Stronghold Stronghold Drops against internal and external parasites for dogs weighing from 20 to 40 kg (1 pipette 2 ml)

Drops on the withers Pfizer Stronghold

  • Fact 1:
    The active ingredient is selamectin
  • Fact 2:
    The drug remains effective for 1 month
  • Fact 3:
    2 ml is the maximum dose and is applied to animals over 40 kg
  • Fact 4:
    Used to treat allergic dermatitis, which is caused by fleas, lice and lice

When an animal brings fleas on itself, it is very unpleasant. If, on top of everything else, she becomes infected with worms, this is doubly unpleasant. But it is impossible to place a pet in a sterile glass ball and protect it from the entire outside world. And yet it is quite possible to protect it from small parasites that cause major troubles. Moreover, “kill two birds with one stone” at once, because the drug Stronghold is intended just for such a comprehensive “cleaning” of the dog’s body, inside and out. And if your pet has not managed to acquire any blood-sucking evil spirits, then the medicine will help prevent this from happening in the future.

Release form, composition

Stronghold is produced in the form of drops and is a clear, colorless and odorless solution. The substance is distributed into polymer pipettes (three pieces in a container). Sold in a box with a picture of a dog.

There is a color code on the edge of the package that matches the pipette caps. Each color indicates a specific dosage and volume of solution.

The active component of Stronghold is selamectin. Shows insecticidal, acaricidal, nematocidal properties. It destroys not only adult individuals, but also fights worm larvae and eggs. There are two concentrations of the active substance: 6 and 12%. Which one is suitable depends on the weight of the pet.

Additional ingredients include isopropyl alcohol, dipropylene glycol methyl ether, and butyl hydroxytoluene.

The drug Stronghold is considered moderately dangerous and belongs to the third class. To prevent poisoning, it is important to follow the correct dosage and precautions.

The product is sold in a veterinary pharmacy and is available without a prescription. The shelf life of the medicine is 3 years, at room temperature (up to 30 degrees).

Stronghold for dogs and cats, what is the difference?

There is no particular difference in the drugs. They have one active ingredient, but there is no information about the auxiliary components. Perhaps that is the difference between them. However, Stronghold is available directly for cats with a 0.75 ml solution. The instructions for this type of drug are absolutely identical to those for dogs.

Another type of medicine is called “For puppies and kittens.” The whole difference is in the weight of the animals. If you do not have a product for cats, you can use Stronghold for dogs. The only thing you need to do is to correctly calculate the dose, according to the weight of the cat. If you cannot do this yourself, it is better to consult a veterinarian.

Pharmacological properties and actions

After applying Stronghold to the skin, the product quickly spreads throughout the dog's coat.

The active substance affects the nervous system of parasites, blocking neural connections. This leads to paralysis of insects and further death.

Elimination of parasites occurs 24 hours after treating the dog with Stronghold. However, the full duration of the medicine is one month. During this period, infestation by indoor and outdoor pests is impossible.

When to use Stronghold drops

The drug is indicated for pets of all ages in the following cases:

  • to destroy skin parasites and treat dermatitis resulting from insect bites;
  • to eliminate worms and other types of parasites that affect the internal organs of the dog;
  • for the purpose of preventive treatment to prevent infection.

Indications for use

Parasites cause a number of different diseases. The drug Stronghold is used for the following pathologies:

  1. Hookworm infection is the presence of roundworms in a dog’s gastrointestinal tract.
  2. Toxocariasis is infection of the digestive tract by helminths with subsequent penetration into the circulatory system and spread to other organs. Nematosis often affects the animal's lungs.
  3. Flea dermatitis is an allergic reaction caused by fleas. Insects gnaw through the epidermis and inject saliva into the bloodstream. In some dogs, it provokes irritation and a number of unpleasant symptoms.
  4. Entomosis is the presence of several groups of pests, fleas, lice and lice on the animal’s body at once. They not only feed on the blood, fur and flesh of the animal, but are also carriers of severe pathologies.
  5. Otodectosis is damage to the hearing organs by ear mites. Pests gnaw passages in the epidermal layer, causing severe itching. They feed on dead skin particles, lymph, and sulfur, while releasing metabolic products.
  6. Sarcoptic mange is scabies caused by the activity of sarcoptic mites. Affects the ears, abdominal area, elbow and knee joints.
  7. Dirofilariasis is the entry into the body of the roundworm Dirofilaria immitis through mosquito bites. It lives in the host’s circulatory system, muscles, heart and lungs, multiplying and destroying their structure.

Dosage and method of administration

Stronghold drops for dogs are intended for external use. To cope with parasites and not harm your pet’s health, it is important to follow the correct dosage indicated in the instructions. This value depends on the weight category of the dog, so the pet is pre-weighed.

