaniels, childbirth is long and difficult. For the first time, it is better to enlist the help of a veterinarian.

At one time, the bitch gives birth to three or four puppies. The first two are born with an interval of three hours, the rest - faster. After birth, puppies need their mother's care and milk. Sometimes milk is not enough. In this case, the puppies need to be supplemented by the breeders. Puppies can be sold to new owners no earlier than a month and a half after birth.

Features of feeding and diet

The health and appearance of your four-legged friend directly depends on his diet. It should be based on lean meats, fermented milk products, cereals, and vegetables. Meat products are recommended to be given in the morning meal. It is recommended to feed turkey, rabbit, and beef. Veterinarians do not recommend pork due to its high fat content.

Cottage cheese, kefir and vegetables should be given in the afternoon. The most suitable cereals for cockers are oat flakes, rice and buckwheat (cracked grain). Adding carrots or pumpkin to your pet's menu will help with good bowel function.

No more than once a week you can treat your dog with homemade rye bread crackers, a chicken egg or dried fruit. At one month of age, puppies should not be given the whole egg, but only the yolk.

Breeders give preference to natural food when feeding. If it is necessary to introduce dry food, you must choose only premium food, enriched with vitamins and mineral complexes.

Twice a month you need to spend fasting days, giving your pet only half the daily requirement.

How many times to feed a cocker depends on its age:

  • Puppies up to 8 weeks are fed 6 times a day;
  • up to 4 months – 7 times a day;
  • 3 times a day should be fed up to 6 months;
  • from the age of six months, an adult dog is switched to two meals a day.

You should not spoil your pet with treats between meals. You should not give food from the master's table: it is harmful to him, as it can cause digestive problems, as well as develop the habit of begging.

Caring for American Cocker Spaniels

The American Cocker Spaniel is a beautiful, small dog that needs good care.

Care should include several mandatory procedures:

  • Combing. You need to brush your pet every day. Cocker spaniels have long, thick coats. During a walk, a lot of specks, dirt, and leaves get into it. Tangles often form on the paws and in the groin area. They need to be removed every day, otherwise the dog will need a radical haircut;
  • A haircut. These pets require periodic grooming. It is better to entrust such a matter to a professional groomer. The groomer will quickly tidy up the animal's fur and give the hair an attractive shape;
  • Daily walk. These dogs need active games in the fresh air every day, without exception. For this reason, they are not recommended for people who work a lot. During a walk, the animal should definitely be trained, at least taught simple commands;
  • Buying clothes. Like any other small dog, American Cocker Spaniels get cold in the winter. Clothing should fit tightly to the body to maintain warmth, but not restrict the dog’s movements;
  • Bathing. Spaniels love to splash in the water! Bathing for them is not only a hygienic procedure, but also great pleasure. You need to bathe your spaniel at least once every three weeks;
  • Hygiene of ears, teeth, eyes. Owners need to pay special attention to these organs. Cleaning your eyes, ears and teeth will help prevent various infectious diseases.

Education and training

The main advantage of such a dog is its docile nature. Yes, spaniel bitches sometimes exhibit a desire to dominate, but this does not prevent them from remaining obedient and easy to train. These dogs are full of energy and enthusiasm, eager to please and please their owner.

Spaniels are very smart, so we advise you to start training them as early as 1.5-2 months. Start with the simplest commands, gradually increasing their complexity. Pay special attention to toilet training. The dog should defecate exclusively outside. When she does this, be sure to praise her. Show joy so that the animal understands that this is exactly what he should do in the future.

A smart dog will remember his name quickly. To do this, repeat it regularly when he approaches you. When training your dog, do not forget to reward it, praise it, treat it with cheese, bread or cookies. Realizing that the owner is pleased with her behavior, she will obey and carry out any of his commands. When walking your dog, do not leave him alone. Absolute kindness and peacefulness can play a cruel joke on him.

Other dogs, noisy cars, highways, and even people can frighten an animal. Therefore, while walking, keep the leash taut and let your ward walk next to you. If he does something bad, like chewing on a shoe, gently scold him. Screaming and aggression in communicating with him are unacceptable. Remember that your gentle cocker should not be afraid of you!

Diet of American Cocker Spaniels

After purchasing an American Cocker Spaniel, everyone asks the question: what is the best way to feed the animal? Unlike many other small dogs, the spaniel does not require anything extra expensive in the feeding process. These animals can eat both food and natural food. The main task of the owners is the correct selection of products and control of the pet’s weight.

If you want to save your time, then the best choice would be to buy specialized dog food. The food must be of high quality. Then the animal will receive all the necessary minerals, vitamins and will be able to live a long life.

If you wish, you can feed your spaniel regular foods. Dishes from the owners' table, of course, are not suitable for the dog. The basis of the spaniel's diet should be protein foods: meat, lean fish, cottage cheese, kefir. You also need to add vegetables and various cereals to your diet. It is better to develop a menu for your pet together with a veterinarian.

Even if you feed the animal the freshest, healthiest foods, you will not be able to provide it with all the necessary minerals and vitamins. In addition to natural food, your pet should be given special vitamin supplements and mineral complexes. Regardless of diet, the Cocker Spaniel needs 24/7 access to drinking water.

