Prac-tic Drops against Fleas and Ticks for Dogs

Composition and release form

The development and production of Praktik drops (original name Prac-tik) for dogs is carried out by the large European company Novartis. The manufacturer produces many veterinary drugs that are popular all over the world.

The remedy against ectoparasites is available in the form of a clear oily liquid. The product does not contain any fragrances, so it has no odor. The medicinal liquid is packaged in polymer pipettes, which makes treatment painless and simple for pets and owners. The volume of pipettes varies from 0.45 to 5 ml and is designed for a certain weight of the dog. Pipettes are packaged in 3 pieces in cardboard boxes and come with instructions for use.

The active substance in the drug is pyriprole, a hypoallergenic substance that has a detrimental effect on parasitic insects. It is not dangerous to animals unless the dose is exceeded, and rarely causes side effects or allergic reactions. The medicine also contains butylated hydroxytoluene and diethylene glycol monoethyl ether as excipients.

pharmachologic effect

Piriprol has an insecticidal and acaricidal effect, which applies to fleas, lice, lice, scabies and ixodid mites. The substance is active against parasites, regardless of the stage of their development. Effectively destroys mature individuals, which pose a serious danger to the animal, and larvae.

The effect of the drug is that it blocks the transfer of chlorine ions through cell membranes. As a result, the transmission of nerve impulses is reduced, which subsequently leads to failure of the nervous system, paralysis and death of the parasites.

After applying the medicine using the spot-on method, the active substance is evenly distributed over the skin and retains its effect for 28-30 days, so treatment must be carried out monthly. Piriprole is not absorbed into the blood, so it does not affect the functioning of internal organs and systems.

Storage conditions

As we have already written, the medicine contains volatile components. This means that it is necessary to observe important storage conditions on which the effectiveness and safety of the drug depends:

  • Storage temperatures should never rise above 27° Celsius. However, the medicine also does not tolerate frost, and therefore the minimum storage temperature is 0° Celsius.
  • It is unacceptable to store the medicine in a place where it may be exposed to direct sunlight. UV radiation leads to the destruction of the structure of the drug. It may either lose its effectiveness or become poisonous.
  • In addition, it is necessary to carefully isolate the storage location from access by children and pets.

Finally, there is another nuance. Only whole dispensing pipettes can be stored. Opened tubes must be used immediately!

Indications for use

Praktik drops are used to prevent infection and treat ectoparasites. The drug is effective against the following harmful insects:

  • fleas;
  • lice eaters;
  • ixodid ticks;
  • lice;
  • scabies mites.

It is necessary to use drops for preventive treatment during the period of activity of external parasites - from March to November. Sometimes prevention needs to start even in February, depending on climatic conditions and weather.

Before using Practitioner to protect dogs from ectoparasites, carefully read the instructions. Do not exceed recommended dosages.


Praktik drops can be used both for the prevention and treatment of infestations caused by ectoparasites:

  • fleas;
  • ticks;
  • lice;
  • lice eaters, etc.

The most dangerous of them are ixodid ticks. Insects wake up already in February and remain active until late autumn. With a tick bite, parasites of the genus Babesia can enter the animal's blood (hence another name for the disease - babesiosis). Dogs of different ages are attacked by parasites, and in recent years mass diseases of animals have been increasingly observed.

Puppies and purebred animals are more susceptible to the pathogen. After a tick bite, it can take up to 14 days for signs of illness to appear. Babesia multiply in red blood cells, destroying them. The waste products of the parasite are also toxic to the animal. Without treatment, the pet may die within a few days.

In the acute course of the disease, the dog exhibits:

  • high (over 40 degrees) body temperature;
  • rapid pulse;
  • rapid breathing;
  • refusal to eat;
  • limb weakness.

The infection is manifested by a change in the animal’s behavior: the dog becomes lethargic and shows no interest in walks or games. The mucous membranes of the mouth and eyes turn pale and acquire a jaundiced tint.