You can select the required volume, focusing on the parameters of the animal, by the color of the caps on the Stronghold pipettes:

  • purple (0.25 ml) – up to 2.5 kg;
  • purple (0.25 ml) - from 2.6 to 5 kg;
  • brown (0.5 ml) – from 5.1 to 10 kg;
  • red (1 ml) – from 10.1 to 20 kg;
  • green (2 ml) – from 20.1 to 40.

For breeds weighing over forty kilograms, a combination of pipettes of different volumes is used.

For puppies older than 6 weeks, Stronghold is used according to the same scheme as for adult dogs.

It is important not only to determine the dosage of the medicine, but also to carry out the treatment correctly. Instructions for use present the following scheme for using the drug:

  1. Open the package; it contains a pipette with the required volume of medicine.
  2. Release the pipette from the foil and remove the cap.
  3. Choose a treatment location so that the dog cannot reach the medicine with its tongue and lick it off. It would be optimal to apply drops to the withers (the area between the shoulder blades). The cover in this area should be dry and clean.
  4. The fur is parted and the medicine contained in the pipette is poured onto the skin.
  5. Stronghold is not rubbed into the skin.

Insecticides are toxic, so their use requires caution. It is better to carry out the procedure wearing medical gloves and a mask, avoid getting the solution on exposed skin and mucous membranes. Otherwise, the epidermis is thoroughly washed with water.

It is important not to exceed the established norm, even if the animal has several types of parasites at the same time. Increasing the dosage can lead to toxic poisoning, which will only worsen the pet’s condition. Therefore, in the case of extensive parasitic lesions, doctors recommend repeating Stronghold after 30 days.

For entomoses

To get rid of lice, fleas and lice-eaters, monthly treatment is sufficient during the period of parasite activity. After the first application of Stronghold, the number of adult individuals decreases.

With otodectosis

Treatment of ear mites in dogs is carried out by applying the solution to the withers. It is forbidden to drip the drug into the hearing organs.

Stronghold against ticks for dogs is combined with medications that relieve inflammation and suppress the action of pathogenic microorganisms. At the same time, you must not forget to regularly clean your ears of dirt accumulated as a result of the activity of mites.

If the disease is complicated by otitis media or purulent discharge, treatment is supplemented with antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs.

For sarcoptic mange

If infection with mites of the genus Sarcoptes scabiei is established, Stronghold is dripped twice with an interval of 30 days. Suitable for the prevention of this pathology to prevent infection.

From worms

To treat nematodes, Stronghold cannot be used orally; only external use is permissible. The active substances penetrate the epidermis and enter the blood, eliminating worms.

The action of Stronghold is to influence the nervous system of helminths, which leads to paralysis of the worms and further death. The drug is effective for a month.

Prevention of dirofilariasis

Stronghold is used throughout the summer, during the period when mosquitoes that transmit this disease are active. Eliminates microfilariae, preventing them from developing into adults. Dirofilaria immitis does not have a detrimental effect on mature adults.

Processing occurs once every 30 days. The last application of the product is carried out at the end of the mosquito season.

Reviews about the drug

As they say, good fame precedes you. This is just about Stronghold drops. Everyone who used them in practice was satisfied:

“We adopted the dog from a shelter. We just decided one day to do a good deed and give someone a well-fed, calm life, especially since we live on earth and without a dog, a yard is not a yard. It was immediately clear that Bogdan (that’s what we called the adopted child) was sick. He was skinny, as it turned out later because of the worms that literally sucked him out from the inside, covered in scabs from constant scratching (the fleas could be seen without practically straining). But his huge sad eyes somehow immediately touched the soul that we, without saying a word, understood - this is our dog. Of course, we didn’t dare bring him into the house in this condition. Therefore, the bathhouse was organized right on the street, in an old children’s bathtub, fortunately it was summer.

Then we were treated with Sronghold, which was recommended to us by the veterinarian whom we turned to for advice. Bogdan's feces were literally swarming with parasites, and nasty fleas flew from his fur in all directions when he shook himself. But both of them were dead. This means that the doctor did not deceive. The drops really started working from the first hours! After a few days, the dog’s stool was clean, and the scabs on his body began to heal and even new hairs appeared. After all, he no longer combed them furiously as before. Just a month ago he was a poor, exhausted dog, but now he is gaining strength and health every day. We will use Stronghold every three months, as stated in the instructions, for prevention. It seemed to me that I was a strong person, but when I first saw gratitude in the eyes of our dog, tears welled up on their own. How little it takes to make someone happy. A bowl of food, love and... Stronghold." Kristina, Kursk.