Owners should also carefully monitor the portions of food they eat. American Spaniels are very susceptible to obesity. They should not be overfed. You should especially not treat your dog with something tasty during the break between main meals.


The diet of any domestic dog should be balanced and complete. This means that in addition to meat and dairy products, she should also eat vegetables, berries, fruits, cereals, etc.

The basic product for a spaniel is raw meat. A young cocker should eat from 100 to 300 grams of this product per day (depending on age). When it is fully formed and grown, you can stop feeding meat, replacing it with super-premium dry fortified food.

In addition, also give your pet: milk, boiled rice/millet/buckwheat/semolina, melons and watermelons, boiled potatoes, cottage cheese, chicken eggs, whole grain bread, bagels, dog biscuits, etc.

List of prohibited products:

  • Cream cake.
  • Marmalade.
  • Chocolate.
  • Lard and smoked meat.
  • River fish.
  • Sharp bones and cartilage.
  • Raw pork.

Advice! To keep your pet healthier, give him special vitamins for animals, especially in winter, when his immune defenses are weakened.

Diseases and health problems

Initially, representatives of the American Cocker Spaniel breed had excellent health and strong immunity. However, these dogs have been freely interbred for many decades, which has had negative health effects.

Due to this fact, cocker spaniels may develop the following ailments:

  • Glaucoma;
  • Cataract;
  • Retinal atrophy;
  • Allergy;
  • Primary seborrhea;
  • Autoimmune hemolytic anemia;
  • Hip dysplasia;
  • Epilepsy;
  • Patella dislocation, etc.

As you can see, the list of common diseases is quite large. Eye diseases come first for this breed. That is why owners need to carefully monitor their hygiene and condition. If there is the slightest change, you should immediately contact a doctor. Many eye diseases can be successfully treated or completely cured.

In second place is allergies. These dogs have a sensitive digestive system and often suffer from food allergies. Allergies can come in different forms. With proper treatment and examination, this disease can be completely cured by eliminating the provoking factor.

Many of the common illnesses listed above are hereditary. They are passed on from generation to generation. In order not to buy a sick puppy, you should first study its pedigree, conduct analyzes and tests. If you approach this issue wisely, then the cocker spaniel will not bring you any discomfort. Puppies with a good pedigree have excellent health, and quality care can guarantee that your pet will live a long life.

How to choose a puppy

It is recommended to buy a puppy from an officially registered nursery or from reputable breeders. The first thing people pay attention to is the appearance and well-being of the mother. If she looks unkempt or sick, you should choose another breeder. In addition, the seller must present the parents' medical records to confirm the absence of genetic abnormalities.

The second is the organization of the puppies’ living space. They should have a properly equipped sleeping area, a sufficient number of toys and bowls. The third is the behavior and health status of the puppies. They should be active and happy to make contact. Lethargic and hyperactive kids are not the best choice. Dogs are examined for discharge from the nose and eyes, damage to the coat and skin. It is worth taking a closer look at the puppy’s gait: it should not drag its paws. It would be useful to pay attention to the bite and condition of the teeth.

Where to buy and price

The ideal place to buy a puppy is from a registered kennel. The breeder will highlight all the features of the breed and warn about difficulties in raising it. In addition, the purity of the blood guarantees compliance with psychological and physical standards. The Cocker Spaniel is a popular breed in Russia, so finding a purebred puppy will not be difficult.

List of nurseries:

  • Redwind Show (Ekaterinburg);
  • Evelweiss (St. Petersburg);
  • From the Titov House (Noyabrsk);
  • New Glory (Novosibirsk);
  • Winters Club (Moscow);
  • Majestic Image (Moscow).

On average, American Cocker Spaniel puppies cost 42,000-50,000 rubles.

Names for boys: Colin, Simon, Charlie, Jerry, Patrick, Watson, Mickey, Twister, Cactus, Lucky, Max, Hermes.

Nicknames for girl dogs: Cherry, Cora, Molly, Shaya, Cleo, Claire, Gabby, Snowball, Hannah, May, Dora, Businka.

Similar breeds

The American Water Spaniel has the curly, shiny coat found in most spaniels. He is distinguished by his impressive height (up to 46 cm), as well as physical strength. This is a hunting and guard breed. A water spaniel is capable of extracting a person from under the rubble. Known for his caring attitude towards children. Suspicious of strangers. Gets along better with cats than with dogs. Requires professional training. If a person wants a decorative dog, he should choose the American Cocker Spaniel; if guarding qualities are important to him, he should choose the American Water Spaniel.


The American Cocker Spaniel, whose photos are presented below, radiates energy and positivity. A touching and recognizable “skirt” of long, silky wool is the calling card of the breed. No less attractive are the dog’s long, patchy ears, which she strives to tuck somewhere: to walk through a puddle, to bathe in a bowl of food.

Enjoy cockers when they sleep, play, relax, and play with their owners and their children. Friendliness, devotion, curiosity, intelligence - all this is reflected in the eyes of a cocker. Have you seen these eyes? These are not the small eyes of English Cocker Spaniels. These are huge brown eyes, beautifully shaped, like the eyes of aliens. And in the loving eyes of your devoted pet, you can drown and see the answers to the questions of what real fidelity, reaching the point of self-sacrifice, is.

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