However, these signs are not always clearly expressed, and the owners associate the loss of appetite with other factors, as a result of which it is too late to contact the veterinary clinic. In addition, the disease can also be chronic in nature - usually in cases where the animal has previously suffered from piroplasmosis or has a stable immune system.

The chronic course of the disease is characterized by:

  • decreased appetite;
  • lethargy;
  • increased temperature in the first days of the disease (up to 40-41 degrees), then its decrease;
  • alternating diarrhea with constipation.

The disease is dangerous: if it occurs secretly, or treatment is not started in time, death is possible. But preventing tick infection is simple: Praktik preventive drops will protect your dog from insect bites.

Important! Additionally, it is recommended to examine the dog after each walk, and do not ignore vaccination against piroplasmosis.

Instructions for use

When using drops to treat or prevent infection with ectoparasites, the following dosages must be adhered to:

  1. For small dogs, whose weight varies from 2 to 4.5 kg, you need to take 0.45 ml of the drug.
  2. For pets weighing from 4.5 kg to 11 kg, you will need to take 1.1 ml of medication.
  3. If the dog's weight is between 11 and 22 kg, take 2.2 ml of the drug.
  4. For large animals that weigh 22-50 kg, you need to take a 5.0 ml pipette.

At the pharmacy you can purchase the medicine in pipettes of the appropriate volume. For animals weighing more than 50 kg, several pipettes will be required. When calculating the dose, it is necessary to take into account that 0.1 ml of Prak-tik drops is needed per 1 kg of animal weight.

If the drug is used to kill fleas, the insects will die within a day. When treating a tick infestation, the effect of the medicine is slower - the parasites die after 2 days.

Rules of application

The instructions for use provide clear instructions on how to use Praktik drops for dogs. You need to perform a number of simple steps and follow simple rules:

  1. Two days before treatment, bathe the animal with shampoo.
  2. Carefully cut off the tip of the pipette and apply the drug at the base of the skull and between the shoulder blades. Be sure to drip onto the skin and not the fur.
  3. On a large dog, drip in several places. It is allowed to apply drops along the spine. The main thing is that the pet cannot lick the drug.
  4. When processing, the skin and coat should be dry, since slight moisture can greatly affect the effectiveness of the medicine.
  5. For two days after treatment, the dog should not be washed or allowed to swim in bodies of water. After this time, water procedures can be carried out as usual - water will not affect the effect of the drug.
  6. If you are using the product as a treatment, you only need to apply it once. When using the drug for prophylactic purposes, treatment should be carried out every 4 weeks throughout the entire period of parasite activity.
  7. The practitioner can be combined with symptomatic or etiological drugs, but cannot be used with other drugs against parasites, since toxicity can increase to a dangerous level.

The medicine should strictly not be used if the skin is damaged (scratches, cuts, etc.). Before applying the drops, carefully examine the animal.


Praktik drops for dogs receive mostly positive reviews, which confirms the effectiveness of the drug.

My dog ​​was often allergic to various anti-parasitic drops. When I saw a drug with a new active ingredient, I immediately decided to try it. There were no side effects, which made me very happy. Protects against fleas for about 2 months.

Elena, Moscow

An effective remedy that can easily remove fleas from dogs. We got it right the first time. Used it for . There were no allergies, they felt great. Now I only buy Praktik all the time. Three pipettes are enough for the entire warm season.

Inga, St. Petersburg

You can buy Practitioner for treating dogs at a veterinary pharmacy, specialized stores, or you can order online. Practic pipettes are sold individually. The cost of one is about 800 rubles.

Contraindications and side effects

Practic anti-tick drops are considered safe for dogs, but in some cases it is better not to use them:

  • for puppies under 2 months old and weighing less than 2 kg;
  • for infectious diseases;
  • after surgical interventions and serious illnesses (during the recovery period);
  • in case of individual intolerance to the constituent components.