Side effects

Exceeding the permissible dose specified in the instructions threatens the dog with a number of unpleasant consequences.

Symptoms do not appear immediately; most often this occurs a couple of days after treatment. The animal has the following signs:

  • lack of coordination;
  • poor spatial orientation;
  • hair loss at the site of Stronghold application;
  • lethargy, apathy.

A deterioration in the dog’s well-being that occurs immediately after applying the drug indicates an allergic reaction.

Acute symptoms develop in a short time:

  • convulsions occur;
  • pupils dilate;
  • the area treated with the product turns red;
  • foam may be released from the mouth;
  • intestinal disorders, vomiting, diarrhea.

These signs cause anxiety in the animal; the dog constantly whines and cannot find a place. To alleviate the pet’s condition, it is urgent to rinse the withers (where the medicine was applied) with clean water.

If the dog accidentally swallows the drug, it is necessary to perform a gastric lavage and visit a veterinarian.

How to apply

Simple instructions for use. Remove the pipette from the packaging and, holding it vertically, press on the colored cap. Now it can be removed. Apply the preparation to the withers (on dry skin between the shoulder blades at the base of the neck, spreading the hair well). It is necessary to drop all the liquid from the pipette into one place. It is better to remove it compressed to prevent the drug from being absorbed back.


special instructions

The medicine Stronghold has a number of features that must be taken into account when using this remedy in therapy:

  1. Do not apply the drug to damaged areas of the skin.
  2. The pet's fur should be clean and dry at the time of treatment.
  3. Stronghold is not used for puppies under one and a half months old.
  4. Complete absorption of the product into the dog’s tissue is achieved in half an hour. During this time, the animal is prohibited from bathing and petting, and the animal is not allowed to itch.
  5. Do not allow the dog to come into contact with children for two hours after treatment.
  6. After applying the drug, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the animal in order to promptly identify an allergic reaction or ensure its absence.

Stronghold should not be stored near food or at high temperatures.


Of course, like all other drugs, Strongholde has contraindications that must be taken into account, otherwise the medicine will not be beneficial, but rather will harm your health.

Do not use in the following cases:

  • If the dog is very weakened;
  • If you have other infectious diseases;
  • Other diseases;
  • Malnutrition;
  • Puppies that are under 2 months of age;
  • Intolerance to components.


If Stronghold is not suitable for some reason, you can choose an analogue. Drugs with similar effects include:

  1. IN-AP complex is an oily solution for external application. Effective against fleas, lice eaters, helminths, ixodid ticks. Paralyzes the muscular system of internal and external pathogens, thereby causing their death. H is recommended for puppies up to two months, pregnant and lactating bitches, and infected dogs.
  2. Advocate – combined drops against parasites. They have a similar healing effect as Stronghold. Eliminate internal and external pests at all stages of development. Helps with some skin pathologies. Suitable for dogs of all breeds. It is not prescribed to puppies up to seven months old, animals whose weight does not exceed one kilogram.
  3. Inspector Total S is a broad-spectrum drug for dogs. Destroys fleas, lice, various types of ticks, nematodes. After treatment, it quickly spreads over the surface of the body, attaching to the dog’s skin and fur. It has an insectoacaricidal effect that lasts 4-5 weeks. Contraindicated in sick or weakened dogs, puppies up to seven weeks. Use with caution in pregnant and lactating females, only under medical supervision.


The drug Stronghold for dogs has several advantages, which can be considered below:

  • High level of efficiency. The use of the substance on infected dogs allows you to get rid of parasites in one treatment. In case of severe infections, a repeat procedure is possible; it is carried out no earlier than a month later.
  • Safety. The drug is safe for humans and animals. The thing is that the active component affects the insect at the cellular level, and since people and animals have a completely different structure, it does not pose a danger. The only thing to avoid is getting the medicine into your mouth. This can cause negative consequences in the form of diarrhea.
  • Versatility. One medicine can rid and protect your dog from many external and internal parasites.
  • Prolonged action. This way you can protect your dog from harmful insects for a month.
  • Without smell. It’s also a big advantage because you don’t have to worry about your dog rubbing against clothes or furniture and leaving an unpleasant odor trail.
  • Easy to use. The medicine is packaged in pipettes, which are easy and convenient to use. There is no need to prepare any solutions, force them to swallow pills, which they don’t like so much, or give vaccinations, which are very scary for dogs.

Regarding the disadvantages, it is certainly worth noting that the medicine is ineffective against the ixodid tick. Another disadvantage is the cost, which cannot be called low, but the effectiveness and reliability of the drug absolutely justify it.

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