For puppy dogs and lactating bitches, the medication can only be used under the supervision of a veterinarian. If the animal is sick or has suffered serious health problems, it is necessary to wait for the pet to fully recover and strengthen its immunity.

In rare cases, Practitioner causes allergic reactions. They usually appear in the form of redness, irritation, and rashes. Symptoms usually do not require treatment and go away within a couple of days. If your pet's condition does not improve, consult a doctor.

If the medicine gets inside the body (by licking), the following side effects may occur:

  • tremor;
  • dyspnea;
  • increased salivation;
  • lack of coordination;
  • lethargy and weakness.

Symptoms disappear within 3-4 days and do not require treatment.

Rating of anti-tick products for dogs

Prac-Tic is effective as an insecticide against the flea species Ctenocephalides Canis and Felis within 24 hours. One treatment prevents further flea attacks for at least a month. This product can be used as part of a strategy to treat allergic dermatitis, which occurs in animals when the flea population is too large.

Prac-Tic is also effective against other insects that live part of their life cycle on dogs - dog ticks, Rhipicephalus sanguineus, Ixodes scapularis, Dermacentor reticulatus, Dermacentor variabilis and Amblyomma americanum. The death of arthropods occurs within two days. If any representative of ticks gets into the fur of a pet, it will immediately die within 24 hours.

Next, we will look at the best tick repellents for dogs, which have excellent reviews and recommendations from experts.

A well-established company that produces protective equipment. Country of origin: Germany. This is a tick repellent for dogs, numerous reviews of which indicate its consistent effectiveness.

  • Advantix - drops that protect against ticks, mosquitoes and fleas for up to 30 days. The active ingredient is permethrin, which is considered one of the most effective.
  • Kiltix are collars that last seven months.
  • Bolfo is a line of sprays, collars and shampoos. The collar works for 4 months; in addition to ticks, it also effectively kills lice and fleas. Spray is very effective for directly killing ticks on a dog’s body.


No. 2 - FrontLine

This French manufacturer produces drugs in two formats: spray and drops. It helps get rid of both ticks and fleas. Provides effective protection for a month against ticks, and for 2 months against fleas.


Made in the USA. This manufacturer produces drugs only in the form of drops. The composition uses substances that are safe for animals, which allows the product to be used even for very small puppies from the age of 6 weeks. Effective against scabies, ear mites, fleas. The effect of the drug lasts for a month. In addition to the parasites themselves, it kills their larvae.


Another American company that produces protective drops, sprays and collars. The spray from this manufacturer acts instantly, destroying ticks and fleas already present on the body, the effect lasts for a week.

The collar destroys ticks for 5 months, and its repellent effect lasts for 7 months.

Drops are used against ticks, fleas, and mosquitoes. Duration of validity – 30 days.


#5 - Beaphar

The drugs are manufactured in the Netherlands. They also have a wide range of products, which includes collars, sprays and drops.

The drops prevent tick bites for 2 weeks and are also effective against fleas for 3 weeks. Collars are effective for about 2.5 months against ticks, but against fleas, lice and lice they can be used for 5 months.

The spray is effective for about a month.

These are products of a domestic manufacturer. They also produce a full range of protective products. The spray is effective against ixodid ticks at all stages of parasite development. In addition, this product is approved for use even for dogs during pregnancy and lactation. Protection against ticks – 1 month.

Drops that kill fleas and ticks. They have a duration of action of 1 month against ticks, and 2 months against fleas.

The collars are active for 2 months (against ticks), but they protect against fleas twice as long.

The remedy for fleas and ticks is produced in Russia in the form of a spray and drops. The drops are effective for 1-2 months. One pipette is enough to treat a dog weighing 2-10 kg.

The spray is valid for 2 weeks.

When choosing a medicine to protect against ticks for dogs, you need to take into account factors such as the age of the animal, its size, skin sensitivity and susceptibility to allergies. The best solution would be to consult with a veterinarian who can select the best flea and tick medications.

Precautionary measures

According to GOST, Praktik drops belong to the third toxicity class. If the recommended doses are followed, they are safe for dogs, but can pose a mortal danger to fish and bees. In this regard, it is recommended to exclude the possibility of the drug getting into water bodies and to use the medicine if there is an apiary nearby.

When using the Practice, you should follow simple rules:

  1. During treatment and immediately after, you should not consume food or drink. You should also stop smoking while working with the medicine.
  2. Upon completion of the procedure, you must wash your hands thoroughly.
  3. The dog should be isolated from small children for a couple of days to eliminate the possibility of their contact with the drug.
  4. If the medicinal liquid gets on the skin or mucous membranes, rinse immediately, preferably with running water.
  5. If the drug enters the body, immediately seek help from a doctor.


Since insecticidal drops are a common form of release, Prak-Tik’s analogues are quite numerous:

  • Drops "Bars".

  • "Inspector".
  • "Celandine".
  • Frontline.
  • "Dana."
  • Drops Insectal.

But! Almost all of the drugs we list contain fipronil as an active ingredient. The latter, as we have already noted, is an analogue of pyriprole.

These compounds are, in fact, almost the same, but pyriprole has an important advantage - it is very water-resistant, and therefore the shelf life of drugs based on it is longer. It sticks to the skin much better, water doesn’t wash it off well. That’s why “Praktik” is better suited for service and hunting dogs.


You can now view the current price of the drug and buy it right here from Yandex Market with fast delivery:

The cost of Praktik drops for dogs depends on the volume of pipettes and the purpose (weight of the pet). Below is the approximate price per pack (3 pcs):

  • for 2-4.5 kg – 1150-1300 rubles;
  • for 4.5-11 kg – 1300-1450 rubles;
  • for 11-22 kg – 1375-1500 rubles;
  • for 22-55 kg – 2250-2500 rubles.

In many pharmacies, pipettes are sold individually.

Owner reviews

Zlata, owner of 2 small dogs:

“I know very well how dangerous ticks and fleas can be for dogs, so for the past two years I have been regularly using Prak-Tik drops for prevention. I can say with confidence that the drug is effective, since we live next to a forested area, but during the entire period of use we have never become infected with parasites. The high price of the drops is completely justified. I don’t use additional funds.”

Oksana, greyhound owner:

“I bought Praktik drops on the advice of dog lovers I know. Quite a high price, but I decided to try it. What a disappointment I was when, a week after treatment, a tick was found on the dog, but it felt good and reliably clung to my pet. Four days later I found two more bloodsuckers. I think that the drops do not work, I had to look for other means. I don’t recommend it!”

Features of the Practitioner tool

In the instructions for the drug Praktik you can see that it was produced in Germany and is widely used in European countries. This indicates its high effectiveness in the fight against ticks and fleas and dogs. Numerous reviews from owners confirm this. Advantages that dog owners highlight when using the Practice:

  1. High efficiency. The drug is guaranteed to rid dogs of parasites and insects.
  2. Safety for the animal. Thanks to the unique composition, the drops remain on the dog’s skin and are not absorbed into the blood. This is one of the few drugs that is indicated for use even for the treatment of puppies older than 2 months.
  3. High resistance to moisture. For a whole month, the drug will not be washed off from the animal’s skin, continuing to act even after washing and bathing in reservoirs.

The product contains no fragrances or fragrances, the consistency is oily. One Practice box contains 3 pipettes for dosed use and instructions with a step-by-step description of use and contraindications.

The substance piriprol, which is the basis of Practitioner, has been studied by specialists and is used only for the treatment of pets. It is effective in combating not only adult ticks and fleas, but also their eggs and larvae deposited on the dog’s body. As mentioned earlier, you can safely use Praktik even to treat small breeds of dogs and puppies. It kills only parasites, whose nervous system and respiratory tract cease to function.

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